Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/6/12
Episode # 9858 ~ Daniel Tries to Make Sure Lucy Is Safe
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Genevieve: Abby, it's Genevieve Atkinson. I'm really looking forward to our meeting. I have an exciting proposition for you. I can't wait to tell you about it. See you soon. Bye.
Victor: Exciting proposition? Sounds interesting.
Genevieve: Hello, Victor. Join me for coffee?
Victor: Sure. You and I can discuss how you're trying to steal my daughters away from me.
Billy: Tell Joe he's got till I get back to finish that sidebar on myths about sex symbols. Thank you. Hey, has anybody seen Phyllis? No? All right, I will call her from the car. I have to go. Good-bye, everybody.
Abby: Hi, Uncle Billy. I have to talk to you.
Billy: No, I don't have time, but whatever it is--
Abby: Well, you're gonna have to make time, because this is huge.
Chelsea: It feels like we were just at the doctor's. It's like we should pitch a tent in his waiting room or something. (Chuckles)
Victoria: Yeah, sure.
Chelsea: (Sighs) Maybe we should stop by the sporting goods store on the way to my appointment.
Victoria: That's fine.
Chelsea: Um, before this turns into some kind of camping expedition, do you want to tell me where your head is at?
Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm--I'm so sorry. I was just, you know, I was thinking of something else.
Chelsea: Yeah, I got that. Care to share?
Victoria: (Sighs) You know, I-it's-- it's really nothing. I-I got this job offer, and I'm just not really sure if I'm gonna take it or not.
Chelsea: Oh. So does your weird mood have anything to do with some girl named Daisy?
Victoria: Why would you ask that?
Chelsea: I just-- I overheard you talking to Billy and your brother about her. Who is she?
Victoria: She's a person that is fighting to get her baby back, a baby that she didn't want in the first place.
Chelsea: Who is she fighting?
Victoria: The person that took the baby away from Billy and me.
Chelsea: Oh. Daisy is Lucy's mom?
Victoria: Wait, hold on a second. You know about Lucy?
Chelsea: Well, um, my mom had found out that you and Billy had a kid taken away from you that you adopted, and at one point, we were thinking about--
Victoria: Using it when it came time to negotiate with Billy and me.
Chelsea: That was the plan.
Victoria: Mm-hmm. Well, your mom did her homework. Billy and I adopted Lucy, and then we lost custody of her, and now... (Sighs) Phyllis is feeling the same pain that we felt, because Daisy has decided that she wants her baby back, 'cause being the biological mother trumps any kind of legal documentation in the world.
Chelsea: Is that what this is about? You're freaking out because you think I'm gonna change my mind about giving you my baby?
Victoria: Are you?
Gloria: Hey. Hey, hey, hey. (Snapping fingers) Table four hasn't been cleared.
Jeff: I'll get right on it.
Gloria: Oh! Finish what you're doing first.
Jeff: Right, this one first, then table four.
Gloria: Come on, come on. (Snapping fingers)
Jill: Gloria, give the guy a break.
Gloria: Why?
Jill: Well, maybe because all that ugly you're throwing his way belies the fact that you care about him.
Gloria: Past tense--cared.
Jill: (Laughs) Well, if you don't have feelings for him, why'd you give him the job?
Gloria: Because, um... oh, yeah. He has all my money.
Jill: Yeah, but he doesn't remember where it is.
Gloria: Mm-hmm. Then he will bus tables until he pays back every dime he stole from me.
Jill: Ohh, so you intend to keep him around forever.
Avery: I need to speak to you.
Daisy: Come on in. Social worker was here earlier. Everything checked out. She just fell asleep, so if that's why you're here--
Avery: I'm not.
Daisy: Oh, so you came to apologize for dropping me as a client.
Avery: No, I didn't.
Daisy: So you're not sorry.
Avery: Only for helping you in the first place. You raising Lucy is wrong.
Daisy: You think Phyllis should raise her?
Avery: I think Phyllis was an excellent mother to her.
Daisy: (Laughs) I'm her real mother. Phyllis--she doesn't stand a chance getting custody over me.
Avery: (Chuckles) Oh, you won't be fighting Phyllis.
Daisy: Then who?
Avery: Daniel. He's decided he wants to raise his daughter.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
(Rhythmic knock on door)
Phyllis: What-- Hey, Daniel.
Daniel: Can we talk?
Phyllis: I don't have time to talk right now. I'm on a deadline. This story was due yesterday.
Daniel: This isn't gonna take long.
Phyllis: Uh, I really, really don't have the time.
Daniel: I think you're gonna like what I have to say, and I think you're gonna want to hear what I have to say.
Phyllis: What is it?
Daniel: I decided to fight for custody of Lucy.
Phyllis: Oh, my God.
Daniel: (Laughs)
Phyllis: I am so, so happy, Daniel.
Daniel: (Clears throat)
Phyllis: (Exhales quickly)
Billy: (Stammering) I can't do this right now. Chelsea has a doctor's appointment.
Abby: I just need five minutes. Five.
Billy: You get two.
Abby: Okay. When I was out in L.A., I ran into a friend of mine who is a major reality TV producer, and I told him all about my awesome uncle, how he owns "Restless Style."
Billy: 90 seconds.
Abby: And guess what?
Billy: 90 seconds.
Abby: He wants to make a TV show about your magazine.
Billy: A TV show?
Abby: Yeah, they would bring their cameras in here, and they would film you and your staff, like, pitching ideas, and--and telling juicy stories about following celebrities and catching them doing stuff they don't want their fans knowing that they're doing. You would be a star! (Laughs) Doesn't that sound awesome?
Billy: Yeah, the-- maybe too awesome. Who'd want to make a TV show about my magazine?
Abby: Are you ready for this? Gabe Hall.
Billy: Doesn't he own, like, ten reality TV shows?
Abby: Yeah, yeah. He does "Real" everything, and he wants you to take a meeting with him.
Billy: Well, I--you know, it looks legit. Can--can I call him, can we do this over a video chat?
Abby: Well, you see, Gabe insisted that you have to go to L.A. He wants you to meet with him and his people in person. Uncle Billy, this is, like, the opportunity of a lifetime!
Billy: Yeah, you're right. It is. Too bad I'll have to pass.
Abby: What? You're gonna pass? Why would you pass?
Billy: Look... (Clears throat) I can't leave Genoa City right now. I won't be able to for a while.
Abby: Wait, why? Why, because that skank Chelsea is about to pop out your kid?
Billy: Oh, wow, you have a way with words. Can I hire you anytime soon?
Abby: I'm just saying that, I mean, didn't Chelsea already agree to give you and Victoria the baby?
Billy: Yes, she did, but as long as her mother's in town... (Chuckles) I'm not gonna leave Victoria alone, okay? Thank you.
Chelsea: I said I want you and Billy to raise this baby, and I meant it.
Victoria: I really hope so, because, you know, I-I do plan on giving him my love and attention 24/7.
Chelsea: Is that why you're thinking about turning down this job offer, so you can be a-a full-time mom?
Victoria: (Sighs) Well, that's... part of it, I guess.
Chelsea: Well, why else would a big-shot executive like yourself not want to go back to work?
Victoria: Well, taking this job puts me in direct conflict with my father again, and I'm kind of done with that.
Chelsea: So your dad really likes to control things, doesn't he?
Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, that's an understatement.
Chelsea: Well... at least he cares. (Sighs) I've actually never even met my dad.
Victoria: The missionary?
Chelsea: Yeah, that was, uh, that was my mom's idea. (Sighs) Truthfully, though, as far as lies go, not really a bad one. When I think about my dad, I like to imagine that he is a really great guy. If he had been and he had been around more, maybe things would have turned out differently for me.
Victoria: Yeah, maybe.
Chelsea: That's what I really want for my baby-- two parents that really, really love him.
Genevieve: Stealing your daughters? I'm wounded.
Victor: What would you call it?
Genevieve: I'm merely trying to create the best possible team of the individuals who happen to be available. I--can I help it if two of the top happen to be Newmans?
Victor: (Chuckles) I'll take that as a compliment.
Genevieve: And well you should. Nothing but the best for Beauty of Nature, and for me.
Victor: In that case, you should have accepted my offer to help you run your company.
Genevieve: To help me run my company.
Victor: Mm-hmm. You would have had a stake in it. Now I'm not so sure.
Genevieve: Well, I'm sure that now, I will be my own boss, and hopefully, Abby and Victoria will come to work for me.
Victor: Oh, "Hopefully." Victoria has not accepted your offer yet.
Daisy: So Daniel wants to be a daddy, suddenly.
Avery: Seems like a no-brainer for the judge, deciding which one of you would make the better parent.
Daisy: Daniel is the anti-parent. He divorced his wife because she wanted kids and he didn't.
Avery: Well, he changed his mind.
Daisy: With a little help from you?
Avery: Daniel just realized that he would regret it forever if you raised his daughter.
Daisy: You pretended to be my friend. You promised to reunite me with my daughter.
Avery: That's before I saw the real you.
Daisy: You're angry at yourself for helping me take Lucy away from Phyllis, and now you're pushing Daniel for custody to try and make up for what you did to your sister.
Avery: I'm supporting my nephew because he's the best person to raise Lucy.
Daisy: Attacking me won't make up for what you did to Phyllis.
Avery: I'll see you in court.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Okay, I want to know everything. When did you decide? You also need a good lawyer. I'll get you a good lawyer, character witnesses, people who will testify that you're gonna be an incredible father.
Daniel: Mm. I'm not so sure about that.
Phyllis: Oh, I'm sure about that. I'll testify. I'll tell the judge how great you are with Summer, that you've bonded with Lucy. Nick and Jack will vouch for you, for sure.
Daniel: I'm sure they will. You know, I think we need to slow down here. I mean, I-I'm still getting used to the idea of doing this. It wasn't a really easy decision.
Phyllis: No, of course not. What made you decide?
Daniel: A lot of things. One of the biggest ones was probably Avery.
Victoria: Well, I wonder what's taking Billy so long. We're gonna be late.
Chelsea: What--what can I do to make you believe me?
Victoria: Just keep your promise.
(Cell phone rings)
Victoria: It's, um, Nick. I'm gonna take it. Hey.
(Doorbell rings)
Chelsea: Oh, um, I'll get it.
Victoria: Yeah.
Chelsea: (Exhales) What are you doing here?
Anita: I just came by to see how my little girl is doing.
Chelsea: I'm fine. Actually, I'm glad you stopped by. There's something I need to tell you. You're probably gonna find out sooner or later, might as well be sooner.
Anita: Find out what?
Chelsea: (Sighs) I signed papers legally giving my baby to Billy and Victoria.
Anita: What?
Chelsea: I want them to raise him, Mom.
Anita: Well, I hope they offered you a bundle for your little bundle.
Chelsea: All right, stop it, okay? I'm not doing this for the money.
Anita: Are you crazy, or are you just plain stupid?
Chelsea: No, actually, I want my son to have the life that I never had.
Anita: I'm not gonna let you do this. Mnh-mnh.
Chelsea: It's too late. There's nothing you can do to stop me.
Phyllis: Avery changed your mind.
Daniel: She helped, a lot.
Phyllis: Really? What do--what has Avery said that--that I haven't said this entire time?
Daniel: She said a bunch of stuff that I didn't really want to hear, to tell you the truth.
Phyllis: Uh-huh. So have-- so have I, by the way, yeah.
Daniel: But--but... she also told me how being raised by a parent who is corrupt and dishonest can absolutely ruin your life and all the people around you. She didn't want that for Lucy.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Daniel: Look, when I saw-- when I saw how you were forced to see Lucy with Daisy, I-I-I knew that I couldn't ignore what Avery or you have been telling me this whole time. You know, Daisy's gonna take that kid, that sweet and innocent kid, and she's just gonna screw up her life.
Phyllis: Yeah, I know she is. Well, Avery and I seem to agree on something. That's--that's nice.
Daniel: Well, you finally made me realize that I'm the only one that can save Lucy from Daisy.
Phyllis: Listen. I'm very, very proud of you.
Daniel: I wouldn't be too proud of me yet. No decision's been made.
Phyllis: No, no. No judge in the world isn't going to give you full custody of that gorgeous-- that gorgeous, gorgeous girl.
Daniel: I hope you're right.
Phyllis: We're gonna get Lucy back... because of you.
Daniel: Me and you... and Avery.
Phyllis: (Clears throat)
Jeff: Table four is done.
Gloria: Well, good. Go see if the clean linens have been delivered, because there's not a single napkin on any table.
Jeff: Napkins. Right.
Jill: You know something? You and Jeff had a twisted relationship.
Gloria: Yeah, well, you should know all about those.
Jill: No, no, no, no, and I don't know why I'm saying this, because I can't think of any two people that I like less than I like you, but it worked.
Gloria: And it doesn't anymore.
Jill: Gloria, for God sake, admit it-- you still love the guy. You never stopped, not for one second.
Gloria: Yeah, Jill, well, Angelo and I are together now.
Jill: Angelo! God. Are you crazy? You and Angelo have about as much chemistry as Elton John and Madonna.
Gloria: Go pay attention to your own love life, or lack of one, I should say.
Jill: (Singsong voice) Well, at least I'm not passing up any opportunities.
Gloria: Jeffrey is not an opportunity.
Jill: (Sighs)
Gloria: He's a thief.
Jill: (Normal voice) You're right. You're right. What do I know? It's none of my business.
Gloria: Thank you. Excuse me.
Jill: Wait, wait, wait. If Jeffrey does remember where he put your money, what excuse are you gonna have for keeping him around? What are you gonna do then, hmm?
Anita: Sweetie, you've been under so much pressure. You don't know what you're saying or doing. Handing your baby over to Billy and Victoria is just--
Chelsea: I-I am giving my baby a good life-- one without you.
Anita: (Gasps) I did everything I could for you, you ungrateful little--
Billy: Get out of my house. How many times do I have to tell you that?
Anita: (Exhales sharply) I am having a private conversation with my daughter.
Victoria: You heard him.
Anita: We are not finished.
Chelsea: (Exhales slowly)
Victoria: You okay?
Chelsea: Yeah. What?
Billy: You seemed really upset about what your mother was telling you.
Chelsea: Yeah, I was. What? You think that was a setup? You think we faked that whole argument to con you?
Victoria: Did you?
Chelsea: (Scoffs)
Genevieve: I hate to be rude, Victor, but...
Victor: You want me to go before Abby arrives.
Genevieve: Well, I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable.
Victor: I doubt you'll be any luckier with Abby than you've been with Victoria.
Genevieve: I admire your confidence.
Victor: You have a nice day.
Genevieve: You, too.
Abby: (Sighs) Here you go. (Sighs) I am so sorry I'm late. I have been going, going, going since I got up this morning. (Laughs)
Genevieve: I know. You like life in the fast lane, don't you?
Abby: The faster you move, the more you do, and I want to do everything. (Laughs)
Genevieve: (Laughs) But you've done so much already.
Abby: (Sighs) I know, right? Internet entrepreneur, animal rights advocate, record company backer, my P.R. gig in L.A... (Gags, sighs)
Genevieve: (Laughs) Yeah, you're an amazing young woman, which is why I have a proposal for you.
Abby: Wow, um... okay. (Laughs)
Genevieve: Well, you know that your sister Victoria is coming to work for me at Beauty of Nature...
Abby: No, I hadn't heard.
Genevieve: And I'd like you to join us.
Abby: Me? (Laughs)
Genevieve: Yes, absolutely. Your sister wanted you as the face of Beauty of Nature months ago. It was a great idea then, and it still is now.
Abby: (Laughs) Well, I--
Genevieve: Well, you know that Beauty of Nature is all about being natural and organic, and what is more natural than "The Naked Heiress"?
Abby: Exactly. It was--see--see, my image, it's all about being pure and honest and true.
Genevieve: I know, and that's what makes you a perfect fit for Beauty of Nature.
Abby: (Chuckles)
Genevieve: You're gonna get international exposure and our sales are gonna go through the roof. It's a win-win.
Abby: (Laughs) Oh, gosh. Um, see, if Victoria and I both come work for you, I feel like my dad is gonna see that as a lose-lose.
Genevieve: Since when do you care what your dad thinks? Wasn't it just last year you sued him and won?
Abby: Yeah, that's, um, gonna be an interesting chapter in my autobiography.
Genevieve: You did what was best for you, and it seems to me you always do that.
Abby: Some people call that selfish.
Genevieve: I call it smart. I do. Follow your instincts, Abby. Be smart. Come to work for me. What's holding you back, Abby?
Abby: Little things, like not wanting to incur my dad's wrath.
Genevieve: Are you afraid of your father?
Abby: No, I'm not afraid. I'm sorry, did you say that Victoria already accepted your offer?
Genevieve: She sees what a great opportunity this is. She's not at all intimidated by her dad.
Abby: Well, it's-- it's a lot easier to take on Dad when you have someone by your side, and Victoria has Billy, so...
Genevieve: Abby.
Abby: (Chuckles)
Genevieve: A woman as clever and independent as you doesn't need anyone to fight her battles for her, or help her to make her decisions.
Abby: You are absolutely right, and I know exactly what I'm going to do.
Billy: Yeah, that was a good one, the "Oops, I didn't know you were listening" routine. How many times did you play that with mom?
Chelsea: Okay, look, I can't take back the things I've done in my past. All I can say to you is what I was just telling Victoria, and that is that I really want the two of you to bring up this child. I know you both have, you know, stuff with your parents and all, but they obviously did something right. You're both so ready to love this baby and teach him all the things that I never learned about, you know, being a good person. (Laughs)
Victoria: You know, it's not too late.
Chelsea: Yeah. Um, you know what? I left my gloves. I'm gonna get those before we go to the doctor.
Billy: See? Now I know I made the right decision. There's no way I can leave you here alone to deal with those two whack jobs.
Victoria: You thinking of going somewhere?
Billy: Abby's got a producer friend in L.A. He wants to discuss making the magazine as some sort of TV show.
Victoria: (Gasps) Are you kidding me? Like one of those behind-the-scene type thingies?
Billy: Yeah, just like one of those thingies, but I told her there's no way that I could go.
Victoria: What? There's no way you can't go.
Phyllis: (Clears throat)
Avery: Hi.
Phyllis: Hello. Do--do you want something?
Avery: Um, I wasn't sure if you had heard, but Daniel has decided to fight for custody of Lucy.
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. (Sighs) Daniel told me.
Avery: Oh. Good. Okay. I just wanted to make sure that you knew.
Phyllis: Wait, A-Avery.
Daisy: Daniel. You want to hold her? Go on.
Daniel: (Whispers) Hey.
Daisy: I'm not angry at you for suing for custody.
Daniel: (Normal voice) You heard about that?
Daisy: Yeah. I think it might be, uh...
Daniel: (Whispers) Hi.
Daisy: It might turn out okay, you know? For all of us.
Daniel: (Normal voice) What are you talking about?
Daisy: Well, I was thinking about raising Lucy... together.
Jeff: Can I get you anything else?
Jill: Mm.
Gloria: (Clears throat) Her waiter can take care of that. Isaac spilled something in the kitchen. Why don't you go mop it up?
Jeff: I'll get right on it.
Gloria: Oh, shut up, Jill. Don't give me that. Don't even start. We both know if you had a chance to make Colin bus tables, you would crack the whip over him with pleasure.
Jeff: Yo, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Anita: (Gasps) Excuse me.
Jeff: Oh, hi. You're the new waitress, right?
Anita: You don't know me?
Jeff: (Laughs) I'm having a little trouble with my memory lately. A lot of trouble, actually.
Jill: Colin was a lying, deceitful crime lord, whereas Jeffrey is actually kind of a nice guy. He's a bit of an idiot, but a nice guy.
Gloria: Well, "Mr. Idiot nice guy" didn't just steal $50 out of mommy's wallet. He took every dime I have. Do you know how much money that is?
Jill: $51.
Gloria: (Laughs) Add a few zeros. No, add a whole lot of zeros.
Victor: Have a seat. So...
Abby: (Clears throat)
Victor: What did you want to speak to me about?
Abby: Genevieve Atkinson offered me a job.
Victor: I know.
Abby: Wait, you know?
Victor: I saw you arrive at the meeting with her.
Abby: And you didn't say anything? That doesn't sound like you.
Victor: I just had the feeling you would do the right thing.
Abby: Whoa. You trusted me...
Victor: (Laughs)
Abby: Like a real adult. That's flattering. It's kind of a shocker, but... (Laughs)
Victor: How'd the meeting go?
Abby: Um, Genevieve's offer was also flattering, but I couldn't take it. Working at Beauty of Nature while she owns it just-- it wouldn't be right.
Victor: I hope your sister will be as wise as you.
Billy: Come on, where is Chelsea? We're gonna be late.
Victoria: Wait, stop. Stop trying to change the subject.
Billy: I'm not changing the subject. The drill sergeant who runs Dr. Okamura's office hates it when we're late. I'd like to be on time.
Victoria: Unh-unh, unh-unh. Listen to me. I can handle things here while you're in L.A. for a few days.
Billy: It might not be a few days. More like a week.
Victoria: Okay, so what's gonna happen in one week?
Billy: With Chelsea and her mom? (Laughs) The variables are too numerous to count, and... (Chuckles) The consequences are too scary to think about.
Victoria: You cannot pass up this opportunity.
Billy: I already told Abby to tell her buddy Hall that I'm not coming.
Victoria: Well, call Hall and tell him that you are.
Billy: What's going on here? Are you trying to get rid of me? Hmm?
Victoria: No, I'm not trying to get rid of you. It's just that-- well, when Genevieve offered me the job at Beauty of Nature, you told me to take it, and you didn't hesitate for one second.
Billy: Yes, that's because I know what that job means to you.
Victoria: What about what it'll do to Jack?
Billy: Is that the reason you haven't taken the job?
Victoria: The point is, is that you supported me, even though it meant that it might cause trouble between you and your brother.
Billy: Oh, Jack and I-- we're fine. We're solid, so if that's the only thing holding you back, then you should definitely give it a shot.
Victoria: Listen... (Clears throat) My dad is not gonna stop trying to get back Beauty of Nature, and if I go to work for Genevieve, I am going to be battling him every day.
Billy: I'll buy you a flak jacket.
Victoria: (Chuckles) It's just-- it's gonna take a lot out of me, more than I have to give, and I don't want to do that. I mean, if I'm gonna be the kind of mom that I want to be to our son--
Billy: New baby, new job, and your dad. I'm pretty sure that you can juggle that with one hand, blindfolded.
Victoria: You know what? You're right. You are right. I can handle anything. I can even handle Chelsea and Anita while you're in L.A.
Billy: Does this mean you've made a decision about Genevieve's offer?
Phyllis: So Daniel told me that you were the one who convinced him to fight for Lucy.
Avery: Well, I'm sure a lot of factors went into his decision.
Phyllis: Yeah, mm-hmm. So I-I... haven't been able to... you know, get things together and--and talk to you since we got back from Connecticut.
Avery: Yeah. I spoke to Mom. She wanted me to go to Dad's service, but I...
Phyllis: (Scoffs) Yeah. Nick told me.
Avery: Yeah.
Phyllis: (Sighs) You know, I've just had my hands full since I got back home, you know, with this whole Daisy and Lucy thing. I haven't really--yeah.
Avery: I know, I know. Phyllis, I... I just wanted you to know about Daniel.
Phyllis: Okay, thanks. (Sighs) Listen. Thank you. I know what you're doing. You're trying to make things right. I appreciate you talking to Daniel. I appreciate everything you're doing for Lucy and my son.
Avery: You're welcome.
Daniel: You know what? I gotta go. Here.
Daisy: Um, what about us raising Lucy together?
Daniel: You know what? If you really think that there's any chance of that, you really are crazy.
Daisy: Don't worry, Sweetie. We'll be a family soon. I just have to get daddy used to that idea. Hmm?
Lucy: (Coos)
Gloria: Have you seen Anita?
Jeff: The new waitress?
Gloria: (Laughs) That's right, the new waitress.
Jeff: She took off a little while ago.
Gloria: Yeah? Well, why don't you tell Ben to go take care of that table over there... and I'll find someone to fill in for Anita?
Jill: You never should have hired that horrible woman in the first place.
Chelsea: Yeah, I'm--I'm fine. I just needed some fresh air. I'll meet you at Dr. Okamura's office. Okay, bye. If you are here to harass me some more, I am not interested, nor do I have the time.
Anita: Watch your mouth, or I am not going to tell you the amazing discovery I made.
Chelsea: Oh? You find your next mark?
Anita: I found your father.
Chelsea: What?
Anita: That's right, and if you don't watch it, you are never gonna meet him.
Victor: So did Victoria give you any indication as to what she is gonna do?
Abby: I haven't spoken to her, but I know she's really mad at you, bringing that tramp Chelsea to town. Not cool.
Victor: By the way, for your information, that trouble was caused by Billy Abbott.
Abby: You know, maybe it won't turn out to be trouble, now that he and Victoria are gonna adopt the baby. You might have done something good. Victoria could even thank you for it.
Victor: I'm not gonna hold my breath for that.
Abby: (Chuckles)
Victor: But I think it's encouraging to find out that she has not accepted Genevieve's offer.
(Cell phone rings) (Ring)
Genevieve: (Gasps) Victoria. I've been waiting to hear from you.
Victoria: I've given your offer a lot of thought.
Genevieve: And...
Victoria: I've decided to accept it.
On the next "The Young and the Restless"...
Billy: You should know that Victoria's gone back to work.
Jack: Not at Newman.
Billy: No.
Chloe: What's going on?
Phyllis: We're taking Daisy down.
Lauren: You stay away from me, and you stay away from my family.
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