Y&R Transcript Monday 3/5/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 3/5/12


Episode # 9857 ~ Jack Tries to Prove He Can Leave the Hospital

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Adam: I'm not asking you I don't expect it. To be honest, it's not even my goal.

Victor: What's your goal, Son?

Adam: The other night, at--at Mom's, the fire... as you know, I was alone. I had thought that everything went down in flames, it was just ashes. It wasn't until Sharon got there later, the-- she let me know that I salvaged everything. And I know you're probably gonna think I'm crazy when I say this, but I had this overwhelming feeling that Mom was there.. (Sighs) And that she was proud of me. I can't tell you the last time I have-- I think Mom would have been proud of me. I want-- I want that feeling every day, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes and humble myself, and I'll do whatever I think Mom would want me to do, and that's what I'll be doing.

Victor: And you think your mother would want you to come work here and right the things that you've done wrong?

Adam: It's a start, and I'm honestly grateful for the opportunity that--that I'm getting with you.

Victor: All right. In memory of your mother, who I respected a great deal...let's give it a try.

Paul: You know, it probably won't make much difference what I say, because you never hold Adam accountable for the things he does.

Sharon: You know what? I don't need to hear about what a horrible person Adam is. That ground has been covered extensively.

Paul: This is new-- new information. I just came from seeing my sister, and I found out how she escaped from that psychiatric detention center a year and a half ago. It was Adam. Adam broke her out of there and set her loose, without caring what would happen to her or anyone else.

Phyllis: "Shocking revelation could be the spark that reignites the feud between Newman brothers, once again caught in the middle." Oh, lovely. Like I want that. (Chuckles) Yeah.

Nick: Hey.

Phyllis: Hello.

Nick: Sorry, I didn't-- you know, I thought you'd be expecting me.

Phyllis: It's okay.

Nick: What's that?

Phyllis: This is a story that someone pitched to me, and I am pitching it in the trash.

Nick: Why? Is it boring?

Phyllis: Uh, no, the opposite.

Nick: Are you saying there's a story that's too exciting for you to print?

Phyllis: In the past, I realized that, um, some of my stories have affected people in a negative way, shall we say, and, um, now... I'm thinking before I act.

Nick: Be honest. How much of this change in outlook is because of me?

Jack: I am ready to go home. I can continue this therapy on an outpatient basis.

Sarge: Really?

Jack: Look, I am having my home retrofitted right now. I have finished almost everything on your checklist ahead of schedule.

Sarge: "Almost" never counts, except for maybe in the executive suite.

Nikki: Now how is that helping?

Sarge: You're not the one he's gonna blame when he's fallen and can't get up.

Jack: I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.

Sarge: You're gonna have to prove that to me.

Jack: (Grunts)

(Breathing heavily)

(Board squeaking)

Jack: Ohh.

Sarge: All right, all right. All right, all right. I got you, I got you.

Jack: (Grunts)

Sarge: Yeah, see? That was closer than I thought you'd get. Here, try it again. You're not going home until you can do this.

Jack: (Breathing heavily)

Paul: You know, I suspected at the time that Adam had something to do with Patty's escaping, but now there's confirmation.

Sharon: (Clears throat) From Patty. But, Paul, she has a fragile grasp on reality.

Paul: Oh, she remembers very clearly. He made her crawl through a ventilation shaft and gave her a nun's habit as a disguise, and told her it was God's will to redeem herself. Now I visited Patty in that facility, and she was getting better. She was getting great treatment, she was getting medication, and I be-- I began to see glimpses of the sweet little girl that she used to be-- my baby sister. She was coming back to us, but, see, Adam couldn't have that, because he was afraid that she was gonna recant her testimony about the Hightower murder and point the finger at him. So better to cut off treatment, send her out into the real world, alone, where she has no help, and let her sickness take over! It did. It did take over, and now she is in a maximum-security prison with little or no resources to help her deal with the realization of what she's done. And none of this-- none of it would have happened if it hadn't have been for Adam! She would have been fine if he had just let her alone!

Sharon: I'm sorry.

Paul: Protect yourself. Protect yourself and the people you love. Trust me.

Adam: This is for you.

Victor: What is it?

Adam: My resignation as C.E.O. I figure I would just save you the trouble of having the board members vote me out.

Victor: Well, that was very thoughtful of you. If you're serious about coming to work here and...you gotta start at the bottom.

Adam: Hit me.

Victor: Your brother is working on a project he needs some assistance with. You'll be reporting to him.

Adam: Fine by me. You might want to check with him and see if he's willing.

Victor: You let me worry about that, okay?

Phyllis: So are you taking me to lunch?

Nick: You know it.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Nick: For sure. Let's do it. Um, it's my dad. He really needs to see me, so... I'll tell-- pick anywhere you want to go and then text me and I'll meet you there, okay?

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: All right. (Sighs)

Phyllis: Gotta let you out.

Nick: Oh, thank you.

Phyllis: Here, Nick, let me get this...

Nick: Oh, thank you.

Phyllis: For you.

Ricky: Thanks. Thank you.

Sharon: Adam.

Adam: Sharon, hey. Are you, uh, you coming or going?

Sharon: Actually, I was-- I was just coming to look for you.

Adam: Oh, you know what? I-I didn't turn my phone back on after meeting with my dad, which actually went really, really well, better than--

Sharon: Oh, you know what? Listen... Paul was just here.

Adam: Paul Williams?

Sharon: He just found out how Patty escaped from Windcliff a year and a half ago. It's true, isn't it? You broke her out to save yourself.

Jack: (Grunting)

Nikki: Jack, wait until Sarge comes back.

Jack: No.

Nikki: If he doesn't see you do it with his own eyes, he's gonna think that I helped you. Anyway, you're tired. You need to rest.

Jack: I can do this.

Nikki: Look, Jack... (Sighs) I know this is exhausting and it's self-defeating. I-I know how much you hate being stuck in that chair and in the hospital.

Jack: I can’t get out of my-- my own bed. (Breathing heavily)

Nikki: I know. But you--you have to pace yourself, you know? I-I know this is hard for you. I mean, this is like a foreign language to you. You're used to bending the universe to your will, I know that.

Sarge: Somebody's looking for you.

Nikki: Oh, hi, Paul.

Paul: Hi. How's it going?

Jack: Slowly, but I'm going home.

Paul: That's great. That's great news. Patty has, um, has pretty much blocked out what she did to you, but she does remember how she got out of that psychiatric facility. She was led out by Adam.

Jack: Son of a bitch.

Paul: He knew long before you were shot that she was back in town, and he didn't tell anyone. He didn't try and help her.

Jack: 'Cause he knew she'd blow his cover. I could strangle that bastard.

Sarge: If he happens to stop by your hospital room...

Jack: Sign my release.

Sarge: Will do.

Jack: (Breathing heavily)

Paul: So, um, how are you getting home? Can I take you?

Jack: That'd be great.

Nikki: Hey, you got out of the chair. I will come by later to make sure you have everything you need, okay? Right now I have to go see Victor and tell him this news about Adam.

Paul: That's great. Saves me from having to deal with him.

Nick: You want me to work with Adam?

Victor: He asked me to give him a chance to prove himself, okay? So, um... I'm willing to give it to him, although I don't think he'll be particularly successful.

Nick: Then why bother?

Victor: To give you a succinct answer, I'm doing it for his mother's sake.

Nick: Did he mention to you that Sharon would like him to live with her on the ranch? And you're okay with that?

Victor: Well, I understand your concerns, Son. I would never ask you to put Faith into any kind of danger, okay?

Nick: I actually told Sharon that I thought we could probably work something out.

Victor: So then I guess Adam is getting his wish. This, I assure you, will be the last chance he'll ever be given to right all the dreadfully wrong things he has done. And don't think for a moment that this isn't a very difficult decision on my part.

Sharon: Yeah, but you told me that you'd seen Patty before she attacked you, but you forgot to mention that you were the reason why she's free.

Adam: Sharon, we can't discuss this here.

Sharon: Jack will never walk again because of you.

Adam: Sharon, upstairs, please.

Ricky: Paul found out.

Phyllis: Found out what?

Ricky: Patty told him how she escaped, and now Paul is running around telling people.

Phyllis: So what?

Ricky: You can't wait. You need to print this story right now, or else its old news.

Phyllis: Listen, Ricky, there's no story.

Ricky: Try telling that to Paul.

Phyllis: Well, honestly, no one's gonna listen to Paul. He's spouting the confused ramblings of his sister.

Ricky: What is your deal, Phyllis? What are you afraid of? I mean, are you afraid of hurting someone's feelings by printing the truth? Patty won't know the difference, and Adam--Adam deserves everything that he gets.

Phyllis: Okay, I get it, I get it, but other people don't. A lot of families are gonna be ripped apart by this story.

Ricky: Who are we even talking about right now?

Phyllis: The story is dead. The story is dead. Get over it.

Jack: Oh, thank God. Thank God. Home.

Paul: Well, I sure hope your, uh, family isn't upset at us, uh, coming home unannounced. I'm sure they wanted to hang "Welcome home" banners and make a big deal of it.

Jack: Oh, no, no, I don't-- I don't need any of that. I'm just so happy not to be breathing that sanitized hospital air.

Paul: Yeah, I hear you.

Jack: Paul, what is it? You've been weird since we got here.

Paul: I'm sorry. I mean, truly, I am sorry. I was just flashing on a moment of you and me in this room... (Sighs) After Patty escaped, and me telling you that I would do everything in my power to find her.

Jack: And you did.

Paul: Not enough.

Jack: Paul, I don't hold you responsible for what happened to me, not for a moment. I don't even hold Patty responsible for this it was Victor that brought her here-- Victor and Adam who exploited her and pushed her beyond her limits. You want to blame somebody for what happened to me? Blame Victor and Adam. I sure as hell do.

Sharon: Okay, we're alone. You want to tell me why you would do something so awful?

Adam: Sharon, there are a thousand things that I've done that I wish had never entered my mind.

Sharon: What, like, too many to remember? Because I don't buy that. We talked about Patty. You let me go on about what a hero you were for trying to stop her.

Adam: Sharon, you and I both know that I'm no hero. I'm far from it. At times, I've been barely human. You should know that. That should be no surprise.

Sharon: What, you're saying I should take this in stride?

Adam: No, that's not what I'm saying.

Sharon: Well, you might as well have pulled the trigger on Jack yourself, or maybe you're happy Patty shot him. Was that part of the plan, too?

Adam: There was-- there was no plan at all. I was just acting out of fear and desperation.

Sharon: Like when you took Faith from me?

Adam: Fear and cowardice have been my main driving factors in my life for a long time, but all that has changed now.

Sharon: And what's the driving factor now, Adam? Love?

Adam: Shame, and maybe there's a kind of fear-- fear of becoming that man again-- the man that you despise, as you should, as do I. I want to run from that guy, far away, but I can't, Sharon. I can't. It's a life sentence. I have to stay and I have to try and right some of these wrongs that I've done. I'm committed to doing this. I just don't-- I hope that I don't have to do it alone. I don't deserve you, but I need you. Please just... stay with me, Sharon. Help me.

Sharon: Talk about a life sentence, Adam. What about Jack? You have condemned him to a wheelchair. How do you fix that?

Adam: I can't.

Sharon: And Patty, I... do you even know? She can't go back to the detention center that you broke her out of. She's now in a maximum-security prison, and we both know what that's like. She's not equipped to deal with that, especially now. She had a chance at one point to recover and go back to her family, but you stole that from her, from everyone who loves her. And to see Paul here, he was so heartbroken--

Adam: Sharon, I can't change the past, but I'm not gonna make those same mistakes anymore. I know that sounds like empty promises, but they're not.

Sharon: Listening to Paul, I-I couldn't help but think... what if it's me one day, grieving for someone I love, for Faith?

Adam: I would never hurt Faith. I know that I-- things I have done have hurt her.

Sharon: But you've changed.

Adam: You've seen it. You were there with me. You've seen the difference.

Sharon: Yeah. But it doesn't mean I can risk my daughter's future on it.

Adam: What's that supposed to mean?

(Knock on door)

Sharon: Nick.

Nick: Hey. Dad tells me he wants us to work together and that he signed off on you living out at the ranch.

Sharon: Um... Adam's not gonna be moving to the ranch.

Nick: Why? What happened?

Sharon: He helped Patty escape from Windcliff. He was afraid that she would testify against him.

Nick: You son of a--

Adam: It was before New Orleans, and it was before what happened at my mom's. Doesn't that make a difference?

Sharon: I wish it were enough.

Nick: Come on, I'll take you home.

Adam: Sharon-- Sharon, please, just stay and talk with me?

Nick: You can forget about us ever working together.

Adam: Don't go.

Nick: What are you doing?

Adam: Sharon?

Sharon: Good-bye, Adam.

Paul: Are you okay?

Jack: Yeah, yeah, I'm good, I'm good. (Grunts) Now if we'd make that bar a little more accessible--

Paul: (Laughs)

Jack: Thank you.

Paul: Here you go. Actually, it is pretty impressive, how you, uh, maneuver around in that thing.

Jack: Helps to have a goal.

Paul: Like getting home?

Jack: Well, that's one step in a bigger goal.

Paul: Which is?

Jack: Justice.

Paul: Ah.

Jack: Do you even believe in justice anymore, Paul?

Paul: Not in Patty's case.

Jack: There have been no consequences whatsoever to Victor and Adam for what they did to your sister. I know you're as furious about that as I am.

Paul: Have to focus on helping my sister, and you have to focus on your recovery.

Jack: I can multitask.

Paul: Jack, when you speak of justice, do you have... something specific in mind?

Jack: I have a basic framework mapped out, yeah. Now it’s gonna have to include Adam. There is a role for you in this, if you're interested. I thought you might be.

Nikki: Patty told Paul herself.

Victor: She would still be in that psychiatric facility if it hadn't been for Adam. But it bit him in the back, didn't it? He lost his eyesight.

Nikki: He's not the only one who paid a price, Victor.

Victor: Jack Abbott is lucky he's alive.

Nikki: It took your plan a while to come to fruition.

Victor: What are you talking about?

Nikki: That's why you brought Patty to town, isn't it? Although you've never admitted that you brought her to town, but you were hoping that she would lash out at Jack, and then with Adam's help...

Victor: You're holding me responsible for this? I had no idea what Adam had done.

Nikki: What you did is not very different from what he did.

Victor: What the hell is the matter with you? Are you trying to pick a fight with me?

Nikki: Nope. I'm sure not. But I have, because you are always right. Never accountable.

Nick: Sharon, you gotta stop beating yourself up.

Sharon: You know what Adam told me? That I shouldn't be surprised, which is true. This is the kind of thing that he does. He feels threatened, he goes on the attack, he uses people, and then this is what I do. I make excuses for him.

Nick: Sharon, he's depressed and blind and pathetic. I mean, even Dad and I felt sorry for him.

Sharon: Well, I still feel sorry for him.

Nick: You still love him.

Sharon: I love Faith more.

Nick: You just proved that. But, Sharon, you gotta be strong right now, 'cause you know Adam's gonna put a lot of pressure on you.

Patty: Pauly, Pauly!

Paul: Patty, what is it? What's the matter?

Patty: I had a terrible, terrible dream.

Paul: What was it?

Patty: (Stammering) It was nice at the beginning. It was beautiful, and Jack and I were getting married in this sweet little church.

Paul: Uh-huh.

Patty: And I was walking down the aisle. I looked so pretty, and then he lifted up my veil...

Patty: I wouldn't hurt Jack. I wouldn't do that. I love him. I always loved Jack.

Paul: Patty, um... did you--did you hurt Jack in your dream?

Patty: It was a dream, right?

(Knock on door)

Adam: Hello.

Victor: It's your father.

Adam: You heard.

Victor: Yes, I have. What's your version of the story?

Adam: It's not a story. It's true. I got Patty out of Windcliff, and I helped her get out of the country. It wasn't my idea to bring her back or have her do any of the things that she did, though.

Victor: But you knew she was in town. You could have turned her in. You chose not to.

Adam: Yes. Sharon left. She is disgusted with me. Apparently, I will not be moving in with her after all. But I hope things haven't changed between you and I. From my perspective, they haven't changed, and I'm determined to prove myself.

Victor: You come to me begging for forgiveness with blood on your hands?

Adam: You--you're gonna cut me off, too.

Victor: Give me a good reason why I shouldn't.

Paul: (Sighs)

Patty: Pauly, don't tease me. Don't tease me. I... I-I know it was a dream. I know it was. I would... I would never shoot Jack, would I?

Paul: No, Patty.

Patty: (Sighs)

Paul: It was just a dream.

Patty: Oh, good.

Paul: Okay? Put it out of your mind.

Patty: Mm. Maybe he can come over and we can all go skating together. Wouldn't that be fun? Hmm?

(Metal clangs)

Jack: (Grunts)

Nikki: Hey, it's Nikki.

Jack: (Grunts) Nikk?

Nikki: Yeah?

Jack: (Grunts) I might break stuff in here.

Nikki: Oh! Let me help you.

Jack: Oh, oh, I got it. I got it. I got it--

Nikki: Let me help you. Here we go. Here, here--

Jack: No, no, no, no. That's enough.

Nikki: Okay, okay, okay.

Jack: Thank you.

Nikki: That's what you get for coming home early. We were gonna have this whole place reorganized before you got here.

Jack: Well, we may have to tweak a couple of things, but I'm not gonna be in this chair for long.

Nikki: Well, the less time you spend wrestling with furniture, the more time you will have to devote to your recovery.

Jack: I can't argue with that now, can I?

Nikki: No, you can't really argue with me at all. How about that?

Jack: I truly appreciate you being there for me. Every day in the hospital-- you were a godsend. I am concerned about something, though-- that any of this was motivated by guilt.

Nikki: Partly.

Jack: Oh, boy. That is some racket Victor's got going. Everybody feels responsible for Victor's crimes but Victor.

Nikki: Jack, you forget, I have my own crimes to atone for. Diane?

Jack: That was self-defense.

Nikki: If I had stayed in rehab like I should have--

Jack: Nikki, Nikki, Nikki, don't do that.

Nikki: Jack, I was so angry. I was so angry I could kill her. I did kill her. And now Kyle will never, ever have a mother. But at least I can-- I can help you. I-I can help his father, so please let me do that. Don't send me away.

Sharon: I appreciate your not rubbing this in my face how, um...

Nick: Misguided.

Sharon: Misguided I've been. Thank you. I don't expect anyone else to be this understanding once this scandal breaks out.

Nick: You know, maybe it won't break. I really don't see how anyone can press any charges against Adam.

Sharon: Patty's not a credible witness.

Nick: There's nothing in public record, so it doesn't really need to get out. And honestly, this family does not need any more negative press right now.

Phyllis: Stop the presses. We're killing the cover story we agreed on. I'm sending you another one-- a better one. I don't care how much it costs. Do it. Thank you.

(Cell phone rings) (Ring)

Ricky: Yeah?

Phyllis: I'm running your story.

Ricky: You're kidding. You're not gonna change your mind on me again, are you?

Phyllis: No, I'm not. I'm definitely running it. Not only that-- I'm gonna make sure that everybody knows it's my call.

Victor: You have played on my sympathies one too many times.

Adam: I am utterly sincere in living up to what we talked about.

Victor: You're a disgrace to your mother's memory. She'd be disgusted with you, as I'm disgusted with you. Look at all that your mother and I have given to you. You're my son. You're no longer part of my business, you're no longer part of my family, and you will not set another foot on my property. You mean nothing to me.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Daisy: I was thinking about raising Lucy together.

Genevieve: Follow your instincts, Abby. Come to work for me.

Anita: I'm not gonna let you do this.

Chelsea: It's too late. There's nothing you can do to stop me.

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