Y&R Transcript Friday 3/2/12
Episode # 9856 ~ Phyllis Decides to Print Ricky's Story
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nick: You all right? You sounded pretty rough on the phone.
Victoria: Yeah. You know, you'd think I would be used to it by now-- ugly, stupid fights with Dad. (Sighs)
Nick: Is this 'cause you took that C.E.O. job with Beauty of Nature for Genevieve? Dad told me.
Victoria: Without talking to me about it, obviously. You know, I went there to be direct and to try to be professional.
Nick: And he started pushing your buttons.
Victoria: Yeah, but I gave it right back, and then I walked out. He insists on making everything about Billy.
Nick: Look, with Dad, it's all wrapped up into one-- control, always being right-- about your marriage, about the company. As any time Dad says "Business is not personal," it always is with him. You know, it's funny. Everyone always says you're the one who's most like him.
Victoria: You think that this business decision was personal? You know, trying to stick it to him for trying to control my life or something? Look, I can take whatever job I want, and I can marry whatever man I want, and there's not one single thing that Dad can do about it.
Nick: Look, I hear you, but you taking that job doesn't mean you're shoving Dad further away. It just means that you're guaranteeing the two of you are gonna be battling forever, 'cause you know Dad is never gonna leave Beauty of Nature alone.
Connie: I'm sorry, you can't just--
Genevieve: Victor and I are good friends. He won't mind.
Connie: Mr. Newman, I'm so sorry.
Victor: That's all right, Connie. Thank you. I don't remember having an appointment with you.
Genevieve: Uh, well, our phone conversation was so brief...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Genevieve: That I just felt that I should follow up in person. (Sighs) I'd like to, uh, make sure that there are no real hard feelings about the fact that I'd like to bring Victoria on as my C.E.O.
Victor: You seem very pleased with yourself. Wonder how long that'll last.
Michael: Daniel.
Daniel: Oh, yeah, here we go. Double-team time, right? Let's get Daniel to fight for his parental rights.
Michael: Look, we understand you've been through a lot recently, some complex emotional situations...
Avery: But while you process, Daisy has Lucy, and while that's not directly your fault--
Daniel: No, it's not my fault it's your fault, 'cause you wouldn't leave it alone when everybody told you to. You had to go and you had to defend her.
Michael: Guilt and blame are not gonna save Lucy from a dangerous psychopath. You could do that, Daniel. You've gotta change your way of thinking. You've gotta claim that baby as your own.
Daisy: Here we are, Baby, home sweet home.
Patty: Oh, Pauly...
Paul: (Sighs)
Patty: Don't you think they should allow kitties in here?
Paul: I know.
Patty: Purring is the most wonderful sound in the world.
Paul: Yes, it is.
Patty: (Purrs)
Paul: I need you to focus right now, okay? Can you focus for me? Thank you.
Patty: (Giggles)
Paul: I need you to tell me how Adam helped you escape.
Patty: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Holy--
Ricky: You said that already--twice.
Phyllis: Yeah. So Patty told you it was Adam who helped her escape from Windcliff.
Ricky: I had some alone time with her before Paul and Ronan showed up and hauled her into the station. She confided the whole story to me.
Phyllis: So everything that's happened since Patty's been back-- Jack being paralyzed-- it's on Adam's head.
Adam: (Sighs) Glad you came back into town with me. I know you, uh, had concerns about me being-- me being ready.
(Adam's cane clatters)
Adam: Oh.
Sharon: Sorry, I got it. Now are you sure you know where everything is here?
Adam: Well, pretty, um...
Sharon: (Sighs)
Adam: No, not everything, but I'll get used to it. (Laughs)
Sharon: All right. Um, we need to talk about living arrangements.
Adam: What's there to talk about? We're just gonna keep things status quo for now.
Sharon: I think you should move in with me.
Adam: (Chuckles) Back at the ranch, near my father. I'm liable to end up in worse condition than I already am.
Genevieve: Affection for Beauty of Nature, I assumed that you'd want the best possible person at the helm. I think that person is Victoria.
Victor: So... by hiring Victoria, y-you want to please me? You know, I gotta tell you something-- I have respected your maneuvering so far. Of course, Jack Abbott will see it differently. So would a lot of other people, but you've been very creative, except your last move.
Genevieve: The last move was a great move. You--you know it is. A Newman... (Laughs) Heading Beauty of Nature-- its great P.R., not to mention, Victoria really knows what she's doing. My hiring her proves that I do, too.
Victor: You know, some people confuse confidence with hubris. One is essential to one's success. The latter is fatal.
Genevieve: I'm sorry if I overstepped by asking Victoria to join me but... we'll always have Paris.
Victor: Yes. That was fun, wasn't it? And I was willing to help you, but now you're telling me that you want to play hardball.
Victor: Let's play hard. Genevieve, just know that my daughter Victoria always returns to me.
Victoria: I am not about to give up this opportunity because Dad is an egomaniac.
Nick: (Laughs) Of course you're not.
Victoria: Would you stop it? I'm not taking this job because of him.
Nick: Vick, I believe you. I know you didn't do it just to piss him off, or to prove that you can run the company, or to have a reason to argue with him every single day.
Victoria: I am going to do a phenomenal job of running Beauty of Nature, and Dad can just accept that.
Nick: Well, you go get 'em, Tiger.
Victoria: I will.
Nick: All right. Hey, before you go... I have some news.
Victoria: About Lucy?
Nick: Daisy was granted full custody.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Daniel: So you think I want Lucy with that nut job? You know, nobody deserves that, so why don't you fight Daisy? You should prove that she doesn't give a damn about that kid and never has.
Michael: All right, you know what? Listen to me. We don't have that kind of time.
Avery: Daniel image what Daisy could do to Lucy even now... look, I'm sure Daisy didn't start out a vicious, broken child. She was raised by someone who was corrupt and cruel, who fed her lies and a messed-up view of the world every day. Daisy thought that was normal. A child absorbs that every day, makes decisions that she'll regret, becomes somebody that she's ashamed of.
Daniel: Yeah, well, Lucy's a baby. It's a little-- she's a little young to be making any decisions right now.
Avery: Lucy deserves to be loved and saved, now and always.
Daniel: I agree. So save her.
Avery: So you're not gonna fight for custody?
Daniel: No, I'm not.
Paul: Come and sit down. Talk to me about it.
Patty: Hmm?
Paul: The--the night you left, right? Do you--do you remember what happened?
Patty: I was trying to be good.
Paul: I know.
Patty: I really was, and then he showed up.
Paul: Adam?
Patty: Mm-hmm. He said he was a ghost.
Paul: A ghost?
Patty: Yeah, he always tried to trick me, and he said I had to do penance, like the priests say. Penance started with answers, down the rabbit hole.
Paul: The rabbit hole? The vent.
Patty: It was so cramped in there, and then we were outside, free. He had a bag waiting, waiting in the--
Paul: What was in the bag?
Patty: A habit, like the nun, and he told me that I had to put it on and do the Lord's work. I was supposed to be redeemed, Pauly. Do you think it worked?
Paul: Yeah, I'm sure it worked.
Patty: (Sighs) When kitties purr, it's like sunshine and rainbows.
Paul: Oh, man. I knew it. I knew it. It was Adam all along.
Phyllis: So Patty told you all of this? Hmm. I mean, you wouldn't be the first journalist to fake a story for a byline.
Ricky: This is all true.
Phyllis: Well, your source is crazy, so there's that.
Ricky: Okay, well that's why I checked it out. Adam was staying at Windcliff the same time that Patty was there, in the same ward. Now this guy is a criminal mastermind. How hard would it be for him to get the layout of the place, and then just spirit her away? And this story, this story is a game-changer, and you know it.
Phyllis: If Adam had left Patty alone, he would be able to see right now, and Jack would be able to walk, and then Sharon... Sharon's with him at that farm. If she hears about it, Victor and Jack--
Ricky: Okay, okay, please don't tell me that you're gonna get all moral and high-roadie on me right now.
Phyllis: Um, yeah, that's gonna happen. Um...(Sighs)
Ricky: What are you doing?
Phyllis: I am writing a deal memo, and then I'm cutting you a check. This story is mine.
Ricky: (Laughs)
Sharon: It's too crowded here for you right now. And I know it's familiar, but so is my house, and there won't be any elevators and strangers in between you and the fresh air. You just need some time and space to acclimate, both to being back in Genoa City and to losing your sight.
Adam: Victor's not a-about to let me live on that ranch again anytime soon, and Nicholas, uh, he would probably fight for full custody of Faith again. Sharon, of all the things that I-I have to make up for-- and God knows that's a very long list-- standing in between you and Faith is-- that's the biggest. That can't ever happen again.
Sharon: Okay, well...
Adam: (Sighs)
Sharon: Let me at least talk to Nick before you decide it's completely hopeless. After all, he did bring Faith to Kansas to visit me. Remember? And Victor... you know, beneath that anger and resentment, he really cares about what happens to you. At least just trust me to try.
Adam: Nicholas so much as... mentions... limiting your visitation, then this whole thing's off.
Sharon: Fine.
Adam: And with regards to my father, I'm gonna have the driver take me over there. I, uh, appreciate that you want to talk to him, but I need to face him myself.
Genevieve: So good to see you, Ms. C.E.O.
Victoria: (Sighs) And you, as well.
Genevieve: Thank you. Well, we have an awful lot to discuss. I've got some distinct new marketing strategies that I would like to go over with you, and, uh, some new product development, as well. Victoria?
Victoria: I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Did you say "Distribution"?
Genevieve: Is something wrong? I-is this about your father? Because I-I can handle him.
Victoria: Uh... (Sighs) Did Jack ever mention Lucy?
Genevieve: Yes, he did.
Victoria: Yeah, I had to accept that she wasn't gonna be a part of our lives anymore, but it just seems like it's getting harder and harder to do that.
Genevieve: Oh. You know... (Sighs) I just went to my son Ethan's wedding to Lily, in France, but I wasn't there as the mother of the groom. I wasn't invited. I, uh... I stood away and I watched from a distance... (Sighs) At my own son's wedding. I don't even think that he knew I was there.
Victoria: I'm sorry. It's funny, I-I thought that you and Cane had gotten closer.
Genevieve: We did, but unfortunately, the distance is really back.
Victoria: Yes, because of Jack.
Genevieve: No, I-it's because of my decisions, my decisions about Beauty of Nature and my own independence. It cost me. It cost me dearly, which is why, if this company does not flourish, it was an incredible waste. I can't let that happen. I can't. And you know what, Victoria? I think you are the woman to turn this company into one of the most successful cosmetics company in the world.
(Intercom buzzes)
Victor: Yes.
Connie: Your son is here.
Victor: Send him in.
Victor: Hello, Nicholas.
Adam: No, Dad, it's-- it's me.
Victor: What are you doing back?
Adam: I'm back for a lot of reasons. One of the biggest reasons is to help you get back Beauty of Nature.
Sharon: Oh, Faith looks so beautiful. Her hair's grown long.
Nick: (Laughs) Yeah, it has. I didn't know you were gonna be home from the farm already.
Sharon: Yeah, Adam decided he was ready. Um... things changed when we were at the farm. Adam changed. And I want him to move in with me at the ranch.
Nick: Uh... Sharon, uh--
Sharon: You know, he's- he's blind, Nick, and not just partial vision like before. You know, he gained some confidence when we were at the farm, but he still needs some time, some support, and I'm all he has.
Nick: (Sighs) Okay Adam's gonna move in with you. I'll just, uh, learn to deal with that.
Phyllis: I'm sorry about that. Uh, I-I-- yeah, the story is ready. It's pretty--pretty big.
Lucy: (Babbles)
Phyllis: (Sighs) I'll be-- I'll be there at the--
Daisy: Hello, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Hey, hey, sweet--
Daisy: Um, tell Grandma no-no. We wouldn't want to confuse the baby. Lucy and I are so happy together, the way we were supposed to be months ago, like you promised. But you stole my child and let me rot. Hey.
Phyllis: You have a problem with me, that's fine. Don't put that on Lucy. Don't confuse Lucy.
Daniel: Hi. Hi, Lucy.
Daisy: Hey, Lucy, look who it is. Say hi.
Daniel: I think maybe you should leave, please, for her. Can you sit down with me for a minute?
Phyllis: No, no. You're the one person who can fix this, and you won't do it.
Sharon: You don't mind Adam being here?
Nick: Obviously, I'm not thrilled about it, but you feel like you need to be there to guide Adam through this, I'm not gonna stand in your way.
Sharon: And what about Faith?
Nick: I do not want her living with you while he is there.
Sharon: But during the day, he's not there.
Nick: Sharon, as far as I'm concerned, the more time you and Faith spend together, the better.
(Cell phone rings)
Nick: Excuse me. Hey, Daniel, what's up?
Daniel: Mom just saw Lucy and Daisy. It wasn't good.
Nick: Okay, uh, I'm on my way. Phyllis needs me.
Sharon: Okay. Oh, well, I can stay here until Amy gets here.
Nick: Okay, thanks.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Nick: Look, Sharon, I know you think Adam's changed, but you need to be careful, for your sake and Faith's.
Sharon: He has changed, Nick, and you're going to see it soon. Everyone will.
Adam: It's my fault that Newman no longer has Beauty of Nature. I have to do what I can to help you get it back.
Victor: And I am supposed to believe you're sincere?
Adam: No. No, you're not. It's one of life's great ironies. I can't see anything anymore. But I can see the kind of guy that I was-- not a lot to be proud of. I spent a lot of time, a lot of energy, blaming you for that. It's not right. This is on me. Mom raised me the right way, and I just turned my back on all that.
Victor: Your mother was the reason that I got you out of prison. I invited you into my home. You betrayed me, betrayed your mother. You tortured Ashley and a lot of other people who were trying to help you.
Adam: It's all true. All I can say is that if I could go back, do things differently, I would... but I can't. I know that you bought Mom's farm. I know that it was your suggestion to send me out there. Sharon told me. I wanted to thank you for that. I realized I was a waste of air, but I don't have to be that kind of guy anymore. It sounds like B.S., I know, but I am going to do everything I can to make things right as best I can.
Victor: (Breathes deeply) Do you know the kind of pain you have caused? All the people around you? I'm your father. I admired your mother. I respected her. She loved you more than anything, no matter what you did. But enough of that. How did things go at the farm?
Adam: You heard about the fire?
Victor: Yeah. I thought there was a lightning strike or something, the insurance company tells me.
Adam: Yes.
Victor: How was it contained?
Adam: I put it out.
Victor: You put it out?
Adam: Yeah, I was-- I was alone, and, um, Sharon had run into town to the store, to get some stuff, and the storm hit. Emergency units were out putting out other fires, dealing with the storm. I'll tell you, I was-- I was scared as hell, but I knew if I turned my back on it, I... everything might burn down, and I'd just lose that last-- that last piece of Mom that's out there, and, uh, I didn't want that. I know you wouldn't want that. Dad, we both loved her very much. Maybe that can be enough.
Victor: Enough, huh?
Adam: To find something between you and me worth saving.
Avery: (Sighs) I set her free, Michael. I looked at Daisy and I saw what I wanted to see-- a victim, a sweet young girl that Phyllis had abandoned.
Michael: Oh! Not quite. (Clears throat)
Avery: You were right. You were right. This was all about Phyllis and me, wanting to prove to her that I could win, prove to her that I could hurt her like she hurt me.
Michael: You know, um, we've only been on the same team for a couple of hours now, so, uh, that doesn't exactly make us confidants.
Avery: I know that, but you're Phyllis' friend, and if I can't apologize to her, I can say it to you. And yes, I know that that's not enough, but Lucy has been taken from a decent, loving home, and Phyllis had to watch, and, Michael, it’s all my fault.
Daisy: Oh, come on.
(Door closes)
Daisy: (Sighs)
Ricky: Didn't sound like you had any eggs in there.
Daisy: (Laughs) No, just some stuff for my daughter.
Ricky: (Sighs)
Daisy: W-we just moved in.
Ricky: Oh, yeah? Me, too.
Daisy: Into Kevin's apartment?
Ricky: Oh, I know. He, uh, he moved in with his wife. You know him?
Daisy: Yeah. He's my half bother.
Ricky: So you're Daisy Carter.
Daisy: And you are...
Ricky: Ricky Williams, and this must be Lucy. I work with Phyllis.
Daisy: Oh, so you want to drop my groceries, kick 'em down the hall? (Laughs)
Ricky: Well, let's just see if you play your music too loud and if it sucks.
Nick: Phyllis?
Phyllis: (Sobs)
Nick: Damn it. Phyllis.
Phyllis: (Sobs)
Nick: All right, okay. Come here.
Phyllis: No.
Nick: Come here. Oh, it's all right. I'm so sorry.
Phyllis: It's not gonna be okay. It's not gonna be okay.
Nick: It's gonna be okay.
Phyllis: It's never gonna be okay.
Michael: You know, we're a couple of highly skilled attorneys whose job it is to use the law to help our clients get what they want. With that power comes great responsibility.
Avery: And I exploited that power when I fought to get Daisy free.
Michael: All right, Daniel has made his position very clear. We have to find another avenue to get Lucy away from Daisy.
Avery: Will Phyllis forgive me then?
Michael: Phyllis' priority right now is Lucy. As far as you and your sister are concerned, I can say that you seem very much alike.
Avery: And she's disgusted with me, too, then.
Michael: Then let's get Lucy back where she belongs.
Phyllis: I remember what it was like being away from Daniel. Nick, for years, I was away from him. I just--I don't even know-- I don't know how-- I don't know how to do this.
Nick: Oh, come on. Listen, you don't have to worry about this. We're gonna figure it out, okay? Lucy needs you, just like Faith needs Sharon.
Phyllis: Are you--are you-- taking Faith to see Sharon?
Nick: Well, Sharon's back, and so is Adam. In fact, Sharon wants him to move in with her.
Phyllis: Are you okay with that?
Nick: She wants him in her life, and I just can't fight it anymore. I won't. I told you, I'm done saving Sharon. But after seeing what you and Lucy are going through, I don't want to be the person that does this to Sharon and Faith.
Phyllis: So you don't mind Adam being around your kid?
Nick: I told Sharon, I do not want her living with them, but Sharon has joint custody. She loves Faith, but she also loves Adam. I accept it now. I don't want to be the person that stands between them anymore.
Adam: If I could go back five years, come into town without a chip on my shoulder, hell... I think that'd change just about everything, but I can't. What I can do is choose not to be that kind of person anymore. I'm done being jealous of Nicholas and Victoria and Abby-- the time they get from you, the love, the attention, the respect. Maybe I was even... worried that they were more like you than I was. I came into town a smug bastard, and it's pretty obvious that I've hit rock bottom. All that's left for me to do is work my way back up again, as a person... as your son... as a Newman employee. I'll--you can start me off in the mailroom. (Laughs) Send me back into the washroom if you want. I'll do the grunt work, whatever it takes.
Michael: Mm, this looks ridiculous. Do you have the pa--?
Daniel: I'm in. I want to fight for custody of Lucy.
Phyllis: So you and Adam and Sharon on the same property-- are you okay with that?
Nick: Sharon thinks Adam has changed. As long as my daughter is safe, the rest is none of my business.
(Teakettle whistling)
Phyllis: Okay.
Nick: No, no, don't worry. I'll get it for you.
Phyllis: You will?
Nick: I will, hopefully.
Phyllis: (Laughs)
(Cell phone rings) (Ring)
Phyllis: Hello.
Ricky: The story's not up on the "Restless Style" site yet. Need me to hack in again?
Phyllis: Um... no, I don't, because I killed the story.
Ricky: You're kidding. This story is massive. (Sighs) We could blow Adam Newman out of the water. Blind or not, he won't have a friend or ally left in the universe.
Phyllis: Yeah, I get it already. He'll be alone and lonely. I understand. I'm not running the story.
Ricky: Fine. Then I'll take it elsewhere let someone else get the credit for flattening the guy.
Phyllis: No, you won't. You signed a deal memo. You took a check. The story's mine, and its dead.
Genevieve: Okay, so... I have some meetings set up for us tomorrow with the heads of all the different departments, and I think that-- I think they're gonna be really encouraged to know that you're the one steering the ship.
Victoria: I'm sorry. I can't.
Genevieve: Y--what, you mean I-it's a time problem? 'Cause you're C.E.O. now. I mean, these people are gonna adjust to you.
Victoria: I can't start tomorrow. I might not be able to start at all. I'm--I'm afraid that I made this decision too quickly. You see, my family comes first, especially with so many things happening at the moment, and Beauty of Nature deserves complete devotion that I just don't feel that I can give right now. So if you need to move forward with your executive search, I completely understand, but I just cannot commit at this time.
Adam: I don't expect you to believe a word that's coming out of my mouth, but I'm telling you the truth, Dad. I just need you to give me a chance.
Victor: That's enough.
Adam: It's all--
Victor: Thank you. (Exhales deeply) You may come back. You start in the washroom or the mailroom, whatever room I assign. Got that?
Adam: I got it.
Victor: And just know I'm doing this for your mother, not for you. If you betray her by letting me down--
Adam: Not gonna happen-- no way.
Victor: All right?
Adam: Dad, there's one more thing.
Victor: What's that?
Adam: (Sighs) Well, um... Sharon--she asked me to move back on the ranch with her.
Victor: (Sighs) That's a mistake. You know that, don't you?
Adam: Mm-hmm. If you don't want me to go back there, I won't. I'll respect that, but she asked me to--to go back there with her. She wants to help me, and I-I need her, Dad.
Victor: If that's what she wants, Son, then I will not interfere, but I wonder how the-- how long it will take until you disappoint her again.
Adam: I love Sharon, Dad. Last thing I ever want to do is hurt her.
(Knock on door)
Sharon: Paul.
Paul: I heard Adam was back.
Sharon: Um, well, he's... not here right now.
Paul: Well, when you see him, you tell him I want to talk to him.
Sharon: All right.
Paul: You know, Sharon, there is something you ought to know.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sarge: You're not going home until you can do this.
Phyllis: There is no story.
Ricky: Try telling that to Paul.
Sharon: She has a fragile grasp on reality.
Paul: Oh, she remembers very clearly.
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