Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/1/12
Episode # 9855 ~ Patty Reveals a Secret
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nick: Victoria is the new C.E.O. of Beauty of Nature?
Victor: Genevieve took great pleasure in letting me know.
Nick: Well... (Sighs) What's done is done. We need to move on.
Victor: You think I'm just gonna let this go? Think again.
Sharon: Mm. What time is it?
Adam: Uh... I can't see the clock, silly.
Sharon: (Chuckles)
Adam: But, um, I would guess it's pretty early in the morning. I've been awake for a while.
Sharon: Are you okay?
Adam: I haven't been this... this good in a long time. I mean, it's almost like... hey, what's this on your hand?
Sharon: (Laughs) It's the ring. I'm wearing it. And it doesn't mean that, you know, we're engaged, if that's what you're thinking.
Adam: No, I-- I know you're not ready for that. I--that's not what that was about. I just--it was my mom's ring, and I want... it should be on your finger. You're the only woman who should be wearing that ring.
Sharon: I really appreciate that.
Adam: (Vibrates lips) Honest to God, Sharon...I feel like I woke up yesterday a different person than I am today. I... it's hard to describe. I...
Sharon: Try.
Ricky: Aunt Patty, you can trust me. I won't breathe a word. So now who is this devil/angel? What's his name?
Patty: Adam Newman. He--he's the one who helped me escape from the institution.
Ricky: Time to get it on tape.
Ricky: (Clears throat)
Paul: What the hell do you think you're doing?
Ricky: (Exhales slowly)
Ashley: Well, please give my love to Devon. I love you, too, Sweetheart. I'll see you soon. Bye. Hi there.
Traci: Hey. How's everything in Dallas?
Ashley: Well, everybody's very hopeful about the surgery.
Traci: (Sighs) Devon is such a wonderful kid. I-I hope everything goes great for him.
Ashley: I know. I know, we all do. I wish you weren't going back to New York, Trace.
Traci: I'm a little worried about leaving Jack like this, but I know he's in good hands.
Ashley: I wish I could say that the next time you see him, he's gonna be all better.
Traci: You don't believe that could happen?
Ashley: Traci, he thinks he's gonna walk again.
Traci: And he may be devastated when he finally realizes that may not happen. He's already facing so much work just to be able to take care of himself, never mind looking at a full recovery.
Ashley: Did he tell you that he switched physical therapists?
Traci: No. Already?
Ashley: Yeah.
Traci: Why?
Ashley: Well, he found somebody who, I guess, is extremely tough, but can get results when nobody else can. Jack wants somebody that at least believes he has a shot.
Traci: Well, a little bit of hope is an incredible motivator.
Ashley: Yeah, that's true, unless it's false hope.
Jack: (Grunting) Oh, I never thought I'd have to learn to sit up again.
Sarge: (Grunting)
Jack: I feel like a baby.
Sarge: Yeah, well, if you want to get out of bed without help, this is step number one. All right, listen. I'm gonna let you go, but I'll be right here to catch you, okay?
Jack: (Grunts)
Sarge: Are you ready?
Jack: Uh-huh.
Sarge: Okay.
Jack: (Grunting)
Sarge: All right.
Jack: Ohh. Why don't you just let me fall? That way, you can prove your point.
Sarge: (Sighs) It's too much paperwork. Now are you ready to do this, or what?
Jack: I am trying.
Sarge: No, you are not trying, all right?
Jack: (Breathing heavily)
Sarge: Now I'm not gonna work at this harder than you are. Now focus! Here we go again. Taking my hands away. Are you ready?
Jack: Yeah. (Grunting) (Groans) My abs hate you.
Sarge: Yeah, well, I want all of you to hate me.
Jack: (Groans)
Sarge: You know, that way, we know we're making progress.
Jack: (Breathing heavily)
Sarge: Not bad... for your first time, especially for someone who claims to be in better shape than he actually is.
Jack: Gee, thanks.
Sarge: Yeah.
Jack: (Breathing heavily) Ah. They're looking at me-- that guy whose ex-wife shot him. I'm sure you've heard all about that. It's been in the press plenty the last couple weeks.
Sarge: Whatever. Come on, warm-up's over. Let's get back to work. Come on.
Jack: I'm sure the dark part of Patty is hoping I'll never walk again. Guess what, Patty? You're not gonna get your wish. (Groaning)
Sarge: There we go.
Jack: (Grunting)
[Phyllis remembering]
Phyllis: (Gasps) Oh, look at you. Who's the most adorable girl in the world? Who is the most adorable? Who's a pretty girl? Who's my pretty girl, huh? Who's my bright girl? Oh, my sweet... (Kisses Lucy) My pretty, pretty girl.
Summer: Is Lucy back yet?
Phyllis: Remember how I told you that, uh, she was gonna go away for now?
Summer: And maybe forever? Will I at least get to see her sometimes?
Phyllis: I don't have the answer for that, Baby.
Nick: Look, Dad, I just don't have time to dwell on this right now. Phyllis is in a lot of pain. She really needs me.
Victor: I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?
Nick: Well, for starters, her dad just passed away. She went to see him just before he died. While she was gone, Daisy gets released from prison. I mean, no one saw this coming. The first thing she does-- she goes to a judge and gets Lucy back. This is absolutely killing Phyllis.
Victor: And I'm very sorry to hear that, but, Son, I need you, too, you know? You're the only one who can talk reason into your sister.
Nick: (Sighs)
Victor: I mean, Beauty of Nature belongs to Newman. You know that.
Nick: I know, but you're not hearing me. I just--I can't do this right now. I gotta be with Phyllis.
Victor: Let's talk about it later, all right?
Nick: Okay.
Victor: Connie, get me Michael Baldwin, please.
Patty: What visitor?
(Door opens)
Paul: You made a request to see Patty, when I made it very clear I didn't want you anywhere near her?
Ricky: I thought it was a temporary request, because she needed some time to adjust. I didn't realize it was an edict that would last forever.
Paul: You want to tell me why you wanted to see her?
Ricky: So now I need a reason to see my own aunt, find out how she's doing?
Paul: I just have trouble believing you.
Adam: After the doctors told me that I would probably never see again, coming back here felt like a... I don't know, it felt like a defeat at first. I felt like I couldn't have a normal life again after what-- what Patty did to me. Well, but--but then I-- I-I mean, I-I-- I started doing things that--that my mom did around here, you know? I'd...take care of the horses, work on that fence, you know? Things that-- things that she used to do that--that I would take for granted. I mean, who cares if my mom was blind or not? I... (Sighs)
Sharon: I could tell that was giving you a lot of confidence.
Adam: Yeah, I--and it was nothing like last night.
Sharon: I can't believe you found the courage to do that.
Adam: Well, I can't believe I-I did, either. I just-- I don't know how I... look, all I know is I-I just kept thinking I can't have that fire spread. I have to put that fire out. It'll--if it spreads to the house, then everything is gone, and I just...
Sharon: Your mom would have been really proud of you.
Adam: My mom is all around here. If I'm just sitting in her favorite chair, or if I'm... fixing something to eat in the kitchen, or walking on those creaky stairs, I... you know, she, uh, she and I used to have this--this tradition. Every Christmas, we would make cookies together. We would decorate the cookies. I swear... sometimes, I can still smell those cookies. I don't know what I would have done if I lost this house.
Sharon: It's still here. You're still here, and I doubt any sighted person could have done a better job.
Adam: See, that-- that's exactly what I'm talking about. I feel like-- I--that--that's it. That's why I've been awake half the night. I... I-I-I-I realized something. You know what I-- what I realized?
Sharon: What?
Adam: I thought I gave up on myself back at the hospital. I... the truth is, I gave up on myself a long time ago, a long time ago. I wasn't the person that my mother thought I could be or should be. I just--it was like those values didn't apply on Wall Street or at Newman, and--and things just snowballed from there. And--and last night, I... it just hit me, it just--it just... (Snaps fingers) Hit me. That man is still here. He's here. He's right here. I'm so grateful that you brought me back to this place. (Sighs) I think I can handle anything that comes my way when we go back home to Genoa City.
Victoria: I have some news.
Victor: If it's about you having taken a job at Beauty of Nature, I've already been told.
Victoria: As C.E.O. I assume that Genevieve told you.
Victor: And I hope you have come here now to tell me that you have reconsidered, that you won't betray me by working for a company that's rightfully mine.
Victoria: No. I came to tell you that I'm taking it. You know how I feel about Beauty of Nature--
Victor: Stop.
Victoria: It's always been my baby.
Victor: Stop it! You and I know it's not about the damn company. It's about me.
Ricky: So now you're calling me a liar?
Paul: You know, I really don't want to think the worst of you, Ricky, but you lied about Patty before, and then you wrote that disgusting article about her shooting Jack, so Lord only knows why you want to see her now.
Ricky: But of course, it'd have to be something terrible, right? Because you know me so well. Isn't that right, Dad? Whenever I needed you growing up, there you'd be, ready to dish out the fatherly advice.
Paul: Whatever my failings are as a father, I'm not gonna let you hurt Patty again. I've spoken with the warden, and your visit has been revoked. I'm going in your place. But first, I needed to look in your eyes and see how you would explain yourself. I guess I have my answer.
Ricky: It doesn't matter. I have everything I need.
Phyllis: You didn't have to come over.
Nick: Like you could keep me away. When you called and told me that Daisy had the cops come and take Lucy from you, not even a day after she got out of prison...
Phyllis: She stood there all smug, waving the court order in my face. (Sighs) I was so-- felt completely helpless. I didn't know what to do. I mean, I begged her not to take Lucy. I begged her. If Lucy wasn't here, I would have gotten on my knees, honestly. She wouldn't let me say good-bye... (Voice breaking) She wouldn't let me say good-bye. What if I never see Lucy again?
Nick: Come here.
Ashley: Hi, Honey. Here's your coffee.
Traci: Thanks. Ashley, have you heard anything more about Patty Williams?
Ashley: No. Why are you asking about her right now?
Traci: Not a day goes by when I don't look up and expect to see Colleen. (Voice breaks) (Sniffles) No one is ever gonna be able to bring me back my daughter, and Patty Williams is the one who took her away, and she tried to take Jack away, too. How much more pain is she gonna bring this family?
Ashley: It'll be okay.
Traci: (Sobs)
Jack: (Grunting)
Sarge: Down you go.
Jack: (Grunts)
Sarge: All right. Tomorrow we start on the fun stuff.
Jack: Oh, jeez, I'm almost afraid to ask.
Sarge: You know what "Fear" stands for? "Failure expected and received."
Jack: So what does that mean? I'm gonna fail at walking?
Sarge: You just work your ass off and don't give up. You let the future take care of itself.
Jack: You know, when I met you, you bragged that you could get results no one else could. That just a lot of hot air?
Sarge: You don't send a soldier from the recruitment office out into battle. You ever hear of boot camp?
Jack: Yeah, I've heard of boot camp. I've lived through boot camp.
Sarge: Were you deployed?
Jack: Vietnam. End of story.
Sarge: Well, you sure like skipping to the end of things, don't you?
Jack: And you sure like avoiding the end, don't you?
Sarge: If you want somebody to predict the outcome for you, you need to find yourself a fortune-teller. We're done here.
Jack: My doctor said if the bullet had been 1 inch this way, I'd be dead by now. 1 inch the other way, I might be walking right now. Believe me, I'm grateful I'm alive, but I don't want to live my life this way, and I'm not going to.
Adam: Thank you for the update. I appreciate it. All right, bye.
Sharon: Who was that?
Adam: Uh, it was the, um, the old carpenter that my mom used to use. He said the damage on the--the barn wasn't as extensive as we thought. He could repair it without me needing to be around.
Sharon: Huh. Adam, are you sure that going back is the best idea right now? I mean, you know where everything is here. You've gotten very adept at getting around.
Adam: I'm ready for my next challenge.
Sharon: Does that include dealing with the people who might not be so happy that you're back?
Phyllis: Thank you for coming. I'm doing--I'm doing better now. I'm fine.
Nick: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: I can get through the day. I know you're busy.
Nick: Nah, don't worry about that. I cleared the decks. So I'm all yours, and I'm not going anywhere unless you tell me to leave.
Phyllis: You're a good friend.
Nick: "Friend." Huh. You know, about that--
Phyllis: You don't want to be my friend?
Nick: Don't you think we're past that now?
Phyllis: I don't know. Are we?
Nick: We love each other, and we're better together than we are apart. I know that. So I say we give this another shot.
Victoria: You know, it really is just so typical. I come here to tell you what my plan is so that you won't be blindsided, and you make it about yourself, just like you always do.
Victor: Victoria, listen. Are you gonna stand there and tell me that you didn't take this job with Genevieve Atkinson to get a reaction out of me?
Victoria: I said what I came to say.
Victor: And how do you think that useless husband of yours will react when he finds out that you took a job with Genevieve Atkinson...
Victoria: Ohh...
Victor: The woman who screwed over his brother?
Victoria: You know, Dad, I am sure that I will be able to make everybody understand.
Victor: Of course you will, because everyone already understands you did this to hurt me.
Victoria: Do you want to have this out? Do you really want me to tell you what I think of you? Fine. I will.
Victor: Yes, Sweetheart. Let's have this out, all right?
Paul: Hi, Patty. Patty Cakes. It's me, Paul. Hi.
Patty: Pauly!
Paul: (Laughs) Ohh.
Patty: I'm so glad you came.
Paul: I told you I'd come visit, remember?
Patty: Yeah. Do you want to sing our favorite songs?
Paul: You know, there's something, uh, I would much rather do. I need to talk to you about something very, very important, okay? Is that okay? Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
Patty: Sure.
Adam: I have the same concerns as you, Sharon. I don't expect the good citizens of Genoa City to... accept me back with open arms and forgive and forget, just because I'm blind. You need to be with Faith, and I need to be with you. I want a do-over. I want to get to town this time, unlike the last, without any hint of bitterness or resentment. After what happened last night, I-I see the world in a whole different way. I just want to make my mom proud, and I want to make you proud.
Sharon: You already have.
Nick: Maybe this is a terrible time for you to be talking about this, but maybe it's the perfect time.
Phyllis: I think you just like me right now because I'm needy.
Nick: I don't think you're needy.
Phyllis: (Voice breaking) I'm the strongest person in the world, right? (Normal voice) You always tell me that, that I'm the strongest woman you know. (Sighs) Okay, so, um... how do we do this? You know, if you... are with me again, are you really? I mean, what if, God forbid, Sharon needs you? Will you have to run to her right away? Or--or--or what if-- what if Avery accidentally, you know, unbuttons her top button on her blouse and accidentally slips into your bed and you just can't resist? What do we do then?
Nick: You know, earlier, I was with Avery and I was telling her off about what she did to you and Lucy. And the entire time, all I was thinking was, what a mistake it was ever getting involved with her. It was so wrong, and I'm sorry it happened. Phyllis, I'm even sorrier that I ever hurt you.
Phyllis: Yeah. Thank you. The thing with Avery was very upsetting, but, you know... it was your feelings for Sharon that ended our marriage. I mean, I'm the strong one... and she's the fragile one, right? So you always had to abandon me to go save her, 'cause she's so fragile. I'm not gonna be abandoned again. I'm not doing that. There's no way. Those days are over, Nick. They're over. So if, uh, that's gonna happen again, you can just save us both a lot of pain and trouble and just... walk away.
Nick: Sharon and I are over. All that stuff that made me keep going back to her-- I can't even feel it anymore. Honestly, it's like it happened to a completely different person. You are all I want. I'm ready to make a commitment... 100%. I mean that. And I hope you are, too.
Ashley: Our brother speaks very highly of you.
Jack: I told Ash you were a cranky S.O.B...
Ashley: (Chuckles)
Jack: But that you were good at what you did.
Sarge: Well, he speaks the truth.
Traci: Sarge, it was very nice to meet you.
Sarge: Likewise. Ladies.
Traci: Beats you up pretty good, huh?
Jack: Oh, Boy, you have no idea.
Traci: (Laughs)
Ashley: Um, I have a couple calls to make, so I think I'll... I'll leave for a minute, okay? You guys can have a chance to say good-bye.
Jack: Yeah.
Traci: Okay.
Ashley: Okay, I'll be back.
Traci: So you have to promise me, Jack, that you're gonna come and see me just as soon as you're feeling a little stronger.
Jack: Oh, I would love that. I love New York.
Traci: (Laughs)
Jack: You know, I once walked from Battery Park, up Fifth Avenue, all the way to 82nd Street. Beautiful spring day. Sat on the steps of the Met, ate a hot dog, and was ready for more-- walking, that is, not hot dog.
Traci: (Laughs)
Jack: I'm gonna get a place in New York one day. I liked it. Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Traci: (Sniffles)
Jack: Hey, those are tears. What's going on?
Traci: (Inhales shakily)
Jack: Trace?
Traci: God, I... I-I hate her.
Jack: Wait, wait, wait. You hate who?
Traci: (Sniffles) (Sobbing) First, she kills Colleen, and then she tries to kill you and puts you in this chair. I hate Patty Williams. I hate Patty, and I will always hate her. (Sobbing)
Paul: Patty... do you remember my son Ricky from the night he found you in Todd's church?
Patty: Hmm. I don't think that boy was very nice.
Paul: (Sighs) Do you remember what you were talking about?
Patty: Um... he wanted to know how I got out of the hospital, how I got free that last time.
Paul: How--how did you get free?
Patty: Well, like I told him, it was because of that man.
Paul: What man?
Patty: The man that was good and bad. He showed me a way out.
Victoria: You make me sick-- contacting Chelsea and telling her if she breaks up Billy and me, there was some bonus in it for her. It's disgusting and wrong, and you know it.
Victor: I had nothing to do with that. Billy Abbott is not worthy of you.
Victoria: Don't say it. Don't say that you did it for me, because you didn't do it for me, and you didn't lie to Mom's face for me, either! You did it for you, because you want to control me. You don't care if you destroy my life, but you know what? I'm not gonna let you. I'm not gonna let you do it. Your plan, Dad, your big, fancy plan-- it backfired, big-time.
Victor: What are you talking about?
Victoria: Chelsea. She signed over parental rights to Billy and me. So as soon as Billy's son is born, I'm going to be adopting him and we're gonna be a family. So thanks to you, Dad, Billy and I are more solid than ever.
Victor: You're making a huge mistake, my dear-- a huge mistake.
Victoria: Oh, yeah, of course you would say that I'm making a mistake. Not that I really care, because I'm gonna be too busy raising Billy's son and running Beauty of Nature, very far away from you.
Victor: We are done here.
Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, believe me, we are so much more than done.
Victor: Mnh-mnh, we are not done at all.
Ashley: Hi there. Excuse me.
Sarge: Is there something I can do for you?
Ashley: Well, I was wondering about my brother. He seems to have gotten it in his head that you can make him walk again. Is he right to believe that?
Sarge: Do I look like God to you? What I can do is give Jack the tools that might allow him to recover, and in the meantime, do things for himself, so he won't have to depend on a full-time caregiver.
Ashley: That doesn't sound terribly encouraging, does it?
Sarge: I used to tell my patients there was always a one-in-a-million shot, and there is. Thing is, you gotta kind of be that one in a million.
Ashley: And you don't want to give him false hope?
Sarge: Well, I just ride 'em as hard as I can and hope for the best.
Ashley: And what would that be, in my brother's case?
Sarge: Ms. McCall, I will do everything I can to help your brother, but I have read up on his case and I spoke to his doctors, and for him to walk again... (Sighs) Well, let's just say, there is that one-in-a-million shot.
Jack: Patty is locked up now. She's in a secure facility. She can't hurt anyone again.
Traci: Jack, that's what they said last time, and she got out! How? How, and--and why would she do this to you? Jack, why would that horrible, sick woman try to ruin our lives again?
Patty: Pauly... (Laughs) I can't believe you haven't guessed it yet.
Paul: Well, a man that is good and bad? That--that could be a lot of people, Patty.
Patty: Oh, come on. You know who he is.
Paul: I do?
Patty: Mm-hmm. I'm talking about Adam. He's the one who showed me a way out of the hospital, Pauly.
Sharon: Okay, we are all packed, and we can leave whenever you're... ready. Um, I think I'm just gonna go warm up the car.
Adam: Thanks, Mom.
Nick: So that's a yes?
Phyllis: It's a yes.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Nick: Mm. Sorry. Sorry. Speaking of time-- oh, it's Vick. She left me a message earlier that she really needs to see me.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. Go ahead and go. I could, um, use time alone.
Nick: I'll be back.
Phyllis: I'll get the door.
(Knock on door)
Phyllis: Ah, Nick. (Laughs) Ohh.
Ricky: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Hey, Ricky. What are you doing here?
Ricky: I've got the story of a lifetime for you, Phyllis, and this time, you won't say no.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: Adam changed. I want him to move in with me at the ranch.
Michael: You've gotta claim that baby as your own.
Daisy: Hello, Phyllis.
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