Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/29/12
Episode # 9854 ~ Nikki Talks to Victor About His Deceit
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Jack: Hey, how about a little advance notice? I had to call someone to help me get into this damn chair.
Sarge: Well, that's not my problem.
Jack: And what's with the after-dinner workouts? Is it always gonna be like this?
Sarge: It's gonna be however I say it's gonna be. If you don't like it, leave, and spend the rest of your life waiting for other people to get you where you want to go.
Nikki: Oh, I'm so glad Chelsea signed those custody papers.
Victoria: Oh, me, too. Mom, I am so happy. (Laughs) Oh. You're not happy. Do you want to tell me why you walked out on Dad?
Nikki: Well, essentially, I asked him a direct question and he lied me.
Victoria: Was the question about Billy and me?
Nikki: He finally told me that he was responsible for bringing Chelsea and Anita here.
Victoria: He admitted it.
Nikki: Honey, I'm so sorry, but I don't think your father will ever stop trying to end your marriage.
Victor: Everything in place? All right, I'm leaving now. Okay. Bye. Well, hello.
Genevieve: Hello.
Victor: Welcome home.
Genevieve: Thank you, Victor.
Victor: I hope you enjoyed the rest of your stay in Paris?
Genevieve: I did, but it wasn't quite as lovely as the first part.
Victor: Hmm.
Genevieve: Actually, it's sort of fitting that I should run into you.
Victor: Was I on your mind, or what?
Genevieve: Indeed.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Genevieve: I was looking forward to seeing you again.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Do you want to sell me your company?
Devon: I wish you were here, too, Honey.
Harmony: (Whispers) Roxy?
Devon: My mom says hello. She said hi.
Harmony: (Chuckles)
Devon: All right, hon, well, I will, uh, I'll give you a call after I meet with the doctors, okay? All right, I love you. Night.
Harmony: (Normal voice) Aw. (Laughs) Where are Neil and Tucker?
Devon: Um, I don't know. I guess they'll, uh be here soon.
Harmony: Uh, you didn't walk over from the hotel with them?
Devon: No, I've, uh, actually been hanging out by myself, checking out Dallas, and from what I've seen, it's a pretty cool town.
Harmony: Are you real anxious-- t-too anxious to sit still, thinking about this surgery?
Devon: Yeah. Mm-hmm. It's on my mind, yeah.
Tucker: Hey, you two.
Neil: Hey, Guys.
Harmony: Tucker.
Devon: Hey.
Tucker: How's it going?
Devon: Good.
Tucker: Well, I got a nice surprise for you, if you're up for it.
Harmony: Uh, will it be a crowd?
Tucker: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, most definitely.
Harmony: Yelling, screaming?
Tucker: Maybe even fainting.
Neil: Oh, wait a minute. I thought you said this was a good surprise.
Harmony: (Laughs)
Devon: What's going on?
Tucker: The Black Keys are playing later.
Harmony: Ohh!
Devon: The Black Keys.
Tucker: Yeah. Yeah.
Devon: The Black-- I would kill to see them play. You got tickets?
Tucker: Oh, yeah.
Devon: How'd you get tickets?
Tucker: Well, the band, uh, yeah, they gave me a box.
Harmony: Ohh. (Laughs)
Tucker: We can go to the show right after dinner.
Devon: (Laughs) Ohh. I'm all over that.
Harmony: Oh, Man, it's been crazy--been forever and a day since I've been to a concert, and, Man--and the Black Keys?!
Tucker: Yeah.
Harmony: Oh, come on, now.
Tucker: All right.
Devon: Wow.
Neil: Listen, am I-- am I supposed to know who-- who the Black Keys are?
Devon: You don't know the Black Keys?
Neil: No.
Harmony: Oh, Granddaddy Neil. Now I will explain all the new tunes that are goin' on now. This is called rock.
Devon: Yeah.
Harmony: (Laughs)
Neil: Okay.
Devon: Like, do you turn the radio on ever? You ever listen?
Neil: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Harmony: You--you ever heard of Stevie Wonder?
Neil: Right.
Harmony: Coldplay? Jay-z?
Neil: Yeah, listen--okay, get a little tambourine, like that?
Devon: Ain't no tambourine in T.
Neil: Yeah, no, it's okay. Make fun of me all you want.
Harmony: Well, you know, it's just so cute to do that to you.
Devon: (Laughs)
Neil: (Chuckles) Really?
Devon: (Chuckles)
Harmony: Mmm, I got the munchies! You know what? I should have found out if that waiter had sweet potato pie in here.
Devon: Now why are you carbo-loading when I'm the one that's supposed to be nervous?
Harmony: Don't worry, Baby, I got you. These two are on their own.
Devon: Okay. (Chuckles)
Tucker: How are you feeling, Devon?
Devon: I'm excited, and I'm terrified.
Neil: Don't you worry. We'll be right there with you.
Devon: I know you will, like you've always been. And you guys-- Mom, thank you for doing the footwork to make this all happen, and, Tucker--
Tucker: Unh, unh, unh. No thanks necessary.
Devon: Oh, you thought I was gonna thank you?
Harmony: (Laughs)
Tucker: Ohh.
Devon: Oh, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I am saying thank you, 'cause you pulled strings like no one else.
Neil: You know, I never thought that I would see this day. When you first lost your hearing, we were all so devastated about it.
Devon: I know. And finding out about the cochlear implant-- that was a game-changer.
Harmony: And a huge blessing, just like this surgery's gonna be.
Devon: I hope so.
Harmony: My son-- my son. Listen, you just gonna have to quit with all of that negative thinking, okay? We are gonna claim what we want and we're gonna speak it into being. Now let's make a toast. Hot damn, I guess I was thirsty. Well, hell, we're gonna make a toast anyway.
Tucker: Mm, no, your glass is empty. Isn't that bad luck?
Neil: No, not necessarily for us nondrinkers.
Harmony: All right, here's to Devon getting his hearing back 100%, all the way back.
Tucker: Yeah.
Neil: Yes, and to a successful surgery.
Devon: Thank you.
(Glasses clinking)
Harmony: All right, well, let me go get that bartender to refill my soda.
Neil: Why don't you just get the waiter to serve you at the table?
Harmony: Because he's slow as molasses on a cold winter day, and I'm thirsty.
Devon: (Chuckles)
Sarge: (Sighs) Okay.
Jack: What are those?
Sarge: I thought the gunshot took out your legs only. What, you got brain damage, too?
Jack: I know they're hand weights. I don't know what you want me to do with them.
Sarge: Uh...
Jack: Okay, okay.
Sarge: Uh...
Jack: Fine, fine. After we're finished with this, we're gonna work on my legs, right?
Sarge: Nope. For now, this is all we're doing.
Jack: (Sighs)
Genevieve: That has to be a record. We were talking about, what, maybe 20 seconds before you brought up Beauty of Nature.
Victor: Seems I take your company more seriously than you do.
Genevieve: How so?
Victor: Well, you have no C.E.O.
Genevieve: I'll get to that.
Victor: Sell me your company.
Genevieve: But then I'd miss sparring with you.
Victor: Well, we could continue sparring. We could continue meeting like this, you know? Meanwhile, I could point you in a direction of different investments, less time-consuming.
Genevieve: No, I don't think so. As I said, I want to be the head of my empire.
Victor: Uh, yeah?
Genevieve: Mm-hmm
Victor: Why s that?
Genevieve: You do like being in charge, don't you?
Victor: I was born to it. How about you?
Genevieve: I thought I was born to be a loving and loyal wife.
Victor: And your ex-husband changed all that.
Genevieve: I'm grateful that my marriage provided me with the funds necessary for my corporate conquest.
Victor: How do you plan to accomplish this corporate conquest? You have no expertise. You have no experience.
Genevieve: Why are you so concerned about me?
Victor: Because I don't want you to be eaten alive.
Genevieve: By you?
Victor: (Laughs)
Genevieve (Laughs)
Victor: That a request?
Genevieve: That depends.
Victor: On what?
Genevieve: Your experience and expertise.
Genevieve: I do enjoy you, Victor.
Victor: Well, I enjoy you very much. So sell me Beauty of Nature.
Genevieve: Why are you so persistent about this?
Victor: Because I don't want to see you fail.
Genevieve: I already have, too many times, and that's why winning this one really matters to me.
Victor: I see. Okay.
Genevieve: I'm also confident that things will come together.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Well, I'm looking forward to seeing that happen.
Genevieve: Where are you rushing off to?
Victor: I have an important meeting to go to, and I can't be late. Nice seeing you again.
Genevieve: You, too.
Victor: You think about what I said.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: You know, your father thinks that he did this out of love for you.
Victoria: Wait, but how does love-- how does love figure into Dad doing his best to destroy what Billy and I have? You know, that's just-- I--that's sadistic.
Nikki: He's very protective.
Victoria: Dad said, day one, that Billy and I wouldn't work, and then he went to work stacking the deck with lies and deception, just so he could fulfill his own prophecy, Mom.
Nikki: I-I hear you, but you should talk to him.
Victoria: No! I'm done with him.
Nikki: Well... don't say that. I mean, you have felt that way before. I have, too, but there's gotta be a way of salvaging this relationship.
Victoria: (Sighs) There can't be.
Nikki: Victoria--
Victoria: There can't be, because I won't let there be seriously, what is the impact of--of walking out of Dad's life if I'm just gonna let him back in again?
Nikki: You need each other.
Victoria: No, Mom, he's the last thing that I need. Dad can't hurt me if I don't let him, so I'm through with our relationship. I'm through, for good.
Tucker: That's what I'm talkin' about. The label is sending a car over here to pick us up, take us to the show.
Devon: (Exhales slowly) (Laughs) Wow, Man, that's-- I've been doing this music thing for a little over a minute, but getting chauffeured and comped-- that's a new experience for me.
Tucker: Oh, come on, Man. You better get used to it. There are gonna be plenty more perks in your future.
Devon: 'Cause of you?
Tucker: No. Because you're making records that make money. You took an artist from beyond oblivion, put her on the billboard harts. Now why would you need a middleman when you are the man?
Devon: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I keep doing this. I keep jumping all over you for trying to help me, like when you pushed to get me in for this surgery.
Tucker: You think I'll want payback.
Devon: But you don't.
Tucker: Not from you-- for you. I want good things for you, Devon.
Devon: 'Cause I'm your son?
Tucker: Because I respect the young man who happens to be my son.
Devon: I wonder what happened to, uh, my mom and Neil.
(Music playing)
Harmony: Ooh. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Neil: Hey.
Harmony: Mm.
Neil: You got a lot of energy tonight, don't you?
Harmony: Yeah, I'm having a ball. You know, Dallas is my kind of place.
Neil: Hmm. So you've been here before?
Harmony: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Neil: Yeah?
Harmony: I'm telling you, I have missed this. I mean, steppin' out to-- to food that feeds your soul and music to get your blood pumping-- hey!
Neil: Uh-huh. (Laughs) Yeah. So you did some exploring before--before dinner, huh?
Harmony: Oh, Man, that is off the chain. That's my song. You want to dance?
Neil: Hey, who, whoa, whoa whoa, wait a minute. Where--where you goin'? Do you know people around here in Dallas? Do you have, like, connections, or what?
Harmony: What you mean?
Neil: What you mean, what I mean? Did you make some calls? Did you reach out?
Harmony: Back up. Back all the way up. You think I'm using?
Nikki: Hello, Genevieve.
Genevieve: Hello, Nikki. Nikki, have you-- uh, tell me, how's Jack?
Nikki: He's trying to make the best of an awful situation that he didn't create. Excuse me.
(Cell phone rings)
Nikki: (Sighs) Victor, I have nothing more to say.
Victor: But you can listen, can't you? I mean, why don't you come out to the ranch?
Nikki: I've just come from Victoria's, and she is furious with you, as am I, I might add.
Victor: (Sighs) What else is new? Everyone is furious with me, all right? Please let me explain my actions.
Nikki: Victor, what is the point?
Victor: Nikki, please come to the ranch.
Jack: I came here to learn to walk, not to buff up my arms.
Sarge: You need to build up your upper body strength.
Jack: My upper body strength is fine. (Breathing heavily) Listen, listen. I-I was in great shape before I got shot. Let's just skip the warm-ups and get me back on my feet again.
Sarge: And you are the expert on how that takes pace, right?
Jack: I'm just-- I'm just saying I don't have time for this injury. I got a business to run. I thought you could help me with that.
Sarge: And now you think I can't?
Jack: I am just questioning the slow pace you've established. At this point, I will be stuck in this chair forever.
Sarge: You want to move to the next level, Jack?
Jack: Yes, absolutely I'm ready.
Sarge: Okay let's move to the next level.
Jack: (Exhales slowly)
Neil: (Sighs) All right, look. I apologize for assuming that you'd been using.
Harmony: And I assume that you know where you can put that apology.
Neil: (Quietly) Can we just put this to bed before we go back to the table, please?
Harmony: If you will stop forever being on my back.
Neil: (Normal voice) Okay, I've--I've really never seen you, you know, this wired, this upbeat before.
Harmony: So what--what-- what does that add up to, me being wasted or using?
Neil: No, no, it's--no, but--
Harmony: And this ain't the first time you jumped to that.
Neil: Can you blame me?
Harmony: What, because of who I used to be?
Neil: No, because of who I used to be. I know it's a daily struggle to stay sober. Is it that much of a stretch to think that maybe, just maybe, you turned your back on sobriety because of what Devon is going through?
Harmony: I guess not.
Neil: I am really sorry that I judged you harshly, but I only did it out of concern. Are we good?
Harmony: I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you wouldn't recognize good, clean partying, 'cause you about the squarest guy I know.
Neil: What? Now--now wait, now--now that's so unfair. I mean, I--just because I don't know about your Black Peas or Black Keys or whatever they're called...
Harmony: Oh, Brother.
Neil: But you-- hey, let me give you a lesson on the Thelonious Monk, all right? 'Cause I know every song that was ever written. Check this out. (Scatting) (Imitates playing trumpet)
Harmony: Oh, oh, Brother, Man, that is sad. You are proving my point.
Neil: (Vocalizes slurred descending notes)
Harmony: (Laughs)
(Soft music playing)
Nikki: (Sighs) Unbelievable.
Nikki: Hello.
Victor: Sparkling cider.
Nikki: You think a little romantic ambience, and I'll just fall at your feet?
Victor: Well, wait a minute. I went to great lengths to put all this up. I thought it would, you know, make us less likely to fight.
Nikki: Oops. You know... (Exhales sharply) Candles... (Exhales sharply) And flowered pretty music do not make up... (Exhales sharply) For what you've done. (Exhales sharply) (Slams down votive holder)
Victor: Huh. Well, then, what will?
Nikki: (Sighs) I thought I would come over here tonight and we would have a rational conversation, but instead, it's your same old tricks. This was mistake. Sorry.
Victor: Well, so then, um... I'll tell you what you want to hear.
(Glass crunching)
Nikki: What is that?
Victor: I'm a rotten bastard.
Victoria: It's not like we didn't already know that my dad brought Chelsea here. Well, having him actually admit it-- yeah, it--it hurt, but, um... I'm okay. Okay, I love you. Bye.
(Knock on door)
Genevieve: (Chuckles) I'm guessing I'm the last person you expected to see.
Devon: You look like you want to dance, Mom.
Harmony: Well, why not?
Devon: (Chuckles) Jeez. Oh, goodness.
Tucker: (Chuckles)
Devon: There she goes.
Neil: Mmm, this is good pie.
Devon: (Chuckles)
Neil: (Chuckles) Well...
Harmony: All right, go ahead. Go ahead, laugh, Neil. Now this might not be no Thelonious monk...
Devon: (Laughs)
Harmony: Come on, now.
Neil: Oh, is that right?
Harmony: Come on, Neil.
Neil: Mm.
Harmony: Show me what you're workin' with.
Devon: (Chuckles) Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Neil can't dance. (Laughs)
Neil: You think so, huh?
Devon: Oh, I know-- I know so.
Neil: Hmm? Youngster.
Devon: What?
Neil: (Laughs)
Devon: We're in public.
Neil: This was my-- this was my era, right? Mm.
Harmony: (Laughs)
Devon: Ohh.
Harmony: I'll be damned. Neil, work your hand! Work your hand, Baby.
Devon: I have never seen my dad do this before. (Laughs)
Tucker: Well, if anybody can bring the wild child out in you, it's Harmony.
Harmony: Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Devon: Come on, Guys.
Neil: All right.
Harmony: Come on, Neil, let's go get a bunch of quarters, 'cause we gotta play some more like that. Come on, now.
Devon: Tell me something-- was she like that when you met her, back when she was chasing bands around and all that?
Tucker: Well, in some ways, she's completely different... but in others, she's exactly the same.
Sarge: (Grunts) Oh, sorry. All right.
Jack: (Breathing heavily)
Sarge: (Grunts) How's that?
Jack: Well, I don't have any feeling in my legs. Should I have a brace on or something?
Sarge: Trying to tell me how to do my job?
Jack: No, I'm just-- okay, what's next?
Sarge: So how's it feel, being upright? Are you dizzy?
Jack: Looks good up here.
Sarge: All right, you've got a good hold on those bars?
Jack: I feel like I'm back in the gym again.
Sarge: All right.
Jack: Sarge... S-Sarge, Sarge!
Sarge: All right. (Grunts) I got you, I got you.
Jack: (Breathing heavily) (Grunts) I thought I could hold myself up.
Sarge: Could it be you need more upper body strength? Huh?
Jack: Why did you let me do that?
Sarge: So you could see for yourself that you are nowhere near skipping the "Kid stuff."
Jack: You could have just told me that.
Sarge: I tried telling you. You wouldn't listen, so listen up now. You either do this my way, or we end it right now.
Jack: (Breathing deeply)
Genevieve: Is your husband home?
Victoria: Uh, no, he's not. That's actually kind of a good thing, since you're not his favorite person in the world.
Genevieve: Yeah.
Victoria: Uh, sit down.
Genevieve: Thank you.
Victoria: Is this about Jack, or...
Genevieve: No. No, it's not. But as you know, I now own Beauty of Nature.
Victoria: Yep. Um, I'm not following.
Genevieve: (Chuckles) Oh. Well, I have all kinds of ideas about how to take the company to the next level, but I don't have any of the practical knowledge of how to run a cosmetic company. That's completely new to me.
Victoria: Well, if you're asking me to be some kind of advisor, then--
Genevieve: No, no. No, you were a major player in getting the company off the ground, and you worked for Jabot, too.
Victoria: What are you asking me, Genevieve?
Genevieve: (Sighs) Victoria, since you are Victor's daughter and Jack's sister-in-law, I am well aware of the lines I'm crossing here, but, you know, I think you and I sort of had a connection long ago, before any of this awful stuff happened, you know, when Abby was going to be your spokesmodel. And unless I'm mistaken, I felt that you were impressed with my concepts.
Victoria: Honestly, I don't think that I can consult with you.
Genevieve: Oh, no, I'm not asking you to.
Victoria: Oh.
Genevieve: I want you to run the company. I want you to be C.E.O. of Beauty of Nature.
Victor: I'm selfish and controlling. What else is new? You knew that when you fell in love with me and you married me.
Nikki: Victor, I know who you are. I just need to know why you did this.
Victor: To fix things.
Nikki: To hurt Victoria.
Victor: You and I both know that Victoria is married to a loser. Billy Abbott is a loser. He's a bad man, and when he started to hurt her, I stepped in and took action.
Nikki: You blackmailed him-- bringing that pregnant woman and her horrible mother to town.
Victor: Don't you understand why I did this?
Nikki: I understand that you enjoy throwing your power around.
Victor: That power has enriched all of you-- you and our children.
Nikki: All right, yes, I-I know. That is true, and that was probably part of why fell I've with you. I also fell in love with you because I believed that in your core, you were a good man.
Victor: What do you mean, "Were"?
Nikki: I've seen less of the good in you, Victor.
Victor: Well, it's still there.
Nikki: If it is, how could you do this?
Victor: I just explained that to you.
Nikki: You know, it all goes back to the fact that I had asked you a direct question-- did you bring Chelsea and Anita to town? And you stared at my eyes, said you--
Victor: And I lied.
Nikki: So what am I supposed to do with that? A-am I supposed to overlook the fact that you lied to my face, just because I know that you can be a bastard sometimes?
Victor: Yeah.
("So are so good" playing)
I could be wrong baby, listen
Devon: (Chuckles)
Tucker: You know what the worst part of touring the country with bands always was?
Devon: I would think it'd be the bus.
Tucker: You got that right. Let me tell you, though, nobody ever minded the ride when Candy Cane was on board.
Devon: Gosh, "Candy"-- I-I can't believe my mom called herself "Candy Cane."
Tucker: She didn't take herself too seriously back then. In those close quarters, things get tense, you know? If a fight broke out, she could always shut it down with a joke or a dance. Everybody wanted to be in her orbit.
So far, so good
So far, so good
Tucker: What?
Devon: I'm just wondering, if you can remember so much, how come you didn't recognize her right away when she first showed up in Genoa City?
Tucker: I think I intentionally shut out a lot about that old life. But I gotta tell you, the more I'm around her, the more... it keeps coming back to me. Some pretty crazy memories.
Devon: Are they good or bad?
Tucker: Both. Your mom. She always loved music, though, all kinds.
So far, so good
Tucker: Hey, you know? Sometime, you gotta get her to explain to you why she believes that Pavarotti and Bob Marley were twin sons of different mothers. You gotta hear that.
Devon: Pavarotti and-- reggae and opera?
Tucker: Yes. (Laughs)
Devon: That's will. (Laughs)
Tucker: Yeah, it is. She always was a good listener, though. I remember that.
Devon: I never got to know that side of her, and it makes me sad that things took such a dark turn for her.
Tucker: Devon... you're not responsible for the choices your mother made.
Devon: But when she got pregnant with me, that's...
Tucker: Having you could have given her the strength to quit the drugs it's her fault she took a lousy path, not yours.
Harmony: Whoo!
Devon: Here they are...
Harmony: Whoo! Ahh.
Devon: Her they are. When did you turn into-- sit down, sit down.
Harmony: (Laughs)
Devon: When did you turn into the disco man?
Neil: (Clears throat) What?
Devon: Disco dare.
Neil: Hey, don't look so shocked. I may be an old married man, but I still got my moves.
Harmony: (Laughs)
Devon: Okay.
(Song ends)
Tucker: I was just telling Devon about the, uh, bad old-- I mean, uh, the good-- well, the old days.
Neil: Mm.
Tucker: (Laughs)
Harmony: (Laughs)
Devon: It sounded like you guys had a lot of fun, too.
Neil: (Exhales deeply)
Harmony: Well, you know what? The--the good old days, they were cool, but now is better. I-I really try not to look backwards. I think it's important to just know that all we have is every day from here on out.
Neil: Yeah, amen to that, and I'll get right on it, as soon as I drink a gallon of water...
Harmony: (Laughs)
Neil: And catch my breath. Can't dance, can't dance--
Devon: I'm surprised.
Tucker: You can have mine, too.
Devon: You shocked me.
Harmony: (Laughing)
Tucker: (Laughs)
Victor: I lied to you because you and I had just found our way back to each other. I didn't want anything to happen for you to walk away again.
Nikki: So you broke up with me.
Victor: If I had told you the truth about that Chelsea woman, you would have been incensed, and it turns out I was right.
Nikki: Clearly.
Victor: Nikki, wait a minute. Wait. Look at me.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victor: I love you, and I don't want to damn lose you, okay? I mean... you know who I am. I haven't changed in all these years. I doubt I can.
Nikki: Probably not.
Victor: Okay.
Nikki: So what do I do, knowing that you could do this to me again?
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: I can't stay here.
Victor: So what do you want me to do?
Nikki: What you did to Billy and Victoria is heinous.
Victor: Oh, that's one thing. We have discussed that. Let's talk about us.
Nikki: All right. There is something you could do to get me back, and I will not waver on it.
Victor: So what is it?
Nikki: When I directly ask you a question, you need to tell me the truth.
Victor: That's it?
Nikki: If you ever lie to me again, we're through no more chances.
Victor: (Sighs heavily) That goes for both of us, but I will try to honor that. I really will. Look at me. Life without you... (Sighs) It's just not the same, okay?
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victoria: That's the last thing I expected you to say.
Genevieve: Accept my offer, Victoria. You will have autonomy. I don't need to micromanage you or second-guess you. You will call the shots.
Victoria: What will you be doing?
Genevieve: Learning. You'll teach me everything I need to know about how to be the woman behind the curtain. You know, Victoria, I don't know what it was like to work for your father, but I can promise you something. I will give you the space and the respect you deserve to utilize your talents fully.
Victoria: You know, the Abbotts are my family, too.
Genevieve: Yes, and I realize that that could be problematic.
Victoria: Yeah.
Genevieve: But add to the mix that your father is still trying to regain control of the company from me.
Victoria: Why me?
Genevieve: Because I want the best possible person to represent me and to take this product into the future. I think that's you, Victoria. So what do you say? Will you come to work for me?
Victoria: (Sighs)
[Indistinct conversations]
Sarge: Give me one more.
Jack: (Grunts)
Sarge: All right, push. Come on.
Jack: (Groans)
Sarge: Do it. All right, all right. All right, good one. Let's go right into the next set.
Jack: No, I just--
Sarge: Another one before you cool down.
Jack: No, wait, wait. Can we call it quits for today?
Sarge: Hey, I thought you were in such good shape that these workouts were a breeze for you.
Jack: Okay, I will admit, I was wrong. I don't enjoy saying that.
Sarge: All right, I'm gonna let you go for tonight, okay? But you be back here tomorrow, ready to work. I don't care how sore you are.
Jack: I'll be here.
Sarge: And next time, you better work harder.
(Weight drops to floor)
Tucker: All right, car's gonna be here any minute to pick us up and take us to the show!
Harmony: Tonight's gonna be a slammin' concert, and tomorrow, Devon, you're gonna be on your way to getting all your hearing back.
Tucker: Oh, yeah.
Devon: I can't wait.
Neil: Thanks for that, Tucker. I appreciate it. Listen, I gotta call Sofia and check on Moses, all right?
Devon: I'll walk out with you.
Neil: Come on.
Tucker: Hey, hey, hey.
Harmony: Hmm?
Tucker: Did you hear what Neil said? He's gonna call his wife.
Harmony: Yeah, and?
Tucker: I know how you get when you're interested in someone, and it seems like you're acting that way with Neil. The problem is, the man is married, and his wife happens to be very, very close to me. So just a friendly warning-- don't go there.
Nikki: So I have decided to give your father a second chance, which I know sounds absolutely crazy, but we have such a long history.
Victoria: Oh. You know what? I'm not really surprised, but I'm sure that you and Dad will be able to work it out. However, I am not going to be so quick to forgive him.
Nikki: Sweetheart, can't you just try?
Victoria: It's too late for that. Mom, I have to tell you what I've done.
Victor: Well, I hope you're calling with good news.
Genevieve: I am, actually, though probably not that good for you, although I think that maybe now, you can stop trying to get me to sell back Beauty of Nature to you.
Victor: You got a better offer?
Genevieve: I got a C.E.O.
Victor: Oh, yeah? Who's that?
Genevieve: One of the people who was instrumental in building the company to begin with-- your daughter Victoria.
Next on "The Young and the Restless" --
Adam: I think I can handle anything that comes my way when we go back home to Genoa City.
Nick: We love each other, so I say we give this another shot.
Victor: Are you gonna stand there and tell me that you didn't take this job to get a reaction out of me?
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