Y&R Transcript Monday 2/27/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 2/27/12


Episode # 9852 ~ Lauren Tries to Protect Herself from Daisy

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Daniel: Hey, Mom, as soon as you get this message? (Sighs) Where's your mommy, huh? Where is your mommy? Let's try something else.

(Cell phone rings)

Nick: Hey, Daniel, what's up?

Daniel: Nick, I'm at Mom's.

Nick: Yeah, I'm on my way there now. Your mom asked me to watch Summer and Lucy tonight.

Daniel: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, she told me she had to go out of town for a little bit for some kind of assignment,

Lucy: (Fussing)

Daniel: But she's not answering her phone at all. Do you know where she is?

Phyllis: You admit it. You admit that you cheated all of those people out of their life savings. You admit that.

George: I saw an opportunity, and I grabbed it. That's business.

Phyllis: They trusted you.

George: (Scoffs) Like an investment, you take a risk. They ended up on the losing side, Phyllis.

Phyllis: You're not sorry for what you did. Even now, you're not sorry for what you did to them or me.

George: Why should I be?

Phyllis: This is your chance to be a decent human being...

Phyllis: But you don't want to. This is your chance to admit that you were wrong, and I was right.

George: I admitted I was guilty. What more do you want?

Avery: Daddy. How can you say you were guilty?

Angelina: A few of my things. There is a whole set of pink kitchenware in here. We got bowls, plates, cups, uh, even this thingy's pink. I think it's used for baking.

Kevin: Great.

Angelina: Want to help me unpack?

Kevin: Uh, later, maybe. I'm--I'm... just leave everything in the kitchen.

Angelina: You okay?

Kevin: Yeah, I just-- I just have a lot on my mind right now.

Angelina: We could talk about it, I-if you want.

Kevin: Look... we're married, right? We share this house, but that's it.

Angelina: It doesn't have to be. I know we're not together, but we could be friends, couldn't we?

Michael: Yeah, we appreciate it. Uh, one of us will come by and pick him up for school tomorrow. Yeah. Thank you, Gloria. Uh, she put double locks on the windows and doors, and Angelo has posted a guard.

Lauren: That's good. That's good. Its better that Fen is with Gloria now. He's safer there than with us.

Jill: I just can't believe that the judge reduced Daisy's sentence to time served.

Lauren: (Sighs) Yeah, none of us can.

Michael: (Tapping cell phone)

Jill: Does Phyllis know?

Michael: Oh, um, her phone goes straight to voice mail.

Lauren: And what about Kevin?

Michael: I would like to tell him in person.

Lauren: Yeah, you know, you really should, Baby, because it's--its better coming from you than someone else.

Michael: I don't want to leave you.

Lauren: I'm okay. You go.

Jill: It's all right. I'm hangin' with my sister.

Michael: (Chuckles) I won't be long.

Lauren: Okay.

Michael: All right.

Lauren: Okay, Sis, how about a drink, huh?

Jill: Boy, that sounds good.

Lauren: Yeah, doesn't it?

Jill: (Laughs) Vodka martini, please.

Lauren: Two.

Jill: (Sighs)

Lauren: And I'm buying.

Jill: No, no, no, no. I insist, I am.

Lauren: Oh, no, no, no. You're staying with me, I am buying. Here you go. Thanks. Oh, I'm so ready for this.

Jill: (Laughs)

Lauren: (Chuckles) How have you been?

Jill: I've been good.

Lauren: Good.

Daisy: Hello, Lauren.

Lauren: You stay away from me.

Angelina: Then maybe I can help you with whatever it is you're trying to figure out.

Kevin: You're not gonna like it.

Angelina: Sometimes, we'll disagree. That's okay. (Chuckles)

Kevin: I'm working on a plan to get us out of the marriage.

Angelina: Oh.

Kevin: I told you you weren't gonna like it.

Angelina: I guess I thought we could keep up the charade for a while.

Kevin: I want more out of marriage. I want more for you, too.

Angelina: I think you're best.

Kevin: That's sweet, really... but Daisy's hearing today-- it just really got me thinking.

Angelina: About what?

Kevin: Um, about how... the last time my life got this out of control, it cost Jana her life, and I cannot let anything like that happen again. I want my life back, and I am not willing to let anyone get hurt this time.

Angelina: It really shook you up, thinking about all that stuff with your ex again.

Kevin: Especially considering that the person responsible for her death could be getting released from prison soon.

Lauren: You stay out of my sight, before I do something you're gonna regret.

Daisy: I was hoping we could put this all behind us.

Lauren: You--you think I'm gonna fall for your innocent act?

Daisy: I had a lot of time in prison to think about all the horrible things I did--

Jill: Exactly what part of "Get lost" are you not getting?

Daisy: I'm free now. For your sake, you'd better get used to it.

Jill: Oh, my Lord. You were amazing, sw-- oh, you're shaking. Are you okay?

Lauren: I-I'm scared to death.

Jill: It's all right. It's okay.

Lauren: That's why I-- come here. I have this.

Jill: (Gasps) (Whispering) Oh, my God. Oh, my God!

Daniel: Come on, Nick, listen to me. This is an emergency. Daisy's out of jail.

Nick: What?

Daniel: Yeah, the nanny let her in the penthouse. Um, look, I gotta get in touch with Mom, and I gotta tell her what's going on. Where is she?

Nick: She went to see her dad.

Daniel: Wait a minute, in Connecticut?

Nick: Yeah.

Daniel: Well, I thought that she hated the guy.

Nick: I guess she just found out that, uh, that he's dying.

Daniel: Really? Um... (Chuckles) Well, she didn't tell me that. That--that's... you know, I never even got to meet the guy, Nick. How soon can you get here?

Nick: Well, I'm on my way now, but what are you gonna do?

Daniel: I'm gonna go to Connecticut.

Avery: Daddy.

George: Avery. I didn't know you were here.

Phyllis: Of course you didn't. You never would have admitted the truth if she was here.

Avery: It wasn't the truth.

Phyllis: Yes, it was. You heard him.

Avery: No, I heard him placating you. Daddy, you told Phyllis that you were guilty to make her feel better, right?

Phyllis: You admit it. Admit it, and tell her. You were rightly accused and convicted of stealing money from those people. You tell her.

Avery: Stop it. Stop it!

Phyllis: You tell her.

Avery: Daddy, you don't have to answer.

Phyllis: Tell her!

George: No, Avery, it's all right. I want to. (Sighs) That's right. I said it for Phyllis.

Phyllis: You said it for me? Did you? The daughter that you haven't seen in years?

George: You wanted peace of mind, didn't you?

Phyllis: I wanted honesty, and that's what I got. I got honesty. I got honesty, is what I got. You admitted t, and it was the truth. You made a deathbed confession, and that's--you know it was. You know it was, and so do you.

Kevin: I mean, if Daisy gets released from jail--

Angelina: Maybe she won't.

Kevin: Thanks.

Angelina: Even if she does, you did your part testifying against her. There was nothing else you could do.

Kevin: I should have done something a long time ago, before she hurt Jana and Lauren. That's when I should have stepped up.

Angelina: Nobody steps up more than you do. You married me to protect a whole lot of people.

Kevin: Oh, yeah, yeah, a real act of bravery, as opposed to, say, I don't know, standing up to your father.

Angelina: You are the bravest guy I know and if anybody says otherwise, I'll have 'em whacked.

Kevin: Please, please don't talk about whacking people.

Angelina: (Laughs) It's just an expression.

Kevin: Oh, yeah? Well, then tell that to Daddy.

Angelina: Okay, no whacking, cross my heart. I just want you to know you're really great.

Kevin: Yeah, you're okay, too. Come here.

Michael: Oh, um, I'm sorry. The door was open. I hope I'm not interrupting.

Jill: (Whispering) You bought a gun?

Lauren: I know what you're gonna say.

Jill: Yeah, that I'm worried about you.

Lauren: Well, you don't have to be. I know exactly what I'm doing. I already have a permit, and when I'm not carrying... (Whispers) The gun... (Normal voice) I'm keeping it in the safe in the office.

Jill: Oh, my God. Does Michael know about this?

Lauren: He doesn't know.

Daniel: Girls are asleep. I gotta get to the airport.

Nick: Look, Daniel--

Daniel: No, don't try and talk me out of this, Nick.

Nick: I'm not gonna do that, all right? I've been where you are, Man, when my own grandpa died. I went with my dad so I could be there for him, but I also went for myself, same as you.

Daniel: Mom shouldn't have kept this from me.

Nick: Your mom's relationship with her dad is very complicated.

Daniel: Yeah, I guess that runs in the family, doesn't it?

Nick: It's like that in all families, Buddy. Get out of here. You don't want to be late.

Daniel: It's a little weird, you know? Having to say hello and good-bye to my grandpa, all at the same time.

Phyllis: He's not gonna lie at a time like this. He's dying. You've been around enough condemned men to know that that's true. They're not gonna lie

George: Don't listen to her, Avery. She's always just tying to hurt us-- your mother, me, you.

Phyllis: Oh, my God. I was trying to save our family.

George: By tearing it apart.

Phyllis: No, you did that, Dad, you did that.

Avery: Stop it, both of you.

Phyllis: You know the truth. You know the truth.

Phyllis: Hey, Dad. You can die now. But you know what? We have to live with this. We have to live with this, but it helps me, knowing that you're gonna spend the rest of your eternity in hell.

George: Avery. Don't believe her. I just said it to... I just said it to--

Avery: Phyllis is right, Dad. People on their deathbeds are honest.

George: No.

Avery: Y-you did it. You stole from those people? You ruined their lives, and you lied about it? You made me think you were innocent, unjustly accused of a crime you didn't commit, put in jail for something you didn't do. But you did it? I turned my back on my own sister. Daddy, I became a defense attorney because of you-- champion of people who have been wrongly imprisoned, some of them for horrendous crimes. (Sobs) (Voice breaking) I worked so hard to get them free for you. Oh, my God, how many of them-- how many of them did I set free that might have been guilty, just like you?

George: Ohh, Avery--

Avery: No, no. My whole life is based on a lie-- your lie. (Sobs) Everything I did was for you-- everything. (Sobs) Does mommy know?

George: Well...

Avery: Does mommy know?

George: We never talked about it, but she had to.

Avery: (Gasps) Oh, my God. (Sniffles)

George: Avery...

Avery: (Sobs)

George: Try to understand.

Avery: No. (Sobbing) Oh, my God, no, I will never understand. (Sniffles) Mommy knew, too. (Sniffles) Mommy knew, too. They lied to me all those years. (Sniffles) They lied. They lied! (Sniffles)

Phyllis: I tried to tell you.

Avery: (Sobbing)

Avery: Phyllis. (Sniffles) Phyllis...

Phyllis: I'm done. I'm going home to my family.

Avery: (Breathing raggedly)

Angelina: Sure you don't want a beer? We got plenty.

Michael: No, I'm fine. Uh, I'm sorry about just now.

Kevin: Well, you walk in unannounced, you're bound to get an eyeful.

Angelina: Lucky you didn't get here a few minutes later. (Chuckles)

Michael: (Chuckles) Well, next time, I'll ring that doorbell--hard. Angelina, would you mind if I talked to Kevin alone?

Angelina: Oh, sure, no problem. I gotta unpack. Excuse me.

Michael: Sure.

Kevin: She's something, isn't she?

Michael: We'll get to that. I have to tell you some bad news first.

Kevin: (Sighs) Daisy's being released.

Michael: Kevin, Avery gamed the system perfectly. She got Daisy's hearing moved up. I... I did not have time to prepare.

Kevin: (Exhales quickly) Well, you did your best. You always do.

Michael: Yeah, well, unfortunately, it wasn't enough.

Kevin: What happens now?

Michael: Well, we do our best to protect the people that we think Daisy might try and hurt.

Kevin: Lauren.

Michael: Top of the list.

Kevin: How is she doing?

Michael: Brave front. I'm not buying it.

Lauren: Thank you. I know what you're thinking.

Jill: Yeah, that it must be really hard keeping something this big from Michael.

Lauren: It is, but you see, in these kind of situations, he is very reasonable and logical.

Jill: Which is what makes him a great lawyer.

Lauren: And a great husband, but I don't want to be reasoned with, and I don't want to be logical when it comes to Daisy.

Jill: (Sighs) You just want to feel safe.

Lauren: If I tell him that I have the gun and that I'm scared...

Jill: I know.

Lauren: He's gonna want to fix things.

Jill: I know, and that's impossible. (Sighs) Because Daisy was released from prison by a judge and legally, there's nothing Michael can do.

Lauren: So the only way that I can make it better is to make it bearable, and that's why I've got to, uh... carry this.

Nick: What do you want?

Daisy: I'm here to see Lucy.

Nick: Not gonna happen.

Daisy: I have a legal right to see my daughter. I brought these as proof-- unrestricted visitation. I got the judge to hear my motion for custody tonight. He's ruling soon, and in the meantime...

Nick: You're not going anywhere near her.

Daisy: (Sighs) Okay. I know this is really hard for all of you, especially Phyllis, but I'm just trying to do things the nice way, the right way.

Nick: Too bad.

Daisy: We'll see about that.

Avery: Phyllis. Phyllis, wait. Wait. You have years to be angry at me, but you have to go to him now and tell him what this did to you.

Phyllis: Oh, he doesn't care, Avery.

Avery: This isn't about him. It's about you, and you need to go and you need to tell him how badly he hurt you.

George: Does this mean you're ready to listen to reason, both of you?

Avery: It's your turn to listen, Daddy. You owe Phyllis that much.

Phyllis: Avery wants me to talk to you. (Sighs) I don't know what--why were, um, why were all those material things more important than me?

George: I wanted to move us all up in the world. Maybe I went about it the wrong way. I...

Phyllis: By moving us up, you tore us apart.

George: (Sighs)

Phyllis: When I found out the truth, you told me I was... the liar. You took my family away. You took my life away you took it away. You turned Mom and Avery against me. And I had n-- oh, you look at me. I had no choice but to leave my family and go out on my own. You ruined... my life. You did this to me! You did this to me! You made me like this. You ruined my life. Oh, my God, I don't understand why. (Sniffles) I don't understand why. I have nothing more to say to you. I-I... (Sniffling) I'm glad that Avery knows what kind of man you are... (Sniffles) Finally. I'm glad.

George: Phyllis... Phyllis, don't go like this. I'm... sorry. I'm so cl... close to dying. I'm...

Phyllis: You've been dead to me for years.

Avery: Was it worth it, Daddy, making me hate her all those years... (Voice breaks) Just to protect yourself? (Sniffling) (Sighs (Sniffles) (Sobbing) (Exhales slowly) (Sniffles) (Sighs)

Kevin: Well, thank you for telling me about Daisy.

Michael: (Chuckles) That's not the only reason I came by. I want to talk to you about something-- something I have the feeling you've been avoiding.

Kevin: News to me.

Michael: Oh, come on, Kevin. You left Chloe at the altar to get married to the mob.

Kevin: Yeah, so?

Michael: You have yet to give me a plausible explanation.

Kevin: I told you the truth. You just chose not to believe it.

Michael: That you fell out of love with Chloe and you fell in love with Angelo's daughter?!

Kevin: You don't know Angie.

Michael: You don't know Angie!

Kevin: Trust me, Mikey, I am right where I want to be.

Michael: Yeah, you see? Right there, the "Trust me" part? You say that every time you've gotten yourself in trouble. Does Angelo have something on you?

Kevin: No. Haven't you heard? We're paisans. He buys me houses.

Michael: Listen. Together, we can take him. We can get you out of this.

Kevin: Look, Mike, I'm--I'm where I want to be, trust me.

Michael: Whatever you say. (Scoffs)

Kevin: Mike.

Michael: Yeah?

Kevin: (Sighs) Thank you... for caring.

Michael: (Sighs) If anything ever happened to you, I... if anything ever happened to you, I would never hear the end of it from the mouth that is our mother.

Jill: I wish I had a man in my life to keep secrets from.

Lauren: Michael and I usually don't keep secrets from each other.

Jill: (Chuckles) That's why you have a man in your life.

Lauren: I can't imagine my life without him.

Jill: Oh, my God, you're killing me. Do you realize, in the time you've been with this perfect husband of yours, I have had a con man, a playboy who dumped me just before he reforms...

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Jill: And a bigamist.

Lauren: Yeah, you don't have a lot of good luck with men.

Jill: Thank you. That's a nice way of saying "You're an idiot, Jill."

Lauren: No, no, no, no, no, no. It's Jeffrey and Tucker and Colin and... yeah, just--just Colin. They're the idiots.

Jill: All I can say is, they're damn lucky I don't have one of those in my purse.

Lauren: You've been really understanding and supportive of me having this gun, but tell me the truth-- do you think it's a mistake?

Jill: I think Daisy's a real threat, and I think that you have a right to make yourself feel safe however you choose to, and whatever that is, I support you.

Lauren: You're getting real good at this sister thing.

Jill: I am, aren't I?

Lauren: Yeah. (Chuckles)

Jill: Although I do have one piece of advice.

Lauren: Oh, I knew you would.

Jill: Tell Michael about the gun in your purse.

Lauren: I know. I will.

Jill: Sooner rather than later.

Lauren: You're not gonna say anything to him, are you?

Jill: Michael won't hear anything from me.

Michael: Anything about what?

Nick: I told you to get lost.

Daisy: I don't want any trouble. I brought someone here to make sure there isn't any.

Man: Is there a Lucy Carter here, Sir?

Nick: Yes, there is, but--

Man: This woman has a court order that allows her to see her. I'm here to enforce it.

Avery: Mom, it's me. I'm at the hospice facility. Where are you? Can you come here? We need to talk.

Woman: Avery.

Avery: Yeah?

Woman: You should be with him now.

Avery: Is it time? Have you seen my mom?

Woman: Not since I told her the end was near.

Avery: Why would she go someplace if she knew...? (Sniffles) Oh, she must not have realized--

Phyllis: Oh, for God sake, Avery... of course she realized. She doesn't care. That's Lydia. It doesn't matter to her. I mean, it's probably her final statement to George.

Avery: Oh, Mom wouldn't do that.

Phyllis: Oh, really? She wouldn't? Open your eyes. (Sighs) She knew exactly what was going on. Yeah, and Dad wouldn't steal. I--she knew. I--they're both... (Sighs) Oh, God. I-I've--I've gotta get out of here.

Avery: Phyllis, we can't let Daddy die alone.

Phyllis: Yes, I can.

Avery: I have to go in there. (Cries)

Phyllis: No, you don't.

Kevin: How long you been standing there?

Angelina: I heard some of what you were saying to Michael.

Kevin: He likes to play the role of big brother.

Angelina: He cares about you, and you care about him, too.

Kevin: Yeah, we have, uh... (Chuckles) We have an interesting relationship.

Angelina: It's nice.

Kevin: We're family.

Angelina: I'm sorry, Kevvie.

Kevin: About what?

Angelina: Coming between you and the people you love-- n-not just your brother. You're lying to your mom and your friends... Chloe. It's tearing you up.

Kevin: Well, it's for a good cause.

Angelina: Eventually, Daddy'll forget about wanting to put you in cement shoes. I guess I just thought, in the meantime, we could have fun playing house, but it's not fun, not for you, and that's not fun for me.

Kevin: I'm gonna get us out of this. I've already got some ideas.

Angelina: Tell me what to do. I want to make this right for you.

Kevin: I know. I want to make this right for both of us.

Lauren: Mm. Look, Honey. Scotch, neat, just the way you like it.

Michael: Yes, perfect. Now can you answer my question? What is it I won't hear about from Jill?

Jill: You know, Lauren and I were just talking girl talk, that's all.

Michael: Well, a wife shouldn't keep secrets from her husband.

Jill: Yeah. That's funny.

Michael: (Chuckles) It wasn't meant to be.

Lauren: Honey. Honey, it was nothing, really. It was just two sisters bonding.

Michael: (Chuckles) All right. (Sighs) You sure everything's okay?

Lauren: Yeah. Everything's fine.

Avery: (Sighs) Phyllis, please...

Phyllis: You don't have to go. You can choose. You don't have to do t, Avery.

Woman: He's gone.

Avery: Oh, my God. (Sobs) (Sniffles) Oh, my God. (Sobbing)

Phyllis: It's over.

Avery: (Sniffles)

Avery: Ohh. How will you forgive me for everything I've done to you?

Phyllis: It's... (Sighs) That's the past, Avery. It doesn't matter anymore. It's done. We don't have to hurt each other anymore.

Avery: I'm afraid it's too late for that.

Phyllis: Why?

Avery: I got Daisy released from prison.

Phyllis: What?

Avery: Today.

Phyllis: (Sighs) (sighs) You got Daisy released from prison. Oh, my God. (Sighs vehemently) (Leather coat rustles) (Sighs) I swear to you, if that psychotic freak... gets her hands on my kid, it is war with us.

Daisy: Hey. Hi, Baby.

Lucy: (Grunts)

Daisy: Mommy's back.

Daniel: Um... I'm--I'm sorry. I'm looking for my grandfather, George Summers.

Woman: I'm sorry. He just passed away. These belonged to him, if you...

Daniel: No, no, no, no. No, no, no. I think someone else should probably take those. Do you mind if I have a moment, though?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Phyllis: I'm not allowing Lucy to be raised by that psychotic criminal.

Daisy: So you're dropping me as a client 'cause suddenly, you feel guilty about screwing over your sister?

Victoria: Hi, what's wrong?

Nick: It's Lucy. She's fine, but we need to talk.

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