Y&R Transcript Friday 2/24/12

Y&R Transcript Friday 2/24/12


Episode # 9851 ~ Phyllis Asks Her Dying Father for the Truth

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

(Door closes)

Victor: Ah.

Nikki: Finally home, I see.

Victor: Yes. I wish I'd come home earlier. A lot of things you and I have to talk about.

Nikki: Yes, we do.

Victor: You're still angry. Well, then, let's talk about it. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, okay?

Victoria: So Chelsea is staying. You're sure?

Billy: She told her mom to butt out of her life right in front of me.

Victoria: (Gasps) Really?

Billy: Yeah, it's like we said... (Clears throat) She's feeling protective of the baby, and she doesn't want him growing up the way she did.

Victoria: Do you think she's willing to let us raise him?

Billy: I think she is.

Victoria: Oh, my gosh. I mean, we were so close to getting her to agree, and then Anita showed up and started screwing with her head, and--oh, thank God. Thank God she's gone.

Billy: It was a risk, kicking her out. I mean, if she had talked Chelsea into leaving with her, it would have been... but I think Chelsea is just as glad to be rid of her mother as we are, maybe even more. I--

Anita: You folks ready to order? (Chuckles)

Man: Dangerously high winds are causing scattered power outages throughout the area. Public safety officials are advising residents to stay indoors. Trust me, you do not want to be out in this weather if you don't have to be.

(Thunder crashes)

Man: The bridge spanning Beaver Creek and Decatur has been washed out. We'll be keeping an eye on this and other storm-related situations as they unfold.

(Thunder crashes)

Michael: Oh, come on.

Lauren: Voice mail?

Michael: Yeah. Um, uh, Phyllis, uh, it is imperative that you call me back. It's Michael--again. Thank you.

Lauren: All right, try Daniel now.

Michael: Okay, hold on. Yeah--oh, hey, uh, Daniel. Um, it's Michael Baldwin. I have some disturbing news, uh, a-about Daisy.

Daisy: I'm off to see my daughter.

Avery: Okay, wait, we want to be smart about this. Phyllis still has temporary custody.

Daisy: Because I requested it when I was headed to prison. Now I'm being released.

Avery: Okay, the way this works is I file a motion to have custody returned to you. Then there'll be another hearing.

Daisy: Do I even have visitation rights?

Avery: Yes, but you can't just show up at her doorstep.

Daisy: I'm sure she's expecting me.

Avery: No, Daisy, listen to me. Phyllis has no idea what happened here. If she had, she would have been here fighting with everything she's got.

Phyllis: I heard you were sick.

George: You heard I was dying.

Phyllis: Yes.

George: Came to see for yourself? Well? What?

Phyllis: Uh, this was a mistake.

Daisy: (Chuckles) You deprived me of a mother, Lauren. Not my daughter.

Michael: Don't let her suck you in.

Lauren: We--

Michael: We're gonna do everything we can.

Lauren: We cannot let this happen. You let her loose on this town, and everything that she does from now on is on your head.

Billy: Aren't you supposed to be on your way out of town?

Anita: I explained the circumstances to Gloria, and she was kind enough to offer me a job. That way, I won't have to leave town just when I'm about to welcome my very first grandchild into the world.

Victoria: You know, your daughter is not very pleased with you at the moment.

Anita: Oh, you know how it is when you're pregnant. The least little thing can set you off, but she's going to need me, and when she does, I'll be right here... (Thumps table emphatically) Not like some folks who think nothing of abandoning their family. I'm not that kind. Now what will you have? Hmm?

Billy: Could you give us a moment, please?

Anita: Oh, take your time.

Victoria: (Sighs) Not good.

Billy: Mnh-mnh. Not good, not good, but look, Chelsea has committed to us raising his child. She signed the papers. She's signing away her parental rights.

Victoria: Those are promises. You know what Paul said. We can only trust what they do, and even if Chelsea meant it, with Anita working on her, all bets are off, Billy.

Billy: You know, I could kill your father for bringing Anita here in the first place.

Victoria: Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think my mother's gonna take care of that for you.

Nikki: Must be pretty awful, what you have to say to me, the way you're stalling.

Victor: You had too much time to think about all this. I told you not to jump to conclusions.

Nikki: Well, then, go ahead and enlighten me. How involved are you in this mess with Billy and Chelsea?

Victor: What do you want to know?

Nikki: Did you send Chelsea to Myanmar to seduce your daughter's husband? Is that what you did?

Victor: Of course-- of course I didn't. No, okay? I didn't give a damn where Billy Abbott was. I couldn't have cared less, but when Delia got sick, I found out where he was in Myanmar. I went there and found him rotting in a prison.

Nikki: And that's where you discovered Chelsea, and you kept in touch with her in case you might need her later, right?

Victor: I knew I couldn't trust Billy Abbott to stay away from Victoria.

Nikki: Victoria is a grown woman. She can make her own decisions.

Victor: She is delusional. She needs to face reality.

Nikki: So you brought Chelsea and Anita to town.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: And you told me that you had nothing to do with them.

Victor: Yeah. How Chelsea got into town is immaterial, okay?

Nikki: Really?

Victor: Yep.

Nikki: Immaterial?

Victor: You bet.

Nikki: If it's so immaterial, why did you feel the need to lie to my face? You know, at least Billy has the integrity to be honest with his wife.

Victor: What the hell are you talking about? Integrity? He abandoned his wife and his daughter, and he got a strange woman pregnant, and you talk about integrity?

Nikki: Look, whatever he did, it doesn't justify you meddling with them--

Victor: You're damn right it justifies it! If keeping my daughter away from that scum. She needs to know who he is. I don't apologize for a damn thing.

Nikki: Yes, I know that.

Victor: Cheers.

Daniel: Kim! Hey, Kim, are you here? Oh, good. You didn't answer your phone, and I thought may--

Avery: Thank you, yes, we are very happy with the ruling. No, I don't think there'll be a press conference. Ms. Carter is eager to get back to her private life. You're welcome.

Lauren: I can't believe you're just so blasé.

Avery: Lauren given what you've endured, I-I understand why you have no compassion for Daisy.

Lauren: Compassion?

Avery: You saw the video. Sarah tortured her emotionally, probably from infancy.

Michael: What a lovely family tradition to hand on to your own niece.

Avery: No, I got to know Daisy trough all this. She adores her daughter.

Lauren: You don't get it. I befriended her. I gave her a job. I brought her into our home. And believe me, I didn't know who she really was. This is what I'm trying to tell you, but you are not listening, and now you want to hand her this--this new victim who's utterly defenseless?

Avery: Daisy deserves a chance to redeem herself, to end the cycle of abuse.

Lauren: Oh, my God. Oh, my-- I can't--I can't even listen to this. You know what? You mark my words, Avery. You're gonna hate yourself for what you've done today.

Michael: Lauren.

Michael: Well, all your childhood wounds healed? Feeling better?

Avery: Okay, I know that you think that I took on Daisy's case because of my issues with Phyllis.

Michael: Oh, she tore your family apart. That's how you felt, so you're paying her back.

Avery: No, Phyllis brought this on herself. She didn't have to make an enemy out of Daisy. She didn't have to be cruel to Daisy.

Michael: And your personal feelings have nothing to do with it!

Avery: When you treat people like this, there are consequences. (Sighs) Where is my sister, anyway? Why haven't you been able to reach her?

Michael: She's in Connecticut with your father.

Phyllis: I'm-- I'm the bad guy? I'm the villain? I'm still the villain? I... I forced you to rip all those people off?

George: I didn't rip off anybody. I had--

Phyllis: You stole from them.

George: I had investments lined up and loans in place. I could've repaid the money that was lost in the market.

Phyllis: It--it was not lost. You took what wasn't yours.

George: No, no, no, it's not me. It was those other two.

Phyllis: You siphoned it off and put it in your own--those other--they were exonerated.

George: No, they made a deal with the D.A. They threw me under the bus to save themselves.

Phyllis: I heard you. I heard you. I heard you, uh, talking to the bank and putting money in your account.

George: You don't know what you heard. You were a kid listening on the other phone, had no concept of what a financial world is.

Phyllis: I called the police. I turned you in. I turned you in!

George: You shouldn't have called the police. You should have come to me.

Phyllis: I came to you. You lied like you're doing now.

George: (Sighs) You wanted to believe I was guilty.

Phyllis: I didn't want to believe that.

George: Sure, you did. You wanted me out of that house. You wanted to run wild, which you were already doing.

Phyllis: This is insane.

George: Look, you--

Phyllis: I didn't want a con man for a father. My mother hated me, and my sister hated me. You think I wanted that? You think I wanted to be shunned by my entire family? I knew what it meant when I told the truth. I knew what that meant. You made me do that. I was a child. I was completely unprepared to do that, and you made me do that.

George: Playing the victim! After all this time, you're still doing it.

Phyllis: I'm not a victim.

George: Huh.

Phyllis: Ohh. I stopped being a victim the minute I walked out your door.

(Horses whinnying)

Adam: (Coughing) What the hell? (Sniffs) (Coughing) Smoke. Oh, my God. The barn is on fire. (Coughing) (Grunts) Aah! (Gasping) (Coughing)

Woman: 9-1-1. What is your emergency?

Adam: There's a, uh, there's a fire a-at the Wilson farm. I-I think, uh, lightning struck the barn.

Woman: That's the Wilson farm on East Cottonwood?

Adam: (Coughs) That's right. Listen, I'm blind. I need somebody out here fast.

Woman: I can't get anyone to you immediately. All units are responding to a multicar pileup on Route 50. The road between you and them is flooded.

Adam: What? (Breathing heavily)

Nikki: You had no qualms sending me over to Victoria's to repeat your lies, essentially making me your accomplice.

Victor: I doubt very much she'll hold you responsible, if that's what you're worried about.

Nikki: That is not what I'm worried about, Victor. I thought that we were trying to rebuild our lives. I thought that was important to you.

Victor: You're damn right it's important to me. What does that have to do with the situation with Billy Abbott? Nothing.

Nikki: You don't just have a situation with Billy Abbott. You have a situation with me now, because if I can't trust you to be honest with me--

Victor: Oh, really? Let's talk about honesty. Were you open and honest with me when you married that slimeball Deacon Sharpe?

Nikki: Oh, my God, you can't compare that! I was trying to protect you and Victoria.

Victor: That's exactly what we are talking about!

Nikki: No, Victor--

Victor: No, wait a minute. Listen to me. That's exactly what I did-- everything to protect our daughter. For you to criticize that is for you to be hypocritical.

Nikki: (Scoffs) Mm.

Victoria: I'm gonna call Michael. He must be finished with the revisions to our settlement offer by now, and we need to get a copy of that to Chelsea, as well as a copy of our custody agreement by tonight.

Billy: Tonight?

Victoria: Yeah. Yes, we have to move on this, before Anita or my father, for that matter, try to find some other way to manipulate her.

Billy: Okay, all right, I just want to be careful that we're not too aggressive. We could freak Chelsea out, she could run back to Anita for advice-- not good.

Victoria: I know, and I'm not saying that we push her to sign it, okay? I mean, of course, there are gonna be things that we need to discuss. I just want to start the conversation. Listen, I think if we handle this the right way, she'll end up trusting us more, not less.

Billy: Okay, let's do it. Hmm.

Anita: Made any decisions?

Billy: Yes, we have. Excuse us.

Anita: (Sighs)

Lauren: Okay. Okay, I've called Mr. Fimbres, and he's alerting the staff and all the teachers that Fen is not allowed to go home with anybody but you or me. (Sniffles)

Michael: Okay, great. That's good. Let's not panic, though. There's no reason to think that Daisy's gonna target Fenmore.

Lauren: You wouldn't say that if you had heard her threaten him when I was in the cage.

Michael: We're safe now.

Lauren: No. No. We cannot let our guard down when it comes to Daisy. I--

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: Oh, sorry. Hold on.

Lauren: Wait, are you listening to me?

Michael: Yeah-- uh, Victoria, I'm gonna call you back in a sec. Let's go to Gloworm, get Fenmore. We'll get something to eat, all right?

Lauren: I'll meet you there.

Michael: Where are you going?

Lauren: Take your call.

Michael: Where are you going? Huh? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm here.

(Horses whinnying)

(Timber crashing)

Adam: (Coughing) (Grunts) (Coughing) (Grunting) (Breathing heavily) What am I doing wrong? God, you gotta think, Adam, think. (Breathing heavily) Mom, help me out, please. (Breathing heavily) (Sighs) Just calm down. Calm down. (Breathing heavily) There we go. There we go. There we go. I got you. I got you. (Breathing heavily) (Grunts)

Michael: (Sighs)

Billy: We really do appreciate this.

Michael: You do remember that these prenatal custody agreements-- they're not always ironclad, all right?

Victoria: I know. We understand, we do.

Billy: We're just glad to be on the right side of the law, given what happened last time.

Kim: I was talking to her at the front door, and then Lucy started crying, she had a nightmare, and she followed me in. She said she was family. I had no idea.

Daniel: You--it's fine. Everybody's fine, but from now on, you don't even open up the door for her. She's got no reason to be here.

Kim: I'm really sorry.

Daniel: It's okay. We'll see you tomorrow, all right? Yeah, right? No, you can leave now, too.

Daisy: I have every right to be here. Ask my lawyer, your aunt.

Daniel: Well, I don't give a crap what your lawyer says. I'm not letting you anywhere near her.

Daisy: (Sighs) Why do you hate me so much?

Daniel: Did you really just ask me that question?

Daisy: All those things I did... it's because of my Aunt Sarah. She threatened me. She forced me to do them.

Daniel: She forced you to drug me? She forced you to have sex with me, and to get pregnant with my kid, huh?

Daisy: She-- she influenced my thinking. She turned me into a person I-I didn't even recognize.

Daniel: Right, but now that she's gone, you've had time to deprogram yourself, and now you're the sweet and stand-up young girl that you were always supposed to be.

Daisy: Is that so hard to believe? That someone who was emotionally battered got better, and broke the cycle of abuse?

Daniel: (Chuckles) You really got the talk down, don't you? Is that what you were doing this whole time in prison-- reading psychology books, trying to figure out how to sound like a victim?

Daisy: I was a victim, but I'm not anymore, and I'm trying to prove that. I'm just trying to be a good person, be a good mother.

Daniel: Just like when you abandoned Lucy at the church?

Daisy: Yes. That was the loving thing to do. It's not like I could take care of her when I was fleeing the country.

Daniel: Can we just skip the crap here, and you get to the part where you tell me what you're really after?

Daisy: I just... I want someone to love me, and Lucy is the only one on this planet who does.

Daniel: (Scoffs) Mm-hmm.

Adam: (Coughing) (Sighs) (Grunts) (Breathing heavily) (Grunts) Come on, come on. Gotta get water pressure. Where the hell's the lever? (Sighs) Come on! (Grunts)

Adam: Go, Baby, go. (Breathing heavily) I hope it's enough pressure. Oh, God, I hope it's enough. (Coughs)

Billy: Hey.

Chelsea: Hey.

Billy: Have a seat. So... I've been filling Victoria in on our discussion.

Chelsea: Ah. You must be thrilled.

Victoria: I'm-- I'm just impressed. I mean, you're under a huge amount of pressure to use this baby, but instead, you made the best decision for him.

Billy: And I meant what I said earlier-- you're not gonna be left out in the cold. We're gonna make sure that we can get you on your feet, make it to where you never have to depend on anyone, like Anita, or anyone else like her, ever again.

Chelsea: I thought you were morally opposed to paying me off.

Victoria: No, it's-- it's not a payoff. I mean, it's not like we want to write you a check and say good-bye to you. We want to take an interest in your life and your goals, and--and helping you achieve them.

Billy: I'll tell you what it is. I want to be able to tell my son, when he asks, that his mom is doing great and he could be proud of her. We have some documents here. This one outlines the financial assistance we're willing to provide, and this one, when you sign it, will terminate your parental rights.

Daniel: You think that Lucy loves you?

Daisy: I gave birth to her.

Daniel: (Chuckles) Sheila gave birth to you.

Daisy: I carried her inside me for months, talked to her. I sang to her. I told her how much she meant to me.

Daniel: What are you gonna-- what--what, do you think you have some kind of psychic bond with her? You get a bond with a child by holding that child when they cry, or by feeding them or by changing their diapers at 2:00 in the morning.

Daisy: What do you know about that?

Daniel: That's not the point. The point is, what have-- what have you been around here, a whole total of, like, ten hours now? She doesn't even recognize you.

Daisy: It wouldn't be that way if Phyllis hadn't tricked me into giving her custody.

Daniel: Okay, you know what? You didn't want custody. You wanted to get you of trouble with the law. That's why you came back here. That's why you made a deal. For you, Lucy has always been a means to the end, and there's no doubt in my mind that's what she still is.

Daisy: Yeah? What is she to Phyllis? What is this obsession with her?

Daniel: It's not an obsession.

Daisy: Se practically stole her away from Billy and Victoria, even when you told her to leave it alone. Now you can't tell me that that's 'cause she loved Lucy. She barely knew her then.

Daniel: Well, she knows her now. She knows her now, and she's the best thing that ever happened to this little girl.

Daisy: But before, why was Phyllis so desperate to get Lucy, she brought me back to town?

Daniel: I don't know. Mom just got this strange thing about family sticking together.

Lucy: (Fussing)

George: (Coughing) Is that... (Sighing) We're done... (Sighs) Unless you're not satisfied until you've k-- killed me outright. (Sighs)

Phyllis: You ruined your life, not me. You did that. I didn't have anything to do with it...

George: (Sighs)

Phyllis: But now you won't even give me my own peace of mind? What kind of a parent does that?

George: (Sighs) You think I owe you. I don't. (Coughs) I don't.

Phyllis: Do you-- do you remember, on Sunday, when we'd go to church... and we used to get a chocolate bar afterward? And we'd go home and we'd share the pieces, and we'd hand 'em back to one another. And we'd watch football, and you used to say that...

George: (Groans)

Phyllis: That was the life. "This is the life, Phyllis." Were you lying then?

George: What do you want from me?

Phyllis: I want to know why I was the bad guy. I want to know why you made my family hate me.

George: Why I-- I didn't-- I didn't--

Phyllis: Y-- you made me leave. You made me leave.

George: (Sighs) Mo, I-- no, it was you. It was you.

Phyllis: I'm not going this time. I'm staying here.

George: Oh, we're done here.

Phyllis: No, I know we're not done. We're not, we're not.

George: You have to go. Please, for God--

Phyllis: No, no, no, we're not--I'm not going. I'm not going. You're dying, and we're not gonna see each other again. I want to know the truth.

(Car pulls up) (Car door opens) (Car door closes)

(Footsteps approach)

Sharon: Adam! Adam! Oh, my God! (Sighs)

Adam: I tried to put out the fire. I-I don't know-- I don't know if I did any good. I don't know if there was enough water pressure. I-I-I couldn't remember how to work that--that pump. I... (Sighs)

Sharon: What? You--you went into a burning barn?

Adam: The horses, they were stuck in there. They wouldn't come out. They were panicked. They were freaked out. I couldn't do anything.

Sharon: No. No, they're okay. I-I can see them.

Adam: (Breathing heavily)

Sharon: (Sighs) And--and the barn, it--it's still there. There--there's damage on it, but you can fix it.

Adam: (Breathing heavily)

Sharon: Adam, you did it.

Adam: (Coughs)

Sharon: You put the fire out by yourself. You-- you're amazing.

Adam: (Coughs)

Sharon: Come here. (Sighs)

Michael: Hey. Hi, it's Michael. I'm, uh-- sit down-- I'm with Fenmore at Gloworm. Uh, call me back-- stop it. Call me back. Uh, let me know how you are. (Squeaking)

Daisy: Say "Bye-bye" to Mommy.

Daniel: Yeah. Bye-bye. Get out of here before I call social services.

Daisy: Okay, Sweetheart, I'll be back soon.

Daniel: Not if my mom has anything to say about it.

Daisy: She doesn't!

Daniel: (Scoffs)

Daisy: (Sniffles)

Daniel: (Whispering) She's gone. It's okay, huh? It's okay. Yeah.

Lucy: (Fusses)

Daniel: It's okay.

Phyllis: You did this to me. You made me like this. You took away my life. You took away my home, and you took away my family. So you're gonna do this for me, George. You're gonna do this for me. You're going to admit that you took that money from those people. You are going to admit to me that you took that money. You took that money from those people. You put it in your own pocket. You're going to admit that you did that to those people! Admit it to me! You did it, didn't you?

George: Yes. (Sighs)

Billy: I'm sure you're gonna want to go over those with a lawyer of your choice. We'll pay for that, too.

Chelsea: No.

Victoria: We don't have to talk about it tonight, you know? Take some time.

Chelsea: I-I don't need time. And I don't need any lawyers. I'll sign these now...if you promise me that I'll be able to be a part of his life. I want him to know who I am. That's the deal. Take it or leave it. (Sniffles)

Victoria: Well, we're fine with that, Chelsea.

Billy: We can see how much you care about him. We want him to see that, too.

Chelsea: (Sniffles) (Sighs) Do you--do you have a pen?

Billy: Yes.

Chelsea: (Sniffles) (Sniffles) (Sniffles) (Sets pen down)

Victor: You're going somewhere?

Nikki: Well, I'm not staying here.

Victor: Why don't you go for a horseback ride and clear your head?

Nikki: (Sighs) Victor, if there's one thing I have, it's clarity.

Victor: But you're still angry with me?

Nikki: No. No, I'm really not. It just-- it doesn't do any good to be angry. This is who you are, and you're never gonna change.

Victor: I'm not gonna apologize for who I am. You know I love you...

(Keys jingle)

Victor: And you love me.

Nikki: Well, this is who I am, and I'm not gonna change, either.

(Keys jingle)

Nikki: So... (Clears throat)

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"

Daisy: I have a legal right to see my daughter. I brought these as proof.

Michael: Did Angelo have something on you?

Phyllis: Tell her. You were rightly accused and convicted of stealing money from those people.

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