Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/22/12
Episode # 9849 ~ Ashley Offers Cane an Opportunity
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Cane: Welcome home, Mrs. Ashby.
Lily: (Chuckles) Thank you. As amazing as France was, I am so glad to be home.
Cane: Mm, and it was nice of Cindy to pick us up at the airport.
Lily: You don't care that I told her she could take the kids to the park, do you?
Cane: Mnh-mnh. Well, who can blame her? You know, spending time with the world's cutest kids.
Lily: Yes, they are.
Cane: (Chuckles)
Lily: Oh, and speaking of "Cute," we should call Mrs. Burg and see when we can get Humphrey.
Cane: Mm, Humphrey can wait, but this--
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: This can't wait.
(Doorbell rings)
Lily: Uh, okay...
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: I'll meet you back here after we get rid of whoever that is?
Cane: Mm, I like the sound of that deal.
Lily: (Laughs) Okay.
Cane: All right. (Clears throat)
Jill: (Laughs) Hello.
Cane: How you doin'? Come in.
Kay: I hope you don't mind...
Cane: No, no, no, no, come in, come in, come in.
Kay: But I swear, I'm just-- I'm so anxious to hear about the wedding. Oh, it was freezing out there.
Lily: (Laughs) Ohh.
Jill: I barely had time to drop my bags before she forced me to bring her over to see the two of you.
Lily: No, no, we are so glad that you guys came.
Cane: Yes, 'cause now we can, uh, tell you about everything in person.
Lily: Yes, you gave us the most beautiful, romantic dream wedding ever. Thank you so much.
Kay: (Laughs)
Lily: (Laughs)
Chloe: I'm telling you, it's true.
Daniel: Oh, that Eden's hoping that she and I... no, no way. We have an understanding.
Chloe: Mm, which you've obviously misunderstood.
Daniel: Okay, it was always a benefits thing, never really went anywhere, and besides, she looks like she's into Ricky.
Chloe: Yeah, she is flirting with Ricky to make you jealous.
Ricky: Okay. (Laughs)
Eden: Yeah. (Laughs)
Daniel: Nah.
Chloe: Yeah. You didn't see it. Her face just totally fell when you looked away.
Ricky: Do you want to go?
Eden: Why? I'm having a great time.
Ricky: Okay, okay, if that's how you want to play it, but Daniel is an idiot.
Eden: What? Actually, he's really smart.
Ricky: And I'm not talking normal stupid, but serious, grade "A" moron for not jumping all over what you've been throwing his way.
Eden: That might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me.
Daniel: Yep, she really looks like she's bummin' over me.
Chloe: That? Oh, that's just... (Laughs) "And you’re..." fake-out, obvious attention-getting to pretending to ignore you. It's another classic maneuver.
Daniel: Huh.
("Running with You" playing)
Chloe: Oh, no. Turn this song off. No, not this song again. I hate this song. It makes me nauseous.
Daniel: (Laughs)
Chloe: Ohh.
Devon: Wow, I hope you're the only one.
Chloe: Oh, oops. I...
Devon: Yeah, right.
Ashley: Thanks, Honey. Did you hear that Devon's back?
Tucker: Oh, they're back from the wedding?
Ashley: Uh-huh. I already got a text from Jill. She's home and she's raring to get back to work.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Ashley: Are you thinking about Devon's surgery?
Tucker: It's coming up fast.
Ashley: Baby, it's only natural that you'd want to be there for him. It makes me mad. I think he should have invited you, along with Neil and Harmony.
Tucker: I don't need an invitation. I'm going.
Jeff: (Exhales slowly)
Gloria: You know, I didn't accept your cheap chocolates on Valentine’s Day to encourage you.
Jeff: Well, actually, "Honey Bunny," I, uh, came about the ad-- "Help Wanted"? I need a job.
Gloria: Really? After cleaning out all the accounts, you should be rolling in dough.
Jeff: Yeah, that's what I thought when you told me that I'd robbed you and left you with nothing, I went through every bank statement I could find.
Gloria: Ohh, and discovered you're broke.
Jeff: You know, I wish I could remember how that happened, because if I really did lift all that cash, where'd it go?
Daniel: Oh, hey, Man, you know that insult wasn't aimed at you, right?
Devon: (Laughs) Yeah.
Chloe: You know, Devon, I am very happy for you and your chart-topping. It's just that Angelina's voice is really not my favorite.
Devon: You don't have to explain. I understand. If I were you, I'd probably hate the song, too.
Chloe: I know. It bites how one person's fantasy is another person's... hell. (Sighs)
("Running with You" playing)
Kevin: Hello.
Chloe: (Clears throat)
Devon: Hey.
Chloe: You can have this table.
Daniel: Yeah, um, we were just leaving.
Ricky: Going so soon?
Daniel: Yes, yes, we are. I owe you a night of shuffleboard bowling.
Eden: No worries. I-I already got someone to play with.
Devon: Well, I was just about to order some drinks, so...
Angelina: Eat with us. Then we can talk about my song, which everyone is enjoying.
Devon: Right. We already did talk about your song, when you fired me, remember?
Kevin: Mm-hmm.
Devon: Yeah. Um, and just so you know, legally, that song was mine, so even though you don't like the rap version, it was mine to release.
Kevin: He's right.
Angelina: Uh, he--
Kevin: Let it go.
Angelina: (Sighs) But it's all over the internet! My FacePlace page has exploded. People are loving it.
Devon: I-I know they are, but you don't love it.
Angelina: (Sighs) I've c... come around. So, Devon... (Chuckles) You are unfired.
Devon: Really? Wow. No, no, thank you.
Angelina: But we're a hit.
Devon: Yeah. You said that we have "Creative differences," though.
Angelina: Doesn't everybody? Our first song is major. Think what we could do with a whole album!
Kevin: Have you thought about that?
Devon: You know what? It has crossed my mind, yeah.
Angelina: Then why can't you please, please give us a second chance?
Devon: Maybe.
Angelina: Ooh! I knew you'd say yes.
Devon: Listen to me, though. If we do this, it's just gonna be you and me, all right? I'm not working for your father. Do you get that?
Angelina: Absolutely. I'll talk to him. Do we have a deal?
Devon: I guess we do.
Angelina: Yay!
Devon: Yeah.
Angelina: (Laughs)
Devon: (Chuckles)
Tucker: I can't stay here while my son is facing surgery in Dallas.
Ashley: Okay, so what are you gonna say to him? You are gonna talk to him, aren't you?
Tucker: (Sighs) I don't want to upset him.
Ashley: Tucker, you can't just show up on the jet the day they take off.
Tucker: Why not?
Ashley: Because Devon is already nervous enough about the surgery, and he's still very guarded with you. Bad move.
Tucker: Which is why he'll fight me on this, and I'd rather avoid that.
Ashley: I know you want to do something nice, but wouldn't it be awful if the whole thing backfires and you end up alienating him even further?
Tucker: (Sighs) All right. I'll tell him today.
Ashley: Oh, good.
Tucker: I just hope it goes better than 99% of our other conversations.
Kay: You and Cane look so wonderfully happy in every single photo.
Jill: I know.
Cane: Yeah, well, the, uh, the camera doesn't lie, does it?
Lily: No.
Kay: (Laughs)
Jill: (Sighs) Seeing the two of them together just feels right, doesn't it?
Kay: Yes, well, Jill, a family reunited always does.
Jill: Mm-hmm.
Cane: Katherine, we understand why you had to stay home, so...
Kay: (Stammering)
Cane: Just--just--
Kay: Well, I-I wouldn't have missed Delia's birthday. You know that.
Cane: I know, I know, but--but we missed you, so we have, uh, something.
Lily: Yes, we got you a little token.
Jill: Aw.
Kay: Oh, come on, this is totally unnecessary, children.
Jill: Oh, good grief, just open it and say thank you.
Lily: (Chuckles)
Kay: Love the ribbon.
Cane: Thank you, that was--that was her, uh...
Lily: My choice.
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Jill: (Inhales deeply) Ahh, smell that.
Kay, yes, yes, yes, lavender.
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: We, uh, we wanted to bring a little bit of Provence home to you.
Kay: Oh, this is...
Jill: (Chuckles)
Kay: Divine, the memories.
Lily: And we got you a few other things, but they're being shipped right now, so...
Cane: Mm-hmm. They're being shipped.
Kay: And that is a complete waste of money--
Lily: And we don't want any arguments, so no.
Jill: Shh!
Cane: None, none at all.
Kay: "Katherine, say thank you." Thank you.
All: (Laughing)
Kay: Okay, come on. Let's go. Let's go. Come on.
Jill: We just got here.
Kay: Up, up, up. They are newlyweds. For heaven's sake, do you think they want two old ladies taking up their time?
Jill: There is only one old lady in this room, and I am lookin' at her.
Kay: Oh, you. Shh.
Cane: All right, okay, bye. See you.
Lily: Thank you for coming.
Kay: Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you again.
Jill: Bye. We'll see you soon.
Cane: You got it. Okay.
Lily: Bye. You're welcome.
Jill: Love you. Bye-bye.
Cane: Bye. See you.
Kay: Go, go, go, go, go, go.
Cane: All right, see you.
Lily: (Laughing)
Jill: Okay, I'll drop you at your appointment.
Kay: Listen, why were you so eager to rush me into town when it takes you no less than two days to recover from jet lag?
Jill: I recovered plenty on the plane, thank you very much.
Kay: (Scoffs)
Jill: I have some very important business to conduct. (Sighs)
Kay: I know that look. What kind of business?
Jill: You'll see. Now hurry up, or you'll be late.
Kay: Oh, dear God in heaven, what is she up to now? [ Coughs ]
Chloe: So this artist is super avant-garde, but I really think that you'll appreciate his work. And they're closing this Sunday, so they're incredibly busy, lines out the door, but if you want to go, I just have to call Rachel. She'll leave us a pass. We'll get right in.
Chloe: Uh, you know what? I really wanted a mocha, but, you know, I-I think we should just, you know, skip the drinks and just go see a movie, preferably one that includes killing.
Daniel: Chloe.
Chloe: Mm-hmm?
Daniel: You've been talking nonstop since we left jimmy's...
Chloe: Sorry.
Daniel: About everything except what's on your mind.
Chloe: Because we ran into them? What is there to say? I mean, they live here. I'm gonna run into them. It sucks, but whatever.
Daniel: It hurts, you mean.
Chloe: I'm not gonna let it.
Kevin: There you are.
Eden: Thank you. Hey, are you okay, Kevin?
Kevin: Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I mean, I've got Angelina. I just feel bad for Chloe. I know it's gotta be tough for her, running into me like that.
Eden: Yeah, she took a huge hit, you know? I mean, you two getting together? Nobody saw that coming.
Angelina: Uh, except for me and my Kevvie. (Chuckles)
Angelo: You're a doll to take care of Jeff after the way he bailed on you, but keepin' the scumho around?
Gloria: I'm no doll. It's the only way I can find out if he's telling the truth about where my money is.
Angelo: That's no big mystery. Jeff took it and he spent it.
Gloria: Yeah, and he could have transferred it to another account and just doesn't remember where.
Angelo: (Laughs) You're reaching, Gloria.
Gloria: No, I'm not. He remembers the pet name he used to call me. Things are coming back to him.
Angelo: (Sighs)
Gloria: I want my money.
Angelo: But I'm here to take care of you.
Gloria: Listen, Angelo. Assuming he stole money from you, you'd want answers. Well, so do I.
Angelo: Okay, you're that determined-- hire the guy.
Gloria: Jeffrey. You got he job. Congratulations, you're the new busboy.
Jeff: (Sighs) Great. When do I start?
Gloria: Take it up with Isaac in the kitchen. Angelo and I are leaving soon. Oh, and Jeffrey, my name is Gloria.
Jeff: Thanks. I, uh, won't let you down.
Angelo: See that you don't.
Gloria: Call the kids. I'll get my coat.
Angelina: Hi, Pops.
Angelo: Hey. Look, Gloria's got the keys, and we're on our way over, hmm?
Angelina: Already? Uh, we'll be grabbing a bite. Be there soon. My dad and Gloria are ready to meet us at our house.
Eden: You're buying a house?
Kevin: Uh, it was a gift from Angelo, so you can have the apartment to yourself now.
Eden: Well, wait. When are you two moving?
Angelina: Soon as we can. (Chuckles)
Kevin: New life, new house... I can't wait.
Cane: (Grunting)
Lily: (Laughs) Okay, please, jeez careful! (Laughs) Ohh. (Chuckles)
Cane: Now that takes care of that.
Lily: Yes, such a sucker for tradition. I love it.
Cane: So tell me something, huh?
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: What time are the babies home?
Lily: Well, I told Cindy to take them to dinner after the park...
Cane: Mm.
Lily: So we have time.
Cane: Mm. You're sexy, and you're smart. I like that.
Lily: Well, you know...
(Knock on door)
Cane: Oh, you have got to be kidding me.
Lily: Oh, my gosh. (Laughs) Okay, I'll get it this time.
Cane: Okay. (Sighs)
Lily: Okay, hold on.
Devon: Hey.
Lily: Hi.
Cane: Hey, how you doin'?
Devon: I figured your cupboards were as bare as mine, so I stopped and got some burgers and, uh, French fries at Jimmy's.
Lily: Ah, the wedding theme still. I like it, I like it.
Devon: Yeah.
Cane: Yeah, thank you, uh, I'll get some plates. Thanks.
Devon: Oh, cool. I'm starved.
Cane: Sure, yeah.
Lily: Yeah.
Cane: So am I.
Lily: (Laughs)
Tucker: (Sighs) I'm gonna call Devon, see if he can meet with me.
Ashley: Oh, hi, Jill.
Jill: Good, your assistant said I could find you here.
Ashley: Uh-huh.
Tucker: How was the wedding?
Jill: The wedding... (Sighs) Was beautiful and French, but that's not the reason I'm here. I have some Jabot business to discuss with you, and it really can't wait. Thanks. We haven't really discussed my position at Jabot since Jack's injury and Genevieve's ousting.
Tucker: Well, I'm surprised you waited this long to bring it up again.
Ashley: Wait a second. You spoke to Tucker about your job? Really?
Jill: No, I happened to run into him, and I asked him if he knew anything about your plans for restructuring.
Tucker: I wasn't gonna get in the middle of it, and I certainly wasn't going to bother you with it while you were still dealing with what happened to your brother.
Ashley: Okay, okay.
Jill: Well, you needed time. Of course you needed time. I knew that. It's just that I need to know if I'm gonna be the sole head of marketing at Jabot.
Ashley: Okay, well, Jack and I have discussed it, and you will be head of the department.
Jill: Well, good, good. Now let's replace Genevieve.
Tucker: Oh, miss her already, huh?
Jill: Oh, very funny. I don't like the woman. I can't stand her, but she did lighten my load, and I do need a new right-hand person immediately.
Ashley: I'm aware of that. I have human resources recruiting applicants as this week.
Jill: Well, luckily, I have just the man for the job.
Ashley: Mm. Who?
Jill: Cane. He already has experience at Jabot, and we work very well together.
Ashley: Have you broached the subject with him?
Jill: No, I haven't discussed it with him. I don't even know if he'd want the job, but look, I know that Jabot has always prided itself on being a family business, and Cane is like a son to me. I'm sure you can understand why I would love to do this for him.
Ashley: Yep, I understand.
Jill: Good, then you'll take it under consideration.
Lily: Okay, the food in France was delicious, but nothing beats an amazing burger.
Cane: Listen, um, I'm gonna get the bags and unpack while you guys talk, okay?
Lily: Um, or you can go back to your old place and get the rest of your stuff and officially move back in... unless you want to go there tomorrow.
Cane: No, I think I might leave that. Mm. I'll be back.
Lily: Okay.
Cane: Okay, you guys.
Lily: (Laughs)
Devon: (Laughs) See you.
Lily: Bye.
Devon: So you're married-- again.
Lily: I know I am and you're getting your surgery soon.
Devon: I know, it's gonna help my hearing out a lot. And when I think about how much I struggled making Angelina's record, you know...
Lily: Yeah, but you still made something amazing, you know? It's only gonna go up from here.
Devon: Well, thank you. I already have my next project planned, too.
Lily: (Gasps) You do?
Devon: Mm-hmm
Lily: What is it?
Devon: It's another song with Angelina, maybe an album.
Lily: I thought that little partnership was over.
Devon: Well, I guess you could say we, uh, we worked things out.
Lily: Are you sure?
Devon: (Laughs) Yeah, I'm sure. I know she can be a diva, but you gotta admit, the girl can sing.
Lily: Yeah, okay. So more than a one-hit wonder, then?
Devon: Yeah, I think so. I think she's gonna be around for a long time.
Chloe: (Sighs) What do you expect me to do, break down crying because Kevin dumped me at the altar and married that style-challenged bimbette? Not gonna happen.
Daniel: Well, at least I got you talking about it.
Chloe: (Sighs) Great, can we drop it now?
Daniel: Fine, fine. You want to go, let's go. Let's go see a movie. Let's go do whatever.
Chloe: Hey, I know you're just trying to be a good friend, but...
Daniel: Would you ignore them?
Chloe: Oh, that's just it. I can't. Angelina and Kevin are everywhere. They're constantly in my face. I mean, it's--it's either on the web or the jukebox or in mags-- my beaming groom running away with his big-hair, big-mouth bride.
Daniel: Makes you miss him more.
Chloe: I'm mortified. Everyone's looking at me. They know exactly who I am. I mean, they're all looking at me like I'm some big loser.
Daniel: (Laughs) Look, I hate that you feel bad, because you have nothing to be ashamed of.
Chloe: (Scoffs) Thanks. Can we please just go hide in that dark movie now?
Daniel: (Sighs) No, no, we can't. (Clears throat) I have a better idea. I'll call you.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Angelina: It's not like we was lookin' to buy a house, Daddy thought we needed a bigger place, and... plus, he wanted us to be closer by.
Eden: Well, how close?
Kevin: Next door, right next door.
Eden: Fantastic.
Angelina: Family is really important.
Eden: Oh, I agree, yeah. It's gonna be kind of lonely not having you around.
Kevin: Hey, we're still gonna see plenty of each other.
Eden: Okay, well, I'll let you two finish eating so you can hurry up and get out of here.
Kevin: I'm not even hungry. Let's just go see Angelo and my mom.
Angelina: Not yet.
Ricky: Well, they look like they belong together.
Eden: Yeah, I still don't buy it.
Angelina: I need to tell you something.
Kevin: I'm not really up for a big talk right now, Angie.
Angelina: I need to do this now, before I take you to see the house. Just listen, o-okay? I saw it in your eyes, how it was breaking your heart when we ran into Chloe... and how sad it's making you to leave that apartment where you've had Eden and Michael around.
Kevin: Well, it's something I'm gonna have to get over.
Angelina: It's like I'm destroying your happiness, and it's killing me.
Kevin: No. You didn't do this.
Angelina: But this whole thing started because of this mad crush I had on you, and wanting to win you from Chloe.
Kevin: Win me?
Angelina: Lame, right? But while we were on the run, all the--that surface stuff kind of, you know, blossomed. I have real feelings for you, Kevin, and it gives me hope that everything's gonna be okay, that we could be okay.
Kevin: Okay. Is that all?
Angelina: Um... e-except for this one thing I want to ask you. Have you ever had feelings for me... even a little? If it takes you that long to think about it...
Kevin: Look, when I first met you, I wrote you off as being totally vapid, you know, just a bunch of hair and attitude.
Angelina: And now?
Kevin: Now I know that there's a lot more to you.
Angelina: That's something.
Kevin: Angie, look, I... I don't feel about you the way that you feel about me.
Angelina: (Sniffles)
Kevin: But we're married now, and I have to make the best of that, so that's what I intend to do. Mm-hmm, yeah, their nachos are really, really good.
Eden: So Kevin's moving out.
Ricky: Mm-hmm. Then why aren't you psyched to have the place all to yourself?
Eden: Maybe because I grew up in a commune.
Ricky: (Laughs) Oh, you're-- you're not joking. For real?
Eden: My formative years were spent in a California ashram.
Ricky: Wow. So that--that means, uh, yoga and granola--
Eden: (Laughs) Like peace and love.
Ricky: Uh-huh.
Eden: Yeah. Maybe that's why I like being around people so much.
Ricky: All the time?
Eden: Well, I've traveled by myself, you know, just never lived by myself.
Ricky: Hmm.
Eden: I need to start looking for a roommate.
Ricky: Well, as a matter of act, I know someone whose sublet is up and is looking for a place.
Eden: Really? Who?
Ricky: Me.
Gloria: Ahh. And last but not least, the den. It's quaint, it's homey, and look at this paneling. You just don't find paneling like this nowadays.
Kevin: You're telling me.
Gloria: Mm. And the den could be made into a media room or an office or a library.
Angelo: Now there's an idea. My princess loves books.
Gloria: (Laughs) All the classics, I'm sure.
Angelina: Oh, yeah. Uh, Jackie Collins, Sidney Sheldon, Danielle Steel. (Laughs)
Gloria: See? Perfect reading material for the master bath. I mean, that gold toilet--whoo! (Laughs)
Angelina: I know, right? (Laughs)
Angelo: You know, lucky thing Mrs. Kravitz decided to move to Florida just when you two got hitched.
Kevin: What a coincidence.
Angelo: And don't you worry about me barging in all the time just 'cause I live next door. You kids need your privacy.
Gloria: Absolutely.
Angelo: But you must come over for breakfast every Sunday, and if you need anything, just wave through the living room window.
Gloria: Kevin!
Angelo: Hmm.
Gloria: I hope you're gonna be very happy here.
Kevin: Thanks, Mom.
Gloria: Mm-hmm. And if you're not, we can al--
Kevin: Uh, no, no, no, I, um... (Exhales quickly) This is--this is great. I guess maybe I'm just a little overwhelmed.
Angelo: Well, well let you two just settle in now, okay?
Gloria: Absolutely. (Whispering) I hope you're gonna be very happy here, Kevin.
Kevin: Hmm. Thanks.
Gloria: (Normal voice) Angelina, we'll see you soon.
Angelina: Bye, Gloria.
Gloria: Bye.
Angelina: Bye, Daddy.
Angelo: (Chuckles)
Kevin: This place is a time warp.
Angelina: (Sniffling) (Squeals) (Sobs)
Kevin: What--what is it are you still upset about what I said before?
Angelina: No. (Sniffles) You--you were just being honest. I was prepared for that. (Sniffles)
Kevin: Then why are you crying?
Angelina: It's just-- I... I love this house so much! I am so happy this is our home!
Cane: (Clears throat) Honey, I'm home!
Lily: (Chuckles) Ohh! I just finished putting all the bags away, and now there's more?
Cane: (Sighs) Well, that's all right. I'll just go back to my old place.
Lily: Hey! Don't move. Drop the bags. (Laughs)
Cane: (Grunts) (Laughs)
Lily: Don't ever leave, okay?
Cane: Mm.
Lily: You're finally back where you belong, with me and the kids.
Cane: I've waited so long for this, it doesn't seem real. Mm.
Angelina: After Daddy and I left Jersey and moved here, I used to come over to Gladys' to hang out with her. (Chuckles)
Kevin: Yeah?
Angelina: The best is when we would spend hours in the kitchen, baking. Well, actually, Gladys did most of the work. I wasn't exactly Rachael Ray, you know. But I would add some ingredients here or there, and somehow, the cake would always turn out perfect, and then we'd eat it in front of the TV, watching her stories... (Laughs) And we'd laugh and cry and yell at the bad guys. Gladys gave me a place to lay low when I... had too much of home.
Kevin: Well, then, I get why this place is important to you.
Angelina: Probably more like a prison to you-- a tacky prison. (Chuckles)
Kevin: Well, it's not exactly my style.
Angelina: We can work on that, but I bet I can show you at least one thing about this house you're gonna like. (Giggles)
Chloe: Ugh.
Daniel: Surprise!
Chloe: A shopping bag. That's why you wanted me to meet you?
Daniel: Ohh, wait, it gets better.
Chloe: Marshmallows. We're gonna roast them in the cold. Yay!
Daniel: (Laughs) There's more.
Chloe: Kindling?
Daniel: Okay, look. I know this isn't gonna solve everything, but... it might help you get rid of some of that anger you've got inside. Ta-da!
Chloe: (Laughs)
(Marshmallow gun fires)
Chloe: What?
Daniel: (Laughs)
Lily: Shall we go to the bedroom?
Cane: You want to go to the bedroom?
Lily: Yeah.
Cane: Yeah? Okay, let's go to the bedroom.
(Knock on door)
Cane: No, you've gotta be kidding me.
Lily: Ohh! (Laughing)
Cane: No, no, no.
Lily: That's so lame.
Cane: Yeah, I'll be there, I'm coming.
Lily: (Laughs) I promise, I'll make it up to you tonight, okay?
Cane: You are gonna make it up to me tonight.
Lily: Wait, wait! Fix your--fix your shirt. (Laughs)
Jill: Hi.
Cane: Hello, how are you?
Ashley: Hello, hello.
Lily: Oh, Jill, I didn't think that we would see you again.
Ashley: Uh, well, yeah, Jill came to me with a proposition, and--
Jill: We actually have another wedding gift for you, Cane, if you want it.
Cane: Uh...
Tucker: Well, thank for coming right over.
Devon: One more thing. You said you wanted a face-to-face. What's going on?
Tucker: It's about your surgery.
Devon: Uh-oh. What happened? Did the doctor have to reschedule, cancel it?
Tucker: No, nothing like that.
Devon: Oh, good. Then what?
Tucker: When I offered to come along, you made it clear that you didn't think it was such a good idea, but I've decided I need to be there.
Devon: No matter what I want?
Tucker: Will you hear me out?
Angelo: [Sniffs] Bacon?!
Gloria: (Sighs)
Angelo: (Laughing)
Gloria: (Laughing) I know I know, yeah. (Inhales sharply) (Sighs) Ohh. We're one day behind.
Angelo: Ohh.
Gloria: So how are you settling in?
Jeff: Pretty well. Thanks again for the job.
Gloria: Mm-hmm. I think I'll view it as... we're just helping each other.
Jeff: (Sighs)
Gloria: Angelo, excuse me. I'll go put you on the payroll.
Angelo: Clean that up.
Ricky: So I'm totally cool with splitting rent and utilities 50/50.
Eden: Well, yeah. And you're clear on the 2-bedroom concept. I mean, there's my room. There's your room. I just don't want any misunderstandings about that.
Ricky: Yes, I am-- I am very clear. You couldn't, in fact, have made it any more clear. I know where I will be sleeping, and that is firmly in the second bedroom.
Eden: On the upside, that room does get great light.
Ricky: So is that a yes?
Eden: You can move in as soon as Angelina and Kevin move out.
Ricky: (Chuckles)
(Bottles clink)
(Marshmallow gun fires)
Chloe: Whoo!
Daniel: (Laughs) Oh!
Chloe: Right in the eye.
Daniel: Here we go. All right, see? You get your own little action movie right here. There we go. Take the mallows?
Chloe: Yeah.
Daniel: It's up to you.
Chloe: Hey, thanks for this.
Daniel: (Grunts) (Growls) And... any time.
Chloe: (Laughs) All right.
Daniel: Oops.
Chloe: He's going down. Whoo!
Daniel: Wow. Mm-hmm!
Chloe: Yes, I love this.
Daniel: You know, the ammo tastes good, too.
Chloe: All right, load me up.
Daniel: Mm-hmm.
Angelina: Aah!
Kevin: That counts. That counts. Yes!
Angelina: Ohh, no! Okay, best four out of five.
Kevin: All right, you're on.
Angelina: Oh. Aah! Bring it, Buddy. Bring it! (Laughs)
Tucker: I'm not gonna try to stand by your bed and hold your hand. I'm fine staying in the background, but I did arrange for this procedure, so I feel a certain level of responsibility. I need to be there to make sure everything goes all right. I'm just hoping you won't have problem with that.
Devon: If you want to be there, then be there.
Tucker: Okay.
Devon: Okay. I actually have to get going.
Tucker: We'll see you around, then.
Devon: All right.
Ashley: And Jill needs somebody working with her immediately. We talked about it, and we figure you probably would have less of a learning curve given how familiar you are with the company.
Jill: And I can forward you all the layouts and the projections on the current marketing campaigns. I can bring you up to speed on everything else... (Chuckles) That is, assuming you want the job.
Cane: You know, I'm really grateful, but it's kind of coming out of the blue, and maybe we should talk about it in private, you know?
Ashley: Oh, of course.
Cane: Okay.
Ashley: I am gonna need your answer fairly soon, though, okay?
Cane: Okay.
Jill: And call us with any questions, all right?
Cane: All right. All right, I will.
Lily: Wait, hold on a second. Um, Cane, I know that-- I know you want to say yes, so you should just say yes. (Chuckles)
Cane: Oh, yeah.
Jill: (Laughing)
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: Yeah, I want this job. Thanks.
Lily: (Chuckles)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"
Avery: Are you punishing Daisy, Sheila's child, for the sins of the mother?
Nick: Your dad's dying, and you haven't seen him in years. You're entitled to a little freak-out.
Sharon: Are you proposing?
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