Y&R Transcript Friday 2/17/12

Y&R Transcript Friday 2/17/12


Episode # 9846 ~ A Spirit From Adam's Past Brings Him Comfort

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Victoria: Hey.

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: So how did it go with Anita?

Billy: Pretty well, pretty well. (Clears throat) We didn't get too far into negotiations. I don't think that she wanted to seem too eager.

Victoria: What, she didn't pretend to be offended and storm off in a huff?

Billy: No, actually, all I had to do was hint that there might be something in it for her if she quietly faded into the background once the baby was born.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Hey, come on. This is good.

Victoria: Yeah, it's good, but aren't you finding this uncomfortably familiar?

Billy: We're not buying a baby. This is my son.

Victoria: I know.

Billy: Look, this is protection money. It's basically extortion. Anita would have no qualms about ruining her grandson's life if she doesn't get what she came for, and we can't let that happen, no matter what the price.

Anita: Can you believe it's going to be this easy? This is a lesson to me to keep it simple. All those complicated cons that we ran-- none of 'em paid off like this one's going to, and all you had to do was seduce the right man on the right night. (Chuckles)

Chelsea: A little more to it than that, Mom, but...

Anita: (Scoffs) Women carry kids all the time without any kind of a payoff. You're gonna make millions! Plural! He paid $2 mil for a kid that wasn't even his. Imagine what he's gonna pay for one that is. I'm gonna get a refill. You want anything? Okay.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

[Nikki remembering]

Nikki: Oh, it looks like you lost an earring on the way over. Did you have anything to do with Chelsea coming to town?

Victor: I had nothing to do with that woman, nor with her mother.

Nikki: (Tsks) Victor, when you get to Paris, could you please call me as soon as you can?

Genevieve: Thank you so much for agreeing to meet with me on such short notice.

Man: It has been my pleasure.

Genevieve: (Chuckles) I'm very intrigued about your ideas for Beauty of Nature. I was told by all my sources that you are the most innovative thinker...

Man: Ahh.

Genevieve: In the business, and I have not been disappointed.

Man: Well, I would love to discuss with you further. If you're free, maybe perhaps, uh, tomo--

Victor: Perhaps you can do that another time, Bernard.

Genevieve: I-I'm sure you know Victor Newman.

Bernard: Of course. Good to see you again.

Victor: Hello, Bernard. Nice to see you again. Yvette and the children, they're all right?

Bernard: Oh, doing very well, thank you.

Victor: Good. Excuse me for interrupting, but the lady and I have some rather important business to discuss.

Genevieve: I'll be in touch very soon.

Bernard: Au revoir.

Genevieve: Au revoir.

Victor: Au revoir.

Genevieve: Charming man, bold vision.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: He would take this company in an entirely new direction.

Victor: Perhaps the solution you're looking for is much closer to home.

Phyllis: Hey, congratulations for graduating from I.C.U.

Jack: Yeah, I'll be happy when I graduate from this chair.

Phyllis: Well, you know, you have to celebrate the small victories when you get 'em.

Jack: (Sighs)

Phyllis: You're gonna be out of that chair soon.

Jack: Well, I wish my physical therapist had your faith.

Phyllis: Well, she does not know you like I know you. Here.

Jack: Oh. Sweet.

Phyllis: I don't know where she gets that.

Jack: She signed Lucy's name.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, she signs Lucy's name, she speaks for Lucy, she picks out Lucy's clothes. I mean, Lucy isn't gonna say one word until her big sis goes off to college.

Jack: Her big sis?

Phyllis: Mm, we're--we're sort of becoming a little family.

Jack: And where does Nick fit into all this?

Phyllis: That's complicated.

Nick: All right, we made it.

Faith: Hi, Mommy!

Sharon: Hi, Sweetheart! Ohh! (Laughs) Wow! Did you fly here in a plane to come and see Mommy?

Faith: Uh-huh.

Sharon: Oh... (Laughing) Thank you so much.

Nick: She really missed you.

Sharon: Well, not as much as I missed you.

Faith: (Giggles)

Nick: Things okay here?

Sharon: No. Adam's not doing that well.

Nick: There you go.

Sharon: Trying to help just seems to make things worse.

Nick: Is Adam lashing out at you?

Sharon: Well, he was angry at first, but now he's just given up.

Nick: Well, I don't take anything that Adam says at face value. This is his way to reel you back in.

Sharon: Actually, he's trying to push me away. He feels bad that he's been keeping me away from Faith.

Nick: Hmm. Yeah, that definitely sounds like Adam-- noble and self-sacrificing.

Sharon: Really? You're going to deny that he could feel that way, when you're sitting in front of the daughter whose life he saved? Uh, yeah, he's done some bad things, too, but that's not why Adam is suffering right now. The reason why he is blind is because he tried to stop Patty Williams, and he risked his life to do it. She had a gun. He could have been killed. I think part of him wishes he had been, if this is the alternative.

Adam: It's only been four years since you died. It's hard to believe. So much has happened... none of what we thought would happen. Or maybe you did know. You knew what I was capable of. So you tried to keep me far away from my father's influence... raised me on a farm... to counteract the "Darkness within." It didn't work. (Sighs) It wasn't the farm that protected me. It never was. It was you, Mom. It was always you. (Sighs) So now you're not here, and I... I can't find you. If I can't find you in a place that you loved so much, I... where can I find you? What can I do?

Man: Don't mean to intrude. Just figured you might be getting cold.

Adam: It is cold, isn't it?

Man: Take your time. If you want to stay longer...

Adam: No, no, I...

Man: She was a wonderful woman.

Adam: She's gone now.

Genevieve: How is it that our paths just happened...?

Victor: Merci.

Genevieve: To cross, so far from home?

Victor: Just wanted to talk to you.

Genevieve: You could have called.

Victor: I think in some cases, the personal touch is better.

Genevieve: Exactly.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: That's why I'm here. It wouldn't do to conduct these interviews by teleconference.

Victor: Besides that, it ain't easy to crash a wedding over the internet now, is it?

Genevieve: I didn't crash my son's wedding.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: I watched it...

Victor: Hmm.

Genevieve: From a discreet distance, and even that was a mistake.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: (Stammers) You know, I'll be the first to say it--I'm a lousy mother.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: That's why, uh, it's just better for me to focus my energy on business, where my prospects are a little more promising.

Victor: Well, then, I suggest we get down to business. Cheers.

Genevieve: Cheers.

(Glasses clink)

Nikki: Well, if I'm not gonna get any answers from you, Victor, I will get them on my own.

Phyllis: So aside from the obvious, how's it going?

Jack: Well, I've been having some fascinating conversations with the legal team at Jabot.

Phyllis: You have?

Jack: Yeah. As it turns out, the fact that I showed Genevieve my bid for Beauty of Nature before I submitted it--

Phyllis: Oh! You did? Why--

Jack: Well, yeah, she was my fiancée. I had no way of knowing she was preparing a competing bid of her own.

Phyllis: (Groans) I have to be honest with you-- I never liked her.

Jack: I may have grounds to challenge the sale, legally.

Genevieve: So you are familiar with Bernard and his track record.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: Tell me, what's your impression of him?

Victor: Let me put it this way-- if I thought that he was fit to run the company, he would have done that already.

Genevieve: Oh, what a shame. I think you're such a perfect fit-- you being such a traditionalist, old-school--oh, I mean that in the most positive sense of the word. You know what works and you stand by it...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: But now, I don't know, me, on the other hand-- I'm sort of at a place in my life where I am really ready to shake things up...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: You know? Nothing's off the table for me.

Victor: Mm-hmm. No holds barred.

Genevieve: Right, and I'd like to infuse Beauty of Nature with that energy and that sense of adventure, because I don't think I'm the only woman who would find that appealing.

Victor: Oh, some men might find that appealing, as well, but you see, the difficulty is to translate a concept into reality. Bernard is an ideas man. He can't help you along those lines.

Genevieve: Then I'll hire someone else...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: Because I am determined to make this a success, Victor.

Victor: Mm-hmm. You seem to be forgetting that when you bought Beauty of Nature, you paid a lot of money for it because it was already a success, a great success... and the reason for that success-- sitting right in front of you.

Victoria: (Giggles)

Billy: Oh, God.

Chelsea: Hi! So we picked up more of the stuff that Mom used when she was baking.

Victoria: Oh, oh, wait, you didn't--you didn't need to do that, really.

Anita: Of course we did. There's too much of that in the world today-- people feel entitled to take whatever they want without giving anything in return.

Chelsea: I'm gonna go put this away, okay?

(Doorbell rings)

Billy: And I'm gonna get the door. All right. (Sighs) Hello! Oh.

Nikki: Hello.

Billy: Hi, good to see you. Vicki's right--

Victoria: Oh, hi.

Nikki: Hi.

Victoria: Uh, you just happened to be in the neighborhood?

Nikki: No, um, I was on my way over to Gloworm for a bite, and I thought, Anita, do you want to join me? It's my treat.

Anita: Very kind of you.

Nikki: Well, this way, we can get to know each other a little bit better. I think that's best in this circumstance.

Anita: I'll just get my purse. It's in the apartment.

Nikki: Okay, I'll be right behind you.

Victoria: What are you doing?

Nikki: I am just going to find out if you think she's hiding something, and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it. See you later. (Hums)

Victoria: All right.

Billy: (Mouthing words)

Sharon: Um, can you hand me the wipes? They're in my bag right there.

Nick: Yep. Looks like you brought all your stuff with you.

Sharon: Yeah, um... I was thinking of going back to Genoa City with you and Faith. Adam wants me to, and I told him I would, though I don't really feel good about leaving him alone.

(Door opens)

(Footsteps approach)

Adam: (Sighs)

Adam: Mom? (Exhales sharply) (Sighs)

Hope: (Sighs)

Adam: (Sighs) Mom.

Hope: I was thinking about when you were a little boy, sitting in that same spot after school, telling me about everything that was bothering you.

Adam: You understood me more than I understood myself-- where it came from... (Sniffles) My restlessness, my ambition, my... (Sighs)

Hope: You are not only Victor Newman's son. You are mine, as well. I am as much a part of you as he is, and I am telling you for a fact that you can survive what's happened to you. Do you hear me?

Adam: I had you as my example.

Hope: No, more than an example. You have my spirit, my resourcefulness, my strength of will. It lives on in you, right here. You rely on that, the way you used to rely on me.

Adam: (Sighs)

Hope: You asked me if I knew what you were capable of. I do know. You're capable of real happiness, joy and fulfillment...

Adam: (Gasping)

Hope: Honesty and integrity. These things are also your legacy, not just ambition and pride. Why can't you accept that? Why don't you know that?

Nick: What have you decided?

Sharon: I want to be home with my daughter.

Nick: Let's go.

Sharon: (Sighs) I just don't know what's gonna happen with Adam.

Nick: (Sighs) Well, it's your choice to make. Stay if it's important to you. If you do, I can bring Faith back to see you whenever you want.

Victoria: Okay.

Billy: Hey. We're about to head out, so...

Chelsea: Oh. You're going to check on the ladies who lunch?

Billy: No, actually, we're gonna go see my brother in the hospital. Why? (Laughs) Do you think your mom need checking up on?

Chelsea: I just tend to get a little uncomfortable when I can't keep an eye on my mother. Sometimes she says things that come back to bite her.

Victoria: Are you worried they'll come back to bite you?

Chelsea: Hopefully, you understand by now that my mother doesn't speak for me, and you've probably noticed she has a tendency to... exaggerate. (Chuckles)

Victoria: Hmm, it's not really a big deal, because my mom, you know, she's kind of got a radar for that stuff. Nothing really gets past her, so...

Anita: Yeah, a cup of soup sounds good.

Nikki: Guess what? I found your earring... in my home.

Anita: You know, I-I don't think that is my earring. Let me see. I mean, you know, it seems--

Nikki: Well, let's see. I think maybe it is.

Anita: What the hell are you doing?

Nikki: Oh!

Anita: Hey!

Nikki: Well, would you look at that? A perfect match.

Jack: No, that's all right, I'm--I'm glad the subject of Genevieve came up, because I want to ask you something. Thanks.

Phyllis: Oh, well, uh, sure.

Jack: The lawyers are suggesting that I outsource this particular suit to somebody local, somebody who's had some success with cases like this.

Phyllis: Oh, of course. Why do you want my opinion? You want to ask Avery?

Jack: I guess I don't have to ask how you feel about my consulting her, but--

Phyllis: No, you don't have to ask at all... (Sighs) Especially since she's out of town. She's not even around. She went back home.

Jack: Isn't that kind of sudden?

Phyllis: My father had a heart attack.

Jack: And you stayed here?

Phyllis: Yeah. I don't have a relationship with him.

Jack: Well, it could be your last chance to talk to him.

Phyllis: I... I've gone down that road. I-I've--I've tried.

Jack: Yeah, you told me that, when you were practically a kid. You're an adult now, and maybe he's changed.

Phyllis: He has not changed. He has not changed.

Jack: Okay, so--

Phyllis: I know that... (Chuckles) For sure, because I've talked to Avery about it, and he has not changed.

Jack: You and I both know that you're not even considering the possibility.

Phyllis: Nope. For good reason.

Jack: Okay. You do have to ask yourself one question, though-- how are you gonna feel when the phone call comes that he's gone forever?

Genevieve: I won't deny it. You've done an amazing job with Beauty of Nature, only the thing is, I'm gonna top it.

Victor: I like your fire and your drive.

Genevieve: Even though my fire and my drive are the reason that I now own the company?

Victor: The reason you own the company is because I was temporarily imprisoned for a crime I didn't commit.

Genevieve: And you feel that's unfair.

Victor: You bet. Don't you?

Genevieve: I'm in awe of what you did for Nikki.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: Truly, I am, but there are consequences to putting love and family first.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: Don't you think we both got what we decided we couldn't live without? Really, what could be more fair than that?

Victor: If that's how you think, then I think I should bid you adieu.

Genevieve: Oh, come on, now. Really? Don't run off. I mean, really, you've come all this way just to schmooze me? Please, schmooze me.

Victor: So you think I can buy Beauty of Nature back from you?

Genevieve: I think you're leaving something out of that equation.

Victor: I'm not. You're part of the vision I have for the future of the company. If Beauty of Nature becomes part of Newman Enterprises again, I want you to be one of the executives.

Genevieve: And what else do you see in my future?

Victor: A lot of charm, good head on your shoulders, very smart, and a predatory instinct. The only problem is you have no experience. As my right hand, I'll teach you more about the business world than any business school could ever do.

Genevieve: And we'd really be working that closely together?

Victor: That's right.

Genevieve: Wow.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: It sounds like you're offering me the moon...

Victor: Yes.

Genevieve: But here's the thing.

Victor: Hmm?

Genevieve: I like the stars, too.

Victor: I can do that, too.

Anita: If it is my earring, I can't imagine what it was doing at your home, wherever that is.

Nikki: I see. Well, let me describe it to you. It's a rather large ranch, and one has to pass a guard gate in order to get onto the property, and there's a camera there. It records everybody going in and going out.

Anita: All right. I did stop by to see Mr. Newman.

Nikki: Why?

Anita: I'd heard of him, how powerful he is, how vindictive. I was afraid that he would be angry with Chelsea about the way she treated Billy. (Sighs) I wanted to let him know I was on top of it, and that she would not be giving any more trouble to Billy and Victoria.

Nikki: So you just showed up, out of the blue.

Anita: No, I did not. I called first at the office.

Nikki: And he asked you to come to the ranch?

Anita: Well, you know how protective Victor is of Victoria. When I mentioned--

Nikki: Oh, it's "Victor" now. You're on a first-name basis.

Anita: I've said all I'm going to say on this subject. Give me my earrings.

Nikki: I don't think so.

Anita: Why not? What do you want with them?

Nikki: Thank you, Anita. We're done here.

Chelsea: (Gasps) Oh! (Laughs) Hey, "Squid." Ohh. Oh, quit hot-doggin' it in there, would you? Man. I told you, you used all the good waves already, remember? (Sighs) (Exhales slowly) I think I have to stop spending so much time around Mom. I think it's starting to work us both up. (Exhales slowly) She's real trouble, too, you know that? But don't worry. Don't you worry. This is just temporary, and you're not gonna have to deal with her... (Sniffles) For too much longer. (Sighs) (Exhales slowly) And you're not gonna have to grow up like I did. No way. Your daddy's gonna make sure of that, I know it. (Sniffles) He's gonna make sure you're all right.

Jack: So this Anita woman-- are we sure she really is Chelsea's mother?

Billy: (Laughs)

Victoria: Uh, well, no, I mean, we don't really have proof, but I'd be surprised if they weren't related. They're so much alike.

Billy: And Anita has a lot of influence over Chelsea.

Victoria: Well, however, that might be changing, because Chelsea made a point of saying that Anita does not speak for her.

Billy: Yes, and she has ratted her out on a few things-- little things, but there may be an opening for us to get in there and divide and conquer.

Jack: So how did these two women even track you down?

Billy: Ahh.

Victoria: (Exhales slowly)

Billy: So you're thinking what we're thinking-- maybe they didn't. Maybe Victor tracked them down.

Victoria: See, my mother asked my father point-blank, and he swears he wasn't responsible.

(Cell phone rings) (Ring)

Nikki: Hello?

Victor: I got your message. Everything all right?

Nikki: No, it's not all right. I just found out Anita's been to the house and met with you.

Victor: I see.

Nikki: Well, you said that you didn't even know her. You lied to my face, Victor.

Victor: This is a conversation we should not have on the phone, all right? I'll be home soon.

Nikki: It's not like I need to have something explained to me. I understand this. You're trying to meddle in Victoria's marriage again!

Victor: Please listen carefully. I have reasons for what I've done, okay?

Nikki: Yes, you always do.

Victor: We'll talk soon, when I'm home, all right? Bye.

Genevieve: Problem?

Victor: No, no problems.

Adam: You and I are very different. I could never live here... a-and be happy... like this, the way you were.

Hope: I loved the solitude of the farm-- peace and quiet, being alone with my thoughts. You torture yourself with yours.

Adam: I'd be just as miserable if I were in the middle of Times Square.

Hope: You'd be just as alone there, because you've closed yourself off.

Adam: I'm used to being alone, and I can do this alone...

Hope: (Sighs)

Adam: On my own. Don't you want me being self-reliant?

Hope: Self-reliant? Yes. Alienated? No. There's a big difference, and that's what you need to learn.

Adam: Sharon's gone. It's for the best. I'm not gonna call her back here.

Hope: You won't have to.

Adam: (Exhaling deeply)

(Door opens)

(Footsteps approach)

Adam: Sharon?

Sharon: I had to come back. Please don't be angry with me.

Billy: I told you that it would be a long shot if your mother and Anita were still here.

Victoria: I know, but she hasn't called, and I figured that she would when she was done, to give me a play-by-play.

Billy: Well, maybe-- maybe your mother didn't get anything out of Anita.

Victoria: (Sighs) But I'm just dying to know what that woman's story is.

Billy: I know, I know.

Victoria: Do you think she's pulled this scam before?

Billy: I don't, actually, at least not with Chelsea.

Victoria: Why do you say that?

Billy: I just... (Sighs) I get the feeling that Chelsea's been taken off guard by how she feels about this baby, that she cares about him, what happens to him. I don't think she was expecting that.

Victoria: Yeah. That would be ironic, wouldn't it? If the one thing that finally breaks her free from her mother is to become a mother.

Anita: Victoria and Billy here?

Chelsea: They went out.

Anita: Mmm. This looks good. I'm starving.

Chelsea: (Scoffs) You just had lunch.

Anita: No, we never got that far. Nikki just wanted to shove my lost earring in my face.

Chelsea: Your earring?

Anita: She found it at Victor's.

Chelsea: Oh, my God!

Anita: No, relax. It's Victor's problem.

Chelsea: What?! Billy is gonna be furious. Uh, Victoria, too.

Anita: No, listen, we still have what they want, and they're not gonna get it until they pay up.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Anita: It's all under control. Stick with me, Honey.

Chelsea: (Sighs) (Sighs)

Jack: Want to tell me about it?

Nikki: What?

Jack: Whatever Victor has done to put that frown on your face.

Nikki: Ohh. Well, it's not gonna be a surprise to you. It shouldn't be a surprise to me, but the fact that he can be so manipulative and so controlling, and then try to rationalize the whole thing. I... I know this is not new behavior, but I-I just-- I cannot understand it.

Jack: Would this have anything to do with Chelsea and her mother?

Victor: I think it would be best if we took this conversation somewhere more private.

Genevieve: What did you have in mind?

Victor: Why don't you join me for dinner in my suite?

Genevieve: That would be lovely.

Victor: We'll have a bottle of champagne, and then we'll celebrate our arrangement.

Genevieve: We don't have an arrangement.

Victor: We will, by the time we finish that bottle.

Genevieve: (Laughs)

Phyllis: (Sighs) What's... so, um, that was quick. Uh, or--or did you not go?

Nick: Yeah, we went. Sharon had a real nice visit with Faith.

Phyllis: Good. I'm surprised she's just... okay with visits, you know, after not seeing her babies for so long, that a visit is okay with her.

Nick: Well, it's hard on her. Sharon almost came back with us, but I guess Adam is... intensely depressed, and she couldn't bring herself to leave him.

Phyllis: What, Adam needs her more than her kids need her?

Nick: I--Faith has me. Adam only has Sharon. I mean, there's literally nothing left of his life.

Phyllis: Wait. Wait a second, wait a second. Are you kidding me? Are you feeling bad for him?

Nick: (Sighs) Um, yeah, I guess I am...

Phyllis: Oh!

Nick: A little bit.

Phyllis: Nick.

Nick: You're not?

Phyllis: No, I'm not. He has Sharon where he wants her. This is Adam we're talking about. He's like a blind little spider spinning his web, and she's never getting out.

Adam: You've seen what miserable company I am.

Sharon: Yeah, and... I still came back. What does that tell you? Adam?

Adam: I need you. I'm sorry.

Sharon: I'm-- I'm glad to help you.

Adam: I want to live again, no matter what happens with my sight... but I can't do it without you.

Sharon: I'm here. You have me. I'm here.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Genevieve: Do you usually conduct business this way?

Victor: This is how I conduct business with you.

Avery: Our father is dying.

Anita: Victor doesn't think that you're good enough for his daughter, but I think you might be perfect for mine.

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