Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/16/12
Episode # 9845 ~ Nikki Finds Evidence Against Victor
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nikki: Mm.
Victor: You're so beautiful.
Nikki: Good morning.
Victor: Good morning, my darling.
Anita: I was hoping I lost it here. Well, if you find it, hold on to it for me.
Anita: Where are you, Chelsea? (Sighs) We've got work to do. I don't know what you're doing, but whatever it is, stop, and call me.
Victoria: Huh! So funny, because I thought that you were actually gonna serve me breakfast in bed.
Billy: You thought that, huh?
Victoria: Mm-hmm. Yeah, because I won the bet. The bet was that I beat you at shuffleboard bowling, and you make me... (Singsong voice) Breakfast in bed.
Billy: Ohh, see, I thought the deal was that I let you win, and then you get to have your way with me on top of Jimmy's jukebox.
Victoria: (Normal voice) Ohh, you are very, very bad.
Billy: I know that, but last night, you thought that I was very, very good--
Victoria: Oh, wait, just shut up and kiss me.
Billy: Mm, Bossy. I like that. (Growls)
Chelsea: Oh!
Billy: Hey.
Victoria: Oh.
Chelsea: Ohh.
Victoria: Chelsea.
Billy: Oh, really? You're gonna pull that fake labor stuff again? Come on. Right now?
Jack: I got it. (Breathing heavily)
Man: Good job, man. How's it feel?
Jack: Fine. When does the therapist get here?
Man: (Sighs) She should be here soon. (Sighs) All right. Press the call button if you need anything.
Jack: Thanks.
Ashley: Knock, knock.
Jack: Hey, Ash, come on in.
Ashley: (Gasps) Well, look at you! Up and about. Wonderful.
Jack: That all the stuff I asked you to bring from Jabot?
Ashley: Yeah, and I'm still not sure it's a great idea.
Jack: Tough. I've been out of the-- out of the loop for a long time. What do you got there?
Ashley: (Sighs) Well, Jackie, this is all the stuff that was on your desk--a um, some of the things that you were working on, and the mail that came in. I haven't had a chance to look it over, but I put the most important things on top, I think.
Jack: Okay.
Ashley: There you go. Whoa, that's a lot of stuff.
Jack: What's this?
Ashley: Ohh I have no idea what that is.
Man: Here you go, my sad American amie.
Genevieve: (Chuckles) It shows, huh?
Man: (Chuckles)
Genevieve: Sorry.
Man: Why is a woman so beautiful so unhappy in the most romantic city in the world?
Genevieve: Because I made a huge mistake, and it cost me the two most important men in my life-- my son, and the man I love.
Man: Perhaps, if you apologize...
Genevieve: (Scoffs) (Chuckles) You think I can make it right?
Man: (Laughs) Men are very forgiving, if you are truly sorry.
Sharon: (Gasps) Wow!
Adam: What happened?
Sharon: Um... the water heater isn't working, so I-I'm just checking the fuse box.
Adam: Oh, well, I-I, um, I-I can... um, I-I can fix that, I--
Sharon: Um, Adam...
Adam: No, look, I... (Chuckles) That fuse box has been there since I was, like, 12 years old. I can fix the thing blindfolded-- which, as it turns out, comes in handy. (Scoffs)
Sharon: Okay, well, re are the toolboxes, right behind you on the table... right there.
Adam: Okay, I just use, like, a... a straight-head screwdriver.
Sharon: Okay. Whoa! Oh!
Adam: Damn it. I'm sorry.
Sharon: Adam, are you okay?
Adam: Yes, I'm fine. Of course I'm fine.
Sharon: All right, here, let me just help you, um... find it for you. Here.
Adam: No, I can--
Sharon: I'm just gonna--
Adam: I can--I can do this on my own, Sharon. Thank you. I don't need your help.
Nikki: Now... it's a good morning.
Victor: (Chuckles)
Nikki: Good morning.
Victor: You don't think it can get any better?
Nikki: Oh, wow. I don't know. What'd you have in mind?
Victor: Mm, "Mrs. Pretty Blue Eyes."
Nikki: Mm.
Victor: What do I have in mind?
Nikki: Mm-hmm.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Well, London...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: (Gasps) Paris...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nik : (Gasps) Madrid...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: (Gasps) Milan...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: (Gasps) Kenya?
Victor: Yeah. I thought it would be nice to take a break from all the shopping sprees and candlelight dinners...
Nikki: But--
Victor: To go on a safari.
Nikki: Are you talking about going to all of these places?
Victor: Yes, I'll take you around the world, Baby, just the two of us. What do you think?
Nikki: (Laughs)
Victor: Hmm?
Nikki: Mm. Well, I would love to go on a trip with you, and...
Victor: (Sighs) Why, because you... are worried about Victoria? Is that why you're hesitating?
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victor: Hmm?
Nikki: You understand, don't you?
Victor: Yes. Of course you're concerned about our daughter. I understand that.
Nikki: I love you so much... and...
Victor: What?
Nikki: I have something for you.
Victor: Oh, you do?
Nikki: Mm-hmm. Of course, it's not quite as grand as all this...
Victor: Yes?
Nikki: But I think you'll like it.
Victor: Well, what is it?
Nikki: Last night, you told me that you had nothing to do with Chelsea and her mother coming to town...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: And I believe you.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: And I want Victoria to know the truth, too, so I'm gonna go over there today...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: And I'm gonna tell her.
Victor: Good.
Chelsea: The baby kicked.
Victoria: (Gasps) Ohh.
Chelsea: (Gasps) Oh, my God, he did it again! That's so weird.
Victoria: (Laughs)
Chelsea: That's so weird, but amazing. Feel.
Billy: Uh... (Clears throat)
Chelsea: I-I mean, feel, feel.
Victoria: I don't really feel anything.
Chelsea: (Gasps)
Victoria: (Gasps) Ohh!
Chelsea: Do you... (Laughs)
Victoria: I did! Wow, he's really strong, he's strong!
Chelsea: Yeah, it's so weird.
Billy: Hmm.
Victoria: Like his daddy's strong. (Giggles)
Billy: Oh, yeah, uh... (Chuckles)
Victoria: Aw. (Kisses Billy) (Laughs)
Adam: Yep, this-- this breaker's bad. The toggle won't even move. We need a new one.
Sharon: (Sighs) Listen, um, I'm sorry about before. I just--I didn't mean to, um...
Adam: No, Sharon, I'm...
(Tools clatter on table)
Adam: I'm sorry. I've been all over you since we've been here.
Sharon: It's okay.
Adam: No, it's not okay. I... I'm pied off at the world, and I'm taking it out on you. That's not right. I don't want to do that.
Sharon: Okay. Let's start over, then.
Adam: I'm not changing my mind about you leaving.
Sharon: Am, um, you can't do this on your own. You--you need someone here to help you.
Adam: Help me what, Sharon? Help me be blind?
Sharon: You need help. You cannot do this by yourself.
Adam: You're very right about that, and that's why I hired someone on to come help get the groceries and clean up and do the stuff like that. I...
Sharon: You would rather have a stranger than me?
Adam: I would rather not have you look at me and take pity on me-- "Poor, blind Adam."
Sharon: That is not how I see it.
Adam: Well, that's how I see it. I want you to leave.
Anita: Hey, kids.
Chelsea: Hey.
Anita: I'm not interrupting anything, am I?
Chelsea: Uh, no, the-- the baby moved. (Laughs)
Anita: (Gasps) Isn't that exciting?
(Cell phone rings)
Billy: Oh, wait, excuse me. Hey. (Laughs) Jay, give me some good news, man. I could use some good news.
Anita: Victoria, Honey, would you mind making me something to drink?
Victoria: Sure, yeah. What would you like?
Anita: Tea would be nice.
Victoria: No problem.
Anita: Nice touch, letting them feel the ankle-biter squirm. That'll draw 'em in.
Chelsea: It wasn't a trick. I really--I did, I-I felt the baby kick, and I wanted to share that with Billy... and Victoria.
Anita: Real's good. That'll keep 'em from figuring out what we're up to. That's what I want to talk to you about.
Chelsea: Mom... (Scoffs) Do we really need to discuss this again?
Anita: Well, now that I know old man Newman's not gonna cough up any more money, we gotta get everything we can out of Billy.
Chelsea: I know what we talked about, but... (Sighs) I just kind of--
Anita: You're not getting cold feet, are you? That baby is a winning lotto ticket, and we're gonna cash it in.
Billy: Hey, Guys, sorry about that, but I-- where's Vicki?
Chelsea: Uh, she went to make Mom some tea.
Anita: Uh, tell her thanks a bunch, but I just remembered we have to refill your prenatal vitamins.
Chelsea: No, Mom--
Anita: I'll take you to the pharmacy now.
Chelsea: That--that's okay, you don't have to do that.
Anita: No, I want to.
Chelsea: Mom, you--you just got home. Relax for a minute.
Anita: It's--
Billy: Hey, Guys, um... (Chuckles) I've gotta run some errands. I can take you.
Chelsea: Oh, that'd be great. Thanks, Billy. Mom can stay here and relax for a minute.
Billy: Yeah. Let's go.
Chelsea: Okay.
Anita: (Sighs, laughs)
Victoria: So how are...
Anita: (Sighs)
Victoria: How are things going between you and Chelsea?
Anita: Ohh, you know how it is with families.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Anita: Um... actually, maybe you don't. You've got a happy family.
Victoria: I don't know. I mean, we all have our ups and downs.
Anita: I mean, mostly-- mostly ups. I mean, look at him. He's so handsome. Your dad is just--wow.
Victoria: How did you know that was my father?
Anita: Oh, I, uh, I just met your mom. I assumed-- he isn't your stepdaddy, is he?
Victoria: No, no, he's my father.
Anita: Oh. And this must be your little boy, yeah? He's so cute. Yeah.
Kay: Ahh.
Victor: How is everything in your life?
Kay: Oh, my dear, so busy. Well, after all, it isn't... uh, I mean, not anyone can just plan a birthday party and a wedding in the same week.
Victor: A wedding?
Kay: Yeah.
Victor: Oh.
Kay: Well, Cane and Lily got remarried, and I sent them, their family, and friends off to France for a big celebration.
Victor: You did?
Kay: Yeah.
Victor: I want you to adopt me.
Kay: (Laughs)
Victor: That's very generous, you know sent them all to France? Are you kidding? That's wonderful.
Kay: Isn't it? And I almost-- I was almost gonna use your jet, too.
Victor: Really? (Laughs)
Kay: No. (Laughs) Jill said everybody had a wonderful time-- well, almost everybody. Genevieve showed up unexpectedly.
Victor: What do you mean, unexpectedly? Cane did not invite his own mother to his wedding?
Kay: No. Seems that Cane can't, uh, forgive her for what she did to poor old Jack.
Victor: Well, Jack won't forgive her, either.
Jack: What else you got?
Ashley: Do you want to talk about it?
Jack: You want to talk? Let's talk about all this work I need to catch up on. Let's talk about how the Packers blew a perfectly perfect season. Let's talk about where my physical therapist is. She's supposed to be here now.
Ashley: Jack. Jack.
Jack: Would you just check-- check on my therapist, please? I want to get started on my therapy. I want to get out of this chair. I want to walk again.
Ashley: You know, it might be a while before things are the way--
Jack: I will not accept that! I have responsibilities. I am the head of this family. Dad-- I promised Dad I would always look out for all of you.
Ashley: He'd be so proud of the way you fought your way to get back to us, Jack.
Jack: That's not enough.
(Slams down envelope)
Ashley: Jackie, listen to me. No matter what happens--
Jack: Would you do me a favor? Would you please just check on my therapist?
Ashley: Sure.
(Cell phone rings) (Ring)
Jack: Hello?
Genevieve: (Voice breaking) Jack, it's me. Please don't hang up.
Adam: The, um, the electrician will be out later.
Sharon: You know, we didn't finish our talk from before.
Adam: Actually, we did. You need to go home to your family.
Sharon: You're not gonna get me to change my mind.
Adam: I know someone who will.
Sharon: No one could persuade me to leave you.
Adam: (Voice breaking) Not even Faith?
Genevieve: Jack, are you there?
Jack: Yeah, I'm here.
Genevieve: How are you?
Jack: You mean, for a guy who can't walk?
Genevieve: I've been worried about you.
Jack: Well, I got your package.
Genevieve: You were supposed to have gotten it on our wedding day.
Jack: Instead of you.
Genevieve: I couldn't marry you, Jack, not after what I did. You deserve better than that.
Jack: You're right, I deserve better.
Genevieve: (Voice breaking) I am so sorry.
Jack: For what?
Genevieve: (Sobbing) For all of it, especially the part... (Sobs) Where I hurt you so much.
Jack: Yeah, well, I知 over it. Actually, it was fairly easy.
Genevieve: I still love you.
Jack: I have to go, okay?
Genevieve: Please don't go. Please don't hang up like this. I can't leave it like this.
Jack: I can...
Genevieve: (Sniffles)
(Door opens)
Ashley: Okay, Jack, the therapist-- I'm sorry, were you on the phone?
Jack: No, no, it was nothing. Listen, uh, I'm gonna ask you to do something for me.
Ashley: Absolutely. Anything.
Jack: Genevieve got me to show her my bid for Beauty of Nature, and then outbid me.
Ashley: I know, Jack, and I wish I could just strangle her for what she did to you.
Jack: Well, I have something else in mind. I want our lawyers to look into whether or not we have a case.
Ashley: (Sighs) Really? I mean, what is your end game?
Jack: I want to show Genevieve how it feels to have her prize taken away from her.
Chelsea: This little guy has not stopped kicking since we left your house. I think he's trying to get your attention. You do know it is okay to touch me. (Chuckles)
Billy: Last time I did that, you made some pretty nasty accusations.
Chelsea: I was a little freaked out when I first showed up here.
Billy: Oh, really? Is that what you do when you're freaked out-- make up outrageous lies?
Chelsea: I guess you could say I learned it from my mom.
Billy: I could believe that. (Laughs) That whole line about your dad being a missionary? Come on.
Chelsea: You figured that out, huh?
Billy: Well, I guess I'm just smarter than your average mark.
Chelsea: You know how parents can be. They just--they do crazy things to help their kids.
Billy: Yes, I do know all about that.
Chelsea: What about your mom? She seems very... (Inhales sharply) Protective.
Billy: If that's a euphemism for "I will scratch your eyes out if you mess with my children," then yes, but no, I wasn't thinking of her.
Chelsea: Oh?
Billy: No, I was more thinking about Victoria's old man... the great Victor Newman.
Victor: So Genevieve crashed the wedding?
Kay: Oh, according to Jill.
Victor: Huh.
Kay: However, she didn't make a scene. I'm not even sure anyone else knew she was there.
Victor: Uh-huh. So first, she loses Jack, and then her own son won't invite her to the wedding. I mean, I don't quite understand that. She must be feeling very alone.
Kay: Well, I would say she's rather vulnerable right now.
Victor: Um... Katherine, I have-- oh, my goodness, I have a business thing to deal with.
Kay: Well, you ought to do it.
Victor: Do you mind?
Kay: No, of course not. No, for heaven's sakes. (Grunts)
Victor: All right. There we gotta tell Nikki that you came by.
Kay: My darling, thank you. Oh, is that-- is that Nikki's?
Anita: Vicki's in the kitchen. She should be right out.
Nikki: Oh, thanks. Did you ever, uh, find that earring you lost?
Anita: No, thanks for asking. I think the darn thing's gone for good.
Nikki: Ohh.
Victoria: Oh, hey, Mom. Hi.
Nikki: Hi.
Victoria: I didn't know you were here.
Nikki: Just arrived.
Victoria: Aw.
Anita: I'll leave you two, and, um, there was something--oh. I watched a few things on pay-per-view, in case you're wondering when the bill comes. Okay.
Victoria: Okay, thanks for letting me know. Thank you.
Nikki: Oh, brother.
Victoria: I appreciate it.
Nikki: She seems to be making herself at home.
Victoria: Oh, Mom, listen, let's just talk about any other subject other than Chelsea and Anita, okay?
Nikki: Okay, fine...
Victoria: Okay.
Nikki: Pick a topic.
Victoria: Uh, topic, topic, topic. Oh, let's see. How about you? You look happy. In fact, you're actually kind of... mm, you're beaming.
Nikki: Oh, God. Well... thanks. I had a nice evening with your father.
Victoria: Oh, good, I'm glad. That's good. That's good.
Nikki: Okay...
Victoria: Well.
Nikki: But you still don't trust him, do you?
Victoria: Mom, listen. He's hurt you way too many times, and he's still hurting me, okay, so...
Nikki: Sweetheart, believe me, I understand why you feel that way, but I talked to him and he looked me in the eye and said that he had nothing to do with Chelsea or her mother being here.
Victoria: Really? And you believe him?
Nikki: Yes, I do.
Victoria: Well, I'm sorry, okay? After everything that he's done to Billy and me, I can't.
Man: Hi, I'm Megan, your physical therapist.
Jack: Hi, this is, uh, my sister, Ashley.
Megan: Hi.
Ashley: Okay, I guess we'll finish this conversation later.
Jack: Yeah.
Ashley: Excuse me.
Jack: So what do you got? I'm eager to get started.
Megan: I know you spoke to Claire about what to expect before we, um, went down to the therapy room.
Jack: Yeah, your boss and I didn't exactly see eye to eye.
Megan: I understand you're anxious to walk, but we need to approach your therapy realistically.
Jack: Okay, is this the beginning of a speech about building my upper body strength so I can use a wheelchair?
Megan: One of our goals is to make you as independent as possible.
Jack: Fine. For me, that means walking.
Megan: According to your chart, there is a slight chance that could happen.
Jack: Okay, so why is everybody in this hospital acting like it won't?
Megan: I-I'm not a doctor--
Jack: But you've been working with people like me for how long?
Man: Over--over 12 years.
Jack: Okay, so of the people you've worked with who are in my condition, how many of them have walked again?
Billy: You've never met anyone like Victor Newman. I don't think you want to.
Chelsea: Yeah, I've heard about him. He's a real mega-mogul.
Billy: More like megalomaniac...
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Billy: Heavy on the "Maniac."
Chelsea: Well, you're supposed to get along with your in-laws, right?
Billy: No, no. Your parents, either.
Chelsea: Well, parents, we're kind of stuck with.
Billy: It would drive me crazy, the way your mother hovers all over you. She practically pushed you to the pharmacy.
Chelsea: She just likes being in charge, especially me.
Billy: I'm just glad Anita didn't talk you into leaving town.
Chelsea: No, I mean, she was never really gonna-- my--my mom just says stuff she doesn't mean. So we should probably be getting back, actually. After that scare I had last night, that's brought "Hovering" to a whole new level. (Inhales sharply)
Billy: Well, I guess that's better than a mother who doesn't care, which is what you led us to believe that you had.
Chelsea: I should have figured that my mother was gonna show up here and try to run my life. She always does.
Victoria: I don't believe Dad, and you do, so let's just leave it at that, okay?
Nikki: Leave it at that? With you and your father not speaking? No, I can't do that.
Victoria: Well, can you-- can you blame me for not wanting him in my life?
Nikki: Honey, he thought he was doing what was best for you.
Victoria: I'm sure that's how he justified bringing Chelsea and Anita here.
Nikki: You know, I can understand why you feel that way. In fact, I-I had questions, too, before he convinced otherwise.
Victoria: Right, and he's never lied to you before, has he?
Nikki: Victoria, this whole family just spent months lying to each other, lying for each other. I killed a woman, there's a-a boy who doesn't have his mother, your father almost went to prison for life for something that he didn't do. Now all of this has to stop.
Victoria: You think I don't want that?
Nikki: Please trust your father. You have to believe that after everything we've been through, he wouldn't lie to us.
Kay: Oh, Victor, beautiful.
Victor: I bought that last time I was in Istanbul.
Kay: Oh.
Victor: I wanted to give it to Nikki for Christmas.
Kay: (Laughs) Well, then, it's, uh, a little late, so I think it's gonna make a beautiful Valentine's Day gift, uh, one of many, I am sure.
Victor: You know each other only too well, don't you?
Kay: Victor, gifts are a loving thing... but gifts are not gonna hold you and Nikki together this time.
Victor: Right, my dear...
Kay: (Sighs)
Victor: You know I love you, but no lectures.
Kay: Well, this time, don't blow it. (Chuckles) Ready?
Victor: Ready.
Kay: Ready. Oh, this is gonna be freezing tonight.
Victor: Yeah, I'm glad you have a warm coat on...
Kay: Well... (Laughs)
Victor: So you should be fine.
Kay: Oh, okay.
Victor: I will tell Nikki that you came by.
Kay: Oh, please do.
Victor: Kiss good-bye, okay?
Kay: Okay. I love you.
Victor: You take care of yourself, okay?
Kay: Don't forget to tell her.
Victor: I won't. Bye.
Victor: Listen, uh, Genevieve Atkinson is in Paris. I want you to find out where she is right now, okay?
Sharon: Okay, see you soon, bye love you. Bye-bye.
Adam: Faith misses her mommy, and I know you miss her, too.
Sharon: Well, Nick said he'd bring her for a visit.
Adam: Yes, l don't want you to miss any more time with her.
Sharon: You can't go through this alone.
Adam: You're not listening to me. There is no "Through this," Sharon. I'm blind, and the specialists-- they think I'm going to stay blind. I have to take care of Faith. I'm just an adult who's been dealt a lousy hand, but Faith is just a little girl. She's sweet little girl that's...that's had far too much taken away from her with her mommy to have no right悠 of all people, have no right to take any more time away from her. Do you?
Sharon: You're right. I'll go to Faith.
Ashley: I'm sorry, I-I didn't know you were there.
Meg: I was just leaving. Someone will be in to take you to therapy.
Jack: I'll see you there.
Ashley: How'd it go?
Jack: Did you talk to the lawyers?
Ashley: Yeah, I did.
Jack: Well, what did they say? I have a case against Genevieve?
Nikki: You really have to go to Paris?
Victor: Yes, Sweetheart. That's where Genevieve is. I must see her.
Nikki: Can't you wait until she comes back home to take Beauty of Nature away from her?
Victor: Sweetheart, will you trust me when it comes to conducting business? She is very vulnerable right now. This is as good a time as any. Trust me, I hate to leave you now, okay?
Nikki: Not as much. As I hate you leaving me, and look what Genevieve did to Jack.
Victor: He's the one who should be worrying.
Nikki: She has no idea what Beauty of Nature means to you.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: And the two you and Victoria created it together.
Victor: How was it with Victoria, by the way?
Nikki: I'm afraid she has her father's stubborn streak.
Victor: You didn't get through to her?
Nikki: Patience, my darling.
Victor: That is not one of my strong suits, my love.
Nikki: I know, but I promise, by the time you come back, I will have convinced Victoria that you had nothing to do with Chelsea and her mother coming to Genoa City, okay?
Victor: Good.
Nikki: I will miss you very much.
Victor: Mm.
Billy: You know, I like your mom, but she has a blind spot where Victor's concerned.
Victoria: Yeah, I know. I basically told her the same thing. I wish she were right, though, about Dad not bringing Chelsea and Anita here--not just for her sake but for ours.
Billy: Well, it's all gonna come crashing down on Nikki when she finds out old Victor is lying.
Victoria: But at least, we're gonna get something really wonderful out of all this. (Chuckles)
Billy: I didn't think you felt that way until I saw the look on her face when the little guy kicked.
Victoria: Ohh, I can't help it. I'm already in love with him.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: It just--I didn't want to get my hopes up, because we don't know what Chelsea and Anita are up to.
Billy: Chelsea betted that that story that her mom told about her father being a missionary-- yeah, that's a lie.
Victoria: And why would she tell you that if they are working together?
Billy: I'm not so sure that they are.
(Footsteps approach)
Anita: Billy, you're back.
Billy: Hey.
Anita: Where is Chelsea?
Billy: Uh, she decided to lie down.
Anita: I better go check on her.
Billy: No, no, no. She's just tired. Gives us a chance to talk.
Adam: You should go.
Anita: Are you upset with Chelsea and me about something?
Billy: Oh, no, no, not at all. Uh, sit down for a second. Um, I know you're a proud woman, and you're not here for a handout.
Anita: I only take what's rightfully mine.
Billy: I-I know that, and I admire that. But don't you think that after all you and Chelsea have been through, after the baby is born, the two of you deserve a life that's, uh, more comfortable?
Anita: It's been a rough year for my little girl.
Billy: I know. It's been tough, and I can smooth the edges. I'm thinking that, you know, if you'll let me, I can find someplace very comfortable and far away from here for the two of you.
Anita: Sounds interesting.
Billy: So you'll think about it?
Anita: Yeah, I'll think about it. Okay.
Jack: So who'd you talk to in legal?
Ashley: Tom... but you heard what the nurse just said to you.
Jack: What did Tom say? Tell me. I want to hear it.
Ashley: He said that you have a strong case against Genevieve, Jack.
Jack: Tell him to get started.
Ashley: Jack, there's no rush.
Jack: No, I want to move on this now.
Ashley: Listen, but you've got so much that you're dealing with. Take your time and slow down.
Jack: Once all the paperwork is drawn up, let me know, okay?
Genevieve: There's got to be someone out there who can run Beauty of Nature, Davis. (Sighs) Okay. I am meeting somebody while I'm here in Paris. I'll call you as soon as I'm done, but please, just get a list for me, okay?
Victor: Michael, I'm on my way to Paris. I'm going to surprise Genevieve Atkinson. Yep. I'm gonna get back Beauty of Nature, you bet. No, Nikki knows about it.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Adam: Mom?
Nikki: I think maybe it is.
Anita: What the hell are you doing?
Genevieve: You've come all this way just to schmooze me? Please, schmooze me.
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