Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/15/12
Episode # 9844 ~ Victor and Nikki Share a Romantic Dinner
Provided By Suzanne
Devon: See, it's small, but loud. That's how we do weddings, all right? (Laughter)
Cane: You see that? Okay. Now everybody heard what she said. You heard what mommy said, right? "Today and for always."
Lily: Hey, the same goes for you, mister.
Cane: Mm, come here, baby. Mm. I love you.
Lily: (Laughs) I love you.
Cane: All right. Thank you for being my wife.
Lily: Aw.
Cane: And, you guys, thank you for being my family. Now come here, give me some love. Come here.
Devon: Congratulations, man.
Cane: Thank you. Thank you.
Lily: Thank you so much!
Cane: Thank you for coming.
Olivia: You're welcome.
Cane: Thank you.
Lily: Thank you.
Neil: It was really cheesy. I love that.
Cane: Thank you, pops!
Neil: I love you, man.
Olivia: It was beautiful.
Harmony: Thank you for having me.
Cane: Thank you for coming.
Harmony: Congratulations, lily. You look so beautiful.
Jill: I'm so happy for you.
Cane: I love you. Thank you for coming. It means so much to me.
Jill: Ohh, ohh. Mm, I'm so happy for you.
Cane: Thank you.
Lily: Look at. Do you want some petals?
Cane: Thank you. Thank you, sweetheart.
Olivia: Ohh, honey.
Cane: Thank you. You, too. Come here.
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: Thank you for coming.
Genevieve: (Sobbing)
Lauren: Happy valentine's day to you, Gloria.
Gloria: Yeah, well, with the worm Jeffrey back, Kevin back, married, we'll see.
Lauren: Mm-hmm.
Gloria: And speaking of Kevin, have you had a chance to talk to him since he got home? I mean, really talk to him?
Michael: Oh, you mean as in, ask him why he left Chloe at the altar, only to marry Angelina? No, that's kind of hard when his darling bride is epoxied to his side 24/7.
Lauren: Eden said that she got, like, a strange vibe from them at the apartment.
Gloria: Strange, how? Uh-oh. Um...
Angelina: (Clears throat) (giggles)
Gloria: (Laughs)
Angelina: You get one little megahit, and everyone treats you like beyoncé. (Laughs)
Michael: Look at you two, all lovey-dovey on this most romantical of days.
Angelo: (Chuckles) if there was a poster for love, these two would be plastered on it.
Chelsea: Oh, my god. I think I'm in labor. (Panting) it's too soon.
Billy: Yeah, you're right. It's too soon.
Victoria: Wait-- wait a second. If she's in pain, then something's wrong.
Chelsea: Stop talking about me like I'm not here. Ow!
Nikki: All right, we're--we're gonna have to get Chelsea to the hospital.
Chelsea: Aah. (Winces) ow.
Nikki: Somebody call the mother.
Victor: What do you want?
Anita: We need to talk.
Victor: I gave you a phone for that purpose.
Anita: This is a kind of face-to-face chat.
Victor: Gentlemen, I want you to take a good look at this face. This lady is never to set foot on this property again. Take her out, please.
Anita: What? Are you crazy? What--hey, guys, cut it out. What are you doing? Let go. I said, let go, right now! What are you doing? You s-- uhh!
Lauren: I realize Kevin is having a break from reality, but could the man look any more miserable?
Michael: Well, perhaps he would just prefer to be alone with his wife, whom he fell madly in love with in just a couple of short weeks.
Lauren: (Groans)
Gloria: I know Kevin's look of love, and that is not it. Unfortunately, we can't go grab him by the collar and say, "what were you thinking?" Not with Angelo standing there.
Lauren: (Gasps) you know what we could do?
Gloria: Hmm?
Lauren: We could ask them how they fell in love. Newlyweds love to tell that story.
Michael: Strong tactic, valid logic. Let's give it a shot.
Gloria: (Chuckles)
Devon: Wow.
Lily: Look at that.
Harmony: Wow.
Abby: Katherine is amazing.
Harmony: Come on, I've never seen anything like this. I can't believe it. (Laughs)
Neil: Look how beautiful this is.
Harmony: There you go. Wow.
Jill: And make sure this is your last wedding.
Harmony: This is gorgeous.
Cane: Hey, everybody, I give you all my solemn vow that this is our last wedding...
Devon: Good.
Cane: Because we couldn't top this one if we tried, all right? (Laughter)
Olivia: No, you couldn't.
Jill: It's really beautiful.
Harmony: You know, it's so nice to find that person that you can wake up with every day and just be so grateful to see their face. (Chuckles)
Neil: Well, harmony, you'll find someone, you know? You just gotta look.
Harmony: That's easy for you to say. You're done looking.
Billy: Labor, seriously? I mean, come on.
Victoria: Well, she looked like she was in pain.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Yeah, well, the timing is rather suspicious.
Anita: (Gasping) what happened? I just got the message. Where's my baby?
Nikki: Um...
Victoria: Um, Chelsea had some cramping.
Anita: Ohh. Ohh.
Nikki: She's with the doctors now.
Anita: Have--have we met before? I-I know your face from someplace.
Victoria: Well, this is my mother, Nikki Newman.
Nikki: Anita, so sorry to be meeting under these circumstances.
Anita: (Sighs) I know. (Gasps) ohh. Are you okay, baby?
Chelsea: Mom, I'm fine. I-I-I panicked before, but I'm not scared anymore. These doctors seem really good.
Anita: So you're saying, "calm down already, mom"? Huh?
Chelsea: I'm--I'm saying, let's just wait for the test results, okay?
Anita: Okay. Okay.
Chelsea: (Exhales slowly) thank you.
Anita: (Sighs) I-I think I'll sit a spell and catch my breath. I rushed over here as fast as I could, and...
Nikki: Oh, it looks like you lost an earring on the way over.
Anita: (Sighs) well, if that's all that's lost, it's a good day. (Cell phone rings)
Nikki: Excuse me.
Nikki: Hello?
Victor: When will you be back, my love?
Nikki: I am so sorry. Uh, there's been a-a slight delay. I'll be home as soon as I can.
Victor: Uh, you better remember what you said earlier. The rest of the day was mine, you know.
Nikki: Does this have to do with my surprise?
Victor: Now you hurry home, okay?
Bonnie: The musicians have arrived, Mr. Newman.
Victor: Just in time. Thank you.
[ Sighs ] I wish there were an easy way. (Woman singing "my days filled with you" in French)
Jeff: Psst, hey. Yeah, you. Does your mom like chocolate?
Michael: Did you forget how to peel the clearance price tag off of a gift when you lost your memory?
Jeff: (Sighs) yeah, well, a couple of bucks doesn't go far when you need essentials-- underwear, potted meat.
Michael: Okay, well, thanks for painting that picture. You know, I still gotta eat.
Jeff: Look, here's the thing-- I can't stop thinking about Gloria, so that's gotta count for something. I just gotta figure out a way to pry the goombah off her so I can make my case.
Michael: Well, on that charge... (pats Jeff's shoulder) I wish you Godspeed.
Angelina: Oh, make sure to get my good side. (Giggles)
Angelo: My Angie don't have a bad side. Ain't that right, Kevvie?
Kevin: Oh, yeah.
Angelina: Thank you.
Kevin: Every guy in the world is jealous of me.
Angelo: Ohh, sounds like a toast. Let me get you two a glass of bubbly.
Angelina: I'm sorry.
Kevin: For what?
Angelina: You're just... not you, and if you're not you, it's probably 'cause of me.
Kevin: Chloe is done with me. Your dad is... your dad. It is what it is. No point in continuing to fight this battle that I can't seem to win.
Anita: There was this kid I remember. You used to swing all over the monkey bars, just like the little boys amped up on sugar after snack time, and when she broke her arm, the first words out of her mouth were, "when can I climb again?" She was too tough for her own good.
Billy: Maybe she was just faking it.
Anita: Is this the way you talk about the woman who is carrying your child?
Victoria: Okay, listen, the doctor is gonna tell us what we need to know about Chelsea's condition, okay? (Door opens)
Billy: Oh, here we go.
Doctor: Chelsea, it appears you and the baby are fine. Nothing to worry about.
Billy: (Gasps) what a surprise.
Nikki: Victor? Hello? (Playing romantic music) (violin starts playing)
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victor: Happy valentine's day.
Nikki: Well, one of us is underdressed.
Victor: There's a gown for you upstairs from Fenmore's, and chef Hubert has prepared your favorite food.
Nikki: No.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: How did you get him away from his restaurant?
Victor: I asked very nicely.
Nikki: (Laughs)
Victor: Now you had a stressful day. I think this will help.
Nikki: Being with you will help, and talking will help.
Victor: Why don't you go upstairs, get changed?
Nikki: I won't be long.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: Nobody knows me the way you do-- no one.
Billy: So it's official. You played us.
Chelsea: No--
Victoria: You know what? Listen, we can just talk about all of that later.
Doctor: All we know is mother and baby are fine. Doesn't mean it was a mistake to come check it out.
Anita: So should I just take her home and keep an eye on her?
Doctor: Give her O.B. a call if there's any changes.
Anita: Thank you, doctor.
Victoria: Thank you.
Anita: (Sighs)
Billy: Do you feel okay? Are you comfy? Do you want a doughnut? How about some cocoa?
Victoria: The most important thing is--is that the baby's healthy, and that's what we all really want, right?
Billy: (Sighs) mm-hmm.
Anita: Exactly. Crisis averted. I-it's-- it's a day for lovers, not this hospital. You two go out and have fun.
Billy: (Sighs)
Victoria: Thank you.
Billy: Works for me.
Victoria: Okay. Listen, if you need anything--
Billy: Mnh-mnh.
Victoria: All right, I'll see you. See you soon.
Chelsea: Bye.
(Door closes)
Anita: (Sighs) Billy's right, isn't he? This was you shoveling a giant load of B.S.
Jill: Don't react, okay?
Neil: Hmm?
Jill: Genevieve was here. She must have found out where the wedding was, and she came and she saw and she took off.
Neil: Do you know what she was up to?
Jill: I never got a chance to speak to her, but there were tears.
Lily: Uh-oh, no more wine. Let's cut him off, cut the boy off.
All: (Laughing)
Devon: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's not that. It's just--I'm-- look where we're at. This is wild.
Olivia: It's right.
Devon: It is. But you know what? This--this, uh, this isn't about the view.
Neil: Mm.
Devon: Today is about, uh, the two of you...
Lily: (Chuckles)
Devon: You know? And I know I don't need to talk about how long the road was to get here, 'cause...
Abby: (Clears throat) moving right along...
Devon: Okay.
Lily: Yes. (Laughs)
Cane: Thank you very much.
Lily: Thanks.
Devon: Okay, um, I just want to say that, um, I can hear the joy in my sister's voice, and, uh, I can see the look in her eyes, and she's happy. She's really happy, and the kids are happy, you know? And I know everybody--we saw the wedding. It was bursting with happiness.
All: (Laughing)
Devon: Right? (Laughs) and, uh, I think that most of the time, there's not enough happiness in this world. But, um, cane and lily, you guys are a good start.
Lily: Thank you.
Cane: Thank you.
Harmony: Well, this boy has a-a way with words, and, you know, he's my son.
All: (Laughing)
Olivia: Hey, Neil, you're not gonna let him upstage you like that. Come on.
Jill: Ohh! Look at him. Father of the bride, just sittin' here, eatin' cake.
All: (Laughing)
Neil: Oh, it's-- evidently, I'm being asked to say something, and--and I don't really have much to say.
Cane: All right, thank you.
Neil: Uh, no, I'm kidding, really. You said your vows, and now it's my turn. Um, lily... I love you so much, first of all, okay? But I want to thank god for your smile, because you light up my life, and I'm sure you light up everyone else's lives here. I want to thank god for your love and joy, 'cause you make me feel ever so special, and I want to thank god for you, yeah, you, this guy right here...
Lily: (Laughs)
Neil: For proving that you are gonna keep my daughter safe and you're gonna keep her loved.
Cane: Yes, I will.
Neil: And, Dru, I know you are extremely proud of the two of them, as I am. Cheers.
Cane: Cheers.
Jill: Well done.
Cane: Thank you. Cheers, everybody.
(Glasses clinking)
Neil: And I had nothing to say. (Laughs)
Jill: I know, that's what you said.
Lily: (Chuckles)
Michael: Service sucks, huh?
Michael: Hey, Kevin... what is it? We can fix this, whatever it is. Just tell me what's going on with you and Angelina, and we can deal with this together.
Angelo: No kidding? Would you pour one for papa "a," huh?
Kevin: Nothing to fix. I married Angelina because I wanted to.
Michael: Oh, yeah, you know, 'cause you're all blissed out. The picture of the newlywed, you know.
Kevin: Blissed on the inside.
Lauren: You know, you are just-- you're so gorgeous, and your taste... (laughs) wow, a-amazing. I just can't help thinking what kind of wedding you and Kevin would have had if you had waited. I guess you just got all caught up in the romance of being on the road, huh?
Angelina: (Sniffles) I'm sorry. (Crying)
Jeff: Gloria, Gloria. Here, for you.
Gloria: (Scoffs) nice. Do you have a reservation, Mr. Bardwell?
Jeff: (Sighs) look, it sucks that my brain is on the fritz right now and I don't actually remember you, but I like what I see, a lot. Do I wish I could have handed you the keys to a fancy car and a bunch of roses? Oh, you bet, but it's the thought, right?
Gloria: Right. Deep, meaningful thought.
Jeff: Here, happy valentine's, "honey bunny." What?
Gloria: Honey bunny. Hmm. That was your pet name for me.
Jeff: Well, what do you know? (Chuckles) looks like part of me just can't forget you.
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