Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/14/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/14/12


Episode # 9843 ~ Lily and Cane Have a Valentine's Day Wedding in France

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jill: Ohh. As if the view from my room weren't stunning enough. Will you look at this? Mm.

Abby: Feel the air. It's different.

Jill: (Laughs)

Devon: Yeah, it's 'cause we're not under six layers of wool.

Harmony: Oh, I'm sure there's more to it than that.

Neil: Hey, your room okay?

Harmony: Is my room oka--

Neil: What?

Harmony: You know, it's not all that.

Neil: (Laughs)

Harmony: (Laughs)

Sofia: (Laughs) Now I see why people just pick up and move out here.

Lily: A friend's summer house that we can borrow, like it's just a shack or something.

Cane: Uh-huh.

Lily: I cannot imagine a more beautiful place to get married.

Cane: Or people I'd rather be here with.

Abby: Aw.

Lily: Aw. (Laughs) Wow.

Genevieve: Thank you.

Genevieve: (Sighs) I don't have the exact address, but for now, just drive towards Provence.

Kay: Uh-huh. Mm. Well, um, of course, yes, we got your gift for Delia. (Laughs) Now will the two of you please hurry up and get married? (Laughs) Uh, right. Au revoir.

Chloe: You know, you're throwing them this big wedding, and you don't even get to go.

Kay: Well, I'll be there in spirit. Besides, I, uh, I get birthday cake, and I wouldn't miss this for the world.

Chloe: I know. It's huge, isn't it?

Kay: Yes, indeed. (Laughs)

Chloe: It's like everything is A.C. -- after cancer.

Kay: Mm.

Chloe: Christmas, A.C. her birthday, A.C. I mean, my little girl kicked the big "C." (Chuckles)

Kay: Right in the butt.

Chloe: Yeah.

Murphy: Here we are! Oh, Mama.

Chloe: Oh, my goodness! Look how beautiful you look, and oh, my goodness, she's huge.

Esther: Yeah, well, never too big to hug, huh?

Chloe: My Cordelia Katherine Valentine Abbott, you are the best valentine in the entire world.

Delia: (Laughs)

Chloe: (Makes kissing noises) Oh, I got lipstick on you!

All: (Laughing)

Billy: Delia loves tea roses. Maybe we should get her a couple of dozen. What do you think?

Victoria: Yes! She can keep them in her room. Little girls love tea roses. They love that.

Billy: Yeah?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: What do big girls love?

Victoria: Ohh, well...

Billy: Hmm.

Victoria: Um, I think that is the eternal question.

Billy: Yeah?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Cupid's making a little visit later.

Victoria: Cupid?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Cupid? I love that little guy.

Billy: Yeah, I know.

Victoria: I love... (Laughs)

Billy: (Laughs)

Victoria: Oh. (Sighs) Is there something I can do for you?

Victor: Well, happy Valentine’s Day, my baby.

Nikki: And you, too, my love. Mm.

Victor: You're going to Delia’s party?

Nikki: Yes.

Victor: Oh.

Nikki: Now I know how fond you are of her, and I hope you understand why you weren't asked to come.

Victor: You know that I'm very fond of her.

Nikki: And I will let her know that when I go, by myself.

Victor: Unh-unh. That's not acceptable.

Nikki: Victor, if you're even thinking about going to Delia’s party, please don’t. It's her day, and after everything the kids have been through with her, the last thing that they need is more tension and drama, and that's exactly what it would be if you walk through that door.

Victor: Best wishes aren't enough. You look in the back of your trunk. I left something there for Delia. I want to make sure that she knows it's from me.

Nikki: Oh, okay. Thanks for torturing me. Very romantic, today of all days. Mm.

Victor: I've made special arrangements for today, the day of all days. Are you free?

Nikki: I am free most of the day, and all of my night...

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Nikki: Is for you.

Victor: Oh, Baby.

Chelsea: Hey, um, sorry. I was hoping to borrow some cookie sheets. Apparently Mom's in a baking mood.

Billy: Sure, take whatever you need.

Victoria: Actually, why don't you just use our kitchen? Because we're gonna be out for a while anyway.

Anita: My goodness, you are just so sweet. I thought you got lost.

Chelsea: (Chuckles)

Anita: Ooh, it looks like somebody's been doing some shopping.

Billy: Oh, yeah, it's, um, my kid's birthday. Most amazing little girl in the world, actually. You know, I missed a lot of Delia’s last year when I was... away, and, you know, that funny, sweet little girl-- she almost died.

Chelsea: Oh, I didn't-- I didn't know that.

Billy: Being away from my daughter--that's, uh, just one more side effect of being locked up for a crime I didn't commit.

Victoria: But Delia’s really well now, and we have a lot to celebrate, right?

Billy: This is true. A hundred more birthdays for DeeDee.

Anita: God loves his little children.

Chelsea: Uh, well, you guys have a good time.

Victoria: Yeah, we will.

Billy: Yeah, okay, thanks.

Victoria: Thank you.

Chelsea: Bye.

Billy: (Whistles)

Anita: Stop it... right this second.

Chelsea: Stop what?

Anita: Ohh.

Chelsea: What? I'm not allowed to feel bad about his little girl? That if she had died and he didn't get to see her, that would have been my fault?

Anita: (Laughs) Oh, don't you con me, missy!

Chelsea: Wha--

Anita: I saw the way you were looking at Billy, wondering if he would...

Chelsea: What?

Anita: Ever look at you the way he does his wife, or if he would talk about your boy the way he talks about his little girl.

Chelsea: (Scoffs)

Anita: Quit it now. He is not Prince Harry and the white horse went lame. The only fairy tales you need to think about are the ones with bags of gold.

Neil: You know, I think this is exactly what we needed.

Sofia: Yeah?

Neil: Is to get away...

Sofia: Oh, you see that, Moses?

Neil: With our little baby Moses, right?

Sofia: Ohh.

Neil: He's starting to look more and more like you.

Sofia: You think?

Neil: Uh-huh.

Sofia: (Laughs) Ohh.

Neil: Absolutely beautiful.

Sofia: Oh, look at that.

Neil: It's amazing, huh?

Sofia: Mm-hmm. It goes so fast.

Neil: Mm-hmm. Well, well, Harmony. You think you got enough pictures yet? What's that, a thousand? (Laughs)

Harmony: Uh-huh. See, I know this stuff is just all kind of normal for you.

Neil: Well, hold on, now. It's not something we do every day. But it certainly would be nice, wouldn't it?

Harmony: (Laughs)

Neil: (Chuckles)

Moses: (Fusses)

Sofia: Oh, Moses doesn't know about the time change. Hmm?

Neil: Right. Oh, yeah, um, we--we gotta go. Uh, bottle time for Moses. Excuse us.

Harmony: Can't miss that.

All: (Laughing)

Jill: Well, look at you, giddy as a schoolgirl.

Harmony: Yeah, well, you know, it's pretty sad if you can't enjoy something like this.

Jill: I guess I'm just a little surprised at your reaction. Didn't take you too long to get used to the Chancellor mansion or the private jet.

Harmony: I'm not gonna raise up. You're not gonna make me do that, you know, because we're in a place like this for a wedding for two people who done walked a long, hard road to be together. I'm gonna rejoice for my son's family, and I ain't gonna be cuttin' a fool 'cause of you.

Cane: Is that it? Did we cover everything we have to cover, you know?

Minister: We are all set.

Cane: All right.

Lily: Thank you so much for helping us on such short notice.

Minister: It is my pleasure to help put a family back together.

Lily: (Laughs)

Minister: Thank you.

Cane: Merci. (Whispers) That's French.

Lily: Oh, my gosh.

Cane: (Normal voice) So, uh, I suppose the only thing we have to do now is get, uh, married.

Lily: Yes. (Laughs) (Sighs)

Cane: (Sighs)

Lily: Well, I should, uh, I should go and get dressed. (Laughs)

Cane: Okay. I love you.

Lily: I love you, too.

Esther: Go, go, go!

Billy: All right. I don't know. All right, all right, all right, all right!

All: Ohh! Aw.

Billy: Hey!

Delia: (Laughs)

Billy: Hey, did you move that donkey?

Delia: No!

Chloe: (Singsong voice) Daddy's such a sore loser.

All: (Laughing)

Chloe: (Normal voice) Which is funny, 'cause he should be used to it by now.

Billy: Ha ha ha.

Chloe: You're so good at that game, huh, Hon? Hey, you gotta watch out. There's a new Abbott in town, large and in charge.

Billy: Large? The kid get large? Did you get large, huh? Huh?

Delia: (Laughs) Whoa!

Billy: I remember when you fit in these two hands, there, little one.

Delia: Tell the story.

Billy: The story? Do you know a story?

Chloe: I don't know about any story, no. What story?

Billy: You don't think she wants to hear about the night she was born, do you? Nah.

Chloe: No, that's just so boring. What a boring story. Okay, well, if that's what she wants.

Billy: (Inhales sharply) All right. (Sighs) Well, one night, your dad was at a cabin...

Delia: (Laughs)

Billy: And your mom came to visit.

Murphy: (Chuckles)

Chloe: And I was just stopping by, and it was snowing.

Billy: Yes, lots and lots of snow, acres of it.

Chloe: And Mommy was feeling kind of funny.

Billy: Yeah, but not funny like ha, ha, ha. More funny like, uh-oh!

Delia: (Laughs)

Chloe: Yeah, 'cause I thought that you were on your way.

Billy: And then your dad came and saved the day, and he got to hold the cutest little baby in his own two hands.

Chloe: And, you know, Cane and Lily were there, so that's why they love you so much. They helped out.

Delia: My first party.

Chloe: Yeah, exactly. And you were the best present.

Billy: And life got a billion times better for Mom and Dad after you were born.

Delia: Whoa.

Billy: Mm-hmm. (Laughs)

Neil: If I let go, are you gonna float away?

Lily: (Laughs) I know. I should have sewn weights into my clothes to keep me on earth...

Neil: Mm.

Lily: And I swear, it's like a dream here.

Neil: Yeah. Nothing you don't deserve. You know, Lily, the look in your eyes the last few months, whenever you've been with Cane and the twins...

Lily: What, is it exhaustion from double toddler chasing?

Neil: Whoa, wait a minute. No, it's, uh, big neon flashers saying that you are loved and you feel very safe, and that is all a parent wants. You know that firsthand now, right?

Lily: I know. I know, it's like every second and every bump was just to get me here, to be with Cane and Charlie and Matty and you.

Neil: (Chuckles) And I am always here for you. You know that.

Lily: I know, and speaking of which...

Neil: Mm-hmm.

Lily: You know how I said that I wanted to keep things casual 'cause it's our second time getting married? And, um, I wanted to walk myself down the aisle.

Neil: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, whatever it-- what--whatever you want.

Lily: Well, good, because, um... I want you by my side.

Neil: You see that? You see that, right? 'Cause that-- that is what we have. That's the daughter/father connection...

Lily: (Laughs) You're such a dork.

Neil: Because--no, no, seriously, wait. Whoa, hold on. I'm not a dork. I was thinking in my head, right when you said that, right when you said it, I was like, let me walk her down the aisle, let me walk her--seriously.

Lily: Oh, my gosh. Okay. Well, clearly, you think very loud sometimes. (Laughs)

Neil: Oh, yeah? And how about right now?

Jill: The flowers are perfect, really lovely and very natural.

Cane: The food looks fantastic.

Jill: So, Darling...

Cane: Hmm?

Jill: Everything is exactly the way you'd want it to be?

Cane: Well, it'd be nice to have Katherine or Phillip here, but you know what? I understand why they can't be. It's okay.

Jill: Uh, only them? Nobody else? Like, for example, Genevieve?

Cane: Listen. Genevieve and I don't work, okay? You are the mother of the groom. You are here and she's back in Genoa City. That's the way it's meant to be.

Jill: You know my ego.

Cane: Hmm.

Jill: I like to be the center of attention, okay? And I love that you wanted me here, but, Sweetheart, the last thing in the world I want for you is any regrets.

Cane: I don't have any regrets about today. This is more than I could have hoped for. Okay?

Jill: Okay.

Cane: All right. Don't worry about it.

Victor: Have a seat.

Michael: I have my staff looking up additional precedents with regards to the Beauty of Nature purchase.

Victor: Mm, we may not have to go to these lengths to get the company back.

Michael: You spoke with Genevieve?

Victor: Beauty of Nature means independence to her, okay? So if we intimidate her legally, that'll backfire, especially since she... expressed a willingness to discuss a business arrangement.

Michael: All right, well, mm, that sounds promising. Unfortunately, I think it might be some time before you're able to discuss the matter with her in person. I ran into Davis Holloway. He mentioned that she left a message for him last night, saying she was on her way out of the country.

Victor: Where the hell did she go?

(Buttons clicking)

Genevieve: (Exhales slowly)

Esther: Chancellor Residence.

Genevieve: Uh, yes. Uh, Mrs. Jill Abbott wanted a wedding gift to be couriered overnight to Provence, and it seems the messenger doesn't have the correct address. Could you confirm the location of the wedding?

Genevieve: Great. Thank you very much. (Exhales slowly) Done.

Chloe: You're so--what are you doing to your dress? Look, Kevin got you a princess dress and a toy hedgehog.

Esther: Oops.

Chloe: You're the luckiest girl ever.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Chloe: And you know that he wanted to be here, but he couldn't make it, and he loves you. And we are gonna have so many thank-you cards to write. We're gonna be busy.

Esther: Yeah, because so many people love this little cupcake.

Kay: Hey, how about this one over here? It's--it's far too big to be left unopened.

Victoria: What is that?

Esther: Oh, what is that?

Billy: Uh-oh. Dun dun dun here, let me--let me help.

Victoria: A box of that size for a little girl.

Billy: Sweet!

Chloe: Be careful, be careful. All right.

Billy: All right, all right, all right.

Chloe: Okay, wait a minute. Who--who doubled up on presents? Or quadrupled on presents?

Kay: It wasn't me. It wasn't me.

Murphy: No.

Nikki: This is from Victor and me.

Victoria: (Gasps)

Murphy: Ohh.

Victoria: Even after that sweet little necklace that you got her?

Billy: Okay. (Humming)

Chloe: Okay.

Esther: (Gasps) What? Oh, my goodness.

Chloe: Wow!

Murphy: Look at that.

Chloe: Wow. Oh, my goodness. It's a saddle.

Murphy: No horse?

Delia: (Giggles)

Esther: Where's the horse?

Nikki: That is so she can ride Pinkerton pony.

Billy: Hmm.

Kay: Well, that was very generous of Victor.

Victoria: (Scoffs)

Nikki: And Pinkerton is very excited. Can't wait.

Billy: Yes. Hey, Kid, I'll tell you what, one more round of pin the donkey before we have to leave, okay, okay, okay?

Chloe: Oh, my goodness. Daddy's on a roll. He's crazy. He loves this game. Okay.

Victoria: That's because he's so much fun to watch!

Delia: Okay, my turn this time. It's my turn this time.

Billy: All right. All right, all right, let's go, let's go.

Delia: I'll show you.

Chelsea: Hi. Can I help you?

Man: I've got those tickets Billy asked for tonight. Tell him he owes me.

Chelsea: Oh. Okay, thanks.

Man: Bye-bye.

Chelsea: Bye.

Chelsea: Hmm. (Gasps) Front-row seats and backstage passes? (Whines)

Anita: What is wrong with you? Did you not hear anything I said?

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Harmony: Don't worry. I'm not gonna be a babbling idiot the whole time we're here about how pretty this is.

Devon: Oh, come on now, Mom. You can--do what you have to do, all right? This is incredible. (Laughs)

Harmony: It's a good day, and not just 'cause I got a passport with a stamp on it. It's a family wedding, and you asked me to come.

Devon: Now, Mom--

Harmony: No, uh, I know. I know. All I'm saying is thank you. That's all.

Devon: You're welcome.

Harmony: Well, I'm gonna go change.

Devon: Okay.

Harmony: See you later.

Devon: See you. There he is.

Cane: Here I am.

Devon: What's going on? Is there any, uh, best man duties that I need to cover?

Cane: Just the rings.

Devon: Oh, my gosh. The rings. The rings--I packed so fast--

Cane: Ohh, my...

Devon: Oh, my gosh, I-- no, I think-- I think I'm messin' with you. I'm messin' with you. I have the rings. (Laughs)

Cane: You don't mess with a man on his wedding day, all right? Shoot.

Neil: What? What's going on?

Devon: (Laughs) It's a joke.

Neil: Are you doing what I think you're doing? No, you--you don't mess with a man about the rings on his wedding day.

Devon: Okay.

Neil: No, you don't do that.

Devon: I apologize. Let me make it up to you--

Neil: What's wrong with you?

Devon: I'm--let me make it up to you and allow you to marry my sister. How about that?

Cane: Oh, really?

Devon: Yeah.

Cane: So I now have your blessing.

Devon: Yes, you do.

Cane: Thank you. All right.

Neil: You really should be thanking me, 'cause a few months ago, I-I didn't see this day coming, and to be honest with you, I wouldn't have been as happy about it if I did.

Cane: Hmm.

Neil: But Lily and the kids-- they're good, but they're even better with you. Family is all I want for my grandkids, so you better take care of 'em now.

Cane: Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it.

Abby: Well, Sofia and Moses are with the twins and the sitter. It is like a trifecta of baby cuteness in there, for real.

Lily: Oh, amazing.

Olivia: Excellent. I hope that Sofia takes a thousand photos, 'cause I want to send them all to Nate.

Lily: Oh, I bet.

Abby: He'll suddenly have the urge to be a dad?

Olivia: Well, mm-hmm.

Abby: Mm, parents are evil geniuses.

Lily: Yes, they are.

Abby: Okay, I know there's not much time, but this is important.

Lily: What? Abby, no.

Abby: Um, Lily, yes, and it's not from me. Well, it's not just from me. It's from me and my mother and Aunt Traci.

Lily: Aw. Oh, my gosh. Colleen loved this.

Abby: She'd want you to have it.

Olivia: Well, um, Honey, here.

Lily: (Laughs) You guys...

Olivia: (Laughs)

Lily: (Gasps)

Olivia: It was Dru’s.

Lily: Ohh. Yeah, I-I wore this the first time I married Cane. Man, it's so crazy. It's like-- like they were meant to be together, right?

Abby: Ohh.

Olivia: (Laughs) You know, I just know that Dru is up there just losing her mind over the fact that you're getting married here in France.

Lily: I know. She is, isn't she? Colleen, too. I know that she's smiling right now. I can feel it, you know? Both of them... are here with me. (Chuckles)

Olivia: Oh, Honey, yeah, they are.

Lily: Come here.

Olivia: Ohh.

Chelsea: (Exhales slowly)

Anita: Oh, that Billy Abbott. He's a charmer, isn't he? Sparkly smile, gift of gab, knows how to treat the ladies, and let's not forget he's richer than God. And you're probably wondering, "Maybe I'll be sitting in those V.I.P. seats this time next year."

Chelsea: I'm not delusional, Mother. I know exactly why we're here.

Anita: This is the big time, Sugar. We got it. We gotta step up our game, think on our feet. That wifey is not going anywhere, so you've got to get her on your side, which means you gotta stop making goo-goo eyes at her husband.

Chelsea: I told you...

Anita: Hmm?

Chelsea: I don't want Billy. I know exactly how to play these two, okay? So just back off and let me do it.

Anita: (Sighs)

Victoria: I didn't think it was possible for Delia to get more presents than she did at Christmastime.

Billy: Well, consider yourself schooled.

Victoria: Yeah, and, um, that saddle.

Nikki: Hey, you know, it was just one of many presents, as you just said.

Victoria: Obviously it was Dad's idea.

Billy: And probably not the best one, since today is supposed to be for people who love Delia.

Victoria: And not about people who would try to send her father out of her life. Was a hand-tooled saddle supposed to make up for that?

Nikki: It was just a saddle, nothing more.

Billy: Mm-hmm. And the pony it goes on?

Nikki: You know, you two don't seem very eager to get home. How's your houseguest?

Billy: (Whistles)

Victoria: Yeah, well, it's kind of killing me to be nice to her, but I think it's starting to pay off because, the other day, she--she offered for us to raise the baby.

Nikki: Really? You think she meant that?

Victoria: I don't know. I mean, she seemed sincere. We haven't really talked about it since then.

Billy: It's because we don't want to push, you know? Just take it easy, especially since Anita is such a wild card.

Nikki: I'm sorry, who is Anita?

Victoria: Oh, yeah, well, that's Chelsea’s mom. She's, uh, staying with Chelsea in the garage apartment.

Nikki: Are you kidding me? Oh, my God. So she just shows up, just like that.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Convenient, isn't it? Victor certainly likes to cover his bases.

Nikki: Now we don't know that he had anything to do with this.

Billy: Oh, no, we don't have any proof, but we know. I mean, come on. The mom showed up with Victor-like precision.

Nikki: Is the mother that bad?

Billy: (Chuckles)

Victoria: I don't doubt that she taught Chelsea everything that she knows.

Nikki: Great.

Michael: Thank you. Thank you, no. We'll be in touch. So... (Clears throat) Apparently Genevieve made reservations for a first-class ticket to Paris yesterday.

Victor: What the hell is she doing in Paris? Listen, we only have a small window of access to Beauty of Nature. I want you to find out who she's seeing in Paris and what she's after.

Minister: Les enfants, trs bons, huh? (Laughs) Welcome, everyone, to the wedding of Lily and Cane. It’s time for the bride and bridegroom to share their vows.

Lily: (Chuckles) I think that second chances were invented for us. (Laughs)

Cane: (Chuckles)

Lily: Time to learn and grow, time to fight and make up... (Chuckles) Time to love you more now than... I ever have before, because being apart from you is like... being out of the sun too long. It's like I'm in this cold shadow.

Cane: I know how much you hate being cold.

Lily: I do. (Laughs)

Cane: Mm-hmm, I know.

Lily: I hate being cold.

Cane: I know.

Lily: Which is why I never want to be apart from you again. And I make this pledge to you for better or for worse, today and always, to be the best wife I can be to you and to be the best mom I can be to our children. (Laughs) And that means I won't get jealous if Matty wants to play with you over me.

Cane: Which means I won't get jealous if Charlie wants you to put him down for a nap, okay?

Lily: Yes, that's the deal.

Cane: All right? Is that a deal?

Lily: Yes. (Laughs)

Cane: Well, I accept the deal. Okay. All right.

Lily: And I will split walking Humphrey with you, 50/50... or you know, uh, 40/60, so...

Cane: You know, that actually means 20/80, just...

Lily: (Laughing) Stop!

Cane: All right? 20/80. I know what you mean. Okay. Okay.

Lily: And I promise that I won't interrupt your Aussie rugby match on cable.

Cane: Thank you. Okay, okay.

Lily: (Laughs) And... whether it's toddlers or laundry or... (Chuckles) Lullabies or train sets, I will not take for granted our time together.

Cane: Is it my turn?

Lily: Yes.

Cane: All right. Every second-- that is my vow to you. Every second, every day, every--every week, every month, every year, I'll give to you and the kids. I'll bring you coffee on the weekends and croissants. And if I'm playing trucks with the kids, and my phone rings or I get a text, you will take the phone away from me. And if the kids are crabby, okay, and they kind of get on your nerves, and they make you want to leave the room...

Lily: What? Never. (Laughs)

Cane: You know, I'm gonna make 'em laugh so much that you're gonna want to run back and you'll want to play with us, because every moment I'm with you, I realize how lucky I am...

Genevieve: (Sniffles)

Cane: Because this is our second chance, and I won't let go of that. For better or for worse, today and always... that's my vow to you.

Esther: I heard a rumor there was one more present.

Murphy: Ooh.

Chloe: No.

Kay: Saved the best for last.

Chloe: (Gasps) Oh, my goodness.

Delia: "DeeDee."

Chloe: Lucky girl. Up here, up here, up here.

Esther: Mm. Ooh, what is it?

Chloe: Ahh. (Gasps) Ooh. Let's see. Open it up. (Gasps) "Let’s have tea at the Gingerbread House."

Murphy: What is it?

Chloe: (Gasps) Would you like to go with me to the Gingerbread House? Yeah? I think that's a yes.

Delia: It says, "Love, Mom."

Murphy: Gingerbread House?

Delia: It says, hmm, "Love, Mom."

Chloe: Oops. I guess I got it for you.

Delia: (Laughs)

Chloe: Yeah, it's this, uh, really, really fancy place where we get to go have tea and dress up, and you get to bring your own doll or your favorite pony.

Murphy: Boy, that's real snazzy.

Kay: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Mm-hmm.

Delia: You can borrow a doll if you want.

Chloe: (Laughs) Thank you, but I have my own baby doll right here, even though she is so, so, so, so big. Mwah. (Gasps) Ooh. Lucky girl. (Gasps) Oh, my gosh. We should both wear tiaras.

Kay: Yes.

Delia: (Gasps)

Chloe: It's on your head.

All: (Laughing)

Chloe: Oh, thank you. Oh, yeah? Oh, there we go. Yes!

Chelsea: Oh, good timing. The kitchen is almost right side up again. How was the party?

Billy: Oh, my daughter is a donkey tail-pinning genius.

Chelsea: Nice.

Nikki: So, Chelsea, I hear your mother's visiting. I'd love to meet her.

Chelsea: You know, you just missed her, actually. She wanted to replace all the shortening she used.

Victoria: Oh, well, another time.

Chelsea: Yeah, sure. Okay, well, I'm gonna head up now. Um, something came for you.

Billy: Oh, sweet.

Victoria: What is it?

Billy: It's a bill.

Victoria: It's a bill?

Billy: It's no big deal. Just a bill.

Chelsea: You're, uh, you're gonna die when you see what's in there. Whoa.

Victoria: Oh, my gosh. What's wrong?

Chelsea: Oh, my God. (Gasps) Is... (Gasps) Oh, my God, I think I'm in labor.

Victor: Thank you. I told you never to come here.

Matty: (Crying)

Cane: Aw.

Lily: Its okay, Honey.

Olivia: Freedom.

Lily: Yeah. (Laughs) Now she's happy.

Cane: All right, okay. All right. We're, uh, we're gonna go the double-ring route, okay?

Lily: Yes.

Cane: Um, our first bands and these bands.

Devon: Double the love.

Cane: Double the love, Baby. With these rings, I thee wed you.

Lily: Thank you. (Laughs) Here you go. Thanks. Ah, thank you.

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Lily: So the first ring that I gave to Cane said "We'll always have Paris," and now we'll always have Provence... and each other. (Chuckles) With this ring, I thee wed. (Laughs)

Minister: Beautiful, right? This is my favorite wedding.

All: (Laughing)

Minister: I now pronounce you husband and wife. Embrassez.

Cane: Come here, Baby.

Lily: (Laughs)

Cane: Mm.

Minister: (Laughs)

Olivia: Whoo! (Laughter)

Cane: I love you...

Lily: (Laughing) I love you.

Cane: Mrs. Ashby.

Lily: (Laughs)

Cane: Mm.

Lily: Ooh! (Laughs)

Cane: (Sighs)

Lily: We did it! (Laughs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Lauren: Maybe you rushed into the marriage.

Angelina: (Sniffles)

Nikki: Did you have anything to do with Chelsea coming to town?

Victor: I had nothing to do with that woman, nor with her mother.

Jill: Mm. I'm so happy for you.

Cane: Thank you. Thank you.

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