Y&R Transcript Friday 2/10/12

Y&R Transcript Friday 2/10/12


Episode # 9841 ~ Hatred of Victor Unites Adam and Jack

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nikki: Thank you. (Gasps) Well! (Laughs)

Victor: Welcome home.

Nikki: It's wonderful to be home, Darling. Mm.

Bonnie: It hasn't been the same without you here, Mrs. Newman, and I hope one day soon, you'll officially be Mrs. Newman again.

Nikki: (Gasps) Well, thank you. How sweet! (Laughs)

Victor: Is that all the things?

Nikki: It is. Everything's back where it belongs.

Victor: Mm-hmm, as are you. Mm.

Sharon: Once we get your discharge papers, we'll head over to the club and pack your bags.

Adam: (Exhales slowly) Be nice to get out of here. Glad you convinced me to go back to my home in Kansas.

Sharon: Yeah, I really think that the best place for you right now is your mother's farm. So, um, as long as we're in a holding pattern right now, I'm just gonna go and, um, take care of a few things, but I won't be long.

Nick: Hey, Sharon. Sorry about the phone tag all day. What's up?

Sharon: Um, Nick, I really need to talk to you about a few things. Are you free?

Jack: Evening, Helen. Listen, um, when you're done here, could you do me a favor? I'd like to get a message to another patient here in the hospital. His name's Adam Newman.

Kay: Hi, Darling.

Cane: Come in, Sweetheart. How are you?

Kay: Ah, well. Devon.

Lily: Thank you.

Devon: Katherine.

Lily: All right, we got the church! (Laughs)

Cane: Yes! That is huge!

Lily: I know, and I got the restaurant right across the street for the reception.

Cane: Ohh. We thought everything was gonna be booked.

Kay: (Laughs) Well, everything seems to be coming together without a hitch.

Lily: I know! Honey, we're all set for our Valentine’s Day wedding.

Cane: Mm.

Lily: (Giggles)

Daniel: What kind of movie you in the mood for tonight?

Chloe: Mm... ones where aliens vaporize ex-fiancés named Kevin and Jersey bimbos named Angelina.

Daniel: Hey, what did I say? No moping around about those two tonight, okay? So what's it gonna be-- animated talking animals, indie drama?

Chloe: Um, neither. I want to see something that's gonna blow up. I want to blow up stuff, yeah.

Daniel: Okay, one mindless action flick coming up.

Chloe: Perfect. That's exactly what I need, exactly what I need, because I just have to not think about you-know-who and you-know-what. That's exactly what I need right now.

Gloria: Jeffrey. (Chuckles) Why are you still here?

Jeff: I thought maybe spending time here would help me remember our life together.

Gloria: Oh, that is so sad, because I'd like nothing better than to forget we ever had a life together.

Angelo: No kidding! And it's legit? You let me know when it's a done deal, huh? I got some news about our kids you ain't gonna believe.

Dino: Sorry for the holdup.

Angelina: It's okay. As long as daddy knows we're getting married. Right, Kevvie?

Kevin: Yeah, gotta keep the old man in the loop.

Angelina: (Whispering) It's gonna be okay, promise.

Kevin: (Sighs) If you say so.

Justice of the peace: Ready to get married?

Angelina: Kevin?

Kevin: Well, let's do this.

Angelina: (Sighs)

Eden: Kevin is married?

Michael: To the "Piranha" from Passaic.

Eden: Angelina?

Lauren: No!

Michael: Yes!

Eden: Ohh.

Michael: All right, all right, all right. Maybe Kevin is having... problems with his mental health, and this is how he's acting out.

Lauren: What on earth could have made him snap like that?

Eden: Uh, maybe he saw something that upset him.

Michael: Like what?

Eden: Um, I don't know. I was just thinking out loud. Uh, refill?

Michael: No.

Eden: (Sighs)

Michael: All right, you know what? When Kevin comes back, he's gonna need our support and probably therapy, but most important of all, he's gonna have to get out of that disastrous marriage.

Justice of the peace: Do you, Kevin, take this woman...

Kevin: I can't believe I'm gonna do this.

Angelina: You've got to. Dino has got an itchy trigger finger.

Justice of the peace: Kevin, do you?

Kevin: Do I what?

Justice of the peace: Take this woman, et cetera, et cetera. Come on.

Kevin: Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do.

Justice of the peace: Angelina, do you--

Angelina: Uh, hold up, J.P. I got a surprise for my groom. I am gonna be singing my vows.

Kevin: (Whispers) Oh, God.

Angelina: (Clears throat)

Running with you don’t leave me behind take me away I'll be by your side

Justice of the peace: Oh, I just love that song. I remember the first time I heard it, I thought, what a voice. That girl is going to be a big st-- wait a minute. You're her! You're the Angelina!

Angelina: The one and only. (Laughs)

Justice of the peace: Oh, my God! Henry, got your camera?

Henry: I sure do.

Justice of the peace: Can we get an autograph and a picture?

Angelina: Anything for my fans.

Kevin: Unh, unh, unh, unh. Can we just get this over with? Uh, because I can't wait to be married to you, "Sweetums."

Henry: (Clears throat)

Angelina: Ain't he precious. Go ahead, J.P.

Justice of the peace: Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Angelina: You bet I do.

Justice of the peace: Rings?

Kevin: Uh, we-- we--we didn't have time to get rings.

Angelina: We don't need any rings to show the world what's in here.

Justice of the peace: Then before God, my Henry, and a man named Dino, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Angelina: (Giggles)

Justice of the peace: Go ahead, go ahead. Seal it with a kiss, go ahead. What you waitin' for?

Angelina: Mm.

Kevin: Mm.

Kay: (Laughs) Oh, that's splendid, Michael. Yes. Oh, thank you for calling, Dear. Mm.

Lily: Was that about Kevin?

Devon: Is he okay?

Kay: Uh, yes. Uh, Michael didn't, um, really go into detail, but he said that, uh, Kevin is doing well, and... he's headed home.

Lily: Yeah! (Laughs)

Cane: I bet his family is thrilled. (Chuckles)

Lily: Oh, my gosh, it's a good news streak. Kevin's okay, and our wedding plans are going off without a hitch.

Cane: Mm-hmm.

Lily: And after the wedding, Devon’s getting his surgery.

Devon: That's--that's right.

Kay: Sit down, sit down. Having your hearing restored-- my God, what a miracle! And you know, what makes me happier? That, uh, Tucker and Harmony are responsible for it.

Devon: It makes me happy, too, and I'll keep you posted.

Kay: I appreciate that.

Devon: I should really get going, though. I, uh, still have--need to make a few tweaks on Angelina’s song, so you have a good night, and I'll see you guys later.

Lily: All right, good night.

Devon: All right.

Cane: Yeah, cool. Bye.

Devon: See you.

Cane: (Clears throat)

Kay: Now... all right, now it's all about you two, all about you two.

Lily: (Laughs)

Kay: I want you to tell me all about the wedding, in detail.

Cane: Okay. You go first.

Lily: (Laughs)

Kay: (Laughs)

Nick: So you're going to Kansas with Adam.

Sharon: Yes. I'm the only friend he has right now, so... I'm asking you to have a little compassion with your brother here, and not punish me for helping him.

Nick: I'm not gonna do that. I get it. I don't like Adam, but... you know, he got a raw deal.

Sharon: Okay, well, um, I'm gonna be gone for a little while, which means we need to discuss visitation. Now you were fine with me taking Faith to New Mexico before, so I was hoping that...

Nick: (Sighs) Yeah, um... look, I'm sorry, but there's just no way I can let you take our daughter with you.

Jack: I'm glad you accepted my invitation.

Adam: What'd you want to talk about?

Jack: Patty.

Sharon: (Sighs) Honestly, I knew you would feel that way. But I'm going to be gone for a while, and I don't want to not see Faith the whole time. That wouldn't be fair to her. It wouldn't be fair to me, so we need to come to an arrangement that works for both of us.

Nick: If you can assure me that Faith will not be around Adam at all, then, yeah, we can work something out.

Sharon: Yeah, that would mean the world to me.

Nick: Good. When are you leaving?

Sharon: Later tonight.

Nick: You want to say good-bye to Faith now? The nanny took her to that new indoor Playscape around the corner.

Sharon: Yeah, I'd love that.

Adam: So you want to talk about Patty, huh? The woman who, had I been successful and got the jump on her, I could still see and you could still walk.

Jack: At least you tried to stop her.

Adam: No good deed goes unpunished. But I imagine I'd have to get in line behind you to wring her neck.

Jack: Oh, believe me, I am furious, but not at Patty. She's a victim, just like you and me.

Adam: Mm, yeah. Last I heard, she could still see and still walk.

Jack: Patty is still trapped inside her own mind, and believe me, that is a very dark, disturbing world she has created.

Adam: You're not blaming yourself for her obsession, are you?

Jack: I blame Victor. When he first brought Patty to town, he started a chain reaction that is still reverberating to this day. What happened to you, what happened to me, is his fault.

Nikki: It is so cold outside. (Exhales slowly)

Victor: Want me to start a fire? We can wait until dinner and warm ourselves.

Nikki: That sounds wonderful, but...

Victor: But what?

Nikki: Visiting hours end soon.

Victor: Oh, you're talking about Jack at the hospital?

Nikki: Yeah.

Victor: Hmm. (Sighs)

Chloe: Okay, I am ready for lots of buttery goodness on my popcorn. You think they could just take an I.V. and just hook it up right into my vein, just like that?

Daniel: I think you might need something stronger in that I.V.

Chloe: What?

Daniel: I just saw a tweet about Angelina.

Chloe: Okay. Tell me, tell me.

Daniel: Apparently some lady is claiming to have been the justice of the peace at Angelina’s wedding... to Kevin.

Angelina: Oh, give us a minute. I-I got a few things I want to tell my new hubby. Uh, Kevvie, this whole trip has been a little cray cray, right? (Chuckles) And getting married to me was so not on your radar, but it was the only way to save our butts, you know? But, uh... that wasn't the only reason why I married you. (Sighs) I am totes bananas for you, Kevin.

Kevin: Angelina, um... look, you saved my life, and for that, I will always be grateful. But now that we're back, I'm gonna have a sit-down with your father, and I'm gonna explain everything before things get even more... cray cray.

Angelo: Ooh, everybody, I think I see them. (Laughs loudly) Everybody, everybody! (Laughs)

Gloria: Ohh!

Angelo: It gives me...

Eden: Kevin.

Angelo: Great pleasure to introduce...

Gloria: (Gasps)

Angelo: Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Fisher. (Growls, laughs)

Kay: Well, my dears, that all sounds so charming.

Lily: (Laughs) Well, we decided that we didn't need a big, splashy wedding this time around.

Kay: Uh-huh.

Cane: Yeah, they take too long to plan, and we don't want to wait, do we, Baby? Mm. Hmm?

Lily: No. (Laughs)

Kay: Well, that's understandable, but I think, uh, I don't know, a love story like yours should be celebrated in a, you know, a grand fashion.

Lily: (Laughs)

Cane: Mm.

Lily: Well, you know, as long as our family and friends are there, it doesn't matter where we say "I do."

Cane: Mm-hmm, this is true.

Kay: Hmm.

Lily: It is true.

Angelina: I started singing my song...

Gloria: Mm-hmm.

Angelina: And the lady J.P. recognized my voice! (Giggles) Oh, and then, she pronounced us hubby and wifey.

Gloria: (Chuckles) And I'm sure it was a lovely ceremony.

Angelo: Let me get you a glass of champagne, hmm?

Angelina: Oh! Oh, good. It's over here.

Gloria: Mm! Mnh-mnh. I am so glad you are home because I was so worried, and I never gave up hope.

Kevin: I didn't mean to upset you, Mom.

Gloria: Mm. But you just don't seem quite yourself, Kevin, besides the beard. Did something happen to you while you were gone?

Kevin: Plenty, but trust me, you don't want to know about it.

Gloria: Kevin--

Kevin: (Sighs)

Michael: Um, I would like to steal the groom away for a minute. Come here.

Gloria: That's it.

Angelina: (Giggles)

Gloria: (Laughs)

Angelina: Can I call you "Mom" now?

Michael: Do not ignore me. What the hell is going on?

Kevin: (Sighs) You--you're--you are not gonna believe it, Mike...

Michael: Ha.

Kevin: I promise you. I lived it, I lived it, and I don't believe it. Okay, it's the day of--

Michael: What?

Angelina: I missed you, Boo.

Kevin: Uh, I'll be right back. Why don't, uh, just you guys talk.

Michael: This is not-- mm.

Gloria: Kevin, Kevin--

Kevin: Hi. Excuse us.

Lauren: Hey.

Jeff: Ow.

Kevin: You have done some pretty sucktastic things since I've known you, Jeffrey, but taking my boat and leaving us on that island was by far the suckiest.

Jeff: I'm not sure I know what you mean.

Kevin: The fishing shack? Jar of pickles over your head? Mr. Squishy.

Jeff: Doc says I got nothing here, literally. I have total memory loss.

Kevin: (Scoffs) I am not buying that. Wait a minute. It sounds ridiculous, but it's actually kind of genius. You can't remember anything, so you can't tell anything to my mom, and then Angelo can't break your kneecaps, or worse.

Jeff: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Has he hurt me before?

Kevin: Well, if you don't remember Angelo’s beat-downs, maybe you do have amnesia.

Angelina: (Gasps) Get out of here! I have only seen that happen to people in the movies. Ooh, did you try hitting your head a-- you know, with something to make it come back?

Jeff: No. Excuse me. Good food's about to come out.

Angelina: Hmm. Lucky for him and us he don't remember any of the deets.

Nikki: I would like to see Jack, but if it's gonna be a problem, I don't have to.

Victor: No, you go see him, all right? He has been a good friend to you, and you to him, so a little bit of your support will do him a lot of good.

Nikki: You never cease to amaze me. Mwah.

Victor: That's good.

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Jack: You and I have managed to get along in the past. Writing Victor's diary comes to mind. We had a few laughs on that one.

Adam: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I was laughing all the way to the state pen when you double-crossed me.

Jack: As I remember, you got Victor to get you out.

Adam: What's your point?

Jack: You're a survivor, Adam. No matter how many times you get knocked down, you always get up, and usually, you're stepping on the shoulders of the very people who've wronged you.

Adam: Well, I imagine that you have left a few loafer prints on some Armani suits over the years, too.

Jack: I have, indeed, and I will again, but there is one particular suit I want to get my footprints all over.

Adam: Well, let me know when you're ready to get started. I have a brand-new pair of cleats I'd like to break in.

Sharon: Hi, Jack.

Jack: Hey, Sharon.

Sharon: Adam, I have your discharge papers.

Adam: Great. (Sighs) I can't wait to get out of this damn town.

Jack: Where you off to?

Adam: My mom's farm. Actually, Sharon talked me into going back there to recuperate. She's worked everything out, all the details.

Jack: Get her to make you some of her chicken noodle soup. It has real healing powers.

Sharon: Oh, Jack, you know damn well it comes from a can.

Jack: Well, then it must have been your company that made me feel so much better.

Sharon: What a sweet thing to say.

Sharon: We better get going.

Jack: Adam. Thanks for coming by.

Adam: Good luck, Jack.

Jack: You, too.

Jeff: Um, I've got a few foggy recollections that pop up every now and then, but for the most part, zip, zilch, nada.

Michael: Surreal doesn't begin to describe this night.

Jeff: (Chuckles)

Lauren: What exactly do you recall?

Jeff: That I can't stand the thought of eating fish. I don't know why, but for some reason, I think I'm sick of it. Then there's that guy, over there.

Michael: (Chuckles)

Jeff: Uh, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria. I need to ask you something.

Gloria: What? Did you forget your name again?

Jeff: (Chuckles)

Gloria: (Chuckles)

Jeff: How well do you know Angelo? Because I got a feeling that a lady like you shouldn't be with a hooligan like him.

Gloria: Oh, that's rich, because unlike you, Angelo is a true gentleman. He would never steal all my money, he would never go AWOL, and he would never leave me to fend for myself.

Michael: Good for you. Good for--you know what the scary thing is? Either one of you could end up being my stepdaddy. Ugh.

Eden: Is this my fault? I mean, did you marry Angelina because I sent you that picture of Chloe and Daniel kissing? I mean, were you hurt and maybe jealous?

Kevin: There's a lot more going on here than anybody knows about.

Angelo: Hey, Eden, uh, what do you say you go over and congratulate my Angie, huh?

Eden: Oh.

Angelo: Fisher, now you and me need to clear the air. Now I know I may have overreacted a little when you ran off with my little girl.

Kevin: Well, that is the understatement of the century.

Angelo: Had I known you was in love with my princess, what transpired would have never happened.

Kevin: So did you have a misunderstanding with Jeffrey, too? Is that why you marooned him on that island and made it look like he left my mother?

Angelo: On this day of my daughter's wedding, it's not a good time to get into it. Come to think of it, there's never gonna be a good time to get into it. Capisce?

Kevin: Capisce.

Devon: Here it is, the brand-new mix of your song, hot off the soundboard, ready to impact radio. (Laughs)

Angelo: O.M.G.! (Squeals) Okay, go cue it up. I want everyone to hear it.

Devon: Okay, all right.

Angelina: Um, hey, yo, everybody, listen up. Devon, my brill music producer, is gonna play you all a remixture-- that's music biz talk for new version... (Laughs) Of my song, "Running With You." (Squeals) I am shaking with nerves. Kevvie, come hold my hand. Come on. Okay. (Giggles) Hit it.Up here on my perch looking out the window want to jump but I know I'd just fall trapped in a cage drowning in litter this kind of life doesn’t matter at all I know the grass could be a lot greener being with you Is my road to cloud nine

Man: Child's play. Let me change your name...

Angelina: Kill it. Kill it.

(Music stops)

Angelina: Um, back to eating and drinking, everyone.

Devon: What is your-- why did you have me turn it off?

Angelina: 'Cause it stunk. Why did you go and add all that... (Sighs) Gobbledygook?

Devon: Gobbledygook, what, the rap part? I put the rap on it 'cause I thought it would take the song to the next level. There's tons of artists putting rappers on their tracks.

Angelina: People want to hear me, and only me! If you think that sounds good... (Sighs)

Devon: Well--

Angelina: We got a problem.

Devon: It does sound good, though, okay? Everyone I've played it for, they agree.

Angelina: Well, I don't, and that means we've got creative differences. So, uh, I'm just gonna have to find another producer to work with.

Devon: Are you kidding me?

Angelina: I would never joke about my career. You are a talented guy, Devon, but I can't work with someone who don't share my vision. (Chuckles) You're fired.

Devon: (Chuckles) Okay, wait a second, Angelina. We--

Angelo: All right, you heard my Angie, Kid. You done a great job till now, but she's outgrown you. No hard feelings.

Devon: (Exhales quickly) Wow.

Kevin: Dude, that is so harsh, especially after everything you did for her.

Devon: Yeah. Well, you know what? Her opinion-- it really doesn't mean squat, 'cause I retain the rights to the song, so legally, I could do whatever I want to with it. I'll tell you what, I'm not gonna let her shortsightedness mess up my career, you know? I'm gonna release it to the radio as planned.

Angelo: All right, all right, what do you say? What do you say, huh? What do you know?

Angelina: (Laughs) Oh.

Angelo: Gather round, everyone. I want to make a little toast. What do you say? What do you know? Hey, what is this, a painted picture here? Come on, huh? Hey, Kevin, get over here.

Angelina: (Chuckles) Yay.

Angelo: What are you, an orphan? Come on.

Kevin: Ohh, ugh.

Angelina: Come on.

Angelo: Kevin. What do you say, hey? Huh? Hey, this ain't a funeral. It's a wedding. Come on.

Angelina: Yeah.

Angelo: Come here, you. (Laughs) Mwah!

Kevin: Okay, that's-- that's my neck. That's my neck.

Angelina: Oh, thanks, Daddy. Whoo! Yay! (Laughs)

Angelo: It's a festive occasion. (Laughs)

Nikki: Oh, all right, all right, all right. So how's Kyle?

Jack: Remarkably well.

Nikki: I am so happy to hear that.

Jack: What's new with you?

Nikki: Um, well, I moved back to the ranch.

Jack: Really? Oh, I'm surprised Victor didn't lock the gate to keep you from coming here tonight.

Nikki: You will find this very hard to believe, but he was completely supportive of it.

Jack: I'll bet he was.

Nikki: Yes, he was. He knows how important it is for me to spend time with you.

Jack: I'm sure.

Nikki: Oh, Jack... (Sighs) I do wish you wouldn't think the worst of him.

Jack: Ooh, that's a habit I'm never gonna be able to break.

Nikki: I know.

Victor: So Sharon took Adam to Hope's farm?

Nick: Yeah. They're headed there tonight.

Victor: Very generous of you to allow Faith to continue to see Sharon under those circumstances.

Nick: You know, I figured I'd try and make our lives a little less complicated.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nick: After everything that's happened, I need to put things in perspective, you know?

Victor: Yep.

Nick: I'm trying to get Mom to call me back. I left a message for her.

Victor: Well, why don't you wait for her here? She moved back in, you know.

Nick: That's great.

Victor: I'm glad you think so.

Nick: She gonna be gone long?

Victor: She's at the hospital right now.

Nick: Visiting Jack. You're okay with that?

Victor: Son, it all depends on one's perspective. Cheers.

Nick: Cheers.

(Glasses clink)

Nick: Well, this is gonna be a good time, then, to, uh, tell you about a decision I've made, one that might affect you.

Angelo: (Laughs)

Daniel: Hey, why don't we jet? I don't think you need to see this.

Chloe: (Sighs) No. I don't want to miss the toast.

Angelo: My little princess-- well, she ain't so little no more, huh? (Laughs) She's grown up to be a devoted daughter, a pop star, and now a married woman. And if she had to pick anyone for better or for worse, I'm glad it was Kevin. Kevin... welcome to LaFamiglia, huh? (Laughs) (Applause)

Michael: Look at Kevin. This is so wrong. He looks like his head's about to explode.

Lauren: Yeah, but can you imagine the amount of stress the poor guy's under?

Angelo: You, uh, two kids want to say something?

Kevin: I'll pass.

Angelina: Oh, I'll make a toast, Daddy. Come on. (Clears throat) I am totally stoked to be Kevin’s wife. He is the bestest, sweetest guy I've ever known. He has the patience of a saint, uh, and that's gonna come in handy. (Laughs)

Kevin: (Sighs)

Angelina: When I'm scared, he makes me feel safe. When I'm not feeling so hot about myself, which ain't often... (Chuckles) He finds a way to make me smile. And even when I-I do something so bad I don't think he'll ever forgive me, he does. (Laughs) Oh, I'm just so happy, I could bust. (Laughs) To my Kevvie!

Angelo: (Laughs) Kevvie.

Michael: Kevvie.

Angelina: Thank you. (Giggles) (Speaking indistinctly)

Kevin: Chloe, I can explain everything, just not here, not now. Aah!

Daniel: Oh.

Kevin: (Breathing heavily)

Cane: All right, I had better get going.

Lily: Oh, really? Well, not before I give you this.

Cane: Oh, yeah?

Lily: (Laughs)

Cane: Mm. Mm.

Lily: Okay, did we really decide that we're not gonna make love before the wedding?

Cane: (Sighs) Can you believe we said that? Why are we doing that, huh?

Lily: (Laughs)

Cane: Hmm?

Lily: Oh, thank God it's only two days away.

Cane: (Sighs) Mm. Come here.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Kay: Darling, Katherine Chancellor here. Well, I-I need a favor, and I-I need it right away. (Laughs) It's a Valentine's Day surprise.

Nick: I told Tucker I'd go to work for him.

Victor: Oh, did you?

Nick: But a lot's changed since then.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Adam's not at Newman. You cleared the air as to why you married Sharon.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nick: You're back with Mom, where you belong. So instead of going to work for McCall, I was wondering if there was another option.

Victor: You mean, return to Newman Enterprises?

Nick: If there's an opening.

Victor: How about starting tomorrow?

(Glasses clink)

Nick: Cool.

Nikki: I understand your hesitation in believing Victor's sincerity, but I know better than anyone-- actually, no, I take that back. You know just as well as I do, yes, he can be vindictive, he can be ruthless, but he can also be very kind, very loving, very generous. I mean, the fact that he didn't have a fit when I told him I was coming here speaks volumes.

Jack: He blames himself for his role in my condition, as well he should, and he's using you to mollify me.

Nikki: That is not true, and don't indict him for what happened to Patty.

Jack: What--surely you don't hold him blameless for that.

Nikki: Uh, no, I did not say that. But, Jack, I have seen you go down this road before, where you just get obsessed with your hatred. And this time, I'm really worried that it's going to have an effect on your health. So I really-- I would advise that you just focus all of your energy on a full recovery, and not plotting and scheming against Victor. Because, Jack... (Sighs) When has ever trying to best him brought you anything but misery?

Adam: I love being home. I just hate why I'm here.

Sharon: Don't give up hope, Adam. The doctors fixed your vision once before.

Adam: That's not what I was talking about. I'm talking about my father. He's the reason that I lost my eyesight.

Sharon: Okay, don't you think you're exaggerating just a little?

Adam: Hey, he brought Patty into our lives. He had to bring her to town, and now he's responsible for what she did.

Sharon: Your father never expected that you were going to go blind, and he's just as upset as you are.

Adam: Yeah, I'm sure he's just heartbroken, just all broken up inside about not... having a perfect son. I'm blind, and he doesn't even come in to see me, offer his condolences. Nothing. He hates me, Sharon. The feeling is quite mutual.

Sharon: You're wrong, Adam. Victor doesn't hate you. He made me promise not to tell you this, but I-I really think that you need to hear it. It wasn't my idea that we come to the farm. It was Victor’s.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jill: Cane and Lily's wedding. You weren't invited, were you?

Kevin: It killed me, Chloe. I wanted you to be my wife.

Angelina: I think marrying Kevin was a mistake.

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