Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/9/12
Episode # 9840 ~ Angelina Saves Kevin's Life
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victor: I need a profit-loss statement before I make a decision, all right, so bring it over...
(Door closes)
Victor: As soon as you can.
Genevieve: Thank you, Bonnie.
Victor: Hello, Genevieve.
Genevieve: Hello, Victor.
Victor: Care to join me for some coffee?
Genevieve: No, thank you. I'm not staying. I came to make something perfectly clear-- you are not going to take Beauty of Nature from me, Victor.
Victor: I'll be damned.
Devon: So what do you think?
Neil: What do I think?
Devon: Hmm?
Neil: I think its grea-- I love what you've done with it.
Devon: Do you?
Neil: Yeah!
Devon: Thank you, thank you. I hope Angelina does, too, if we ever see her again.
Neil: You got a hit on your hands.
Devon: Well, we'll see soon enough. I'm gonna give it a few more tweaks and then it'll be ready to put on the, uh, internet, and then I'm hoping I can get some radio airplay out of it.
Neil: Mm-hmm. Well, well.
Devon: Hmm?
Neil: Look at us. You on your way to the Grammys, Lily and Cane about to be remarried. It's all good in the Winters' hood.
Devon: (Chuckles) Yeah, except for, uh, with you.
Neil: With me? Why do you say that?
Devon: Well, I heard you talking to Katherine the other day, and you said you might not be going back to work for her.
Neil: Yeah.
Devon: Is that 'cause of me?
Kay: Have you spoken to your mother this morning?
Michael: Well, do four voice mails and seven text messages count?
Kay: Oh, Darling, come on. She's worried about Kevin. You know, she can't justify him being out of touch for so long.
Michael: Uh, I hate to admit it, but, uh... for once, I agree with Gloria. Kevin can be irresponsible, but not to contact any of us for so long, you know, it's, uh, it's not like him.
Kay: Maybe he’s... not himself.
Michael: He was fine when he left town.
Kay: Well, we thought he was, but come on now. He's had a mental breakdown before. What if it's happened again?
Gloria: No. They were supposed to be here an hour ago. You're telling me I have to wait because of a lost parakeet? This is my son. Listen, you, I know a guy who knows a guy, and I will send them both over if my fliers are not ready before Tweety Bird’s back.
Gloria: Angelo! Have you heard anything from your people about where my Kevin is?
Angelo: No, but I'm sure I will, any second now.
Gloria: No, no, no, no, no. You said they knew where he was. Forget it. I will find him myself, okay? I have t-shirts. I am waiting for fliers. I have the internet. I have TV. I will do whatever it takes to bring my son home.
Angelo: (Sighs) (Sighs) Yeah, did you find that jamoosher yet?
Dino: Not yet, Boss.
Angelo: Well, search the cottage. I'm sure Angie and him have to be there somewhere.
Dino: That's just it- the cottage is a wreck, and Bardwell is gone.
Angelo: What--
Jeff: I'm pretty sure I'm an eccentric billionaire who just needed a break from it all, like Howard Hughes.
Jill: Well, he seems to be acclimating to things.
Doctor: Well, unfortunately, there's no improvement in his memory.
Jill: All right, tell me the truth-- one little knock on the head can make him forget everything?
Doctor: Generally, these things are more psychological than physiological.
Jill: You mean, he doesn't want to remember?
Doctor: It's possible.
Jill: Maybe if he had a reason... will you excuse me, please?
(Indistinct conversation)
Jill: You-- bedpans need changing.
Jeff: Oh, hi there. Nice to see you...
Jill: (Sighs) Yeah, never mind that. We need to talk.
Jeff: Sure, what do you want to talk about?
Jill: Gloria.
Jeff: Gloria.
Jill: Yeah.
Jeff: You said I know her.
Jill: Yeah, you know her very, very well--very well, you know what I mean? Oh, come on, you can't have forgotten Gloria. No one could forget Gloria.
Jeff: Oh, my God. Gloria! Mm. Mm, mm.
(Cell phone vibrating)
Daniel: Yeah, you can't avoid the topic of Kevin forever.
Chloe: Who said I was?
Daniel: Gloria's worried about him.
Chloe: I don't know why she is. I mean, he's probably out there living it up with Angie. He's probably a made man by now.
Daniel: Yeah, somehow, I can't picture that.
Chloe: Come on, are you kidding me? The big Uzi? You know, she's probably shining it up for him, you know, a little Mafia princess. Oh, believe me, you just trust me. They are out there having the time of their life together.
Angelina: Oh!
Kevin: Oh, finally! Oh, land! (Breathing heavily)
Angelina: Oh, you was like Jack Clouseau out there, sailing us across the ocean. (Giggles)
Kevin: It's Cousteau.
Angelina: Ahh.
Kevin: (Groans) Oh, oh. My fingers are frozen. My toes are frozen. Every part of me is frozen.
Angelina: I could warm you up.
Kevin: No, thanks.
Angelina: But I'm so grateful to you, Kevvie! You saved us! (Laughs)
Kevin: (Grunts) Okay
Victor: I gather you heard from my attorney.
Genevieve: Yes.
Victor: Care to join me for a cup of coffee?
Genevieve: No, thank you.
Victor: Okay.
Genevieve: If you are trying to scare me into giving up Beauty of Nature, you've underestimated me.
Victor: Now, Genevieve, why the hell would I want to intimidate you or scare you? I simply asked my attorney to make clear to you that I wouldn't let Beauty of Nature go without a fight, and I rarely lose one of those.
Genevieve: Hmm. Neither did Colin. You know, I learned an awful lot from him.
Victor: Mm-hmm?
Genevieve: I think you'll find that I'm a formidable opponent.
Victor: I just wish that you weren't an opponent at all.
Genevieve: I own Beauty of Nature. Accept that, and there's nothing to fight about.
Victor: Except my son had no right to put that up for sale, did he?
Genevieve: Ah, yes, but you put your son in charge of Newman Enterprises. You know what they say about playing with fire.
Victor: Oh, yeah, I knew. The way you played with Jack. Is that it?
Angelo: How the hell did Bardwell get off the island? Angie take him?
Dino: No clue, Boss.
Angelo: I bet that Fisher let him go. That kid is making my life hell, and I'm not gonna stand for it anymore. You find my princess, and then we map an exit strategy for that punk, hmm?
Gloria: Did you find out anything?
Angelo: Uh, no, but I ain't givin' up.
Gloria: Hmm, unlike the other men in my life. I still can't believe Jeffrey left me high and dry. Angelo, I'll never understand why he did it, as long as I live.
Jill: Mm, mm, mm!
Jeff: Oh, Gloria!
Jill: Oh, my God. I told you, I'm Jill! (Sighs)
Jeff: Fine, forget Gloria. Obviously, I have. Let's talk about you and me and rekindling the fire that burned between us.
Jill: Aha! So you do remember.
Jeff: Well, I had a teeny little flash. Uh, a couple of hot, sizzling flashes, actually.
Jill: Oh, yuck! Put that back in your irretrievable file. Now please, please, have you remembered anything else?
Jeff: No, a couple of vague memories that didn't really make sense.
Jill: It doesn't matter. What were they?
Jeff: Um, I was in this... deserted shack. It was kind of low-class. I mean, it had to be a mistake. Look at me. I was born to wear these clothes.
Jill: Oh, please. Listen, when I ran into you, you said something about a boat.
Jeff: Yeah, I was in one when I hit my head.
Jill: Well, what were you doing in a boat? Where'd you get it?
Jeff: I don't know.
Jill: Oh, focus, focus.
Jeff: It could have had something to do with these two losers I met.
Kevin: Get off of me!
Angelina: Oh!
Kevin: What are you trying to do, suffocate me?
Angelina: I was trying to thank you.
Kevin: Well, don’t.
Angelina: Hey, what happened to our truce? It sounds like you're still mad at me.
Kevin: For telling me you were pregnant when you weren't? For saying that your boyfriend was trying to kill us when he wasn't? For making me ditch Chloe and Delia and miss my own wedding? Yeah, I'm still mad!
Angelina: I said I was sorry, and I-I helped you build the raft, even sacrificed my designer belt.
Kevin: Oh, well, that settles all debt.
Angelina: Well, what you want? My shoes? Uh, ne-never mind. I-I don't part with those.
Kevin: Just shut up. Stop talking. I need to figure out a way back to civilization. (Sighs) West-- which way is west? That tree looks familiar.
Angelina: Yeah, like the one, uh, down the hill from the cottage.
Kevin: It is the one down the hill from the cottage.
Angelina: (Chuckles)
Kevin: We're back on your father's land. (Sighs)
[Cell phone rings]
Kay: "McCalester and Jackson."
Michael: It's a, um, a P.I. firm out of Chicago. I just hired them.
Kay: Then you are worried.
Michael: Well, maybe, uh, they can find out something the police haven’t.
Kay: Well, I asked Paul to start a search. Would you mind if I, uh, give this to him, and perhaps they can coordinate their efforts?
Michael: I wonder if Kevin knows how lucky he is to have you in his corner.
Kay: He's always been in mine.
Michael: It doesn't make you any less amazing.
Kay: Well, I know a few people in my family who would disagree with you.
Devon: You and Katherine, you guys have been friends for a really long time, and I don't want my situation with her to change that, you know? Especially if you don't want it to.
Neil: Mm-hmm. But you're cool if I interact with her on a daily basis?
Devon: Yes.
Neil: But you're not ready to have any kind of relationship with her?
Devon: You know what? Katherine, Tucker, and my mom-- they all want me to let them in, right? And I'm trying to. I just know that it's gonna take a little bit of time, uh, to work all this out.
Neil: You know, Son, you have to go at your own pace, all right? You just do what you feel when you feel it.
Devon: Oh. And I know Katherine doesn't understand why she's the one I'm shutting out the most, you know? And I guess it's because I felt let down by her the most.
Neil: Yeah, I hear you.
Devon: Sometimes it feels like you're the only one who does.
Neil: You will know when the time is right for you and Katherine.
Devon: Yeah. I know it's not now.
Genevieve: I made a blind offer, like everyone else who was vying for Beauty of Nature.
Victor: Mm-hmm. "Blind" presupposes you didn't know anything about the other bids.
Genevieve: What are you insinuating?
Victor: That you used Jack Abbott to further your own ambition.
Genevieve: I don't think you have any idea why I wanted Beauty of Nature.
Victor: Well, if anyone understands your desire to best Jack Abbott, I certainly do.
Genevieve: That's the last thing I wanted.
Victor: But now you've lost him. So if you don't agree to put Beauty of Nature under the umbrella of Newman Enterprises, you're in danger of losing your company, as well.
Genevieve: Why would I want to turn to you for help?
Victor: Because you don't know the first thing about running an international corporation. You know it, and I know it.
Genevieve: Thank you for your concern. I'm gonna be just fine.
Victor: Good. Wonderful.
Chloe: You know, it's bad enough that he dumped me, but to leave me for some bimbo masquerading as a fashion nightmare...
Daniel: You should maybe keep it down. Angelo might hear you.
Chloe: Oh, I don't care. I don't care. It's all his fault. You know, if he hadn't have convinced my fiancé to go babysit his little princess, he never would have run off with her in the first place. (Sighs) I think its payback.
Daniel: For what?
Chloe: I was over at Billy and Victoria's before, ran into his bimbo, Chelsea whatever-her-name-is. Do you know that she's living there now?
Daniel: Yeah. Yeah, I heard.
Chloe: Yeah. Piece of work. It made me think, though. You know, I mean, what I tried to pull on Cane, telling him that Delia was his you know, I mean, I really did a number on him and Billy.
Daniel: It wasn't one of your finer moments.
Chloe: So I hurt two really great guys, and now the greatest guy I ever knew runs off and breaks my heart.
Daniel: Okay. Look, yes, maybe you're being punished for some of the things you've done...
Chloe: (Sighs)
Daniel: But God or whoever, they didn't come to Kevin in the middle of the night and tell him to run off with Angelina so you could learn a lesson.
Chloe: No, God just put the eye candy in front of Kevin, and then he went ahead and did the rest.
Daniel: (Chuckles) Well, you're eye candy, too. And besides, Kevin-- he goes for the quirky type, not the ditzy airhead.
Chloe: Yeah, but the airhead-- the airhead's no work. You know, there's nothing going on up there, so she's not gonna fight with him, argue with him, and she's not gonna ask him for things that he can't give.
Daniel: So you think you're asking too much of Kevin?
Chloe: No, I just... I've had a lot of drama in my life, with Ronan and Chance and Delia. You know, I mean, Kevin did not sign up to be by her bedside 24 hours a day while I sat there crying my eyes out, thinking that I was gonna lose my kid.
Daniel: Okay, I didn't hear Kevin complaining about it. You know, he's one of those weird dudes who actually likes going all out that way. Uh, it's like Chance. You know, he found his honor in serving his country. Kevin found his by helping you.
Chloe: Nice try, but honorable guys don't leave their fiancées at the altar. You know what? I don’t... (Sighs) I don't really even care about it. I really don’t. It's just really weird to think that I might never see him again.
Kevin: Yep, right back where we started.
Angelina: (Breathing heavily) How come it was so much harder getting here than it was last time?
Kevin: Maybe because this time-- this time, we were floating in the middle of Long Island Sound for three days in the freezing cold without food.
Angelina: The first couple of days wasn't so bad. Shed a few unwanted pounds. Now I am starving.
Kevin: Oh, okay. Well, I'll just run out to the burger shack and grab us a couple of big, juicy ones.
Angelina: Ooh, with fries, hot fries! Ooh, ahh, I can almost smell 'em. (Inhales deeply) Mmm.
Kevin: Mm. Me, too. I must be hallucinating.
Angelina: This is one powerful hallucination. I can see the fries... and touch 'em... and taste them.
Kevin: And taste them? What the--
Angelina: Mmm.
Kevin: Ohh. This is no hallucination. This is real!
Angelina: Oh, my God! Oh, boy, mmm. Mmm-mm-mmm!
Kevin: Oh, what else is in here?
Angelina: Mmm, mmm, mmm.
Kevin: No, wait, take that. Ohh, ohh. (Gasps) Ohh.
Angelina: Mmm.
Kevin: Ohh.
Angelina: Mmm.
Kevin: Mmm.
Angelina: (Moaning)
Kevin: (Moans) Wait a minute. This is warm. Somebody was just here.
Jill: Oh, Lord. It's time to become proactive. You--there are other patients here.
Jeff: Room 528. Come see me later.
Jill: You know what? Never mind. He won't be there.
Jeff: What do you mean? I'm a sick man.
Jill: You are a jerk, and I can't trust you. I don't know what you remember and what you don't remember.
Jeff: That voice is coming back to me.
Jill: Well, good. If I bring back memories, then maybe somebody you knew better will help you even more. Let's go.
Jeff: (Stammers)
Gloria: Oh, it still doesn't balance. Damn it, Kevin, where are you?
Angelo: Ohh, hey, no matter what happens with Kevin, I mean, if he-- he don't come home, you're not gonna be alone.
Gloria: But he will come home, won't he, Angelo?
Angelo: Don't worry. I'm sure everything's gonna work out with Kevin the way it should.
Michael: And I still haven't heard from the S.E.C. since we haven't been able to deliver Adam to them, I guess we're not high on their to-do list. How about you? Anyone drop by to see you this morning?
Victor: Interesting enough, Genevieve Atkinson showed up less than an hour after you talked to her.
Michael: (Chuckles) Let me guess-- she's holding on tight to Beauty of Nature.
Victor: Yeah, but she'll loosen her grip once she understands she doesn't know a damn thing about running an international corporation.
Genevieve: Hello.
Neil: Hi. You alone?
Genevieve: Not anymore. Come on in.
Neil: Thank you. (Blows on hands) I thought Lily and Cane might be here.
Genevieve: Oh, really? Why is that?
Neil: Oh, well, I figured you wanted to talk about the wedding and our role as parents and prospective babysitters at the ceremony, right?
Genevieve: (Chuckles) Oh, right, yeah. Would you like--would you like a glass of water, maybe?
Neil: Yeah, sure.
Genevieve: Uh, I think it's really wonderful that these two have gotten back together again. (Chuckles)
Neil: Lily's a lot more forgiving than I am, I'll tell you that.
Genevieve: Well, everyone deserves a second chance.
Neil: Yeah. Cheers.
Genevieve: Cheers.
Neil: I hope it works out for them.
Genevieve: Mm, me, too, but that's not why I've asked you here.
Neil: So why did you ask me here?
Genevieve: I'd like to offer you a job-- C.O.O. of Beauty of Nature.
(Music stops)
Devon: (Clears throat)
Kay: Sounds good.
Devon: Thank you. Katherine, is there, uh, anything I can do for you?
Kay: Actually, there is. Um, I wanted to talk to you, uh, about your new recording artist.
Devon: Angelina.
Kay: Angelina, yes, yes. I, um, I thought she might know where Kevin is. I mean, uh, they were here together the night he disappeared.
Devon: Yeah, well, I haven't seen her since that night, and, uh, I know her dad was looking for her, but as far as I know, I don't think he had any luck.
Kay: (Sighs) Do you think they're together?
Devon: I mean, uh, they could be. Um, I know Kevin didn't like her very much, but she was crazy about him.
Kay: Devon, did he say anything to you before he left? I mean, does anything about that night indicate his state of mind?
Devon: N-no. No, I'm sorry.
Kay: Ohh. Where on God's green earth could that kid be?
Devon: You're really worried about Kevin, aren't you?
Kay: Well, I love him like...
Kay: Like a grandson. Well, of course I'm worried about him. Of course I am! I don't know, I just... I just wish there was... (Voice breaking) some way... we could reach him. Ohh.
Devon: Well, you know what? Maybe there is.
Jill: Ah, Gloria, I'm glad you're here. Do I need to talk to you!
Gloria: If it's not about where to put these things, I don't have time.
Jill: Trust me, you're gonna want to make time for this.
Gloria: Mm-hmm. Really? What could be more important than finding my son, hmm?
Jill: See for yourself. Come on down!
Jeff: Aah!
Gloria: You son of a bitch!
Jeff: Ohh! Ohh!
Jill: (Sighs) Jeffrey...
Jeff: Huh?
Jill: This is Gloria. I do believe that Gloria is the reason you came to Genoa City.
Jeff: Oh, I must be crazy.
Gloria: Crazy?! You're a lying, stealing, thieving S.O.B. Angelo! Angelo! Look who's come home.
Jeff: (Exhales slowly)
Kevin: Somebody was here, recently.
Angelina: Maybe it was two lovers sneaking away for a secret "Rondy-view."
Kevin: Oh, yeah, because this place is so romantic. Maybe Jeff felt bad about ditching us and came back... (Gasps) Or maybe somebody saw us and sent the coast guard.
Angelina: (Gasps) Men in uniform who could help us? Oh! What are we waiting for? Let's go get 'em! Maybe they're still here.
Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! We should proceed with caution, you know? Make sure that the natives are, uh, friendly.
Dino: They ain’t.
Kevin: Whoa.
Angelina: Oh. (Whimpers) (Breathing heavily)
Michael: Yes, thank you, thank you for that. It's as I suspected. The S.E.C. refuses to nullify Genevieve’s purchase of Beauty of Nature.
Victor: You're sure there's no legal loophole in the sales contract?
Michael: (Scoffs) I've been over it a million times. It's as solid as a rock.
Victor: You must have some legal recourse, for heaven's sake.
Michael: Oh, we could drag this out for years. You still won't end up owning Beauty of Nature.
Victor: Then we have to find another way to get it back.
Neil: So I heard you bought Beauty of Nature, and there was some, um, fallout.
Genevieve: You mean, with Jack, or with Victor?
Neil: Both, actually.
Genevieve: Jack and I both wanted Beauty of Nature. I placed the highest bid.
Neil: Hmm. Sounds like it cost you a lot.
Genevieve: I'm very sad that I wasn't able to work it out with Jack, professionally or personally.
Neil: I can tell it's been hard on you.
Genevieve: Which is why I'm focusing all my energy now on the Beauty of Nature, and why I asked you here.
Neil: You want me to help you run it.
Genevieve: Victor is not happy at all that his son sold the company right out from under him, but the deal was aboveboard. If you don't believe me, you can check with the S.E.C. You can check with my lawyers.
Neil: No, that's okay, I followed the sale. It doesn't look like it's gonna be overturned. It doesn't mean that Victor is gonna give up trying to get it back.
Genevieve: Oh, he has made it very clear that he won’t. In fact, he was the one who actually gave me the idea to hire you.
Neil: Victor suggested me?
Genevieve: Not exactly, but he did make me realize that I don't have the experience or the know-how to run an international company yet, but you do.
Neil: (Laughs) I, uh, I appreciate the vote of confidence.
Genevieve: I've done my homework. I'm prepared to offer you a very generous contract, with one caveat.
Neil: And what's that?
Genevieve: You begin work immediately.
Gloria: Can you believe this um has the nerve to show up in my nightclub?
Angelo: He's the last guy I expected to see here.
Jeff: Jill found me and brought me here, which may have been a mistake.
Gloria: Hmm. Only if you enjoy living.
Jill: No, it's true. I came across Jeffrey about four or five days ago, and he didn't remember me. So I took him to a doctor, and apparently, he's had some sort of peculiar memory loss.
Gloria: (Laughs)
Angelo: You mean, he can't remember nothin'?
Jeff: Mnh-mnh.
Angelo: Oh. One sec. Oh, I gotta take this. I'll be right back.
Gloria: (Chuckles)
Jeff: (Chuckles)
Gloria: You are not fooling me or anybody...
Jill: (Chuckles)
Gloria: With this phony "Oh, I don't remember" routine.
Jeff: (Stammers) What do you want me to say? What does she want me to say?
Gloria: I want you to tell me the truth, Jeffrey! Tell me why you stole all my money. How could you leave me alone the way you did? How could you do it, Jeffrey? How?
Jill: Gloria, Gloria, Gloria. The poor man has amnesia. Come on, this isn't helping.
Gloria: Oh, but of course, I suppose you are helping him.
Jill: Well, as a matter of fact, I did help him, yes, because he remembers me.
Gloria: Okay. (Sniffles) Now I know this is a scam, because there's no way he would remember you and not me.
Jill: He actually remembers every inch of me, and he's just wondering if maybe he'll get a chance to compare the real thing with his memory.
Gloria: Shut up. Get out of here. Not you!
Jeff: Hmm?
Gloria: Jeffrey and I are gonna have a little chat... alone.
Jeff: (Sighs)
Angelina: Dino, I-if you're angry 'cause we ate your burger, I-I'll buy you another. Heck, I-I'll even take you to Antony's and get you a big, juicy steak-- rare, just the way you like it, with--with all that b-blood pouring out.
Dino: That's real sweet, Ange, but your dad wants this cafone in a coffin.
Angelina: No! You can't kill him! Kevin is my hero. (Breathing heavily) All these past weeks, he's been putting himself on the line just to take care of me, and I plan to spend every single day for the rest of my life finding a way to thank him for that.
Kevin: Do it. Put me out of my misery.
Angelina: What?
Kevin: I can't take it anymore-- the running, the hiding, the screeching.
Angelina: Wh--
Kevin: (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Dino: Boss, good news. I found Ange and Fisher.
Angelo: And I got Bardwell here. Now you tell my baby to close her eyes... and then I want you to kill Fisher.
(Gun cocks)
Genevieve: So what do you say? Will you run Beauty of Nature for me?
Neil: Tell you what, Genevieve. Why don't you have your lawyers draw up a contract? I'll look it over, and I'll let you know.
Genevieve: I'll get them right on it.
Neil: You were serious about me starting right away?
Genevieve: There are a lot of people who think that I can't do this. I am anxious to prove them wrong.
Michael: I have a feeling Genevieve’s about to find out that people outside of organized crime wield as much power as those within.
Victor: (Chuckles) Yeah, well, I have no intention of trying to intimidate Ms. Atkinson.
Michael: No, sure. No, you wouldn't want to do that.
Victor: (Exhales deeply)
Michael: But, uh, you are gonna make her see things your way, right?
Victor: She has lived under someone else's control all her life, you know? She views everyone as an enemy.
Michael: Yeah, that's touching. Uh, how are you gonna disabuse her of that notion?
Victor: I will try to persuade her... of the advantages of being an ally.
Devon: Here, I'm sure that you can get a, h, local radio station to run that.
Kay: Do I-- do I sound all right?
Devon: Yeah, you can tell how much you really care about Kevin.
Kay: Well, I just-- I hope it helps find him.
Devon: I will post it on some web sites, including ours.
Kay: Well, um... thank you. Um, also thank you for the recording.
Devon: Yeah, it's-- it's not a problem. The, uh, the reward was a good idea. It's just unfortunate that people are more likely to do a good deed if they get paid for it.
Kay: Except for people like you.
Devon: It-- it was no big deal.
Kay: It was to me. It was to me.
Daniel: Well, you know guys. One minute, we're stomping on your heart, the next minute, we're begging you for forgiveness.
Chloe: (Groans) Oh, please. If he actually thinks that I'm gonna forgive him... I know, I would. Oh, my God, I'm an idiot, right? (Groans)
Daniel: Nope, just someone who's missing your best friend.
Chloe: Okay. All right, what am I supposed to do? Tell me what to do.
Daniel: Go out with me.
Chloe: I don't think that's such a good idea.
Daniel: Oh, I think it's a fantastic idea. I mean, you need to forget about Kevin and Angelina and all this other crap that's going on, so why don't you let this friend take you out for some real fun?
Chloe: All right, fine. You're on.
Jeff: (Sighs) You don't like Jill much, do you?
Gloria: I don't want to talk about Jill. I want you to tell me the truth. Jeffrey...
Jeff: (Clears throat)
Gloria: You really don't remember anything about us?
Jeff: Oh, I wish I could say I did... (Sighs) But no, I don’t.
Gloria: (Chuckles) And this place?
Jeff: (Sighs)
(Footsteps approach)
Angelina: Why does daddy want me to close my eyes?
Dino: It's a surprise.
Angelina: I don't like surprises.
Dino: Fine, then watch.
Kevin: Ugh, I was only kidding before!
Angelina: No! Daddy, you can't kill him! Uh, Kevin proposed! We're gettin' married today!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"
Adam: What did you want to talk about?
Jack: Patty.
Daniel: I just saw a tweet about Angelina.
Chloe: What?
Nikki: (Laughs)
Victor: Welcome home.
Nikki: It's wonderful to be home, Darling.
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