Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/8/12
Episode # 9839 ~ Genevieve is Punished
Provided By Suzanne
Doctor: Still no improvement. Here, put these on.
Adam: I could have told you that there was no improvement.
Sharon: (Clears throat) uh, doctor, is there anything else that we should try, maybe another specialist we should see?
Doctor: You're welcome to do that, of course, but adam's already been seen by two of the very best, and they concur with the original prognosis. Adam, do you have someone to help you at home?
Adam: No.
Doctor: You should make arrangements, then. I'll be discharging you soon and you won't be able to handle things on your own.
Sharon: He won't be alone.
Chelsea: Mom? What are you doing here? How did you find me?
Anita: This was the return address. (Gasps)
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Anita: No wonder you didn't want to come home.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Anita: Look at you, chelsea.
Victoria: You didn't know that your daughter was pregnant?
Anita: See, this is what happens when you go running off on your own. Who's the father?
Billy: That'd be me.
Anita: What, and the two of you are, what, li--living together?
Billy: (Stammers) no, no, it's not really like that, really.
Anita: Then you'd best be planning a wedding with my girl.
Victoria: (Scoffs)
Billy: Uh... (clears throat)
Victor: I don't have time for the S.E.C. To make their decision. We will simply declare the sale of beauty of nature invalid, all right? That way, genevieve will not take possession of the company.
Michael: Okay, that multipronged attack we talked about.
Victor: I'll throw up so many roadblocks, she'll be more than happy to sell it back to me.
Ashley: Gentlemen, would you please wait outside? Please close the door.
Genevieve: (Laughs) security, ashley? Was that really necessary?
Ashley: After what you did?
Genevieve: I made a business deal. I didn't steal from you.
Ashley: While holding an executive position here at jabot, you secretly purchased a major competitor. Therefore, I say with great pleasure, you're fired.
Genevieve: No need. I quit.
Phyllis: Did you happen to read about this, um, experimental treatment trial that they're doing in denver?
Jack: Already called on it.
Phyllis: Look at you, so proactive.
Jack: Hey, you know me. When I want something, I don't give up. Right now, I want to walk again.
Phyllis: That's right. I must say, in the past, that trait has exasperated me, but right now, I'm loving it.
Man: Mr. Abbott. I'm from the "world inquisitor."
Phyllis: Out, out, out.
Man: Would you like to comment on ricky williams' post?
Jack: What, that "true crime" piece of garbage that he wrote?
Man: Yeah, well, what are your thoughts on crazy patty shooting you--twice? This time, possibly paralyzing you?
Phyllis: Okay, all right, all right. Dude, do I have to throw you out?
Man: Oh, so "restless style" can get the exclusive?
Phyllis: That is not why I'm here.
Man: Oh, really? Because that's what it looks like.
Phyllis: Get out of here, you little worm. Oh, I'm sure it does. (Sighs)
Jack: Well, that's just what we need-- more publicity on this.
Phyllis: Look, I am so sorry. I'm gonna make sure that doesn't happen again. In the meantime, I'm going to talk to ricky williams. (Cell phone vibrates)
Avery: Hey, how's the hotshot reporter?
Ricky: Well, if you go by these hits, he's doing great.
Avery: What hits? What's happening?
Ricky: I wrote an article about jack abbott's shooting. It was a little... controversial, and phyllis refused to print it.
Avery: Really? My sister let you down? Huh.
Ricky: (Laughs) so I took it to a true crime blog, and now it's gone viral.
Avery: Really? That's amazing, right? I-I mean, I know there's a lot of blogs out there. It's hard to get noticed. (Cell phone vibrates)
Ricky: (Sighs) well, it's definitely getting noticed. (Computer keys clicking)
Michael: Oh, yes.
Victor: Because the roadblocks I will throw out are going to be enough that she'll want to--oh.
Nikki: Victor. I was just gonna call you.
Victor: What has got you looking so happy?
Nikki: (Chuckles) well, the D.A. Is ruling diane's death self-defense, so they're not gonna be filing charges against me.
Michael: Oh, that's wonderful, nikki.
Nikki: (Chuckles)
Victor: It's finally over.
Nikki: Yes. (Laughs)
Victor: It's finally over. Hmm?
[ Female announcer ]
If whole grain isn't
the first ingredient
Adam: Why is it that every time I-I hear it, I'm shocked all over again? How many doctors is it gonna take to tell me that I might not ever see again, probably won't ever see? It'll finally sink in, and I'll be like, "okay, I get it."
Sharon: You shouldn't ever give up hope, adam.
Adam: Holding out for a miracle?
Sharon: Well, sometimes they take a while.
Adam: Sometimes, you can be blind for life. Ask my mother.
Sharon: You know, this doesn't change who you are.
Adam: Actually, it does. Really.
Sharon: You can still be a productive and even an independent person. Look at your mother, hope. She never let the fact that she couldn't see stop her.
Adam: But I'm not my mother, and I'm not gonna go back to some farm somewhere in kansas in hiding.
Sharon: Well, you wouldn't be hiding.
Adam: Well, what would i be doing, then? Huh? If I'm not hiding, what would I be doing?
Sharon: Sometimes, going back to the place where you grew up can have a healing effect.
Adam: Boredom promotes healing. Who knew?
Sharon: Okay, look, if kansas doesn't work for you, we'll scrap that plan. Look, just tell me what you want, and we'll do that.
Adam: I want to see again. Can you do that?
Victor: So, um... we have been at odds lately.
Nikki: Well, that's, uh, pretty standard for us, isn't it?
Victor: On that other good news, maybe we can do something... special tonight?
Nikki: And what would that be?
Victor: Why don't you come to dinner?
Nikki: At the ranch?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Um, I have to call victoria first. She doesn't know about the D.A.'S decision yet, so I'll be right back.
Victor: Wait a minute. You haven't answered my question.
Nikki: Dinner would be nice.
Michael: Thank you. Victor, I'm gonna meet my paralegal at the courthouse, file papers against genevieve regarding the beauty of nature sale.
Victor: Good. Very good.
Michael: Nikki must be relieved. I'm glad spencer realized he couldn't have won that case.
Victor: Yeah. He finally did something right.
Michael: (Chuckles) all right, I'll be in touch.
Victor: Thank you.
Nikki: Hmm?
Victor: What did she say?
Nikki: She wasn't home. I had to leave a message.
Victor: Mm.
Victoria: Billy's not gonna be walking down any aisles with chelsea.
Anita: And why not?
Jill: Because he's already married, that's why not. Did you tell her nothing?
Anita: (Gasps)
Chelsea: I was embarrassed.
Billy: Okay! Okay, look, um, this is my wife victoria, this is my mother jill abbott.
Jill: And who might you be?
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Anita: I'm anita. What kind of kinky thing is going on here?
Jill: Excuse me? What are you inferring?
Anita: What am I gonna tell your father when he comes back from his missionary work in africa, and--and how am I gonna face our pastor? I just... (sighs)
Victoria: I thought you said you traveled around a lot as a child.
Chelsea: I did.
Anita: Well, we did, in service of the lord. Sometimes we didn't know where we were gonna rest our head.
Victoria: Oh. Well, chelsea said that you were an absent mother.
Anita: You don't really think that, do you, honey? I always tried to do the best I could with you.
Billy: That's a good point. That's exactly what I intend to do with this child. I am taking responsibility for the baby.
Anita: And what about my daughter? You think you can take advantage and then just toss her away?
Jill: (Chuckles) oh, whoa, "mrs. Too little and way too damn late."
Billy: (Chuckles)
Jill: Your daughter is the one who tricked my son.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
[ Female announcer ]
Discover dove's
Ashley: Fired or quit, it amounts to the same thing.
Genevieve: Not to me.
Ashley: Security will supervise your exit.
Traci: Genevieve.
Ashley: She was just leaving.
Traci: Okay. Then you should know that everything you left at jack's, I have had delivered to your home.
Genevieve: (Sighs) look, I-I know how angry you are with me, but I never intended for all of this to happen.
Ashley: Really? Buying beauty of nature out from under jack-- it just seems pretty calculated to me.
Genevieve: (Sighs) I made a business deal. You're acting as if I'm the one who shot him.
Traci: Patty didn't know what she was doing. You did. He was in love with you and you betrayed him intentionally.
Genevieve: I love him, too.
Ashley: But your actions belie that. At the very least, couldn't you have done the background check on your housekeeper when jack suggested it?
Genevieve: (Sighs) I thought I knew her. I-I trusted her.
Traci: Hmm, sort of like jack thought he knew you.
Nikki: So what's with the interrogation at the door?
Jack: Oh, they're keeping reporters out. (Sighs)
Nikki: Well, patty is contained. You're recovering. Where's the story?
Jack: Ricky williams wrote a story about patty online, and it apparently triggered a firestorm of interest among the media.
Nikki: (Sighs) damn it. I thought I had been able to convince him to not do that.
Jack: Wait, you talked to him about this?
Nikki: Oh, I tried to. Poor paul. What is the matter with that kid?
Avery: Ricky, this is really impressive-- all the details about patty's illness and her past crimes.
Ricky: Thanks. It's just a little unnerving to know that this kind of psychosis runs in my bloodline.
Phyllis: I said no to that article.
Ricky: No, you said no to "restless style," so I took it someplace else. No crime in that, is there, counselor?
Avery: Oh, none at all. In fact, I applaud your initiative. People have a right to know.
Phyllis: Oh, please. Why are you doing this? Really, why are you?
Ricky: I don't owe you any explanations.
Phyllis: Don't you? (Laughs) oh, I'll just stand around and listen. How about that?
Ricky: (Clears throat)
Adam: Look, I'M... I-I'm mad, all right? I'm mad as hell, but I-I want you to know, I'm not m-mad at you. I just--
Sharon: No, no, no. Look, hey, if this had happened to me, I would be snapping at people too.
Adam: I just keep expecting to wake up, see something, you know? Just, like, a-a shape, a--some light...
Adam: Not just blackness.
Sharon: Well, um, you know, I meant what I said before. You're not alone.
Adam: Mm. You're gonna be my new roomie at the G.C.A.C.?
Sharon: No. I'm gonna take you home with me.
Adam: (Laughs) yeah, that would go over well with my dad being back at the newman ranch.
Adam: Sharon?
Sharon: Um, yeah. Listen, uh, the--the nurse is here. I'm just gonna step out for a moment and call faith and see how she's doing, and I-I'll be right back.
Victor: Any word from the doctor?
Sharon: Yeah, there's no change in adam's eyesight, and there's really no hope that there will be.
Victor: (Sighs) I'm sorry to hear that.
Sharon: Well, he's going to be discharged in a day or so, and he's refusing to go to the farm.
Victor: You've got to change his mind about that.
Sharon: Why? Is it because you don't want him at the ranch?
Jill: Your daughter was part of a gang of criminals and corrupt officials in myanmar.
Anita: No, chelsea would never--
Victoria: Yeah, she would. She drugged billy, she got him into bed, and she planted drugs on him.
Anita: Is this true?
Billy: It's true. (Sighs)
Jill: Yes. Thanks to your daughter, my son was thrown into a foreign prison where he could have been killed, okay? But still, he wants to take care of his child. He wants to do the right thing by her, which as far as I'm concerned, is way more than she deserves.
Anita: (Sighs)
Anita: Well, thank you for explaining it, and I'm sorry that I-I assumed things, things that--that weren't true.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Anita: Ohh.
Chelsea: Can--can we go somewhere to talk, please?
Anita: No, no. You have done enough to these folks already. I'm gonna take chelsea home and see to her. We--we take care of our own.
Victoria: No! You can't do that.
Billy: No, no, no, that's not necessary.
Anita: (Clicks lips)
[ Male announcer ]
Have you heard? He brought that filth to me and I shut him down.
Ricky: Well, if you don't have any questions for me, I'm gonna take off.
Avery: Unbelievable.
Avery: Unbelievable. Blasting ricky, after all the useless tripe that you've written about? You're such a hypocrite.
Phyllis: No, I know when to draw the line.
Avery: Really? Like when you wrote to daisy to lure her back to town?
Paul: You made your aunt out to be a monster.
Ricky: I'm a journalist. I was reporting the news.
Paul: Oh, right, without any compassion or empathy?
Ricky: Everything I wrote was true.
Paul: Patty is damaged enough. She doesn't need her pain put on public display.
Ricky: Oh, you are amazing, dad, you know that? The fierce protector of crazy patty. But did you once think to look out for crazy isabella, my mother?
Victor: The only place that adam has a chance to renew his soul is on the farm, okay? (Door opens)
Sharon: Maybe if you talked to him--
Victor: No, I will not.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Adam: I never want you begging my father to see me. Are we clear on that?
Sharon: Adam--
Adam: I know he was there. I heard him.
Jack: How could you think I wouldn't be happy about this?
Nikki: When the D.A. Dropped the charges against me, I have to say, my very first thought was you and kyle, and... I am so sorry that diane is not here--
Jack: Hey, hey, hey. It was self-defense.
Nikki: Yeah, but if I could go back and--
Jack: Yeah, or if I could go back, and been more patient with diane or shown more empathy. Look, all the what-ifs aren't gonna change anything. All we can do is look forward.
Nikki: Hopefully, to good things for you.
Jack: You're one of those good things, you know? Thanks for sticking by me.
Nikki: Always. All right. Oh, I've taken up enough of your time. I'll see you soon, okay?
Jack: Come on. Come on! (Door opens)3q over 200,000 people are hospitalized every year
Sharon: Victor has a lot going on.
Adam: A lot going on. That--that makes complete sense, then.
Sharon: Hey, well, you know what? At least he asked about you.
Adam: Hey, at least he-- at least he asked about me. There's always that.
Adam: Do you think I deserve this?
Sharon: No.
Adam: You don't? I'm sure there's a lot of people that do. The way I acted when I came to this town...
Adam: That's not who I really am. That's not what I'm like. It's not what I was like with my mother. Then I'm around my father, and I felt compelled to--to be ruthless, ambitious, retaliatory, vengeful.
Sharon: Well, you know, you wanted things, and--
Adam: Everybody wants things. It's how you go about getting them. My--my mother was afraid that my father would destroy me. She was right to be afraid.
Jack: Nikki just told me her good news.
Victor: Yes. Certainly been a long time in coming. Now we can finally get on with our lives.
Jack: Well, she just left. I assume that's why you're here, looking for her.
Victor: No, it isn'T.
Jack: What, did you come to gloat?
Victor: About what, jack?
Jack: When you originally brought patty here, it was to destroy me. Are you disappointed she didn't kill me?
Victor: Actually, I'm ecstatic.
Jack: That I'm alive?
Victor: That you lost beauty of nature to your ex-fiancéE.
Jack: Oh, now there's the victor I know-- reveling in my romantic and corporate misfortune at a time like this.
Victor: It's what we do, jack. But rest assured, genevieve is not gonna keep beauty of nature.
Jack: Oh? Why is that?
Victor: Two reasons-- because it's mine, and you want it. So you get well soon, all right?
Jack: I will walk again, victor, and I will fight for beauty of nature.
Victor: Jack, I certainly hope you'll walk again. You get very strong, because then, you can bring your best game, because you're gonna lose, but it will be entertaining. (Door opens)
Genevieve: I made a business deal that, in retrospect, I realize I handled badly.
Traci: So, wait, y-you-- you don't regret what you did to jack. You only regret that you handled it badly?
Genevieve: And as for patty, I was her victim, too.
Traci: How can you say that?
Ashley: What did she do to you?
Genevieve: She used me! She used me to hurt jack.
Traci: Oh, no, you hurt jack all on your own. Your betrayal and then leaving him at the altar was every bit as heartless as a gunshot.
Genevieve: (Sighs) all right, obviously, there is-- there is nothing I can say here to fix this--
Ashley: There isn'T.
Genevieve: All right, I... (laughs) I just would like you to know that I am praying for jack. I'm praying for his recovery, and if there is anything at all that I can do to be--
Ashley: You can go.
Traci: And leave our brother alone.
Ashley: Gentlemen, please? Get mrs. Atkinson and her things. Take her out of here, please.
Billy: Okay, look, what happened in myanmar-- it was both chelsea and my fault, so we don't need to rehash that right now.
Victoria: You know, what matters right now is that little boy.
Anita: A boy?
Chelsea: Yeah.
Anita: Oh, honey.
Billy: And I want to be a good father to my son. That's why we moved chelsea in here.
Anita: Oh, god bless you. (Sighs) I don't know where we got off track with chelsea's upbringing. I mean, her father and I-- we didn't have much, but we tried our best to raise her to know right from wrong and to live by the good book. I-I just think the--the devil must have gotten into you, chelsea. And now she needs her mama more than ever.
Victoria: Yeah, probably. I mean, I wanted my mother around me when I was pregnant.
Anita: Uh-huh.
Jill: What are you saying?
Victoria: I mean, there's room in the apartment, right?
Billy: (Clears throat)
Jill: Uh, why don't we talk about this?
Billy: You know what? Decision's been made. Anita, how would you like to live with chelsea in the garage apartment?
Anita: Oh, uh...
Chelsea: No, that's-- you don't--you don't have to do that. Mnh-mnh.
Anita: No, no, unh-unh. Uh, I do not take handouts. I mean, at least let me pay rent.
Billy: No, that's not necessary.
Victoria: No, absolutely not. We would--we would love to have you.
Anita: All right, then. I'll stay.
Billy: Okay, good.
Victoria: Yay.
Billy: I'll help you with your bags.
Victoria: That's great.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Jill: I just want to go on record. I do not trust that conniving, scheming little loser.
Victoria: Jill, you have to stop talking about chelsea like that, okay?
Jill: I'm talking about her mother.Go ahead.
Paul: You're angry with me because of your mother?
Ricky: You put her in that institution, and then you just kept on walking.
Paul: Oh, come on. Isabella is a completely different situation.
Ricky: Do you know how many times my mom has been in crisis over the years?
Paul: Really, ricky?
Ricky: How could you just leave?
Paul: I didn't abandon your mother. I stopped seeing her because it aggravated her for her to see me.
Ricky: (Laughs)
Paul: She had her parents. That's what was best.
Ricky: That's an easy out, dad.
Paul: Nothing about this is easy.
Ricky: So, what, now you're mad at me because I got patty to talk to me?
Paul: No, no, that--that... that's another thing-- you put yourself in danger. What were you doing approaching patty? She had just shot jack. You had no idea whether or not she had the gun. You could have gotten yourself killed.
Ricky: I know exactly how her mind works.
Paul: Really? So you're a psychiatrist now?
Ricky: Because I've been around that kind of crazy my entire life. I've seen it with my own mother.
Phyllis: You know, let's talk about you. What about the things you've done in court, hmm? Dredging up people's pasts, destroying them on the stand.
Avery: That is to protect my clients.
Phyllis: Oh, please. Please, please stop with the "holier than thou" attitude. It doesn't work on me anymore. Let's be honest, you're exactly like me. You're willing to do whatever it takes, aren't you? To get the job done.
Billy: Whew. Okay. Mother and daughter are all settled in.
Victoria: Goody. (Sighs) well, I gotta tell you, meeting anita sure explains a lot about chelsea.
Jill: I do not trust either one of them, and neither should you.
Billy: We don'T.
Jill: Then why the hell did you invite anita to move in?
Victoria: Because keeping them close will allow us to watch over the baby.
Chelsea: What in the hell are you doing here, mom? And what was all that about dad being in africa? Really?
Anita: He could be. I mean, we haven't seen him in years. I mean, he could be anywhere. (Sighs)
Chelsea: You shouldn't have come here.
Anita: Oh, it looks like I got here just in time. I could tell from your phone calls you were going soft.
Chelsea: No, I'm not.
Anita: Look at this dinky apartment over a garage! This will never do. Mnh-mnh. No, no, no, no, no.
Victor: I sent the staff home, you know. We could have a very private celebration.
Nikki: Well... I don't know that a celebration is in order.
Victor: Are you still thinking about diane's son?
Nikki: Victor, regardless of the circumstances... (sighs) I did kill her, and that poor boy does not have his mother. I will have to live with that.
Victor: You know something? I could tell you a thousand times you're not guilty, you still wouldn't believe me.
Nikki: (Sighs) I hope someday I will.
Victor: Do you know how many things you have to be grateful for? Think about it. You're totally free now.
Nikki: You're right. I am, and I am so grateful to you. Everything you did to help me...
Victor: Mm.
Nikki: Unbelievable. Thank you so much. (Sighs)3q there she is !
Paul: You know, I excused what you did to your sister, exploiting heather by taking those photographs with adam and her.
Ricky: Then why do you keep bringing it up?
Paul: Because you keep doing it. You're profiting off your family's misery.
Ricky: Family? I saw you, what, once every couple of years if I was lucky? I just met my sister. I had to introduce myself to my own uncle and aunt.
Ricky: You have never been my family. (Cell phone rings)
Anita: Did you see their faces when I said I was gonna take you out of here?
Chelsea: Yep. They looked freaked.
Anita: Watch your mama and learn.
That is how a good con is done.
Chelsea: (Sighs) mom, billy and victoria, they really want this kid, and--
Anita: Yes... (laughs) indeedy, they do. You have got the billion-dollar baby percolating!
Chelsea: They're-- they're not that rich.
Anita: Hell, yes, they are. He's an abbott, she's a newman. We are in the money! Whoo!
Billy: Hmm.
Victoria: Did you get ahold of paul?
Billy: No, he didn't answer, but I did leave a message. Thank you.
Victoria: You're welcome. You think he'll do a good job?
Billy: Yeah, I bet he'll find out everything there is to know about anita lawson.
Phyllis: So considering the lengths you've gone to, counselor, you have no right criticizing me.
Avery: Well, then, don't come down on my former intern.
Phyllis: Oh, you care so much about ricky, you're protecting that guy?
Avery: I'm protecting him like you're protecting jack.
Phyllis: Yeah, I'm protecting jack. Someone has to. Did you read the article? He destroyed jack.
Avery: Wow, look at your loyalty. Too bad you don't have that for your own family.
Phyllis: Oh, again with the family, again. Let me tell you something about jack. He has been more supportive and has done more for me than any member of my family ever has. (Cell phone rings)
Avery: Oh, good, it's mom.
Phyllis: Oh, well, you definitely want to get that.
Avery: Hi, how's it going?
Avery: When? Okay. Okay, take it easy. Mom... it's gonna be okay. I'll--I'll leave right away. Okay, bye.
Phyllis: What did she want?
Avery: Dad had a heart attack. He's in critical condition and... she's a mess. I gotta get-- uh, I gotta go get on the next flight. You could come with me.
Phyllis: No.
Avery: All right, okay.
Traci: Well, I'm glad phyllis made sure you won't be bothered.
Jack: Well, I'm not sure we were specific enough about who couldn't get in. Victor just came to see me.
Ashley: You're kidding. What did he say?
Jack: He was wishing me well on my recovery, not that I'm buying that.
Ashley: (Sighs)
Traci: How about genevieve? Has she been back?
Jack: No. Why do you ask?
Ashley: I fired her.
Traci: And I had all of her things removed from the house.
Jack: I would have done the same thing.
Genevieve: Single-malt scotch, neat.
Jill: I heard you just got fired.
Genevieve: Get your facts straight. I quit. Why would I need a job at jabot when I own beauty of nature?
Michael: Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that. Hi, jill.
Jill: Hi.
Michael: Victor's challenging the legality of that sale.
Jill: (Laughs) oh, whoa. Suddenly, my day just got so much brighter.
Sharon: Well, I'm gonna head over to the club and pack up some of your things so you'll have some essentials at my house.
Adam: Whoa, wait, just... listen to me.
Adam: You were right-- I think leaving town would be--would be best for me, particularly getting away from my father.
Sharon: So you've changed your mind?
Adam: Let's go to my mom's farm.
Nikki: So you saw jack.
Victor: Yeah. Duty done, one less thing to argue about.
Nikki: Oh, victor. I suppose we'll always have our differences.
Victor: Mm-hmm. And in spite of those differences, we love each other. Hmm?
Nikki: Too bad things don't seem to run smoothly for us very long.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Will you move back in?
Nikki: Yes, I will.
Victor: Good.
Nikki: (Giggles)
next on
"the young and the restless"...
Neil: So why did you ask me here?
Genevieve: I'd like to offer you a job.
Gloria: You son of a bitch!
Jeff: Ohh!
Angelo: And I want you to kill fisher. (Gun cocks)
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