Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/7/12
Episode # 9838 ~ Nikki Prepares to Face the Consequences
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victoria: You have a good day at school, all right? I love you. I miss you, too. Big hug. Bye.
Chelsea: Was that your son?
Victoria: (Sighs) How long have you been standing there?
Chelsea: I-I'm sorry, I didn't meant to... (Sighs) It must be hard, losing your kid.
Victoria: I haven't lost anything.
Billy: Okay. Time to see the doc.
Chelsea: Yep. 6-month ultrasound.
Billy: Ready?
Chelsea: Actually, um, Victoria and I were talking, and, well... I'm not sure she wants to come with us.
Patty: I'm getting out of here today, Pauly.
Paul: I know you are. You're going to be going to--
Patty: (Sighs) Home. We're going home, Pauly, and I get to see Mom and Dad and Todd, even though he teases me all the time... (Laughs)
Paul: Patty--Patty, stop it.
Patty: And itty-bitty little kitty, and--
Paul: Listen to me, please.
Patty: Hmm? Hmm?
Paul: You're not going home.
Patty: I am, too, going home.
Paul: No, you're not.
Patty: Yes. (Laughs)
Paul: Can you listen to me for a second?
Patty: Okay, I'm sorry.
Paul: You hurt Jack, and we can't let that happen again.
Patty: No, Pauly, you're confused. I'd never hurt Jack.
Jack: (Grunting) (Sighs) Dad, why did you send me back to live like this? This is—
(Knock on door)
Claire: Mr. Abbott. I'm Claire, liaison from the physical therapy department.
Jack: Oh, Claire, uh, call me Jack. I want to hear everything you have planned for me. I cannot wait to get started.
Claire: That won't be till next week. Your therapist will begin with stretching exercises, then work on building upper body strength to help you get in and out of a wheelchair--
Jack: Wait, stop, stop. I don't want to talk about upper body strength or wheelchairs. I want you to help me walk again.
Jill: Morning. Looks like the temperature's dropping. Yep, definitely chilly. Or maybe some people are just rude.
Nina: I'm sorry, did you say something?
Jill: Well, obviously nothing as important as the book you... wrote about Ronan.
Nina: Yeah. (Sighs) I spent so many years searching for my son, and it didn't exactly turn out the way I imagined.
Jill: It's not too late.
Nina: (Sighs) Ronan’s leaving, and I don't think he's coming back.
Spencer: You don't give up, do you?
Ronan: No, I don’t. Nikki doesn't deserve--
Spencer: "Deserve to be punished for what happened to Diane."
Ronan: That's right, she doesn’t. You know, it's bad enough you're gonna prosecute her for obstruction. Now you're on the verge of adding involuntary manslaughter charges.
Spencer: Not just on the verge.
Ronan: You're definitely gonna add the charges?
Spencer: Today.
Nikki: So I really need to speak to Michael.
Phyllis: About Diane’s case?
Nikki: Unfortunately, yes.
Nick: I thought the charges were dropped against all of us.
Nikki: Yeah, they were dropped against everybody except me, so I expect to be arrested at any time.
Billy: (Quietly) So why don't you give me your version of this little conversation with Chelsea?
Victoria: (Quietly) Okay. Would you like me to leave out the part where I wanted to strangle her?
Billy: Once I've established my parental rights, I can lay a legal claim to the baby-- our baby, and when that happens... (Whispering) She won't be in our life anymore, okay? So hang in there.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Okay. (Clears throat) (Normal voice) Let's go.
Jill: I know a thing or two about sons rejecting their mother. (Laughs) I could write a book about that, and one thing I've learned is you can't push them. You have to let them come to you.
Nina: Yeah, but what if they don't?
Jill: Nina, look how many years Phillip was away, letting me think he was dead. He came back. And Billy. (Laughs) I'm sure he wouldn't vote me "Mother of the Year," but there's hope.
Nina: That's just it. With Ronan and me, I don't think there is.
Ronan: I came back to Genoa City because a woman needed me to make things right for her.
Spencer: You did. You found justice for Diane Jenkins.
Ronan: Prosecuting Nikki isn't justice! It sure as hell isn't right.
Spencer: It's not your call.
Ronan: You're right, it's not my call. I just put my life, I put my career on hold, because I came here to do something nobody else could do.
Spencer: Now you can go-- back to the FBI, back to your life.
Ronan: The thought of me leaving here, knowing that things aren't the way they should be... (Sighs) You know, so many things that don't need to get screwed up end up that way. Man, don't let this be one of 'em.
Nick: Are there any politicians left in this world who want to do the right thing instead of what's best for their careers?
Phyllis: Greg Zalevsky.
Nick: Who the hell is that?
Phyllis: He is the student council rep at Summer's school. He's honest and fair, and he fights for the rights of all pupils.
Nick: (Sighs) Yeah, what happens to those kids?
Phyllis: They turn into Ricky Williams.
Nikki: What? Paul's son? What do you mean?
Nick: Ricky pitched a story to Phyllis about Patty.
Phyllis: Yeah, he was with Patty when she was arrested, and he claims that he has the inside story.
Nikki: Oh, my God. Well, somebody has to talk to that kid.
Phyllis: What? Oh, no!
Nick: Mom... (Sighs)
Phyllis: Shoot, Nikki.
Nick: Mom.
Nikki: Excuse me, Ricky? I'm Nikki Newman. I understand you want to publish an article about Patty Williams.
Ricky: It's news.
Nikki: (Sighs) It will hurt a lot of people.
Ricky: Well, that's never stopped Phyllis or your own son from running a good story, has it?
Nikki: It's not a good story. It's a tragedy. Have you stopped to think what you would be doing to others if you run it?
Ricky: (Slams laptop closed) (Sighs)
Paul: You have to go away.
Woman: It's time.
Patty: Wha--oh, it's time. We're going home now. (Laughs)
(Handcuffs clinking)
Patty: What? No, what are you doing? I don't want-- I don't need those.
Paul: Patty, that's what I'm trying to tell you. You're going to the hospital. You're going to the hospital.
Patty: I don't need these. Pauly, tell her we're going home. I want to--
Paul: You hurt Jack. You need to go to the prison hospital.
Patty: Prison? (Cries)
Paul: Yeah. You hurt Jack. We can't let that happen again.
Patty: (Voice breaking) I hurt him? I didn't hurt him.
Paul: I'm sorry, Sweetheart. It's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay.
Patty: I shot Jack?
Paul: Yeah. You're gonna be okay.
Patty: Pauly, they're gonna lock me up. They're gonna lock me up. I don't want to--
Paul: You're gonna be fine. I'm gonna come and visit as soon as I can, I promise.
Patty: (Sobs) Oh, no, I don't want to go. I want you to take me home, Pauly. I want you to take me home.
Paul: (Voice breaks) I-I know you do, but I can’t. I'm gonna come and see you as soon as I can.
Patty: Promise? You promise?
Paul: I promise, I promise.
Patty: I love you.
Paul: I love you, too.
Billy: I don't see anything.
Chelsea: Oh, look, that's the head! That's the head, right?
Woman: Spine looks good. Lungs, and there's the heart...
Chelsea: Ohh.
Woman: Beating strong.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Woman: You want to know the sex?
Billy: (Clears throat) Is it "X" or "Y"?
Woman: Boy.
Chelsea: Ohh.
Victoria: Oh, my gosh.
Billy: Ooh, a boy.
Victoria: Wow.
Billy: Gonna have a boy. Lord help us all, I'm gonna have a little me.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Woman: Hope you're ready for a houseful of testosterone, Mom.
Billy: (Laughs)
Victoria: Oh, yeah, I--
Chelsea: Oh, no, no, look, Victoria's not the mom. You--you thought that I was a surrogate, didn't you? No, V-Victoria would love to give Billy a baby, but she can’t. (Sighs)
Victoria: Excuse me. I'm-- I'm just gonna be out here.
Billy: Hey, you--
Chelsea: What? Are you sure?
Billy: Hold on. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Chelsea: (Sighs) It's so sweet how he worries about her, isn't it? I'm so lucky to have him as the father of my baby.
Jack: Get out! Now! Send someone in here who's ready to help me walk again.
Emily: What's going on, Jack? Jack, no, it's Emily, it's--its Emily, I promise you. Can you please come back later? (Sighs) Thanks.
Jack: (Exhales slowly)
Emily: I-I just wanted to come by and see how you were doing.
Jack: Yeah. Oh, I shouldn't have taken my... (Sighs)
Emily: Anger?
Jack: I'm not angry. I'm--I'm determined to get better.
Emily: That's good. It's good, but it's all right to be angry. I mean, aren't you angry at this face?
Jack: It's kind of pointless, isn't it?
Emily: To be upset with me?
Jack: No, or Patty.
Emily: (Sighs) Jack. (Chuckles) You know, feelings don't always make sense, but it doesn't make them any less real.
Jack: And there's the reason I fell in love with you.
Emily: (Chuckles)
Jack: Hey, listen, I have to ask you a question.
Emily: Sure.
Jack: Did you come see me a few days ago, try to talk me out of marrying Genevieve?
Emily: No.
Jack: Mm. Kind of figured. (Sighs)
Emily: I'm so sorry for, uh, how all this turned out. Well, if you need anything-- professionally, that is-- please let me know.
Nikki: If he runs that story, it's not gonna help me any.
Nick: We gotta make a move. We have to convince Walsh not to press any charges before Ricky can get that article out there.
Phyllis: Oh, wait, here's Ronan. Hey.
Ronan: Hey.
Nick: Did the D.A. make a decision yet on the involuntary manslaughter charges?
Ronan: It doesn't look good.
Nick: (Sighs)
Ronan: I'm sorry.
Nick: I gotta get a hold of Walsh.
Phyllis: Um, excuse me just for a sec.
Ronan: Thank you.
Phyllis: Oh, so that's it?
Ronan: I told you everything I know about Nikki and Spencer.
Phyllis: But nothing about you leaving town. You weren't gonna say anything to anyone?
Ronan: I find that it's usually best that way.
Phyllis: I disagree.
Ronan: I'm gonna get some sugar. (Taps hand rhythmically)
Phyllis: Um... if anybody knows about screwed-up family situations, it's me.
Ronan: (Sighs) I know that, and that's why I'm expecting you not to give me a hard time about this.
Phyllis: Okay, I'm gonna be really, really honest with you. Your situation with your mom is nothing, nothing, like my train wreck of a family.
Ronan: (Exhales slowly)
Phyllis: Nina is a good person, and I think you should do everything you can to work it out with her.
Ronan: I know that Nina is a good person, okay? I knew that before I came here... look, Nina is not the problem, okay?
Phyllis: You just like to build a wall around yourself, don't you? You--you don't--you don't want to let anyone get close, do you?
Ronan: Well, I guess it comes with the job.
Phyllis: It comes with being hurt.
Ronan: Okay, you know what? I'm--I'm gonna go.
Phyllis: You know what? Say it.
Ronan: Say what?
Phyllis: Say, "Good-bye, Phyllis, I'm gonna miss you."
Ronan: I didn't take you for being so needy. (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Say it to me. Good-bye, Ronan. Good-bye. I'm gonna miss you.
Ronan: Good-bye, Phyllis. I'm gonna miss you, too.
Ricky: (Sighs)
Paul: Hi there. Uh, let's see. A tall regular coffee, please.
Eden: Sure.
Ricky: Dad, can I talk to you?
Paul: You know what? Now is not a good time.
Ricky: Well, um, uh, maybe I can help.
Paul: Thank you. You have a way of making things worse, not better.
Ricky: Are you ever gonna trust me?
Paul: I don't know.
Eden: Here you go.
Paul: Thank you.
Eden: Sure.
Ricky: (Sighs)
(Computer keys clicking)
Ricky: (Thinking) "It started the day that my Aunt Patty laid eyes on Jack Abbott... and ended when she shot him for the second time. My aunt's crazy, and boy, do I know crazy."
Emily: Ohh. (Exhales slowly) Blood pressure's a little high. That's probably because of my offer.
Jack: Listen, I appreciate that you want to help.
Emily: But no, thanks. I-I completely understand.
(Door opens)
Phyllis: Hey, the nurse said it was okay to come in. What are you doing here?
Jack: Emily came by to check on how I was doing.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. That's very nice. You could have called. You could have sent a text. The last thing he needs to do is see that face.
Nick: Okay. Phyllis.
Emily: All right, I-I should go.
Phyllis: Yeah, you shouldn't have come.
Emily: All right. You know, if--if you need anything--
Phyllis: He's good.
Jack: Thank you.
Emily: Okay.
Jack: Wow, talk about overprotective.
Nick: That's what you call it?
Victoria: (Sighs) Look, I just-- I really don't know wh-why I... (Sighs) Why I let her get to me. (Sighs)
Billy: Because you're human.
Victoria: You know what? I hate it. I hate it. I should be able to handle Chelsea and her stupid-- her stupid little digs. (Sighs)
Billy: Hey, you've always been the one who had it together...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Kept your head on straight, and mine. Why don't you let me handle this? I'll make sure Chelsea doesn't give you any more crap, I promise.
Victoria: All right.
Billy: In time, we're gonna have a baby, another child for an already amazing mom.
Billy: (Clears throat)
Victoria: I'm gonna go get the car.
Billy: Okay.
Chelsea: All set? (Clears throat)
Billy: When we get home, you and I, we're gonna have a little talk. I have a lot of things I need to say to you.
Chelsea: I've got a few things to say to you, too.
Jill: No, that is the one thing you can't do, is give up hope.
Nina: I have to stop wanting what I can't have.
Jill: Oh, really? And how are you gonna do that, hmm? You gonna just turn off your feelings, stop loving Ronan?
Nina: No, but... I have to accept that he's never gonna love me back.
(Doorbell rings)
Ronan: Nina.
Phyllis: Hey, listen. (Sighs) I'm sorry. Yes, I am a little overprotective. I just want to... scream at everybody who put you in this place.
Nick: Yeah, she damn near took off Ricky Williams' head earlier.
Jack: Paul's son? What did he do?
Phyllis: He wanted to write an exposé on his aunt.
Jack: I hope you said no.
Phyllis: Of course I did.
Nick: After giving it careful consideration.
Phyllis: I didn't consider it for a second.
Jack: Okay, I-I'm glad you agreed not to print anything. That's the last thing in the world Patty needs right now.
Phyllis: Uh, I don't-- I don't understand that. How could you care about her one iota after what she did to you?
Jack: I'm gonna be fine. Patty is still trapped in that nightmare.
Phyllis: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, are you-- Jack, what are you saying? What are you saying? Oh, fine. Well, you know what? When you're out of here, why don't you just go take her dancing, right? God, I'm an idiot. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that like that.
Jack: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't--don't worry about it. I'm gonna walk again. I'm gonna dance again.
Phyllis: Yes, you are. Yes, you are. Yes, you are.
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: I'm sorry, I gotta--I'm gonna take that.
Nick: Hey, no matter what happens, if you need anything...
Jack: Thanks. I'm gonna be fine, really.
Phyllis: (Exhales quickly)
Nick: What's wrong?
Phyllis: Ricky ran the story on Patty. It's getting major hits.
Nina: Can I get you anything? You want a beer or...
Ronan: No. No, thank you.
Nina: So are you all packed and ready to go?
Ronan: Yeah. Yeah, pretty much.
Nina: Where are you going? Oh, sorry. You can't tell me. (Laughs)
Ronan: Right.
Nina: I should be used to it by now, all the secret assignments that you and Chance go on. But the truth is, you never get used to it-- not knowing where your child is, how they are, if they need you. But all that time apart just makes seeing them again all the more special. Well, it does for me, anyway.
Ronan: I'm sure that Chance feels the same way. (Chuckles)
Nina: Well, until I start to hover. (Laughs)
Ronan: No. He's lucky to have you.
Nina: You know, I could hover over you, too. (Voice cracks)
(Doorbell rings)
Nina: (Normal voice) Oh, hi.
Paul: Ohh, I'm so glad you're home. I just sent Patty to the prison hospital...
Nina: Oh, Dear.
Paul: And I ran into Ricky in the-- oh, I'm sorry. I can--I can come back.
Ronan: No. (Clears throat, sniffles) No, I've gotta go, actually.
Nina: No, you don't, it's--
Ronan: Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Nina: Oh, I'll walk you out.
Paul: Take care.
Ronan: You, too.
Paul: Thanks.
Ronan: Yeah.
Nina: Ronan... (Sniffles) (Sighs) Okay. (Sighing heavily)
Chelsea: I could really use something to eat.
Billy: I know what you're doing.
Chelsea: Starving?
Billy: Messing with Vicki.
Chelsea: "Messing"? What are you talking about? I've gone out of my way to be nice.
Billy: Oh, right, right, like when you told the nurse that Victoria couldn't have children.
Chelsea: (Sighs) I'm--I was trying to help and explain--
Billy: Okay, stop. Everything you do is thought-out, calculated. You're always thinking about your next move. Well, I'm here to tell you that it's going to be the door if you don't start showing my wife the respect that she deserves. This lady is a saint for dealing with both of us, and I'm not letting you hurt her anymore with your bitchy little digs. Do you understand?
Chelsea: Are you finished?
Billy: Yes, I am.
Chelsea: Good, 'cause I have something to say, as well, to both of you. (Sighs) That was... accurate, all of it. I really turned both of your lives upside down, and Victoria's done nothing but stand by your side, the way you just stood by hers. It's nice. I envy you guys. You really have something that you only... (Chuckles) See in the movies.
Billy: (Sighs)
Chelsea: But it's-- its real... (Sniffles) As real as this baby is. And I really think that you guys could give this little guy a really good life.
Victoria: So what are you saying?
Chelsea: I'm saying... I want you and Billy to raise him.
Billy: So... (chuckles) you want us to raise the baby, Victoria and me?
Chelsea: Yeah.
Victoria: I don't know what to say.
(Doorbell rings)
Billy: Well, I guess you can, uh, take a minute and pick up the pieces of your mind that's just been blown away. Hi, Mom. Please come on in and join our weird but wonderful day.
Jill: (Sighs) I think I can guess the "Weird" part.
Victoria: Actually, no, Chelsea was just being wonderful. She, um... she wants us-- she wants Billy and me to raise--to raise the baby and to be his parents.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Jill: "His"?
Billy: Yeah, it's a boy.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: We just found out. (Laughs)
Jill: (Laughs) Is this a con?
Chelsea: No. You have every reason to believe that, but no. The truth is, I'm-- I'm not really ready to settle down, have a kid. It's not-- it's not really my thing. (Sighs) But you guys-- you were, like, made for this. I mean, look at this place. You have the white picket fence. You have--you have the dog. You have the whole bit. This baby really deserves to be raised by people like you, people that can show him... (Sighs) A lot of love and a really great home. Every kid deserves that.
Billy: Well, okay. I guess the only thing to do now is call Michael--
Victoria: (Sighs)
(Doorbell ringing)
Billy: Or... (Laughs) Answer the door...
(Ringing continues)
Billy: That keeps ringing. This day just gets weirder and weirder.
Victoria: It does.
Nina: Ronan said everything he was going to say, which wasn't much.
Paul: Well, Patty had a lot to say about going to prison.
Nina: Ohh.
Paul: I should have let her stay in her fantasy world. It would have been easier on both of us.
Nina: Yeah, well, maybe in the short run, but if she wants to get better, she's gonna have to face reality.
Paul: You know, you're about the only person on the planet that believes that's a possibility.
Nina: Yeah, well, it's getting harder and harder to believe in miracles, but I haven't given up completely.
Paul: Hmm.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Paul: Oh, damn it.
Nina: What?
Paul: Ricky published an article on Patty in a true crime blog.
Nina: Oh, God.
Paul: You know, I just don't understand that kid.
Nina: See? Uh, both of our sons are complete strangers to us. I...
Paul: Well, I was just hoping mine was different, that he's a better person than I-- than I think he is.
Nina: I hope so, too.
(Doorbell rings)
Paul: (Sighs)
Paul: (Sighs) What'd you get?
Nina: It's a package from Ronan.
Nikki: Have you heard from Walsh?
Nick: I was just about to check.
Nikki: There he is. Maybe he got your message. (Gasps) My God, unless he's here to arrest me.
(Doorbell rings)
Billy: (Laughs)
Jill: Oh, for God sake.
Billy: (Coughs)
Jill: Hold on!
(Ringing continues)
Jill: What?
Woman: Oh, hi.
Jill: Listen, whatever you're selling, we don't want any, okay?
Anita: Oh, I'm not selling anything. I'm--I came here to see Chelsea.
Jill: And you are...
Anita: I'm Anita, Chelsea’s--
Chelsea: Mom?
Anita: (Gasps) That's right, Baby, mama's here.
Eden: Wow. That your story?
Ricky: Yeah, I just posted it on "True Life Crimes."
Eden: Oh, isn't that the blog that broke that story about the brother and sister who robbed all those banks? It went viral in, like, two seconds.
Ricky: And now mine is doing the same.
Eden: Cool. You should be out celebrating. I mean, this'll be great for your career, right?
Ricky: Yeah. Yeah, great.
Jack: Why would Ricky do this to Patty?
Phyllis: I don't know, but he may be as crazy as his mom and his aunt.
Jack: Patty is sick. She needs help, not this garbage.
Phyllis: Why are you defending her? You don't feel responsible for her being ill, do you?
Jack: You know what? I'm--I'm feeling kind of tired right now, if you don't mind.
Phyllis: Don't think of Patty, please? Just rest.
Patty: Itty bitty? Itty-bitty kitty? Kitty, kitty, kitty? (Clicking tongue) Itty bitty? (Sobs) Itty bitty?
Patty: (Sighs) Itty? (Sighs)
Nick: All right, look, it's gonna be all right.
Nikki: (Exhales slowly)
Spencer: Mrs. Newman.
Nick: Did you get my message?
Spencer: I've been in court.
Nikki: Are you here to arrest me?
Spencer: I'm here to tell you that all charges against you have been dropped, and I'm not gonna bring any new ones.
Nikki: Ohh, ohh, thank you. Thank you.
Spencer: Ronan Malloy is the one you should thank, but I think it's too late. Last I saw him, he was packing to leave town.
Nikki: (Exhales slowly)
(Packing tape ripping)
Ronan: (Sighs)
Nina: (Sighs)
Ronan: "I wish I had your gift for words. They seem to come so easily for you." I could never find the right ones to tell you how grateful I am to you for finding me. 'Thanks' is the best that I came up with. That, and... I love you, Mom."
Ronan: (Sniffles) (Clears throat) Oh.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Ashley: You're fired.
Ricky: You are a fierce protector of crazy Patty. Did you once look out for crazy Isabella, my mother?
Anita: And you'd best be planning a wedding with my girl.
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