Y&R Transcript Monday 2/6/12
Episode # 9837 ~ Cane and Lily Make a Surprise Announcement
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Lily: (Laughing)
Cane: (Grunts) And, God, if you said no, I don't know what I would have done.
Lily: Oh, you knew I would say yes.
Cane: Hmm.
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: Yeah, I kind of did, 'cause you see, I've been, uh, actually...
Lily: (Gasps)
Cane: Carrying this around with me.
Lily: (Laughs) What? (Gasps) Oh, my gosh. (Laughs) It’s... beautiful. I-I love it.
Cane: Let's see, uh, what it looks like on your finger, huh?
Lily: (Laughs) Okay.
Cane: You ready?
Lily: Yes. (Laughs) I love it.
Cane: I love you.
Lily: I love you. (Laughs)
Neil: Hey. Updating the calendar?
Sofia: Yeah. Little Moses has a wellness exam coming up, so I scheduled it for the lunch hour, just in case you figure things out with Katherine and you're back to work.
Neil: Yeah, I'm, uh, having second thoughts about that plan.
Harmony: (Snapping fingers)
Devon: (Laughs)
Harmony: (Laughs)
Devon: So you like it?
Harmony: That is a chart-topper. I w-wouldn't change a note.
Devon: (Laughs)
Harmony: I mean, for real.
Devon: Really? (Laughs)
Harmony: Yeah, listen...
Devon: Huh?
Harmony: A-ain't everybody else been tellin' you the same thing?
Devon: Well, so far, you're "Everybody else." You're the first person to hear this version.
Harmony: Really?
Devon: I wanted to get as much as I could done before, uh, I go in for the operation. I'm a little nervous about that.
Harmony: Listen, Tucker checked that doctor out, okay? And you are good to go.
Devon: I know, and all the tests show that I'm a good candidate to get the surgery. I know.
Harmony: I'm so happy for you, Devon. You know, if the oper-- when the operation is a success, you're gonna be able to hear all that applause when you go up on that stage and get your Grammy. (Laughs)
Devon: Grammy? (Laughs) Okay. Let's r-reel in the expectations a little bit, Mom.
Harmony: I can't, I can't!
Devon: (Laughs)
Tucker: Excellent. Yeah, I really appreciate it, Doc. Thanks. Right.
Jill: Tucker, was that about Jack?
Tucker: Uh, no.
Jill: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry. Sit.
Tucker: Oh, it's all right. That was a specialist who's gonna operate on Devon, hopefully restore his hearing.
Jill: See, that's the kind of good news I need to hear. I've been just sick about Jack. Boy, I bet Ashley’s beside herself. Please tell her, if there's anything she needs from me at Jabot, I'm there for her.
Tucker: I'm sure Ashley knows she can count on you, Jill.
Jill: Yeah. Hmm. Nobody wanted to listen to me about Genevieve and how dangerous she is. (Sighs)
Tucker: Well, can we really hold her responsible?
Jill: Well, of course we can. All right, maybe she didn't know what Patty looked like, all right, but you can't tell me she didn't know there was something off about that maid. She needed to exploit her so she could hold Colin in her wine cellar. If there was any justice at all, Genevieve would be the one in the hospital right now.
Tucker: Well, don't hold back, Jill. Tell me how you really feel.
Chloe: You recognize it?
Ronan: I do. This is the gift I got Delia when she was in the hospital.
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Ronan: Yeah.
Chloe: Goes by Frogbert now.
Ronan: Frogbert?
Chloe: Yeah.
Ronan: Frogbert.
Chloe: Yeah. (Laughs)
Ronan: (Laughs) He looks like a very happy Frogbert.
Chloe: Delia's really happy, too. So she specifically told me that she wanted me to give this to you so Frogbert would make you happy. Yeah. So you want to hang it up somewhere?
Ronan: No, actually, I'm gonna take it with me, because, uh... 'cause this isn't my office anymore.
Chloe: Wow. You must have cracked the hot case, got a big promotion.
Ronan: Uh, not exactly. I'm moving on.
Chloe: Like, you mean, you're leaving town? Why?
Paul: Oh, it's so good to have you home.
Nina: Ohh. Oh, Baby, you look tired.
Paul: Mm.
Nina: You're not sleeping.
Paul: Uh, well, it's not for a lack of trying. I go to bed. I just, uh... I just lie there, you know? I got a million things racing through my head, and I just... (Sighs) I just want to fix things. But it's too late, you know? For Patty, for Jack.
Nina: (Sighs) Maybe once she's back on her meds, you know?
Paul: Right, so she can realize what she's done?
Nina: (Sighs)
Paul: She tried to murder Jack.
Nina: (Tsks) I'm so sorry, but at least she's safe now because of you.
Paul: She's gonna be locked up for the rest of her life. Then there's Nikki.
Kay: Darling, whatever is the matter?
Nikki: Katherine, I think I'm going to be prosecuted for involuntary manslaughter.
Kay: (Sighs)
Chelsea: You got a message while you were out.
Victoria: Oh?
Chelsea: Detective Malloy said they're dropping the charges against you.
Victoria: He discussed that with you?
Chelsea: No. Left it on your voice mail. (Pretzels crunching)
Victoria: You checked my voice messages?
Chelsea: Obstructing justice? Sounds like kind of a big deal.
Jack: Ooh, the good stuff.
Billy: Mm-hmm. Well, you've got enough flowers, and I'm not really a flower guy, but just in case one of these nurses has an aversion, let's just put this bad boy right there.
Jack: Ooh. Always thinking, aren't you?
Billy: (Laughs) Yeah, that's me.
Jack: Guess you heard about the M.R.I. results.
Billy: Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty rough.
Kay: So the D.A. refused to drop the obstruction charges against you--
Nikki: (Sighs) Katherine, it's likely that they're going to arrest me for Diane’s murder.
Kay: (Sighs)
Nikki: At least, that's what Ronan intimated.
Kay: (Sighs) Darling, you are not going to prison. I mean, Victor would never allow that. (Stammers) Look at the lengths he has gone to, uh, uh, for your sake-- confessing to a crime he didn't do.
Nikki: I know, and what a-an amazing sacrifice that was. He loves me with everything in him. I know that. But there are a lot of things that he doesn't have, Katherine-- humility, sensitivity...
Kay: Mm-hmm. Dear God in heaven. (Laughs) Are you trying to tell me the two of you are arguing already?
Nikki: No. I adore Victor, even with all of his flaws. It doesn't mean that I am blind to them. I mean, how could I be?
Kay: (Chuckles)
Nikki: He flaunts them, practically. Oh, I shouldn't have said that. I-I don't know what I'm saying. I'm just overwhelmed. I'm sorry, Katherine.
Kay: You know the old saying-- you work very hard to lighten the load of others, and you make your own much lighter. Uh, by the way, have, uh, you heard the latest about Jack?
Billy: Tell me what you want me to do, do you want me to be your eyes and ears at Jabot?
Jack: No, you've already got your hands full with "Restless Style."
Billy: Oh, "Restless Style." Let Phyllis run "Restless Style." Hell, she'll love it.
Jack: No reason you should have to walk away from what you love.
Billy: How's Dad?
Jack: Yeah, I don't even know if it was Dad.
Billy: Well, come on, you seemed pretty confident that you were, uh, in touch with him once you woke up.
Jack: Yeah, I was pretty pumped with drugs.
Billy: Yeah, they pumped you full of drugs. What'd he say?
Jack: (Scoffs) Said it wasn't my time, I had lots to accomplish. (Chuckles) Funny, huh?
Billy: Well, why is that funny?
Jack: I can barely move. Moving one of my toes right now would be a major accomplishment. I guess I didn't realize that's what he had in mind.
Billy: Jack, you're gonna continue to do great things in your life.
Jack: Yeah, thanks.
Billy: That was Dad, and... (Chuckles) Judging from my many visits with him, it's never a good idea to ignore what he has to say. Now you just got a really, really tough deal here, and I'm not gonna pretend to even guesstimate what the plan is for you, but... I had no idea that I would save Delia’s life. I didn't know that Victoria would fall in love with me, and the only person... (Chuckles) Who had any faith that I would amount to anything in my life was our father. Damned if he wasn't right. He's right about this, too. You're gonna make him proud, Jack.
Ronan: (Sighs) I was here for this assignment. Now the assignment's over.
Chloe: Oh. Well, uh, you know, I know I haven't talked to you in a while, and it's such a small town, I thought I'd eventually bump into you sooner or later.
Ronan: (Chuckles)
Chloe: (Chuckles) And we could, you know, catch up.
Ronan: Yeah, our-- our timing has always been--
Chloe: Phenomenally bad.
Ronan: Yeah, to say the least, yeah.
Chloe: You were really sweet when Delia was in the hospital.
Ronan: Yeah?
Chloe: (Chuckles) Yeah, you were. I mean, uh, especially when I was losing it.
Ronan: I wish I could have done more.
Sofia: Is it Katherine? Uh, you still don't trust her?
Neil: (Pops lips) I think that she's, uh, she's genuinely sorry for lying to Devon.
Sofia: Well, that's mainly because she got caught.
Neil: Yeah, but beyond all that... (Clears throat) Honey, this is an opportunity for me to, you know, see what else is out there, look around for a bit, you know?
Sofia: Well, I could talk to Tucker for you.
Neil: (Chuckles) I don't know about that. You and I have been getting along so well. You really want to go back to that office and start butting heads?
Sofia: No, I don't want to risk it.
Neil: Don't want to mess with a good thing.
Sofia: (Laughs)
(Cell phone rings)
Neil: Oh. Hold on one second. Excuse me.
Sofia: Mm-hmm.
Neil: Hmm. Hi.
Lily: Hey, Dad. Um, I have a favor to ask you, if you're not busy.
Devon: You know, you make it really hard for me not to get my hopes up, Mom.
Harmony: Good, because you are gonna hear again, demon. I refuse to believe anything else.
Devon: You know, nobody else even imagined that this was possible, and I told you not to bother and then gave you a hard time when you did. I'm really sorry for that. I'm truly grateful to you.
(Cell phone rings)
Devon: Hey, Lily.
Lily: Hey, uh, can you drop everything right now and come to the park?
Devon: All right. Hey, you know what? Do you mind if I bring someone?
Jill: Why? What's happening at the park?
Cane: You'll see when you get here.
Jill: Okay. See you soon.
Tucker: Is there a problem?
Jill: No, no, no. It's just some sort of impromptu family gathering in the park.
Tucker: Oh. You think Devon'll be there? I have some news about his surgery.
Jill: You're welcome to join me.
Tucker: Let's go.
Jill: Okay.
Cane: All right, great. I'll, uh, I-I'll see you soon. Okay.
Lily: Who was that?
Cane: Uh, that was Katherine.
Lily: Oh.
Cane: I think Jill’s coming, too.
Lily: Good, 'cause my dad and Sofia and Devon...
Cane: Okay.
Lily: Are coming with all the babies, so say good-bye to the peace and quiet.
Cane: Come here. You have no doubts, right?
Lily: No, I-I don’t. I have total faith in you, and I love you more and more every day.
Cane: I love you.
Chelsea: I mean, obstructing justice? Does that have something to do with your stepmother's murder?
Victoria: You know, that was a private voice message that you had no right to listen to, so we are not going to discuss it.
Chelsea: Um, hello, I am bringing a-a child into this family. I gotta tell you, I already felt super uncomfortable with the fact that your father is a convicted murderer, but--
Victoria: That conviction was overturned, because there were--
Chelsea: Because... it turns out your mother did it. Right. I mean, who are these people? There's no way I'm letting them anywhere near Billy’s baby.
Victoria: I'm gonna go for a walk.
Chelsea: And what about your kid? Why did you lose custody? I-I think I have a right to know.
Victoria: There were no issues with my parenting skills, if that's what you're trying to get at right now.
Chelsea: They don't take babies away from good mothers.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Chelsea: Come on, Victoria, I'm gonna find out anyway.
(Door opens)
Chelsea: You might as well tell me.
Victoria: You know what? You need to back off right now. Back off.
Chelsea: I'm sorry. Victoria, I was just trying to take care of my baby. (Voice cracks) (Sniffles) Excuse me.
Billy: Um, Honey...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: You can't talk to her like that.
Chloe: So does Nina know that you're leaving? You didn't tell her. (Sighs) Ohh. Are you ever gonna stop punishing her for something that wasn't her fault?
Ronan: You know, Nina has expectations that I can't meet.
Chloe: Well, you could if you tried.
Ronan: (Scoffs) Yeah. I'm not Chance.
Chloe: That's not what she's looking for.
Ronan: Okay, you're right. I have a lot of work to do before I leave, so...
Chloe: Okay.
Ronan: No, no, wait, wait, don't leave mad.
Chloe: So, what? Just leave? Yeah?
Ronan: You're mad.
Chloe: Well, you know what? You are frustrating.
Ronan: I know.
Chloe: (Sighs) Look, I gotta go. I-I've gotta pick up Delia at the house. We're on this hunt for Pinkerton, so...
Ronan: Okay.
Chloe: You sure you want to leave? 'Cause you could help. (Laughs)
Ronan: I could help. Um... not my area of expertise.
Chloe: Yeah.
Ronan: Yeah.
Chloe: All right, well, you take care of yourself.
Ronan: I will.
Chloe: Okay. (Laughs)
(Door closes)
Paul: So Ronan and I have both been trying to get through to Walsh, to get him to let Nikki walk.
Nina: (Scoffs) The D.A. should know by now to trust your judgment. I mean, Ronan was right about Victor, and Spencer wouldn't listen.
(Cell phone rings)
Paul: Go ahead, take it.
Nina: Hi, Chloe.
Chloe: Ronan is not going to be happy that I'm telling you this, but... (Sighs) He's taken another assignment. He's leaving town.
Nina: Thank you for telling me. All right. Bye.
Nina: Did Ronan tell you he was leaving town?
Paul: No.
Nina: No, 'cause he knew you'd tell me. (Exhales quickly)
Paul: Your son is not good at good-byes, is he?
Nina: You know, I said I wouldn't pressure him. Uh, wha-- what am I supposed to do? Just let him disappear out of my life again?
Cane: Okay, all right, I-I think everyone's here now.
Kay: I'm here now. Let's get this show on the road, for God sake. I mean, if I wanted to freeze my tail off, I'd be ice fishing with Murphy.
Jill: (Laughs)
Cane: All right, uh, thank you, everybody, for coming, uh...
Moses: (Crying)
Lily: Yeah, this is, uh, a special moment I want to share with you guys, but it's on the other side, so if you will please follow us over here...
Cane: Okay. All right, Baby, let's go.
Jill: What?
Cane: Excuse me. Be careful on the ice.
Neil: Come on, let's go over this way.
Sofia: Where are we gonna go?
Devon and Harmony: (Laugh)
Jill: Ooh. (Gasps)
Neil: Mommy and Daddy...
Kay: Oh, look at that.
Neil: There's Mommy and Daddy. Look at that.
Lily: (Laughs)
Jill: Oh, look at you, trying to hide it.
Cane: Okay.
Sofia: Ohh!
Cane: Uh... (Clears throat)
Lily: (Laughs) Ta-da!
Neil: Does that--that mean what I think it means?
Jill: Wow.
Cane: Yep.
Lily: Yes, it does!
Jill: Ohh.
Lily: We're getting married!
Cane: Huh?
(Cheers and applause)
Neil: (Laughs)
Harmony: Congratulations!
All: Aw.
Jill: They so belong together, these two.
Lily: I know!
Jill: Ohh, you're so beautiful.
Devon: Wow. It's great.
Jill: I don't know. This is fabulous.
Lily: I just want to say thank you for supporting us.
Devon: Of course. It's a big risk, giving somebody a second chance, but good things can happen, okay?
Lily: (Laughs)
Neil: Whoo! Here's Mama!
Lily: Oh, hi, Munchkin!
Neil: Here you go.
Devon: Hey.
Neil: Yep.
Lily: What you doin', Cutie?
Neil: He's having a good time in the snow, I'll tell you that.
Devon: Hey, you two.
Tucker: Hey.
Harmony: Hey, listen, the surgery's gonna be in Dallas...
Devon: Okay.
Harmony: And Tucker says that he can fly you down there on his jet.
Devon: Wow.
Tucker: And--and that's not me trying to buy my way into your good graces.
Devon: No, no, no, no, please, please, it's-- that's very generous of you. I appreciate it.
Tucker: Good. (Sighs) You know, I'd be happy to go with you, um, if you want. You should go, too.
Devon: I-I don't know. I think I'd feel a little weird traveling with an entourage, you know?
Tucker: Okay.
Jill: I don't know why she didn't ask you to help with the surgery, and why she asked Tucker.
Kay: Surgery?
Jill: To improve Devon’s hearing. Oh, my lord. You didn't know, did you? See, I told you you couldn't trust Harmony. She obviously has her own agenda, and clearly, you're not a part of it.
(Indistinct conversation)
(Knock on door)
Ronan: Come in.
Nina: Hi. I hope I'm not interrupting.
Ronan: Uh, no, no.
Nina: I just got back into town, so... Paul’s been updating me on the case. I-I can't believe Walsh won't let up on Nikki.
Ronan: He's a very frustrating man.
Nina: You can't convince him, huh?
Ronan: Oh, believe me, I've, uh, I've tried and tried and tried again. I'm learning that there comes a point where you have to accept the fact that somebody won't give.
Nina: Yeah, been there. So I guess you're already working on another case, huh?
Ronan: Yeah. Yes, I am.
Nina: Well, I hope it's something a little less intense. There haven't been any murders in town lately, so...
Ronan: Uh, yeah, yeah. No, it's, um... it's not a homicide, which is good, but it's also not--it... I, um... I don't know if you'd understand.
Nina: I understand a lot more than you think I do.
Ronan: Chloe told you I'm leaving, didn't she?
Nina: I kind of wish I'd heard it from you.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Nina: Look, that's not pressure, and it's not a guilt trip. I'm just here to let you know that if... (Sighs) If you ever regret walking away, I'm here. Okay.
Victoria: You did not hear what Chelsea was saying before you walked in here.
Billy: Okay, okay. I'm sure it was obnoxious...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: But it was also intentional. She's trying to drive us crazy.
Victoria: Yeah, it's working.
Billy: Well, you can't let it work, okay? There's a baby on the way, and he's gonna need us to protect him from her...
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: So we just need to keep everything civil, okay?
Victoria: Okay. I know. I can do that.
Billy: We can do that.
(Kissing Victoria’s hand)
Victoria: We can do that.
Billy: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Chelsea: I am so sorry. It's the hormones.
Billy: (Sighs)
Victoria: No, Chelsea, it's okay. Listen, I totally understand.
Chelsea: No, it's--it's not, it's not okay. I should be much more sensitive. I mean, I'm talking to a woman who can never have any more children, whose husband got me pregnant. (Sighs)
Billy: (Groans)
Chelsea: Oh, I'm s-- wait, I'm sorry. I just made it worse, didn't I?
Billy: She'll be fine, because I'm gonna make sure of it.
Chelsea: Sorry.
(Knock on door)
Chelsea: What are you doing here?
Chloe: No, what are you doing here?
Nikki: Hey there. I heard. I'm surprised you're all alone.
Jack: Yeah, I sent them away. All that unbridled enthusiasm can be a little exhausting.
Nikki: Oh, I know. Hey, I-I can go--
Jack: No, no, no, no, no, no. Stay, please. So distract me. Tell me about your life.
Nikki: Oh, boy, you don't want to know.
Jack: Yeah, come to think of it, all the details of your heart-stopping reunion with "The Moustache" probably wouldn't make me feel any better.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Jack: Hey, is something wrong?
Nikki: Jack, compared to what you're going through, I--
Jack: Don't talk to me like I'm an invalid, okay?
Nikki: I am not.
Jack: Then tell me like you would have told me two days ago.
Nikki: Okay. It looks like the district attorney is gonna prosecute me for Diane’s death.
Jack: Even though they have film that clearly shows it was self-defense?
Nikki: Apparently it's not clear enough for Walsh.
Jack: This district attorney is desperate. He hasn't been able to make a conviction stick in any of his major cases. This isn't gonna be any different. No jury is gonna convict you of defending your life. I'm sorry. I know you're scared.
Nikki: Prison, Jack...
Jack: Yeah, I worry about the same thing, only my prison is my broken body, and there's no escape.
Chloe: So do they even know that you're here?
Chelsea: Um, I live here now. Yeah, that's right. It turns out I wasn't lying. This is Billy’s baby.
Delia: Mama, I want Daddy.
Chloe: (Sighs) Um, you know what--
Chelsea: He's upstairs.
Chloe: Great. You know what? Go upstairs. Uh, he'll help you find Pinkerton, okay?
Chloe: Hey, what the hell is wrong with you, blurting that out in front of her? Are you kidding me?
(Pretzel crunches)
Chelsea: Sorry.
Chloe: Oh, my God, I'm gonna kill Billy.
Chelsea: You're making it seem like he cheated on you, not Victoria. Wait, were you guys married?
Chloe: Yeah, we were married.
Chelsea: Ohh, because you got pregnant.
Chloe: And you can see how well that worked out, so if that is anything like your plan--
Chelsea: I don't have a plan. I have a responsibility, one that Billy shares.
Chloe: Oh, you are so wasting your time, and I can tell you that because I wasted a hell of a lot of time on Billy. Victoria is everything that he needs, and if you think that he's gonna risk all of that because of you, you have another thing coming.
Tucker: (Chuckles) Sweet.
Sofia: Yeah.
Tucker: So... how are things at home?
Sofia: Good.
Tucker: Yeah?
Sofia: Yeah.
Tucker: Does that mean you told Neil how you feel about him?
Sofia: Well, I'm thinking I'll just let things progress naturally. I mean, there's no reason to push it. Tucker, we are getting closer all the time.
Tucker: All right.
Neil: How cute are you?
Kay: Um, Neil...
Neil: Yeah.
Kay: Um, Mitchell has, um, drawn up a draft of, um, your contract, uh, with, uh, the changes we made, and, uh, if you'd like to stop by the house after this, and give it--
Neil: Katherine, no disrespect, but Chancellor's probably not the place that I should be right now. Hey!
Devon: (Laughs) Sorry.
Neil: It's a snowball. He's throwing snowballs.
Devon: I'm sorry. (Laughs)
Neil: Throwing snowballs!
Devon: I know, I wasn't aiming for you or anything.
Neil: Yeah? Oh, okay.
Devon: (Chuckles)
Kay: I, um, I hear you're having some surgery to get your hearing back.
Devon: Yeah, I am. It's, uh, it's gonna be the second week in March. Tucker was able to pull some strings and get the doctor--
Kay: Tucker?
Devon: Yeah, he was able to get the doctor to fit me into his schedule.
Kay: Oh. Well, um... I hope all goes well. I wish you luck.
Neil: (Clears throat)
Devon: Thank you.
Devon: Hey.
Neil: Hey, hey, hey.
Devon: Yeah?
Neil: Good. I like this. So what--what's happening? The doctor coming here, or what?
Devon: No, actually, I have to go to Dallas. You want to go with me?
Neil: Okay. Dallas. Just the two of us?
Devon: Well, what do you think about me bringing my mom, Harmony?
Neil: It--it's up to you.
Jill: So... what happened? Genevieve couldn't make it?
Cane: I didn't call her. We're only inviting people we're close to, so no.
Billy: Did Chelsea leave, or what? Did she--
Chloe: You moved her into the house? Are you kidding me?
Billy: I didn't move her into the house. She's in the garage apartment.
Chloe: Oh, just like Jana. That's just fantastic.
Billy: Not like Jana, nothing like Jana, okay? Just... (Grunts)
Chloe: I'm gonna kill you.
Billy: Mnh-mnh.
Victoria: (Laughs)
Chloe: Hey.
Billy: Hey.
Chloe: Looks like you found Pinkerton.
Victoria: Yeah, we did. We found him.
Chloe: Nice.
Delia: Mommy?
Chloe: Mm-hmm?
Delia: Can I stay over at Daddy's?
Chloe: Um, you know what, Baby? Uh, Daddy and Victoria have a houseguest staying, so I don't think that right now is the perfect time.
Billy: No, it's fine. It's a great time.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: We'd love to have you.
Victoria: Totally fine, totally.
Chloe: Okay. All right, you have fun, then.
Victoria: Okay.
Chloe: Bye.
Victoria: Bye. See you.
Billy: (Growling)
Delia: (Laughing)
Billy: (Grunts) What? You want-- shall we ask Pinkerton what's-- (Silly voice) Hello. What would you like to do? (Babbling)
Chelsea: That's what I'm saying. I don't think this is going to work.
Delia: Whoa.
Victoria: (Laughs)
Chelsea: Turns out the guy has principles. How was I supposed to know? (Sighs)
Nina: You know what's really bizarre is that Ronan is this big, tough cop, you know, but it seems like he's almost afraid of me. What is that about?
Paul: Well, I think part of the reason is he--he--he grew up with people that--that kept to themselves. They wouldn't trust anyone with their deep, dark secret...
Nina: (Sighs)
Paul: That they bought a baby on the black market.
Nina: I guess. Maybe it's just poisoned his way of thinking. Do you think that he could ever get past that? I mean, do you see that ever changing?
Ronan: Is there a scenario in your mind where this turns out good for you? You put a woman on trial who was fighting for her life, you lose the vote of every woman in Genoa City.
Spencer: Your concern is for me and my career? That's so beautiful.
Ronan: Ohh. All right. Why can't you let this go?
Spencer: Why do you care what happens to Nikki Newman? You're leaving.
Ronan: Because if you go through with this, you're gonna be punishing her for something that wasn't her fault. That's not fair.
Nikki: You are an incredibly brave man.
Jack: I just finished telling you how terrified I am.
Nikki: I've seen the act you put on around your family so that they won't be terrified, and I don't ever want you to do that with me, understood? I always want the unvarnished truth. Got it?
Jack: Got it. Thanks.
Tucker: Okay. Yep.
Kay: (Clears throat) Uh, I heard about the surgery. Jill filled me in. It's really a wonderful thing you're doing.
Tucker: Thanks, Mom.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Harmony: I just got invited to go to Dallas with you two, and I'm guessing you had something to do with that.
Neil: That's, uh, completely Devon’s decision.
Harmony: Well, it just means a whole lot that he asked me.
Neil: Uh, Devon is have-- having his surgery, and he wants us there.
Harmony: Oh, I-I'm sorry, I-I just thought you knew.
Neil: Yes.
Sofia: Oh. Sounds exciting.
Neil: Okay.
Devon: You guys aren't planning on getting married the second week of March? 'Cause half of us are gonna be out of town.
Lily: Uh, no.
Cane: Uh, no.
Lily: No, actually, we're planning on getting married a lot sooner than that.
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Devon: Really?
Jill: You've set a date?
Lily: Yes. (Laughs)
Cane: All right.
Devon: Tell us.
Jill: What? Yeah.
Lily: Um, all right, well--
Cane: You ready?
Lily: We're getting married on Valentine’s Day.
Devon: Really? Wow?
Jill: Oh, perfect!
Neil: You know, it's a good day.
Jill: Oh, that's the perfect day. How great!
Sofia: Perfect!
Lily: (Laughs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Paul: You hurt Jack, and we can't let that happen again.
Patty: You're confused. I'd never hurt Jack.
Emily: You know, feelings don't always make sense.
Jack: And there's the reason I fell in love with you.
Billy: You want us to raise the baby, Victoria and me?
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