Y&R Transcript Friday 2/3/12
Episode # 9836 ~ Lily and Cane Start Over
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victor: How's the knee?
Nick: Uh, it's getting there. At least I can move around, you know? When I think about Jack maybe not being able to walk again...
Victor: How's his condition?
Nick: Well, I talked to Mom this morning. They're gonna run some more tests, and, uh, hopefully, they'll know something soon.
Victor: How did she sound?
Nick: She sounded exhausted, Dad. It was cool of her to stay at the hospital with him, though
Victor: Yeah, it is.
Nick: Sharon's there, too, supporting Adam in his time of need.
Victor: What's his condition like?
Nick: (Sighs) I don't care, so I didn't ask.
Adam: (Exhales quickly) Sharon?
Sharon: Adam. Hey, I'm here.
Adam: You stayed the night?
Sharon: I told you I wouldn't leave you.
Adam: You must be wiped out. You should-- you should go home.
Sharon: No. No, I'm not gonna leave you alone when you're meeting with your specialist. He restored your vision once, and I'm just praying that he can do it again.
Adam: That's just like you, hoping for the best while I brace for the worst.
Jack: (Clears throat) Hey, Sleeping Beauty.
Nikki: Ohh. Oh, I must have fallen asleep after they brought you back from your M.R.I.
Jack: Yeah, I kind of nodded off myself for a while. Kind of makes the time go a little quicker.
Nikki: So talk to me.
Jack: Yesterday, they said the anesthetic would wear off by today, and they could test for feeling in my legs.
Nikki: Right...
Jack: I should be in a lot pain. I'm not.
Nikki: So you still can't move.
Traci: Morning.
Ashley: Good morning!
Nikki: Hi.
Jack: Hey.
Ashley: Hi. Look who's here.
Jack: Katherine!
Kay: (Laughs) How are you, Darling?
Nikki: Oh, he's ornery as ever.
Ashley: Jackie, I think your color's looking really good.
Traci: Has the doctor been in to talk to you yet this morning?
Jack: No, and I'm not gonna speculate. We're gonna wait till they analyze the results of all my tests, and until then, no negative vibes, right, Ladies? (Breathes deeply)
Lily: So they still don't know how much damage the bullet did?
Cane: Oh, Billy said they'll know more later today.
Lily: It's so surreal its like, one minute, everyone's in wedding mode, and the next, its complete chaos.
Cane: My mom was gonna marry Jack, they could have had this great life, but instead, she decides to buy Beauty of Nature from under him, knowing how much he wanted it. Now look, I don't want to talk about it, all right? I said I'm done with her, I am. (Sighs)
Lily: You know what? I thought that this would be the place we should, but I don't think so, so come on.
Ronan: All right, we have, uh, one engagement ring, bracelet, and a letter to Jack.
Ronan: Is everything okay?
Genevieve: Yeah, yeah.
Ronan: If you could just sign that for me...
Genevieve: Sure.
Ronan: Thank you. Was there something else?
Genevieve: I would like to see Myrna-- I mean, Patty.
Paul: That's not possible.
Ronan: Listen Patty can't hurt you anymore. She's locked up, heavily guarded.
Paul: And she's being transferred to a maximum security psych ward soon.
Genevieve: Well, that's why I'd like to see her now, before she goes.
Paul: No, you don't understand. My sister is too fragile.
Genevieve: (Chuckles)
Paul: She can't handle confrontation.
Genevieve: Uh, she wasn't too fragile to put two people in the hospital.
Ronan: Genevieve, I'm truly sorry for everything that you've been through, but I think you should go now.
Genevieve: Okay. Thanks.
Phyllis: Hey, uh, Ricky. Shouldn't you be at the magazine?
Ricky: Well, I needed to know what you decided on that story I offered you.
Phyllis: Oh, right, right, your, um, in-depth... interview with, uh, Patty before she was arrested.
Ricky: Psycho comes back to Genoa City because she's obsessed with her ex, pops a cap in him after throwing insecticide in another man's eyes.
Phyllis: Yeah. Um, you know, this--the psycho is your aunt.
Ricky: Still, it's a-- it's a journalist's dream. The--the public is fascinated by the Jenkins case. When they hear about Aunt Patty's bizarre connection to such a gruesome murder, how she made all those...
Phyllis: All right.
Ricky: Creepy needlework pillows for each of the suspects--
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Um, you know what? I told you I'd sleep on it.
Ricky: And now that you have?
Phyllis: Now-- now that I have, I know what I'm gonna do.
Nick: Look... I want Adam to recover. I really do. Just don't expect me to send him any get-well cards. He's gonna get enough of those from--
Victor: From Sharon, you mean? Are you a little... upset about the fact that she's standing by him?
Nick: I'm not gonna hassle her over custody of Faith, if that's what you’re asking.
Victor: Good. Glad to hear that.
Nick: Besides, I have enough to deal with right now, starting with those obstruction charges they leveled against us.
Victor: Patty Williams is in custody, and the mystery about Diane Jenkins' murder has been solved, so we can go on with our lives.
Ricky: So when do we start?
Phyllis: Uh, we're not gonna start.
Ricky: What?
Phyllis: No, we're-- we're not-- we're not doing this story. See, you don't know this, you're new in town, but I was married to Jack. He's my friend. I-I can't do it. Also, your aunt is ill...
Ricky: (Sighs)
Phyllis: And if we exploit her, we're gonna get a huge backlash from our readers.
Ricky: Yeah, yeah, after thousands of 'em buy the magazine.
Phyllis: Okay, wait, what about your dad? He'll know that you lied to him.
Ricky: What'd I lie about?
Phyllis: What'd you lie about? Ricky, you spent a lot more time in the attic with Patty than you're saying. All right, you should have called the cops, but you didn’t. You sat there and you coaxed a story out of your own aunt.
Ricky: You know, I thought you of all people would understand. You've practically built your career on attacking your family.
Phyllis: I haven't attacked my family, and I've paid a price for the people I've hurt.
Ricky: I don't get off on hurting other people, Phyllis, but I will not settle for being a mediocre journalist.
Phyllis: Okay, listen, I-I get it. I get it, Ricky. You want to make a name for yourself, I understand--
Ricky: Yes, so give me this chance! The story should--
Phyllis: Okay, no, we're not doing it, we're not doing it. Don't raise your voice at me. We're not doing it, and if you keep on pushing, you’re fired.
Jack: Uh, thanks for the magazines.
Traci: Well, we--we hope that that helps you pass the time.
Ashley: But if they don't, Billy’s gonna be by later. He was gonna come with us now, but, um, he had plans with Delia and he didn't want to cancel them.
Jack: Yeah, better he spend time with her after being M.I.A. for so long.
Kay: How is Kyle?
Jack: Uh, he's having kind of a rough time of it, but thank God he's got Abby there with him.
Kay: You know, I don't need to tell you this, but, uh, you have a rather-- a wonderful family. They all pull together in a crisis.
Jack: Well, God knows we've had a lot of practice.
Ashley: Yeah.
Jack: But, yeah I'm feeling the love.
Nikki: Oh, boy, somebody needs to cut back on his meds.
Ashley: (Laughs)
Jack: (Laughs)
Kay: (Laughs)
Doctor: Good morning.
Jack: Hey, Doc. This is Doc Isaacs. He is here to torture me with a few more tests.
Nikki: I will step out of the room, then. Katherine, coming with me?
Kay: Mm, oh, coming.
Nikki: Be back.
Dr. Isaacs: Ready to begin?
Jack: (Sighs) Ready as I'll ever be.
Doctor: I've consulted with your surgeon here at Memorial, as well as another specialist who took an interest in your case.
Sharon: The gentleman who was here and examining him right before you came in?
Doctor: That's right.
Adam: And?
Doctor: Now that I've seen you, I concur with my colleagues. You should stay and receive treatment for a few more days. The fact that there's been no improvement is discouraging.
Adam: Meaning what?
Doctor: It's unlikely your condition will change. The damage appears to be irreversible.
Adam: (Sighs)
Doctor: I'll check back on you in a while.
Sharon: I'm so sorry.
Lily: See, isn't this better than stuffy old Crimson Lights?
Cane: Yeah. The world is beautiful, huh?
Lily: Yeah, it's nice.
Cane: It's not bitterly cold, like it normally is this time of year.
Lily: Yeah, you know, the sun is shining...
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: No one's really here, and we can just sit here, not talk, not think... you know, just be.
Cane: You know, there's no one I'd rather just be with than you.
Adam: I thought I was prepared, but to hear the words...
Sharon: Adam, oh, what can I do for you?
Adam: I just want to be by myself.
Sharon: Of course.
(Door opens)
Victor: Any updates on is condition?
Sharon: It's not good. Did you come here to see him?
Victor: We had this conversation before. I have not changed my mind, okay?
Sharon: He really needs you right now.
Victor: Uh, did he have a meeting with the physician who had done his implant?
Sharon: Yes, and it was a disaster.
Victor: What did he say?
Sharon: He agreed with Adam's surgeon and with the specialist who had been in to see Adam earlier, that, um...
Victor: Okay.
Sharon: Unless there's some miracle, Adam's blind.
Victor: (Sighs) I see.
Dr. Isaacs: Do you feel anything?
Jack: No.
Dr. Isaacs: How about now?
Jack: Nothing.
Dr. Isaacs: Anything? How about this?
Jack: W-wait, wait, wait. Do--do that again, okay? No, go ahead, stick me.
Dr. Isaacs: I already did.
Jack: Oh.
Dr. Isaacs: Just relax, Jack. We still have a ways to go.
Ricky: (Sighs) I'm sorry if I overstepped.
Phyllis: Oh, listen, don’t... don't worry about it. I understand, Ricky. Just don't write the story.
Ricky: Consider it dead.
Phyllis: I will.
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey. Where are the girls?
Nick: The nanny took 'em to the library. They're doing some, uh, craft thing.
Phyllis: Aw. Nic.
Nick: What was Ricky doing here?
Phyllis: Oh, uh, he was trying to talk me into writing a story about Jack and Patty.
Nick: You swore to me that you--
Phyllis: I-I know. That's why I turned him down.
Spencer: Congratulations on figuring out who set up our suspects in the Jenkins case. The people of this town will be happy to know that that head case is finally in custody.
Ronan: Show a little respect. That's still Paul’s sister you're talking about.
Spencer: Hmm, right. I'm sorry. By the way, Genevieve Atkinson contacted me about visiting Patty, and I said it would be all right.
Paul: You said what?
Patty: (Humming)
Genevieve: Hello, Myrna-- oh, excuse me, Patty. That is your name, right?
Patty: (Humming)
Lily: So then Charlie drops his cookie...
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Lily: And Humphrey eats it...
Cane: Mm.
Lily: And then, of course, he starts crying, so Matty comes over and she pats him on the back and she goes, "Its okay, 'Cha-wee.'"
Cane: Ohh.
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: (Laughs) I love those babies.
Lily: I know, right? They're so cute, I can't even take it.
Cane: Yeah, they take after their mommy.
Lily: After their daddy. I am gonna throw these away.
Cane: Do you want to go for a walk?
Lily: (Splutters, laughs)
Cane: Oh, whoa, all right, now you are gonna get it, yeah?
Lily: No, no, wait, stop! Don't hit hard! (Laughs)
Cane: (Laughs)
Lily: Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Ooh, stop it! Okay, for real, stop. (Laughs)
Cane: (Laughs)
Lily: Ow!
Genevieve: My God, how stupid am I? I really cared about you, you know. I treated you like family.
Paul: Not another word.
Genevieve: (Sighs)
Paul: You okay?
Patty: Yeah.
Paul: Hi.
Patty: Hi. You look like my favorite teacher from first grade. Is--is she my teacher? Is she gonna teach me? Is she?
Paul: Uh, no...
Patty: (Laughs)
Paul: She's not your teacher.
Patty: She's not my tea--oh.
Paul: No, she just, um, she's just -a friend, Hon, that, uh, was gonna pay you a visit. That's all.
Patty: Oh.
Patty: Have you seen my kitty?
Paul: Uh, no. I'll look for him.
Patty: Okay.
Paul: Okay.
Patty: And you'll come back?
Paul: Yeah, I promise.
Patty: Okay.
Paul: I always do.
Patty: I know you do. (Laughs)
Paul: You know I do?
Patty: (Laughs)
Paul: Be right back, okay
Patty: Okay.
Patty: Bye.
Genevieve: Bye.
Paul: You shouldn't have gone around me.
Genevieve: (Sighs) I'm sorry. You were right when you said that I... didn't understand before. I-I really didn’t. I mean, the woman that I knew as Myrna... (Sighs) Is not there. It-it--she’s like a-a child or... (Sighs) I don't know. I didn't realize how broken she was.
Paul: She's fooled a lot of people.
Genevieve: I'm sure this must be agonizing for you, to see your own sister like that, and knowing how many people she's hurt.
Paul: It's the hardest thing in the world, you know, seeing someone you love that needs your help and, um---you can’t do a damn thing about it.
Ronan: You gave Genevieve permission to go see Patty?
Spencer: No one told me you already turned her down. Besides, if someone did to me what that woman did to Mrs. Atkinson, I'd want to see her locked up, too.
Ronan: Okay. Well, since she is locked up, we have to have all the charges dismissed against our original nine suspects and our tenth, Nikki Newman.
Spencer: I'm not prepared to do that.
Ronan: Nikki killed Diane in self-defense. Deacon Sharpe is behind bars. Patty Williams has been ID'd as our unknown-- as our unknown conspirator. This case is over. It's time to wrap it up and move on.
Jack: Oh, why are these test results taking so long?
Kay: The doctor is just being thorough. Be patient.
Ashley: Hey, Jack, does this remind you of anything? "How to make the most fabulous chocolate cupcake for your valentine."
Traci: Ohh, this is sounding familiar. Didn't you make the most fabulous chocolate cupcake for your valentine?
Ashley: Oh, maybe I did.
Jack: As I remember...
Traci: In junior high, a guy she was dating.
Jack: Our dog wouldn't even eat them.
Ashley: That is so mean.
Traci: Oh, Jack!
Ashley: They weren't that bad.
Jack: But didn't he break up with you right after that? The guy, I mean, not the dog.
Ashley: You know what? That left a scar on me forever.
Jack: (Laughs)
Ashley: And you are so cruel to bring that up.
Traci: Aw. (Laughs)
Jack: Hey, hey.
Ashley: Oh, no. What's the matter?
Traci: (Laughs and cries) I'm sorry, I'm sorry...
Ashley: Oh, what happened?
Traci: I'm sorry. I'm just thinking about Colleen and--and Dad...
Ashley: Ohh.
Traci: And Brad. Oh, my God, Jack, I don't know what I would have done if we lost you, too. I'm sorry.
Jack: Go ahead, go ahead. Let it out.
Traci: (Sighs)
Kay: Uh, Ashley, I bet Traci could use a hot, fresh cup of coffee right about now.
Ashley: Sure.
Traci: Or--or maybe a valium.
Kay: (Laughs)
Traci: I'm sorry. We'll be back. (Exhales quickly)
Ashley: Come on, we'll get you the valium.
Kay: (Chuckles) Well, let it out, what you're feeling, too, Jack.
Jack: When I died on that operating table... I saw my dad. I talked to him. He told me, "Go back, Jack, it isn't your time yet."
Kay: (Laughs) Obviously, it wasn’t.
Jack: It doesn't make any sense. Why would he send me back to s-spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair?
Kay: You don't know how things are going to turn out.
Jack: Yeah, well, what if it happens to go the wrong way?
Kay: Well, then, you will deal with it, with the people around you who love you. Deal with it. Don't get ahead of yourself. I mean, after all, nobody knows if this paralysis is going to be permanent.
Sharon: "I see"? Your son is blind, and that's all you have to say?
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Excuse me. Victor Newman. Well, isn't that about time? Thank you. I'll let him know. That was Detective Malloy, informing me that all charges against Adam and me have been dropped.
Sharon: Oh. Well, thank God.
Victor: Yep. (Sighs) Will you tell him?
Sharon: I--yeah, maybe that'll cheer him up.
Victor: All right. I'm not sure if you're aware of the fact that I own Hope's farm.
Sharon: Um, I-I assumed Adam owned it.
Victor: Well, he did. Then he sold it, because he needed to raise a lot of cash for his hedge fund, and I bought it without him knowing about it. Why don't you take him there?
Sharon: Well, that's- that sounds wonderful.
Victor: But I don’t Adam to know that I have anything to do with that. It must be your idea, okay?
Sharon: Why? Why not let him know?
Victor: Will you tell him or won't you?
Sharon: Adam, I have some news.
Phyllis: Listen, everyone's suffering. Your family, the Abbotts, Paul-- I'm not gonna make things worse.
Nick: You also don't want "Restless Style" to look like some sleazy tabloid.
Phyllis: Yeah, I don't want that. Listen, you know, Ricky doesn't know Jack, so I kind of get that, but Patty's his aunt.
Nick: Are you sure that you want someone like that working for you?
Phyllis: Uh, he's ambitious, and, you know, he wants to make a name for himself. I get that.
Nick: Well, I want you to know that I'm proud of you for sticking to your word and not writing that story.
Phyllis: Okay, well, don't give me too much credit, because I was tempted. This is the new, improved Phyllis...
Nick: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: You know, I'm still me.
(Door opens)
Victor: You didn't come home last night.
Nikki: No, I didn’t. Jack was my priority. He flat lined on the operating table. They don't know if he's ever gonna walk again.
Victor: Guess who called earlier.
Nikki: Who?
Victor: Detective Malloy. Charges against me have been dropped.
Nikki: (Sighs) That's wonderful, Victor.
Victor: Adam has been cleared as well. I guess the murder mystery has finally run its course.
Nikki: Wow, if you and Adam have been cleared, Victoria and Nicholas should be, too
Victor: Well, they had better be.
Nikki: I wonder if I'm on Ronan’s list?
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: No message.
Victor: Hmm, he has a lot of people to contact.
Nikki: So how did you hear about Adam?
Victor: I was at the hospital talking to Sharon when Malloy called.
Nikki: Did you see him?
Victor: You mean Adam? No.
Nikki: But you were checking on him. How is he?
Victor: Not good.
Ashley: I just got off the phone with Detective Malloy. All charges have been dismissed.
Traci: Oh, thank goodness!
Ashley: I know!
Jack: Hey, hey, maybe this is the beginning of our lucky streak.
Ashley: Yes.
Kay: What about the others?
Ashley: He said that I shouldn't waste too much time worrying about my husband or my daughter. (Laughs)
Traci: Hallelujah, it's finally over.
Ashley: (Laughs) Yay! Hi there.
Dr. Isaacs: I've, uh, reviewed your tests, Mr. Abbott.
Jack: Well, let's have it. When can I walk out of this place?
Dr. Isaacs: There's very little chance of that ever happening, I'm afraid.
Nikki: You must be devastated.
Victor: Do I look like I'm falling apart?
Nikki: Victor, I was there when Hope was pregnant. I remember how worried you were that your son might inherit her blindness.
Victor: Right. That was a long time ago, okay?
Nikki: He is your son, Victor. My God, to get your sight back and then lose it again-- you need to reach out to him.
Victor: Have you forgotten the kind of chaos that man has caused around all of us? He tried to frame me for murder. You expect me to sit on his bedside and hold his hand, do you?
Nikki: Victor, I'm just--
Victor: I want nothing to do with him.
Nikki: Okay.
Victor: End of story.
Nikki: Fine. See you later.
Victor: See you later.
(Door opens, closes)
Sharon: Isn't that great?
Adam: Yeah, great.
Sharon: Well, at least you don't have to worry about going to prison.
Adam: What do you do for this?
Sharon: Hey, you know what? Um, I have a plan for what we should do when you get out of here.
Adam: (Sighs)
Lily: Oh, admit it. I trounced you.
Cane: (Clears throat) Excuse me, after what?
Lily: What? Please.
Cane: Huh? Okay, yeah, you trounced me.
Lily: (Laughs) Okay, it doesn't count if you don't mean it.
Cane: How'd you know I needed this, hmm?
Lily: Well, I knew that you were stressed out about your mom, and this would help take your mind off of it.
Cane: (Sighs) You're a good person. You know that? You're a caring person. You care for the babies, you care for me, you care for our family, and I thank God every day that you could find it in your heart to trust me again.
Lily: I'm sorry it took me as long as it did.
Cane: Mm, its okay. But you know what? There are a few lessons I learned... like never to take any time with you for granted, so... come here. Sit down.
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: (Clears throat)
Lily: What are you doing?
Cane: Lily Winters Ashby, will you marry me again? Hmm?
Lily: (Laughs) I'm--I'm sorry. Is this really happening, right here, now?
Cane: (Slowly) Yeah. Is it--is it a bad idea? Huh? No?
Lily: No, no, no. (Laughs) No, this is-- this is the best idea I can think of. Yes! Yes, I'll marry you.
Cane: (Grunts)
Lily: (Laughs) Yes.
Phyllis: I'm sorry. Can--can you repeat that?
Ronan: I said the charges against you have been dropped.
Phyllis: Oh, my God. It sounded better the second time.
Ronan: I'll talk to you, okay?
Phyllis: Wait a second. Um, Nick is here. Do you have something to say to him?
Ronan: Yeah, sure. Put him on.
Nick: Ronan, what did you say to Phyllis? You got her grinning from ear to ear.
Ronan: Same thing I'm gonna say to you. You're of the hook on those charges.
Nick: Awesome. How about my dad and, uh, Victoria and Abby?
Ronan: I really have to have this conversation with everyone individually.
Nick: Oh, yeah, sure. I understand.
Ronan: Oh, speaking of, I've got some more cheer to spread. Take care, Nick.
Nick: Thank you very much, Malloy. You made my day. Bye.
Phyllis: Oh, my God, this nightmare is over.
Nick: Yes, it is.
Phyllis: Oh, my God.
(Knock on door)
Phyllis: Oh, we have to celebrate.
Nick: Let's do it.
Phyllis: Will you take me out?
Nick: Maybe.
Phyllis: (Giggles) Oh! Look at you munchkins! Come in.
Nick: Perfect timing.
Faith: Hi, Daddy!
Nick: Hey, Beautiful.
Phyllis: Whoa! How were they? Were they good?
Woman: Little angels.
Phyllis: Little angels? Boy, do you have her conned.
Summer: (Giggles)
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Summer: Look what I made.
Phyllis: (Gasps) Let me see. Oh, these are beautiful.
Summer: They're matching valentines-- one for you and one for Daddy...
Phyllis: "To Mom."
Nick: All right!
Summer: Because your hearts are the same.
Patty: I'm so tired, Pauly.
Paul: (Sighs)
Patty: Why am I so tired, huh?
Paul: I don't know. You'll feel better soon.
Patty: Yeah. (Sighs)
Paul: I'm gonna take you to a place that, uh, will give you everything you need.
Patty: (Chuckles) You're so good to me. (Laughs)
Paul: (Sighs) Why don't you try and get some rest? Okay?
Patty: I love you.
Paul: I love you, too.
Patty: (Chuckles)
(Knock on door)
Paul: (Sighs) (Sighs) What the hell are you doing here?
Ricky: I came to see how Aunt Patty was doing.
Paul: Whatever he tells you, don't believe him. And under no circumstances is he to see my sister. And as for you, why don't you stop pretending you give a damn? Now get the hell out of here.
Ronan: I asked you here so we could... (Sighs) Talk in person.
Nikki: Well, I hear you've been delivering a lot of good news today. I hope you've got some of that for me.
Ronan: I wish I did. (Sighs) The charges against you still stand.
Sharon: I've contacted the owners of your mother's farm, and it turns out its vacant.
Adam: What's that got to do with me?
Sharon: Well, I rented it. And when you're released, we'll go there together. And it'll be quiet and--
Adam: No.
Sharon: No?
Adam: No, I don't want to go.
Victor: Can I offer you some refreshment?
Genevieve: Oh, no, thank you. I, uh, prefer to get right down to business.
Victor: Oh. All right, please have a seat.
Genevieve: Thank you.
Victor: I'm glad you called last night. You said you wanted to... talk to me. Have you made a decision about Beauty of Nature?
Genevieve: Yes.
Victor: And?
Genevieve: I'm not gonna sell it back to you, nor will I work with you. I want to run my company.
Victor: You're sure you don't want to think about it?
Genevieve: There's nothing to think about.
Victor: Ah.
Genevieve: Your prediction was right-- I have lost Jack. And my son wants nothing to do with me, either, so Beauty of Nature is all I have left. I'm not gonna let anyone talk me into letting that go. (Chuckles)
Victor: (Chuckles) You're making a very big mistake.
Ashley: Jack, say something.
Traci: (Sighs) You're scaring us.
Kay: Jack, is there anything we can do for you?
Jack: (Takes deep breath) Yeah, you can all stop looking like someone died. I refuse to accept that I will never walk again. "Almost no chance" means there is still a chance, and I will do everything in my power to beat the odds.
Next on “The Young and the Restless”...
Chelsea: What about your kid? Why did you lose custody?
Jill: I told you you couldn't trust Harmony. She obviously has her own agenda, and you're not a part of it.
Nina: If you ever regret walking away, I'm here.
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