Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/2/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/2/12


Episode # 9835 ~ Jack Hears Genevieve's Bedside Confession

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jill: "Billy, did Gen call Jack 'Colin' in the vows?"

Man: Turn on the TV. There was a shooting at Good Shepherd.

Jill: The church? What happened?

Man: Bride blew a hole in the groom.

Genevieve: (Sighs) I'm sorry. I-I'm just very upset over what happened to Jack.

Victor: Of course, and I understand that, but you can relax now. Jack is out of surgery, and Patty Williams did not accomplish her mission. I'm sorry she came into your life.

Genevieve: But what she might have taken from Jack...

Victor: I'm concerned about you. I'm here to offer you my help.

Billy: Come on, the guy just got out of surgery. It's too early to tell anything.

Dr. Monroe: That's true. You're still under the effects of the anesthesia, so it's difficult to determine the severity of the situation.

Jack: Give me some numbers here, doctor. 45% chance I'll walk again?

Dr. Monroe: (Sighs)

Jack: 40%?

Dr. Monroe: We can discuss this privately.

Jack: 30%? Please, give me something I can work with.

Emily: Thank you. I appreciate that.

Tucker: Emily.

Emily: Hey.

Tucker: Any news about Patty?

Emily: Yeah, they located her. Oh, Tucker. God knows how she'll react if she feels cornered.

Patty: (Whimpers) No. No, no, no, no!

Paul: Come on, Patty.

Patty: Pauly, no. I'm gonna jump. I'll jump. No, Pauly, I don't want to go back!

Paul: Patty, it's gonna be okay. Look at me. It's gonna be okay.

Paul: Patty, step away from the window. They're leaving. It'll just be the two of us.

Ronan: All right, we're gonna be downstairs.

Paul: They're gonna go away. Okay? It's better now?

Patty: Pauly, Pauly? That liar man, he said that he was your son, but you--you can't drive yet. I mean... (Breathing heavily) Unless you're not Pauly.

Paul: I am, Pattycakes. Who--who else would know our song?

Paul: I saw a ship a-sailing a-sailing o'er the sea and oh, it's fully laden with pretty things for thee there were raisins...

Patty: Paul!

Paul: In the cabin.

Patty: Todd, Todd!

Paul and father Todd: Almonds in the hold.

Patty: You know what? Look, everything's perfect now, okay? (Laughs)

Jack: It--it can't be less than a 30% chance.

Dr. Monroe: We should have a better idea tomorrow.

Jack: Okay, thank you, Doctor. I'll--I'll put a list together of questions for the specialist.

Traci: Billy is right they--they don't know anything yet.

Billy: Ah, that's what I'm saying, you know?

Jack: Guys, I'm, uh, feeling a little tired right now.

Ashley: Of course, Jackie.

Traci: Okay, Jack, we love you very much, and we're all gonna get through this together, okay?

Jack: Ash. Get Genevieve. I need to see her.

Phyllis: Um, so--so Jack is out of surgery. He's gonna be okay?

Nikki: Can we see him?

Billy: (Sighs) He said he'd like to rest right now.

Nick: Yeah, sure. Um, we should probably go, then.

Phyllis: Yeah. Hey, Nikki, you gonna be okay?

Nikki: Yea, yeah. I-I'm okay, thank you.

Billy: You know what? I'd like to hear more about this specialist.

Victoria: Hey, you-- you know what? I know that you guys didn't go to lunch every day or talk on the phone all the time, but I know that if I asked you who your best friends are--

Nikki: Oh, Jack is definitely on that list. I mean, even years ago, the way he handled things when we lost our baby... just today, he was so understanding about Diane. (Sighs) You know, we waste so much energy on people who hurt us and annoy us, but the people that really care bout us, that want good things for us... you know, I-I-I think your father needs to know about Jack.

Victoria: Oh, Mom, please. You know Dad's not gonna care.

Genevieve: I'm not the one who got shot. Why would you need to help me?

Victor: At the ranch, you let me believe that you and Jack conspired together to get a hold of Beauty of Nature.

Genevieve: Victor... (Sighs)

Victor: I don't fault you for your deception. In fact, I thought it was handled rather cleverly, but I doubt Jack will share your point of view.

Genevieve: The only thing that matters right now is Jack's recovery.

Victor: That's what you think. To Jack, business is personal, and I'm afraid he will not forgive you.

Paul, Patty, and Father Todd: The sails were made of silk and the masts were made of gold.

Patty: (Laughs)

Paul: Yeah. Okay? You better now?

Patty: Yeah. We should pray now, though. God loves us when we pray, doesn't he?

Father Todd: God loves us all the time.

Patty: Even when we're bad? No, it's--it's private time.

Paul: It's-- all right, Patty. This is my friend Ronan, and we need to go with him.

Patty: Why?

Father Todd: Because you hurt some people, and we have to make it right.

Patty: I-I didn't want to hurt anyone. I-I just wanted to be a bride.

Paul: And we'll try and make everyone understand that, but you--you have to come with us now, Patty, okay? We'll be with you. Let's go. It'll be okay. You'll be safe.

Father Todd: All right.

Paul: Let's go.

Ricky: She left her purse.

Ronan: (Sighs)

Ricky: You find something?

Ronan: Yeah, could be.

Ashley: Jack. You don't have to worry about Genevieve.

Jack: I never told Genevieve much about Patty. If Patty's still here and Genevieve should run into her...

Ashley: Jackie--

Jack: She should know what she's dealing with.

Ashley: Jackie, Genevieve knows all about her now. Patty is Myrna, Genevieve's housekeeper. Nobody had any idea.

Jack: Oh, dear God.

Jack: It was Patty all along. Every incident at that house that... the carpet on the stairs, the--the veil, the way she avoided m--it was Patty.

Genevieve: Thank you very much for your concern, but whatever happens between me and Jack is private.

Victor: I've known Jack Abbott for a long time, and I'm very aware of his tactics. He won't like what happened at all. However, if you are willing to consider putting F.M.N. under the Newman umbrella, I can offer you protection.

Genevieve: Protection.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: (Laughs) It sounds like the mafia.

Victor: (Chuckles)

Genevieve: I think I had enough of that one to last me a lifetime.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: Mm. Thanks for the news about Jack.

Victor: Think about my offer, okay?

Genevieve: Right now...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: All I need to do is to be a really good friend to Jack...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: And to help him face whatever it is he's dealing with. I know he's gonna be angry with me, but I can take it because I love him, and I can make him understand because he loves me.

Victor: You have my sympathies, because it is quite clear to me that you don't know Jack Abbott at all. You have a nice day.

Billy: You know, I wonder if you could hear it, too-- my inner voice reaming me for every time I left Jack holding the bag. I made him waste way too much time cleaning up my messes.

Victoria: Aw. Hey, you know what? I'm--I'm gonna make you some tea, okay?

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: We'll get you some food.

Billy: (Chuckles)

Victoria: I'll make you a sandwich.

Billy: Thank you.

Victoria: I love you.

Billy: I love you. (Sighs)

(Rhythmic knock on door)

Billy: (Groans)

Jill: Hi.

Billy: Hey, Mom.

Jill: I was just driving to the hospital and I saw your car. How's Jack?

Billy: He's out of surgery.

Jill: Well, what about his recovery? Is he gonna be okay?

Billy: If by "Okay," you mean he'll never walk again, yeah, he's fine.

Jill: (Gasps) Oh, my God.

Billy: Well, it's not-- it's not-- it's not for sure, but it's, uh, it's not good, Mom. Its not--

Jill: Oh, Sweetie, oh, Sweetie.

Billy: (Sniffles) (Chuckles) Mom... (Clears throat) I can't breathe very well. I love you, but thank you. Stop.

Jill: You should have called me. Why didn't you call me?

Billy: I'm sorry. (Laughs)

Phyllis: (Exhales slowly) Summer and Lucy are out.

Nick: Good.

Phyllis: It should be enough that he's okay, right? It’s not really enough to me, though. What if that were me in I.C.U.? What if it were you? I mean, w-- would we be happy with... you know, our decision to take things slow?

Nick: All right, listen to me. Jack's gonna be okay, all right? And you and I... I bet we're gonna be okay, too.

Phyllis: Oh, no, you don't know that. You can't promise me that. We've thrown this away so many times. I mean, we have such a great thing, and we've just thrown it away. We're stupid. I mean, do you really know how much you matter to me? I mean, you are-- you're everything to me. You're--you're--you're-- every minute, every second to me.

Nick: Probably as much as you mean to me.

Victor: Thank you.

Nikki: So they don't know if Jack will ever walk again.

Victor: Well, I guess the recovery will take some time. So Ashley's gonna run the business meanwhile, or what?

Nikki: That's where your mind goes? To business, not to your part in this?

Victor: What? What the hell do I have to do with any of this?

Nikki: Victor, you have everything to do with this.

Traci: What did he say?

Tucker: Hey.

Ashley: Hi.

Tucker: Hi. Listen. They tracked down Patty, Malloy and Paul.

Traci: What?

Tucker: They're taking her down to the station right now.

Traci: Is she lucid? Is she--is she under control?

Ashley: You know, she can't be allowed to hurt anybody else. This has to be over now.

Genevieve: I had to see you.

Jack: Good. I need to talk to you.

Ronan: Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Keep them out of here. Back them off.

Patty: Pauly, I don't like it here.

Paul: It's okay. We're with you, all right?

Father Todd: Here, here...

Paul: We're right here.

Father Todd: Take my hand. You feel that, you feel that? You're safe, you're safe.

Paul: Come on, we're right here. Look at me. Yeah? Okay.

Ronan: Thank you for coming down. I, uh, I have something here that I wanted to ask you about.

Patty: Okay. (Gasps) That's mine. I made that. Isn't it pretty?

Paul: Mm-hmm.

Ronan: Okay.

Patty: (Sighs)

Ronan: Are these yours?

Patty: Ohh, yeah. Yeah, I worked very, very hard on those, one for everyone at the park. (Laughs) I-I didn't get to finish because, um... you know how it is planning a wedding. It gets... (Chuckles) Time just flies. (Laughs)

Father Todd: Um, I think Paul and his friend need to speak for a moment. Why don't you and I go talk to this nice lady over here?

Patty: Okay. Do you think she likes cats?

Father Todd: We can find out. We'll ask her.

Patty: Okay.

Paul: I'll be right here.

Patty: Hi.

Ronan: Deacon was telling the truth. Patty's had her hands all over this case since the night Diane was killed-- the texts and the film. Now we know who was behind it.

Paul: She was always a clever kid. Just real life was too much for her.

Ricky: No one else could have talked her down except for you and Uncle Todd. I only wish I could have done more.

Ronan: It was a good thing that you heard the police scanners surrounding her location.

Paul: What?

Ronan: Well, while you were up in the chapel attic talking to Patty, Ricky here told me how he heard everything on the police scanner.

Paul: Oh.

Emily: (Gasps) Hey, Paul.

Patty: Oh.

Emily: (Sighs) Hey, Patty. I-it's me, Dr. P. remember? I'm, uh, I'm really glad that you're safe, Sweetheart.

Victor: I don't have a damn thing to do with Patty Williams.

Nikki: Victor, she came back to town last time because of you, and now she's back, but this time, you got what you wanted-- Jack is in a hospital bed.

Victor: I want nothing of the kind. What are you talking about?

Nikki: Victor! When you heard that Jack had survived the surgery, you walked away. And what--where did you go? What couldn't wait?

Genevieve: (Sniffles) Jack, I didn't know anything about Myrna--uh, Patty. I-I swear to you, if I had any idea, any idea at all--

Jack: I know--I-- I know that. We have some other things we need to talk about, so that I can understand.

Genevieve: Okay, after you rest a bit.

Jack: Like how it is Patty ended up in your wedding dress, how it is you never came to the wedding, about F.M.N. Tell me about F.M.N., Genevieve. Nikki said it's your company, that you bought Beauty of Nature. After ev-- is it true?

Genevieve: Jack... if I could only make you understand--

Jack: Is it true?

Genevieve: It's true. F.M.N. is mine.

Ronan: She'll be okay. Patty, come on. It's time for your picture now.

Patty: Hmm?

Paul: It'll be fine, okay?

Patty: Yeah?

Paul: Yeah.

Ronan: Come on. Officer.

Paul: Okay, okay? Dr. Peterson.

Emily: Hey, Paul. Are you all right?

Paul: (Sighs) Yeah, I mean...

Father Todd: Can I talk to you for a moment?

Emily: Absolutely. Excuse me.

Paul: All right. (Sighs)

Ricky: You're really good with her.

Paul: Why'd you lie? I mean, that stuff about the police scanner. Nothing went out over the radio about Patty's whereabouts, which means you had to find her on your own and lie. I don't get it.

Ricky: Uh, I don't know. Maybe in all of that mess, I got my details mixed up, but I heard it somewhere, and--and now Patty's here and she's safe and she can get help. (Laughs) What else matters?

Paul: (Sighs) I want to know you, Ricky. It's important to me. Now why don't you just tell me why you lied, and we can take it from there?

Ricky: Dad, I've told you everything that I remember. If you don't believe me, I can't fix that.

Paul: They're gonna want a statement from me.

Patty: Was my hair okay?

Woman: Gorgeous.

Patty: Yeah?

Woman: Time for you to go to your cell.

Patty: What? No, I'm not--no. No, I'm not going to my cell. Pauly! Pauly, help me! No, I don't want to go to my cell. (Whimpers) Let me out of this--

Billy: So I'm standing there with Jack, and the bride comes in. He lifts the veil, and it's, um...

Jill: It was Patty?

Billy: Ah, it was Patty.

Jill: (Sighs)

Billy: Next thing you know, she shoots Jack, she grabs Abby, and all hell's breaking loose.

Jill: Oh, my God.

Billy: And all I can do is sit there and try to stop the bleeding.

Jill: Oh, my God. What could you have done? Heal his wound right there?

Billy: I don't know.

Jill: Make her sane?

Billy: I don't know, Mom. I could--I could have done something before she put a bullet in Jack's spine.

Jill: (Sighs) Like what, tackle her?

Billy: Yeah, I could have tackled her-- something, anything. I don't know, something.

Jill: No, no. You listen to me. Hey, look at me. You are a father and a husband and a son and a brother, but you're not godly. And some things, horrible things happen, and you can't stop them, all right? You were there for him...

Billy: (Sighs)

Jill: And you'll be there for him when he's recovering. You can give Jack what he needs without stepping in front of a bullet for him, because we need you. We do. We need you so much, Sweetheart.

Billy: (Sighs)

Nick: All right, so are you gonna be okay if I take off?

Phyllis: No.

Nick: (Laughs)

Phyllis: Yeah, I'll be okay. I don't know what I'm gonna be. (Sighs) I don't think you should stay when things are like this. I don't know what's bad or good or risky or cautious. I don't know anymore.

Nick: Well, that's why we're gonna take some time, but not too long, 'cause we don't want to throw this away... not again. (Sighs) Okay, so... I gotta ask-- you're not gonna write about this, right?

Victor: I left that hospital room because I wanted to give Jack and his family time to process the situation, all right?

Nikki: Well, it--it didn't come off as consideration. It came off as indifference. Victor, I refuse to believe that you don't care. I mean, this same thing happened to you. Last time, you had the bullet. You were in the E.R. You know exactly what Jack is going through. This is all just part of your game to pretend you have no heart.

Victor: Ohh.

Nikki: I know better.

Victor: I see. So now you know me better than I know myself. Is that it?

Nikki: Well, I think maybe I do, and there's someplace I have to go be.

Victor: Good. You do that.

Jack: How long has this been going on, your plan to buy Beauty of Nature? Since we met? Since we started going out? Since we fell in love? Since--since we planned to get married?

Genevieve: (Sighs)

Jack: Is that all we were? A way for you to find out what my plans were for the company so you could beat me to it?

Genevieve: No. God, no. I swear to you, it was never like that, ever. (Sighs) It was... it was my chance, like being with you-- that was my chance at having a different kind of love. And Beauty of Nature, it was-- it--it was something that would be... just mine, you know? It's something that no one could take from me, ever.

Jack: You couldn't just tell me this?

Genevieve: I couldn't because I thought I'd lose you if I told you that.

Jack: So romance is in one corner and business is in another, huh? Well, I can't say you didn't warn me. "Careful, Jack. Don't get ahead of yourself. Somebody else may outbid you."

Genevieve: Oh, God.

Jack: Boy, I walked right into that one, didn't I? I showed you my bid. You knew exactly what you had to do to beat me.

Genevieve: But... (Sighs) Your family said that-- that you found out about it, that you knew about my connection to F.M.N., and that you were still willing to marry me, that--

Jack: Because I thought you could look me in the face and help me understand. I actually thought that. Never too late. I'm not going anywhere. You have a captive audience. Now tell me why. Where were you? If--if Patty hadn't kept you away from the wedding, where were you?

Genevieve: Jack, please, you know, we've said so much. Please--

Jack: Answer my question.

Genevieve: (Sighs) (Sighs) I didn't have the guts to face you. I-I wrote you a note, I sent it to the church, and it said that... (Sighs) Th-that you were free.

Jack: I was willing to marry you, even after I found out what you did, and you sent me a note?

Genevieve: I thought that--that was what you would want, if you knew everything.

Jack: And all that garbage about... how I changed your life, so much better than Colin. You couldn't look me in the eye. You couldn't tell me the truth. You couldn't trust us! You couldn't throw... throw caution to the wind, maybe trust that we could work our way through this mess.

Genevieve: Can we please do it now? Please? It was a moment of weakness. It--I can do it now. I can. I can do it with you.

Jack: No, I don't think so. Thanks for the note. You can go now.

Genevieve: Oh, please, Jack don't say that to me, please.

Jack: Get out.

Genevieve: (Cries) No!

Jack: Get out.

Genevieve: (Sighs) (Sniffling) (Sobbing) Jack. (Sobs) I am so sorry.

Tucker: What was that about?

Traci: Jack.

Ashley: I didn't know that Genevieve came to see you, Jack.

Traci: If she upset you--

Jack: Oh, I just... maybe dodged one bullet. Another failed marriage. Anyway, I don't want to talk about it right now.

Ashley: Jackie, they found Patty.

Traci: She won't be able to hurt anybody ever gain.

Jack: Good. Then it's all over.

Father Todd: Everything's gonna be all right, Patty. Everybody's gonna be kind and gentle and understanding.

Paul: Todd and I are gonna make sure of that, okay?

Patty: You?

Paul: Yeah. Come on, Sweetheart. Let's go.

Patty: (Sighs) Can Deacon Todd come too?

Father Todd: I'm right here. I'm right with you.

Patty: Yeah?

Father Todd: Yeah.

Paul: Yeah.

Patty: Okay.

Paul: Mm-hmm.

Patty: You still love me, you and God?

Father Todd: Always.

Paul: Okay, come on.

Patty: Yeah.

Paul: Let's go, Patty.

Patty: Okay.

Paul: It's gonna be fine. Be strong, huh?

Patty: (Sighs)

Phyllis: So, um, you think that I'm just gonna... whip out my laptop, write about this? You think I'd do that to Jack?

Nick: If you say you won't...

Phyllis: I won't.

Nick: Cool.

Phyllis: We handled that painlessly.

Nick: Yes. (Sighs) I'll see you tomorrow. You, uh, want to get the door for me?

Phyllis: Well...

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: Really? You've got work to do, right?

Nick: Thank you.

(Knock on door)

Phyllis: I am--

Ricky: They got Patty, and I was right there with her, up close and personal with the psycho shooter. This story is gonna be huge. I'm talkin' Pulitzer, Boss.

Traci: No, no, no, no. He's shutting down. He--he... it's all just been too much for him.

Ashley: He just needs some time.

Traci: I know but he won't let us in. Ashley, I just want him to let us crowd around the bed and tell him how much we love him, and--and tell him that we'll pray him and we'll will him into getting well... (Sighs) That Colleen is watching out for him, and Daddy, but he won't let us.

Ashley: Traci, when he's ready, well be there for him, right?

Traci: Oh, yeah. Yeah. (Sighs)

Billy: So Genevieve backs out of the wedding. But hey, you know, she's got Beauty of Nature to keep her warm, so she's fine.

Jill: Oh, that sneaky, backbiting, conniving--

Victoria: Yeah, all that, what you said.

Jill: (Sighs) Mrs. Atkinson has gotta go.

Genevieve: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Victor: Hello.

Genevieve: Victor, its Genevieve. I have been thinking about your offer. When can we meet?

(Door closes)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"

Doctor: It's unlikely your condition will change. The damage appears to be irreversible.

Lily: What are you doing?

Cane: Will you marry me again?

Jack: When can I walk out of this place?

Doctor: There's very little chance of that ever happening, I'm afraid.

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