Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/1/12
Episode # 9834 ~ Ricky Fishes for Information on Patty
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Doctor: Clamp.
Abby: Oh, damn it. Can't even hold on to a magazine.
Nick: Hey.
Ashley: Oh.
Victoria: Hey, what happened to your leg?
Billy: "Hop-along."
Nick: Oh, I just tripped over one of Summer's book bags coming down the stairs, jacked up my knee.
Abby: Please be careful. We can't afford anyone else getting hurt, okay?
Nick: I still can't believe this-- I mean, Patty showing up at church with a gun. I mean, really?
Ashley: Tucker went to the police station to offer up funds to widen the search. We don't want any, you know, budgetary red tape to hinder finding her.
Traci: Well, I hope they do it soon.
Ashley: I know.
Traci: And I-I hope that she will never be allowed to walk the streets again, ever.
Billy: Give me five minutes alone with her, you'll get your wish.
Paul: (Sighs) Battery's running low. If patty tries to call and she can't get a hold of me, then...
Father Todd: (Sighs) Well, let's hope she reaches out to one of us soon.
Ronan: The D.A.'s issued a warrant for Patty's arrest. There's a statewide manhunt under way.
Paul: Okay, I'm grateful for the backup. I just hope we find her before anyone else does. No telling how she'll react if the wrong person gets to her first.
Patty: I feel safe with the blessed mother nearby. My mother's name is Mary. Did you know that?
Ricky: Of course I did. I'm your nephew, remember? Paul's son.
Patty: (Laughs) No, Paul’s too young to have a son.
Ricky: How old do you think Paul is?
Patty: He's 14. Pauly's my hero. (Chuckles) He practically takes care of our entire family. (Chuckles)
Cane: Yeah, I, uh, I'll be back home soon, okay? Thanks for, um, taking care of the kids.
Genevieve: Was that Lily?
Cane: Yeah. I, uh, I told her that you and I need to have some alone time.
Genevieve: You know, I want to thank you for the way you defended me to Jack's family, 'cause they all just turned against me. And--and then bringing me back here, that was--that was really kind of you, Ethan.
Cane: Look, I know you're devastated by what happened to Jack. I do, and I know in your own way, you love him, but you know what? For me, it's just not enough to forgive you.
Genevieve: Ethan--
Cane: I'm glad that you told Jack the truth, and I'm glad that you didn't marry him, but now... now you're gonna have to live with the consequences of your actions.
Sharon: Do you need anything?
Adam: No.
Sharon: Are you in any pain? Do you need me to call the nurse?
Adam: I'm fine.
Sharon: Okay, well, look, I know all we can do right now is wait for the doctor who performed your prior surgery to fly in and evaluate you, but I want you to remember the promise I made you-- I'm here if you need me, and I won't leave unless you ask me to.
Nikki: Ever since John died, Jack has become the center of that family. If, God forbid, something should happen to him, I...
Victor: (Sighs) I lost a father early in my life. I'm more worried about Kyle than anyone.
Nikki: I know. I mean, the poor thing, to have to deal with this after going through so much.
Victor: I want to do something. I think I'm gonna go see him and make-- make things easier for him.
Nikki: No, Victor, if you really care about Kyle, stay away from him.
Victor: Why in the world would you say that? It's just that the boy already lost his mother, for heaven's sake. He must be devastated. Someone has to go to the boarding school and take care of him.
Nikki: Yes, someone will, but not you, Victor. Have you forgotten how upset Kyle was the last time you saw him?
Victor: Sweetheart, by now, he knows I did not kill his mother. He knows I made a false confession.
Nikki: You need to let his family take care of him, not you.
Victor: I can’t.
Nikki: Victor, please listen to me. Victor.
Ashley: Abby, I can see why--
Nikki: Don't do this.
Victor: (Exhales slowly)
Traci: (Sighs) What is it, Victor?
Victor: I just wanted to say that I know this must be an extraordinarily difficult time for Kyle, okay? So I'm willing to look after him while you focus on Jack.
Billy: Why, so you could try to take him again?
Victor: I'm merely offering my assistance, okay?
Abby: It's not your problem, Dad.
Victor: I'm very concerned about that boy.
Ashley: Then please have some respect for his father, who would absolutely not want you to be involved.
Billy: (Laughs) Not get involved? You? Yeah, right.
Traci: (Sighs) Please understand, Victor, we're just waiting to know that Jack is okay before we talk to Kyle. It--that's the only reason that we haven't contacted him.
Victor: Traci, everyone wants Jack to pull through, including myself. If that should not be the case I will revisit the subject matter with you, all right?
Abby: (Sighs)
Ashley: (Sighs)
Genevieve: Ethan, please. Please, Ethan. I know-- I know that I've made mistakes, but I did confess what I did to Jack, and I walked away. And then I found out that he'd been shot, and now he's just fighting for his life, and I'm not allowed to be near him. I think that's punishment enough, don't you?
Cane: Mom, we aren't living in Colin’s world anymore, all right? Things aren't black-and-white like that. You can't just right your wrongs and expect your sins to be forgiven, okay? There are repercussions that you have to live with for the choices you make. I've learned this the hard way with Lily.
Genevieve: Ohh. So, what? What are you saying? That it's my turn to suffer now? Is that it? (Laughs)
Cane: You know, it's sad, it's--it’s... I am sad. I am sad, because, you know, you... you've become this person. You're--you're so self-centered that you don't even hear anything I'm saying to you. There are other people here, Mom. There are other people that have been hurt by what you've done.
Genevieve: What other people? Other than Jack, who?
Cane: Me, me. I have been hurt. You've hurt me. You have hurt me.
Sharon: Well, we'll know more of what to expect once your specialist arrives. It's the not knowing that's the hardest part to deal with.
Adam: I had my sight back, all of it. Now I see nothing. Thank you, Patty.
Sharon: Um... today wasn't the first time that you'd seen her since she'd been back, was it?
Adam: I knew she was here, in town, but I didn’t see her here.
Sharon: But you also didn't turn her in.
Adam: In retrospect, there's a lot more I should have done, but I warned her several times. I told her to leave. I knew she was bound to hurt somebody. I figured the most likely candidate was Genevieve.
Sharon: Why?
Adam: Oh, she was... railing on and on about her. She hated the woman. She wished she were dead. Instead, she... she set her sights on Jack, and I was collateral damage. I just wish there was more I could have done to... contain her, keep her from going berserk.
Sharon: So you tracked Patty down and you tried to stop her. The fact that you couldn't doesn't make what you did any less heroic.
Adam: (Scoffs) A hero? Me? No. Far from it, especially where Patty's concerned.
Ricky: You look so happy.
Patty: (Laughs) Why wouldn't I be? Today was my wedding day. I am Mrs. Jack Abbott. Wow... Mrs. Jack Abbott. Doesn't that sound beautiful?
Ricky: Congratulations.
Patty: Thank you.
Ricky: (Chuckles) You know, I didn't know the two of you had gotten married. You must really love Jack...
Patty: I do.
Ricky: Considering all the trouble that you went to to be with him.
Patty: Wh-- what are you talking about? What--what trouble? There was no trouble at all. It was love at first sight for the both of us. Are you trying to suggest that I forced Jack to marry me? Because I assure you, that wasn't the case.
Ricky: No, no, no, no, no...
Patty: I do. It wasn’t.
Ricky: I'm sorry, no. I-it's not at all what I meant. I-I thought that you had left Genoa City for a little while and just came back. I must have been mistaken.
Patty: Yes, you certainly were.
Ricky: Mm-hmm. So... where is Jack now? If it's your wedding night, shouldn't you two be together?
[Patty remembering]
Myrna: It's Patty...Patty, you bastard!
Billy: Whoa, hey!
All: (Screaming)
Patty: I... (Breathes deeply) Why are you trying to make me mad? You're making me mad! (Breathing heavily) I'm starting to think that you're not a very nice boy. Do you understand? You're not a nice boy!
Ricky: I'm sorry, Aunt Patty. I never meant to upset you.
Patty: Well, you did.
Ricky: (Sighs) Well, the thing is, I'm new in town, and sometimes I get people's stories mixed up. I was raised in L.A. My mom was always ill, so my grandparents brought me up. I don't have many friends here in Genoa City, my sister Heather hates me, and even my dad doesn't seem to want me around. I know that's not an excuse and I should be more careful remembering things, but...
Patty: Well, you know, um, its okay. 'Cause you know, and I get confused, too.
Ricky: Yeah?
Patty: Yeah... (Scoffs) I think people misunderstand my intentions all the time.
Ricky: Well, then, you must know how it feels, how wonderful it feels when someone truly loves and trusts you, when they accept you for exactly who you are.
Patty: Yeah, it's wonderful. It's too bad it happens so rarely, though.
Ricky: I really like talking to you.
Patty: You do?
Ricky: Yeah. You remind me of my mother.
Patty: (Sighs) Really?
Ricky: Yeah.
Patty: That's really sweet. (Laughs)
Billy: You know what? Next time that you're at the chapel, you should pray for your father, because he's really being a royal pain in the...
Victoria: I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that he was so insensitive about Kyle. It's just that, you know, he feels responsibility for him. At one point, Diane left him with custody.
Billy: Oh, come on, that was crap.
Victoria: Well... (Sighs) He just reacts without thinking sometimes.
Billy: Oh, does he? Yeah, what else is new? I'm sorry, I'm just. (Clears throat) It just freaks me out a little bit when people talk about, like, Jack not being here, you know? It just--
Victoria: Okay. Its okay
Billy: He needs to be here, 'cause I can't take it if he's not.
Victoria: He'll be here. It's okay.
Abby: (Sighs) Okay, you know, that's it. I'm gonna go get on a plane and be with Kyle. If there is anyone who knows what this is like for a kid...
Ashley: You are the perfect person.
Abby: (Sighs)
Ashley: Thank you so much for volunteering, Honey.
Abby: That's fine.
Ashley: Your Uncle Jack would be so happy. Thank you.
Abby: I just hope I'm bringing him good news.
Traci: Oh, Abby, you will. This family has suffered way too much loss. Jack is going to make it through. He's got to.
Doctor: Blood pressure dropping rapidly, rhythm with erratic irregularities.
Doctor: Increase his I.V. to 1,000 cc's.
Doctor: B.P. is dropping, irregularities increasing. He's in v-fib.
Doctor: Give me the paddles. Break scrub and start compressions. We're losing him.
(Heart monitor flat lining)
Jack: Dad.
Genevieve: Ethan... how does lying to Jack about a business deal hurt you?
Cane: (Scoffs) Yeah, you're right, you know? You didn't hurt me. I hurt me. I did it to myself, 'cause I actually thought for a second, you know what? My mom has changed.
Genevieve: (Sniffles) I guess you think I'm a pretty despicable person, don't you? That I'm... beyond redemption? And maybe you're right. Maybe I am. (Sighs) Maybe that's my legacy from Colin.
Cane: You see, that's the problem, Mom-- it's always someone else's fault. It's never your fault.
Genevieve: Have you ever really thought about what it was like for me to be trapped in that marriage? Especially... after Samantha did, and even after I left, I couldn't get out from under your father's thumb. (Laughs) There was absolutely no way to get away from him. And then... (Sighs) I saw an opportunity, a chance to run this big cosmetics company, and I leapt at it, because... (Sighs) Because I wanted to feel powerful for once in my life. I-I wanted to feel strong and whole and independent.
Cane: Why couldn't you do that as his partner? Why--why do you have to be his adversary?
Genevieve: Because... Ethan... your mother is damaged goods. (Sighs) I'm sorry. I'm really screwed up inside. (Sniffles) I started to notice myself falling into the same sort of self-defeating patterns with Jack that I had with your dad. You know, I'd just sort of become more and more docile, and relying on him for everything, and doing everything he asked me to do without ever questioning it. And I don't know, I could just see for a second the years unfolding in front of us, and... and me disappearing a little bit more every day, just bit by bit, and I reacted out of fear, I guess, you know? And it was wrong, and I regret it, and it... has cost me. But... (Sighs) I-I just don't know any other way to live.
Cane: You know, that's the most real you've ever been with me.
Genevieve: With anyone.
Cane: And I have to be real with you. I can't do it anymore. I can’t. I can't be your son.
Victoria: I hope you didn't mean to upset Jack's family by bringing up Kyle.
Nikki: Well, I reminded your father that that was a touchy subject, but it didn't seem to penetrate.
Victor: I made my point, okay?
Victoria: Oh. Hey, how did it go with the orthopedist?
Nick: They basically told me I need to just watch where I'm going. I really need to talk to Phyllis about Summer leaving all her stuff around the house.
Victoria: Yeah.
Victor: You went to see Phyllis?
Nick: Yeah, just a little dinner with the kids. What about it?
Victor: Just curious.
Nick: I'm a little curious, too, Dad. Where's your new bride? Where's Sharon?
Victor: I ended the marriage. I annulled it.
Victoria: Wow, that was fast.
Nick: What happened?
Victor: Changed my mind. Now we can both pursue our lives.
Traci: (Shivers) Did anybody else feel that?
Ashley: It's a little drafty in here.
Billy: Oh, yeah? Well, here, this'll warm you up.
Traci: Thank you, Honey.
Doctor: Get me 1 milligram of epinephrine, I.V. push, and 1 amp of calcium.
Doctor: Clear!
(Heart monitor flat lining)
Jack: We're together again, Pop, which is strange. I mean, normally I see you when I'm upset about something or I can't seem to make an important decision.
John: Well, you have an important decision to make right now.
Jack: I do? Am I dead, Dad?
Ronan: Okay. Great. Thank you. The catty stole was just found near the church with the gun still inside.
Father Todd: Well, she can't have gotten very far, then.
Paul: All right, let's go.
Ricky: So last year, when you left the hospital and went away for a while, what happened? Did you just decide to go out on your own?
Patty: No. A savior came and helped me. He knew how much I loved my freedom and how much I loved the Lord, so... he showed me a way out through the vents of the building, and then he made me a nun.
Adam: Go. Check on Jack. I know you're worried about him.
Sharon: Well, I hate to leave you when you're so depressed.
Adam: Of course I'm depressed, but I'll live.
Sharon: Adam--
Adam: I want to hate Patty. I ought to be furious, but... but I'm not. I... this is karmic. I-I know I deserve this.
Sharon: I think I'll stop by the chapel on the way back and say some prayers. I won't be long.
(Door closes)
Phyllis: Did they say how long you were gonna be on crutches?
Nick: Doc didn't say.
Phyllis: Is it broken? Do you have a torn A.C.L.? What--what--
Nick: They--they don't know yet.
Phyllis: They don't know anything, do they? (Sighs) Is anyone okay? I mean, in a matter of hours, everything went to hell-- everything! I-I keep on calling the sitter every five minutes to make sure the girls are okay. I gave her a picture of Patty.
Nick: Look, Patty's not gonna go after the kids, all right? You stopped being a threat once you broke things off with Jack.
Phyllis: (Exhales deeply) (Sighs) I'm a horrible person. Seriously, he's done so much for me, and right now, I cannot remember one time I was there for him.
Nick: I'm sure you were there plenty.
Phyllis: I hope so.
Nick: Come here.
Sharon: Hey. What’s happening now? Is it Jack?
Nick: (Sighs) He's still in surgery. That's all we know. (Sighs)
Phyllis: Yeah. Nice of you to drop by so late.
Sharon: Actually, I've been here since Jack was admitted. He's not the only person Patty attacked tonight.
Nick: Who else did she hurt?
Sharon: Adam. He found her in that old potting shed on the ranch, the one she hid out in last time. She threw insecticide in his eyes, and then hit him over the head and knocked him out.
Phyllis: Oh, my God.
Sharon: When Adam woke up, he was totally blind. He's in a room right now waiting to find out if he's ever gonna see again.
Nick: (Sighs)
Phyllis: You know, as much as I hate Adam, that's horrible.
Nick: Well, it sounds like karma to me. And whatever he gets, that's what he deserves.
John: Why would you ask me that? Are you ready to give up this life you're in?
Jack: Until this moment, I would have said no. But this place it’s... it's so beautiful.
John: Mm-hmm.
Jack: So peaceful, so... and best of all, you're here.
John: Son, I'm always there for you, even when you can't see me. No, you're going to have to come up with a better reason than that.
Jack: Okay, how about this? I'm tired. I'm tired, Dad. I'm tired of this long string of failures.
John: Like what?
Jack: Like Kyle. (Scoffs) Yeah, there's one-- never being able to fill the void left when his mother died. And that's just one in a long, long list.
John: And what about all the good things in your life? Jack, if ever a man had--
Jack: Dad, it's kinda hard to count your blessings when somebody's just pumped a bullet in your gut.
John: Now, Jackie, I want you to hear me, and I want you to hear me good. You have everything to live for, everything. Your deepest love, your greatest achievements-- all those things are still ahead of you. You've barely scratched the surface of-- of the life you're in, of the man you're capable of becoming. If you give up now, you will be wasting some of God's precious gifts to you, and that, Jack, I will not stand for.
Jack: Oh, Dad, I-I don't know. I...
John: Now you take those oars in your hands, and you start rowing. Yes, go on back. Go home. Now you have things to do, and you do them.
Nikki: Well, it was nice of Phyllis to help Nicholas get down to the café.
Victoria: Mm, yeah. You know, things kind of seem, I don't know, easier between them. Do you think maybe they're getting back together?
Nikki: Your father seems to think so.
Billy: Hmm, that's 'cause he knows everything, right? Oh, look, the surgeon. Hey.
Abby: Oh.
Ashley: What happened, Doctor?
Traci: How's Jack?
Doctor: Your brother survived.
Traci: (Gasps)
Doctor: He's in recovery. Then we'll be moving him into the I.C.U.
Ashley: Oh, God.
Traci: (Laughs) Oh, thank you. (Laughing)
Victor: I have things to do, okay?
Nikki: What? Victor, you can't leave right now.
Victor: I'll see you back at the house.
Nikki: Well... (Scoffs) (Sighs)
Ashley and Traci: (Laughing)
Billy: Well, I have lot of promises I need to keep to you-know-who now.
Abby and Traci: (Laughing)
Ashley: All of us do, believe me.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Traci: (Laughing) Oh, thank God. Ohh.
Ricky: A savior helped you? That must have been something. Can you tell me about him?
Patty: He was a saint... well, at--at least in my eyes, he was. He helped me when no one else would. But he-- he isn't always a saint, though. There's a very... (Sighs) Bad man inside that comes out sometimes.
Ricky: So he's bad... and he's good?
Patty: Yeah. Only our real Lord and savior can help this man get rid of the darkness in his soul.
(Door opens)
Sharon: I have good news. Jack made it through surgery.
Adam: (Sighs) I'm glad. I really am. I know that he's important to you.
Sharon: Jack's important to a lot of people.
Adam: I'm grateful as hell that you're here with me.
Sharon: Well, your specialist will arrive tomorrow from the clinic, and I, for one, am going to remain optimistic.
Adam: If gain my eyesight, I... (Sighs) Plan on looking at things both literally and figuratively in new light. I... I want to make amends.
Sharon: You know, you can start fresh, regardless what the outcome is with your eyes.
Adam: You make it sound so easy.
Sharon: It can be. Once you leave the past in the past and--and start living the life you want.
Ricky: Why is this man bad? What did he do to make you say that about him?
Patty: I'm scared of him. So if I tell you, you have to promise to never tell another living soul.
Patty: You promise?
Ricky: I promise.
Patty: (Sighs) Between you and me, he's a little cuckoo.
Ricky: Aunt Patty, you can trust me. I won't breathe a word. So now who is this devil/angel? What's his name?
Patty: Adam Newman. He--he's the one who helped me escape from the institution.
(Door opens)
Ricky: (Inhales sharply)
Ronan: Stay.
Ricky: Thank God you're here.
Ronan: Paul!
Ricky: I-I just found her. This is Patty, right?
Patty: (Sighs) (Exhales sharply)
Genevieve: Why, Ethan?
Cane: Because it's too painful. I let down my guard, and then you build up my hopes, and you do it again and again and again. And then you just kick-- you kick my legs from underneath me.
Genevieve: (Sighs) So th-that's it, then? You--you've made up your mind? That, you know, if your mother isn't perfect, if I admit that I'm flawed and human, it--
Cane: Yeah, I-I-I-- I don't want to talk about this anymore.
Cane: Good-bye.
Victor: Hello, Cane.
Cane: I'm just leaving.
Victor: I'm sorry to be interrupting. I just came from the hospital. I wanted you to know that Jack survived his surgery.
Genevieve: (Sighs)
Ashley: Jackie, Dr. Monroe said he was gonna be in shortly. He's gonna give you an update on your condition, okay?
Jack: Oh, my condition's great. It's better than great. I saw Dad, guys, had the most amazing talk with him.
(Door opens)
Dr. Monroe: How's my patient doing?
Billy: Well, we can't seem to get rid of him.
Dr. Monroe: We did almost lose you. Your heart stopped. You may feel quite tired for a while.
Jack: A-actually, I feel numb, Doc. It's like I have no feeling at all.
Ashley: That's probably from the surgery.
Traci: Were you able to get the bullet out?
Dr. Monroe: As you know, it's lodged near Jack's spine. Removing it would pose too great a risk.
Billy: Yeah, but I mean, he can still live a normal life with a slug in him, right?
Dr. Monroe: (Sighs)
Jack: Doc, is there something you're not telling us?
Dr. Monroe: Given the location of the bullet, I'm afraid it's possible you may never walk again.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"
Emily: Hey, Patty. I-it's me, Dr. P. remember?
Phyllis: Do you know how much you matter to me? You're every minute, every second to me.
Genevieve: It's true-- F.M.N. is mine.
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