Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/31/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/31/12


Episode # 9833 ~

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Billy: Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God.

Ashley: Jackie.

Traci: What have you done?!

Patty: Get away from me. Just stay back.

Ashley: Oh, my God!

Traci: Patty, take it easy. How is Jack doing? Billy, Billy!

Billy: He's bleeding a lot.

Reverend Campbell: We need an ambulance.

Traci: Somebody, call 9-1-1!

Victoria: Okay, okay.

Patty: No, you drop it.

Billy: Hey, hey, hey!

Patty: I said, "Drop it!" Don't "Hey" me.

Ashley: No, you let her go!

Abby: (Screams)

Ashley: Patty, let her go.

Abby: Oh, my God. Mom!

Billy: We need a hospital. He's gonna die.

Patty: No. If I can't have him, neither can she.

Victoria: Hold on.

Billy: What are you doing? No, no, no, come back here!

Victoria: No shooting, okay? We're not calling anyone. We're not calling anyone.

Traci: Patty, I won't let you do this to my family again. Please!

Patty: Just back off!

Ashley: Traci, please, just do what she says!

Patty: I'm gonna take Abby, and we're gonna get out of here now.

Ashley: No, Patty, no! Please, Patty, no!

Patty: No, I promise, I promise I won't hurt her. I won't.

Traci: I'll tell you what, just leave Abby. You go. We won't follow you. Please!

Patty: You're such a liar.

Abby: You, guys, stop making her ma-mad, Aunt Traci.

Ashley: Please don't hurt her. Please don't touch her. Please don't. Please.

Abby: She said she's gonna-- she said I'll be fine, Mom, okay? I believe her, I believe her, okay?

Patty: You know what?

Ashley: Oh, my God, no. Please, God--

Patty: No, no, no! This is it. Stop.

Ashley: Don't, please!

Patty: I don't want you to follow me.

Ashley: Please don't take her, please!

Patty: I won't--

Victoria: It's gonna be okay.

Ashley: Please!

Abby: (Sobs)

Victoria: Just stay, stay.

Ashley: Oh, my God, somebody call the police! Call 9-1-1!

Traci: Okay, okay, okay.

Billy: We need--we need help right now. He's going to die.

Traci: Hello? Hello! Come on.

Ricky: Okay. Now where is the stuff on Diane's murder? "Myrna, please change appointment with florist." "Myrna, please pick up dry cleaning." Blah, blah, blah. Maybe in the delete--

Ricky: Church newsletters. That's weird. (Sighs)

Tucker: No, there's no doubt about her identity, Detective. I saw Patty Williams earlier, in town. Good. Thanks.

Emily: They do know how crucial this is, yeah?

Tucker: Yeah.

Emily: (Sighs) God knows what Patty might do.

Man: Sorry, we had to flush the toxins out. Any change, Adam?

Adam: No, I-I-I...

Sharon: Adam?

Adam: I-I can't-- I-I can't see anything. I--what--what was that she splashed in my face?

Sharon: Oh, I-it smells like insecticide in here, and there's--there's a bottle on the floor, "She"? Who did this to you?

Adam: It was, uh, it was Patty. It was Patty Williams.

Sharon: I'm gonna call the police.

Adam: I-I can't see any-- can you shine a light in my face or something?

Man: Let's get him out of here.

Cane: Shouldn't you be, uh, exchanging vows right about now?

Genevieve: After what you said, I couldn't go through with it.

Cane: You canceled the wedding?

Genevieve: I had to, after buying Beauty of Nature and keeping it from Jack.

Cane: Well, you did the right thing, Mom.

Genevieve: I'm leaving town.

Cane: When, when? When are-- when are you leaving town?

Genevieve: As soon as I finish packing. I need to get away, to have some time to think. I'll call you from wherever I am.

Cane: Mom--

Genevieve: Good-bye, Ethan.

Abby: Mom.

Ashley: Oh, my God! Oh, my God. How did you get away?

Abby: Patty--Patty told me to lie own on the ground, and then she took off, and then Paul and Ronan showed up. Is--is Uncle Jack...

Ashley: I don't know.

Ronan: How many times was he shot?

Billy: Just once, in the stomach. Where's this damn ambulance, man?

Abby: I'm gonna pass out.

Ashley: Come here, come sit down.

Victoria: Yeah, sit down.

Ashley: Sit down here. You look so scared. Did she hurt you at all?

Traci: Have you found Patty?

Paul: No, not yet.

Traci: (Sighs) Come on, Jack. Stay with us.

Victoria: How did you know to come here?

Paul: Deacon identified my sister as the other conspirator in Diane Jenkins' murder.

Victoria: What?

Ashley: Patty's been here for months? How is that possible?

Paul: She's been working as Genevieve's housekeeper. Over here!

Billy: Hey, hey, right here. Please help.

Man: We're here.

Ronan: We got single gunshot to the abdomen. There's no exit wound visible.

Billy: Okay, you got it, you got it?

Man: Start an I.V. Okay, let's get a pressure dressing on this immediately.

Victor: What the hell happened?

Nikki: Jack?

Billy: Patty's back. She tried to kill my brother.

Tucker: (Sighs) Ashley said Abby's all right.

Emily: And what about Jack?

Tucker: Well, Jack's in critical condition.

Emily: Oh, God. This is my fault, this is my fault.

Tucker: What? No.

Emily: No, I-I failed to save Patty, and because of that, she's acting on her obsessions with Jack.

Tucker: Don't you think Patty is beyond help?

Emily: I can't--I can't believe that in anyone.

Tucker: Well, that's the therapist in you talking.

Emily: I know.

Tucker: Let me tell you something--if I could get my hands on that woman right now, I'd break her neck.

Emily: Okay, Tucker, come on. She's delusional. She's a scared child who--who doesn't understand when things don't go the way she hoped.

Tucker: Are you saying that's when she turns violent?

Emily: She just wants to be loved.

Tucker: (Scoffs) You know what? I find it hard to have--have any sympathy for her right now.

Emily: Okay, I understand. You know what? Why don't you go be with your family? I'll be all right here.

Tucker: Where do you think she'd go?

Emily: I-I don't know. I-I'm--she'll turn to family or--or God.

Tucker: Come on.

Emily: She's religious in that way. What? Okay.

Tucker: Come on.

Paul: Genevieve! (Knocking frantically on door) Genevieve!

Genevieve: Yeah, come in.

Paul: Are you all right?

Genevieve: Yeah, I'm all right. What--how-- why wouldn't I be?

Victor: We were trying to call you.

Genevieve: Yeah, I wasn't answering my phone. I'm sorry about that. Is there something wrong?

Victor: Jack has been shot.

Genevieve: Shot? He was--is he all right?

Victor: When the paramedics came, he was alive.

Genevieve: N--oh, my God, no. Oh, my God, no! I am--is-- who did it? Who?

Paul: My--my sister, my sister Patty. She showed up at the church, and, uh... I-I have to know, have you--have you seen Patty? Did you know that your wedding dress was stolen?

Genevieve: I-I... I knew it was missing, I didn't--

Paul: I-I'm sorry, I don't mean to push this on you, but I've gotta find my sister and try and stop her. I don't know what you've been told. I-I--

Genevieve: Patty, I know that--that they were married to each other, right? She's mentally ill or something. She's--she's dangerous. Why was she in my house?

Paul: She worked for you.

Genevieve: No! That's not possible. The--

Paul: Genevieve, Patty is Myrna.

Genevieve: Oh, my God, no.

Victor: We're very concerned about you now, okay?

Genevieve: No, I-I... me, why? Why--

Paul: Okay, I-I have--

Victor: The reason why is because Jack loves you.

Paul: I have two police officers stationed outside, but I've gotta try and find Patty and stop her right now. Are you gonna be okay?

Genevieve: Yeah, I'm fine. Go, go, go! Go!

Victor: I will-- I will stay here.

Genevieve: No, you don't have to stay with me.

Victor: I will stay with you.

Genevieve: (Groans)

Victor: I'm sorry. (Sighs heavily) Are you all right?

Genevieve: No, I don't feel well.

Victor: Okay, come on, sit down. Please sit down.

Genevieve: Ohh.

Billy: And I-I, uh, I left some of the stuff back at the church. You know, his change of clothes, his phone. I need to-- I need to get 'em.

Victoria: It's okay. We'll go back for it later, okay?

Billy: Yeah.

Nikki: Is there anything that I can do for you? I know the coffee isn't very good here, but--

Traci: (Chuckles)

(Cell phone rings)

Nikki: Excuse me. Victor. Jack is in surgery right now. Yes. Yes, I will tell them. You, too. Bye. Well... Genevieve is safe.

Traci: Thank God!

Ashley: But there's something else?

Nikki: Patty was posing as her housekeeper.

Doctor: Excuse me.

Billy: Hi, hey, how's my brother?

Doctor: We found a lacerated kidney, which my associate is repairing right now.

Billy: So is that the extent of the damage?

Doctor: The bullet ended up lodged next to Jack's lower spine.

Ashley: Oh, no.

Abby: Well, how bad is it? What does that mean?

Doctor: Certainly, it's serious, but we're doing everything we can.

Traci: Oh, please, Doctor, do. He's so precious to us.

Doctor: Of course.

Billy: Jack can live through this.

Doctor: How's your discomfort level?

Adam: Painkillers helped. Now I just need you to tell me that when you take these bandages off, that I'll be able to see again.

Doctor: There's a chance it could be that simple, but nothing is guaranteed.

Sharon: You have no indication one way or the other?

Doctor: There's still too much swelling and irritation to make any kind of definitive prognosis.

Sharon: Well, Adam had a sub retinal implant. Are you aware of that?

Doctor: I see it here in the history.

Adam: Will that-- will that affect my chances of recovery?

Doctor: I really can't speak to that. It's still an experimental procedure.

Adam: Then no offense, Doctor, but I'd like the specialist who performed my implant surgery flown in.

Doctor: Of course. If you'll let me have his or her information, I'll--

Adam: I'll--I'll--I'll take care of it. Thank you.

Doctor: Whatever you prefer. In the meantime, we'll try to keep you comfortable.

Sharon: Thank you, Doctor.

Sharon: Adam, I'm so sorry.

Genevieve: Myrna... is Patty? I mean, I don't-- I-I thought she was shy.

Victor: Mm.

Genevieve: I thought she was using the veil to cover her--her burns because she was embarrassed. That was calculated. It was to hide-- so no one would recognize her.

Victor: Hmm.

Genevieve: Oh, my God. It just makes me sick, sick, to think of her watching me with Jack. And now Jack... could Jack really die?

Victor: Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Genevieve: Oh, my God. If only I'd sent the letter sooner.

Victor: Hmm.

Genevieve: If I'd just gone to the church, you know, if I had-- it might not have--

Victor: Well, let me ask you, were you, um, about to call off the wedding? That's why you didn't show up at the church?

Genevieve: I-I want to know how he is. I really want to go to the hospital.

Victor: Of course you do. Let me take you, let me take you. Is this your coat here?

Genevieve: Yeah.

Victor: Okay.

Cane: Oh, my God.

Lily: What?

Cane: Patty shot Jack.

Lily: What? Oh, my gosh.

Cane: Oh, oh, my God.

Lily: Cane, if your mom had been at the church--

Cane: I-I wonder if she even knows.

(Touch-tones beeping)

Cane: It's going straight to voice mail.

Lily: Maybe she heard and went to the hospital.

Cane: I can't let her go through this alone. I have to go and see her.

Lily: I'll, uh, I'll--I'll call the sitter and--and we'll go together.

Cane: All right.

Nikki: Look, it's gonna be a while before we hear anything. Why don't I stop by your house and bring you both a change of clothes?

Victoria: Thanks, Mom.

Billy: (Clears throat)

Victoria: You know, I'd really appreciate that.

Nikki: It's no problem.

Victoria: Here are the keys. Thank you.

Nikki: I love you.

Victoria: I love you, too.

Nikki: Ohh. All right, I'll see you soon.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: It's a weird day. Jack's life was in my hands, huh?

Victoria: I know.

Billy: I was holding him. Oh, it was a lot of blood. I was trying to stop it. (Sniffles)

Victoria: You were there for him the whole time.

Billy: Yeah. I hope it was enough. (Sniffles)

Tucker: Hi.

Ashley: Hi.

Tucker: Come here, Baby.

Ashley: I'm so glad you're here.

Tucker: Okay.

Ashley: I'll fill you in. Come here.

Traci: Sweetie, when Patty took you away...

Abby: You were thinking about Colleen.

Traci: Yeah.

Abby: Me, too. I wasn't gonna let Patty see that, but I was thinking about her.

Traci: Oh, Honey, you were so brave, and they have got to find her, and this time, they have to lock her away for good-- for Colleen, for Jack, and for everyone she's hurt.

Abby: (Sighs)

Paul: (Whispers) Come on. (Normal voice) Come on, Ronan, pick up!

Ronan: It's Malloy.

Paul: Ronan, its Paul. What's going on with Patty? Have you heard anything more?

Ronan: I have not. That's why I'm heading over to the Newman ranch right now. I'm gonna check that shed where she was hiding out and see if I can find anything to go on that forensics may have missed.

Paul: Okay, I'll-- I'll meet you there.

Ronan: All right, sounds good. Paul, I'm at the gate right now. All right, I'll see you soon.

Paul: You got it. (Groans)

[Paul remembering]

Patty: That's when, uh, you gave Todd your tooth fairy money.

Paul: Well, you know, he was the one who knocked my tooth out. It seemed only fair.

Patty: (Chuckles)

Paul: (Laughs) I was such a dope.

Patty: No, you weren't.

Paul: (Chuckles)

Patty: You were my hero.

Paul: I don't feel like your hero. I feel like I let you down. You know, if I only, you know, had handled things differently at St. Jude's--

Patty: Shh. No, no, no. I saw a ship go sailing a-sailing on the sea and it was deeply laden with pretty things for me.

Paul: (Laughs)

Both: There were raisins in the cabin and almonds in the hold the sails were made of silk and the mast is made of gold.

Patty: (Humming)

Paul: (Sighs)

Patty: (Sighs)

Patty: (Sighs) (Shivering)

Patty: (Voice breaking) hello?

Patty: Hello? (Crying) (Sniffling) (Sighs) (Breathing heavily)

Patty: (Sighs)

Patty: (Sobs) (Breathing heavily)

Patty: (Sobbing)

Paul: (Sighs)

Paul: Is that Adam's blood?

Ronan: Yes, it is. Looks like she hit him in the head with a 2x4 and then put some kind of a poison in is eyes.

Paul: What was Patty doing with Adam?

Ronan: There's a good question. What'd you find out about the messenger?

Paul: Oh, the poor kid. He went to the church to deliver something from Genevieve to Jack, and--and then Patty knocked him out.

Ronan: Why?

Paul: (Sighs) I don't know. He came to, he heard gunfire, and ran off. (Sighs) We gotta stop her.

Ronan: Nothing here is gonna tell us where she might have gone. I checked with the teams. There's no sign of her at the Abbott cabin. She hasn't shown up at the camp where she took Colleen Carlton. Patty's paying it smart. She's avoiding places that might be associated with her.

Paul: Wait a minute. Maybe she isn't. Come on.

Father Todd: (Sighs) Can I help you?

Ricky: Oh, I was, uh, I was told I could wait here for Father Todd.

Father Todd: That's me.

Ricky: And I'm your nephew. I'm Paul's son.

Father Todd: Ricky? Ricky!

Ricky: (Chuckles)

Father Todd: Oh, well, it is great to see you. Look at you.

Ricky: Yeah, it's good to see you, too. I, uh, I'm sorry. I don't really remember--

Father Todd: Yeah, you were-- you wouldn't, you were very, very little, but evidently, things have changed.

Ricky: Well, funny how fast that happens, huh?

Father Todd: You have no idea how fast.

Ricky: So my dad told me that you changed parishes not too long ago. It's--it's great that you're back in Wisconsin.

Father Todd: You, too. Now what is it I hear, that you're interested in journalism?

Ricky: Yep, I'm making a career out of it, or at least I'm trying.

Father Todd: Well, best of luck with that. We need more good journalists. Too many muckrakers around these days.

Ricky: I know what you mean.

Father Todd: I'm sure you'll make the family proud.

Ricky: I-I hope to. Listen, I... (Sighs) I'd love to sit and talk with you more about this, but I really need to tell you why I'm here. I only wish that it was under better circumstances.

Father Todd: Wait, what-- is it your dad? I-is something--

Ricky: No, no, no, it's, uh, it's your sister.

Father Todd: Patty.

Ricky: Something horrible has happened.

Father Todd: (Sighs)

Adam: Her name is Patty Williams. I had come across her in the potting shed at the Newman ranch.

Man: You just ran into her by chance?

Adam: She had a gun and I tried to take it from her, and then she splashed that stuff in my face.

Sharon: We believe that its insecticide, but they're analyzing it now to be sure.

Adam: And she... must have hit me in the back of the head. I... it's just a blank from there-- of course, until I woke up here, like this.

Man: Why did she have a gun?

Adam: She's out of her mind. I don't know. How should I know?

Man: So was she threatening you for some reason?

Adam: Are you gonna continue asking me questions, or are you gonna go out there and try and find this woman?

Man: We are, Mr. Newman.

Sharon: You know what? I think that's-- that's enough for now. The doctor told him to keep it brief. Adam really needs his rest.

Man: We'll follow up later. Thank you.

Adam: Thank you, Sharon.

Sharon: Why don't you, uh, why don't you just try to get some sleep?

Adam: I've been out enough already.

Sharon: Okay, well, just relax for a while, then. Um, I need to step out.

Adam: Are you leaving?

Sharon: I'll be back.

Tucker: Abby.

Abby: Hey.

Tucker: Your mom told me what Patty did to you. How you doing? You all right?

Abby: It was terrifying.

Ashley: She's okay now, thank God.

Abby: Yeah, I'm okay. I just hope that Uncle Jack is okay.

Tucker: He will be. Come on.

Billy: I hate hospitals. It's the only place where every minute seems like an hour.

Traci: I know, Honey. Ashley and I were talking about Kyle.

Billy: (Sighs) Oh, yeah. Well, I was thinking that because he just started boarding school, he wouldn't find out about this too quickly.

Traci: We were thinking maybe we wouldn't call him until we had more information about Jack's condition. How does that sound?

Billy: It's a good idea.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Traci: No news yet.

Ashley: Genevieve.

Traci: Oh, oh.

Abby: (Gasps)

Genevieve: How is he?

Ashley: Jack's in surgery.

Genevieve: Oh, God. (Sighs)

Ashley: Hey. (Sniffles)

Billy: They, uh, found a bullet near his spine.

Genevieve: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I-I would have been here sooner. I didn't know anything about Patty. (Sighs)

Traci: We're just hoping that they will find her soon.

(Cell phone rings)

Victor: Excuse me.

Traci: And we're so grateful that nothing happened to you. We were afraid she hurt you. She showed up in your wedding dress.

Genevieve: My dress? I...

Ashley: You're safe, and that's the only thing that matters.

Genevieve: (Sighs)

Abby: But... wait, why didn't you show up at the church for your own wedding?

Father Todd: I was hoping that Patty had gotten some help somewhere, that, uh, perhaps the next time I saw her, she'd... (Sighs) Be...

Ricky: Unfortunately, it seems that she's been off her meds for some time now, making her psychosis that much worse.

Father Todd: You thought she'd show up here?

Ricky: Yeah. I remember my dad telling me how much she admires you, and I know how important her faith is to her, so it'd make sense that she'd seek shelter here. You haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary tonight, have you?

Father Todd: No. No, no, it's been... (Sighs) Quiet. One or two parishioners, that's all.

Ricky: I guess there's no reason for me to stay, then. I'm gonna had out... (Sighs) See if I can pick up a trail.

Father Todd: Let me-- let me go with you. I'll grab my coat.

Ricky: Uh, actually, maybe you should stay here, Uncle Todd. You know, just in case Aunt Patty shows up.

Father Todd: Right. We wouldn't want her... (Chuckles) Showing up to an empty church now, would we?

Ricky: I will do my best to find her. Take it easy.

Father Todd: Yeah. Ricky, wait, wait. If--look, if you do come across her, you have to know that the slightest thing can set her off, so the best thing to do is--is--is just keep your distance and give me a call immediately.

Ricky: I will.

Father Todd: (Sighs) Dear God, please bring my sister and all those who are looking for her through this safely. (Sighs)

Paul: (Exhale sharply) (sighs)

Ronan: Paul, take it easy, all right? We're gonna get there.

Paul: Yeah, I know. It's just I... I need to be right about this, because if Patty didn't go to my brother's parish...

Ronan: Yeah, hello, Father Todd? Hi, I'm calling on behalf of your brother Paul. My--my name is... hello? Fath-- whoa. I lost him. Let me see your phone.

Paul: Oh, damn it. Try mine.

Ronan: No, you don't have any bars, either. (Slams down cell phone) (Sighs)

Paul: (Sighs)

Ronan: Hey, it's gonna be okay. You used to solve cases before cell phones, right?

Paul: There's something to be said for cell-free driving, anyway.

Ronan: (Chuckles)

Paul: Lets people in the car connect with one another. You know, I remember a-a-a trip we took with my family to New York City. We sang and played games and talked all the way there. The most fun I had, though, was in the back, you know, the--the back-back of the station wagon. They used to have a seat that would sit up and it would actually face the wrong way. You'd be looking out the rear window of the station wagon, and you could see the--the cars behind you, and you would smile and wave and make funny faces... eat our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. (Chuckles) Good times. Simple, but really good times. (Sighs)

Ronan: We're almost at city limits. We're gonna be there in a minute, all right?

Paul: I'm coming, Patty.

Sharon: How did you get here so fast?

Victor: I was in the emergency room. I guess you haven't heard. Jack Abbott was shot by Patty Williams.

Sharon: (Gasps) oh, my God. Jack? How?

Victor: Yes.

Sharon: I-I thought he was marrying Genevieve. What--

Victor: While he was getting married to her during the ceremony, Patty Williams walked into the church and walked up to him and shot him point-blank and badly.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh, I guess that's why she had a gun.

Victor: Why do you bring that up?

Sharon: Well... (Sighs) Jack wasn't Patty's only victim tonight. She attacked Adam, too.

Victor: Where did that happen?

Sharon: At the ranch. She threw insecticide in his eyes, and--and he's blinded.

Victor: Permanently?

Sharon: Well, they don't know yet. Adam's asked that the doctor who performed his previous eye surgery fly in and consult.

Victor: Why'd you call me?

Sharon: (Sighs) Can't you put aside your issues with Adam, at least for now? Victor, he grew up dealing with his mother's blindness. He spent years terrified that he would lose his sight--

Victor: Sharon, I'm very aware of that, okay?

Sharon: Your son needs you. Won't you at least talk to him, reassure him?

Victor: No, absolutely not. I will not do that.

Lily: I'm so sorry Patty did this to you again.

Traci: Thank you. It helps having you here.

Cane: We're here to see how Jack was and you. I knew you would come to the hospital once you heard. Are you okay?

Abby: You still haven't told us why you weren't at the church.

Genevieve: I decided at the last minute not to marry Jack.

Abby: What? Are you kidding me?

Ashley: What happened?

Billy: Why'd you change your mind?

Nikki: I'll tell you why.

Victoria: Wait a second. You knew something about this?

Nikki: Well, I didn't want to disturb all of you while Jack was in surgery, but since Genevieve has shown up, pretending to be the grieving bride...

Genevieve: That's not what I'm doing.

Nikki: She bought Beauty of Nature.

Tucker: I thought that was a company called F.M.N.

Nikki: Yes, her company.

Abby: (Gasps)

Nikki: And she did all of this behind Jack's back. The only reason she broke off their engagement is because she knew everything was about to blow up in her face.

Abby: (Scoffs)

Sharon: How can you say no to walking 3 feet in that room and letting Adam know that his father cares about him?

Victor: I'm sure your comfort will be more than enough.

Sharon: So you're making this about what happened with me, then?

Victor: Haven't I made it abundantly clear to you and everyone else that Adam is no son of mine?

Sharon: Victor, where is your compassion?

Victor: Sharon, you're making me angry now. Don't you use the word "Compassion" in the same breath you mention his name. He has no compassion. Do you understand that? He's a psychopath. Are you forgetting the damage that man has done to everyone around him for years? And have you asked yourself another question-- what the hell was he doing at the ranch? Do you think he just sort of happened upon Patty Williams? He's not supposed to be at the ranch.

Sharon: All right, look, I-I know there are a lot of unanswered questions...

Victor: You bet there are.

Sharon: But what matters right now is that he's your son, and he's in pain.

Victor: Sharon, what are the answers to the questions that we are raising right now, okay excuse me.

Sharon: (Sighs) It's me.

Adam: Are you okay?

Sharon: Don't worry about me, okay? Let me worry about you.

Tucker: How about you clear this up for us, Genevieve?

Victoria: Yes, please. You and Jack were working together to buy Beauty of Nature?

Nikki: That's what Victor thought. When I went over to Jack's to congratulate him, he had no idea what I was talking about.

Ashley: So you lied to him.

Nikki: She knew this would ruin her relationship with Jack. But she really didn't care, because she already got what mattered to her most.

Genevieve: No, that's not how it was. No.

Billy: That's the way it sounds.

Traci: So this is why Jack was so tense before the ceremony.

Genevieve: Jack knew what I did before the wedding. I sent him a note. What are you saying? That-- are you saying that he was still willing to marry me?

Billy: Maybe, or maybe he was just wanting to tell you to go to hell in front of all of us.

Genevieve: Look, okay, I wanted the company, but I also wanted Jack. I love Jack. I wanted to marry Jack. I just--I didn't believe that he would ever forgive me.

Ashley: You were selfish, and you were deceitful.

Lily: At least she was trying to do the right thing.

Abby: How is tricking my uncle Jack doing the right thing?

Cane: She told Jack the truth before the wedding.

Billy: I'm sorry. That's not good enough.

Cane: Are you serious? Look at all the crap you people pull in the name of Jabot and McCall and "Restless Style" and Naked Heiress just to get ahead. Give me a break.

Tucker: Nobody can argue with that, but this is not the time or the place. Nobody wants to hear it.

Ashley: My brother is lying in there, and he's fighting for his life. The lunatic that shot him is still on the loose, so, Genevieve, we really don't give a damn what you have to say.

Paul: I'm sorry to barge in on you out of the blue like this. Ronan, this is my brother Father Todd.

Ronan: Father.

Father Todd: I know what happened.

Paul: You do? How?

Father Todd: Ricky was here.

Paul: Ricky?

Father Todd: He had heard what Patty had done. He thought, you know, he might try to help her. He--he thought that she might come here, but I haven't seen or heard from her.

Paul: I think we should stay and look around anyway.

Father Todd: Of course.

Ronan: From what Paul said, Patty has a history of coming to you.

Father Todd: Yes, for solace and forgiveness.

Paul: And for someone she knows she can trust, and nobody fits the bill better than our brother. You get through to her like no one else can.

(Door rattles)

Patty: (Gasps) (Sighs) Who are you?

(Door closes)

Ricky: Hi. It's so nice to meet you. I've really been looking forward to this.

Patty: You know me? How--how--how-- how do you know me?

Ricky: I'm Ricky.

Patty: Ricky?

Ricky: Paul's Ricky.

Patty: Paul's Ricky? Who...

Ricky: That's right, Aunt Patty. And don't worry. Nobody needs to know that you're up here. I'm your nephew, and I'll protect you.

Patty: (Breathing heavily)

Ricky: Come on.

Patty: (Sighs shakily)

Sharon: Can I do anything for you?

Adam: You're here, and that's everything right now.

Sharon: No, you're giving me too much credit.

Adam: Well, if you weren't here, then I would be doing this all alone. But still, there's... there's nothing that anyone can do.

Sharon: Well, we don't know that for sure. You heard the ophthalmologist, and the doctor who performed your implant surgery, he hasn't even examined you yet.

Adam: What if he can't... fix this? I'm scared, Sharon.

Sharon: Adam, you have every right to be. But I'm gonna promise you something, okay? I'm gonna be here with you. I will not leave your side.

(Elevator bell dings)

Victor: Yeah. Michael, I just talked to Sharon. Uh, it seems that Adam is flying in a surgeon, an eye--eye surgeon, okay? But listen to me. I want another specialist to be brought in. Right. But make sure that Adam does not find out that I did that, okay? Thank you.

Lily: Can we all just calm down, please?

Billy: I think the only way to calm this group down is for Genevieve to leave.

Traci: I agree. (Sighs) I'm sorry, but you're not wanted here.

Genevieve: But--but Jack-- I-I-I just-- I just want to know how he is.

Cane: All right, listen, just let us stay until Jack's had his surgery and we know he's okay, all right?

Billy: You were willing to walk out on Jack before. Do us a favor-- do it again.

Ashley: Jack's family will take care of him now.

Cane: Come on.

Next on 典he Young and the Restless"...

Cane: I can't do it anymore. I can't be your son.

Ricky: If it's your wedding night, shouldn't you two be together?

Patty: Are you trying to make me mad? You're making me mad!

Doctor: Give me the paddles. Break scrub and start compressions. We're losing him.

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