Y&R Transcript Monday 1/30/12
Episode # 9832 ~
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Sharon: Oh, hi, Bonnie. What's up?
Bonnie: You left some things up at the main house. Mr. Newman wanted to make sure you got them back.
Sharon: Oh. Thank you.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Victor: Michael, I don't care what time it is in Sydney. I want you to find out everything there is to find out about Genevieve Atkinson all right?
Nikki: Why are you so worked up about that woman?
Victor: Because she and Jack Abbott took Beauty of Nature from me. And I'm gonna get it back.
Jack: I will be sure to let Genevieve know that you called to wish us well. Thanks, Kyle. I love you, too. Hey, good luck on the exam. You bet. Love you. Bye.
Billy: Jack. Where's the tux?
Jack: I'm all packed, ready to go. I'm gonna get dressed at the church.
Billy: Okay. Well, your bride gave you a serious gift. I mean, that's insane. I didn't know Genevieve was into sports cars.
Jack: I'm telling you, my wife-to-be is full of surprises. I've finally hit the jackpot. Barring recent business disappointments, my life couldn't be going any better. I'm about to marry the woman I love. I feel like the luckiest man in the world.
Billy: Hmm.
Cane: F.M.N. -- "Forget me not." It's what my mother's got engraved on my sister's urn.
Lily: And that's the name of the holding company that bought Beauty of Nature.
Cane: See, this is the secretive crap my mother likes to thrive on.
Lily: Okay, are you really gonna bail on the wedding?
Cane: What do you want me to do? Like, give her away to a man who doesn't know he's being betrayed?
Lily: Cane, you don't know that for sure.
Cane: Yeah, well, I'm gonna find out before his wedding happens.
Lily: (Sighs)
Traci: (Chuckles)
Genevieve: Thank you so much for all the lovely gifts. It was just so thoughtful.
Traci: (Chuckles)
Genevieve: Would you like some more tea?
Ashley: (Laughs) You just asked us that a second ago.
Traci: (Chuckles)
Genevieve: Did I?
Ashley: Yeah.
Traci: (Laughs) Are--are you all right? Genevieve, you-- you seem a little distracted.
Genevieve: Uh, I'm fine. I'm absolutely fine. I've never been happier!
Traci: (Chuckles)
Ashley: Is it your housekeeper? Jack said that you were worried about her, but he didn't-- he didn't say why.
Genevieve: Yes, actually, Myrna is missing, and the police believe that she is somehow involved in the death of Diane Jenkins.
Ashley: Oh, no.
Genevieve: (Sighs)
(Door opens)
Paul: Hey.
Ronan: Hey.
Paul: There is more than enough here on the maid's computer to tie her in to this case.
Ronan: Well, the national I.D. check came back empty. There's no "Myrna Murdock" in the bureau's database.
Paul: She's using an alias.
Ronan: Mm-hmm. And why? And what's her connection to Diane Jenkins? I mean, her only known contact is Genevieve, but she can't tell us much of anything about her.
Paul: I can think of one other person who might be able to help. He might even be able to tell us how this "Myrna" character ties in to this whole mess.
Myrna: I hate you, Genevieve. I hate you forever. You will never, ever have Jack... never. Time to go. (Exhales slowly) (Gasps)
Adam: I knew it.
Myrna: (Sighs) What do you want, Adam?
Adam: Cops have turned the town upside down looking for the last conspirator in Diane’s death. Imagine my dismay when I hear that Genevieve's housekeeper mysteriously vanishes. I figured if you weren't smart enough to leave town that this is where you'd be.
Myrna: (Breathing heavily)
Adam: Is that a gun? (Gravel crunching)
Adam: What the hell are you doing with a gun, Patty?
Tucker: Listen, uh, I need to see you, uh, preferably before the wedding. I'm at Crimson Lights. Uh, you can meet me here if you want to. It's about Adam. All right.
Abby: Hey.
Tucker: Hello, Ladies.
Abby: Well?
Tucker: You're lookin' beautiful.
Abby: (Chuckles)
Tucker: You're on your way to the church?
Victoria: Yeah, right after this.
Tucker: All right, I hope to see you.
Victoria: See you.
Abby: You know, I'm actually kind of excited about this wedding. I mean, I don't know Genevieve that well, but she's always backed me up at work, so at least we know she's brilliant and has fabulous taste. Hello! It was a joke. It was funny. You were supposed to laugh.
Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm just-- I'm a little preoccupied right now. I was-- I was reading about the sale of Beauty of Nature before we met up, and, um, you know that was my division, right? That was-- that was like my baby.
Abby: I know. Adam sold the company to a mystery bidder like it was nothing special.
Victoria: Which never would have happened if Dad hadn't have hired him back. (Sighs) Wow, talk about a disaster. He must be so livid right now.
Nikki: So you think that Genevieve and Jack worked together to acquire Beauty of Nature?
Victor: Yeah. He probably thinks he got quite the wedding gift, with the help of his bride-to-be.
Nikki: Oh, that's true. Their wedding is tonight.
Victor: Well, he better enjoy it while it lasts, because I promise you, I'm going to get Beauty of Nature back.
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Excuse me. This is Singapore. I need to take that. I'm sorry.
Nikki: Yep. It's fine.
Genevieve: You know what? Let's not talk about Myrna anymore. It just makes me depressed. I'd really like to hear how Jack's doing. Have either one of you really talked with him since he found out that he was outbid for Beauty of Nature?
Ashley: Um, well, yeah, he's upset, to put it mildly, but he's just not dwelling on it because of the wedding.
Genevieve: (Sighs) I'm so sorry to hear that. You know, I tried to prepare him for the fact that he might not win.
Ashley: Yeah, but given how obsessed he was about the merger, I don't see that ending anytime soon.
(Doorbell rings)
Genevieve: Excuse me. Ethan... (Sighs) What are you doing here? I thought we were gonna meet at the church.
Cane: I need to talk to you.
Genevieve: (Sighs) Come on in.
Cane: Hey, uh, Ladies, I'm sorry to interrupt.
Ashley: Hi.
Cane: How are you?
Traci: Well, um, you know what? Why-why don't we go on ahead? We'll go to the church...
Ashley: Yeah, we will. We'll s--we’ll see you there.
Traci: And we'll check and make sure everything is set up the way you want it.
Genevieve: Oh, thank you. That's so nice of you. Thank you so much. W-we'll be along shortly, I'm sure.
Ashley: Okay, see you soon.
Traci: Okay.
Cane: Bye-bye see you.
Genevieve: (Chuckles)
Cane: (Sighs)
(Door closes)
Genevieve: (Sighs) What is this about? (Chuckles)
Cane: F.M.N. -- "Forget me not." That's your company, right? You bought Beauty of Nature. So, um, does Jack know?
Genevieve: No.
Cane: So basically, you're lying to the man that you love about something that's critically important to him. And what do you think he's gonna do when he finds out?
Jack: I'm telling you, it would be a perfect day if I hadn't just lost Beauty of Nature to some shell corporation.
Billy: I've never even heard of F.M.N. Who the hell is that?
Jack: Not clue. But I'm telling you, the whole thing is just sketchy enough that...
Billy: It sounds like Adam.
Jack: Yep. I mean, he's in the inside. He's the one pulling the strings. We both know he has a history of fraud and securities violations.
Billy: It's not a bad theory.
Jack: If I'm right, he's got a lot more than Victor to worry about.
Myrna: (Sighs) I need to go, Adam.
Adam: Where?
Myrna: Out. Just out.
Adam: Th-there's no-- there's no rush. We can just talk, Patty. Where would you-- Jack. His wedding-- is that where you're headed?
Myrna: No, that's wrong. That's wrong. I'm just--I-I need to go out.
Adam: The idea of Jack being with some other woman has you so unglued, you're willing to stop the wedding, huh?
Myrna: No, I'm not gonna stop the wedding. I-I-I-I hate Genevieve! I hate her! I want her dead! I want her to die! I want her to die.
Adam: I know, I know. Patty. Patty, I--
Myrna: (Whimpering) I want her to die. Just get away from me! Just stay away from me. God... (Stamping foot) Adam! Just-- hey, you! Stop it!
Adam: Hey. What, are you crazy?
Myrna: Don't you call me that. I'm not crazy! I'm not!
Adam: Patty, you are crazy.
Myrna: No!
Adam: You are crazy to think that Jack loves you. He doesn't love you. Do you understand?
Myrna: He loves me.
Adam: Getting rid of Genevieve, getting rid of every woman on this planet won't make Jack love you.
Myrna: He does.
Adam: Patty, do you understand what I'm saying to you?
Myrna: Aah! He does love me!
Adam: Aah! (Moaning) Aah! Oh, God, what did you... God!
Adam: (Groaning) (Gasping) Oh, I can’t... (Gasps)
Myrna: (Whimpering)
Adam: (Groans) Oh, I can't see. It burns.
Myrna: Aah!
Adam: (Grunts)
Myrna: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. (Breathing heavily)
Jack: To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?
Nikki: Well, Jack, I couldn't very well let you get married without giving you my best wishes.
Jack: Well, thanks. That makes me feel good. That mean you and Victor won't be attending the wedding?
Nikki: I have to say, we weren't really planning on it.
Jack: I was-- I was just kidding, though I am disappointed you won't be there.
Nikki: Ohh. I-I've only met Genevieve briefly, but she must be very special to have won your heart.
Jack: She is.
Nikki: Well, just between you and me, congratulations, on both counts.
Jack: "On both counts"?
Nikki: Yes, your wedding and getting your hands on Beauty of Nature.
Jack: I don't know what you're talking about.
Nikki: Jack, you don't have to play games with me. I know that Genevieve bought Victor's company.
Genevieve: I love Jack, and he will understand that this is just business.
Cane: He desperately wanted that company, and he kept no secret about it. And instead of supporting him, you stole it from underneath him.
Genevieve: You know what? I don't have to listen to this. I don’t.
Cane: You know, there's something broken inside of you, Mother. There really is. You are the same coldhearted, selfish woman that you became when Samantha died, and you will never be fixed, and that is why you stay married to Colin for all hose years.
Genevieve: You know what? We're gonna be late.
Cane: We're gonna be late? Late for what?
Genevieve: Church.
Cane: Oh, you want me to go to the church with you? Is that what you want?
Genevieve: Mm-hmm. Yes!
Cane: You want me to go there, and you want me to help you deceive him. Is that what you want me to do? Well, I'm not gonna do that, and Lily's not gonna do that, either.
Genevieve: Oh, fine, then. Fine, you just go. Go ahead, because I will marry Jack without you there.
Cane: Listen, you may be able to think you can talk your way out of this, okay? But you just wait to see what happens when Jack finds out.
Genevieve: Get out of here! You get out of here right now, and you take your self-righteousness with you, you... bastard! (Sobs) Get out! (Sobbing)
Genevieve: (Sighs shakily)
Genevieve: (Sighs) (Groans)
Genevieve: (Sobs)
Genevieve: (Sobbing) I can't do it to him.
Genevieve: Oh, damn it! (Sobs) Damn it! Uhh! Ohh. Phone-- phone, phone, phone. Where is my phone? (Sighs)
Myrna: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
(Door opens upstairs)
Sharon: Do you want to go for a walk? (Gasps) Okay, let's go. Come on, Fisher, this way. Let's go. Outside. Come on! Yeah, we're going for a walk. (Laughs) Oh, hello.
Victor: May I come in?
Sharon: Of course. This way, boy. Come on. We'll go in a minute. We'll go in a minute. Um... (Chuckles) It's such a beautiful night. I was just gonna take Fisher for a walk.
Victor: He's very anxious.
Sharon: (Laughs)
Victor: This won't take long. Um... this is for you.
Sharon: What is it?
Victor: The annulment papers.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Jack: That's not true.
Nikki: Jack, you don't have to deny it. The secret's out. Victor told me that Genevieve owns the company that bought Beauty of Nature.
Jack: Victor is a liar.
Nikki: I-I'm so sorry. I-I-I must have misunderstood.
Jack: No, he told you this hoping you would tell me on my wedding day and ruin it, which would make him all too happy.
Nikki: Jack, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to upset you. I just want you to be happy. I'll see you soon.
Jack: Yeah. Thanks for stopping by.
(Door closes)
[Jack remembering]
Jack: Well, you got a bank statement from your bank in the Cayman Islands. Why didn't you tell me about this?
Genevieve: We really don't know everything about each other yet. (Sighs) Could--could we make a-- a pre-wedding vow that we'll take the surprises in stride?
Billy: Nikki leave?
Jack: Yeah.
Billy: Everything okay?
Jack: No.
Ronan: Here's the deal-- some new information has come to light suggesting that there was somebody else in the park the night Diane died.
Paul: The same person that made those pillows and sent us a bunch of decoy evidence.
Ronan: So we're thinking that you left out a few details.
Deacon: (Laughs) Wait-- wait, wait, wait. Hang on a second, boys. Let's, eh, let's not forget that I passed the polygraph. Remember?
Paul: Uh, d-don't-- don't get upset. No one is suggesting you were lying, Deacon. We just didn't ask the right questions.
Ronan: You know, we're happy to hook you back up. Maybe we can finally put this whole thing to bed.
Deacon: (Sighs) All right, all right, all r--there was somebody else, all right? Look, I'll tell you what-- you make it worth my while, I'll tell you everything I know.
Genevieve: I need a messenger to come to my house. I'll have a note that he has to deliver to someone. Immediately, that's when. Dear... Jack.
Cane: So I told my mom I'm not gonna be part or deception.
Lily: Are you gonna tell Jack?
Cane: No. No, that's up to her. Look, for all I know, the whole thing's gonna blow up in her face at the altar, so... (Sighs)
Lily: Cane, I'm so sorry. I-I hate seeing you like this.
Cane: It's okay. You know, I just thought that, you know, Jack's ring on her finger would transform her, you know? That somehow, she'd find just this-- just a shred of character.
Lily: Look, you and your mom have made real progress, you know? And I don't want to see you shut her out because of this, you know?
Cane: Well, the way I feel right now, I can't really promise that.
Genevieve: (Sobbing) Oh. Oh, damn it. (Sniffling)
Myrna: "Dear Jack, I know this will come as a shock, but..." (Sighs) "I can't marry you. I deceived you terribly. I now own Beauty of Nature, which I bid on in secret. I've come to realize you'll never forgive this betrayal, and since I don't have the courage to face you, instead of going to the church, I'm leaving town." (Sighs) "As much as it's tearing me up inside, I know this is the right thing for both of us. I'll always love you. I'm so sorry. Genevieve."
(Doorbell rings)
Genevieve: I'll be right there. (Sniffling) Come on, come on, come on. (Sniffles) (Sniffles) Hey. Okay, so, um, you're gonna go to the Church of the Good Shepherd, and you're gonna give this to Jack Abbott and nobody else.
Man: Yes, Ma'am.
Genevieve: Okay?
Man: Yes. Would you like a text with confirmation of delivery?
Genevieve: Yes, I would, and I would like you to hurry. (Sniffles) (Sobbing) (Voice breaking) Oh, God. (Sniffling)
Sharon: I'll sign these and get them back to you as soon as I have a chance to read them.
Victor: I hope you remember what I told you about Adam. If you continue having some kind of relationship with him, you're gonna endanger your custody of Faith, your joint custody with Nicholas.
Sharon: Yeah, you've made that very clear.
Victor: What do you see in that man? He's no good for you.
Sharon: Victor, I don't want to talk about Adam.
Victor: But why are you willing to risk so much for him? Sharon, come to your senses. You know what he's about, what he has done to people. He'll betray you. He's betrayed everyone else.
Sharon: Well, thank you for caring.
Victor: I adore you, I really do, and I care very much about what happens with you. (Sighs) Why is life so complicated sometimes?
Sharon: (Sighs)
Victor: You have a good evening, okay?
Sharon: (Sighs) Okay. You ready to go, Fisher? Let's go on a walk. This way. This way, boy.
Fisher: (Pants)
Sharon: This way. Okay.
Jack: Any sign of Genevieve yet?
Victoria: No, no one's seen her yet.
Jack: (Inhales deeply) Well, she damn well better show up soon.
Billy: Hey, it's still early, Jack.
Jack: I don't need your smart-ass remarks right now.
Traci: Uh, Jack, um, could I have a word?
Abby: Okay, uh, what's up with Uncle Jack?
Billy: I don't know. He was in a great mood until Nikki came by.
Victoria: Is there any idea what happened?
Billy: No, and he won't talk about it.
Victoria: I wonder what my mom could have said to upset him.
Traci: For heaven's sake, Jack, what's wrong?
Jack: Plenty.
Myrna: Oh, hey, excuse me. Um, I'm, uh, Jack Abbott’s personal assistant. Is that the delivery he's waiting for? I--look, I'm happy to sign for it, he's--
Man: No, sorry, I can only give it to Mr. Abbott.
Myrna: Well... (Breathes deeply)
Ashley: Hi.
Tucker: Hey.
Ashley: I got your message.
Tucker: Yeah.
Ashley: What's this about Adam?
Tucker: (Sighs) Well, listen, uh, first of all, I gotta tell you, I probably won't be able to make the wedding. When I tell you why, I don't think you'll mind.
Ashley: Okay.
Tucker: Do you remember, um, how disappointed we all were, Victor and you and me, that, uh, the S.E.C. thing went bust and we couldn't take Adam down the way we wanted? Well, a new opportunity has presented itself.
Ashley: What do you mean?
Tucker: Adam came to me earlier, whining about how tough things have gotten for him over at Newman. He tried to hit me up for a job again.
Ashley: I hope you told him that deal was off.
Tucker: Yeah, of course I did, but when he wouldn't take no for an answer, I asked him to be a mole for me at Newman.
Ashley: Corporate espionage. I think that's well within Adam’s skill set.
Tucker: Yeah. I already texted him to meet me here. I'll ask him to steal certain documents, which I'll make sure the authorities catch him with.
Ashley: I’ll be so happy when he is off the streets and put away for a long, long time.
Tucker: (Sighs) I don't know. I'm a little worried that he hasn't responded yet.
Ashley: Ohh, I've gotta get to the church. You know what? Please be careful. This isn't funny, all right? Call me later?
Tucker: I'll try to make the reception.
Ashley: I hope so. Be careful.
Tucker: Okay.
Ashley: Bye.
Tucker: (Exhales slowly)
(Door opens)
Emily: (Shivers) Well, hello there, stranger.
Tucker: Well, yeah, right. Twice in one day.
Emily: What? Uh, I'm in town for the therapists' conference.
Tucker: I know. You told me that earlier.
Emily: No, Tucker, I-I haven't seen you since December.
Sharon: Fisher, what is it? What is it, boy? What's in there?
Fisher: (Scratches on door)
Sharon: Ohh, it's another squirrel? Okay. Ohh! (Sighs)
Sharon: (Gasps) Oh, my gosh. Adam. Oh, my God. Adam?
Ronan: Okay. In exchange for talking to us today, the D.A. will grant you immunity for whatever comes up during this conversation.
Deacon: What, that's it? Nothing about dropping any of the other charges?
Ronan: No, he will not.
Deacon: (Scoffs) Pass.
Paul: You know... (Sighs) This is the best you're gonna get, Deacon. If I were you, I'd grab it.
Deacon: (Mouthing words) All right, look, there was someone else, all right? There was, um, there was this weird woman.
Ronan: What, I mean, no one you knew, I take it?
Deacon: I... (Sighs) I don't know, you know? I-I saw her there when I was-- when I was cleaning up the evidence, to protect Nikki. And--and at first... (Sighs) At first I thought I was cooked, but... I don't know. It turns out that she was actually happy that Diane was dead.
Ronan: Why?
Deacon: How the hell should I know, Malloy? I don't know. You know, I, uh, I asked her, and she said, don't worry about it, she wouldn't say anything about what happened, and--and then she just, uh, she just ran off.
Ronan: That's it? That's the last you ever saw of her?
Deacon: No, I actually realized later that she'd followed me. She actually took some of the evidence that I had hidden in the alley behind Gloworm, and, uh, I-I don't know. I actually caught her there after she was trying to put some of it back, and she, you know, she denied it, of course. It was weird. She said that she was there feeding stray cats or something, I don't know.
Paul: Cats?
Deacon: Yeah, cats. I don't know. She was... fixated on 'em, you know? Just talking about cats, cats. Didn't make any sense.
Genevieve: "Package delivered successfully to Jack Abbott." (Sighing)
Genevieve: Well... that's that.
Myrna: "Confirmation received." (Sighs) (Sighs)
Ashley: What's with Jack? He looks like he's at a funeral instead of a wedding.
Traci: He would not tell me and he would not tell Billy, but he is very upset.
Ashley: Really?
Abby: I-it might have something to do with Nikki.
Billy: Hey, Jack, is this straight? I can't ever get these things straight.
Jack: It looks fine.
Billy: You haven't even looked at it. It... okay, well, I don't see Cane or Lily. I wonder why. Damn it, Jack-- (Clears throat) Sorry. Jack, why are you giving me the silent treatment? I haven't done anything wrong.
Reverend Campbell: Any idea what's keeping the bride?
Jack: If Genevieve somehow found out that I know...
Billy: That you know? You know what? What does that mean, man?
(Bridal music playing)
Billy: Hey. Oops.
Billy: (Clears throat)
Billy: Looks like you can relax now.
Nikki: Victor? Are you home? Victor.
Victor: I'm right here, Baby. What's the matter? What's going on?
Nikki: Well, why don't you tell me?
Victor: Tell you what?
Nikki: Earlier, when you said... that Genevieve bought Beauty of Nature...
Victor: Right.
Nikki: That didn't happen to be the reason why you told me, thinking I would go over and tell Jack and ruin his wedding day?
Victor: I did no such thing.
Nikki: Okay, good... (Sighs) 'Cause if you had, I would have been a little upset.
Victor: Am I to understand you went to see Jack Abbott and brought up Beauty of Nature?
Nikki: Well, yes, I-I did. I'm sorry. I-I just assumed that Jack would know Genevieve owns F.M.N.
Victor: And he didn't?
Nikki: Don't think so.
Victor: That's very interesting.
Lily: Well, the wedding should be starting soon. Wonder how Genevieve is gonna explain us not being there.
Cane: Yeah, I'm sure she'll come up with something. She always does.
Lily: I'm really sorry. I wish there was something I could do or say to make things better.
Cane: Come here. You already have.
Sharon: Adam?
Adam: (Groans)
Sharon: Adam.
Adam: (Groaning)
Sharon: Oh, my gosh.
Adam: Ow, my eyes! (Groaning)
Sharon: Hey, it's me. I'm here.
Adam: Sha--Sharon, I can't see. I can't see anything.
Sharon: Okay, okay, I'm gonna call the ambulance.
Adam: (Groans)
Sharon: Oh, my God, what happened to you?
Adam: Ohh, I-- I got something, I don't know what it is, in my eyes. I can't see. Sharon, I'm scared. I can't see.
Tucker: Listen, Emily.
Emily: Wha--
Tucker: Emily, you were here earlier, drinking coffee, eating muffins.
Emily: No. No, I-I literally just got in town. I mean, less than an hour ago.
Tucker: We talked. I told you I was doing well, that I hadn't found another therapist yet. Come on.
Emily: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, not Patty. Oh, my God.
Paul: Is that the woman you saw?
Deacon: Yeah, that's her. Yeah.
Paul: It's my sister Patty. We've gotta get to the church. Jack is about to marry Genevieve.
Genevieve: Where's my dress?
(Bridal music playing)
Ashley: (Gasps)
Abby: (Gasps)
Traci: Wha--what?
Jack: Emily--
Myrna: Emily? It's Patty... Patty, you bastard!
All: (Screaming)
Ashley: Jack, no! Jack!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Adam: I-I can't-- I-I can't see anything, I--
Patty: (Voice breaking) And do not follow us.
Ashley: No, please!
Abby: I'm gonna be okay.
Ashley: Patty, please!
Sharon: Your son needs you. Won't you at least talk to him?
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