Y&R Transcript Friday 1/27/12
Episode # 9831 ~ Patty, Disguised as Emily, Visits Jack
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Genevieve: Today is our wedding.
Jack: Can you believe it?
Genevieve: (Laughs)
Jack: It's an awfully long engagement, though.
Genevieve: (Laughs) I feel impatient, too. I can't wait to be your wife.
Jack: The feeling is very, very mutual.
(Cell phone rings)
Jack: Oh.
Genevieve: (Laughs)
Jack: Let me see. Oh, it's Billy.
Genevieve: Oh.
Jack: Hey, Bud. What's up?
Billy: Hey. It’s your best man, just checking in to see how the big day is going.
Jack: Well, Genevieve and I have just had my award-winning banana pancakes, and we are getting around to getting organized about our big day.
Billy: Nice. Well, is there anything that, uh, I need to do that hasn't been done?
Jack: Nothing I can think of. I think we're in good hands.
Billy: Well, that's a good thing, because I'm really not ready to go out in the cold. (Laughs)
Jack: Okay, well, make sure you stop by here before the ceremony.
Billy: Okay. Hey, have you heard from Traci?
Jack: Uh, yeah, actually, Ashley’s on her way to-- oh, she's at the airport picking Traci up right now.
Billy: Okay. Well, I will let you get back to the leisurely bachelor thing.
Jack: Thanks, Buddy.
(Cell phone rings)
Genevieve: Oh. My turn. It’s Ethan. Hello, Ethan.
Cane: Hey, uh, I'm with Lily at the coffeehouse, and we just wanted to give you a call and see how you're doing.
Genevieve: Oh! (Laughs) That's so sweet. I have everything I could possibly want, especially now that you've agreed to give me away.
Lily: Well, you must have a gazillion things on your list, so what do you need help with?
Genevieve: Don't worry about it. I-I've just got a couple of appointments, and, uh, then I'm gonna go back to my house and get ready with Jack's sisters, and then before you know it, uh it' be time for the ceremony.
Lily: Okay, well, if you need any help from your matron of honor, let me know.
Genevieve: Will do.
Cane: Have a good day. Um, we'll see you at the church, Mom.
Genevieve: Thank you, Son.
Jack: Well, looks like we've heard from everyone except the minister.
Genevieve: It was so sweet of them to call. I-I love how our families are coming together to help us celebrate our wedding.
Jack: (Whispers) Me, too.
Billy: Ahh.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Decided to sleep in a little bit, huh?
Victoria: Mm, yeah, I did.
Billy: Good for you.
Victoria: Well, you know, after the day I had yesterday, at the police station all day...
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Do you really think they'll push the obstruction charges up to trial?
Victoria: You know, I don't know, and truthfully, I really don't want to give it any more energy, because you know what? Today is Jack's wedding day, and Traci’s in town, and your whole family are gonna be so happy. It's such a wonderful family day.
Billy: Yeah. And the celebration it will be good for us. We've had a lot going on ourselves.
Victoria: Yeah, amen. Good.
Billy: Mm-hmm (Growling)
Victoria: (Growling)
(Doorbell rings)
Billy: Doorbell. (Growls) (Laughs) Hey.
Jill: Hello.
Victoria: Hi!
Jill: Hello there, Baby. Mwah! Hi, Sweetie. Mwah!
Victoria: Wow, how are things? So nice to see you.
Jill: The weary traveler. Do you know that it's 21 hours from Sydney, not even counting layovers? I barely know what day it is.
Victoria: Oh, but I'm sure you had a wonderful visit with Phillip.
Jill: Oh, I had the best time with him. I hated to leave him...
Victoria: Aw.
Jill: But I thought I should get back here, huh?
Billy: Yeah, when did you get in?
Jill: Uh, yesterday. I was gonna come straight here, but then something came up. Anyway, I thought I'd head over here now, before you two shifted into wedding mode.
Billy: Jack did send you an invitation, didn't he?
Jill: Yeah, he did, but I'm not going. I sent my regrets.
Victoria: What? Why not?
Billy: I get that Genevieve isn't your favorite person--
Jill: It's not that. It’s that Jack doesn't really know her, okay? Those two have no business walking down the aisle. I seriously think Jack's making a huge mistake.
Myrna: You're a little busy, busy bee, aren't you, Genny? Pretty soon, you'll be out running your errands, getting your stupid makeup and hair done for an even stupider wedding...running which means Jack will be home all by himself. (Chuckles)
Tucker: What are you doin' here?
Victor: I don't give a damn how you do it. Just me it happen.
Adam: Ohh. I see you've wasted no time at all reclaiming your office.
Victor: Did you think I would?
Adam: (Clicks lips) Nope, not at all. I'm assuming you wanted to talk business with me? We couldn't really conduct any yesterday. We were all tied up, what with being in jail and all.
Victor: (Exhales slowly) (Inhales sharply) You're really something. You're responsible for the events that led to the certain death of Diane Jenkins and you walk around as if nothing happened. That's almost psychopathic, you know? You’re not very smart.
Adam: I walked out of that lockup, same as everyone else. You want to know the kicker? Sharon paid my bail.
Victor: We do indeed have some business to discuss.
Adam: What is that?
Victor: It's your letter of resignation. I want you to sign it and pack your things and get the hell out of here.
Jill: Okay, so it's midsummer in Australia, which means that the royal botanical gardens are at their peak.
Victoria: Mm.
Jill: Oh, look at that it’s a statue of Cupid. The pit's in this beautiful sunken garden, where they have a lot of weddings.
Victoria: Mm. That's gorgeous.
Jill: It is gorgeous. Oh, and our hotel was in Hyde Park, which means that Phillip and I could stroll these gardens almost every evening.
Victoria: Mm.
Billy: Neat. That's neat.
Jill: Okay. I could have been showing you pictures of Antarctica, and you wouldn't have known the difference. Would you mind telling me what's going on?
Victoria: Quite a bit, actually.
Jill: Why? What's happened?
Victoria: Well, we didn't really want to get into it on the phone or in some e-mail while you were away.
Billy: Someone showed up into town unexpectedly, and, um, well, Mom, it's changed everything.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Myrna: Hello, Tucker. Is it really such a surprise that I'm back?
Tucker: I bet you're here for that psychiatrist convention. What I've been seeing the, uh, welcome banners over there.
Myrna: Well, that's a good guess.
Tucker: Uh, you should have told me you'd be in Genoa City. You know, I've been meaning to call you. I haven't contacted any of those therapists that you recommended when we stopped working together.
Myna: Ahh.
Tucker: I haven't felt the need.
Myrna: Well... (Chuckles) I'm really glad that you're doing so well. Yeah, sometimes, it's good to take a break from therapy. That's often when the most growth happens.
Tucker: I'm glad you see it that way.
Myrna: Oh. Other people are so quick to judge other people's mental well-being when really, the things we need to determine be for ourselves.
Tucker: Yeah. Hey, how about I grab a cup of coffee and join you? We'll catch up.
Myrna: I-I'm afraid that's gonna be impossible. I—excuse me. I have a, um...urgent business to attend to.
(Cell phone rings)
Jack: Take it if that’s important.
Genevieve: No, it--yeah, nothing that can't wait. Actually, you know, I was sort of hoping that it might be Ronan or Paul saying that they'd found Myrna.
Jack: Ah. My guess is she's long gone, and given what they found on that computer you gave her, that's probably good news.
Genevieve: It just baffles me, you know? The Myrna, I know is so different. You know, she was such a timid, anxious personality could have possibly-
Jack: O-okay, look, I just don't want you getting stressed out about this, not on our wedding day, just as I am not going to think about how I let Victor's company slip through my fingers, even though it's killing me.
Genevieve: Wow. That's quite a feat, you know, to block that one out, 'cause it was such an awful day for you yesterday.
Jack: Oh, what a day. Disaster after disaster-- not my idea of fun.
Genevieve: Mm.
Jack: Hey.
Genevieve: Hmm?
Jack: We didn't really, uh, talk about Emily.
Genevieve: (Chuckles) You told me everything I need to know. She wants you back.
Jack: Oh, I think it was difficult for her to read about our wedding. Probably should have told her myself. I think she just wanted some closure, and I think she got it before she left.
Genevieve: Jack, when a woman wants closure, she meets with her best friend and she cries her eyes out over a bottle of wine. When she shows up at her ex's house the day before the wedding.. (Laughs) She's throwing a last try pass in hopes that she might. Get back together with him.
Jack: Okay, well it was an incomplete pass, you have nothing to worry about.
Genevieve: If you say it, I believe it.
Jack: Wow, I like the sound of that. It I wondered at one point. If I could ever trust again, after Emily and Patty. Than I met you, and boy, have I learned to trust-- one of the things that makes me so happy I’m marrying you today.
Adam: Short and to the point. Need I remind you that you’re the one that enticed me back here in the first place?
Victor: When some other unpredictable things happened, and here we are.
Adam: I know you thought the S.E.C. would be showing me the door, but I didn't fall for the trap that you set. This is plan "B," but unfortunately, ain't gonna happen. I'm not resigning.
Victor: You may want to rethink that.
Adam: Don't see why.
Victor: Oh, you will.
Adam: You signed a very generous contract with me here-- one that you cannot fire me without just cause. I know that you hate the fact that I sold Beauty of Nature, but it wasn't illegal. It was very profitable. I have did an exemplary job of running this company-- a company which is publicly traded now, Dad, and people voted me in as C.E.O., and I am still C.E.O. Unless you get them to vote me out.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Adam you know, I anticipated that response.
Adam: Great. Well, I am glad we had this talk, and now we can just move forward. We'll work together, side by side...
Victor: (Laughs)
Adam: Like you and I have always dreamed of.
Victor: My boy, that's it. I agree with you. Why the hell not? Why don't you follow me, okay? Your destination. This is your new office.
Adam: Funny.
Victor: (Chuckles) It's no joke. One of the provisions in your contract says that I decide where my employees work from, so you work from here from now on, all right? Enjoy yourself.
Adam: (Sniffs)
(Door closes)
Adam: (Sighs)
Adam: This is Adam Newman. We need to talk.
Genevieve: Yeah, I couldn't talk before. (Sighs) Were you able to stall off Victor?
Davis: Uh, he said, and I quote, if he don't meet the owner of F.M.N. at his house today, he will launch so many lawsuits against the sale that Beauty of Nature will become utterly worthless.
Genevieve: Okay. Thanks for the information.
(Slams phone down)
Genevieve: Damn it. Hey, what do you say we, uh, toast your freedom?
Jack: Eh, certainly nothing else to raise a glass to, now that I've been outbid for Beauty of Nature. I mean, you'd think there'd be some news on this.
Genevieve: Jack put your phone away, please. You know, let's just try to--
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, here--here's something. "F.M.N. wins Beauty of Nature with the highest bid." F.M.N.? Who the hell is that? It doesn't make any sense at all. Titans of the industry are fighting to get Beauty of Nature, and they're outdone by a cash-rich holding company with no leader. I'm telling you, this has Adam’s stink all over it.
Genevieve: (Sighs) Can we please not talk about business tonight?
Jack: (Sighs)
Genevieve: Tomorrow's our wedding day, Jack, you know? Uh, you may have lost a company, but you are gaining one hell of a wife.
Jack: (Chuckles) Okay, I'll drink to that.
(Glasses clink)
Genevieve: Wonderful.
Jack: But at the first opportunity, I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. If Adam thinks he can play fast and loose, I will make this F.M.N. deal null and void, and believe me, Beauty of Nature will be part of Jabot again...(Snaps fingers) Just like that.
Genevieve: Hi. There you are. Um, you know what? I-I've gotta go out. Last-minute errand.
Jack: Uh, before you go...
Genevieve: Yeah? Hmm?
Jack: This is the last time we're gonna see each other before the wedding.
Genevieve: Well, then we had better make the most of it, huh?
Jack: Yeah. Mm.
Cane: I'm just hoping I don't trip the bride on the way to the altar.
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: Then it should be a good ceremony.
Lily: You know, you have come a long way-- your attitude, I mean.
Cane: Thank you.
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: You know, when she first said she was gonna get married-- I don't know, she said it was her chance of, uh, being a normal. You know, as if she would even know what that is after spending all those years married to Colin.
Lily: Well, I get why you'd be skeptical.
Cane: Hmm. You know what? Now I'm happy for her. I'm hoping it works out, you know? 'Cause this could be the beginning of something good, something good for her, you know? Put all those lies behind her.
Jill: Oh, my goodness. You two have really been through it.
Billy: We're handling it.
Victoria: Yes, we are handling it. We're doing the best that we can, anyway.
Jill: Look I'm really proud of you for dealing with this woman together, what about moving Chelsea in here? Billy, come on. Sure this is a good idea?
Victoria: We're doing it for the baby.
Jill: (Scuffs)
Billy: Chelsea can't even take care of herself, must--much less a child. I-I mean...Vicki and I, we're--we're hoping that over time, she'll realize...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: That we're the ones who should raise the kid.
Victoria: But we haven't told her that. Um, it's too soon to...
Jill: (Whispers) Wow. (Normal voice) Okay, I realize that you're trying to make the best of a bad situation...
(Door opens)
Jill: But this really worri--
Chelsea: Hey, sorry, but I'm out of milk. I was wondering if I could borrow some from you. Oh, I didn't realize you had company.
Billy: Chelsea, this is my mom Jill. Mom, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Hi. Um, sorry for interrupting. I'll come back.
Jill: No, no, no, no, no, no. Please stay. I insist.
Lily: I cannot wait to go this wedding.
Cane: Mm, that's 'cause you are such a romantic.
Lily: Hey, listen, it's not just about seeing your mom marry Jack. It's also for us, too, you know? We get to dress up and go somewhere fancy.
Cane: Hmm.
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: Well, we have the babysitter booked till midnight...
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: So I say we go to the reception and we dance and we drink some champagne...
Lily: (Chuckles)
Cane: And then, um...
Lily: Mm-hmm?
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Lily: (Laughs) That sounds like an awesome night, Honey. I'm so excited.
Billy: Mom, you can speak with Chelsea another time.
Jill: No, Honey, Honey-- I've just met the woman who's carrying my grandchild. You wouldn’t run out on me, would you?
Chelsea: (Sighs) I assume you've heard the whole story? I know what you must think of me, so I-I'm not gonna try to use excuses for my behavior. But I haven't had the easiest life, and I have made some serious errors in judgment.
Jill: Serious error in judgment. That's what you're calling this? Setting my son up the way you did...
Billy: Mom, Mom--
Jill: And then trying to blackmail him?
Victoria: It really isn't helping, Jill.
Chelsea: Look, I-I don't expect to be forgiven for my sins, I don’t, but being pregnant has completely opened my eyes, I mean, it's changed my life in ways I never expected. (Clears throat) And I know I have a really long way to go, but I am trying, and I really, really do appreciate all that Billy and Victoria are doing for me and this baby.
Tucker: (Laughs) Adam. You're here to whine about your daddy being back at Newman?
Adam: I'm here because we have some unfinished business.
Jack: Hi. Uh, I didn't expect to see you quite so soon.
Myrna: I was embarrassed about yesterday.
Jack: No, you--you have nothing to be embarrassed about, I-I--
Myrna: Come on, Jack, you're being kind. I put you in an awkward position. I never intended to just blurt out my emotions in the middle of a restaurant and then walk away. I realize that your wedding is in a couple hours. I-I was just hoping that we could talk now.
Jack: Sure. Come on in.
Myrna: Thank you (Sighs)
Jack: (Sighs)
Victor: Oh, my goodness. Genevieve. What brings you by, especially on your wedding day?
Genevieve: May I come in?
Victor: Of course you may. So... what brings you by?
Genevieve: I understand that you insisted on meeting with the new owner of Beauty of Nature, so here I am.
Victor: Well, I'll be damned.
Genevieve: (Chuckles)
Victor: The head of F.M.N. is Jack Abbott’s fiancé. Interesting.
Jill: Chelsea, I have a really long memory, you know, and I'm not gonna pretend that I'll be able to forget what you did to my son. But that being said, for his sake and for Victoria’s, I'll give you a chance. I see no reason to create even more tension anyway.
Billy: Well, Mom, that's great.
Victoria: It's great. I mean, agree. I think we should just all focus on moving forward.
Chelsea: Thank you for being so fair. I wouldn't of expected it.
Jill: Well (Laughs) I made a lot of mistakes when I was young, and I certainly wouldn't want anybody judging me by them now, you know? People can change, plus there’s a baby now, on the way. So I'll do my best to keep an open mind.
Adam: Time for you to make good on that deal you promised me.
Tucker: Did daddy give you the boot already?
Adam: Technically, he can't, but now that he's back, it's not exactly gonna be a party until my contract expires.
Tucker: That's not my problem.
Adam: Actually, it is.
Tucker: No, it's not. You didn't keep up your end of the deal. Beauty of Nature went to someone else.
Adam: That's because you and my father tried to sell me out to the S.E.C. You didn't think I was gonna find out about that, did you?
Tucker: Where's your proof?
Adam: I know what I know. You were in on the setup.
Tucker: Is that so?
Adam: I figure the feds offered you a deal--help catch the notorious Adam Newman and they'll stop hassling you. That is, of course, until the next time you pull some shady deal.
Tucker: If you're so sure I was out to get you, why would you want to come to work for me now?
Adam: Actually, now that I think about it, I might have taken the same deal. It was a good business move.
Tucker: I'm sorry, Adam. Offer's off the table.
Adam: You owe me. I intend to collect so do yourself a favor. Make this easy. Look at this like it's a mutually beneficial agreement. You don't like me very much, I don't like you very much, but we both know there's a lot I can do here at McCall.
Victor: So I assume that you and Jack work together to make sure that one of you would end up with Beauty of Nature. Jack bid high, which I expected, but you bid even--much higher. I did not expect that.
Genevieve: One has to be shrewd to get ahead, but then, I don't have to tell you that, do I?
Victor: (Chuckles) Jack is not an official part of F.M.N., is he?
Genevieve: That's correct.
Victor: And then what I'm about to discuss with you will stay right here.
Genevieve: All right.
Victor: Have a seat.
Genevieve: Thank you.
Victor: (Sighs) (Chuckles) You're a shrewd businesswoman. I'm sure you are very savvy, and as such, I don't think you'd be averse to the proposition that would befit your company enormously.
Genevieve: Go on.
Victor: Why don't you and I become partners instead of rivals?
Genevieve: Partners?
Victor: Business climate out there is cutthroat, you know? Rough people out there. I'll protect you from a hostile takeover.
Genevieve: Really? How?
Victor: By Beauty of Nature remaining under the Newman umbrella. You'd become a very rich woman.
Myrna: Jack, all day long, I counsel people to pick up and get on with their lives after suffering disappointment, but with you and me, I-I'm having a difficult time taking my own advice. What we had was special, Jack, and--and it was taken away from us. Fate intervened in the cruelest possible way.
Jack: No, no, no. It wasn't just fate. Patty intervened.
Myrna: Okay, Jack, listen, please. Just hear me out. Thank you. We should have fought harder. I realize that now. After things ended between us, I ran, and you threw yourself into a new relationship. We never gave ourselves the--the--the second chance that we deserved. We didn’t. Ohh. Can you honestly, honestly tell me that deep down you don't feel the same way, that Genevieve is the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with? Hmm?
Cane: Thank you for getting my tux for me.
Lily: Sure. So where is this place?
Cane: All right, it's off of Chestnut, it's, uh, Lakeside Cleaners. Okay, you see it's, uh, right there.
Lily: Yeah, I see it.
Cane: Okay, now it's, uh, entrance is on the parking lot, even though the address is on Foster.
Lily: Okay, I'll figure it out.
Cane: Okay.
Lily: I'll see you at home. Bye.
Cane: Okay. Bye.
Cane: F.M.N. "According to regulatory filings, F.M.N. stands for 'Forget Me Not,' which is ironic, considering the owner's name has yet to be revealed." Huh.
Genevieve: I appreciate your offer, Victor, but I'm already a very rich woman.
Victor: (Chuckles) Good for you. So you're turning me down.
Genevieve: I'm very happy that the pieces came together so that I was able to buy Beauty of Nature, but it literally just happened. I haven't even had a moment to consider my long-term plans.
Victor: You know, Beauty of Nature is quite a bargaining chip.
Genevieve: Yes, it is, and for now, I am content to leave that chip right where it is.
Victor: Is it what you want or is it because of Jack?
Genevieve: That doesn't matter. My answer is the same.
Victor: All right.
Jack: Look, I'm glad you shared all of this with me, and I really hope it'll help you move on.
Myrna: Move on?
Jack: You and I don't feel the same way, Emily. I'm getting married in a couple of hours to the woman I love, the woman I should be married to. You and I need to say good-bye.
Myrna: I won't take up any more of your time.
Jack: Now wait, wait, wait, wait, look. Look, I'm sorry. I-I did not mean to hurt you.
Myrna: You spoke your truth, Jack, spoke it from your heart. There's nothing more to say.
Myrna: (Gasps) (Breathing heavily)
[Myrna remembering]
Genevieve: What are you doing?
Jack: I need my pants.
Genevieve: Oh, no, you don't, not around me. (Laughs)
Jack: I was gonna wait till Christmas... but now that I found you, I want to make you mine, officially and forever. Would you do me the honor of agreeing to be my wife?
Myrna: (Exhaling deeply)
Chelsea: It was very nice meeting you, Ms. Fenmore. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Jill: Thank you. Same to you.
Victoria: Uh, there's milk in the fridge. If you want to help yourself, go ahead.
Chelsea: Great, thank you.
Billy: We appreciate the way you handled that.
Jill: Well, I meant what I said. I didn't want to make things more difficult. But as for the rest of it, I trust her even less than I did before I met her. I know her type, Honey, 'cause I used to be just like her. She will stop at nothing to get what she wants.
Victoria: Yeah, we're keeping our eyes wide open, Jill.
Billy: But we have to get Chelsea to trust us. Otherwise, she won't give us the baby.
Jill: No, I understand that, just as long as you don't believe a single thing she says. And don't let your guard down for a second, okay, or you will live to regret it.
Tucker: Let's get a couple things straight here-- number one, I have no obligation to you, and two, no one tells me what to do. But I do see a possible upside to this, so I'll make you an offer.
Adam: Go on.
Tucker: You stay at Newman for now. You find a way to put up with whatever crap Victor throws at you. Meanwhile, you'd be on my payroll, reporting every move your father makes.
Adam: You want me to be your spy while working at Newman Enterprises?
Tucker: You help me, I'll help you.
Adam: I'll think about it.
Cane: Mother? It's me. You here? Mother?
Cane: (Sighs)
Cane: (Sighs) F.M.N. "Forget me not."
Victor: So, Genevieve, um, when you come back from your honeymoon, and have settled down why don't you reconsider proposal?
Genevieve: Stranger things have happened.
Victor: Yes, indeed, they have.
Genevieve: (Laughs)
Victor: Good-bye.
Genevieve: Good-bye, Victor.
Victor: Michael, um, gather some information for me. Find out everything you can about Genevieve Atkinson. I want it yesterday.
Genevieve: My appointments are going just fine, Jack, but I can tell by the tone in your voice that something wrong. What is it?
Jack: No, everything's all right. Something happened, though. Uh, Emily just stopped by.
Genevieve: (Sighs) Well, I think I know what that's about.
Jack: You were right. She wanted a last-minute reconciliation.
Genevieve: How'd she handle it?
Jack: I set her straight. I think this is the last time I'll be seeing her. What? Anyway, I just wanted to let you know as soon as I could. Uh, I just don't want to be keeping something like this from you.
Genevieve: I appreciate that, Jack.
Jack: And more importantly, I wanted to tell you that I love you. I can't wait to see my bride coming down the aisle.
Genevieve: I can't wait, either. (Sighs) I love you, Jack.
Myrna: (Breathing heavily) No, no. No, no, no, no! Jack should be spending his life with me, not you! Me! You will never, ever have him, Genevieve. Never. (Breathing heavily)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Myrna: Stay away from me. You stop it!
Adam: Hey.
Cane: You just wait to see what happens when Jack finds out!
Genevieve: Get out here! You get out of here right now!
Deacon: You make it worth my while, and I'll tell you everything I know.
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