Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/26/12
Episode # 9830 ~ Victor and Sharon End Their Marriages
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Man: Didn't catch your name back there.
Jeff: Uh... it's, um, Eliot.
Man: Well, Eliot, from what I can see, you're either running away from something or running towards it. Which is it?
Jeff: Good question. I don't remember a whole lot, just that I was, um, in a boat on Long Island Sound. It capsized, and, um, I hit my head.
Man: Say the word and I'll drop you at a hospital.
Jeff: No, no, no hospital. I'll be okay once I get to Genoa City. That's about all I remember clearly. (Sighs) There's something there that I left behind.
Paul: Nikki. I thought you were still in custody.
Nikki: Hey. Oh, they just released me a little while ago. Thought I'd get a caffeine fix.
Paul: Oh. (Chuckles) Yeah. Well, you came to the right place. How are you? Being arrested for obstruction on top of everything else you're dealing with--
Nikki: Yeah, you might as well say it-- facing charges for killing Diane.
Paul: Well, Ronan and I are trying to convince the D.A. not to pursue those charges.
Nikki: And I appreciate that very much.
Paul: You want to grab a table and catch up?
Nikki: I would love to, but I'm on my way to a meeting at St. Elmo's.
Paul: Oh, okay. I understand.
Nikki: Maybe you can squeeze me in later?
Paul: Of course. How about the, uh, Athletic Club?
Nikki: Perfect. I will call you when I'm on my way.
Paul: I'm gonna be meeting with Ronan, too, so, uh, I should be able to get the latest info on your case.
Nikki: (Sighs) I am crossing my fingers that you will have good news.
Ronan: And what's the bad news?
Spencer: I'm leaning toward charging Nikki Newman in the Jenkins murder case. I know you don't agree.
Ronan: You're not gonna get a conviction. Her lawyer's gonna show the film of Diane attacking her in the park. Boom, there goes your case. What are you gonna do? Are you gonna bring her up on lesser charges, waste the taxpayers' dollars?
Spencer: What are they gonna think if no one pays the price for murdering a woman?
Ronan: You are going to have two perps going down for this-- Deacon Sharpe on the obstruction charges, and whoever else this other person is that's been jerking us around the whole time.
Spencer: We have no clue who this other person is.
Ronan: Just give me a little bit more time, just a little bit more time and I will find out who it is and I will bring them in.
Spencer: You better.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Sharon: Well, I-- I'm surprised that the D.A. arrested you one day after releasing you.
Victor: Yep. I think the D.A. was just grandstanding.
Sharon: Well, hopefully now you can just, uh, relax at home.
Victor: (Sighs) So I have not forgotten about our conversation before I was arrested.
Sharon: I'm really sorry that I wasn't here. Had I known you were coming home, I would have been.
Victor: You went to see Adam, didn't you?
Genevieve: Hey, what do you say we, uh, toast your freedom?
Jack: Eh, certainly nothing else to raise a glass to, now that I've been outbid for Beauty of Nature. I mean, you'd think there'd be some news on this.
Genevieve: Jack, put your phone away, please. You know, let's just try to--
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, here--here's something. "F.M.N. wins Beauty of Nature with the highest bid." F.M.N.? Who the hell is that?
Angelina: You writing a message to shove in a bottle and--and throw it in the sound? May--maybe someone'll find it and send help. Is that your plan? I got a plan, too. I-I'm gonna go outside and, um... uh, and wave down boats, and--and when I see one, I'm--I'm--it's gonna come and--and get us off of here. Okay... I'm leaving. Ohh. Ohh! Oh, it is freezing out there. Maybe you should go. I could, like, catch a cold and totally wreck my voice. Why couldn't we have been stranded on, like, a tropical island, on, like, that show "Hooligan's Island" or whatever. Oh, I could have stood out in-- all day in my Gucci bikini and definitely got us rescued. (Shivers)
Kevin: It's Gilligan.
Angelina: I'm pretty sure it's Gucci.
Kevin: The name of the show was "Gilligan's Island."
Angelina: Whoa, why are you yelling at me? What did I do?
Kevin: What did you do? Are you kidding me? You lied about being pregnant and about having a crazy stalker boyfriend, you made me miss my wedding by telling me that my family was in danger, and you took me to this icebox of a shack. Oh, right, and one of your dad's goons is after us, and so no, no, I'm not writing a message in a bottle. You know why? You know why? Because that would be really, really stupid. I'm building a raft. (Exhales quickly)
Angelo: What's on your mind, Glo?
Gloria: Kevin.
Angelo: (Sighs) Hey, I bet the reason you haven't heard from him is that he feels guilty about skipping out on his own wedding, and he's, uh, just afraid to face you.
Gloria: Just having one of my bad feelings, Angelo.
(Skewer clinks in glass)
Gloria: Angelo. Sometimes, in your line of work, you have to track people down, right? Maybe one of your... associates... might be able to help me, huh?
Angelo: I will do whatever I have to to find that kid.
Gloria: Mm. (Laughs)
Jeff: Mm. Ahh.
Woman: My shift's almost over. You mind if we take care of the check now?
Jeff: (Laughs) Yeah, about that, um, I don't have any money.
Woman: Ugh. Were you gonna dine and dash? That's not cool, Dude. I-I should call the cops and have you arrested.
Jill: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it. Just put it on my tab, okay? And the next time, try to show a little compassion for the homeless. Jeffrey?
Paul: Okay, this is the computer that Myrna was using when she worked for Genevieve. Look what I found.
Ronan: That's from the state's fish and gamed. Surveillance camera that was in the park. That--that was sent to Ashley to taunt her.
Paul: Okay, so do you think that Myrna is the woman that Deacon claimed was in the park?
Ronan: Bring her in for questioning.
Paul: We gotta find her first.
Myrna: I wish I had a kitty to snuggle up with. (Sighs) Oh, wait, I do. (Hits table) (Sighs) (Sighs) I do. (Laughs) Ohh. Hello, my pretty kitty. (Sighs) Can you believe it? (Chuckles) We're here again. What's that? Yeah. Yeah, it was Pauly's fault. We had that nice, big, cozy house all to ourselves, and then he showed up, and now we're sleeping under this tarp. No, no, I'm-- I'm not truly mad at Pauly. He's been a really good brother to me. I just wish that we were home with my mom, sitting around the table and eating sauerkraut and ribs and...it was just nice. And then... we would share our secrets with each other, and when we were finished... (Laughs) You know what Pauly would do? He would laugh with me 'cause I would have sauce all over my face, and he would say, "Pattycake, you're such a mess." (Laughs) You know what? You're right, you're right. He would say exactly the same thing to me now. Pauly thinks I'm a bad person, doesn't he? He'd put me back in that cell. I just--can't go back there. I can't. But you know what? We can't stay here, either, so I have to figure out a way to get us out of here. (Kisses cloth)
Jack: Titans of the industry are fighting to get Beauty of Nature, and they're outdone by a cash-rich holding company with no lead. I'm telling you, this has Adam's stink all over it.
Genevieve: (Sighs) Can we please not talk about business tonight?
Jack: (Sighs)
Genevieve: Tomorrow's our wedding day, Jack, you know? Uh, you may have lost a company, but you are gaining one hell of a wife.
Jack: I will drink to that.
(Glasses clink)
Genevieve: Wonderful.
Jack: But at the first opportunity, I am gonna get to the bottom of this. If Adam thinks he can play fast and loose with the rules, I will make sure this F.M.N. deal is null and void, and Beauty of Nature will be part of Jabot in no time.
Sharon: Maybe we should go to bed and--and--and just sleep on it. I-I think we could both use a good night's sleep.
Victor: Why don't you look at me? (Sighs) You were with Adam, weren't you? And you informed him of my plan to get him in trouble with the Securities and Exchange Commission, didn't you?
Sharon: Victor, I-- please try to understand--
Victor: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Beauty of Nature was one of the most profitable parts of Newman Enterprises. Now I've lost it because of your... allegiance to that... (Sighs) Adam.
Sharon: You-- you must hate me.
Victor: You're a fiercely loyal person, and I, uh, I understand that you would stand by Adam.
Sharon: So then, this isn't a surprise. It's more of a disappointment.
Victor: You know what it made clear? It made clear the nature of our... marriage. It was an arrangement, a means to an end.
Sharon: So then, um, what's next for us?
Victor: An annulment.
(Cell phone rings)
Jack: Hello? Yeah.
Angelo: Yeah, Dino. I want you to drop whatever you're doing and locate a Kevin Fisher.
Dino: Are you feeling okay, Boss? 'Cause I'm already looking for that mook.
Angelo: Yeah, that's right, and I want you to spare no expense, hmm? (Mouthing words) So why didn't you track them down yet, huh? Dino... that Fisher kid has got to be taught a lesson about running off with my princess, huh?
Angelina: I can help build the raft.
Kevin: No, you can't.
Angelina: You need planks, right?
Kevin: I haven't gotten that far yet.
Angelina: Leave it to me.
Kevin: Not bad.
Angelina: And I didn't even break a nail! (Laughs) Who knew I was so handy-dandy?
(Wood clattering)
Ronan: Okay, so Myrna steals evidence from the crime scene, she sifts through it, and only targets certain suspects? Why pick and choose?
Paul: I don't know. Maybe she worked for some of them. Things turn south, she was fired--
Ronan: And what, and she's a disgruntled employee looking for a little revenge?
Paul: Which means if she targets her former employers...
Ronan: Genevieve would be next on her grudge list.
Genevieve: (Whispering) Jack, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while. (Sighs) Jack, I love you, but... I am F.M.N. I--ugh. I own Beauty of Nature. I... oh, God, oh, God.
Jack: (Sighs)
Genevieve: (Normal voice) Hey, everything okay?
Jack: Yeah, it was Drake, wanting to go over Jabot's answer to this whole Beauty of Nature thing, and don't worry, I didn't try to find out who bought the company we're not talking about.
Genevieve: Okay. Jack... I really love you, and... (Stammers) And I can't wait to be your wife.
Jack: (Laughs) Well, I guess it's a good thing we didn't have a long engagement, huh?
Genevieve: We didn't. It was a whirlwind engagement. It really was, and--and that means that we really don't know everything about each other yet. (Sighs) Could--could we make a-- a pre-wedding vow that we'll take the surprises in stride?
Jack: Okay, as long as we keep the surprises to a minimum, particularly after the surprise I got today.
(Cell phone rings)
Jack: Mm.
Genevieve: Uh, I have to take this call. I'll--I'll be just a minute.
Jack: (Sighs)
Genevieve: Yes, Davis, what is it?
Davis: Victor Newman's demanding to see the owner of F.M.N. tonight.
Genevieve: Listen, Davis, I'm not ready to come forward as the owner of F.M.N. to anyone, especially not Victor Newman, especially not Victor Newman, so just tell this guy that I am... not available for a few weeks.
Davis: He's not going to buy that.
Genevieve: (Laughs) It is your job to sell it. Get him off my back.
Genevieve: (Clears throat) Marketing question.
Jack: Seemed a little intense.
Genevieve: Oh, no, no, it's fine. (Chuckles)
Jack: Hey, listen. I've been thinking about what you said earlier, and you're absolutely right. No more business talk until after the wedding-- hell, until after the honeymoon.
Genevieve: I love the sound of that.
Myrna: Tomorrow's Jack's wedding, but he belongs to us, Kitty, he does. (Sighs) Just-- I need to figure out a way to get him away from that witch Genevieve. Oh, you're right! Of course. He loved her too, and I know everything about her. Oh, Kitty, she'll be able to talk him out of getting married, won't she? Okay.
Myrna: (Sighs) (Sighs) (Sighs)
Nikki: (Sighs) So did you get to see Ronan?
Paul: Yeah, we could have a break in the case...
Nikki: Wonderful!
Paul: That I can't talk about right now.
Nikki: Less wonderful, but I know you will tell me as soon as you can. Paul, I want to ask you a question, and I want you to be honest. Do you look at me differently now, because I have taken Diane's life?
Paul: Absolutely not. You did what you had to do, Nikki. There was no way that Diane was going to let you out of that park alive.
Nikki: Because of me, Kyle will never have a mother.
Paul: Luckily for Kyle, he has a loving father watching over him.
Nikki: Well, still...
Paul: Here's how I see you, Nikki-- you are a strong, caring woman, and that night, you were doing whatever you possibly could to protect the man you love.
Nikki: (Sighs) Lord knows I do love him.
Paul: But I do suppose that having him married to Sharon complicates things.
Nikki: Well, Paul, between you and me, that marriage is beyond its expiration date.
Sharon: An annulment. It's kind of like wiping the slate clean. Do you think you can do that with my transgression?
Victor: What worries me about the indiscretion is... what it will do to you and your relationship to your child, because when Nicholas finds this out, he has the right to do everything in his power to make sure that he gains complete custody over Faith, your baby, your child. Are you willing to pay those consequences for just... hooking up again with Adam?
Sharon: I, um... the reason that I told Adam about your plan had nothing to do with my feelings for him. It was because what you were doing was wrong, and I couldn't live with myself if Adam was carted off to prison because I allowed him to walk into your trap.
Victor: Sharon, do you know what Adam... has done? So this is a moral dilemma for you? Come to your senses, Girl!
Sharon: Being with him-- it was impulsive, but there is a connection there. Now obviously, I'm not considering a serious relationship with him. I can't because of Nick.
Victor: I hope, for your sake, that you're not misjudging this whole thing and what may happen.
Woman: (Mouths words)
Jill: I get what you're trying to pull, showing up here looking like a vagabond. You want everybody to believe you have no money, but you can't be penniless, can you? Because you just bilked Gloria out of all her money.
Jeff: Gloria who?
Jill: The "Glo" in Gloworm.
Jeff: (Laughs) What is that?
Jill: That is a restaurant that you ran with her.
Jeff: Uh-huh, and you say that I took this lady's life savings?
Jill: Oh, please don't try to deny it.
Jeff: Can't confirm or deny it because I don't remember. Until you came in here and started squawking at me, I didn't even know my name was Jeffrey.
Gloria: Angelo, Angelo, Angelo. (Laughs)
Angelo: A rose for my gal.
Gloria: You have got to stop spoiling me, Angelo.
Angelo: You deserve all this and more.
(Cell phone rings)
Angelo: What's up, Dino?
Dino: Fisher's cell pinged. It's in the ocean off Long Island.
Angelo: That's real good work, Dino. Now I want you to go out there and you make sure that Kevin is safe and sound. Would you do that?
Dino: Thought you wanted me to crush him like ice.
Angelo: That's exactly what I want you to do.
Kevin: I don't know if this last tube is gonna hold.
Angelina: Let me try.
Kevin: (Shivers)
Angelina: Ta-da!
Kevin: (Shivers)
Angelina: You can't still be mad at me, not after I sacrificed my outfit and my designer belt.
Kevin: (Exhales quickly) I tell you what, we get out of this predicament with your dad and all of my body parts are intact... (Sighs) I'll take you on a shopping spree.
Angelina: Don't even with me, Kevin. You know that I take shopping real serious.
Kevin: I do.
Angelina: Then--then we just gotta convince daddy that you was just lookin' out for me. He's a real softie at heart.
Kevin: Are we talking about the same Angelo? Because I've seen what he's capable of firsthand, and, well, he terrifies me.
Paul: So, um, what makes you think that Victor and Sharon's marriage is over?
Nikki: Did you think it was going to last?
Paul: Well, no, that's not my point. You sounded like you had some sort of inside information that, uh...
Ronan: Hello, Nikki.
Nikki: Detective.
Ronan: I got your text about Genevieve.
Paul: Yeah, she's right over there. Um, why don't you give me a second, and I'll join you?
Ronan: Um, yeah, no problem.
(Cell phone rings)
Ronan: Excuse me, I'm gonna take this.
Paul: Okay.
Ronan: It's Malloy.
Paul: Look, I didn't mean to pry.
Nikki: It's okay. You don't have to be concerned, not this time.
Paul: You know how I feel about you and Victor.
Nikki: Yes, I do.
Paul: Okay. Just be careful, Nikk.
Jeff: You seem to know a lot about me. Do you mind filling in some of the blanks, please?
Jill: Okay. Your real name is Victor Newman. For some reason, you like to be called Jeffrey. You're very rich. In fact, you're one of the richest men in the world, and I mean, we're talking properties galore, private jet. You recently acquired a hot young wife.
Jeff: Yeah. I'm beginning to remember bits and pieces of a lavish lifestyle.
Jill: Oh, get over yourself. You're not Victor Newman, and you're not rich.
Jeff: Ah. Guess I am just a bum.
Jill: Come with me.
Jeff: Where are we going?
Jill: We're going to find out if you're lying or not.
Gloria: To the man of the hour, whose fast-working associate is going to help bring my little angel home, safe and sound.
Angelo: But I am keeping my fingers crossed that we find Kevin.
Jack: ...Visit there.
Genevieve: Yeah, I've been there.
Ronan: Excuse us. Hello.
Genevieve: Mm.
Ronan: Jack, can we have a word with Genevieve in private?
Jack: Genevieve?
Genevieve: Uh, it's fine with me.
Ronan: All right, that's great. Um, let's step right over there.
Jack: I'll, uh, get our coats and I'll meet you right there.
Ronan: It won't take too long.
Jack: Bye.
Genevieve: Is this about Myrna? Uh, have you found her?
Paul: Uh, no. We were hoping that she, uh, called you or sent you a text.
Genevieve: No, I haven't heard a word from her. D-do you think she's in some kind of trouble?
Ronan: Um... possibly, yes, but, um... not how you might think.
Genevieve: What are you trying to say?
Ronan: Well, we believe that your housekeeper was somehow involved in the death of Diane Jenkins, or at least, she's involved in the aftermath of it.
Genevieve: I... (Sighs) I'm sorry, I just can't believe that Myrna would have anything to do with that.
Paul: I found evidence on her laptop that implicates her.
Myrna: Jack.
Jack: Emily.
Myrna: I-I am so glad I ran into you. (Sighs)
Kevin: Well, she's no cruise ship, but I think she's pretty sharp, and I am pretty sure she's gonna float.
Angelina: (Inhales deeply)
Kevin: And you were a really big help, Angelina. I'm sorry that I blew up at you before.
Angelina: You were right, I shouldn't have lied to you about the faux bambino.
Kevin: Truce.
Angelina: Yes, and I promise, nothin' but the truce from here on out.
Kevin: Oh, God. (Grunts)
Angelina: Oh, oh, oh. Uh... I found this motor under the porch when you was out on the pier lookin' for stuff to use.
Kevin: Huh.
Angelina: You think it'll work?
Kevin: Well, there's one way to find out.
Angelina: Oh.
Kevin: Give me this, take that--okay.
Angelina: Oh, I cannot wait to take a shower and get my nails and my hair done.
Kevin: (Laughs) On my count--one, two, three.
Angelina: Oh. (Grunts)
Kevin: (Grunts)
Angelina: We're good, okay. Oh, then we can go get beers. Ooh, what about sweet release's? Ohh.
Kevin: Oh, this could be a long raft trip.
Angelina: Oh.
Dino: Boat's gone, so they're probably on the island, Boss.
Angelo: Mm-hmm. Well, check it out, and if you find any precious cargo, Dino, you handle with care. Hmm?
Gloria: Did you find Kevin?
Angelo: Well, Dino thinks he's located 'em, but he's gonna check it out and get back to me.
Gloria: Yes! Waiter! We need champagne.
Jill: Why don't you go over there and wait for me?
Gloria: Angelo, you really are my hero, and I could just kiss you up a storm. (Laughs)
Angelo: (Laughs) What's stopping you?
Gloria: Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Mwah, mwah, mwah.
Angelo: (Laughing)
Gloria: (Laughing)
Jill: Wait, wait, wait.
Jeff: (Sighs)
Jill: I'll be damned. You don't remember a thing, do you?
Jeff: Yeah, I told you.
Jill: All right, we're gonna get you to a doctor. We'll go out the back way.
Genevieve: Jack wanted me to do a background check on Myrna, and I wouldn't listen.
Paul: Well, don't beat yourself up, Genevieve. She seems to be a very cunning woman.
Ronan: Did she ever mention working for or knowing anybody else in town?
Genevieve: No. She kept to herself. I-I think I was probably the only person she spoke to on a regular basis.
Paul: Um, do you know if she was from around here, Genoa City, or...
Genevieve: I'm sorry, I don't know any of the personal details of her life. I-I just can't tell you anything.
Paul: Hmm.
Myrna: I read in the society pages you're getting married tomorrow.
Jack: To Genevieve, the woman I told you about.
Myrna: Don't marry her, Jack.
Jack: Pardon me?
Myrna: I made a mistake when I left you. We had something special. I want to be with you.
Jack: Emily, this is totally inappropriate. I'm--I'm getting married, tomorrow, to the woman I love. You said you were happy for me.
Myrna: I-I am. Love does crazy things, right? (Sighs) (Breathes heavily) I'm embarrassed. I'm, um, just forget that you saw me.
Jack: No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait. We need to talk about this.
Myrna: Okay, fine. I'm gonna use the ladies' room, and, um, to pull myself together first.
Jack: Okay, well, come right back. Genevieve is here. I'd love for you to meet her.
Myrna: I-I--no, Jack, I can't. (Sighs) She's gonna take one look at me and know that I made a fool of myself. I can't do that. I... good-bye, Jack. Take care.
Genevieve: Whoever that was seemed kind of friendly.
Jack: That was Emily.
Genevieve: The woman that you were going to marry before me?
Jack: Yes.
Victor: (Sighs)
Sharon: I would hate for this to ruin our friendship.
Victor: It won't.
Sharon: It was an honor for me to wear this.
Sharon: Good-bye.
Victor: Good-bye.
Sharon: He's waiting for you.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jill: I've just met the woman who's carrying my grandchild. You wouldn't run out on me, would you?
Adam: I'm here because we have some unfinished business.
Victor: The head of F.M.N. is Jack Abbott's fiancée. Interesting.
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