Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/25/12
Episode # 9829 ~ Tempers Flare Among the Murder Suspects
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Jack: (Sighs)
Ronan: Hours in there, and nothing.
Speer: Tension's building. Someone will blow eventually. (Chuckles) We might finally find out who planted the pillows in Jenkins' suite or the syringe in Newman's office. I want to know who's been messing with this case.
Ronan: They need a nudge. I think I'm gonna go in there and take the cuffs off. Maybe being in there will stir the pot.
Spencer: I'll check on the women's holding room. My guess is they're not as quiet.
Abby: I'm sorry, do I look violent? Do I look like I am a danger to myself and others? Because I could do damage with a credit card, and I don't think that cuffs are necessary for that.
Victoria: Abby, stop, okay? They're just trying to psych you out. Just pretend like you're in one of your yoga classes and you're doing one of those stupid yoga poses.
Phyllis: Exactly. It's called shackled swans. Om.
Abby: Okay.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Abby: Now I want comfy yoga pants and a blanket. Can we get a blanket in here?
Ashley: Okay, aah!
Nikki: Abby.
Victoria: I'm glad that worked so well I'm glad I suggested it.
Ashley: Why are we here? Because of pillows? We all know how Diane died.
Nikki: Oh, you mean who killed her. Is that what you mean?
Victoria: In self-defense.
Ashley: Well, nobody's arguing with that. I mean, come on.
Nikki: You know, I may have to spend some time in a cell for taking a life, but I didn't know all of you would be here with me.
Phyllis: Okay, listen. Walsh and Ronan can't figure this case out. It's driving them crazy, with the pillows, the warehouse, the photographs, somebody playing psychological warfare with us.
Abby: Yeah, all of us, and none of us are into cross-stitch, so why are we the ones wearing these?
Ashley: Abby's right. She's right. The police have to start looking someplace else.
Segundo: (Baying) (Barking) (Barking)
Myrna: Go away!
Segundo: (Barking)
Myrna: Go away! There's no dogs allowed. Go away!
Segundo: (Barking)
Myrna: Go away. (Sighs)
Avery: Okay.
Sharon: (Sighs) Thank God you're still here. I haven't been able to get a hold of Victor since that officer escorted him away.
Avery: You're worried about him, even though you're terrified about him finding out you tipped off Adam about Beauty of Nature and spent the night with him.
Sharon: Victor has spent enough time in a jail cell for something he didn't do. Now they couldn't rearrest him again, could they?
Michael: Excuse me. I need to see Detective Malloy right away. Excuse me!
Billy: Hey, Michael.
Michael: What?
Billy: Why are they keeping my wife? Why the hell is she even here?
Michael: Uh, well, they had several people arrested for obstruction and evidence tampering at the D.A.'s direction.
Billy: Oh, it sounds like he's pissed he had to let "Snidely" go.
Michael: I imagine that's part of it. I also think that Walsh is looking for additional information about whomever gave the G.C.P.D. the runaround, as regards planted evidence.
Billy: Wonderful. Great.
Genevieve: Michael, Billy.
Michael: Hmm?
Genevieve: Jack was summoned here hours ago, and whatever it was, it should have been resolved by now. I mean, tomorrow's the wedding.
Billy: Oh, they sure as hell better be released long before then.
Genevieve: Who's "They"?
Michael: Uh, Jack and several others were arrested for obstruction in the Jenkins case. I'm sorry, but at this point, I'm not sure that he or anyone else will be released in time for the wedding.
Tucker: So you had enough fun with us now, Malloy? Ready to let us go?
Ronan: Well, fun, it's after hours, and you're a very large group. Arraignments take time.
Nick: Maybe you would like us to just climb the walls a little bit longer.
Jack: I'm getting married tomorrow. This is an insult and a waste of my time.
Victor: Don't you realize they're all waiting for us to explode?
Jack: Do us all a favor, Adam. Spill what they want so the rest of us can get on with our lives.
Adam: You think I took a sudden interest in needlepoint?
Tucker: And those photographs to my wife and that stupid movie in the warehouse.
Adam: I am so flattered that you all think I'm the center of the universe, but, uh, I had my own pillow-- "Evil." I would have stitched that together, why?
Nick: To deflect attention.
Adam: Okay, so I would have put myself in the pillow situation, but I would have left myself out of the movie? My, I am unpredictable, aren't I? Let me remind you, the diary page--it implicates me. There is somebody out there who's toying with the cops. I'm another one of the targets, just like you. I'm not the instigator. I'm another victim, if you will.
Victor: You disgust me. You stop whining, Son. The reason we are all in this predicament is because of you. You tried to frame me for murder. You may not have picked up the rock to kill Diane Jenkins, but you're responsible for her death. You're scum!
Abby: Finally. I have welts--welts! I have very sensitive skin.
Ronan: Well, you can put some cream on that when you post bail. Arraignment's gonna begin shortly, Ladies.
Abby: Rude!
Ashley: Settle down.
Phyllis: You know, the whole pillow thing is really passive-aggressive for me. If someone wanted to call me a bitch, they should just do it to my face. Hmm.
Abby: Uh, I-I'm sorry, are you saying that the person who's making us all look guilty, that person is in this room right now?
Phyllis: Oh, no, no. I'm just saying, if somebody had something that they regret...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Phyllis: That they should just talk it out, and we would understand.
Ashley: (Laughs) You're not trying to be understanding. You're fishing for a story, Phyllis.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: She probably has it half-written in her head.
Abby: Ooh. "No cell was big enough for that many divas, that much drama. Ooh, you could see it in their eyes-- the fear, the angst. How would they survive without their hair products?
Victoria: "The only one missing was the hair-chewing child bride, but give me time. I'll find a way to make this all about Sharon."
Abby: (Chuckles)
Ashley: "But I'm a champion of honesty, above all else."
Phyllis: Oh, those are so good, Girls! They're really good. I hope you don't mind I I use them. Don't expect a royalty check, though.
Ashley: You're very quiet, Nikki. What's going on?
Nikki: I'm just thinking, Phyllis is right. I mean, there is something more to this, especially the pillows. I mean, somebody made them or bought them and placed them in Diane's room. They're so methodical, so insidious. If it wasn't one of us, who was it? Who are we overlooking?
Paul: Hey, Ronan, it's me. Listen, um, I haven't been able to track down Myrna Murdock yet, but I was able to secure the household computer she uses, and, uh, I will keep you posted as to what I find out.
Ricky: (Exhales quickly) Hey, Dad.
Paul: Hi, Ricky, how you doin'?
Ricky: How's it goin'? Mind if I join you for a second?
Paul: Good to see you. No, I got a few minutes. Have a seat.
Ricky: Ahh. You still working on that Jenkins murder case?
Paul: Yeah.
Ricky: I heard that Nikki Newman was the perp.
Paul: Where did you hear that?
Ricky: You and she have a history, right?
Paul: Yeah, yeah.
Ricky: Well, don't stop working on my account.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Ricky: Uh-huh. Source says obstruction of justice charges have been filed against a bunch of former suspects.
Paul: Really?
Ricky: They're in holding awaiting arraignment.
Paul: Oh, that could mean Nikki's there. I better get down to the station.
Ricky: I'll go with you.
Paul: Okay. All right.
Genevieve: For Jack to have been blindsided like this, right before the wedding, is--
Billy: Michael's just doing a worst-case, right? And--and Jack's gonna get out in time for the wedding, and so is Victoria. Right, Malloy? Right?
Michael: It's not enough that you were handed photographic evidence explaining exactly what happened at Diane's death, but now you have to squeeze everyone else for more information? Is this--is this Walsh and his agenda? What exactly is the delay here?
Ronan: We're processing everybody as quickly as we possibly can.
Billy: Mm-hmm, this guy.
Michael: Hmm?
Billy: This guy.
Genevieve: (Sighs)
Sharon: Michael. Is Victor here?
Avery: What happened?
Michael: Uh, Victor was arrested for obstruction of justice, lying to the police, and, uh, um... oh, evidence tampering.
Billy: Along with just about everybody else who was questioned in regards to Diane's murder.
Avery: Wait, Phyllis is in lockup?
Sharon: And Adam, too?
Michael: I have no information about the Beauty of Nature sale, and I have a lot of other things to deal with. Thank you.
Genevieve: This has got to qualify as some kind of psychological abuse, you know? Locking them all up together? (Sighs) Jack doesn't belong in a cell. H-he's--he should be at home. He--he's not Colin.
Billy: No, he's not, and he's a smart guy, and he will find his way to the church on time, I promise you, and if you haven't noticed, the man is crazy about you.
Genevieve: I'm crazy about him, too.
Sharon: So if arraignments are being made, then people are going to need bail.
Avery: Well, I'm sure that's not a problem, with Billy and Michael here.
Sharon: They won't help Adam. Look, this needs to stay between you and me, along with everything else from the last 24 hours, but I'm gonna pay for Adam's bail.
Victor: You always were a conniving punk, weren't you? Thank God for me, Diane knew she couldn't trust you. She told me everything that you had planned, but by then, the wheels were in motion. Now she's dead. That's on you.
Nick: So this was all just another setup?
Tucker: Bastard. You don't know when to quit, do you?
Jack: And another person winds up dead, and Adam lives to screw up another day.
Adam: Oh, this is all on me, huh?
Victor: You bet.
Spencer: Send him in now.
Adam: I'm the bad guy? Your hands are clean? That is one hell of a skewed perspective, if you ask me. Why don't you take a look around this room? I'm the only man in here that didn't sleep with Diane. Now why don't you justly give me a second to bleach my brain out on that one. No, Tucker, it wasn't my hands around her throat that night at the park. Nicholas, I didn't threaten to kill her. Jack, I wasn't ready to boot her from her son's life, and, Dad, I didn't throw her out of the back, of an ambulance, so she might be dead, but this ain't on me.
Jack: Where the hell do you get off, you sanctimonious jerk?
Nick: You sucked Diane into your game 'cause you're obsessed with Dad, almost as much as you are with Sharon.
(Door opens)
Adam: I treated Diane like a human being, which is more than the rest of you can say.
Deacon: What's shakin', Boys? Seems like I showed up just in time for the punch line. What, were you just talking about how good you were to Diane, treating her like a friend?
Adam: I treated her like a human being, yeah.
Deacon: Like a human being. Huh. Well, that's, uh, that's sweet, huh? Don't you think? Really, I think it is. I mean, it's also complete load of crap, and you know it.
Ronan: Okay. Victoria, you're up first.
Victoria: What about my mother? I don't want to leave you.
Nikki: Honey, it's all right. Go ahead, I'm fine. Go.
Victoria: Are you sure?
Ashley: You know, I want Abby to get out of here, too. Actually, I want out of here.
Ronan: Okay, okay, one at a time.
Nikki: So you had all seen that film before, of Diane's last hours.
Abby: Yeah, we had a screening at the warehouse.
Phyllis: We didn't know who was behind it, if it was Ronan or if it was Adam. And we... still don't know.
Nikki: So much hatred for one woman... so much violence, anger.
Ashley: Well, we all know that Diane was bitter and she was angry and she was very destructive, but... (Sighs) For the last few moments of her life to be--
Nikki: Now her blood is on my hands.
[Abby remembering]
Abby: (Grunts)
Abby: Ugh. (Exhales sharply) Ugh.
Abby: (Exhales slowly)
Ashley: What's the matter?
Abby: On--on my hands. I had, um, I had mud o-on my hands and on my clothes, and a-after Diane died, I-I don't remember how it got there.
Phyllis: The path is damp, especially around the creek.
Ashley: Yeah, listen, you probably just slipped.
Abby: Yeah.
Nikki: The truth is, we already know what really matters from that night.
Segundo: (Barking)
Myrna: Oh, just go away! You disrespected Mr. Kitty and paid the price.
Segundo: (Barking)
Myrna: Dead dogs can't bark. Just go away and stop haunting me. Go away!
Segundo: (Continues barking)
Myrna: Go away, away, away, away. (Sighs)
Michael: So is that why you came back to the force-- to toy with people?
Ronan: They were all in the park the night Diane died, and they've all lied to me repeatedly since.
Michael: And we all know exactly how Diane died, so let's stop this farce. Walsh is delaying Victor's arraignment out of pure malice.
Ronan: Aren't arraignments luck of the draw? Guess your clients just aren't lucky.
Paul: Ronan. I heard you made some obstruction arrests.
Ronan: I did, our pillow friends, and Nikki is included, if that's what you're here about.
Paul: Yeah.
Ronan: How did you know about that?
Paul: It seems as though my son has a source within the department.
Ronan: Does he, now?
Ricky: I got word of the arrests even before Paul did, and he's been on the case. So do you have any news for me?
Avery: As in what, story fodder?
Ricky: (Chuckles) For me, not Phyllis. Remember, we were on the same team first. How about is? If you hear anything, give it to me as an anonymous source and maybe in the meantime, I can do something for you.
Avery: Ricky, I deal with the law, not the tabloids.
Ricky: I get it, but maybe I could pull a few strings with my contact, get the order of arraignment juggled.
Avery: Wait a minute. Are you saying that if I wanted somebody to stew in there a little longer, you could make it happen?
Ricky: My gift to you.
Avery: And my gift to Phyllis.
Ashley: Its okay, Honey. I'll call you as soon as I'm out of here, all right?
Abby: Okay.
Ashley: Well, at least Abby and Victoria are finally out of here.
Nikki: They've become so close. I missed so much when I was gone. Now I might miss some more.
Phyllis: No, no, no. There is no reason that Walsh would press homicide charges.
Ashley: Oh, that's true 'cause Diane pushed you over the edge that night, and actually, she did it a long time before that. She sent those photos of you and Victor to the tabloids. She knew she was playing with fire, right? Especially with everything, you know, that's been going on with you.
Nikki: What do you mean? That I'm an alcoholic?
Ashley: Okay, look, I'm not trying to criticize you. Please know that. You've had so much to deal with, Nikki. I mean, first with Victor pretending to marry Meggie, and then he did marry Diane, and... oh, my God, now he married Sharon. And I'm sorry about all of it, but I'm mostly sorry about him marrying Sharon.
Nikki: Well, it used to upset me, but not so much anymore.
Ashley: I know for a fact that you haven't always been real close to Sharon, and... she was married to your son Nicholas, not to mention Adam.
Phyllis: Yeah, not to mention Adam, bum. Victor has reasons for what he does, doesn't he? He always seems to have reasons.
Ashley: Which he never apparently shares with anybody else. He makes these plans, he takes these drastic measures, but in spite of his best intentions, somebody always gets hurt.
Nikki: It's not going to happen that way this time.
Ashley: Oh, Nikki, I hope not, 'cause it always seems like Victor hurts you the most.
Jack: What the hell is this? Malloy sent you in here to get us all worked up?
Deacon: I gotta say, Jackie boy, I just go where they tell me. I just happened by, old "Pinocchio" over there was growing his nose, right? Huh? You know, Adam, I-I bet you don't know this, but Diane and I, we used to have these little chin-wags every now and again, and one of those times, she mentioned all the gory little details about how you wanted to take Pops down, huh?
Adam: This coming from the guy who threw his wife off the wagon and under the wheels. Very nice.
Victor: Just be quiet for a moment. Let me hear the rest of it.
Deacon: All right, Victor. So, uh, after you and Diane split up, she was having problems with the S.E.C. she was hard up for cash, and that's when "Boy genius" here started waving the promise of big dollars under her nose if, uh, if she'd help him frame you.
Nick: I'll bet she did.
Deacon: Look, here was the idea-- they were gonna lure you to the park, right, immobilize you with some kind of drug, and then set the stage for the murder. Then Diane, she'd get out of there, but not before leaving just enough evidence and just enough blood-- wait for it, Boys-- for a jury to send Victor away for the rest of is life. Well, you know what happened? Funny thing-- Diane got cold feet.
Tucker: The woman had a conscience.
Deacon: Yeah, she did. You see, she knew what it would do to Kyle-- to take him out of town, to never see his father again, so she wanted to back out. So she went to talk to a couple of you, and, uh, you know who you are, right? She went to ask you-- no, no, no-- she went to beg you for a handout, but you could not be bothered, could you? And when Adam figured out that she was getting cold feet-- oh, man, that's when he started in, right? Didn't you? Didn't you? You started-- you started threatening to rat her out to Victor. You said that you'd let her twist with the S.E.C., and so she said, "Okay, fine, I'll go along with it," and I think we all know how well that ended up.
Adam: Mm-hmm. That's exactly how it happened.
Nick: (Sighs) Adam always has a woman do his dirty work for him. We know that.
Jack: Meanwhile, my son lost his mother because of you.
Nick: Oh, Jack, what are you saying? That Adam's not a good guy? Deep down, he's misunderstood?
Victor: Adam is pathological liar.
Adam: But if I lie for you, it's all good, right?
Victor: Son, you care about nothing and no one.
Adam: I care about your wife.
Nick: You shut your mouth right now!
Jack: Whoa, whoa, don't.
Ricky: All set. Phyllis will be the last to be released. Your turn.
Avery: Spencer brought in all the key players for questioning, and then he decided to charge them with obstruction, uh, lying to the police, and tampering with evidence.
Ricky: Uh-huh. What kind of evidence? Stuff the public even doesn't know about yet?
Avery: I don't have all the details, but since your editor and your boss's wife are two of the people arrested, I wouldn't be so excited if I were you.
Ricky: I am just collecting information. Doesn't mean I'm gonna use it.
Paul: Excuse me. Genevieve. Have you seen Myrna? Have you heard from her?
Genevieve: Uh, no, nothing, but really, my focus has been all here today, on Jack.
Paul: Right.
Genevieve: Um, it is not like her at all to behave this way. Were you able to get any information off the computer? I mean, besides just shopping lists?
Paul: Uh, no, not yet, but, uh, with any luck at all, I should have some answers very soon.
Segundo: (Barking)
Man: Hey, Buddy, at you barkin' at, huh? Huh? Come on.
Segundo: (Barking)
Man: Well, oh, see, no squirrels hiding out till spring. Come on.
Adam: Ohh, imagine that, Deacon Sharpe trying to besmirch my good name.
Jack: You're lucky they took Nick to be arraigned.
Adam: Yeah, Jack. I am truly lucky, indeed.
Jack: Okay, it's just us now. Start talking, Junior. Tell us who had the winning bid for Beauty of Nature. Assuming everything was on the up-and-up, that bid had to be mine.
Adam: (Sniffs) Bids were fair and square, by the book.
Jack: So tell me the company's mine. Believe me, Tucker can take it.
Adam: (Laughs)
Victor: Come on, Son, tell us. How'd the bidding go? How did it turn out?
Adam: And here I was, trying to protect your feelings, 'cause you had just lost a jewel in the Newman crown.
Victor: Tell us, Son. Jack's waiting.
Adam: (Clears throat) Well... tomorrow's business headlines will read, "Jabot and Beauty of Nature a no-go, Abbott bid trumped.
Jack: Who won, Adam? I want a name. Did you get Beauty of Nature and fail to mention it?
Tucker: Well, apparently, I got the shaft too, Jack.
Jack: Who, Adam?
Victor: You haven't told us who the highest bidder was. Why is that?
(Door opens)
Ronan: Adam Newman. You're up.
Adam: Well, now... (Sighs) See that? I really am lucky.
Jack: Who beat me? Who the hell beat me?
Genevieve: Davis, when will the news break about F.M.N. buying Beauty of Nature? It--no, look, I need you to stall it, please, because I have got to find a way to prepare Jack.
Paul: Well, this is... okay. I don't get this. Well...
Ricky: You missing something, Dad?
Paul: Yeah, I can't find my car keys. I distinctly remember putting 'em away... (Taps on desk) Right here. Well, I wouldn't have filed them. Um...
Ricky: (Laughs) Jackpot. Can you give me a ride to my car?
Paul: Uh... yeah, sure. Uh, I'll even buy a cup of coffee. Come on.
Ricky: Thank you.
Paul: Here you go. (Sighs)
Ricky: (Sighs) Could have just told me what was on the computer, Dad, but this'll work, too.
Nikki: Well, thank you.
Phyllis: You know, Ashley has her own... history with Victor. But, she doesn't trust him. I understand, and I gotta be honest with you, Nikki, I'm on the same team.
Nikki: I know that, and I don't blame you or her. I'm just saying thank you for not publishing the real story behind my marriage to Deacon.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. You're welcome. I have to tell you, I don't understand that. I mean, the world thinks you're willingly married to that sleaze. You could fix that by saying something, and you didn't do it, and I only say that partially as a magazine editor.
Nikki: (Chuckles) Um... I know, um, not right now. It's okay. I'm just saying, um, I know it was hard for you, um, to keep it quiet.
Phyllis: (Exhales quickly) Oh, it was a piece of cake.
(Door opens)
Nikki: Okay, I am next.
Phyllis: Oh, great, I'm last. I won't take it personally.
Nikki: I hope I can continue to count on your discretion.
Phyllis: All alone in here. It's awesome. (Sighs)
Victoria: And they were just sitting there watching us, like, just watching us, waiting for the women to start clawing each others eyes out or something.
Billy: Everything's okay. No bloodshed.
Victoria: (Sighs) Yes.
Billy: Here we are, back in the free world.
Victoria: Thank you. I really didn't want to go home and deal with Chelsea.
Billy: Yeah, I hear you, but... (Clears throat) We survived. Everything's okay for all of us.
Victoria: You are right.
Billy: Hmm.
Victoria: You're so right. (Sighs) I bet Jack and Genevieve are really relieved that their wedding day wasn't ruined.
Genevieve: (Sighs) I was about to sneak you a cake with a file in it.
Jack: Yeah, you probably could have pulled that off. Well, I'm out of here, our wedding plans are back on track.
Genevieve: Well, let's get you home. I think a nice, long shower will make you--
Jack: Uh, listen, I feel like I need to tell you. (Sighs) I lost Beauty of Nature. Adam just told me some mystery company just flushed my plans down the drain.
Genevieve: I'm sorry.
Jack: Yeah, well, you warned me. I probably should have listened.
(Footsteps approach)
Jack: Tucker.
Tucker: What?
Jack: You really don't know who got Beauty of Nature?
Tucker: No, Jack, I don't.
Ashley: (Sighs)
Tucker: Come on.
Jack: It kills me, kills me.
Avery: Your bail's paid.
Adam: Who popped to spring me? I'm assuming it wasn't my father.
Avery: No, it was not.
Avery: Okay, time to go--now.
Michael: All right, you're all set.
Victor: What about Nikki?
Michael: Huh? Oh, yeah. She'll be taken care of, too.
Avery: Wow, you look terrible after just a few hours. Imagine how Dad felt after years in a cell.
Phyllis: That was you? You did this. You rigged it so I'd be the last to leave. My God, you are so vindictive.
Avery: (Scoffs) Now I control the courtroom?
Phyllis: (Laughs) Oh, my God.
Avery: You know, there is medication for paranoia. You should look into it.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah. You should.
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey.
Nick: Did you have as much fun in your room as we did ours?
Phyllis: It was great fun.
Nick: It was a complete waste of time.
Deacon: (Laughs) I swear, Honey, you must have one hell of a guardian angel watching over you. I mean, all this time, and your little secrets are still in the dark.
Abby: What's that supposed to mean?
Deacon: Oh, it means I know all about that dirt that that you've been trying to hide.
Man: Come on.
Spencer: How the hell can you have that many egos in one room, and no one takes credit for setting the others up?
Ronan: (Sighs) It wasn't one of our guests, and it wasn't Deacon Sharpe. I don't know. I'm just gonna have to dig deeper. (Sighs) I'm gonna find out who's been screwing with us.
Paul: Thank you. Here you go. That should warm you up.
Ricky: Thanks for the ride. Thanks for the coffee. I should get going.
Paul: Okay. It's really good to see you, even if it is just for this.
Ricky: Yeah. Good to see you, too, Dad.
Paul: All right, take care.
Ricky: Bye.
Paul: All right. (Chuckles) Uh-huh... all right, Myrna, why don't you help me out here? What...
Myrna: Pretty flowers, all in a row. Pretty flowers, how well do you grow? (Humming Wagner's "Bridal Chorus from 'Lohengrin'") (Voice breaking) (Sighs) Aah! (Sighs) No happy ending for Jack or Gen.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jack: F.M.N.? Who the hell is that?
Jill: Jeffrey?
Sharon: What's next for us?
Victor: An annulment.
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