Y&R Transcript Friday 1/20/12
Episode # 9826 ~ Sharon Is Torn Between Adam and Victor
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nick: Mom, I'm so glad Dad's finally getting out of prison, but right now, I'm more concerned about you.
Nikki: Well, Avery has assured me that since Diane was ki-- since she died while I was defending myself, that it's almost certain that I won't have to have any jail time.
Nick: Almost?
Nikki: The district attorney hasn't decided yet.
Nick: Well, when's that gonna happen?
Nikki: Son, I don't know, but I'm just going to remain optimistic.
Nick: What if charges are filed?
Nikki: I have Avery, I have Michael for all of the legalities. Deacon is locked up, so can I finally get to what I wanted to tell you?
Nick: Is it more bad news?
Nikki: I have decided to have my marriage to Deacon annulled.
Nick: Mom... (Laughs) Mom, that is not bad news. It's great news. It's the best decision you've made in a long time. In fact, let's celebrate.
Nikki: Uh, well, hold on. Hold on, there's more... about your father and Sharon.
Nick: Oh, they’re getting annulled, too?
Nikki: No, they're not. Your father has decided to stay married to Sharon.
Michael: The judge ruled in our favor at the hearing. (Chuckles)
Victor: Good work.
Sharon: And this is the final holdup in Victor being released?
Michael: Ohh, that still could take another 48 hours.
Sharon: Why so long?
Michael: Well, there's a lot of paperwork involved n this process
Victor: And I'm sure the D.A. will not be in a rush to complete that.
Sharon: But Victor didn't kill anyone, so why should he have to stay in here?
Michael: I'll see what I can do about moving Spencer along.
Victor: What do you think he'll do about Nikki's case?
Michael: No charges have been filed at the time.
Sharon: Do you think there will be?
Michael: I think that once the forensics team confirms the validity of the film that shows that Nikki killed Diane in self-defense, no charges will be brought.
Victor: And how long do you think that will take?
Michael: Alright, you know what? Let's focus on you, Victor. I'll keep you posted about your release, all right?
Victor: Thank you, Michael. Thank you for everything.
Michael: Sure.
(Knocks on door)
Sharon: So... you'll be released soon. You'll be coming home.
Victor: (Sighs) It'll be good to sleep in my own bed again.
Sharon: Obviously, this will be the start of a whole new chapter for us.
Victor: Let's talk about all that when I'm free, okay?
Sharon: All right, I will be back later. Hopefully, I'll have some buzz about the Beauty of Nature sale.
Victor: I'd be very interested in that.
Sharon: I still wish I understood your plan better.
Victor: All in due time.
Sharon: Is Tucker a part of it?
Victor: Why do you ask?
Sharon: Well, I-- I saw him leaving here, and I thought, um, you two didn't get along.
Victor: I've been known to do business with people I detest.
Sharon: Obviously, this is confidential.
Victor: I'll see you later, okay? Sharon, I'm looking forward to it.
Genevieve: Have you spoken to Ronan Malloy or to Paul Williams?
Myrna: Paul?
Genevieve: Yeah, he's the other private investigator who is working with Ronan. They need to talk to you about some of these incidents that have happened at the house.
Myrna: (Sighs) But I've been trying to keep things organized here and--and, you know, running back and forth to Mr. Abbott’s.
Genevieve: I know how busy you are, but this is important. You need to make time to speak to them.
Myrna: Well--oh, I have some things here for you. Are you going to be at Mr. Abbott's later?
Genevieve: Uh, actually, I have to go out for a quick wedding dress fitting, um, but if I'm not here, you can always just drop it off.
(Doorbell rings)
Genevieve: Look, I'm really sorry, but I have got to run. Thank you.
Myrna: You're not welcome. I'm not going to answer any questions from Ronan or my brother Pauly. (Sighs)
Myrna: Hmm. Oh, how pretty. It's just like the one that Jack and I had on our...
Ashley: Ooh! Brr. Yeah, I took a chance that you'd be here. I'm so glad you are.
Genevieve: Oh, y--well, I was actually going out to an appointment later, but I do have time for a short visit.
Ashley: Oh, great. Well, I wanted to run something personal by you, but I also want to see Jack. Is he around? Jack?
Genevieve: Uh, he's not in. Sorry.
Ashley: How disappointed is he that the Beauty of Nature sale isn't going through?
Genevieve: Oh, it-- you haven't heard. They had a second vote. The sale's on.
Ashley: Oh, no.
Genevieve: (Laughs)
Ashley: Of course he's gonna bid on the company. (Sighs
Genevieve: Yeah, I know and I'm even more concerned than I was before, because you know how competitive he was feeling about getting Beauty of Nature?
Ashley: Mm-hmm.
Genevieve: Well, he became even more determined when he found out that Tucker was bidding on it, too.
Ashley: Tucker's what?
Tucker: Hey, Jack. You know, Ashley's not home.
Jack: I'm here to see you.
Tucker: Okay. What's up?
Jack: I hear you're making a bid for Beauty of Nature.
Tucker: Is that a fact?
Jack: Well, since you're not denying it, I guess it is. So I guess you're, uh, deciding to ignore any conflict of interest. You're not concerned about piquing the interest of the S.E.C.?
Tucker: If you're here to get me to back down, you're wasting your time.
Jack: My time, my energy, my money is being well-spent on acquiring Beauty of Nature. My people tell me that McCall, Unlimited is looking to go big or go home. Go too big, you could be asking for a lot of uncomfortable questions.
Tucker: (Sighs) Why don't you just make your bid, Jack? And may the best man win.
Jack: Oh, he will. He will.
Davis: The company I represent is going to make a bid for Beauty of Nature.
Adam: Your team is coming kind of late to the game.
Davis: Maybe we've timed it just right.
Adam: Maybe. Well, you need to submit a sealed bid to the accounting firm by the deadline, and I would hurry up, Davis. Good luck.
Davis: It's a go.
Sharon: Hi. Big day today with Beauty of Nature.
Adam: It is that. I was just meeting with Davis.
Sharon: And I just saw Victor. Looks like he's getting out soon.
Adam: Excuse me.
Davis: (Whispering) Okay, got it.
Myrna: Hmm. Junk, junk. (Giggles) Cute. Junk, bills, bills, all junk, junk... huh. (Laughs) I bet Jack doesn't know about this, does he, Genevieve?
Ashley: Tucker, would you please call me when you get this message? I really need to speak with you.
Genevieve: Ashley, I'm sorry. I don't want to cause problems between you and Tucker. I really don’t. I just assumed that you knew.
Ashley: Well, you'd think I would. Anyway, don't worry about it. Um, why don't we talk about something a little bit more pleasant? Traci and I would like to have a girls-only get-together with you.
Genevieve: Oh, my gosh! That would be so lovely.
Ashley: Yeah?
Genevieve: Yeah, yeah. Really, anytime, anytime at all, but I-I don't-- I don't want you to feel like you have to do that for me.
Ashley: Oh, no. Please sit down. You know, of course I don't feel that way. I haven't been able to spend any time with you at all, and you're gonna be part of our family...
Genevieve: (Sighs)
Ashley: So I want to welcome you properly.
Genevieve: Wow. That is really thoughtful and sweet of you. I-I would love that.
Ashley: Well, good.
Genevieve: Thank you, Ashley.
Ashley: Sure. Cheers.
Genevieve: Cheers. (Laughs)
(Mugs clink)
Jack: Thank you. Sharon.
Sharon: Sorry.
Jack: Aren't you the least bit curious why I asked to meet you?
Sharon: More... surprised. Shouldn't you be busy at work and planning your wedding?
Jack: Oh, believe me, I am, but meeting with you was a priority.
Sharon: If you're here to talk about my marriage to Victor, save it. I have a pretty good idea of how you must feel about that.
Jack: I'm very happy not to talk about Victor. Besides, I'm sure everyone in this town has already given you an earful.
Sharon: And theme.
Jack: I am not here to judge you, not at all.
Sharon: So what's this about?
Jack: Beauty of Nature.
Sharon: Have you put a bid in on it?
Jack: I'm about to. I have a little more time before the deadline.
Sharon: And what are you waiting for?
Jack: I don't want to lose this one.
Sharon: I can't help you, Jack.
Jack: I am not asking for inside information.
Sharon: Good, because I don't have any.
Jack: I'm just saying, if there's something you are comfortable telling me that might possibly give me an edge--
Sharon: I am Victor's proxy and his wife. Anything I do that's even remotely questionable could reflect badly on him and his company.
Jack: You and I were married once, too, you know.
Sharon: What does that have to do with this?
Jack: You, better than most people, know how much getting Jabot back meant to me.
Sharon: And instead of being satisfied, you want more.
Jack: I am fighting to help my family company be competitive in an ever-changing cosmetics world.
Sharon: I understand how badly you want this, Jack.
Jack: Great. Then you'll help me?
Sharon: I have nothing to say. I wish I didn't have anything to do with it.
Jack: Look, I know you've been put in an uncomfortable position-- representing Victor, going against Adam.
Sharon: And yet, you didn't hesitate just now to put me in the same uncomfortable position.
Jack: Just think about it, okay? Thanks for meeting with me.
Nick: Are you sure Dad didn't mean he's not going to postpone the annulment? I mean, I can understand that Dad would want to wait...
Nikki: No, no, no, no.
Nick: For the sentence to be overturned.
Nikki: He was very clear about his intentions.
Michael: Ohh.
Nick: Well, maybe Michael can explain this for us.
Michael: Ohh, okay, what? Explain what?
Nick: My father's marriage to Sharon. Why the hell is it continuing?
Michael: I think that is something best discussed among the family and not with me.
Nick: Way to stay impartial.
Michael: That was my goal. Oh, lawyer announcement-- I just wanted to let you know that Victor will be released within the next couple of days.
Nikki: Couple of days? That's ridiculous. He's already been in prison for weeks. Victor shouldn’t have to stay in there one second longer than he needs to be.
Victor: What do you want?
Adam: You know why I'm here. Beauty of Nature's being sold to the highest bidder today. This is my first major deal since taking over Newman, and I figured you might want to congratulate me in person.
Genevieve: (Laughs)
Jack: Where is she? Oh! I need a fix.
Genevieve: (Clears throat)
Jack: Ohh.
Genevieve: Mm, mm, mm.
Ashley: Okay, wait a second. Your sister's here. There's a sister in the house.
Genevieve: (Giggles) Mm.
Jack: Hello, Sister.
Ashley: Yeah.
Jack: Hello, beautiful bride-to-be.
Genevieve: (Laughs) What's gotten you so amorous today?
Jack: I just submitted my bid for Beauty of Nature--a big one.
Ashley: How big?
Jack: Big. Actually, Genevieve didn't want me to go that high, but I wanted to make sure I outbid my competitors.
Ashley: I really wish you hadn't done that.
Jack: Does that opposition stem from the idea that your husband wants Beauty of Nature for himself?
Ashley: All right, don't even go there, because you know that's not true. I've never been on board with this acquisition, and just for the record, I didn't even know that Tucker was gonna bid on the stupid company.
Genevieve: Uh, I unwittingly told her.
Jack: He's still keeping secrets.
Ashley: Ugh.
(Cell phone rings)
Ashley: Hello, Tucker.
Tucker: Hey. I got your message. What's wrong?
Ashley: Where are you?
Tucker: I'm at home. What's going on?
Ashley: I'll be right there. I gotta run, and I'll be in touch with you, okay?
Genevieve: Okay.
Ashley: Take care.
Genevieve: You, too.
Jack: In touch about what?
Genevieve: Oh... (Laughs) Spending a little more girl time together. Your sister Traci is gonna come, too.
Jack: Whatever they tell you about me, none of it is true.
Genevieve: Are you really worried about them saying something embarrassing?
Jack: Yeah, maybe a little bit.
Genevieve: (Laughs) Really?
Jack: Seriously, I am thrilled they are reaching out to you--thrilled.
Genevieve: Yeah, I am really looking forward to getting to know Traci better. Oh, they--already, I'm very fond of Ashley, though. (Sighs) It's just such a shame...
Jack: What's a shame?
Genevieve: I--you know, you and--and Tucker going head-to-head for Beauty of Nature. I feel terrible for Ashley. I hate it when business comes between family.
Jack: Don't worry about Ashley. This time tomorrow, Ashley won't be in the middle of anything. Beauty of Nature will belong to someone else. I have to believe that's gonna be me.
Genevieve: Well, I know what your bid is, 'cause you showed it to me, and it’s exorbitant, but it is not a sure thing.
Jack: I did my homework on my rivals. Believe me, no one is going to outbid me. Tucker's a big boy. He'll learn to live with his disappointment.
Genevieve: What if you don't get it, Jack? I'm really worried about that. I'm very--
Jack: I won't even allow for the possibility.
Nick: This doesn't make any sense, Mom. I mean, why would Dad and Sharon be keeping up this charade? What does it buy them?
Nikki: She's the one who has everything to gain.
Nick: Sharon does not need Dad's money.
Nikki: It's his connections. How do you think she got shared custody of Faith?
Nick: Dad was willing to spend the rest of his life in prison so you could walk, Mom. Only a person who is crazy in love with someone does something like that. And now you two can finally be together, and he's willing to just throw it all away so he could be with a younger woman?
Nikki: Well, I guess that is very attractive to him, and Sharon is very attractive. She will look nice on his arm.
Nick: Oh, yeah, Dad needs that.
Nikki: It's your father's pride at work.
Nick: And that trumps everything, doesn't it? I mean, it's over his kids, his grandkids. You know, maybe this gesture he made was less about helping you and more about making him feel good. I mean, Dad's always gonna look out for himself first, right?
Nikki: Honey, I'm sorry he's hurt you again.
Nick: I mean, don't you just want to grab Dad and shake him, and make him understand what he is throwing away with you?
Nikki: There's no point.
Nick: Mom, how can you accept this?
Nikki: Nicholas, I have to, and so do you, since we can't change Victor's and Sharon's mind.
Adam: Won't be long before all the bids are in. I've heard you might be getting out of here soon. Won't be soon enough to stop the sale of Beauty of Nature. Dad, I know you must be frustrated, stuck behind this glass wall-- you can't do anything while I sell off your beloved cosmetics division, but listen to me. Newman is going to make truckloads of cash from this deal, including the assets that we acquire. That alone should turn your frown upside down.
Victor: That's not why you're selling it. It has everything to do with you wanting to stick it to me. Do you think you're beating me?
(Door closes)
Jack: Come in.
Myrna: (Disguised voice) Uh, has Mrs. Atkinson left?
Jack: Uh, yeah, a while ago.
Myrna: I-I tried to get here earlier, but, um... I-I got busy.
Jack: How are things going out at the lake house by yourself?
Myrna: Oh, fine, thank you. Um, these are your presents, and, uh, uh, this is, uh, her mail. It's all been sorted, and what needs her attention is right here on top.
Jack: Okay, I'll see that she gets it--
Myrna: Oh! Oh, I'm-- I'm so clumsy. I'm so clumsy.
Jack: No, I've got it, I've got it. It's okay. I've got it. Oh, here. Here. Okay, um...
Myrna: Um, okay, I need to go. Uh, my cab's waiting for me. Okay.
Jack: Ok--uh... thank you.
Myrna: Mm-hmm.
Genevieve: I brought my wedding dress home. No fair peeking before the ceremony.
Jack: Yeah, you just missed Myrna. She dropped by with, uh, a couple of gifts and, uh, your mail.
Genevieve: Oh, we get anything good?
Jack: Well, you got a bank statement from your bank in the Cayman Islands. Why didn’t you tell me about this?
Ashley: You're planning to bid on Beauty of Nature and you didn’t tell me. Why?
Tucker: I'm not gonna make a bid.
Ashley: Well, that's not what I heard.
Tucker: (Sighs) I need to make certain people believe that am.
Ashley: Certain people. You mean like your wife? My brother? Really?
Tucker: It's a sting. The S.E.C. offered me a chance to clear my name in exchange for bringing someone else down.
Ashley: Someone else? Like whom?
Tucker: Adam. I'm waitin' for a call from him right now. As soon as that comes in, the final part of the plan will be in motion.
Michael: Yeah, uh, Spencer, I heard you were dining out. I'm sorry, I must have just missed you. (Laughs) Yes, this is about Victor. No, um, no. Spencer, question-- how are the voters gonna feel when they find out their district attorney is keeping a man who should be free in prison?
Victor: You do battle with me, I will eviscerate you.
Adam: Well, I wouldn't want you to lose control. I'd hate to get the better of you.
Victor: You're dreaming now, aren't you?
Adam: You want to know the sick, twisted, even sad thing about this whole situation?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Nicholas bailed, Victoria bailed. But I love-- I love running Newman, and I do it just like you do it-- with drive, intellect, skill. But somehow, some way, you're angry about this. It makes no sense to me.
Victor: You're delusional, Son.
Adam: I'd like to linger and have you hurl your ineffective threats at me, but I have to go back to work. Gotta make the money. Don't forget, I'll let you know who buys Beauty of Nature.
Victor: Good.
Adam: (Knocks on door)
Adam: So you're here to talk to my father?
Sharon: What are you here for?
Adam: I'm doing business with the old man. I'd wait a minute or two. Conversation didn't go so well.
Victor: I didn't know you'd be back so soon.
Sharon: I don't think you're being honest with me. Are you setting Adam up?
Myrna: Hmm. I wonder how things are going with the happy couple. (Chuckles) I bet Jack won't like all the billions of secrets Genevieve’s keeping from him.
Genevieve: Myrna should have been more careful.
Jack: I saw that bank statement quite by accident. Myrna is not the issue.
Genevieve: So what is the issue?
Jack: You shouldn't have kept this from me.
Genevieve: (Laughs) You know, our relationship happened really fast. We never had the money conversation, ever, and... I don't know. I didn't think that we had to disclose a lot our personal financial information.
Jack: No, y--no, it's just-- I-I... (Exhales sharply) I made certain assumptions.
Genevieve: I told you I didn't need any money.
Jack: Yeah, but this, it-- of course, it begs the larger question-- if all this cash came from Colin, how long before we have the I.R.S. knocking at our door?
Genevieve: He had some legitimate businesses, too.
Jack: I'm not sure your ex's definition of "Legit" would square with the tax man’s.
Genevieve: I haven't had any issues. I've got great accountants um, if a question were to arise, I would let you know immediately. (Laughs) I don't want to fight with you about money.
Jack: Then let's not.
Ashley: Adam is such a piece of work. I mean, he's planning-- he's planning on rigging the bidding.
Tucker: He has someone in the accounting office ready to unseal the offers, so he and I will know what top dollar is.
Ashley: And then you beat it, and Beauty of Nature is yours.
Tucker: Well, what Adam doesn't know is that it'll never get that far.
Ashley: Because the S.E.C. is gonna step in and arrest him for insider trading. I get it.
Tucker: There you go. You know, I gotta hand it to Victor. As soon as he found out what Adam was up to, he put this whole thing in motion to bring the punk down.
Ashley: I still wish you'd told me from the beginning
Tucker: I know, Darlin'.
Ashley: I'm your wife.
Tucker: I couldn’t.
Ashley: (Scoffs)
Tucker: I couldn’t.
Ashley: Really?
Tucker: No. I shouldn't have said this much. I'm bound by a confidentiality agreement. It's part of my deal with the S.E.C.
Ashley: Well, okay. I guess, at last, you'll be out from under their shadow, right?
Tucker: Well, that's a bonus, but that's not why I'm in this. I wanted to make Adam pay.
Ashley: For what? Your past business dealings with him?
Tucker: No. I want him to pay for what he did to you.
Ashley: To me?
Tucker: I saw what you went through when you had to hand Faith over to her real parents.
Ashley: I know. We hardly knew each other then, huh?
Tucker: I never forgot.
Becca: The accounting firm called with an update.
Adam: How many bids have we got?
Becca: Five. They're locked in the safe.
Adam: Thank you.
Sharon: Victor, please tell me, are you conspiring against Adam?
Victor: That's an odd question.
Sharon: I don't know how Tucker fits into this, but I saw him shaking hands with Adam yesterday, and afterwards, he came here and saw you.
Victor: Well, nothing unusual about that. Tucker's a businessman.
Sharon: You've been very evasive when I've asked you about Tucker, and about those agents who were here earlier.
Victor: What agents?
Sharon: I saw them watching Adam at Gloworm. Later, I went out to the parking lot and noticed that they had government plates. What are they? FBI? S.E.C.?
Victor: They're from the S.E.C.
Sharon: So that's why you wanted me to be your proxy at the board, why you wanted me to change my vote suddenly.
Victor: No. I would have wanted you to be my proxy anyway, okay?
Sharon: How long does this go back? Is--is this why you rehired Adam?
Victor: Sharon, under no circumstances do I want you to feel used or do I want to hurt you. You know how deeply I care about you.
Sharon: I just wish you would have told me.
Victor: By not knowing, I thought it would be safer for you.
Sharon: Safer?
Victor: You must know that we'll all be better off with Adam out of the way.
Sharon: I do.
Victor: It'll all be over soon, okay?
Sharon: (Sighs)
Nikki: Sweetheart, I know. All right, we'll talk later. Bye, Victoria.
Nick: How's Vick?
Nikki: Not thrilled with the way your father's handling things.
Nick: I'm gonna go talk to Dad right now.
Nikki: No, no, no. No, you are not. Don't you make a war out of this.
Nick: Isn't that what he's doing?
Nikki: He has asked us to be patient.
Nick: No, he asked you to be patient, Mom.
Nikki: Yes, he asked me to be patient, and... I don't know. There's--there's just something about the way he said it.
Nick: Really, Mom?
Nikki: I am going to try to do as he has asked, and I think you should, too.
Nick: (Sighs)
Adam: Yeah, I'll see you in 20 minutes. Yes, at the back entrance. Have the bids ready for me to look at. Thank you.
(Cell phone clatters)
Michael: I got Spencer to realize that it would be... foolish to drag this out. You can walk out of here now.
Victor: All right, and Adam?
Michael: All systems are go.
Victor: Good. You draw up the papers now.
Michael: Will do.
Victor: All right.
Sharon: (Sighs) Faith. Mommy's in a terrible spot, and I don't know what to do. What's right? Hmm. You know, I love Victor for always being there for me and helping me get custody of you. That’s... it's a big deal. (Sighs) But then he used me. He says he didn't, but he did, to get back at Adam. I agreed to stay away from Adam, but I do not want to see him get hurt. If I helped Victor destroy Adam, I just-- I couldn't live with myself, but warning Adam means betraying Victor. God, what do I do?
Tucker: (Chuckles)
Ashley: You know what's not funny?
Tucker: What?
Ashley: Adam coming after you when he finds out that you've scammed him.
Tucker: No, no, no. Listen. I won't even be there when they take him down. I'm just the bait.
Ashley: Mm.
Tucker: He'll never know I even played a role in this.
Ashley: What about Jack? He's gonna... (Scoffs) I'm never gonna hear the end of it once he finds out he doesn't have a chance to buy Beauty of Nature. I will never hear the end.
Tucker: Listen, I think he'll be happy with the outcome-- Adam out of business with the feds all over him.
Ashley: That's true, and thank goodness for Genevieve. I mean, they're getting married and starting a new life. Hopefully, that'll put all of this in perspective.
Jack: So... how do you feel about being a bride?
Genevieve: I can't wait.
Jack: Yeah?
Genevieve: Yeah.
Jack: Well, we've got quite a week ahead of us. I'm gonna be married to you. I'm going to own Beauty of Nature. Who says you can't have it all? (Glasses clink)
Michael: Nick, Nick!
Nick: Yeah?
Michael: I got Victor out. He's home.
Nick: Oh, I'm sure my dad's grateful.
Michael: You don't sound very enthusiastic.
Nick: Look, Michael, I am glad that my dad's out of prison. I really am, but I just got a text from Sharon saying that I can have Faith tonight.
Michael: I know this isn't easy to deal with.
Nick: I would just really rather not think about my dad's glorious homecoming, you know what I'm saying? I have no idea why Dad and Sharon are staying married.
Michael: Nick. It's not what you think.
(Door closes)
Victor: Did you get my message?
Nikki: Why did you ask me here? Yes, I got your message. I am here. What's wrong? Did I leave something behind? Do you want me to take any evidence of me away before you and Sharon -- have your first night together? Please just tell me where these things are, and I will remove them. You will never see them again.
Victor: No welcome home? Hmm?
Nikki: I don't live...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Here.
Adam: I'm on my way out.
Sharon: Adam, whatever you're about to do, don't do it.
Adam: You’re not making sense.
Sharon: Victor's working with the S.E.C. You were right. He's setting you up.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Abby: How about an apology for everything you put my family through?
Nick: I like having you around.
Phyllis: I like being around.
Nick: Then stay.
Adam: Stay. Stay here.
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