Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/19/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/19/12


Episode # 9825 ~ A Secret Vote Results in Victory for Adam

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Victoria: Did you sleep well?

Chelsea: Very.

Victoria: Well, um, I'm gonna be going to the store later to get some groceries. What do you eat?

Chelsea: Um, whatever you think is best. Healthy stuff for the baby.

Victoria: So, um, no more burgers and beer?

Chelsea: I know this isn't easy for you, Victoria... a constant reminder that your husband and I--

Victoria: We were separated at the time.

Chelsea: I... (Sighs) Anyway, I've never been pregnant before, and I've decided I want to make sure that I do this right, take excellent care of myself and this baby, but I need your help. I know if I was doing this on my own, I would be making tons and tons of mistakes, so I guess what I'm trying to say is, thank you for taking me in.

Victoria: Like I'm gonna trust one word that you say.

Billy: Shoot in the face-- that was my first thought.

Phyllis: Thank you. You expected Victor to spend the rest of his life in prison?

Billy: (Sighs) Hoping was more like it, after everything he did to Vicki and me.

Phyllis: Which time?

Billy: Exactly. Now look, everybody's buzzing about this story we need to find out exactly what led to Nikki killing Diane in self-defense, and how that prompted Victor's apparent bogus confession.

Phyllis: Okay, I assume you want us to also include how Deacon took advantage of the situation in his own inimitable, sleazy way.

Billy: Very nice word and hell yes, I want all the dirt, every atom.

Phyllis: Aren't you glad that you hired me back?

Billy: (Clears throat)

Phyllis: (Mouths word) Are you leaving now?

Billy: Yeah. Uh, there's a family situation that I need to tend to. I'm gonna leave everything in your very capable hands.

Phyllis: Yes, it's very capable, very capable.

Nick: Hey, man. How's it goin'?

Billy: Hey.

Nick: How's Vick doin'?

Billy: Hey, um, you know, she's hangin' in.

Nick: Well, keep the faith, right?

Billy: We are doing our level best. Thanks.

Phyllis: Hey.

Nick: I just came to check up on you.

Phyllis: Why? You don't trust me?

Nick: I know you.

Phyllis: I made a promise to you and your mother that whatever she said to me in confidence, I wouldn't print.

Nick: And that's killing you, I'm guessing.

Phyllis: Billy wants me all over this story, but I made a promise to you, and I'm keeping it.

Michael: Oh, all right. Um, that's the end of the footage.

Avery: That's textbook self-defense.

Michael: One would think, but Victor confessed. Uh, we're over here.

Avery: Because he thought that one ex-wife killed the other.

Michael: Oh, well, at the time, he had reason to think that.

Avery: (Sighs) You know, a lot of people would love to see their ex facing a life sentence. Not these Newmans, even after divorce. They don't let it go.

Michael: (Laughs) You got a point. Look, um, meanwhile, I'm gonna push for habeas corpus and get Victor released. I need you to make sure that Nikki is not charged with this murder.

Avery: Well, from what I can see, there's only one person guilty of a crime.

Deacon: I knew you'd come. (Sighs)

Nikki: Did you?

Deacon: Look, I-I can explain this-- this whole thing, all right? Did you post my bail?

Kay: You are getting out of here soon, I hope.

Victor: Michael Baldwin is working on it as we speak.

Kay: Uh, you know, I-I don't know if I want to kiss you for what you did for Nikki... or rap you right up aside the head.

Lauren: Oh, Davis, good morning. Did you get that same e-mail from Adam requesting another mandatory board meeting? Do you have any idea what that's about?

Davis: I hear he wants to take another vote.

Lauren: (Stammers) On Beauty of Nature? But that's ridiculous. What is one day gonna change?

Davis: I guess we'll find out when we get there.

Lauren: (Sighs) Yeah, okay. I'll be right behind you. I'm just getting my coffee. I think I'm gonna need it.

Jack: Hello, Lauren.

Lauren: Jack.

Jack: I understand there was a stalemate on Beauty of Nature.

Lauren: Yes, the sale was tabled by the Newman board.

Jack: Well, I guess no one else can buy it, either, though knowing Adam, he'll probably take another stab at, uh, trying to sell it.

Lauren: Maybe sooner than you think. Adam's reconvening the board in about five minutes. Rumor has it that the issue is going to a second vote. Why, I have no idea.

Jack: Who knows what goes on in Adam's fevered brain?

Lauren: Mm. Isn't that the truth? All right, well, I'm on my way to Newman, and you have a wonderful day.

Jack: You, too.

Lauren: Thank you.

Genevieve: Yes, I do realize that the wedding is next week. Yeah, okay. Okay, look, I promise you that I will e-mail you later today with all of our final music selections. I just need to pin Jack down long enough to get some answers. He--he's been really preoccupied with business lately. Yeah. Alicia? Alicia, I'm getting another call. I-I will call you back, okay I will. Thanks. (Sighs) Hello? Really? That is very interesting. Keep me posted, will you?

(Elevator bell dings)

Sharon: What's going on?

Tucker: Uh, I don't have a clue. He summoned us all here for another meeting, as far as I can tell.

Sharon: Adam didn't say anything to you? It seems like the two of you had something going on when I walked into the office yesterday.

Tucker: Look, I'm a member of the board. He's chairman and C.E.O. is there something unusual about us having a conversation?

Sharon: I also know you went to see Victor.

Tucker: Just business. Nothing for you to worry about. We should go in.

Adam: Single digits is amazing. Good morning. You can help yourselves to some coffee and juice.

Tucker: Thanks.

Adam: Mm-hmm. We're still waiting on Lauren and Davis Holloway, so just make yourselves comfortable. Well, speak of the devil, on cue. We have beverages, if you're so inclined.

Lauren: I'd just as soon get down to business.

Adam: Fair enough. Everyone, join me around the table here. Just like yesterday, we have a single item on the agenda, and that is a vote for the sale of Beauty of Nature.

Lauren: And why are we doing this? We're deadlocked.

Adam: Mm-hmm, and it occurred to me that someone might change his or her vote if the ballot were secret.

Kay: Ohh, when I think of the length that you and Nikki went to protect each other...

Victor: I did what I thought was best.

Kay: Including marrying your daughter-in-law? Uh, as I told Nikki, if the two of you could have only been open and honest with one another, none of this--none of this would have been necessary. And I pray to God it--it's going to teach you to stop playing games... and messing around with people's lives.

Adam: Per article 8, paragraph 6 of the bylaws, it is perfectly allowable to have a secondary secret ballot vote.

Davis: Secret or not, my vote won't change.

Bob: Neither will mine.

Lauren: (Scoffs) This is an absurd waste of the board's time. (Sighs)

Adam: If, after the secret ballot voting is tabulated, we are still deadlocked, I will rescind the motion to sell beauty of nature. Becca. She'll be handing out ballots to you now. If you could, mark it, fold it, and hand it back to my secretary, please.

Nikki: Now let me see if I have this straight-- you blackmailed me, you threatened me, you lied to me on numerous occasions after destroying my sobriety, and now you want me to bail you out of jail. (Laughs) I mean, that-- that's almost funny.

Deacon: Come on, Nikki. You're making this sound a lot worse than it is. Please, just--just let me explain to you...

Nikki: No.

Deacon: If I can tell you--

Nikki: I will explain that the only thing you're gonna get from me are annulment papers.

Deacon: Still need me, Nikki. I could help you. I can... (Exhales quickly) I was the only eyewitness, all right? I can testify for you. I could help you fill in the blanks, because we both know that you don't remember everything, but I can't do anything as long as I'm in here.

Nikki: An eyewitness of your character? I don't think so. I'll take my chances.

Deacon: Baby, you're making a mistake.

Nikki: No, the only mistake that I made was in trusting you and doubting myself and my family. Never again. We're through.

(Knocks on door)

Phyllis: Here you go. Be forewarned, I made this myself.

Nick: Ahh. Any crayons in it?

Phyllis: Mnh-mnh, not in this pot.

Nick: It's kind of a skeleton crew. Where is everyone?

Phyllis: Uh, everybody is out covering the story. They are working on their sources. I told them to be extra... careful.

Nick: But I have nothing to be worried about, right, for my mom's sake?

Phyllis: (Sighs) I cannot quash what they find. I can't ethically do that, but I am not going to write any of the details that Nikki told us.

Nick: Yeah, sorry. You already told me that, and here I am questioning you again.

Phyllis: Yeah. I understand. It's a sensitive subject. I get it.

Nick: There wouldn't even be a story, or proof that my dad was innocent, if you hadn't cracked the password and pulled up the video file of Deacon and Diane. That's what led us to the truth. Cops owe you. My parents owe you. I owe you. I'm sorry that I ever doubted you, and I'm even more sorry that I ever gave you any reason to doubt me.

Victor: I seem to recall a time recently when you withheld information from someone because you thought that would protect them.

Kay: All right, if you're talking about Devon, yes, I regret handling things the way I did with him.

Victor: Okay.

Kay: But as for you, you not only wreaked havoc with a murder investigation, but you still have that... that Victoria/Billy fiasco to answer to.

Victor: Katherine, I'm a father who loves his daughter and didn't want her to get involved with a useless son of a bitch like Billy Abbott.

Kay: Oh, come on. Every time I try and make sense of you, you come back at me with something--

Michael: Oh, Katherine, I'm sorry. They didn't tell us you were here.

Avery: We can wait outside.

Kay: No, no. No, no. Please, no.

Victor: No, come in.

Kay: Well, I'm sure you have much more important things to talk to him about. Uh, next time I see you, I hope we're both in the same room so we can really duke it out.

Victor: Look forward to it.

Kay: Get out of here. (Laughs) Oh, hi. How are you?

Michael: (Chuckles) Good.

Avery: Oh, hi. (Chuckles)

Kay: Thank you.

Michael: Good to see you, Katherine.

Kay: Take care.

Victor: Take care, Katherine.

Kay: Thank you.

Avery: (Clears throat)

Victor: How are things going with Nikki?

Avery: Uh, I'm researching the case and, uh, trying to bolster up our self-defense, but as Michael already told you, I think, uh, it’s unlikely that she'll be charged.

Michael: And I am doing what I can to get the judge to approve your statement recanting your confession and agreeing to release you.

Victor: Can't happen too soon, because I need to get out of here and right some wrongs.

Billy: Whew.

(Cupboard doors slamming)

Billy: Whoa. (Chuckles) Hey, hello!

Victoria: Hi, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Victoria: Hey, hey, hey.

Billy: What was all the banging?

Victoria: What? What are you talking about? I was just putting away the groceries.

Billy: Oh, well, were the groceries trying to escape from the cupboards?

Victoria: Okay, all right, so I was venting a little bit. I was venting a lot, all right? It's just-- with everything going on with my mother, and I'm telling you, with-- this woman in our house is driving me crazy.

Billy: All right, okay. Okay, I hear you, and we're gonna get through this.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: And actually...

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: I know a much better way to blow off steam. Mm-hmm.

Victoria: You do?

Billy: I do, and if you'd like to follow me upstairs, I'll tell you all about it.

Victoria: (Laughs)

(Door opens)

Billy: All about it, Vick, and--

Chelsea: Hey, uh, sorry for barging in.

Billy: What do you need?

Chelsea: Um, I have the heat cranked up all the way in my apartment, but it's still kind of cold over the garage. Do you have, like, a space heater or something I could borrow?

(Doorbell rings)

Billy: (Clears throat) I-I'll be right with you.

Chelsea: (Shivers)

Nikki: Hi.

Billy: H-hey.

Nikki: Oh, I'm glad you're both here together. I just told Deacon that we're getting an annulment. What the hell is she doing here?

Jack: Hello!

(Door slams)

Genevieve: Hey. I'm glad you're home. The clock is ticking away. We need to make some important decisions about the wedding.

Jack: Such as?

Genevieve: Well, uh, what kind of music do we want to have, what kind of cake do we want to serve--

Jack: Red velvet, unless you want something else.

Genevieve: Nope. That's my favorite, too, with cream cheese icing, right? Okay, now how about the music selections?

Jack: Uh, look, if you'll just give me a little time, I promise, I will sit down and talk through all of these things with you. Right now, there's a-- another ticking clock in my head that is keeping me a little preoccupied.

Genevieve: Oh? (Laughs) What is that?

Jack: The Newman board is meeting again. They're having a second vote on Beauty of Nature.

Genevieve: A second vote? Why?

Jack: Obviously, Adam thinks he's got the votes lined up to approve the sale, which means I have to be ready. Tucker wants the company. There's gotta be other interest, as well. If Beauty of Nature is gonna be dislodged, I want to get in there with the highest bid.

Becca: In the matter of the sale of Beauty of Nature, yea to approve the sale, nays against the sale, the vote is... four yeas, two nays. The yeas have it.

Adam: Okay, then.

Billy: Okey-dokey. Why don't we go look for that space heater?

Chelsea: Okay.

Victoria: Thank God you confronted Deacon. Thank you so much.

Nikki: Hold it.

Victoria: How soon are you gonna get the annulment?

Nikki: Wait.

Victoria: What?

Nikki: Answer my question-- what is Chelsea doing here?

Victoria: We moved her into the garage apartment.

Nikki: What? Why?

Victoria: Mom, Billy and I both feel that Chelsea needs to be monitored and she needs to be supervised, for the baby's sake.

Nikki: What do you mean? She can't take care of herself.

Victoria: Chelsea claims that she wants to do right by the baby, but... (Laughs) She doesn't have the first clue, Mom. We caught her in Jimmy' ordering a drink. A drink! She can't be trusted to be on her own. I'm sorry.

Nikki: (Sighs) Well, you are very right to not trust her...

Victoria: (Sighs)

Nikki: But moving her in here is a mistake.

Phyllis: Tell the models that I gave them a little extra 'cause they were amazing. Thank you.

Nick: So... where were we?

Phyllis: Oh, where were we? I believe you were apologizing to me and telling me you were wrong. Yeah, that's what, I believe. Um, and I would like to... apologize to you, too.

Nick: What for?

Phyllis: Uh, in the past, you know, I've given you plenty of reason to doubt my capability of keeping my word.

Nick: Well, you're forgiven. Bang! Look at that. Just like that.

Phyllis: Wow, bang. Yeah. You know... (Exhales slowly) I have to apologize to you again because I can't do the same for you. Forgive you, that is. Bang.

Nick: Well, that's why we're gonna take this slow.

Phyllis: Yeah, we really don't take things slow, do we? Mnh-mnh.

Nick: No.

Phyllis: We do have three little girls to consider.

Nick: Yeah, so this time, we're not gonna rush it, for their sake and ours.

Phyllis: Uh... do you want to... do something that people who don't rush it do? Like, do you want to go to Crimson Lights, and I'll buy you coffee that doesn't taste like motor oil?

Nick: Are you sure we're ready for that kind of commitment?

Phyllis: Well...

Nick: It's big.

Phyllis: Yeah, I'm buying. Let's go.

Adam: It's official, then. Beauty of Nature is on the lock for a quick sale today. We will be accepting sealed bids at our outside accounting firm. Those bids will be kept in a safe until such time as they are read, looked over, and certified. Would you have Steve at the accounting firm, uh, just give him a heads-up that the sale is on? Also, would you, uh, mind asking him to have the guidelines for bidding provided online?

Becca: Certainly, Mr. Newman.

Adam: I'd like to thank you all for your participation today. This was a great day for Newman Enterprises.

Lauren: I think you mean, this is a great day for you.

Adam: I am pleased with the outcome.

Lauren: Sharon. It was you, wasn't it? You and Adam came up with this. When your vote was on the record, when it was public, you sided with Victor. When you didn't have to own it, you sided with Adam. Do you really think that Victor isn't gonna figure out what you just did?

Sharon: I didn't do anything against Victor's wishes.

Lauren: (Sighs)

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Michael: I'm sorry. Excuse me. Oh, great. This is what I was waiting for. They have agreed to squeeze me into the judge's calendar. I will be presenting the arguments for your release... (Inhales sharply) Later today.

Avery: That's great.

Victor: What about Nikki?

Avery: Legally, Nikki is a separate issue.

Michael: All right, let's just concentrate on getting you out first, huh?

Victor: Let's do that soon, all right? I can't be of much use to Nikki from in here.

Kay: Um, I'll have hot tea, please.

Nikki: Me, too. Thank you.

Kay: (Sighs) Oh, Dear, oh, Dear, oh, Dear.

Nikki: (Sighs) Lord, what a morning. I don't know where to begin. Kind of like that old curse-- "May you live in interesting times."

Kay: (Laughs) Well, I have had a very interesting morning myself.

Nikki: Don't tell me you've done something crazy, Katherine.

Kay: Well, I just, uh, went to see Victor. Does that count?

Nikki: Oh, God, yes. Did he say anything about Sharon?

Kay: Well, um, I brought it up, we were interrupted, and, uh, didn't get much more out of him.

Nikki: (Sighs) I-I just don't know what to think. That--I was certain that after everything came out, he would annul that marriage to Sharon. I have told Deacon that I m annulling ours.

Kay: Good for you! I mean, good for you!

Nikki: Well, I'm making an effort. I-I am trying to correct my mistakes, whereas Victor-- God forbid the man ever admit he made a mistake-- he told me last night, he's goin stay married to Sharon.

Kay: Did he say that?

Nikki: He said that, and he said to be patient... (Scoffs) Whatever that means.

Adam: Sharon. Is there something I can do for you?

Sharon: As I was riding down the elevator, I started wondering, how did you know what the outcome would be?

Adam: I didn't.

Sharon: Come on. You didn't drag us all in here if you weren't confident in advance that you would get your way. So I'll ask you again, how did you know what the outcome would be?

Adam: (Tosses folder) I heard it through the grapevine that someone might change their vote if the ballot were, in fact, secret.

Sharon: "Through the grapevine"?

Adam: Frankly, I don't give a damn who it was who changed their vote.

Sharon: No. You wouldn't, would you? All that would matter is that you won.

Adam: It never hurts. But at the end of the day, Beauty of Nature is being sold now, and I guess you have to go to the big house and tell big daddy the big, bad news.

Billy: (Shivers) Okay. Whew. Chelsea is all styled out with a space heater now.

Chelsea: The apartment's a lot warmer now. Thank you.

Billy: So I saw Nikki's car was gone.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: When'd she leave?

Victoria: A while ago.

Billy: Mm.

Chelsea: Your mother doesn't really like me much, does she?

Victoria: I think, under the circumstances, you can't really blame her. You know how protective mothers can be.

Chelsea: No, actually, I don't. (Sighs) I've never really lived in a real house before.

Billy: Oh, yeah? Where'd you grow up?

Chelsea: Just apartments and trailers, that kind of thing. (Sighs) But I always wanted a big house with, like, a yard and a--and a dog and all that. This is a really nice setup for a kid.

Victoria: Yeah, yeah. My son and Billy's daughter like it here.

Chelsea: Yeah. I'm not sure I'm really cut out to be supermom... (Chuckles) You know? I guess I have some big decisions to make before the baby's born. Luckily, I have some time.

Billy: Yes, we do.

Genevieve: Okay, you know what to do.

Jack: Everything all right?

Genevieve: I'll talk to you later yeah, everything's fine. Oh, it was just Myrna. You know how she is. Everything's a crisis.

Jack: Get in here. It is freezing. What's wrong with you?

Genevieve: (Laughs)

Jack: Why are you talking out there?

Genevieve: Uh, you were working. I don't--I-I didn't want to disturb you.

Jack: You'd never disturb me. Mm.

Adam: Ahh.

Tucker: Well... man. You said you'd pull this off. You damn well did.

Adam: I have an insider at the accounting firm who will open the bids tonight. Once I take an official look, I will contact you before the deadline and give you the number which you should offer to ensure that you get the winning bid.

Tucker: Sounds like you've got it all under control.

Adam: Let's hope so. It should be smooth from here, though.

Tucker: Any idea who changed their vote?

Adam: Bob, perhaps. I don't know. It could be Lauren, but she would have to be putting on one hell of a show.

Man: Ma'am, you can't go in there.

Sharon: Why not?

(Knock on door)

Man: All right, go on ahead.

Sharon: Thank you.

Victor: You're back early.

Sharon: Um, who were those men I saw leaving just now?

Victor: Just business. Nothing for you to worry about.

Michael: Hey.

Lauren: Hi. Mm.

Michael: Mwah!

Lauren: (Laughs) Well, you're not gonna believe this one-- Adam did it. He got the votes to sell Beauty of Nature. Victor is gonna be furious.

Michael: Mm. Well, I may have some good news soon to counter that. I go before the judge this afternoon to plead for Victor's release.

Lauren: Wow. And what about Nikki?

Michael: I'm hoping the D.A. sees things our way-- Nikki killed Diane in self-defense, he won't bring charges, but we'll have to wait and see.

Lauren: Mm. You know, we're just so boring in comparison.

Michael: Mm.

Lauren: We really are.

Michael: Yeah, except for the fact that my brother is the runaway groom and my mother's involved with a mobster.

Lauren: Oh... (Scoffs) That.

Michael: Pshaw.

Lauren: Pshaw. You know, despite all the craziness that swirls around us, our home life is safe, and it's good. It might be simple, but I'm happy. I'm really grateful for that.

Michael: Who you callin' simple? Come here. Give me one.

Lauren: Hey. Mm. Not you, definitely.

Michael: Mwah. Watch, we'll scare the children.

Lauren: Oh, definitely.

Michael: (Laughs)

Lauren: (Laughs)

Phyllis: So, um, what do you think of this? Do you like it?

Nick: What, my coffee?

Phyllis: No, this is a date. We're doing a date right now.

Nick: Yep. I mean, it's cool. Its no "Fro Yo."

Phyllis: Yeah, it's, uh, not a video game.

Nick: I propose we spend our next date at the arcade. I'll bring lots of quarters.

Phyllis: You are really confident. You actually think there's gonna be a next date. Wow.

Nick: Yes, I do. Very optimistic.

Phyllis: I think it's the caffeine.

Nick: (Sighs) No.

Avery: (Mouths word)

Phyllis: Wow, that must have taken a lot for her.

Nick: You okay?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Avery: Thought I'd say hello.

Nick: Uh, I heard you're helping my mom with her case. I-I really appreciate that.

Avery: You're welcome.

Phyllis: Wow, we're all on the same side for once, aren't we?

Chelsea: I won't be long. I'm just gonna go out to do a little bit of shopping. My clothes are getting too tight.

Billy: Hmm, yeah, it goes with the territory.

Victoria: Yeah. Fenmore's has a really nice maternity department.

Billy: Tell you what-- um, why don't you go there, get what you need, and just have them charge it to my account?

Chelsea: Thank you.

Billy: Did you pick up on that comment she said about her mom earlier? Sounds like she's opening up a little.

Victoria: Yeah, a little.

Billy: Maybe she'll realize that giving us custody and leaving town is the best thing for the baby.

Victoria: Oh, that would be so fabulous.

Billy: Hmm.

Victoria: Not that I trust her at all.

Billy: Hmm.

Victoria: She did seem sincere. I mean... I even felt a little moved by what she said.

Billy: Yeah, oddly enough, me, too. (Chuckles)

Chelsea: Everything's going great. For smart, rich people, they're easier to fool than I thought they'd be.

(Cell phone rings)

Jack: Adam. Hey, Adam. What's the good news?

Adam: The board saw the light. Beauty of Nature is up for sale. Bids are due tonight, just in case you wanted to know.

Adam: Even though you're going to lose.

Genevieve: Tonight?

Jack: Works for me. Beauty of Nature will be mine tomorrow. My bid is prepped and ready to go.

Genevieve: Jack, you could still be outbid, you know.

Jack: It ain't gonna happen. Here's why.

Genevieve: Oh, my God. Jack, that's an awful lot of money. The company isn't worth that much.

Jack: It is to me.

Nikki: Victor is keeping something from me. I'm sure of it.

Kay: Still?

Nikki: I ask him a question, he doesn't answer me. It's infuriating.

Kay: (Stammers) Do you suppose he will never, ever learn?

Nikki: Probably not. I just hope to God he knows what he's doing.

Boylan: Agent Boylan, securities and exchange commission.

Tucker: Adam took the bait. It's on.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jack: You got a bank statement from your bank in the Cayman Islands. Why didn't you tell me about this?

Sharon: I don't think you're being honest with me. Are you setting Adam up?

Nick: I have no idea why Dad and Sharon are staying married.

Michael: It's not what you think.

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