Y&R Transcript Monday 1/16/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 1/16/12


Episode # 9822 ~ Sharon and Nikki Face Off Over Victor

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Cane: (Clears throat)

Lily: Hello, hello. You almost done?

Cane: I'm finishing up, 'cause I have somewhere I have to be. I have a date.

Lily: (Snorts, laughs) You do, huh? What is it? Dinner and a movie? Is that what's going on?

Cane: Well, I don't know. The lady hasn't told me yet, unless she just did.

Lily: Or maybe it's a trick, because maybe she's trying to surprise you.

Cane: Hmm. Well, you know, this lady is very surprising.

Lily: Mm. So maybe she wants you to hurry up and cash out so that we can actually go to the movie.

Cane: Yeah, she's surprising and she's pushy.

Lily: I'm gonna go to the ladies' room.

Cane: Okay.

Lily: Okay?

Cane: All right, you do that.

Cane: We're not hiring, Chelsea.

Chelsea: (Sighs) Well, then, it's a good thing I'm here as a customer this time.

Cane: Yeah? Have you heard of fetal alcohol syndrome?

Chelsea: I came for a burger.

Cane: Fine.

Chelsea: And a soda.

Cane: Yeah? Why don't you have some orange juice? It has folate. Maybe it'll, you know, help the baby out that way.

Chelsea: Oh, God. You people take babies way too seriously.

Billy: So what we need to know is, what exactly are my parental rights?

Michael: Before the child's birth, practically speaking, none.

Billy: Chelsea has no problem coming to Genoa City and letting the entire world know that she's pregnant with my kid, but I don't have any rights?

Michael: You're not married to the mother. You don't have any rights unless the court gives them to you. Luckily for you, the D.N.A. test is complete, so we can take it to the judge, see what we can do.

Phyllis: Yeah, um, I just hope for the sake of public welfare Sharon's engagement to your dad doesn't put you in some sort of, you know, rampage of destruction.

Adam: I'm at peace with recent events. I truly am. Now Nicholas, on the other hand-- boy, he really hung on to that dream that he was gonna be the hero in Sharon's fairy tale. And then "The Dark Knight" steps in and... he goes off the rails, quits his job, everything. I guess there's always the concession, though, that he won $500 million from his daddy in arbitration, and he could always use that money to build a shrine to the love of his life. It's not you, by the way.

(Cell phone rings)

Phyllis: Oh, um, pardon me. Love to talk more, but... hey, what's going on?

Ronan: I'm just keeping up my end of this arrangement. You want a story, come down to the station.

Phyllis: Uh, don't do anything until I get there, okay? I have to go, but enjoy your, um, bitter cup of misery.

Adam: (Sighs) Oh. Don't look so enthusiastic to see me. You know, I've been thinking, you have any, uh, gifting ideas for our dad and our new stepmom?

Nick: How about a divorce?

Adam: (Chuckles) Yeah. Think they actually went through with this marriage by now?

Nick: I don't know, Adam.

Adam: What would you say the odds are that one of them actually comes to their senses?

Nick: What, and Sharon decides that she wants to be with you?

Adam: Well, I don't know what this is about for Sharon, I really don't, but it ain't about love.

Nick: Hey, do you spend every moment of your day trying to convince yourself that Sharon has some deep-seated, emotional love for you?

Adam: No, not every second. You know what I have been thinking a lot about lately, though, is the fact that you didn't fight for her or Newman Enterprises, which makes me wonder-- what, if anything at all, do you have left in your life that matters to you?

Nick: Interesting that you are focusing on me. Good for you. See, I couldn't care less what you and Dad do.

Nikki: You actually married her? After everything I told you, you married Sharon? Why would you do that?

Victor: I did exactly what I wanted to, all right?

Nikki: I-I know the truth now. That's why I'm here.

Victor: What truth are you talking about?

(Alarms buzzing)

Nikki: What--what is that?

Warden Baker: Lockdown. Take him back to his cell.

Nikki: Wh-what is happening?

Warden Baker: You are both here until lockdown is lifted.

Nikki: What?

Sharon: No, wait, no!

Nikki: No! Sir, Sir, hello!

(Lock clicks)

Nikki: He-hello! Please?

(Banging on door)

Nikki: So how did you do it, Sharon? How did you get Victor to go through with marrying you?

Sharon: He asked me to marry him, Nikki. I'm not really sure why you can't accept that. Oh, but maybe you're not thinking clearly again.

Nikki: Oh, don't patronize me. He had every reason to end this, to tell you he wasn't gonna marry you.

Sharon: What reason? You, Nikki? You're married to a sleazeball, Deacon Sharpe. That proves how much Victor means to you.

Nikki: Victor knows exactly how I feel about him, okay? The whole world knows that, just as they know that you don't give a damn about him. You don't know or care. You just want him to save you from reality, to--to take away the responsibility of your child, and then you don't have to weep and sob to Nicholas to take you back.

Sharon: Oh, my God, this again?

Nikki: Or maybe, God forbid, you just are too weak to walk away from that scum, Adam, the man who stole your child. No, no! No. Again, you go after Newman prey to save you from yourself.

Sharon: And what about you, Nikki? You're an alcoholic married to a bartender! Remind me again of how strong and brave and independent you are?

Warden Baker: Conflict has been contained. You both need to leave now.

Nikki: Oh, no, I need to see Victor.

Warden Baker: Not happening.

Nikki: I have information that's important for him. He needs to hear it.

Warden Baker: Time to go, now.

Nikki: Oh, but--    

(News broadcast playing)

Nick: Excuse me, could you, uh, turn that up? Thank you.

Man: Admitted murderer billionaire Victor Newman married Sharon Newman this evening. The new Mrs. Newman has been married to not one but both of her new stepsons.

(Projector whirs)

(Clicks off)

Paul: (Sighs) Every scenario we considered, I never imagined Nikki went through something like this.

Spencer: Williams in there?

Paul: (Sighs) Hey.

Spencer: This better be worth my time. Not your office anymore, Malloy. Not your department. Shouldn't you be in D.C.?

Ronan: Victor Newman did not kill Diane Jenkins.

Spencer: You're still peddling that garbage that got you kicked off the force.

Ronan: We have film of Diane's death, and Victor Newman's not in it.

Phyllis: Wait a second. You have film?

Spencer: Get her out of here.

Ronan: No, she stays.

Paul: Phyllis helped Malloy get to the bottom of this. She deserves to be here.

Spencer: You all are wasting my time.

Ronan: Watch this film, and then you tell me I'm wrong and Victor did it.

(Projector whirring)

Cane: So I am all cashed out. Are you ready?

Lily: Don't you have one of those "We reserve the right to refuse service" policies?

Cane: You know, you and Chloe looked like you were gonna take out Chelsea the other night for Victoria.

Lily: Well, obviously, this woman is just here to torture two people who have been through enough.

Cane: You know, you picked the wrong mark for your con, hmm?

Billy: I need to establish a claim to my kid, for his or her sake.

Victoria: We're worried about the welfare of the baby, Michael, so how fast can we move on this?

Michael: Well, it's called the legal system, folks, and it's not noted for either its speed or its ease, but I'll file the proper documents and I will keep you updated.

Victoria: This is gonna be confidential, right?

Billy: (Sighs)

Michael: Of course.

Victoria: As in, my father is not gonna find out about it.

Michael: (Laughs) That's what "Confidentiality" means, even if Victor Newman's your father.

Billy: Thanks, man.

Michael: All right.

Billy: I'll walk you out. (Clears throat)

Victoria: (Exhales slowly)

Billy: Be safe.

Michael: All right, thanks.

(Cell phone rings) (Ring)

Michael: Michael Baldwin.

Victor: You need to come to the prison now.

(Projector whirring)

Ronan: (Sighs)

(Projector clicks off)

Phyllis: Holy-- holy... some film.

Ronan: And it's not murder.

Paul: Pure self-defense.

Ronan: And Victor Newman's confession-- a complete lie.

Adam: Wow, that really happened, huh? That really just happened. Our father married Sharon. They are husband and wife.

Nick: Either one could have said no.

Adam: Hell of a feeling, isn't it?

Nick: Trust me, Adam, what you and I are feeling is completely different.

Adam: You never loved her? You never saw yourself with her for the rest of your life? And even if you two were torn apart, you didn't somehow, some way, see yourself finding your way back into each other's arms in the end? And no matter how crappy you were, how awful you were or she was to each other, that at the end of the day, it didn't matter, because she loved you and none of that garbage would matter? (Clears throat)

Nick: Sharon and I have kids together. We have this entire history before you even knew she existed.

Adam: Nicholas... you met her first. You've known her longer. You've had years to get things right with her. But when we met, we fell in love, and she didn't care if it pissed you off or the whole rest of the town, for refusing to understand.

Nick: You messed with her head and exploited every weakness she ever had. All the while, you kept telling her how strong she was and that you were the only one that could possibly understand what she was going through. It's because of you that she pushed us all away-- everyone who ever gave a damn, everyone who wanted what was best for her. Can you name one good thing that happened to Sharon in her life once you became obsessed with her? Name one. Every moment she spent with you is what led her to our father's arms.

Adam: You used your daughter to control her, so she had to go looking for the biggest weapon available, and that, my brother, is daddy dearest.

Nick: I fought for custody because you stole our baby and tried to tell me that my little girl was dead. In what universe do you think I would ever let you anywhere near her? You let Sharon believe that your love for her was so strong that you could let her go, let her go be at peace with her daughter, but it was all a lie. You just wanted to be a hero. But you wanted Sharon even more, huh? And that is why the love of your life just said "I do" to our dad.

(Cell phone rings)

Nick: Hello.

Phyllis: Hey, it's me. I-I... (Sighs) You gotta get here. Get to the police station as fast as you can.

Nikki: Hi, it's me. I need you. I'm in trouble.

Sharon: Something happened. I-I was home, and--and Faith, the nanny, they're not there.

Bonnie: They're here, Mrs. Newman.

Sharon: Faith, come here, Baby, oh, give me a hug. Mommy just got worried because she didn't see a note from the nanny.

Bonnie: Mr. Newman sent orders for us to move you and Miss Faith into the main house.

Cane: All right, I get it. Now it's gonna be great. This is, uh, laugh at the Aussie while I fall on my butt, while you, the dancer, is gonna be doing triple lutzes.

Lily: Oh, please. Listen, I'm--I'm not that good, okay? I'm better than you, but I'm not that good, but I will teach you.

Cane: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Is that code for, like, you're gonna point at me and laugh at me, then run away? What?

Lily: I won't leave your side, okay? Now come on, big guy.

Cane: Ready?

Lily: Easy.

Cane: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Lily: Whoa, jeez! (Laughs)

Cane: Who invented this, all right? That's what I want to know.

Lily: Listen, you just gotta push off and glide, okay? Just push off, just glide.

Cane: I'd rather just--

Lily: (Laughs)

Cane: Just watch and hide, watch and hide. (Laughs)

Lily: No, do it with me. I can't do it by myself. Come on.

Cane: All right, in that case, I'll start gliding.

Lily: Yes.

Cane: Are you ready?

Lily: I'm ready. Are you ready?

Cane: I'm ready. You ready?

Lily: Uh-huh. Come on, push off and glide.

Cane: All right, all right.

Lily: Whoo! You're doing it.

Cane: All right, okay--whoa!

Adam: Scotch, please, any scotch. You know what? You can just--just leave the bottle.

Chelsea: Guys like you were always my favorite customers. Lots of money, not a lot of talking.

Adam: You ever want something that you just... you shouldn't want, and you keep pushing for it no matter what?

Chelsea: Story of my life. You'd have to be pretty pathetic to only want the things that are good for you. No one craves spinach. They crave... (Sighs) Six layers of chocolate cake.

Adam: It was a rhetorical question.

Billy: (Laughs)

Victoria: (Sighs) All right, let's just--let's see the menu.

Billy: (Muttering)

Victoria: (Laughs)

Billy: (Laughs)

Bonnie: I think you know most of the staff already.

Sharon: Um, yes, of--of course, I... thank you all for welcoming me again.

Vera: I'm Vera, Mrs. Newman, the cook.

Sharon: Yes, Vera, um, Faith loves your oatmeal bars, remember?

Vera: If you have time, a list of additional favorites, yours and Miss Faith's, would be helpful-- and any allergies.

Sharon: Sure.

Bonnie: What else can we do for you, Mrs. Newman?

Sharon: Um, you know, why don't you all just go home? (Chuckles)

Michael: You're wearing a wedding band, so you and Sharon went ahead with it.

Victor: You listen to me. Deacon, that obnoxious S.O.B., showed me pictures that confirm my suspicion regarding Nikki.

Michael: I'm sorry, Victor. I'd hoped you were wrong.

Victor: Whatever Nikki remembers of that night, tell her to keep her mouth shut.

Kay: (Slams purse down)

Nikki: Katherine--

Kay: Uh, Nikki, now I'm--I'm not gonna sit here and--and watch you drink, now I won't.

Nikki: Wait, no, no. No, no, no, this-- no, this is club soda. Really, it--it-- I promise you. Taste it. Taste it. Do you think that I would actually risk your sobriety by handing you a glass of alcohol?

Kay: Good. So you're not drinking anymore. All right. Oh, good for you.

Nikki: I haven't had a drink since Christmas Eve. But I would love to have a drink tonight. But I hate the idea of it even more.

Kay: Do I, um, take you to a meeting, or do we just, uh, sit here and talk?

Nikki: I need my friend, more than ever...

Kay: (Sighs)

Nikki: Because, as of tonight, Victor has married Sharon, and as of tonight...I know without a doubt that... (Inhales shakily) I... killed Diane.

Victor: (Sighs) Please, Nikki, do not do anything I can't fix. I beg you, don't do anything I can't fix. (Sighs heavily)

Nick: Diane came after my mother with a syringe. She would have killed her if she could.

Phyllis: And Nikki was just doing what she had to do to survive.

Michael: (Inhales sharply) Uh, well... (Clears throat) That was definitely an act of self-defense. Victor is definitively innocent. I'd like my client released tonight.

Spencer: Hold on. Right now, all we got is a film shot from a distance at night. First, I want to know chain of custody. Second, I want to send this film to a forensic lab, see if it's been altered, and third, your client confessed. Must be a reason why. Once we have all those questions answered, then we can take the next step.

Nick: Sounds to me like you have an ax to grind, and you're keeping an innocent man behind bars for no reason.

Spencer: Trust me, I want to get to the bottom of this, all of it, and the first person I want to talk to is Deacon Sharpe, and the next, his wife Nikki.

Nikki: I was so drunk, I don't remember any of it, or maybe I didn't want to remember any of it. I... (Sighs) Probably didn't want to admit it to myself, you know, but somewhere in here... (Voice breaking) I knew what I had done, because why-- why would I go to London after getting out of rehab? Wh-why didn't I go home to the people who love me? Why couldn't I stop drinking? It is because I knew that I was capable of murder. I knew I had killed someone.

Kay: No. What you just described to me, what you saw on that film, was you fighting for your life, doing whatever you could do to stay alive-- for your grandchildren, for your children, for Victor, for me, for everybody who loves you. You were fighting-- fighting for your life, and thank God you survived. Had Diane left you alone, she'd be alive now, too. Trust me, that woman created her own hell.

Sharon: Oh, oh, um, I hope-- I hope you understand, Faith has so much to adjust to, and we just-- we're really looking forward to some time alone. Good night, Bonnie.

Billy: (Growls)

Victoria: Come on, let's play some music.

Billy: What are you gonna play?

Victoria: Oh, I don't know.

Billy: (Jamaican accent) What you gonna play?

Victoria: Oh, Huey Lewis.

Chelsea: Excuse me. Sorry to bother you. Uh, my burger's getting lonely. Can I have a beer?

Billy: Whoa, hey, uh, easy there, Hoss. No, no, no beer. No beer for you.

Chelsea: Excuse me?

Victoria: You can't be serious.

Chelsea: It's one beer. It's not a bottle of whiskey.

Billy: Okay. Would you like a pack of cigarettes to go with it?

Chelsea: (Sighs) Well, if I did, it would be none of your business.

Victoria: You know, you made the decision to bring this baby into the world, and the fact that you would put his or her life at risk is ser--it's disgusting.

Chelsea: Hey, it's my body, okay? It's mine. I don't need anybody breathing down my neck or-- or watching over my shoulder.

Billy: Yes, because you have such excellent judgment.

Chelsea: Because I'm a grown woman.

Victoria: Carrying an innocent child.

Chelsea: Well, too bad for you, you can't watch my every move.

Billy: Mm.

Victoria: (Whispers) Wow. (Normal voice) Or maybe we can.

Chelsea: What, you're gonna start stalking me now?

Billy: No, Chelsea.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: You're gonna move in with us.

Nick: Vick, call me as soon as you get this. I need to know if you've heard from Mom.

Phyllis: Not exactly something you can leave on voice mail, is it? We need to figure out how to get a hold of your mother as soon as possible. The sooner she makes a statement, the better.

Michael: When you speak with Nikki, have her call me.

Phyllis: Are you going to see Victor now?

Michael: I'm on my way.

Nick: We were right. Dad knew that Mom killed Diane. His confession was for her sake.

Phyllis: He married Sharon, but he loves Nikki more than his own freedom.

Paul: I'd say she loves him even more.

Michael: If you'll excuse me...

Nick: Oh, you sick son of a bitch!

Deacon: Hey--

Paul: Come on, man, come on!

Nick: I've had it--

Ronan: That's enough. That's enough.

Kay: Victor suspected that you killed Diane. That's why he confessed. That was to save you, but you thought all along that he was responsible.

Nikki: I married Deacon to keep him quiet over what he claimed he knew, yes.

Kay: Did it ever occur to you to sit down and have a simple conversation? You know, honest, straightforward-- just, you know, trust each other with the truth. My God, you... (Laughs) The two of you have made a career of torturing each other, or, um, yourselves, and then you turn right around and you try to save each other.

Nikki: You know, if this happened yesterday, I would be sitting in prison right now, and I would insist that we get through this together.

Kay: Just get up off it. I'll go with you.

Nikki: No, we can't. It's too late. I begged him not to, but Victor married Sharon.

Sharon: I know you're tired, Sweet Pea. It's been a busy day. (Sighs) So much has changed. We're gonna be staying here for a little while...but you're gonna have all your same toys and blankets, and everybody wants you to be happy here. (Sighs) And no matter what else changes, we're always gonna have each other, and that's the best thing in the world. Mommy just wants to do the right thing for you, Baby, but I think I did. I hope I did.

Adam: (Slams glass on table)

[Adam remembering]

Adam: I built this house.

Sharon: I planted the trees.

Adam: It's ours, and no one can take that away from us.

Sharon: Are you sure about that? Because I don't want this to end.

Lily: (Snorts)

Cane: All right, go ahead, keep laughing at me. You can do it. Keep laughing.

Lily: (Coughs) I'm not laughing. It's the hot chocolate, I swear! It's tickling me. What can I--

Cane: All right, I believe-- it's the hot chocolate. Sure, it is. Go on. I can take it. Keep laughing.

Lily: No, no, let's-- okay, you're a fast learner, and you have excellent balance, excellent.

Cane: Yes, I do, don't I?

Lily: Yes.

Cane: For a man who fell on his butt six times, huh?

Lily: (Snorts)

Cane: (Laughing)

Lily: (Giggles) I wasn't gonna mention that, but you did! I didn't say it. You did.

Cane: Yeah.

Lily: (Laughs)

Cane: Yeah, you're definitely an excellent teacher, you know? Even if I'm a slow learner.

Lily: Well, you're gonna have to get plenty of practice this winter, so we can teach the kids next year.

Cane: Really?

Lily: Yeah. They need you. They can't get enough of you. And, you know, we'll always be connected 'cause of the babies.

Cane: Just because of the babies?

Lily: No. More than that.

Cane: You know, every stupid thing I did, every stupid mistake I made, I never stopped loving you.

Lily: Me, neither.

Chelsea: (Sighs) Oh, my God. This place is like an old TV show. What, do you fetch his slippers while he fills his pipe? This is so not happening. (Sighs)

Billy: Okay. I just paid your bill at the club, and I'm not opening my wallet again anytime soon.

Chelsea: I'm looking for a job.

Victoria: Right, and no luck so far.

Chelsea: Pregnant women don't lose the right to privacy just because they're knocked up. (Gasps) Hi, Buddy. Wha--are they keeping you here against your will, too?

Keely: (Growls)

Victoria: See, I told you he was a genius.

Billy: Mm-hmm. As I mentioned earlier, you have your own nice little cozy apartment upstairs, free of charge. Lucky you! I'll take your bags up now. Come on.

Chelsea: (Exhales slowly)

Victoria: Oh, hey, what's wrong?

Chelsea: Nothing. Just heartburn. It happens. (Sighs)

Victoria: Oh, yeah. Okay, well, uh, I'll get you some antacid.

Chelsea: Great. I will just sit here, like someone whose free will has been completely taken from her. Lovely. No big deal. Thanks. (Exhales slowly) (Sighs) You think you don't like me now? Just wait till I'm done with these people.

Michael: It's true, it's true. Nikki killed Diane.

Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Keep it down, will you? What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be with Nikki.

Michael: There's no secret to keep anymore, Victor. It was self-defense. It's all on film. Deacon showed you one incriminating frame. I've seen the whole thing. I've already discussed it with Ronan, Paul, the D.A. Diane attacked her. Nikki had to fight back.

Victor: Did Walsh let her go?

Michael: There are protocols to deal with, but Nikki's not going down for this, not with photographic evidence that Diane was the aggressor. She's--she's okay, Victor. Nikki's gonna be safe.

Victor: (Sighs) (Sighs) Thank God. (Sighs)

Phyllis: Okay, thank you.

Nick: So you haven't seen my mom?

Phyllis: All right, well, if you do see her, tell her to call her son Nicholas, please.

Nick: Thanks, anyway.

Phyllis: Thanks.

Ronan: Spencer has an A.P.B. out on your mother for questioning.

Nick: Great, so she's gonna see a cop coming at her.

Phyllis: They know that she's fragile, don't they? The police--we should just look for her ourselves.

Paul: Maybe we should look at, uh, a few places where she might--

Phyllis: Uh, you know what? Yes, I'll check out Gloworm. You're right.

Paul: I'll hit Jimmy's.

Nick: Hopefully, this doesn't send her over the edge, if she isn't already.

Nikki: I'm here to turn myself in.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jack: The two of you are ganging up against me?

Genevieve: We've just staged a friendly little intervention.

Spencer: Did you pay Deacon Sharpe to create that footage?

Nikki: No!

Michael: All right, now you're just fishing.

Adam: So do we have a deal or not?

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