Y&R Transcript Friday 1/13/12
Episode # 9821 ~ Diane's Killer Is Revealed
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
(Bell dings)
Nick: She's not at the club and she's still not answering her cell.
Phyllis: Oh, oh, okay, well, that doesn't mean that Deacon's gone after her.
Nick: (Sighs) Deacon probably suspects that we know he made a sex tape of him and Diane, which means it won't take much for him to figure out that Mom told us that. I've got to get a hold of her.
Ronan: There's no question. The footage of you in the park and the sex video of Deacon and Diane were definitely shot on a Super 8.
Nikki: Yeah, but was it the same camera?
Ronan: I'm gonna need better forensic equipment to determine that, but we still have to prove that Deacon even owns a Super 8.
Nikki: But if we can, we're one step closer to proving that Deacon did kill Diane, right? You said that.
Ronan: Yes. Now have you ever seen a camera in the suite that you two share at the club?
Nikki: I gotta tell you, I tore that place from top to bottom when I found the computer. I did not see a camera.
Ronan: Okay. Now can you think of anywhere else he might have stashed it?
Nikki: I don't know. Maybe Gloworm?
Ronan: Does he have a locker there?
Nikki: We could ask Gloria. If there is a camera over there, we have to find it, and we have to find it tonight.
Ashley: You're marrying Victor tonight?
Sharon: Yeah.
Ashley: After everything I just said? All the reasons why I think you shouldn't?
Sharon: Um, you know, uh, Victor's always been really good to me, and I-I-I care about him.
Ashley: Okay, something else is happening here. What is it, Sharon? Come on. What is going on?
Victor: That's a doctored photograph. Why are you showing that to me?
Deacon: Oh, come on, Victor. You know damn well this isn't a doctored photograph. We've known all along that Nikki killed Diane.
Victor: I confessed to the killing.
Deacon: For the same reason that I didn't show Nikki this picture--to protect her. This proves that I care about her every bit as much as you do.
Victor: The only thing it proves is that you're a lying son of a bitch who conned Nikki into marrying you.
Genevieve: Mm.
Jack: Hi.
Genevieve: Well, hi. Quite a greeting. (Laughs)
Jack: Well, I'm celebrating. A month from now, I'm gonna have the two things I want most in this world-- you as my wife and Beauty of Nature.
Genevieve: I didn't realize it was up for sale.
Jack: Well, it's not exactly public knowledge, but a brokerage friend of mine tipped me off.
Genevieve: You seem awfully confident that Adam will sell it to you.
Jack: Adam lives to get under Victor's skin. He knows there is no better way to do that than to sell me Beauty of Nature. I'll tell you what-- order your, uh, special vintage champagne, and I'll be back before its chilled, okay?
Genevieve: Where are you going?
Jack: I'm gonna go start working on Adam. If I can pull this deal off--
Genevieve: Uh, there's no doubt about it. Getting, uh, Beauty of Nature would be quite a coup.
Jack: (Pats Genevieve's leg)
Tucker: Where'd you get the idea that I wanted to make a deal with you regarding Beauty of Nature?
Adam: Last time we talked, you gave me the impression that you had your eye on it.
Tucker: Did you miss the part where I said I wasn't interested in acquiring it illegally? I don't need the S.E.C. sniffin' around my door any more than it already is.
Adam: We've outsmarted the government before.
Tucker: You said, uh, you're makin' this generous offer because you want something in return. What?
Adam: A job.
Tucker: You already have one-- runnin' Newman Enterprises.
Adam: Maybe not for long.
Deacon: (Laughs) You gotta be kidding me. I'm a con man? Buddy, you're pulling off the greatest con of all time, trying to get everyone to think that you actually killed Diane.
Victor: You told Nikki that Victoria and I did it. That's how you got her to marry you. Now you're saying it was Nikki?
Deacon: Only to you, okay? Only to you. That's the only person that I've told. Look, Victor, I've been a pariah all my life. Nikki's one of the few people that ever showed me any kindness, anything. Why is it so hard for you to believe that I would want to do this for her, that I would want to protect her and love her, the same as you?
Victor: All you have ever done is hurt her. If you hadn't gotten her to start drinking again, she would never--
Deacon: And what? She wouldn't what? Kill Diane?
Victor: We wouldn't be in the mess we're in now, would we?
Deacon: You're the guy that married Diane and forced Nikki into being the "Other woman." And when Diane actually published those pictures of you and Nikki in bed, filed that lawsuit, well, it was too much for her, so I'll tell you what-- I'll own the fact that I put her on shaky ground, but you-- you pushed her over the edge.
Victor: You're a punk.
Deacon: Okay, you know what? Whatever. What's done is done. Listen, you and I have got to work together. That's the only way that we're gonna keep Nikki from knowing the truth.
Victor: You can't be serious. Ain't gonna happen.
Deacon: Hey, Victor, you might as well face it, because I'm the only person that can keep Nikki from finding out what really happened the night that Diane was murdered. I think that makes us, um, what's the expression? Strange bedfellows.
Victor: Just watch your step. Guard!
Deacon: Listen to me.
Victor: Get him out of here.
Deacon: You're gonna-- you're gonna regret not making me an ally, Victor. Let's just hope Nikki doesn't.
Victor: I will regret nothing, nor will Nikki. I will see to it. Get him out of here.
Ashley: Look, I realize this is none of my business, but you can't blame me for being--
Sharon: Judgmental?
Ashley: No. Surprised. Now you're telling me-- you're actually telling me this is what you want.
Sharon: (Sighs) Yes.
Ashley: Okay. Well, then, can I offer you some advice, from somebody who's been where you're headed?
Sharon: Why not?
Ashley: You say this is what you want. Fine. Just be sure it's what Victor wants.
Tucker: So what makes you think your position at Newman is tenuous?
Adam: I wouldn't be in this office if, uh, Dad didn't want me here. He's calling shots even from prison.
Tucker: So, what, he's settin' you up for a fall?
Adam: I'm pretty sure it's what he lives for.
Tucker: Mm, you're smart not to underestimate him.
Adam: Victor Newman got game. So does Vic Junior. If he tries to get rid of me, I'll have an exit strategy in place.
Tucker: You sell me Beauty of Nature, I give you a job at McCall.
Adam: Win-win for both of us.
Tucker: Hmm. (Sighs) I don't know.
Adam: Well, you better make your mind up soon. My next phone call goes out to Jack Abbott.
Gloria: You wanted to talk to me?
Ronan: I did, about the night Diane Jenkins was murdered.
Gloria: Hmm. Please, not in front of the customers, and I think I've told you everything I know.
Nikki: Gloria, I have got to ask you about that dress you're wearing.
Gloria: Hmm, this one? Why, you like it?
Nikki: Oh, you look simply stunning.
Gloria: Thank you, Nikki. Hot young designer out of Miami. Fenmore's has the exclusive, and I bet he's got something that would look fabulous on you.
Nikki: Oh, wow, well, I will dash right down there. I can always count on you.
Gloria: Glad to help out a girlfriend.
Nikki: Yes, like you did on New Year’s Eve, when you told me that Deacon could have been AWOL the night that Diane was murdered.
Gloria: Hmm. You mean when he used me as a cover-up, before he quit on me high and dry.
Nikki: Well, I have to tell you, I'm a little concerned about him. I think he might be in some sort of trouble. Might he have left something behind here, something that could be a clue?
Gloria: Well, all the employees have lockers, but Deacon cleaned his out before he disappeared on me.
Nikki: Is there any other place, uh, that he might keep something personal?
Gloria: You know something? He spent a lot of his break time out on the loading dock. Maybe he put something in one of the storage containers out there?
(Cell phone rings)
Nikki: Excuse me.
Ronan: Tell me about these storage containers.
Nikki: Nicholas, hi.
Nick: Mom, thank God. I've been trying to get a hold of you.
Nikki: What's wrong?
Nick: I'm with Phyllis. We're pretty sure that Deacon knows we saw the tape of him and Diane having sex.
Nikki: Then he's probably figured out that I'm the one that gave it to you.
Nick: Yeah. Where are you?
Nikki: I'm at Gloworm, with Ronan.
Nick: All right, you stay right there, and you steer clear of Deacon, okay?
Nikki: Don't worry about me. I will be just fine. I can take care of myself. All right, I'll talk to you later.
Deacon: (Grunting) (Breathing heavily) (Sniffles) (Breathing heavily)
Nikki: (Whispers) Damn it.
Ashley: Hi.
Genevieve: Oh, hi.
Ashley: What are you doing? Waiting for Jack?
Genevieve: Yeah, he should be here soon. Please, join me.
Ashley: Thank you. Looks like you've got plenty of work to keep you busy. Wow.
Genevieve: (Laughs) Yeah, Jabot's fourth quarter marketing report. Our sales far exceeded our expectations, thanks to your line.
Ashley: Oh, well, I have no doubt that promotion and advertising had a lot to do with the increase in our profits.
Genevieve: Mm. Let's see how I do when our product base doubles and diversifies.
Ashley: Well, I think it's gonna be a couple years before we see that happen.
Genevieve: You haven't heard.
Ashley: Heard what?
Genevieve: Adam is putting Beauty of Nature on the market. Jack just went to talk to him about buying it.
Jack: Here you are.
Adam: I'm a busy man, Jack.
Jack: Yes, I hear. You're selling Beauty of Nature. I want it.
Adam: And because we're B.F.F.s and all, I should give you priority treatment?
Jack: No, because you're a smart businessman.
Adam: Smart enough to know that I'm not supposed to discuss the sale of Beauty of Nature until I've met with the board members.
Jack: Oh, Man. Don't mess with me. You're not going to the board unless you know exactly what the outcome's going to be.
Adam: Are you accusing me of something illicit?
Jack: You're going to shop one of Victor's prized possessions around until you get exactly what you want from the sale.
Adam: And you think you can give that to me?
Jack: I know I can.
Nick: Mom and Ronan are at Gloworm, probably trying to figure out if Gloria knows anything.
Phyllis: Well, clearly, that's a better idea than us trying to get information out of Deacon, isn't it?
Nick: Well, maybe if you'd been a little more subtle--
Phyllis: Oh, oh, this from a guy who comes racing across the bar to take his head off.
Nick: Well, he-- he was putting his hands on you. He was manhandling you.
Phyllis: He w-- he was not, he was not. You were just jealous.
Nick: I am not jealous...
Phyllis: Oh, yeah, you--
Nick: Of Deacon Sharpe.
Phyllis: Oh, you're jealous of Ronan, for sure. (Laughs)
Nick: Not any more...
Phyllis: So jealous of Ronan.
Nick: Than you were of Avery.
Phyllis: I am not jealous of Avery. I am not jealous of her, and you know what? Ronan-- Ronan... was a diversion.
Nick: Maybe Avery was too.
Phyllis: Maybe Avery was, too. What about Diane? What was she... to you?
Nick: Diane was a total disaster.
Phyllis: I have to admit to you, when I saw that tape of Diane--
Nick: All right... (Chuckles) Look, I may be careless at times, but I'm not stupid.
Phyllis: You're not stupid? Like what Sharon's being right now?
Nick: I don't want to talk about Sharon or Dad.
Phyllis: Oh, I don't want-- I really don't want to talk about them, either, but there is an upside to Sharon marrying Victor. There is. At least Adam isn't gonna be in Faith's life anymore.
Nick: Yes, the only thing he can hurt is Newman.
Phyllis: Right. You know, there's a reason that your dad appointed him C.E.O. of Newman. I'd like to find out.
Nick: Maybe he wanted to make sure there wasn't any company around after he's gone.
Phyllis: Yeah, but... I don't know. I can--I can find that out with my journalistic expertise, if you'd like.
Nick: I appreciate the offer.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) But no, thanks.
Nick: No, seriously, I, um... I appreciate it. Thanks for having my back.
Phyllis: No problem.
Deacon: (Grunting)
Gloria: Nikki's right-- Deacon has been acting strangely.
(Cell phone rings)
Ronan: Oh. Excuse me, I-I need to take this real fast. Hello.
Deacon: Who's there?
Nikki: Hey.
Deacon: Nikki, hey.
Nikki: What are you doing out here? I've been looking for you.
Deacon: (Chuckles) What are you doing here?
Gloria: You know, if I put my mind to it, I might be able to think of something that might help you. I spent a lot of time with Deacon. If anybody knows him, it's me.
Ronan: Well, you go. I want you to take my number, and if you think of anything, give me a call.
Gloria: I'll do that.
Ronan: Okay.
Deacon: Hey, what--what are you doing, coming out here, looking for me?
Nikki: Well, I came to Gloworm. I thought maybe you were hanging out with Wilson, and Gloria said that you used to come out here to relax.
Deacon: (Laughs) It's, um, it's actually a pretty good place to unwind, believe it or not.
Nikki: So what you doin' over there?
Deacon: I was, uh, I-I was checking my old hiding place. I-I used to keep a bottle there, and I don't know, I thought maybe I'd left one behind.
Nikki: Ohh, now you told me you were sober when you worked here.
Deacon: Hey, hey, I-I was, um, I--mostly. Um, I'm sorry.
Nikki: Well, what is over there? I'm curious now.
Deacon: Hey, Nikk, what do you say we go back to the, uh, the room? You know, it's warm. I've got a bunch of booze back there.
Nikki: Have you got a woman back here? You're hiding a woman, aren't you?
Deacon: Nikki. Nikki!
Nikki: (Gasps)
Tucker: Hey, Nicholas.
Nick: Hey, Tucker.
Tucker: Good to see you.
Nick: Yeah, you, too. I was just looking for my mom, but I'm glad to run into you.
Tucker: Oh, yeah? Hey, listen, man, I was, uh, sorry to hear you left Newman.
Nick: Huh. That's funny, since you voted Adam to be the new C.E.O.
Tucker: Well, that's not why you quit, is it?
Nick: Nope. It was just time for me to move on.
Tucker: Uh-huh. So what's next for you?
Nick: Actually, I thought I might come work for you. Will you excuse me just for one second?
Tucker: Yeah.
Nick: Hi. Uh, I'm looking for my mom. Have you seen her?
Gloria: Sorry, Nick, uh, you just missed her.
Ronan: Nikki? Nikki? Hey, are you out h--
Ronan: (Sighs) (Grunts) Paul, are you still at the station? Okay, listen, I need you to put a trace on Nikki Newman's cell phone. Because I need to find her ASAP.
Deacon: I had everything all worked out, but you--you had to screw it up, didn't you? You just couldn't leave well enough alone! You just had to dig and dig and--and push. I did all of this for you! (Breathing heavily) And now Nick and Phyllis and that idiot Malloy, they think that I killed Diane.
Nikki: You did kill her. And you tried to convince me that Victoria and Victor did it. You did.
Deacon: No, I-I did all that so that you wouldn't find out who really did it, Nikki.
Nikki: It was you, Deacon, and you let Victor take the blame.
Deacon: I was protecting you.
Nikki: Nicholas and Ronan are gonna come looking for me. And when they find me, we're gonna go straight to the police, and we're gonna tell them that you killed Diane.
Deacon: You know, Nikki, I didn't want to have to do this. I really didn't.
Nikki: Deacon. (Whimpers)
Deacon: But you're not leaving me a choice.
Nikki: What?
Deacon: Watch.
(Film projector whirring)
Nikki: What?
Nikki: (Grunts)
Nikki: (Sighs)
Nikki: I did it. I killed Diane.
Deacon: (Breathing heavily)
Victor: (Sighs)
Sharon: Victor.
Victor: Hi.
Sharon: You know, if you've changed your mind, that's all right.
Adam: Are we talking real money, Jack? You're willing to offer me more money than anyone else for Beauty of Nature?
Jack: I'll give you whatever you want, but I can offer you something no one else can.
Adam: A lifetime of free cosmetics?
Jack: Satisfaction. I recognize this game of one-upmanship that you're playing with Victor. Played it myself for years.
Adam: Aren't you still?
Jack: This is your chess match, Adam. If you're asking my advice, I think selling me Beauty of Nature would be a brilliant move.
Adam: But not a legal one.
Jack: Never bothered you in the past.
Adam: Uh, well, I just figured I'd switch things up a little, play by the book.
Jack: I have the S.E.C. on speed dial.
Adam: With honest people like you, who needs criminals?
(Door opens)
(Door closes)
Sharon: Are you sure this is what you want?
Victor: Yes, I am.
(Door opens)
Victor: Hello, Warden Baker.
Warden Baker: Ready?
Victor: Ready.
Warden Baker: You are here today to join in matrimony, and I am therefore bound to ask-- Sharon, do you come to the union of your own free will and with the intention of being faithful in marriage to Victor as long as you live?
Sharon: I do.
Warden Baker: Victor, do you come to this union of your own free will and with the intention of being faithful in marriage to Sharon as long as you live?
Victor: I do.
(Film projector whirring)
Ronan: (Turns off projector)
Deacon: Nikki, I'm so sorry. I mean, if you could have just left well enough alone, I...
Nikki: I had to know what happened that night.
Deacon: Why? Why the hell couldn't you just take my word for it that Victor and Victoria killed Diane? Why? Everything would have been fine if you did that.
Nikki: You knew. You knew. And you used it to manipulate me.
Deacon: No. No. I did this to protect you.
Nikki: Protect me? (Sniffles) How? By bringing me here? By kidnapping me? By tying me up and making me watch that?
Deacon: You forced me to do that. You forced me.
Nikki: I--
Deacon: I never wanted to hurt you. I--Nikki, I'd do anything for you, don't you know that?
Ronan: Yeah?
Nikki: (Gasps)
Ronan: Start by shutting up.
Nikki: Ronan. Ronan. (Sniffles)
Ronan: Stand up. Up!
Nikki: (Sighs)
Ronan: Untie her.
Nikki: (Gasps) (Sighs)
Nikki: (Sniffles)
Ronan: The other one. Go.
Deacon: (Sighs)
Nikki: (Gasps)
Ronan: Sit down. Sit down.
Ronan: Nikki, would you like to do the honors?
Nikki: (Sighs) Okay.
Deacon: (Sighs)
Nikki: Yeah, I would.
Deacon: (Sighs)
Nikki: So, Ronan, um... I killed Diane. Deacon has it on film.
Ronan: He has that and other things on film, too.
(Zipper slides)
Nikki: What is that?
Ronan: This? This is what ended up on the cutting room floor.
Nikki: "Nikki's footage"? What--what is that?
Deacon: Nikki, you don't understand. That--I... (Sighs) I was...
Ronan: Here. I think this is gonna help clear things up.
(Film projector whirring)
(Film projector whirring)
Nikki: So you had this all along. You knew how much I was struggling to remember what happened that night. You had proof that I killed Diane.
Ronan: You didn't kill anybody intentionally. Diane came at you with a syringe, Nikki, and she tried to strangle you. You were defending yourself, something we would have known months ago had you not messed with my investigation.
Deacon: (Sighs)
Nikki: All the lies that you turned upside down.
Deacon: Nikki, I did it because I love you.
Nikki: Oh, please, you don't know the meaning of the word.
Deacon: Why is what I did for you any different than what Victor's done for you?
Nikki: Victor-- Victor-- oh, my God. He doesn't-- he doesn't have to. Ronan, I-I-I need to borrow your car right now.
Ronan: Take it.
Deacon: (Sighs)
Victor: I, Victor, take you, Sharon, to be my lawfully wedded wife...
Warden Baker: "To have and to hold from this day forward"...
Victor: To have and to hold from this day forward...
Warden Baker: "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part."
Victor: For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part.
Warden Baker: "I, Sharon, take you, Victor, to be my lawfully wedded husband"...
Sharon: I, Sharon, take you, Victor, to be my lawfully wedded husband...
Warden Baker: "To have and to hold from this day forward"...
Sharon: To have and to hold from this day forward...
Warden Baker: "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part."
Sharon: For better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part.
Phyllis: Look at you. You're really taking this C.E.O. stuff seriously, aren't you? (Chuckles)
Adam: May I help you, Phyllis?
Phyllis: (Sighs) Yes, you may. I'm curious, what is this all about?
Adam: Something big at Newman. But before it goes public... (Whispering) You'll be the first person I call.
Phyllis: (Voice wavers) Ooh! I'm so glad. But you know what? I don't really care about mergers and acquisitions. I want the story behind the story. Why is Adam Newman burying himself in his work?
Adam: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Because daddy is marrying the love of his life.
Ronan: While we're waiting for the uniforms to get here, how about we have a little chat?
Deacon: Yeah, right. I'm not saying anything without an attorney.
Ronan: (Chuckles) That would actually mean something to me if I was still a cop.
Deacon: What are you gonna do, tough guy? Beat the truth out of me?
Ronan: Let's start out nice and easy, hmm? All right, what have we got in here? Oh. Look at that-- Super 8 camera, just like the one that was used to make that home movie we just saw of Nikki and Diane in the park.
Deacon: Good luck proving that one.
Ronan: (Chuckles) G.C.P.D. has a kick-ass forensics team. It's gonna take them about two seconds to tie you to that footage and this camera.
Deacon: You know, last time I checked, Ronan, you can't arrest somebody for owning a camera.
Ronan: How about withholding evidence? How about accessory after the fact? Oh, and let's not forget about obstruction of justice, huh? Planting that syringe that Diane--
Deacon: Hey, I had nothing to do with that.
Ronan: Now what are you gonna tell me next, that you don't know anything about the pillows, too?
Deacon: No, I don't.
Ronan: (Chuckles) Just own it, man, all right? Because your needlepoint's amazing.
Deacon: Need--needlepoint? What--what are you talking-- what the hell are you talking about?
(Bell tinkles)
Myrna: (Sighs)
Woman: Well, Myrna, you're back-- my best customer.
Myrna: Oh, I just love needlepoint.
Woman: (Laughs) Well, you must have a lot of bedrooms in that house with all the pillows you've made.
Myrna: No, no. I give them to my friends.
Woman: Well, aren't they lucky?
Myrna: No, I'm the lucky one, having so many wonderful people in my life.
Woman: Hmm.
Myrna: Yeah. (Chuckles)
Jack: Hey, Ash. What a nice surprise, actually. I have something to tell you.
Genevieve: Too late. I thought she knew.
Jack: Well, that's all right. I'm not keeping a secret that I want Beauty of Nature.
Ashley: I told you I was against it, but apparently my opinion doesn't matter.
Jack: No, that is not true.
Ashley: Why are you pursuing it, Jack?
Jack: Because it's good business.
Ashley: No, that's not it. You are still trying to get back at Victor, and you know it.
Jack: Why do I need to do that? I have Jabot now.
Ashley: That's right, you do, huh? Which means you can revel in that victory. Our father never will.
Jack: This is business, Ashley, pure and simple.
Ashley: So are you still gonna go for it, Jack, no matter what I say?
Jack: Yes.
Tucker: How do you think your previous employer would feel about you working at McCall?
Nick: I don't consult with him on personal decisions, and he doesn't consult me.
Tucker: Hmm. Must be something in the water over at Newman.
Nick: Why don't you think about it and let me know?
Tucker: Hey, Nick? You're hired.
Adam: You know, Phyllis, I got you a going-away present. And I really, really want to give it to you, but you have to go away first.
Phyllis: I feel really bad for you. I honestly do. All these head games that Victor's playing must be messing up your mind. I mean, he puts you in charge at Newman. He forces Nick out. He makes you the new prince, then bam! He takes away your princess, but then he makes that princess his own queen. (As Victor) "You can have it all. You can have it all, Adam, except what you really want." (Normal voice) Sharon. It's really sad. It's like a Greek tragedy.
Adam: See, that's where you're wrong. It's not a tragedy if Sharon's happy.
Phyllis: (Laughs) Oh. You're sorta a good liar. I almost believed you.
Victor: With this ring, I thee wed.
Warden Baker: Victor and Sharon, seeing as you have willingly made a covenant of faithfulness and given and received a ring as a seal of your promises, by the power vested in me by the state of Wisconsin, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Nikki: (Mouthing words)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: You're an alcoholic married to a bartender!
Victor: Whatever Nikki remembers of that night, tell her to keep her mouth shut.
Chelsea: You're gonna start stalking me now?
Billy: You're gonna move in with us.
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