Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/12/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/12/12


Episode # 9820 ~ Nikki Warns Victor About Deacon's Schemes

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Paul: So did you figure out who Diane hooked up with the day before she died?

Ronan: Well, I've shown the diary page to Jack and Adam, and I don't think it's either one of them.

Paul: Huh.

Ronan: Yeah. How about you? How'd you do? Was Nikki right? Deacon lie about his alibi?

Paul: Well, I found a woman who remembered having a very special cocktail at Gloworm the night of the murder, a yellow jacket-- one only her favorite bartender can make.

Ronan: Ah, let me guess-- Deacon Sharpe.

Paul: It was Deacon Sharpe.

Ronan: Mm-hmm.

Paul: He made her the cocktail, and when she went to order another one, she was told he was on a break. She waited over an hour for him. When he didn't come back, she got fed up and left.

Ronan: Okay, okay, okay, so now we know Deacon was M.I.A.

Paul: Yeah, we need to pin down his whereabouts.

Ronan: Well, Nikki said that he knew things that happened in the park that night he would only know if he was there.

Paul: What if he was more than just there, Ronan? What if Deacon was directly involved with what went down?

Ronan: I'm thinking the same thing exactly, but if Deacon's gonna become a viable suspect, we have to connect him to Diane. So he leaves Gloworm. He had opportunity. What's the motive? Wait, did he even know the woman?

Phyllis: Okay, yeah, you're right. That's Deacon and Diane having sex.

Nick: When do you think that was?

Phyllis: Uh, I don't know. Wait a second. Do you see that? That's a newspaper on the nightstand.

Nikki: Yeah, can you zoom in and see the date?

Phyllis: Yeah, definitely. Oh, wow. Guys... July 31, 2011.

Nikki: That... is the day before Diane was murdered. Oh, my God, I've gotta get to Victor right away.

Sharon: Michael said you wanted to see me right away. Is everything okay?

Victor: It's more than okay. The warden has granted us permission to get married. He'll perform the ceremony tonight.

Ashley: I know, Abby. Just try not to let it get to you, okay? Throw it away and try to forget about it. I love you, too, Honey. Okay, bye-bye. Ay-yi-yi.

Tucker: I guess Abby wasn't too happy about the latest issue of "Restless Style," huh?

Ashley: No, she's so upset about her father being in prison, and you add this tabloid garbage on top of it.

Tucker: Do you really think he'll go through with marrying Sharon? I mean, it's a stretch even for him, isn't it?

Ashley: What are you talking about? Victor obviously doesn't care what anybody thinks or feels, including his own children.

Adam: (Sighs) (Sighs)

(Intercom buzzes)

(Door opens)

Woman: Yes, Mr. Newman?

Adam: Could you, um, get rid of that box for me?

Woman: What should I do with it?

Adam: I don't, uh, I don't much care. Um, I just don't want to look at it anymore. Thanks.

Woman: Any photos you want framed to replace these?

Adam: No, I don't. Thank you. That'll be all.

(Door closes)

Gloria: Mm.

Angelo: Ahh. (Laughs) Oh! Hey, Dino, you still there?

Gloria: (Sighs)

Angelo: Uh, yeah. Call me back later. I'm in the middle of something major. (Chuckles) Hey, all you goombahs, I'm buyin' a round, because this beautiful woman said that she'll be my gal, huh?

Gloria: (Laughs)

Angelo: How about that, huh?


Angelo: Huh? (Laughs) Tell you a little secret?

Gloria: Yeah?

Angelo: The second I met you, I knew you was the broad I was waitin' for all my life.

Gloria: Even though I wasn't available.

Angelo: Yeah. Funny how things happen. Guess it was meant to be, but, Gloria, starting today, I am gonna treat you like the queen you are. I-I'll make all your dreams come true.

Kevin: I can't believe it's him.

Angelina: "Him," who?

Kevin: My mom's ex, the one who stole all her money and skipped town.

Jeff: (Grunting)

Angelina: Well, what the hell is he doing in daddy's cabin?

Jeff: (Grunting) Oh, God. Ohh. (Grunting) Glo! Oh.

Jeff: Kevin? Oh, d-did Gloria send you to... (Groans) Rescue me?

Kevin: Rescue you? What are you talking about? You dumped her.

Jeff: I would never.

Victor: I thought we had agreed to make things... official as soon as possible.

Sharon: Yes, it's just-- after the issue of "Restless Style" came out, I spoke to Noah and my mom, or should I say, I listened to them yell at me.

Victor: Ah, I understand. I'm sure Nicholas wasn't too happy.

Sharon: He quit Newman.

Victor: And he decided not to tell me about that in person?

Sharon: I'm sorry.

Victor: I want you to be my eyes and ears, okay?

Sharon: I'm gonna do my best to keep you informed.

Victor: I want you and Faith to move to the ranch, into my house. That's where you belong as my wife.

Adam: (Breathes deeply)

(Knock on door)

Adam: Come in. The next board meeting isn't until late February, correct?

Woman: That's correct.

Adam: I can't wait that long. I want to set up a meeting as soon as possible. Can you start making calls, get the board on the phone, find out when their next available date is?

Woman: Yes, Sir. What's on the agenda?

Adam: Beauty of Nature.

Deacon: Hey, Nikki. Hey, Baby, you in the bathroom?

(Water running)

Nikki: (Whispers) Come on.

(Keys clicking)

Nikki: (Sighs)

(Keys clicking)

Deacon: You lied to me, Nikki, again. Now what exactly were you looking for?

(Keys clicking)

Phyllis: How long do you think that Deacon and Diane were sleeping together?

Nick: Long enough to have a falling-out. Do you think Deacon killed Diane?

Phyllis: I thought he had an alibi.

Nikki: Yeah, well, I did a little digging. It didn't hold up.

Nick: Mom, why would you be digging in the first place? All you've been doing is defending this jerk.

Nikki: All right, listen, the two of you. I'm going to say something I have not told anyone... and this is not for publication, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Of course, of course. My promise still stands.

Nikki: Deacon told me that he had some information about Diane's murder that would be very devastating to our family, so I married him in exchange for his silence.

Phyllis: He blackmailed you.

Nick: Oh, I'm gonna kill the son of a--

Nikki: All right, look, there's no time for that right now.

Nick: Why would you ever believe anything this guy has to say?

Nikki: Honey, I was just-- I-I was a mess. I was vulnerable. I was terrified. I was drinking. My mind was just all in a jumble. But I'm thinking clearly now, 'cause Deacon... is very cunning. He's very smart, so we can't let on that we know anything about him and Diane.

Phyllis: Okay, I don't suppose the police would help us with this.

Nick: No, the case is closed. They think they have their man.

Nikki: We're far away from proving otherwise.

Phyllis: I can show this video to Ronan.

Nick: That's probably a good idea.

Nikki: No, no, no, no, no. I already tried to talk to that guy. He-- he was completely disinterested. He didn't take me seriously. Now I'm gonna go show this to Victor. He needs to see this.

Nick: Mom, plea--

Nikki: Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. I'll be all right.

Nick: This is not gonna end well.

Jeff: Angelo did this to me.

Angelina: Did what to you?

Jeff: Left me marooned on this Godforsaken island with nobody for company except old squishy there. I didn't leave your mother willingly, and I did not take her money. I'm hurt that anyone would think that of me.

Kevin: (Scoffs) Well, if he's capable of sending thugs after his own daughter, I guess he's capable of anything.

Angelina: I can't believe my daddy would do this. So not his style.

Jeff: Oh, believe it, ki-- wait, you're Angelo's daughter?

Angelina: Angelina. Pleased to meet ya.

Jeff: I didn't know Angelo even had-- never mind. (Groans) You know how Angelo felt about me after the bookie thing went south. I guess I'm lucky he didn't just have me whacked.

Angelina: That would have been more his style.

Kevin: (Sighs) Yeah, well... Angelo had another reason for wanting you gone. He's pretty hung up on mom, and since you've been gone, he's been putting the moves on her.

Jeff: I'll kill him.

Kevin: Easy, Tiger. It's totally one-sided. Despite what she thinks you did to her... mom still misses you. God knows why. (Sighs)

Gloria: Thank you.

Angelo: Thank you. Keep the change.

Gloria: Mm. Angelo, Angelo. That was so sweet of you to buy everybody a drink so they could toast us.

Angelo: (Chuckles) You want sweet?

Gloria: (Laughs)

Angelo: I will show you sweet.

Gloria: Mm.

Angelo: What do you say we take this party somewhere private, and I'll show you a side of old Angelo most people never get to see.

Gloria: Uh-huh, so that's your attitude now?

Angelo: Mm-hmm.

Gloria: Don't bother buying the milk, 'cause you can get you-know-what for free?

Angelo: What? No, no, no, no way. I-I mean, Baby, I-I... (Sighs) I've always respected you, Gloria. You know that.

Gloria: I thought I did.

Angelo: Oh, uh... are you mad at me?

Gloria: Mad at you, Angelo. No, I'm not mad at you, but I just agreed to go steady. I'm not ready for all that, you know, private stuff yet.

Angelo: Ahh.

Gloria: (Giggles)

Angelo: (Laughs)

Gloria: (Laughing)

Phyllis: You know what? Your mom's right. If we push Deacon too hard, he'll never tell us what he knows, and we'll never get the information. I have a thought.

Nick: What?

Phyllis: Well, you know, Deacon has always been hot for me. If I were to seduce him...

Nick: No. No way in hell.

Phyllis: It's just a thought.

Deacon: What did you look at, Nikki? What the hell were you trying to get on me?

Deacon: Hey, Nikk, uh, I was just wondering if maybe we could meet for a drink. Call me, okay, Baby? Bye.

Sharon: Well... (Sighs) I need to get going. Um, I'm gonna check on Faith, and then I'd like to get changed. When I come back, we'll be married.

Victor: I'm afraid it won't be very fancy. The rules are pretty strict around here.

Sharon: That's fine. It--

Nikki: Oh, hello. I need to talk to Victor in private.

Sharon: Well, I was just on my way out. I have some things I need to do. I'll see you later.

Victor: I will see you, my darling.

Nikki: Um... you married her?

Victor: The ceremony is tonight. And you're not invited. I want you to go back to that sleazeball drunken husband of yours.

Nikki: I--look, you need to know the truth, all of it. Deacon told me that you and Victoria had killed Diane, and that he would keep it secret if I married him.

Victor: And you fell for that? That's ridiculous.

Nikki: Well, I know now that was a lie.

Victor: Are you telling me you didn't kill Diane?

Nikki: For a while, I-I thought that maybe I had. I mean, I-I still don't remember all of that night because of the blackout, but the more that I learn, the more convinced I am that deacon did this. Deacon did it, and he has manipulated all of us to get away with it.

Deacon: Hey. (Chuckles)

Angelo: Hey, paisan, how's it going?

Deacon: Pretty good. I'm just, uh, just meeting a friend for a drink.

Angelo: Oh, drinks are on me.

Deacon: Oh, yeah? You feelin' all right?

Angelo: You just tell that Johnny-on-the-spot behind the bar what you want, and he will take care of you.

Deacon: Thanks, Ang. Come on, Nikki, damn it, call me. Do me a favor, give me, a, uh, vodka something.

(Cell phone rings)

Deacon: Hello?

Phyllis: Hey, it's your favorite magazine editor.

Deacon: (Laughs) I didn't know I had one.

Phyllis: Oh, you do, you do. Um, listen, I'm doing a story for "Restless Style" about the Sharon and Victor debacle, and, um, I wanted to know how this would affect your relationship with Nikki. I would like a quote from you.

Deacon: You want to interview me?

Phyllis: Yeah, definitely. Are you game? I can meet you whenever, wherever.

Deacon: Okay. I'm at Jimmy's.

Phyllis: Oh, great. Okay, I'll meet you there. Order me a drink. I'm on my way.

Deacon: This ought to be good. Thanks.

Gloria: Angelo. I hope you're not too upset with me, that I wanted to take things slowly, hmm? Hmm? Thing is, I've just been burned so many times over the years. I'd love some good old-fashioned courting. (Laughs)

Angelo: (Laughs) Well, I ain't usually a patient man, but some things are worth waiting for.

Gloria: I'm one of those things, Angelo.

Angelo: Lady, you are gonna see courting like it's never been done before.

Jeff: I need to get to Gloria. We need to go home now.

Kevin: Uh, we can't.

Jeff: Why not?

Kevin: Because we're in a bit of a pickle with Angelo, and we need to lay low for a while.

Jeff: You're right, we need a strategy. I want to ambush that guy like he ambushed me.

Angelina: You got a death wish, or something?

Kevin: Basically.

Jeff: Look, why don't I make some coffee and warm us up? Then we can talk about it.

Kevin: (Shivers) Coffee?

Jeff: Yeah. Why don't you make us a fire?

Kevin: W-with what? All the matches are old and damp.

Jeff: No, no, no, no, no, those matches in the cupboard with the coffee. I'm gonna get us some fresh water. There's a spring not too far from here.

Kevin: (Gasps) (Chuckles)

Angelina: All right.

Adam: (Exhales slowly) Ah, Mrs. Victor Newman?

Sharon: You're not supposed to be standing this close to me.

Adam: I was here first.

Sharon: It doesn't matter with a restraining order.

Adam: Okay. I know the rules. I won't cause any trouble. Let me ask you something, though-- um, I have been wanting to get you and my father a-a wedding gift, and I just wanted to know if you were registered anywhere. I mean, if not, I can always just buy you some Plexiglas cleaner.

Sharon: Adam, don't do this.

Adam: I won't cause any trouble. Congratulations.

Nikki: Phyllis was able to zoom in on the date on that newspaper. That's how we know when this tape was made. So you see, if Deacon was having an affair with Diane, he could have been the one that killed her.

Victor: Are you saying he has no alibi?

Nikki: I talked to Gloria. Turns out, he could have very easily slipped out that night, and no one would have known.

Victor: I'll be damned.

Nikki: Don't you see? If Deacon's the killer, I'm innocent. You've been taking the fall for the wrong person.

Tucker: Oh.

Ashley: What?

Tucker: I gotta get back to work. I'm sorry.

Ashley: Oh, I'll miss you.

Tucker: Well... (Sighs) I'll see you soon. Listen--

Ashley: Okay. Hmm?

Tucker: Abby's gonna be fine. She's strong like you.

Ashley: Bye, Honey.

Tucker: Bye.

Ashley: See you later.

Tucker: May I get a refill?

Adam: Tucker. Just the man I was hoping to run into. We need to talk.

Tucker: Uh-huh. Yeah, I got your text. You're calling another emergency meeting at Newman? What's the deal?

Adam: Meet me at my office. We'll talk.

Ashley: Sharon. Have you lost your mind?

Deacon: (Sighs) Thanks.

Phyllis: I'm so glad you were available when I called.

Deacon: Well, I guess you just got lucky, didn't you?

Phyllis: I think I did. Here's to us continuing... (Glasses clink) To get lucky.

Victor: You're gonna need more than a sex tape to prove that Deacon committed that crime.

Nikki: I know, and I'm handling that.

Victor: Listen to me. You're all fired up right now. I can see it in your eyes. Be careful. That sleazeball is still dangerous.

Nikki: (Sighs) You don't think I know that?

Victor: Well, then go to Ronan Malloy. He's still investigating the case, obviously. Take that tape to him, show it to him, and tell him everything you told me, all right?

Nikki: I went to him already, and I got nowhere.

Victor: What do you mean, you got nowhere?

Nikki: When I told him that deacon's alibi wasn't as strong as he thought, he accused me of deflecting suspicion. I mean, it's kind of hard to confide in someone when they don't trust you.

Victor: (Sighs) All I'm telling you is stop playing detective. This is risky business.

Nikki: Well, I can get in touch with Paul.

Victor: You do that. He will protect you.

Nikki: The way you've been trying to. Victor, I know. I know why you have done what you've done. I know why you're pushing me away. Please don't do anything rash, okay? Don't... don't marry Sharon. I am doing everything I possibly can to get you out of here, but I need time.

Victor: (Sighs) I will think about what you said, okay? That's all I can promise.

Gloria: Ooh! Is it just me, or is there a chill in the air?

Angelo: Oh, allow me. Uh-huh. Here you go. Easy.

Gloria: Oh, thank you.

Angelo: Is that better?

Gloria: Much better. You know, Angelo, you are more of a gentleman than--

Angelo: Unh-unh-unh-- I know who you're talking about, and he is no gentleman. Jeff never deserved a lady like you. You give me time, Gloria, and I promise, I will make you forget that that loser ever existed.

Kevin: Is there anything in that cupboard?

Angelina: Some ant traps, a broken, um, what do you call it? Compass? (Sighs)

Kevin: No matches? No coffee?

Angelina: Nada. I wonder what's taking your friend so long.

(Boat engine roars)

Kevin: No! No, no! No!

Angelina: What is it? What?

Kevin: (Breathing heavily) Jeffrey. He's gone! He stole the boat! We're stuck here.

Man: Warden said one call.

Victor: Thank you.

Victor: Michael, stand by, okay? I am not sure this wedding is gonna happen.

Paul: Hi.

Nikki: Hi. Um, when you called and told me to meet you here... (Stammers)

Paul: Mm.

Nikki: What, are you on a stakeout or something? Oh, I didn't realize you would be here.

Ronan: I live here.

Paul: Ronan and I are still working on Diane's murder.

Ronan: So the information that you gave us about your husband's alibi was confirmed by a patron at Gloworm. Apparently, Deacon took at least an hour-long break that evening, plenty of time for him to get to Town Park and back.

Nikki: Is that so? I thought you didn't believe me.

Paul: Well, now we know that Deacon left work, and he could've gone to the park. Somehow, we need to tie him to Diane.

Nikki: Oh, God, I could do that. Oh, boy, can I do that.

Phyllis: Oh, thank you. That's so sweet.

Deacon: You're welcome.

Phyllis: So sweet. Ohh.

Deacon: So I suppose we could, uh, all use a little more luck, wouldn't you say?

Phyllis: Is it luck? Is it? Or is that just a euphemism for something else?

Deacon: It's a true statement either way.

Phyllis: Hmm, is it? You're a newlywed. I bet you and Nikki are enjoying a lot of euphemisms these days.

Deacon: (Sighs) Doesn't make you any less attractive, I mean, not that I would ever step out on my wife.

Phyllis: Oh, thank you. Such a compliment.

Deacon: Mm.

Phyllis: You and Nikki seem like a sophisticated couple. I'm sure you have an agreement.

Deacon: Why are you so interested all of a sudden?

Phyllis: Because I think you're hot.

Deacon: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: You're a hot, young guy. Why are you even bothering with old dried-up Nikki Newman?

Deacon: Okay, stop it right there.

Phyllis: I mean, she does have a bank account, but don't you need more?

Deacon: You know what I think your problem is? You have a lot of trouble expressing your feelings. You know?

Phyllis: I know.

Deacon: You gotta stop holding back, really tell me how you feel.

Phyllis: I know, I know. I'm really free and easy, and I'm willing to bare it all.

Deacon: Hmm.

Phyllis: I'm willing, and you're taken. It's just sad.

Deacon: Well, to answer your question, yeah, Nikki and I, we do, uh, have an arrangement.

Phyllis: Oh, now we're getting somewhere.

Deacon: Are we?

Phyllis: Yes, we are. Why don't we take this back to your place, and you can bring your camera, and we can conduct this interview there, make it more memorable?

Deacon: What made you say that?

Phyllis: I thought you liked to watch.

Deacon: Just answer me, Phyllis-- what made you say that?

Nick: Hey, get your hands off her now.

Deacon: Sure.

Phyllis: Why--why-- why'd you do that? Why did you do that?

Sharon: I'm so sorry to hear that Abby is struggling. So is Noah.

Ashley: Sharon, you have to take a minute to think about this, please. What marrying Victor is gonna do to your life.

Sharon: Ashley, I can't. The wedding is tonight.

Adam: Tucker. Close the door, please.

Tucker: What's this about, Adam-- your big emergency meeting?

Adam: I'm calling the board together to get them to authorize the sale of Beauty of Nature.

Tucker: Hmm. How do you like your chances?

Adam: Fairly confident I'll get approval.

Tucker: Are you now?

Adam: Uh, you have wanted Newman Cosmetics as a part of McCall as long as I've known you.

Tucker: What about it?

Adam: I'm offering you information that will ensure you get the highest bid. And I'll need something in return.

Paul: Hmm.

Ronan: Deacon and Diane hooking up on the sly. Who knew?

Nikki: No one, apparently.

Paul: I wonder if it was a one-night stand or an ongoing thing.

Ronan: Doesn't matter, but there's our connection right there. We need to get back into those case files at the station. We have to look at everything again with fresh eyes. Now that we know deacon should have been a suspect the whole time. Unfortunately, though, I don't have that kind of access there anymore.

Paul: Well, I'm not officially consulting anymore, but I still have connections, so I'll go back and see if we missed anything.

Ronan: Great.

Paul: (Sighs)

Nikki: Well, I have to thank both of you. I mean, this is the first time in a very long time that I feel like we actually have hope.

Paul: You hold on to that. I'll be in touch.

Ronan: A while back, I was sent a snippet of film of you passed out near Diane's body in the park.

Nikki: What? What are-- why didn't anybody tell me that?

Ronan: At--at the time, it didn't seem material. But here's the thing-- it was shot on Super 8. Just like the film in the warehouse with all the other suspects, and now this sex film on Deacon's laptop. No one has those kind of cameras anymore, so what are the odds that that's a coincidence?

Nikki: So you're saying that Deacon shot the footage in the park?

Ronan: I'm saying that there's a damn good chance, yes. Listen, though, it's not enough to take to the D.A. yet. But if all of the footage is from the same camera, that means Deacon could have been there that night. It means the man had opportunity, motive.

Nikki: Yes. You're right, you're absolutely right.

Ronan: If we can find that camera and the rest of the film and then prove that it belonged to Deacon, then we have ourselves a case.

Nikki: (Sighs) And then finally-- finally, we'll be able to get Victor out of this.

Phyllis: Thank you. It was going great.

Nick: Thanks.

Phyllis: It was going great. It was going great until you raced over here and ruined everything.

Nick: Really?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Okay, if things were going so great, why did Deacon have to grab you?

Phyllis: Because I brought up the camera. I just went a little too far.

Nick: So now Deacon knows we're on to him. (Sighs) God only knows what he'll do next.

Victor: You again?

Deacon: I'm afraid we've got a problem.

Victor: Oh, yeah? I think you're the one with the problem. I know all about the sex tape.

Victor: Did you kill Diane?

Deacon: Look, I've been trying-- I've been trying to hide the truth, but you and Nikki just wouldn't leave it alone, would you? Okay, that's fine. You know what? You want to see what I've been hiding? There, you take a good look at that.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nikki: Might he have left something behind here, something that could be a clue?

Sharon: You know, if you've changed your mind, that's all right.

Ronan: Nikki, hey, are you out h--

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