Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/11/12
Episode # 9819 ~ Kevin and Angelina Discover an Intruder
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nikki: I'm all finished in the bathroom if you want a shower.
Deacon: Hey, I wish you would have woken me up. We could have taken one together.
Nikki: Are you gonna shower with your computer instead?
Deacon: (Laughs) I won't be long.
Nikki: Take your time.
Deacon: Okay.
Nikki: We'll have a leisurely breakfast.
Deacon: Sounds good.
(Door closes)
Nikki: All right. You were deleting something last night, Deacon.
(Keys clicking)
Nikki: What is it?
Nick: Yo.
Phyllis: Hey, Dr. Dad.
Nick: So, be honest. Did I impress you with my ninja-like medical skills?
Phyllis: How's our daughter?
Nick: Finger's a little black and blue. We, of course, had to find a matching outfit for that, which took a little while this morning.
Phyllis: Well, style matters.
Nick: Yeah. Do I even want to know what you're working on?
Phyllis: (Sighs) Freeing your father. Listen, I know he has his bad points, but he is not a killer, confession notwithstanding.
Nick: Which makes it almost impossible to prove.
Phyllis: "Almost" is the operative word.
Nick: How are you gonna go about that?
Phyllis: I don't know. I'm going over all the clues again. I'm just trying to see if there's something that points to who the real murderer is.
Genevieve: Thank you, Myrna.
Myrna: Do you need anything else?
Genevieve: Yes. (Sighs) I would like you to reconsider about moving into Jack’s.
Myrna: I can’t.
Genevieve: Myrna, to stay here all alone when we have no idea who's behind these attacks on me is just foolish.
Myrna: Yeah, but you said that it was probably your ex-husband.
Genevieve: There's a very strong possibility that Colin masterminded all of this. Look, when Ronan comes by today, we might have a better idea.
Myrna: He's coming here, your investigator?
Genevieve: Yes, yes. He needs more information about the near fiasco with the stair runner and the rest of it, and he will have to speak to you again.
Myrna: But I-I don't know anything. I mean--
Genevieve: Myrna, please.
Myrna: Can't--no, can't you just tell him that there's no reason to see me?
Genevieve: Myrna...
Myrna: Hmm?
Genevieve: I know how self-conscious you feel about your burns, but really, they're almost completely healed. Please? Please do this for me, for all of us, just so that we can have some sort of peace of mind, you know?
Myrna: (Sighs)
Gloria: (Sighs) You know, this is the first time I've ever been in here just for a drink. It feels kind of... dangerous. (Laughs)
Angelo: (Laughs) Well, I thought it would be good on our second date if we went to a place a little less, uh, chichi.
Gloria: Ahh. (Laughs)
Angelo: Hey, Lefty, what do you say?
Gloria: You know, if you're going to be introducing me to, um, your friends, I'm gonna go freshen up my lipstick.
Angelo: Yeah, Dino, it's me. You got any word on where that galoot took my daughter? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You-- you just keep that Kevin healthy until I get there and can make him suffer personally, huh? I'm gonna crush him like ice.
Angelina: Come on. Daddy's cabin is gonna be the perfect hideout. Ta-da!
Kevin: There is nothing perfect about any of this.
Angelina: Sorry you got wet.
Kevin: (Shivering) Wet? No, no, wet is what you get when it rains, not when you fall overboard and almost drown in Long Island Sound.
Angelina: Well--well, how was I supposed to know you were standing behind me when I pulled the starter cord?
Kevin: (Shivering) I guess I should just be glad that your dad's boat was at the dock.
Angelina: Let's get inside quick, so we can get toasty by a fire.
Kevin: Where is the key?
Angelina: Um...
Kevin: (Breathing heavily) Your dad doesn't keep a spare key anywhere?
Angelina: Like I've set foot in this place since I was a kid.
Kevin: Oh, not into the great outdoors? There's a surprise.
Angelina: What's so great about it? Give me room service and forced air any day.
Kevin: Oh, let's see if this window is open.
Angelina: Leave it to you to find a way in.
Kevin: (Grunts) It's stuck. (Grunts)
Angelina: Hurry! I'm catching my death out here.
Kevin: Hey! You are not the one turning into a cryogenics--
Angelina: What? Why'd you stop?
Kevin: My hand is stuck.
Angelina: (Laughs) Carmine was always getting his tongue stuck to things back home in Jersey, so I figured out a trick to getting it off.
Kevin: (Grunting) You have a trick?
Angelina: Works every time.
Kevin: Ow!
Angelina: What'd I tell you?
Kevin: That's it. I'm breaking down the door.
Angelina: Oh. (Giggles) Just like Sly Stallone.
Kevin: I don't want you getting hurt. Stay there. (Breathing deeply) (Grunting) Oh.
Angelina: Maybe this'll work. I've seen daddy do it lots of times. Oh... what do you know? (Laughs) Unlocked the whole time.
Kevin: Get inside.
Angelina: Oh.
Genevieve: You know, I could have gotten these bags and myself over to your house all by myself.
Jack: But then I wouldn't get to spend more time with you. Mm.
Genevieve: (Laughs) Myrna.
Myrna: Hmm?
Genevieve: I'll call you, all right?
Myrna: Okay.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Genevieve: A message. Oh, it's Ronan. He's going over to Crimson Lights and then he's gonna interview the maid.
Jack: Good. I'm glad he's taking this seriously. Uh, I'll wait out in the car, okay?
Genevieve: Okay.
Genevieve: Myrna.
Myrna: Hmm?
Genevieve: Do you think you'd be more comfortable if I were here when Ronan came to interview you?
Myrna: No, I'll be fine.
Genevieve: Okay. Thank you for doing this for me. You know something?
Myrna: Hmm?
Genevieve: You are so pretty. You don't need to wear that veil.
Myrna: Thanks.
Myrna: (Exhales slowly)
(Door closes)
Myrna: (Sighs) What am I gonna do? (Whispers) What am I gonna do?
(Keys clicking)
Nikki: Which of these? No. Why is there no name? Ohh, a password. Damn it.
Nikki: I'm gonna just e-mail it. (Keys clicking)
(Water stops running)
Nikki: Hey.
Deacon: Hey.
Nikki: Did you have a good shower?
Deacon: What are you up to?
Phyllis: I'm just trying to figure out if Diane left some clues behind, you know, that she put in a safety-deposit box.
Nick: Right.
Phyllis: Right.
Nick: What if I was to ask you out on a date?
Phyllis: Well, it depends on where you take me.
Nick: Oh, for you? Super fancy. Only the best. Start out at the Burger Barn, then hit the Froyo shop over at the mall. (Clicks tongue) Bang. Good times.
Phyllis: That's lovely.
Nick: What do you say?
Phyllis: No. You really want to start this up again?
Nick: Well, we are unattached. We're clearly attracted to each other.
Phyllis: Have you forgotten that we have a lot of baggage? Have you forgotten that?
Nick: Only way to get past that is to just get past it.
Phyllis: Yeah, but your baggage has lots of legs and keeps on running back to you.
Nick: Well, I've told you, that door is closed, locked, and bolted. There is absolutely zero anything romantic between me and Sharon.
Phyllis: Mm, and my sister?
Nick: We broke up for the reason that... you're gonna make me say it again?
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, again and again and again and again and again...
Nick: Okay, okay, okay.
Phyllis: And again and again and again.
Nick: Okay. I still have feelings for you. That's the last time I'm gonna say that, by the way.
Phyllis: (Scoffs) It's the last time you're gonna say it--
Nick: Yeah.
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Nick: Think about it.
Ronan: Hi.
Phyllis: Hi.
Ronan: What's going on?
Phyllis: Um... I'm trying to work on the, uh, the Diane Jenkins murder case. I'm just looking over the clues to see if, um... maybe there's a suspect that we haven't considered.
Ronan: You mean a suspect other than our top ten list? It's quite possible, but who?
Phyllis: I know. That's the question. But who, Ronan?
Adam: Boo.
Myrna: (Gasps) Ugh!
Adam: Haven't seen you in a while. Think it's wise to be out in public?
Myrna: (Sighs) Just forget you saw me, okay? (Sighs)
Nikki: Oh, my gosh, I didn't realize it was so late.
Deacon: Are we gonna order breakfast in, or are we going out?
Nikki: Oh, I have errands I have to do.
Deacon: Since when?
Nikki: Since I looked at my calendar and noticed that I had a few appointments that I've forgotten lately. So will I see you later?
Deacon: I'm counting on it. Hey, come here. Hurry back, all right?
Nikki: Okay.
Nikki: Hi. Where are you? I'll meet you there right now.
Jack: Whoa.
Genevieve: Chilly. Whew!
Adam: Ah, Genevieve, Jack.
Genevieve: Adam.
Jack: Adam.
Adam: Your maid recovering from those burns?
Genevieve: Myrna? Um, yeah, she's doing just fine.
Adam: Does she get out much?
Jack: Why would you ask?
Adam: Small talk, Jack. I figured, rather than trade derogatory barbs, which is so predictable, I'd try something new. Nice seeing you guys.
Genevieve: Yeah, you too. (Laughs) What was that about?
Jack: That was strange, but that was Adam.
Genevieve: Hi.
Ronan: Hi.
Phyllis: Hey, wow.
Genevieve: (Laughs)
Phyllis: (Laughs) If it isn't, uh, the almost newlyweds.
Ronan: Did you get my text?
Genevieve: Yes, Myrna’s waiting for you.
Ronan: I won't keep her waiting, then.
Genevieve: I'll get our drinks
Jack: I'll be right there. So...
Phyllis: What's going on at Genevieve’s?
Jack: Oh, a few odd occurrences, as yet unexplained. Your boyfriend's looking into it for us.
Phyllis: Oh, he's not my boyfriend anymore.
Jack: Would that have something to do with Nick?
Phyllis: Why would you automatically go there?
Jack: Why wouldn't I? It's what broke us up. So wh-which one of you wants to get it back together?
Phyllis: He brought it up.
Jack: And you?
Phyllis: I dodged and evaded.
Jack: So what's holding you back?
Phyllis: Oh. (Exhales slowly) This is what we do, you know? We get back together. We break up. I mean, if it were just me and Nick, it would be great, but it's not. I have to compete with other women all the time.
Jack: Maybe Nick is just one of those guys...
Phyllis: I don't want to do that anymore.
Jack: Who never lets go of his ex.
Phyllis: Exactly. Well, that's what I'm talking about.
Jack: You're one of those exes.
Phyllis: Yeah, well... (Laughs) I am. I want to be the one.
Jack: Maybe you could be, if you allowed yourself to find out. Anyway, I gotta go.
Phyllis: Talk to you later.
Jack: Yeah.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Hey. Did you forget something?
Ronan: No, it's what I found. This was on my windshield.
Phyllis: Oh, my gosh.
Ronan: Yeah.
Phyllis: It looks like--
Ronan: Yeah, it is. It's a page from Diane Jenkins' diary.
Myrna: I hope that page from Diane’s diary will keep Ronan away. (Sighs) (Laughs) I wish Adam hadn't seen me. He's just gonna try and make me leave from Genoa City, and I can't do that. I can’t. There's just so much I need to do here. Hmm? I need to make it all right. You understand, don't you, Mr. Kitty? I can't let anything derail my plan. Mm. (Sighs)
Gloria: (Laughs)
Angelo: Now you remember...
Gloria: Mm-hmm.
Angelo: It's all... in the rhythm.
Gloria: Isn't everything? (Laughs)
Angelo: You just pull back nice and slow, aim, and... release! Yeah! (Laughs) (Cheering)
Gloria: Whew!
Angelo: Ahh, and you ain't seen nothin' yet.
Gloria: Oh, whoa! And why should we be the only ones to have some fun? I bet that gentleman over there would like to have a go at it, huh? Ooh.
Angelo: Hey, if it ain't Blackie.
Gloria: Angelo, you sure do know a lot of people.
Angelo: Oh, I'm a nice guy.
Gloria: Yeah, and they all seem to have, um, some physical impairment or other.
Angelo: Ohh. All amateur boxers. They don't know, uh, a hook from an uppercut. (Laughs)
Gloria: (Chuckles)
(Cell phone rings)
Angelo: Ah. Listen, why don't you go quench your thirst while I take this, eh?
Gloria: (Exhales)
Angelo: Yeah, Dino. What do you got?
Angelina: There's dirty dishes in the sink.
Kevin: Will you see if there's any more matches anywhere over there?
Angelina: Hey, did you see this pillow on the sofa?
Kevin: So what? There's always pillows on sofas.
Angelina: Bed pillows? And--and what's with that door being unlocked? I-I'm starting to think somebody's been squatting here.
Kevin: Well, it better not be someone who knows your father, because if he finds out we're here--
Angelina: He won’t.
Kevin: Well, you just said you think somebody's--
Angelina: Well, this stuff looks like it hasn't been used in forever, so whoever was using it must be long gone.
Kevin: Yeah, or he froze to death. (Growling)
Angelina: What was that?
Kevin: My stomach. I'm starving, and you know what? You should eat something, too. Find out what food survived the fall.
Angelina: Um, cans of soup, jar of pickles, and, uh, my drinks.
Kevin: Soup. Will you, uh, warm that up while I try and get this fire started?
Angelina: Sure, okay. Um, I need a pot, right? And--and soup and, uh, hey, where's the bag with the can opener?
Angelina: Want a super Slimquick?
Nikki: Hi.
Nick: Hey.
Nikki: Okay, listen. I sent myself a file from Deacon's computer, but you know, I don't know how to do any of that. I need help in opening it.
Nick: Why? What's going on?
Nikki: I think that Deacon knows more about Diane’s murder than he's letting on, and I'm gonna find out exactly what it is.
Nick: You're still trying to help Dad?
Nikki: I mean, I don't know if the answer is in here, but at least I have to check it out.
Nick: Wait, Mom, does Deacon know that you're spying on him?
Nikki: No, of course not, but if there's something in here that will clear your father, we have to know about it.
Phyllis: "I wasn't prepared for the hunger in his kiss. His hands were strong, tender, and magical." Oh. (Blows raspberry) "In the next instant, my clothes were gone. His lips traveled the length of my body, and the next thing I-I knew," what--
Ronan: Did you see the date?
Phyllis: Yeah, a few days before she was murdered.
Ronan: Who was Diane sleeping with before she was killed?
Phyllis: (Sighs) There's no way I would know.
Ronan: We gotta figure out how this is connected to her death.
Phyllis: I don't-- um, I have to go. Um, I have an appointment. I-I'll talk to you later.
Ronan: You have--
Phyllis: Uh-huh.
Ronan: (Clears throat) Hi.
Genevieve: You're still here.
Ronan: I was sidetracked when I got to my car. Jack... you wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you?
Adam: (Sighs) (Exhales slowly)
(Cell phone rings)
Adam: (Chuckles)
Adam: Miss me already?
Myrna: (Sighs) No. I need you to do something for me.
Adam: Well, I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore, Patty.
Myrna: And don't call me that on the phone.
Adam: What? You're the one who's walking around in broad daylight. You think you can stay disguised behind those scarves? No, someone's bound to figure out who you are.
Myrna: I've been very careful. Now look... if you do this one thing for me, I promise I'll leave you alone.
Genevieve: "His lips traveled the length of my body, and the next thing I knew"... well, that's a little too much information, isn't it? Uh, who is this guy?
Ronan: I'm sorry, Genevieve, I'm--I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable with this.
Genevieve: Oh, I see. So this is the part where you ask my fiancé if this is about him, which, actually, is an answer that I kind of need to hear, and I'd ask a question of my own.
Jack: And what would that be?
Genevieve: Are you busy later?
Jack: (Laughs) That wasn't me she's writing about in her diary entry.
Ronan: How do you know?
Jack: Because it's dated days before she was killed. She and I weren't together in that way for quite some time.
Ronan: So do you have any idea who this guy would be?
Jack: I don't know-- Victor, Tucker, Nick. You--you want to know where my betting money is? If I were you, I'd go after her ex-roommate-- Adam.
Adam: What do you need, and what's in it for me?
Myrna: Meet me on the loading dock behind Gloworm, okay? I-I'll disguise myself well. It'll be worth your while, I promise.
Adam: You can go there now. Wait for me. I'll show up soon.
Myrna: Thank you.
Adam: (Groans) (Sighs) I am not going anywhere near that lunatic.
Nick: I got a bad feeling about this on so many levels, and not the least of which is how much danger you could be in.
Nikki: All right, look, don't worry about any of that. Don't worry about Deacon. I can handle him, but I would not be able to live with myself if I let your father stay in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Can we do this, please?
Nick: Is the file downloaded yet?
Nikki: Yeah, but it's still prompting for a password.
Nick: You know the person who's really good at this sort of thing is Phyllis.
Nikki: No, I don't want...
(Knock on door)
Nikki: Phyllis to know anything about this. Are you kidding?
Phyllis: Hey, uh, can I come in?
Kevin: Why do you drink this stuff, anyway?
Angelina: It ain't for the taste. I don't want to be a fatty.
Kevin: Angelina, you're pregnant. It's kind of the point.
Angelina: Right. (Laughs) Silly me. Can't forget little Carmine. Has it gotten colder in here?
Kevin: (Sighs) Come here. You're freezing. It can't be good for you or the baby. (Sighs)
Angelina: Kevin, you are the greatest guy I've ever known... other than my daddy.
Kevin: Mm. If you're gonna compliment me, please keep your father out of it.
Angelina: Why?
Kevin: Because he's a jerk for putting us in this predicament.
Angelina: He loves me... (Laughs) So he's super protective.
Kevin: If he really loved you, he would support the fact that you're pregnant and he would help you, and he would pat me on the back for looking after you instead of trying to have somebody break my legs. (Sighs)
Angelina: You really care about what happens to me, don't you?
Kevin: Yeah, of course I do. I don't want you getting hurt. I want you to be safe. (Sighs)
Angelina: Okay, uh... I-I've gotta tell you something.
Kevin: What?
(Rustling outside)
Kevin: Shh, shh. (Whispers) Go, go, go.
(Door opens)
(Door slams shut)
(Door latch clicks)
(Door creaks)
(Pots banging)
Man: (Groans)
Angelina: (Whispers) I was right. Some homeless dude is freeloading off my daddy.
Jack: I hate that little details of Diane’s private life are still being leaked like that.
Genevieve: I didn't realize that the two of you had been together so recently.
Jack: She wasn't exactly shy about coming on to me, and yes, I was weak at one point, but believe me, we fought a heck of a lot more than we ever got along.
Genevieve: So then, did it bother you at all? I mean, hearing about her with another man?
Jack: The woman is dead, and no, I have not been in love with Diane for years.
Genevieve: Oh, oh, yeah, of course.
Jack: Then you're not jealous.
Genevieve: No. No, I-I think I'm just remembering how I felt when Jill was flaunting her affair with Colin. It's never really comfortable to hear about someone you love, or loved, being with somebody else.
Jack: Okay, personally, I don't care who any of my exes are with or were with. Right now, my focus is entirely on you.
Genevieve: (Laughs)
Phyllis: Nikki, if you don't mind, I need to talk to--to Nick in--in private.
Nikki: Well, actually, I came here to speak with him in private as well, so you need to come back later.
Nick: Okay, Mom, this is ridiculous. Who are you trying to protect? Deacon?
Phyllis: W-wait, what about Deacon?
Nikki: (Sighs)
Nick: Phyllis is the perfect person to help us with this.
Phyllis: Help with what?
Nikki: I know this more than anyone, okay? I just don't want to be reading about it on the internet ten minutes after Phyllis goes out the door.
Phyllis: What are you guys talking about?
Nick: Look, if we tell you something, you have to swear that you'll keep it to yourself.
Phyllis: Of course, yeah. I'm not gonna say anything. I give you my word.
Nikki: You have given your word before, Phyllis.
Nick: Mom.
Nikki: All right. (Sighs) This is a file from Deacon's computer and it's password-protected, so I can't get into it, and I need help with opening it. Could you do that?
Nikki: Please.
(Rhythmic knock on door)
Adam: Ahh. Where's your warrant? Oh, that's right. You are not a cop anymore.
Ronan: No, I'm just a pushy civilian now.
Adam: Who could be arrested for trespassing.
Ronan: I just got a quick question for you, Adam. Were you and Diane Jenkins ever more than friends?
Adam: Why do you ask?
Ronan: Maybe... maybe that'll help jog your memory right there.
Gloria: (Laughs)
Angelo: (Laughs)
(Cell phone rings)
Angelo: Ohh, oh.
Gloria: (Sighs)
Angelo: Dino, hold on. I will be right back.
Gloria: Mm. Dino? Angelo will be with you in a second. Angelo, there's something I need you to know.
Angelo: What's that?
Gloria: I think you're nice and fun, and you treat me like a lady and a broad at the same time, and I find that oddly appealing.
Angelo: Um, uh, you're welcome. Is that it?
Gloria: N--unh-unh, unh-unh. Angelo, I am ready to take things to the next level with you. You know, from the occasional date to something more steady.
Angelo: (Laughs) Gloria, are you saying you-- you want to be my girl?
Gloria: Yeah. (Laughs)
Angelo: (Laughs)
Gloria: I am ready to put the past behind me and be your girl, Angelo.
Angelina: Who do you think he is?
Kevin: I don't know. Probably somebody with ties to your father.
Angelina: Looking like that?
Kevin: (Sighs) We can't take any chances.
Man: (Sighs)
Kevin: (Grunts)
Man: Ohh! (Groans)
Angelina: You got him! You got him!
Kevin: Jeffrey? (Sighs)
Genevieve: Hey, I'm-- I was just trying to reach Myrna and let her know that Ronan was running a bit late, and she's not answering.
Jack: You know what's strange? The way Adam brought up Myrna.
Genevieve: Well, he's met her before.
Jack: Don't take this the wrong way, but have you ever considered doing a, uh, background search on your maid?
Genevieve: (Laughs) No, she's absolutely the most trustworthy employee I've ever had in my life.
Jack: She's also the only other person with access to your house.
Genevieve: Yeah, no, I-- there--no, there's just no way that she's behind it.
Jack: No, I'm just saying, if she was helping Colin in some way, if--
Genevieve: I don't think so. I--she's just so incredibly loyal. Oh, my God, think about it. She stayed with me after that explosion. Then, unfortunately, it ended up turning her into something of a recluse.
Jack: Just a theory. I'm sure you're right. Myrna is not the person we need to be worrying about.
Deacon: (Sniffles) (Clears throat) (Grunts)
(Metal clangs)
Adam: I could certainly do without the, um, obscene visions now dancing around in my head.
Ronan: Diane wasn't writing this about you?
Adam: I liked Diane, but I would rather have killed her than slept with her, and I can honestly say I did neither.
Phyllis: Oh, wow. And it opens. Here we go.
Nikki: Oh, it looks like a movie.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: It's kind of dark. Can you tell where that is?
Nikki: I think it's a suite at the G.C.A.C.
Phyllis: Wait.
Nick: Is this a sex tape?
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Nikki: (Gasps)
Nikki: It's Deacon. It's Deacon... with Diane.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nikki: You've been taking the fall for the wrong person.
Angelo: You are gonna see courting like it's never been done before.
Jeff: I need to get to Gloria. We need to go home now.
Kevin: Uh, we can’t.
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