Y&R Transcript Monday 1/9/12
Episode # 9817 ~ Chelsea Makes a Shocking Confession
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victoria: Is it possible that there's been a mistake?
Dr. Okamura: I had two labs conduct the test because of the circumstance. All the markers indicate that you are the father.
Billy: Can we get a minute, please, Doc?
Dr. Okamura: Sure. If you have any more questions, just let me know.
Chelsea: (Sighs heavily) I should give you credit, I suppose, for not trying to pay off the lab technician or something. So I guess the only question that remains is, how are you gonna do right by this baby?
Nikki: (Slurring slightly) Well, my God, come on. If you're gonna stay, lighten up a little bit. (Laughs) Come on, man.
Deacon: You know, that's a-- that's a good point. I'll tell you what, barkeep, why don't you give me two, uh, vodka tonics-- one for me and one for my lovely wife.
Nikki: You know... (Sighs) I've been thinking.
Deacon: Hmm?
Nikki: I think tonic is a waste of glass space.
Deacon: (Scoffs) Why don't you take it easy there, Tiger? Because, uh, this is the first alcohol I've had since you, Darling, started spiking my drinks.
Nikki: Mm...
Deacon: But I suppose turnaround is fair play, so what say you play fair?
Nikki: (Sighs)
Deacon: What the hell were you doing sneaking out New Year’s Eve to go see Victor? Come on. Secrets between us, Nikk? After all we've been through?
Nikki: Well, I'm as shocked as you are, considering what you and I have together is so special.
Deacon: Well, then, here's to a match made in... heaven.
(Glasses clink)
Deacon: Mmm.
Nikki: I... can't do this. (Sets glass down)
Adam: Came to bail me out. So you do care.
Nick: I figured I'd come by and see if you needed any reading materials for the next month or so.
Adam: Actually, I'll be out in a few minutes. We can go grab a burger, catch up.
Nick: I'll buy. That's the least I can do since you finally screwed up just enough that Newman can get rid of you now.
Phyllis: You're kidding me. They already sold out of the issue. That's amazing. I guess it is proof that they needed me back here... (Chuckles) Yes. Okay, well, give them another delivery by the end of the day. Thank you. Yeah, me, too. Bye-bye.
Michael: Issue selling well?
Phyllis: Are you here to lecture me? Because you know I've printed way worse.
Michael: (Chuckles) No, I am here to express friendship and concern.
Phyllis: 'Cause I'm so fabulous at my job?
Michael: Because not only did you slam Sharon, you declared war on Victor, and that is a very bad idea.
Sharon: Victor, I will be your wife.
Victor: (Chuckles) Well, then, we can make the arrangements.
Sharon: (Sighs) Um, well, we-- we have plenty of time.
Victor: I want to get married immediately.
Sharon: Immediately, as in today?
Billy: Here we go. The official shakedown begins.
Chelsea: Honestly, you should be grateful you're not rotting I-in prison for what you did to me.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: How can you still pretend to be the victim here?
Chelsea: You know, he's-- he's smart, right? And he--and he's funny, and he--he makes you laugh, doesn't he? But really, it's all just a cover for something that is ugly and dark and vicious. I didn't lie that this baby is his, and I didn't lie about how I got pregnant.
Victoria: I know exactly who Billy is and what he's capable of. And something else that I'm sure of-- you're a liar.
Chelsea: (Scoffs)
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Victoria: There's something I need to take care of at home.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Victoria: I'll see you later.
Billy: Thank you.
Victoria: Yeah, I'll see you at home.
(Door slams)
Chelsea: We're done here. From now on, we'll just deal with each other through our lawyers.
Billy: And the bankers, of course, right?
Chelsea: Have a great day.
Billy: Yeah, you, too. (Clears throat)
Nikki: (Slurring speech) If... if I have one more drink...
Deacon: (Scoffs)
Nikki: I think I would be under the table. (Clicks lips) And that is because I got an early start, you know? Uh, so for the same reason...
Deacon: Stop it.
Nikki: As when I went to see...
Deacon: Stop it.
Nikki: My loving ex on New Year’s Eve. You know, he's-- he's gonna marry our former daughter-in-law. Can you believe that? The blonde? But she's not so blonde anymore.
Deacon: Wait, wait, wait. But wait, wait, wait, wait. You're--you're telling me that Victor's gonna marry Sharon? What? (Laughs)
Nikki: And you--you wonder how many years she was planning that, don't you?
Deacon: Oh, come on, you don't actually think that she was planning all the way fr--
Nikki: (Chuckles) Oh, oh. I think she was planning this the whole time. I think that she watched me, Mrs. Victor Newman, all the grand things that I had as being her, and she decided she was gonna have that for herself. That's what I think.
Deacon: Huh. Yeah, you know what I think? I think we're gonna need our bartender before we get the-- the rest of the story. Where the hell did that guy go, anyway?
Nikki: Well, here.
Deacon: (Sighs)
Nikki: I mean, don't let this go to waste. Go for it.
Deacon: That's good advice. Mmm.
Nikki: You know...
Deacon: (Sets glass down) I have an idea.
Nikki: You did tell me that... you and I were good together or that you were good for me, and you were right. To be honest, I'm really not very good at being alone.
Deacon: You're not alone. You have me.
Nikki: Okay.
Deacon: (Clicks tongue)
Adam: Squeeze me out of Newman? For this?
Nick: Violating a restraining order. That'll do it.
Adam: Charges won't stick. Witnesses will testify that Sharon was engaging me in conversation. It's just gonna smell like entrapment. And let's be honest, who's really going to give Sharon any credibility after the decision that she's just made? And that, Brother, is the real reason why you're here, isn't it? Our father said, "Will you marry me?" And Sharon said, "Yes." So you came here because I am the one person who understands exactly how that feels.
Sharon: Today? I-I just-- I don't know how we could get everything ready today. I mean, I know there's no church or a reception, but still, there's-- you know, there's red tape and--and requests and...
Victor: I didn't mean today, necessarily, but you know, I can convince the right people to arrange it for tomorrow.
Sharon: Uh, I mean, that's still very soon.
Victor: There'll be no church or reception. Probably have to happen in here. But it'll be legally binding. I want you to be protected. I want you to be cared for, okay? The sooner, the better.
Sharon: My reasons for wanting to marry you are not going to change, so why wait?
Victor: I'm glad you see it that way.
Sharon: Of course, I'm still not entirely sure what your reasons are for wanting this marriage. I don't think that you've been completely honest with... what you intend to get out of it, and-- for example, um, with regards to Nikki. But... whatever it is you want...
Victor: (Sighs)
Sharon: (Sighs) I want that for you, especially after what you did for me and Faith.
Victor: Faith needs you, and you have every right to share custody with Nicholas.
Sharon: (Sighs) Speaking of Faith, it's time for me to go pick her up.
Victor: Anything else?
Sharon: I guess Nicholas and I have some things to talk about.
Nick: I am not gonna talk about Sharon with you.
Adam: So it doesn't bother you about her and Dad? Doesn't it make you wonder if she loathes you, or me, that much that she would hook up with Victor Newman just to show you who's boss?
Nick: Sharon put you in here. She would rather you be in a jail cell than be in the same room with her. She didn't have to enforce the restraining order, Adam. I mean, I couldn't hold it over her head any longer. She had already won joint custody of Faith.
Adam: And Sharon got the both of us, didn't she? Or rather, Dad did. He's awfully adorable when he gloats, isn't he? His mustache twirls all on its own.
Nick: He does enjoy winning.
Adam: At all costs, no matter what, which is why I'm going to devote all my energies to Newman Enterprises.
Nick: You mean, when they throw you out as C.E.O.?
Adam: Or when they carry me around on their shoulders in the conference room when I present my new course of action?
Nick: Your plan is that big? It's that impressive? Really?
Adam: I'm selling Beauty of Nature. I'm going to take the cash and buy distressed assets. Who says a bad economy isn't a good thing?
Nick: That will never happen, do you hear me? And you remember I said that.
Adam: Why do you care about the old man and his company after what he just did to you?
Deacon: Ohh.
Nikki: (Slurring speech) I am in that kind of a floaty stage, you know? Where everything's just really nice, and I can almost remember why you and I got together to begin with.
Deacon: Mm. (Chuckles)
Nikki: (Laughs) You look a little floaty, too.
Deacon: (Laughs) Wait, hang on a second. I have never been floaty in my life, all right?
Nikki: (Giggles)
Deacon: I... (Clears throat) My tolerance may have diminished a little bit, I'll admit that.
Nikki: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Deacon: But, uh, hey, I'm not gonna blow this. Uh, I tell you what...
Nikki: (Sighs contentedly)
Deacon: I am gonna go take a shower and see if I can, uh, come around.
Nikki: I think that is great. You start without me. I'll be there.
Deacon: (Chuckles) Ha. (Laughs) Ohh. Ha! Whoo!
(Door closes)
Nikki: (Quietly) This time, I will find out what you know about Diane's murder. Yes. (Sighs)
(Computer keys clicking)
Victoria: Hi, this is Victoria Abbott. Yeah, I got your text about wanting to change the adoption interview from, um, from later next week to today. Um... I really wish that we could do that, but it's just-- it's not possible. No, no, uh... my feelings haven't changed. I-I mean, I really... I really want a baby more than ever. (Sighs)
Chelsea: It's decaf, in case that's why you followed me here-- 'cause you're so concerned about us. (Sighs)
Billy: (Clears throat) Look, um... things were a little tense back there. (Sighs) But, uh, you were right. That's my baby, right? And once the shock wore off, I thought maybe you and I should talk.
Chelsea: Without your wife?
Billy: She's a little emotional right now. I mean, you can understand that. But, uh, I-I have to be honest with you-- I don't remember being with you that night.
Chelsea: I do... vividly.
Billy: Okay, um, this is what I remember-- I remember there was a lot of drinking.
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Billy: And we were dancing. (Chuckles) You definitely have a mouth on you. I know that, a bit of a spark. But if I remember correctly, you hit on me.
Chelsea: It's not a crime to kiss a drunk tourist.
Billy: Yeah, I was definitely wasted, huh? (Chuckles) I guess so. Yeah, the thing is, um, I'm confused. I-I can usually hold my liquor.
Chelsea: Uh, maybe it was the heat. Sometimes, that can have an effect on people.
Billy: Yeah, yeah. Maybe you slipped me a little something-something in my drink. Hey, maybe, maybe not.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Billy: I don't know. It's possible. But whether you doped me or not, there's no way I forced myself on you. So... why don't you tell me what really happened between us that night?
Phyllis: Oh, Victor terrifies me...
Michael: Oh, really?
Phyllis: From his cell in solitary confinement.
Michael: Really? Suddenly, you're naive.
Phyllis: I told the truth about Victor and Sharon. That was a truth.
Michael: Does Nicholas agree with this "Truth"?
Phyllis: We agreed to disagree.
Michael: Oh, like mature adults. I don't think you fully grasp the situation. I mean, you've treated this like a party game so far, with Sharon as the... (Clicks tongue) Piñata, you know? Hair-chewing bride and all.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah, "Hair-chewing bride"-- that was good. It's been hard to top that one.
Michael: You know, Sharon's never really been in a position to protect herself. I mean, not in any way that could do you harm.
Phyllis: Sharon doesn't have it in her.
Michael: Sharon has Victor's ring. It gives her superpowers. It gives her Victor, and you're not up for that battle.
Phyllis: I've been to war with Victor before, thanks to Patty Williams.
Michael: You know, I'm begging you to drop this "Tough girl" shtick and get it through your head that Sharon is Victor's cause now, and if you provoke him through her, he's gonna come at you so hard and so fast, I am scared for you.
Phyllis: He brought you here. He brought you here to intimidate me, right? That is absolutely hilarious.
Michael: No! (Hits table) Listen, I am here 'cause I love you and--
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Michael: (Lowers voice) And you need to watch your back.
Adam: I know, I know. Back so soon. It's nice in here. It's quiet. It's not like regular lockup, which is where I spent the last few hours.
Victor: Because you violated Sharon's restraining order. She told me.
Adam: She could have dropped it. She doesn't have to placate Nicholas anymore. She has shared custody. But she pressed charges, so I guess you've found yourself a shiny new little robot toy.
Victor: I don't control Sharon. I simply showed her the way. She's made some other very important decisions, beyond charging you.
Nick: Right on time.
Sharon: I don't want to miss out on another second of time with Faith.
Nick: 50/50, according to the judge. You know, my dad tried to pull something like this with Victoria, and it cost her Reed.
Sharon: This is about me spending time with my daughter. It's not about hurting you, Nick.
Nick: I was never worried about me when I was fighting for full custody.
Sharon: Right, that was about Adam, who I had arrested for coming near me. So why are you getting so angry and trying to pick a fight?
Nick: I'll go get Faith.
Sharon: Wait, there's something else you need to hear.
Nick: What, more about you and Dad?
Sharon: Victor and I have set a date, and we're getting married tomorrow.
Nick: (Scoffs)
Chelsea: We did have fun at the bar, and there's nothing illegal about making conversation with a-a cute surfer.
Billy: Mm. And?
Chelsea: And drinking.
Billy: And?
Chelsea: Kissing.
Billy: Ooh. And?
Chelsea: And sometimes, my friends and I, we, um, we do what we have to do to get by. Not all of us are trust fund babies like you are, Billy.
Billy: Ouch.
Chelsea: So... yes, from time to time, we would help cops fill their quotas.
Billy: So... drugging and setting up strangers. (Chuckles) But you weren't too quick to send me into the cops now, were you?
Chelsea: You're a fun drunk. Some might even say sexy.
Billy: You know, I've heard that. (Chuckles)
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Billy: And you're a very pretty girl, so I guess you weren't interested.
Chelsea: Yeah, I was, and I made that very clear.
Billy: Oh. Uh, well, in my defense, I was, obviously, very drunk. I'm usually really good at the whole seduction thing, so I'm not sure what happened.
Chelsea: I seduced you. I can be very persuasive.
Billy: Mm-hmm. So no assault? No attack?
Chelsea: Totally consensual. It's a shame you don't remember.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Chelsea: (Clicks lips) But... (Clears throat) None of that matters now. (Sighs) If anybody asks, I'm sticking to my story. And, Billy, it's just your word against mine.
Billy: Hmm. Sweetheart, mm... not so much anymore.
Nikki: (Quietly) Come on.
(Computer keys clicking)
Nikki: Come on!
(Keyboard keys clicking)
(Knock on door)
Victoria: Mom, are you in there?
(Hotel door opens)
Nikki: (Quietly) Victoria. What's going o-- did you get the D.N.A. results back? Oh, Sweetheart. Oh, Baby, I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry.
Billy: You know what? This rape B.S., it might have worked for you in the past. You might have gotten some guys to roll over. Hell, you might have gotten some guys to pay up. But the first girl that I've ever loved had the worst thing imaginable happen to her. She tried to tell her mom, but no, she wouldn't listen to her. She didn't want to believe her. And that's how real victims act. They're desperate to tell anybody, get someone to believe 'em, to understand what happened to 'em. They don't sit here and try to flirt with and seduce their attacker.
Chelsea: Please. You are a spoiled little rich boy. You don't get to sit there and judge me.
Billy: It takes quite a bit to offend my low sense of decency. But I will be damned if you didn't do it.
Chelsea: Okay, then. No assault. You can run on home to your wife, and you can play that little recording you got. And then you both can talk more about this baby that you and I made that night.
Nick: (Sighs) You and my dad.
Sharon: Well, there's no reason to put it off.
Nick: Sharon, there used to be a day when I knew everything about you. I knew how you would react to anything. I knew what you would say. But first, it was Adam, and now it's my dad. Truth is, I haven't known you for years now.
Sharon: I think the truth is, there's a lot of things about each other that we never knew.
Nick: How about Noah and Faith? Its one thing that their grandfather's gonna spend decades in prison, Sharon, but now they're gonna-- they're gonna have him as, like, a stepfather? Faith's too young to understand all this, but Noah will. Have you even spoken to him about this?
Sharon: I have called him, and I've asked him to call me back.
Nick: You came this close to losing him last time with this whole mess with Adam. He took off for Paris and New York to get away from all this drama that you caused. You may not give a damn if our son comes home, but I do.
Sharon: Of course, I care about Noah. I love him. I will do whatever it takes to get him to understand my reasons.
Nick: How about Doris?
Sharon: Well, actually, I haven't-- I haven't spoken to her yet. Victor and I just now set the date. I haven't even told--
Nick: Who? Adam?
Sharon: That's not what I was gonna say.
Nick: Yeah, you got awesome judgment, Sharon, just awesome. And our daughter's lucky to have you. I'll go get her for you.
Adam: So you're putting Sharon on the right path. I assume you mean by this... engagement. Big congrats to you, by the way. But if I were you, I would suggest getting used to seeing things that you want slipping right through your fingers. (Slaps table) Speaking of which, I must dash. Big plans to attend to.
Victor: What a coincidence. I have some big plans for tomorrow myself.
Adam: Corn dog Tuesday?
Victor: Tomorrow's my wedding day. I'm getting married to Sharon. So, Son, by tomorrow night, Sharon will be my wife.
(Door opens)
Michael: Thank you. Oh, Adam. I can guess what that was about.
Victor: Yeah, I think I got to him. I told him that, um, I'm gonna be married by tomorrow night.
Michael: So Sharon agreed to your timeline?
Victor: That means you need to make some arrangements, okay?
Michael: Of course I do.
Victor: Now first tell me why you're here.
Michael: I received some information regarding "Mr. Cheerful" and Newman Enterprises.
Billy: You had enough right there to make your point, but you had to twist the knife. And you accused me of rape? You try to make my wife wonder what I'd done? What's wrong with you?
Chelsea: You know, Billy, all I actually see from all this is that you and I are so much alike. And we had fun that night, whether you want to admit it or not.
Billy: (Sighs)
Chelsea: Actually, we had a lot of fun. (Chuckles) But fun doesn't come cheap.
Billy: (Sighs)
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Victoria: One night. Just one night with a-- with a stranger, and she gets pregnant with Billy's baby, when we have been spending so much time trying to grow our family in so many different ways, Mom.
Nikki: I know. I know. Believe me, I-I know what this means. I do. But, Sweetheart, right now, you have to think about yourself, and then you will figure out what the best thing is to do.
Deacon: Babe, what's up?
Nikki: (Sighs) Uh...
Victoria: I should go. (Sniffles)
Nikki: No, I-I-I can come downstairs so we can talk.
Victoria: No, Mom, I'm okay. I'm okay, okay? I promise. (Sighs) Take care of yourself, all right?
Nikki: I'm so sorry.
Victoria: It's okay. I'll see you later.
Nikki: I love you. (Sighs)
Deacon: Come here.
(Door closes)
Nikki: (Sighs) Hmm? What?
Deacon: There. Now I've got you exactly where I want you. And, uh, there's something very important that you need to know.
Phyllis: "Devoted 'Restless' readers, you humble me with your rapt interest in our newest issue and cover story. The soon-to-be Mrs. Sharon... Newman Abbott... Newman Newman... truly is the journalistic gift that keeps on giving. Sanctity of marriage, my aunt fanny. There are nooks and crannies of 'Ugh' all through this union. And I promise to deliver you every gratuitous detail."
Nick: I love you. Have fun.
Sharon: We will. Um, we'll be fine.
Nick: Why don't you tell your new groom when you see him that he has one less son at Newman?
Michael: Adam can fire me from Newman Enterprises, but he can't take away my connections. Evidently, he's preparing to tell the board that he wants to sell off Beauty of Nature. How would you like me to proceed?
Victor: Do nothing at all.
Billy: Just listen.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Chelsea: I seduced you. I can be very persuasive.
Billy: No assault? No attack?
Chelsea: Totally consensual. It's a shame you don't remember.
Victoria: (Sighs) Well, it serves her right. (Sighs) But I want you to know that I didn't for one second believe that it was true.
Billy: And I love you for that. But Chelsea was right about one thing-- I can't change the results of that test.
Victoria: You know that text that I got? It was, um, it was from the adoption agency. (Sighs)
Billy: Ah.
Victoria: They wanted to move the meeting up. But I told them that we couldn't. I really thought I was over needing a biological child. And I am. I mean, Lucy was proof of that, right? But after hearing those results today, it was just so easy for her-- Chelsea. Just comes here, spreading lies and accusations and then, you know, it's just so easy for her to get pregnant, but not for me. I mean, not for me. No matter how hard I try and no matter what I do, it just doesn't... (Sighs) It doesn't work. And I thought... (Sighs) Mentally I could past it. But I can't.
Billy: Listen to me. You are an amazing... incredible... perfect wife and mother.
Victoria: But I can't carry your child. I can't do that, and that's what I want more than anything.
Billy: Me, too.
Victoria: (Sighs) Come on.
Chelsea: Give me one second, I bet I could guess the brand and how old it is.
Adam: Wow, bartending tricks. How entertaining. Why don't you go dazzle somebody else without skills while you're taking a break from tormenting my sister Victoria?
Chelsea: Wow. You know, based on our brief encounters, I would say that you have two moods-- cranky and seething.
Adam: And you're, what, a spunky terror?
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: Gidget with a chain saw?
Chelsea: That's good. I actually might use that if I ever get a tattoo.
Adam: Thanks.
Chelsea: That's good. (Clicks lips) Well, enjoy yourself. I'm gonna go up to my suite.
Adam: Suite? What, are you checked in here? On whose dime?
Chelsea: (Clicks lips) Let's just say they announced the lottery numbers, and I won. Looks like I'll be staying in Genoa City for a long time to come.
Nikki: Why don't I get you a refill?
Deacon: Hey, you're not going anywhere. Not until I tell you something very important. The shower did not work as well as I thought it was going to. (Chuckles) Um, I'm gonna have to take a rain check.
Nikki: Oh. (Chuckles)
Deacon: But, uh, I would... I would just-- I would really love it if I could just hold you, you know, just lay together all night.
Nikki: Sure. (Chuckles)
Nikki: (Grunts) (Clears throat) I can't. I ju--I-- I have to just wash my face. I'm sorry. I have to wash my face.
Deacon: (Whispering) Come on. Okay, do that. (Breathing heavily) Come on. Come on! Come on. (Breathing heavily) (Computer keys clicking) Okay.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kay: I came by to try and persuade you to come back to work.
Chelsea: If you want this baby out of your life--
Billy: No, that's the thing-- I don't.
Lily: Can I help you? (Laughs)
Cane: Maybe you can help me.
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