Y&R Transcript Friday 1/6/12
Episode # 9816 ~ Billy & Victoria Learn the Results of Chelsea's Paternity Test
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Adam: Hey, Pops. How's life in the big house? Made any special friends?
Victor: Sit down, Adam. Shouldn't you be off running my company?
Adam: I came here to applaud your latest move. It was very well-played. I didn't anticipate it.
Victor: You're talking about my proposal to Sharon?
Adam: You would have scored a direct hit if not for one thing-- the wedding is never gonna happen.
Victor: Did you see her wear my ring?
Adam: So you see that she still loves me?
Victor: (Laughs) Whether or not she does, Son, it's irrelevant. She didn't choose you, did she?
Adam: Not yet.
Victor: Not ever, Son, because you can't give her what I can.
Nick: You cannot just hand over my daughter to her.
Judge Waterson: My ruling is final.
Nick: Your honor, please--
Judge Waterson: Mr. Newman, you, your ex-wife, and your respective attorneys will draw up a shared custody agreement and submit it to the court.
Nick: How soon?
Avery: Uh, your honor, we will, uh, contact a mediator to start the process.
Michael: We're amenable, Judge. However, we would like to request that Mrs. Newman be given custody of her daughter while the arrangement is being completed.
Avery: What? But that could take weeks.
Michael: Mr. Newman has had custody of the child unchallenged for months. Perhaps this will inspire Mr. Newman and his attorney to speed things along.
Judge Waterson: Completely reasonable. Mr. Newman, you shall deliver your daughter to her mother at Mrs. Newman's convenience. (Bangs gavel)
Nikki: Son, I'm so sorry.
Victoria: Yeah, I'm sure we'll be able to appeal this.
(Papers being stacked)
Nick: No matter how many times people told me you were selfish and manipulative, I never believed it until right now.
Sharon: This came just as much as a surprise to me...
Nick: (Pounds table) Don't give me that crap!
Sharon: As it did to you!
Nick: Don't you give me that crap. This is all your doing. You sold yourself to my dad so you can get control of Faith.
Genevieve: You want me to move in with you now? (Chuckles) Uh, are you sure about that?
Myrna: (Whispering) Take it back, Jack. Take it back.
Jack: After this latest incident on the stairs, you're not safe here.
Genevieve: But we just got engaged.
Jack: All the more reason for me to keep you close by. Come on. Let's make sure you're not gonna get hurt. Let's get some answers first
Genevieve: Yes, but whoever it is who's doing this might be messing with you, too. I am convinced that your illness on New Year's Eve is a coincidence.
Jack: So we stick together, we look out for each other, and we let Ronan come up with a culprit.
Genevieve: All right, but what about Kyle? We know kids are very territorial.
Jack: Kyle leaves tomorrow morning for his new school in New York. Even if he was here, he cares about you. He wouldn't want anything to happen to you. come on. What do you say?
Genevieve: I say yes. Thank you.
Myrna: (Whispering) No. Oh, no, no, no!
Billy: It's Billy.
Speak. (Voice mail beeps)
Chelsea: Extremely uncool, bouncing your baby mama to voice mail. (Sighs) And you can't ignore my calls forever. (Tosses phone onto bar) (Sighs)
Phyllis: Okay, well, the latest issue of "Restless Style" is hitting the stands as we speak.
Billy: Good. The web site? (Clears that)
Phyllis: Yeah, I uploaded the picture Sharon and an excerpt from the story.
Billy: Okay, good.
Phyllis: Yeah. Oh, good. You know, this is gonna be hit, Billy. A huge, huge hit. I mean, girl from the wrong side of the tracks works her way through the sons to get to daddy.
Billy: Yeah. I just hope we didn't let Victor off the hook.
Phyllis: Uh, no, Victor's not off the hook. He proposed to the mother of his grandchildren. Need I say more?
Billy: No, no, you don't. That's sweet, yeah.
Phyllis: Yeah, it's sweet. You're not excited. Why?
Billy: No, I am. I'm excited. I'm very excited. Anytime that we can prove to the world that Victor's the biggest ass on the planet, it's a good day, a good day for me. (Knocks on tabletop)
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Billy: (Exhales quietly) (Tosses cell phone down)
Phyllis: What's wrong? Is that a text?
Billy: No, it's a reminder for me to make an appointment with my dentist-- annual teeth cleaning.
Phyllis: Okay, well, you get on that. Um, in the meantime, do you want to talk about the cover story that we ditched for the Sharon story? We can run it in the next issue.
Billy: You know, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I think, at this point, we've, uh, earned the right to relax a little bit.
Phyllis: Okay. Oh, um, did you just say "Take the rest of the day off"?
Billy: I think that would be your other boss.
Phyllis: No, I think it was you. I think it was you. I would actually like to have lunch. I haven't eaten, and I'd like to spend some time with my kids.
Billy: Okay, go, lunch, hang.
Phyllis: Okay, I'll check with you later.
Billy: (Sighs)
Jack: So come on, let me help you get packed.
Genevieve: (Chuckles) Wait a minute. I have to decide what to pack. I also have to talk to Myrna.
Jack: Ooh, Myrna. I forgot completely about her.
(Cell phone rings)
Jack: Oh. Hey, Billy. What's up?
Billy: Hey, Jack, uh, I need to talk something through... now.
Jack: Uh, sure, I'm on my way.
Sharon: I understand how upset you are. Believe me, I do, but that does not give you the right to accuse me of selling out.
Nick: There's only one person who could make a custody hearing appear out of nowhere, and that's my dad. You made a deal with him, didn't you?
Sharon: That's not true.
Nikki: Oh, Sharon, please. Obviously, it was your reward for wearing his ring.
Victoria: You know, I wouldn't be surprised if you bought the ring and proposed to him.
Sharon: Like I could work your father.
Nikki: You've worked everybody else.
Victoria: You know, Dad wanted to get back at you for marrying Deacon. I guess he found his way.
Nick: Even if it meant sacrificing his own granddaughter.
Sharon: Faith being with her mother is not a sacrifice!
Nick: It is when you're the mother. You know, after that first year that Faith had, I swore to myself that I would never, ever let her be in danger or trouble again.
Sharon: Well, you can still keep that promise, Nick.
Nick: Can I? What happens now, Sharon? You go home, you call over Adam, and start celebrating?
Sharon: (Laughs) What kind of a question is that?
Nick: It's a realistic one.
Sharon: Do you ever get tired of being so righteous?
Nick: Do you ever get tired of lying to everyone, including yourself?
Sharon: What? I'm not lying. I'm not lying to you.
Avery: We're not accomplishing anything here, guys.
Michael: Just take it down a notch, all right, everyone?
Nick: What the hell is with you, Baldwin? Do you do whatever my dad asks you to do, even if it's wrong? This is joke.
Michael: Sharon needed an attorney. Victor asked me to represent her. I did it.
Sharon: Don't attack Michael. I had every right to fight to be with my daughter. Hey, at least you got shared custody. That's a lot more than I got, so deal with it.
Nick: You know what? This arrangement is not gonna last, because you will eventually screw up again.
Sharon: I'll expect you to bring Faith over later today.
Adam: I can give Sharon everything that she needs. We'd be together now if Nicholas hadn't forced her to file that restraining order against me
Victor: Sharon could have refused.
Adam: Not while her ex has control of Faith. But when she gets her daughter back, everything will change. She'll realize she doesn't need you when she has me.
Victor: We'll find out sooner than you think.
Adam: Meaning?
Victor: She's in family court right now, fighting Nicholas for joint custody.
Adam: He didn't mention anything about that.
Victor: Wow. Well... it came about suddenly.
Adam: You did this, didn't you? You made this happen, some sick game you're playing to win Sharon over.
Victor: You're not that proud of yourself now, aren't you?
Adam: You miscalculated. She'll hand that ring right back to you.
Victor: You stay away from her, all right?
Adam: I have someplace I need to be.
Victor: There's something you need to know-- Sharon did not choose you.
Adam: (Knocks on door)
Genevieve: Myrna, you know how concerned Jack and I are about the strange things that have been going on here lately, right?
Myrna: Yeah, and that's why you hired that, uh, Ronan Malloy, to find out who's behind it.
Genevieve: I am pretty sure that it's my ex-husband, Myrna.
Myrna: Oh?
Genevieve: Yes. Even though he is in prison now-- thank you-- he still has the ability to hire other people to make trouble for me.
Myrna: (Whispering) Oh, wow, I mean, that's--that's awful.
Genevieve: Yeah, it is, but it is typically Colin, so look, until we can figure all of this out...
Myrna: Mm-hmm.
Genevieve: I've decided that the safest thing for me to do is to move in with Jack right now.
Myrna: I see.
Genevieve: But I want you to come with me.
Myrna: (Sighs)
Jack: Okay, I'm listening. What's going on?
Billy: (Laughs) Well, um...
Jack: This have anything to do with this story on Sharon? I imagine Victor's giving you a hard time.
Billy: Victor's part of it.
Jack: What's Victor done now? (Tosses down magazine)
Billy: (Sighs) You remember I told you about that girl in Myanmar?
Jack: The girl that set you up, that got you arrested.
Billy: She's in town.
Jack: Why?
Billy: Well, Jack, she's pregnant, and we're gonna find out today if the baby's mine.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nick: Did I thank you two yet for showing up today?
Nikki: Well, I would always be there for either of you.
Victoria: Unlike Dad.
Victoria: What?
Nick: Mom told me about this woman who showed up.
Victoria: Mom, you shouldn't have bothered him with something like that.
Nikki: I felt your brother needed to know.
Nick: You got that right.
Victoria: He's got enough going on as it is.
Nick: Look, we gotta stick together, all right? Especially since Dad doesn't give a damn what he does to our lives.
Sharon: Can you help me believe what just happened?
Michael: In what way?
Sharon: (Laughs) The judge was so generous with me, you know? I--you just never know how these things are gonna go. I thought maybe I'd get a few weekends, but I got shared custody!
Michael: (Thumps on desk) We got lucky. (Laughs)
Sharon: (Sighs) Michael.
Michael: Hmm?
Sharon: Do you think Victor had anything to do with this?
Michael: Victor may have used his influence to expedite the hearing. I can't speak to more than that.
Sharon: Can't?
Michael: Let's just be grateful that the judge was sympathetic.
Sharon: Oh, I am.
Michael: Sharon, may I offer you one last piece of advice?
Sharon: Yeah, of course.
Michael: Steer clear of anything that could be, uh, a red flag to Nicholas or to the court.
Sharon: You're talking about Adam.
Michael: If you should drift back towards him take any action that could be perceived as a serious lack of judgment, you could find yourself fighting for your daughter all over again.
Sharon: Uh, well, thank you for that advice. Thank you.
Michael: Okay.
Sharon: Adam, you can't be here.
Adam: I had to know if you won. Did you get shared custody of Faith?
Sharon: Yes. Yes, I did.
Adam: I'm so happy to hear that.
Myrna: But that would be unfair to Mr. Abbott's housekeeper, me just tagging along.
Genevieve: Look, Myrna, I cannot just leave you here with all of these range things happening.
Myrna: Oh, but I'm not worried about it. I'm not.
Genevieve: Well, how could you say that? You, uh, you ran out of the house, terrified, when the alarm went off.
Myrna: Right, but its different now. Uh, Mr. Atkinson was playing tricks and trying to scare you. But once you move out, nothing will happen.
Genevieve: Myrna-
Myrna: Hmm?
Genevieve: I do depend on you.
Myrna: I'm only gonna be a phone call away.
Genevieve: Myrna?
Myrna: Hmm?
Genevieve: I want you to know something. You will always have a home with me, no matter what. I mean, what would I do without my favorite employee, right?
Myrna: You have no idea what that means to me.
Billy: Victoria and I get married again, and the second we get home, there's this... (Chuckles) Pregnant woman that materializes.
Jack: Yeah, it certainly sounds like classic Victor Newman. (Tosses down magazine)
Billy: I thought it was him from the very start.
Jack: You mean the setup in Myanmar?
Billy: He didn't just discover me in prison. He staged the whole thing with... Chelsea. (Chuckles)
Jack: Look, I-I don't mean to pry, but if I'm gonna help you, just I gotta ask. What actually happened between you and this Chelsea?
Billy: She's saying that I raped her.
Jack: No.
Billy: Yeah. I don't care how much I had to drink or how out of my mind I might have been. That's not something that I would do. I can't-- I'm not capable of that. I'm--
Jack: I know that, but I--
Billy: Yeah, fine.
Jack: Billy.
Billy: (Pounds desk) Yeah?
Jack: I know that.
Bly: (Clears throat)
Jack: Can you prove that she's lying?
Billy: I was drunk at a bar and she looked an awful lot like Victoria, and she was all over me. The next thing I know, I wake up and she's gone, and I've got this bag of heroin on me and cops are hauling me out of the room.
Jack: You think she drugged you.
Billy: Yeah, probably.
Jack: Do you think there's a possibility the two of you had sex?
Billy: Anything's possible. And what do I do if this kid's mine?
Victoria: I blamed Dad for bringing that woman here, but of course, he claimed that he had nothing to do with it.
Nikki: Here, Sweetie.
Victoria: Thanks, Mom.
Nick: Even if he did, even if this woman is as awful he you say she is, this is on Billy for walking out on you in the first place.
Nikki: Do you really think that this baby could be Billy's?
Victoria: Mom, that woman Chelsea is more than eager to have a D.N.A. test done.
Nikki: Yeah, well, maybe it's a bluff. Con artists do that.
Victoria: Well, no matter what happens, I am standing behind Billy all the way.
Nick: All right, I gotta go. Faith's play date is almost over, so...
Nikki: All right, that's fine. I'll stay with Victoria.
Nick: All right. You hang in there, all right?
Victoria: All right, I love you.
Nick: Love you, too. Bye, Mom.
Nikki: Bye, Honey.
(Door opens)
(Door closes)
Avery: I saw the story you did on Sharon. Yeah, "Klassy" with a "K."
Phyllis: Mm, thank you. No less than what she deserves.
Avery: Well, I'm sure she'll take it in stride today.
Phyllis: Mm, why is that, Avery?
Avery: Because she just won shared custody of Faith.
Phyllis: When did that happen?
Avery: Earlier today. I thought Nick would have told you by now.
Victor: Did Adam show up at the hearing?
Michael: Yeah-- uh, no. Why?
Victor: Never mind. Um, tell me what happened.
Michael: Oh, well, you may have helped Sharon win this round, but, you've alienated your family across the board-- Nikki, Nicholas, Victoria.
Victor: For now.
Michael: Victor... is it true? Do you really want to marry Sharon so badly?
Victor: (Tapping fingertips)
Michael: Assuming she agrees, which she hasn't, correct?
Victor: Not yet.
Michael: Well, the, uh, heat just got turned up on her. I picked this up on the way here.
Victor: Why am I not surprised?
Adam: This is why you accepted that ring. This is what my father offered you-- custody of Faith.
Sharon: That's not what happened.
Adam: Then what did happen?
Sharon: It doesn't matter. Look, you are taking way, way too big of a chance talking to me, especially here.
Adam: You just won custody of Faith. You can drop the restraining order now.
Sharon: I can't. I can't.
Adam: Nicholas has no leverage over you anymore.
Sharon: Adam, don't put me in this position.
Adam: You have an obligation with my father?
Sharon: No, no, it's not like that.
Adam: Then what is it like? You didn't really want to get that restraining order. You don't really love my father, so what is it? Have you seen this?
Sharon: Oh, my gosh. Well, I guess I should be flattered that "Restless Style" still considers me cover material.
Adam: You don't have to put up with this. I know you don't love my father. You love me, just as much as I love you.
Sharon: Adam, don't do this.
Adam: I'm what you want, and I'll prove it.
Sharon: What? Who are you calling? Adam, who are you calling?
Adam: Yes, this is Adam Newman. Uh, I am standing inside of Judge Waterson's hearing room. I am in direct violation of my restraining order.
Victor: So Phyllis and Billy Abbott spewing their... their venom. It doesn't bother me, okay?
Michael: Well, you can ignore it, but Sharon's the one on the outside getting the heat, and as Mrs. Victor Newman, it's only gonna get worse.
Victor: Uh, do me a favor-- on your way out, drop that trash in the garbage can, okay?
Sharon: Why did you call the police?
Adam: So you can tell them where to stick that restraining order and you can be with me.
Sharon: No, Adam, you're not listening to me. I can't risk losing my daughter again.
Adam: Sharon, you won today. You won custody.
Sharon: No, today, that was just today. I can't give Nick...
Adam: That's right, you won custody of Faith. That's it.
Sharon: Any ammunition in the future. I can't-- Adam... we said good-bye. I thought you understood.
Adam: Wait, you can't walk away.
Man: Mrs. Newman?
Sharon: Yes?
Man: Do you have a restraining order against this man?
Man: Mrs. Newman, do you want to press charges?
Sharon: I do.
Man: Adam Newman, you're under arrest. (Handcuffs lock)
Jack: So how is Victoria coping? She furious with you?
Billy: No, actually, she's been incredible, understanding beyond belief. But, Jack... she can't have any more kids, and if Chelsea's pregnant with my baby, what's that gonna do to my wife? How is she gonna be able to handle that?
Jack: Victoria will be okay, Billy, because you're gonna make sure she's okay.
Billy: Yeah. (Sighs)
Nikki: (Sighs) (Exhales slowly)
Victoria: What's wrong? Is that an upsetting call?
Nikki: Oh, no, no, no. Deacon wants me to meet him the club.
Victoria: Oh. Um, well, you know, if you need to go--
Nikki: No, no, no, of course not. No. I mean, I'm not gonna leave you until Billy gets home. I can see him later.
Victoria: (Sighs) Well, you must think I'm a big baby, because I'm really relieved that you're staying.
Nikki: Honey, you are not a big baby. My God. If it were me, I would be yelling and throwing things and...
Victoria: Yeah, well, it might come to that one day. But it's not gonna be aimed at Billy, because, you know what, Mom? He was completely set up in this, completely. But Dad... (Sighs) And at woman-- how can somebody do what she did? No, I--you know what?
Nikki: I know.
Victoria: I refuse to get upset about her. I'm not gonna-- I'm not gonna do it.
Nikki: Honey, its okay if you do.
Victoria: It's just that we were so close to adopting a baby at this point.
Nikki: I know.
Victoria: We were really close.
Nikki: I know, Sweetheart.
Victoria: And now this happened.
Nikki: It's just--
(Knock on door)
Nikki: I'll get that. You stay.
Victoria: Thanks, Mom.
Nikki: Yes? Excuse me-- hello, excuse me, who are you?
Chelsea: I'm the one Billy knocked up. Is he around?
Victoria: Mom, its Chelsea.
Chelsea: I've been calling Billy and he's been blowing me off. Have you heard from the doctor about the test results?
Victoria: No.
Chelsea: Okay. Fine. I'll just have some tea, then, while we wait.
(Drops bag on floor)
Nikki: (Exhales quickly)
Nick: So why did you want me to meet you here?
Phyllis: Billy had to go out and I couldn't leave so, um...I ran into Avery.
Nick: Oh.
Phyllis: How are you? Are you okay?
Nick: I have to hand over my daughter to Sharon, and after everything she's pulled lately...
Phyllis: Um, speaking of which...
Nick: (Sighs)
Phyllis: This was hitting the stands while you were in court.
Nick: You're going after Sharon again.
Phyllis: I'm not going after Sharon. Definitely not. I wrote the story, but Sharon and your dad are responsible for that headline, and when you read it, I think you'll agree.
Victor: I heard the good news about Faith.
Sharon: I'm--I'm thrilled. I just... I still can't believe it.
Victor: Did, uh, Adam come to see you?
Sharon: What makes you ask that?
Victor: He was here earlier, saying that he was gonna talk to you.
Sharon: He did. Um... he just--he couldn't accept that I've had to move on, so...
Victor: You two argued.
Sharon: I had him arrested for violating this restraining order. (Sighs) I can't tell you how much I wish it hadn't come to that.
Victor: You did the right thing, and Michael Baldwin tells me that the rest of my family wasn't that nice with you. And then, of course, I saw that... the unconscionable article written by Billy Abbott and Phyllis.
Sharon: Yeah, that was... unpleasant, but...
Victor: It didn't sway you in any way, did it? It didn't change your mind about...you wearing my ring?
Avery: (Sighs)
Michael: Oh.
Avery: Well, I know why this day has driven me to drink, but what are you doing here?
Michael: Getting takeout, though a drink does sound appealing.
Avery: (Sighs)
Michael: It's just exhausting, right?
Avery: Is it always like this with the Newmans? Trauma and drama around every corner?
Michael: No. They have to sleep sometime. (Laughs)
Avery: (Sighs)
Nikki: You can't come barging in here, making demands like that. Get out of here!
Chelsea: This baby that I'm carrying gives me all sorts of rights, actually.
Victoria: Well, that has yet to be determined, so leave. We'll call you when we know something.
Chelsea: No, I'm not going anywhere.
Nikki: You've drifted to the wrong side of the tracks, Baby.
Chelsea: I don't care what you think about me, okay? As long as they know that they have to take care of me and this baby.
Victoria: Oh, okay, so that's what it's always been about. It's just the money, right? I mean, you were paid off to frame Billy, and you're just using this baby as a meal ticket.
Nikki: Oh, maybe you want Billy, too. Is that it?
Chelsea: I didn't come here to hurt anybody's marriage, okay? I didn't even know that she existed. When I met Billy, I asked him if he was married, and he said no.
(Door opens)
Victoria: Hey, what are you doing home so early?
Billy: Hey. What are you doing in my house? Don't--don't answer. Don't even look at me. Just shut up... The doctor called. The paternity test results are in. We can go check now.
Genevieve: All set. Thanks. Oh, by the way, um... I told Myrna that it would be okay if she moved in with us, but she decided that she didn't want to do that right now.
Jack: If she changes her mind, there's plenty of room.
Genevieve: (Laughs) I knew you'd say that. (Laughs)
Jack: (Chuckles) Let's go.
Genevieve: All right, Dear.
Jack: Here we go. Here we go.
Genevieve: Thank you.
Myrna: You think you're so nice, Genevieve, inviting me to my old house with my husband? You bitch. (Laughs) You'll never be his wife. (Exhales slowly)
Nick: (Stomps foot) I'm not defending Sharon.
Phyllis: Really? You're not?
Nick: No. This issue's gonna sell like crazy. You couldn't help yourself. It's who you are.
Phyllis: Yes, and?
Nick: And... let's just agree to disagree on this.
Phyllis: Okay, let's disagree on this.
Nick: I gotta go. I gotta call Noah, and then I have to, uh...
Phyllis: Hand Faith over to Sharon.
Nick: (Pops lips) Yep.
Phyllis: I'm here if you want to talk.
Nick: Okay.
(Intercom buzzes)
Phyllis: That's editing.
Nick: We'll talk later.
(Cell phone rings)
Nick: Yeah. Hey, Monroe. No, I haven't heard. Adam's been arrested?
Man: Just sit tight until we're ready for you.
Adam: As fast as you can, please. I have big business to handle.
Nikki: Clear this, please. (Clears throat) (Sighs)
Deacon: You lied to me.
Nikki: (Slurring speech) I did?
Deacon: Now, Darling, why would you sneak out New Year’s Eve to go visit Victor?
Nikki: Ahh. I'll tell you what, pull up a barstool, and we'll talk about it over a drink, okay?
Deacon: Yeah.
Sharon: Nick and the others-- they're just so quick to think the worst.
Victor: It's their mistake, okay?
Sharon: Yeah, I'm just glad that the judge didn't see things the same way. I can't thank you enough for getting this hearing to happen so quickly. That was your doing, wasn't it?
Victor: I told you you'd never have to worry about Faith as long as you're with me.
Sharon: And you were right.
Victor: I hope that made you realize that being married to me... is a very good thing for you.
Sharon: Yes. I will marry you.
Victoria: (Sighs)
(Door opens)
Dr. Okamura: (Sighs) Sorry.
Chelsea: There you are, finally.
Dr. Okamura: (Sighs) I apologize for the wait.
Billy: We appreciate you rushing the paternity test, Doc.
Victoria: Can you please just give us the results?
Dr. Okamura: The father of Chelsea's baby is Billy.
Billy: (Clears throat)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Michael: You declared war on Victor, and that is a very bad idea.
Billy: Why don't you tell me what really happened between us that night?
Sharon: Victor and I have set a date, and we're getting married tomorrow.
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