Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/5/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/5/12


Episode # 9815 ~ Patty Sets a Dangerous Trap for Genevieve

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: Your sidebar on inmate marriages was fantastic, okay? So that's good to go. Also, Craig-- Craig, change "Outrageous" to "Shocking" in the last paragraph and lock it in.

Harmony: Okay. Printer says no more extensions.

Phyllis: Ohh, okay, five minutes, everybody, five minutes. Ooh. (Exhales slowly) Hi. How long have you been standing there?

Ronan: Long enough to, uh, to see you're exactly where you should be. Congrats on getting your job back.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Ronan: Yeah.

Harmony: Uh, listen, I'm gonna go light a fire under graphics.

Phyllis: Okay, um, I-I want to see that cover. (Laughs)

Ronan: You're busy. I will--

Phyllis: What's up?

Ronan: Well, I was, um, I was wondering if you still wanted to work with me on Diane Jenkins' case. Even though I was--

Phyllis: Even though you, uh, ended things with me.

Ronan: Yeah. You know, the real killer is still out there. So what do you say? Are you with me?

Deacon: What would you say to, uh, to going out tonight? You know, kind of making up for New Year’s Eve?

Nikki: (Scoffs) What, you don't like when your date disappears and ends up going home, passing out on the bed?

Deacon: Nikk, I'm not trying to make you feel bad.

Nikki: I know... (Sighs) And I am really sorry. I-I'm sorry I disappeared like that. It just... (Sighs) I had had too much to drink, and it just all of a sudden got to me-- the noise, and it was so hot. I just had to get out of there.

Deacon: Believe me, I understand. Come on, Baby, what do you say? Give me a do-over?

Nikki: Oh, excuse me. I have to see Nicholas. Hi, Sweetheart.

Nick: Hey, Mom. What's going on?

Nikki: Well, I'm worried about your sister.

Nick: Why? What's wrong with Vick?

Nikki: Oh, you don't know? A girl that Billy apparently got involved with while he was out of the country showed up on their doorstep.

Nick: Oh, man.

Nikki: It gets worse. She's pregnant, and she says Billy is the father.

Billy: Thank you. So the doctor said that we'd have the D.N.A. test results today.

Victoria: Good, good. Then at least we'll know.

Billy: Yeah.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Billy: (Clears throat)

Victoria: Oh. Uh, the adoption agency wants us to meet with the birth mother.

Billy: Oh, wow, finally. It's, uh, when?

Victoria: Early next week.

Billy: That's good.

Victoria: Yeah, that's good. That's good, but it depends on if Chelsea starts broadcasting what she claims happened to her in Myanmar.

Billy: Look, Honey, regardless of these test results, I'm gonna get this under control.

Avery: I hope everything's going well.

Sharon: It's been eventful. How are things with you and Nick?

Avery: Uh, we're not seeing each other anymore. That's my decision.

Sharon: Oh. Excuse me.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Vanilla latte, please, for here.

Avery: Sharon, is that an engagement ring?

Sharon: Uh... I'm still deciding.

Avery: I didn't know you were serious about anyone.

Sharon: (Sighs) It's from Victor.

Avery: Oh. My. That's...

Sharon: I care about Victor. He has been incredibly supportive. When he proposed, I told him I would think about it, and I have, but I'm gonna have to turn him down.

Michael: When you asked me to buy that ring, I was hoping that it was--

Victor: You thought it would be for Nikki?

Michael: Well, given the sacrifices you've made for her, it makes a certain amount of sense.

Victor: Do I need to remind you that she is another man's wife?

Michael: Yeah, well, I was hoping that you would try to change her mind about that. It never occurred to me that it was Sharon. Sharon, really?

Victor: Mutually beneficial.

Michael: (Scoffs)

Man: Mr. Baldwin.

Michael: What's this?

Man: From your client.

Michael: Thanks.

Victor: I want you to take that to Judge Waterson immediately.

Jack: I still don't know how that cat got out of this house or got back in.

Kyle: Well, I'm just glad he's home safe. (Chuckles) Right, Dave? You know, where do you think he was all this time?

Jack: Oh, he probably just wandered off and found a new friend.

Kyle: Hmm. Or a girlfriend. (Chuckles)

Jack: Or a girlfriend. Hey, listen. I'm sorry you're not gonna be here for my wedding.

Kyle: Me, too, but, I mean, I'll just be getting to know people at my school, and--and starting my classes--

Jack: Yeah, yeah, that's right.

Kyle: Hockey practice.

Jack: I want you to feel comfortable there. I also want you to know, if for any reason you're not comfortable, if you miss us, or you just think Northwood isn't the right fit for you, you can call me, and I will bring you home as soon as possible. That's how I want you to think of Genoa City and this house--home.

Kyle: I do. You know, that's why I'm okay with going to school in New York-- because I know that you and Uncle Billy and my aunts and cousins will be here if...

Jack: That's right.

Kyle: Anything ever happens to me.

Jack: That's right. You got a big family who love you and support you.

Kyle: (Chuckles)

Jack: And you got Dave here.

Kyle: (Laughs)

Jack: And I hope you know you can count on Genevieve, too. I think it's-- I think she's pretty excited about the idea that she's part of your life.

Kyle: I'm glad she's gonna be part of yours.

Jack: Are you, really?

Kyle: Well, I wouldn't want you to be all lonely and everything, and--and she gave me Dave, so... she's pretty cool.

Jack: Well, I'll tell her you said that. Hey, uh, listen. Mrs. Walters is coming to pick you up to escort you to Northwood at 6:00 A.M. tomorrow morning...

Kyle: (Sighs)

Jack: And you haven't packed any of your hockey gear. Oh, and don't forget your--

Kyle: Gloves. I know.

Jack: Yeah, your gloves. Ohh, Dave.

Dave: (Meows)

Jack: I think Kyle's doin' okay. And he approves of Genevieve. How about that? For once, everybody's okay with my engagement.

Man: I've checked the entire system. There's nothing wrong with your equipment.

Genevieve: Then why would the alarm keep going on and off like that?

Man: I have no idea, Ma'am, unless someone was tripping it. Well, everything checks out perfectly now. If you have any more problems, give us a call.

Genevieve: I will. Thanks for coming by. Would you mind showing yourself out? It's just there.

Man: Oh.

Genevieve: That's really strange.

Myrna: Hmm?

Genevieve: How many times did you say the alarm sounded?

Myrna: Uh, I don't know. I-I really wasn't counting. After I called you, I, um... uh, it didn't stop, so I left. I was really scared. But it's good that it turned out to be nothing.

Genevieve: I'm not so sure about that. I will look into this further.

Myrna: Oh, no, no, you don't have to do that, really. No!

Genevieve: Yes, I do, I do, Myrna.

Myrna: (Sighs) I really... (Sighs)

Paul: So, um, what are your plans, now that Sharon's been exonerated?

Ricky: Mm. Well, I've been pursuing a couple things, and hopefully, one of them will pop soon.

Harmony: Hi, I'm here to pick up the dessert tray for "Restless Style." We just finished pulling an all-nighter and we could use the sugar rush.

Ricky: Would you just give me a sec?

Paul: Yeah, sure.

Ricky: Hi. Sorry, I-I couldn't help but overhear that you, uh, you work at "Restless Style."

Harmony: Yeah.

Ricky: Well, I would-- I'd kill for a job there.

Harmony: Oh. Well, I'm actually pretty new myself. Listen, the person that you need to talk to is Ms. Phyllis, Phyllis Newman.

Ricky: Mm-hmm.

Harmony: She just came back on as editor. But you know what? If--if I were you, I would wait a day or two, 'cause we're about to break a big, big story. And with all the buzz that we're gonna have to deal with, it's gonna be a full-time gig.

Ricky: Hmm.

Phyllis: (Whispers) Okay. (Normal voice) Um... I am very anxious to-- to solve this murder with you. I would love to do that.

Ronan: It'd be a hell of a scoop.

Phyllis: Um... speaking of which, have you--have you, um, heard about our cover story?

Ronan: Tell me about it.

Phyllis: Victor is getting married.

Ronan: What?

Phyllis: Yeah, he proposed to Sharon behind bars.

Ronan: He's going to marry his son's ex-wife?

Phyllis: Yes, his son's ex-wife.

Ronan: Great. (Sighs)

Phyllis: Um, and she is parading around town with a rock on her hand the size of Cleveland. (Drops binder)

Ronan: Why would Victor want to marry anyone? What does that accomplish for him?

Victoria: So, um... first Nick, then Adam, and now my father. Does it wear you out remembering who you're supposed to be with, or is manipulating all of the men in my family just such irresistible fun to you?

Sharon: (Sighs) For your information, this is what Victor wants. Marrying me is all his idea.

Michael: (Sighs)

Victor: How'd it go with the judge?

Michael: First, answer me a question-- what exactly was in that letter?

Victor: I just reminded the judge that he, uh, swore an oath to uphold justice, and I reminded him of the fact that he owed me a favor.

Michael: Huh. Must have been a big one. He cleared his schedule. He said he'd take care of this immediately.

Victor: Right, so you know what you have to do?

Nikki: So there's not really anything anyone can do until the paternity tests come back.

Nick: Vick's been through so much, and now this, on top of everything else.

Nikki: Oh, well, if you're talking about that lunacy between your father and Sharon--

Nick: Yeah, what the hell are they thinking?

Nikki: Well, Sharon is thinking about Sharon. No surprise there. As far as what's going on in your father's mind-- I think that I have a good idea, and I'm not going to put up with it.

Deacon: Thank you.

Deacon: Maybe Nikki has a pen.

Nikki: (Sighs) I'm sorry that took so long.

Deacon: That's okay.

Nikki: Is there any coffee?

Deacon: I'm not sure, actually.

Genevieve: (Screams) Aah! Oh! Ohh! (Gasping) Oh, Jack.

Jack: I've got you. I've got you, I've got you.

Genevieve: Ohh.

Jack: Ohh.

Genevieve: (Gasps)

Jack: Listen, I-I-- I just let myself, in and I-- I saw this whole thing happen.

Genevieve: Oh, my God, thank God you were there. Ohh! (Sighs)

Phyllis: Ohh. Okay, guys, issue is at the printer's. We're done, we're done. It's over. Two minutes to spare.

Man: Whoo-hoo!

Harmony: Yeah, they were-- they were a little greedy, but I did leave one...

Phyllis: They are.

Harmony: For our fearless leader. (Laughs)

Phyllis: Oh, oh, one, thanks. (Chuckles) Thank you. Let me tell you something, you are good. You are very good. You're not gonna be sitting in that receptionist's desk for long, I just want to say.

Harmony: Hey, that's what I'm talkin' about! (Laughs)

Phyllis: Yeah.

Billy: Hey.

Phyllis: Hi! Yes! Okay.

Billy: Okay.

Phyllis: (Sighs) The issue is put to bed.

Billy: Ohh. Good work.

(Telephone rings)

Harmony: Oh, I better get that.

Billy: Thanks. So...

Phyllis: (Clears throat)

Billy: I have to tell you, congratulations. Changing the cover story and still making deadline-- that takes talent.

Phyllis: Well, yes, it does, and I have it, plus modesty.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Uh, you told me to run with it, and I did.

Billy: Well, I hope you didn't let Victor off the hook.

Phyllis: No, I didn't, nor did I Sharon.

Billy: Uh-oh. All right, let me see.

Phyllis: All right, sit down. Sit down. Sit down here.

Billy: Okay, okay, okay.

Phyllis: All right?

Billy: Jeez. Oh.

Phyllis: (Presses key) Hmm?

Billy: Ah, perfect.

Phyllis: I told you I wouldn't let you down.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Avery: Hi.

Nick: Hey.

Avery: You got a workout in?

Nick: (Sighs) Uh, yeah, I did. How you been?

Avery: I'm good. I-I'm busy.

Nick: Yeah, me, too. Me, too. Do you think--

Avery: One of these days, I hope--

Nick: Yeah, I--

Avery: (Chuckles)

Nick: You go first.

Avery: I-I was just gonna say, one of these days, I hope we can go back to, you know, being friends, and not all this awkwardness.

Nick: I'd like that. That'll happen.

Man: Nicholas Newman?

Nick: Yeah?

Man: This is for you.

Nick: Thank you. You gotta be kidding me. How'd this even happen?

Avery: What's going on?

Nick: I gotta get a lawyer.

Avery: You have one.

Nick: You sure?

Avery: Yeah. Besides, you don't have time to find another one. Let's go.

Nick: Thanks.

Michael: Sharon.

Sharon: Hey, Michael. Happy New Year.

Michael: Well, things may be about to get a whole lot happier for you and Faith.

Sharon: What? Why?

Michael: You've been granted an emergency custody hearing. You're due in the courtroom... five minutes ago. (Claps hands) Come, come, come. I'll explain to you in the car.

Victoria: (Sighs) You know, just when I thought you couldn't sink any lower...

Victor: If this is about Sharon, you can turn around and leave.

Victoria: Your so-called engagement is just purely asinine. It's ridiculous. But this latest stunt that you pulled with Chelsea Lawson-- that... she's in town. Yeah, she's in town, but you probably know that, since you hired her to come here. But just so you know, these wild accusations that she is throwing around-- they're not gonna break up me and Billy.

Nikki: If you're still not satisfied that Victor's the killer, I suggest that you look at Deacon's alibi one more time.

Ronan: And we did, and he was here at work the whole night.

Nikki: The whole night? Are you sure about that? Because Deacon told me he was at the park. And I got Gloria to admit that she was upstairs playing on her computer. He could very easily have left here, and nobody knows it.

Ronan: You told the police that you didn't remember anything about the murder. Now I feel like you're changing your story. Maybe you remember being involved. Maybe you're trying to deflect suspicion right now.

Nikki: No, no, no. Maybe I'm just trying to help you. Deacon knows more than he's saying, I am sure of it.

(Cell phone rings)

Ronan: Hold on a second. Excuse me. It's Malloy. Yeah, I remember. Oh. Okay, listen, don't touch anything. I'll be right there. Okay. All right, good. I've gotta run.

Nikki: What? Are you kidding me? I-I just gave you a major lead.

Ronan: And I will take it into consideration, but for now, I have to run.

Nikki: He has to run. Hi, it's me. I need your help.

Victor: Don't you blame me for Billy Abbott's mistakes. He left you behind, and he went to a very dangerous part of the world and got involved with the wrong people, because that's what he does. If I kept you apart, I did that because I didn't want you to get hurt. You got that?

Victoria: Yeah, Dad, I got that. Yeah, you know, that's always your excuse. You just want to protect us. That's all a big--

Victor: Victoria, listen to me. If you want to yell at me, yell at me, if it makes you feel better, but your anger should be directed at that useless S.O.B. Billy Abbott!

Paul: How are you? I-I've been worried.

Nikki: (Sighs) I know. I have gotten your messages. I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner.

Paul: Okay, so I know it's none of my business, but you married Deacon? Why?

Nikki: (Sighs) Paul... (Sighs) (Exhales quickly)

Paul: I don't want to know, do I?

Nikki: We--we'll discuss that another time. Right now, I'm very concerned about something else. I spoke with Ronan. I want him to look at Deacon's alibi again, and I don't think that Ronan listened to a word that I said.

Paul: You think that Deacon had something to do with Diane's murder?

Nikki: I think he knows more than he's saying, yes. Now you and Ronan and I-- we all know that Victor's confession was a lie. Now he's pushing me away again. That's fine. I will stay away, but I'm not gonna let him rot in prison the rest of his life. I am going to get to the bottom of this. I will find out what happened and bring that stubborn man home. I don't care who he marries.

Paul: What do you mean, "Who he marries"?

(Cell phone rings)

Nikki: I'm sorry, I have a call. Hi, Nicholas. What? Oh, my--how-- I'll be right there. Yes. Paul, I am so sorry. Um, that was Nicholas. He needs me. I've gotta go.

Paul: All right. I'll see what I can find out with Ronan.

Nikki: All right, thank you.

Paul: All right, see you later. (Sighs)

Avery: What? What do you mean, you're not available? You're my intern.

Ricky: It was a great experience, but I'm getting a paying gig.

Avery: I'll pay you. This is important.

Ricky: Sorry. I-I can't this time, but good luck on the case.

Avery: Ricky?!

(Door opens)

Michael: Huh, Avery. What are you doing here?

Avery: I'm representing Nick. I had no idea you were Sharon's lawyer.

Sharon: Thank you very much. Bye.

Nick: Is this your doing?

Sharon: Talk to my lawyer.

Nick: I'm talking to you.

Sharon: I think you said it all when you barged into my house and took Faith away.

Nick: So is this payback?

Sharon: I want to be with my child. Why is that so impossible for you to understand?

Nick: So somehow, you get this emergency hearing. It doesn't mean you're gonna win.

Sharon: I took out a restraining order against a man who had done nothing wrong because you promised me you would give me more time with Faith. Now you've reneged. You've given me no other option than to take you to court.

Nick: You did one thing right, just one, and then you turn around and get engaged to our daughter's grandfather.

Sharon: Oh, I haven't accepted Victor's proposal.

Nick: Yeah, what's this, huh? Why are you wearing his ring?

Sharon: S-stop it, stop it!

Nick: Huh?

Sharon: Stop it!

Michael: Hey, hey. Everything okay out here?

Sharon: (Sighs) Its fine!

Avery: The judge's clerk just informed us we're about to start, so...

Nick: I'll be in in a minute. You getting engaged to my father is just another example of how whacked-out you've been acting lately. Maybe you should call your therapist from Fairview. It might do you some good.

Sharon: Maybe I will, Nick, because I am so sick of you using our daughter to try to control me! Enough!

Ronan: I mean, it's an old house. The stair brackets or the carpet rods could have come loose over time.

Genevieve: Okay, if that were the only strange occurrence, but there was New Year’s Eve and--and--and the alarm system, which kept going on and off repeatedly.

Ronan: Right. Wh-what did your security company say about that?

Genevieve: They confirmed that there's nothing wrong with the system.

Jack: Did you see any sign that someone loosened the carpet deliberately?

Ronan: When you say that, do you mean someone connected to Colin?

Genevieve: You know how he and his people operate.

Ronan: I do. Now I didn't see anything suspicious, but you know how it is when you're dealing with professionals. I--

Jack: I want to hire you to help us get to the bottom of this.

Ronan: Okay. All right, I'll see what I can find out.

Billy: I'm gonna go over to graphics and tell them...

Phyllis: Yes.

Billy: What a good job they did, before they go home and put themselves to bed.

Phyllis: Oh, mediocre, mediocre. (Laughs)

Billy: Hey, hey, hey.

Ricky: (Clapping hands) I just heard the good news.

Phyllis: What news is that?

Ricky: That you are back in charge.

Phyllis: I am.

Ricky: So, um, when were you gonna call me?

Phyllis: Um, we were trying to meet a deadline, Ricky.

Ricky: We had a deal, Phyllis. Where's my job?

Phyllis: Okay, okay, relax.

Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Ooh. What the hell are you doing here?

Phyllis: Um, I was just talking to Ricky about a job.

Billy: No way in hell. You're a weasel, son, and I don't hire weasels, especially weasels who hack into my web site, so you can go... (High-pitched voice) "I'm not a weasel!" (Normal voice) Off, somewhere else. Get out.

Ricky: Do you want me to tell him who gave me those passwords?

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Nikki: Nicholas. How did this happen?

Nick: I'll give you one guess.

Nikki: Does Victoria know?

Victoria: So I'm wondering, what's the going rate to hire someone to break up a marriage? How much money did you waste bringing Chelsea here?

(Cell phone rings)

Victoria: (Sighs)

Victoria: Hey, Mom. What's up? Wow. Well, I should have seen that coming. Yeah, yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can. Okay, bye.

Victor: What happened?

Victoria: Your fiancée is dragging Nick into court, so I have to go. Nice talking to you, Dad.

Judge Waterson: So the only change Ms. Newman is requesting is to reinstate joint custody.

Michael: That is correct, your honor. Nicholas was awarded sole custody when Sharon was charged with the killing of Skye Lockhart. Now that she has been cleared, we pray for the court's relief so that my client doesn't have to live at the mercy of her ex-husband's whims when it comes to visiting their daughter.

Judge Waterson: Thank you, Mr. Baldwin. Ms. Clark, where does your client stand?

Avery: Your honor, we ask that the court deny Ms. Newman's petition and keep the current arrangement intact.

Judge Waterson: On what grounds?

Avery: Nick believes very strongly that Sharon has failed to demonstrate the necessary stability and decision-making skills required to be a custodial parent. Leaving Faith in her care or control for any length of time presents an unacceptable risk to the child.

Phyllis: Um, I am going to work on Billy, okay?

Ricky: Yeah, you'd better. I'll be waiting for your call.

Harmony: Oh, hey. Uh, listen, I don't mean to speak out of place or anything, but what's the deal with that guy?

Phyllis: He wants a job here. I want to hire him. Billy doesn't. He pulled something on Billy Billy didn't like, and, you know, he doesn't want him to work here.

Harmony: Really? I would think he'd be impressed by somebody who could do that.

Phyllis: Hello, I would think so, too. We're gonna get along just fine.

Billy: Ooh, Child, this is gonna piss...

Phyllis: Um--

Billy: A lot of people off.

Phyllis: Um, uh, hey, I want to talk about Ricky. I-I just-- I-I think you should really take a look at it, you know? He--he has ambition. He has great instincts. He's a real go-getter. I mean, how many-- how many go-getters do we have? I mean, half the office is gone. Hello, two people. (Sighs)

Billy: I don't trust him.

Phyllis: I think he's a very good fit with us.

Billy: Phyllis?

Phyllis: Yeah, I--hmm?

Billy: Phyllis? Shh.

Phyllis: Okay, okay, just hear me out, hear me out, all right? Tho-those--those pictures that he took of Heather kissing Adam, remember?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: That blew up in our face. It blew up in our face.

Billy: Yeah.

Phyllis: And--and, you know, it was his sister.

Billy: I think you're trying to make me like the guy.

Phyllis: Yeah, I am trying to make you li--but this is-- this is my point, this is my point. It was a great story. He knew that. He didn't do anything with the pictures, all right? He has scruples, and-- listen, I'm the bad one. I'm the bad one. I took them off of a desk. I stole 'em. It all blew up in my face. I took hell for it, remember?

Billy: That's right.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Billy: Thank you. Thank you for reminding me that I have to watch you every living second.

Phyllis: Okay, well, that's--that's-- no, don't you--no need to go-- no need to go there, all right? No need to go there, all right? My--my--my point is, he is just a very, very good worker, okay? He's a good worker. He hacked into your web site. But listen-- what if he had hacked into somebody else's web site, and then he came to us with the story? You'd be high-fiving him. If we don't hire Ricky Williams, one of our competitors will. Just sayin'.

Michael: Where now is the instability in Sharon's life? Do you see it? I don't. I know what Nicholas would say. Nicholas cannot abide that his former wife has anything to do with her other ex-husband, Adam Newman, for what we admit are some very good reasons. However, Nicholas takes it to the extreme. Recently, he demanded that Sharon obtain a restraining order against Adam as a condition for allowing her to visit Faith unsupervised. And after Sharon complied with his demand, he has now gone back on his word.

Avery: Because of Sharon's impulsive engagement to a self-proclaimed murderer who's serving hard time in the state penitentiary. Now never mind the fact that he's Nick's father and her child's grandfather. (Sighs) Your honor, surely this--this calls to question her soundness of mind.

Sharon: (Whispering) If I were the judge and I heard that, I wouldn't grant me custody, either.

Michael: Um...

Man: Boy, you're popular today. Got another visitor.

Deacon: Hello, Victor.

Genevieve: Myrna, with all the strange things that have been going on here lately, um, Jack and I don't want to take any chances, so we have hired Ronan Malloy. He used to work for the police department, and he's actually on leave from the FBI.

Myrna: Um, hired him--

Genevieve: Yes, to investigate...

Myrna: Okay.

Genevieve: And he will be coming around the house. I want you to do whatever he asks. I've already told him that he has total access to the entire house and all the grounds.

Myrna: All right, all right, yeah.

Jack: If there's a toolbox out there, it's well-hidden.

Myrna: Um, excuse me, but I left something on the stove. (Sighs)

Genevieve: Uh, don't worry about it. I can always call someone to fix--

Jack: I have a better idea. Why don't you get packed? I want you to move in with me until we have some answers.

Ronan: I heard more than Nikki thinks I did. I'm gonna be checking out Deacon.

Paul: Well, um, now that the investigation is closed, I'm no longer consulting on the case, but, Ronan, I agree with you. I don't think Victor did it, either, and I want to work with you to help prove that.

Ronan: I'm also doing a little investigating out at Genevieve Atkinson's place. There's been some weird things happening out there. I'd like your help on that, too.

Paul: Sure, why not? I always thought we made a pretty good team.

Ricky: That was fast.

Billy: All right, look, I'm willing to give you a trial run here, but if you screw up or you screw me again...

Ricky: Works for me.

Billy: Okay. Stop smiling.

Harmony: Hey, the printer's rep just dropped this off.

Phyllis: Oh, whoa, look at this.

Billy: Well, congratulations, Chief. Welcome back.

Phyllis: (Exhales slowly) Yeah.

Deacon: Now I know my wife came to visit you New Year’s Eve, and I also know how much you care about her, so I gotta ask you, do you really think that her coming to a place like this all by herself is the best thing? 'Cause I don't.

Victor: You get her sober. Maybe then you can figure out what she's up to. I don't give a damn.

(Knock on door)

Judge Waterson: Be seated.  There's no question that Sharon Newman has demonstrated some troubling behavior in the past. Key words-- "In the past." Today, in this courtroom, I can only view her decision to remarry as proof that she is serious about staying rooted in the community and being the excellent mother she once was. Therefore... the court rules that custody of the minor child Faith Newman is to be shared equally between both parents. (Bangs gavel)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Genevieve: The safest thing for me to do is to move in with Jack right now. I want you to come with me.

Chelsea: This baby that I'm carrying gives me all sorts of rights, actually.

Nick: You sold yourself to my dad so you can get control of Faith.

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