Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/3/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/3/12


Episode # 9813 ~ Victor's Family Is Outraged by His Proposal

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nick: Coast clear?

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. It's, um, you know... uh, it's--the sitter left with Lucy, and, uh, Summer is still at the sleepover.

Nick: Good. It's kind of weird, hoping your kid's not around because... seeing your mom and dad together could be a little confusing.

Phyllis: This is confusing, isn't it?

Nick: Is it confusing for you, and in what way?

Phyllis: We're... it's New Year's Eve, and it's a date night, and we're there with different people.

Nick: That's right. You and Ronan, steppin' out as a thing for the first time.

Phyllis: It was sort of a statement.

Nick: I see.

Phyllis: So after, you know, the confetti was thrown and the champagne...was poured, and it was over, and it's 2:00 A.M. and you're knocking at my door.

Nick: We've always been attracted to each other.

Phyllis: Oh, my God. If this is about... (Laughs)

Nick: Sex? Not for me. That how it felt for you?

Phyllis: I don't know. I'm confused. It came out of nowhere.

Nick: I wouldn't say that.

Phyllis: What would you say?

Billy: Thanks for the info.

Victoria: (Sighs) Hey.

Billy: Hi. I'm not gonna ask how you slept.

Victoria: Yeah, I didn't really sleep much, but I could tell you didn't, either.

Billy: Look, about this Chelsea thing-- I'm gonna clear this up, I promise. She conned me once in Burma. She's not gonna get away with it this time, and she's not carrying my baby.

Victoria: How did she track you down, Billy? I mean, she came here looking for a "Liam."

Billy: Yeah, well, I've got a theory. You're not gonna want to hear it.

Victoria: You think my father brought her here to break us up again.

Billy: You know, Victor has tried to take us down before. It hasn't worked. It's not gonna work this time.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: I promise you, I'm gonna take care of this. I love you.

Victoria: (Sighs)

(Door closes)

Victoria: Mom? Um, I really need to see you.

Nikki: (Sighs) Victoria, try to calm down. Where are you? All right, I-I'm coming to you now. I-I think I know what this is about. I'll see you soon.

Nikki: Well, would you look at this? You know, that's a damn charming picture. It could be right on the cover of Newman Enterprises' next annual report. "C.E.O. Adam Newman hard at work on a barstool before 8:00 A.M."

Adam: (Pops lips) When it comes to liquid breakfasts, I defer to the reigning champ.

Nikki: Mm, touché, but we're not talking about me, are we?

Adam: Why are we talking at all? Since when have you given a damn about me?

Nikki: Oh, I don't know. It's just that you went to so much trouble to maneuver yourself back into the company.

Adam: Let's get it straight, sister. Victor Newman, my father, came to me.

Nikki: Obviously, his confidence was misguided.

Adam: Don't you have some empties to hide or something?

Nikki: Well, I can... (Clears throat) Only imagine that the reason you're choosing to drink at this hour is because you have heard about Victor and Sharon's engagement.

Adam: How could this happen?

Sharon: You asked me to sleep on it, so I did.

Victor: So what's your answer?

Sharon: As generous as your proposal is, I'm afraid I can't accept it.

Victor: Why not?

Sharon: Well... (Sighs) I'm already getting a taste of it will be like when the news breaks. A lot of people are gonna be hurt, and I know that that's only going to be worse after we're married. Now I appreciate you... wanting to look after for me. But... I'm gonna return this to Michael.

Victor: Please don't do that. Keep the ring on your finger, all right? Give me more time to prove to you that it'll be for the best.

Nikki: You know, if it makes you feel any better, I wasn't thrilled to hear this news, either.

Adam: Way to stick it to me, Pops.

Nikki: (Scoffs) It's not all Victor's fault. Sharon didn't let any time pass before she put that rock on her finger.

Adam: I just can't... picture her doin' this without some kind of reasoning behind it. All due respect, I... I don't see her wanting to be married to that bastard.

Nikki: Sharon's not the angel you think she is. In fact, she is a master manipulator. And as far as I'm concerned, this is exactly the kind of thing she would leap at.

Billy: Better watch out, Buddy. One innocent little conversation with her, and she'll take you for everything you got.

Man: Have a nice day.

Chelsea: I was wondering when I would see you next.

Billy: Mm.

Nick: Look, I didn't see this coming, either. But Avery made me face something...

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Nick: That I've been ignoring for a long time.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Nick: I'm not over you yet. I still want you. I have feelings for you.

Phyllis: Avery made you see that?

Nick: Yeah, she did. And I'm glad, 'cause she's right. And that's why... we ended things last night.

Phyllis: Ronan ended things with me.

Nick: Okay. Now it may just be me, but it seems to me what happened last night just got a whole lot less confusing.

Victor: I'm not surprised you had to face some hostility. But by marrying me, I promise you, I'd make things easier for you, not harder. Give me some time to prove that to you.

Sharon: I don't see how this is going to get any easier, especially with my kids. How am I going to explain this to Noah?

Victor: I know that he would want his mother to be happy, secure, safe, protected. If you marry me, all of that will be provided.

Sharon: Well, you keep talking about what I stand to gain in this...

Victor: Yes.

Sharon: And how this benefits me, but what about you? Why would you want to do this?

Victor: I've already explained that to you.

Sharon: You have my companionship without a marriage certificate.

Victor: Who in the family has gone out of their way to help you? Or even be decent to you? Certainly not Nikki.

Sharon: No, definitely not Nikki.

Victor: So Noah's living on his own in New York. Your mother has her own concerns. You got out of that relationship with Adam, and your former husband Nicholas is doing everything in his power to keep you from seeing Faith as often as you would like. If you marry me, you will have someone who backs you up at all times, who truly cares for you.

Sharon: I hear what you're saying.

Victor: Do me a favor and think about it, okay? Don't make a decision right now. But I'm certain that eventually, you'll realize that this is best for you.

Victoria: Thanks for coming, Mom. (Sighs) Boy, you know, nothing ever changes. Dad always knows exactly what buttons to push.

Nikki: (Sighs) So you've already heard the news.

Victoria: (Sighs) You know?

Nikki: Yes. I-I got there right after he gave it to her.

Victoria: Gave who what? I don't know what you're talking about.

Nikki: Your father proposing to Sharon.

Victoria: What?

Billy: I've had about enough of this. Who sent you here?

Chelsea: No one. I am--I am here-- I came to find you because of this baby. That is the only reason.

Billy: Yeah, the baby. Okay, the baby. You said that you would take a D.N.A. test last night. How soon can we push this along?

Chelsea: I will happily take one today. You just find me a doctor.

Billy: Find you a doctor? Great. Well, there's a place called Memorial hospital. And hospitals-- they have doctors. Feel free to go there, pick the first one, take a test.

Chelsea: Okay, I understand that you are freaking out, Liam.

Billy: Don't call me Liam.

Chelsea: (Sighs) Despite you wanting to blame me for all of your problems, I haven't done anything wrong here.

Billy: (Scoffs)

Chelsea: Billy, when we were together in Myanmar, you didn't say a thing about being married. In fact, when I asked you about that tattoo on your finger, and I-I made a joke saying, "You better not be married," you told me that there was nobody in your life.

Billy: I don't remember that. (Clears throat)

Chelsea: (Sighs) Well, that doesn't surprise me, considering how wasted you were. (Sighs) Look, I didn't come all of this way to start trouble between you and your wife. I didn't even know that you had a wife. So consider yourself lucky that I am not pressing charges.

Billy: Look, we did not have sex.

Chelsea: (Scoffs)

Billy: I definitely didn't push myself onto you, so you can knock that off right now. You're lying. You're trying to scam me. So you can go tell whoever it is that sent you they better not mess around, because I'm gonna order this test personally to make sure it's not tampered with. Nobody's getting between me and my wife again. Feel free to tell Victor Newman I said so.

Victoria: Dad and Sharon? (Laughing) Why-- why--why would he do that? And how could Sharon even think about saying yes?!

Nikki: Are you kidding? It's obvious she thinks she's hit the jackpot, Baby. I mean, this is it for her.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Nikki: As far as your father goes, I have no idea. He's either lost his mind or he is determined to push everybody that ever mattered to him away.

Victoria: Mom, you seem to be handling this. I mean, are you sure you're okay?

Nikki: Honey, I... (Sighs) Admit I had a rough night, but it's a new day. It's a new year, thank God. These things seem to be happening whether I agree with them or not, so what can I do?

Victoria: Somebody has to do something. What about Nicholas? Does he know about this?

Phyllis: I wish I could just throw my arms around you and say, "Yeah, let's get back together." I can't do that. (Sighs) Seeing you with Avery, Nick... (Sighs) That was so hurtful. I mean, not just because she's my s-- actually, yeah, because she's my sister. (Scoffs) Yeah, that's a pretty big part of it.

Nick: You want to tell me the rest?

Phyllis: I'm not enough for you, am I? I mean, it's never just been us alone, ever. There's always somebody in between. There's always some woman in between. I mean, first, it's Sharon, and she always needed you to rescue her. She needed you to be her backbone. And you allowed it to go on and on. And if I had a problem with it, then I was being crazy, and it was my insecurities, and I was imagining it, and I wasn't being sensitive to Sharon or--or her needs. I mean, what about my needs? I'm--I'm your wife. I was your wife.

Nick: I never once said that there weren't issues with Sharon-- not once.

Phyllis: But you said they were my issues. You didn't own any of the issues. Anyway... when it looked like maybe we had a chance again...you started sleeping with my sister.

Nick: I was attracted to her. You were attracted to Ronan. I think we both needed to see where those relationships went.

Phyllis: Did we?

Nick: Yes, and I promise you, I did not start seeing Avery to hurt you.

(Cell phone rings)

Nick: It's Victoria. She's still in Jamaica.


Phyllis: Answer it.

Nick: Hey, so you're calling me from your honeymoon. This must be important.

Victoria: Yeah, listen, uh, Billy and I flew back early. It's a long story. (Sighs) I'm with Mom. Are you sitting down right now? She just told me something.

Nick: Okay, what is it?

Victoria: (Sighs) There's really no easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna blurt it out. It's pretty ridiculous. Dad proposed to Sharon.

Nick: What? What are you talking about?

Victoria: Listen, Mom confirmed it. She was there. She saw the ring.

Nick: Vick just told me that Dad is engaged to Sharon.

Nikki: So how did Nicholas take the news?

Victoria: Pretty much the same way I did. (Sighs)

Nikki: Well, wait a minute. I-if you didn't know about Victor and Sharon, you must have been calling me about something else Victor did to you.

Victoria: While we were in Jamaica, we got a phone call from the adoption agency. There was a birth mother interested in our profile, even after everything that happened with Lucy last year. So we rushed home to get ready to meet with her, only to find this woman who Billy hooked up with in Myanmar on our front porch.

Nikki: Oh, my God.

Victoria: Look, I had assumed that he had been with someone while we were apart. That part I can handle. But this woman is claiming that the sex wasn't consensual.

Nikki: What?!

Victoria: Which I don't believe for one minute. All right? But she's pregnant.

Nikki: (Scoffs)

Victoria: She's pregnant, and according to her, the baby is Billy's.

Nikki: Oh, my God. Baby--Honey--

Victoria: Oh, wait. Hold on. It gets worse.

Nikki: You're not-- okay.

Victoria: Billy and I think that Dad brought her here to try to break us up again.

Billy: I'll have somebody contact you about the tests. I know you're staying here. I talked to the front desk when I tracked you down.

Chelsea: Wow, I'm so impressed you went to all that trouble.

Billy: In the meantime, you stay the hell away from my wife, and you keep away from me. (Sighs)

Chelsea: (Sighs) Hi. Uh, can I get some more hot water for my tea, please? Thank you. (Sighs) You seem to have gotten an early start.

Adam: It's been one of those days. So how do you, uh, how do you know Billy Abbott? Whoops.

Phyllis: Oh, oh, Billy.

Billy: Not now, Phyllis, not--

Phyllis: Oh, you can't ignore the story. You can't. "Restless Style" needs to run the story. You ha-- (Sighs) Listen, you have to hire me back. You have to. You have to. I will get the story right.

Billy: I have no idea what you're talking about right now.

Phyllis: Oh, wow, you don't-- you don't know about Victor and Sharon?

Sharon: Wasn't it nice that the sitter came by early so mommy didn't have to wake you up?

Faith: Yeah.

Sharon: And it gave me a chance to do something very important for both of us. Oh, Sweetheart.

Victor: Hello, Son.

Nick: I've had a lot of doubts about every move you've made lately, but I've left you alone, 'cause I figured you knew what you were doing. But that's over. I've lost all faith in you.

Victor: I'm sorry to hear that.

Nick: You're sorry? (Scoffs) That's it? You're sorry? That is all you're gonna say to me?

Victor: That's right.

Nick: What is the matter with you? How can you even think of trying to marry the mother of my children?

Billy: Victor and Sharon? Man, that-- that...

Phyllis: I was with Nick when Victoria called. They're beside themselves, obviously. Now--now listen. This is my point. You need to hire me back, because I can get this story right, and I can-- I can use the magazine to investigate the murder.

Billy: What murder?

Phyllis: What murder? What murder do you think I'm talking about, Billy?

Billy: Diane's murder?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Billy: That's been solved. Case closed.

Phyllis: Yeah, the D.A. thinks the case is closed, but Victor is not a killer. He did not kill anybody. It's obvious he's protecting someone.

Billy: Obvious to who?

Phyllis: And--and then this stunt with Sharon? (Shudders) It--it--it's crazy. It's crazy. You know what? He doesn't care about his family, obviously. He doesn't care about his reputation.

Billy: I don't care about Victor's reputation. However, I am a bit tired of him trashing his kids' lives so that he can accommodate his world view on how things should be ran.

Phyllis: So it's a done deal. You're hiring me, right?

Billy: (Chuckles) We're about to go to press.

Phyllis: With what? What story do you have, Billy? Is it better than this one?

Billy: No, no, you're right. We should go with this story.

Phyllis: Yeah, and you should hire me to write it.

Billy: I've got a lot on my plate right now. Fine, have at it.

Phyllis: As the editor? It's official?

Billy: You want it in writing?

Phyllis: Well, yeah, of course I want it in writing, but we don't have to worry about that right now. Um, I'm gonna be really honest with you. You are not gonna regret hiring me back.

Victor: Son, I knew you would have this reaction along with everyone else.

Nick: Because what you are doing is beyond inappropriate. How can you even think of trying to marry Sharon?

Victor: Let me put it this way, Son. Sharon needs someone to look out for her interests, and I need someone I can rely on.

Nick: This is crazy. You do not need Sharon, and you cannot protect her from inside that prison cell.

Victor: I can, and I will.

Nick: Not to mention Sharon has the rest of her life ahead of her, Dad. Why would she want to be married to someone behind bars? Can you not see that?

Victor: Son, what you had with Sharon has long been over, all right?

Nick: This is not about me.

Victor: Of course it is! If it weren't, you wouldn't get so worked up, would you?

Nick: Is this to protect Sharon from Adam? Because I already took care of that by making Sharon get that restraining order.

Victor: I proposed to Sharon because I want her to be my wife. And I think she wants that, as well.

(Knock on door)

Sharon: Nikki.

Adam: William Abbott was just out surfing, and then the next thing, uh, "Hello, baby daddy"?

Chelsea: There were a few more steps involved.

Adam: So you're back in the states now to, uh, remind Billy of the rockin' time you guys had and get some money? What?

Chelsea: (Scoffs) Uh, no. I'm just here to make sure that my child is taken care of.

Adam: Mm. Yeah, um, somebody told me something very similar to that this week. And I respected it, and then they, uh, they went and did something that just about slapped me in the face, made me wonder if anything that ever came out of their mouth was true. For your baby's sake, I hope you're on the level. If you'll forgive me, I'm just a bit, uh, skeptical of people who use their kids to ruin other people's lives.

Nikki: What exactly do you think you're gonna accomplish by marrying Victor?

Sharon: I am doing what I feel is best for my children, and I don't owe you any explanation beyond that.

Nikki: I fail to see how marrying their grandfather would be good for Faith and Noah. And if nothing else, it would further alienate this family!

Sharon: Excuse me, would you mind keeping your voice down? I just put Faith down for a nap.

Nikki: Fine. Who are you trying to hurt? Adam? Nicholas? Or is this some sick way of getting back at me?

Sharon: At you?

Nikki: Sharon, please. You have always resented me. I know that. You want what I have.

Sharon: You don't really...

Nikki: You grew up nothing. You grew up a nobody, and so did I. I understand that. But I made something of myself. And my children love me unconditionally. And, yes, I have money. I have influence. I am Mrs. Newman.

Sharon: So am I.

Nikki: (Scoffs) Please. Mrs. Adam Newman? Or Mrs. Nicholas Newman? It doesn't sound quite as powerful as "Mrs. Victor Newman," does it? Has that been your endgame all along? Was that the plan? To snag the ultimate Newman? (Scoffs) You're more of a gold digger than I ever thought.

Nick: Now what if I told you that I was gonna marry Ashley? I was gonna be a stepfather to Abby. Is that the kind of relationship you would like to see me in?

Victor: It wouldn't be any of my business now, would it?

Nick: You have known Sharon since she was in high school.

Victor: You can get up and leave now, all right? Thank you for stopping by.

Nick: You know, I have been angry at you more times than I can count. There's been times that I've hated you. But I can honestly say that I have never been as disappointed in you as I am right now.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Doin' okay?

Victoria: I don't know. It's kind of been an incredibly weird morning.

Billy: Yeah. Phyllis told me something rather interesting about your father.

Victoria: Yeah, it's true. He proposed to Sharon. My entire family is incredibly upset about it. And I'm sure that Phyllis mentioned that, too.

Billy: Yeah. She also mentioned that she would like to do a cover story for "Restless Style."

Victoria: The story on my dad and Sharon?

Billy: Mm-hmm. We figure if we can get out in front of it, maybe we can control the early spin.

Victoria: You hired her back as editor?

Billy: Yeah, I did. Partly because Victor deserves to get skewered because he is a royal son of a... (Clears throat) And she's rather good at her job. You understand that, don't you?

Phyllis: Hey, everybody. Listen up, uh, come around. Um, your fearless leader is back. I have risen from the ashes. Hold your applause. Uh, it is official. Billy has hired me back. You can applaud now.

Man: All right.

Woman: (Laughs)

Phyllis: (Laughs) I know. Fun, right? Okay, so you know the expression "Hold the presses"? Of course we all know that. I really mean it right now. Hold the presses, because we're about to break a story that is going to be the biggest this magazine has ever seen.

Man: All right!

All: (Cheering)

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Sharon: For you to suggest that I have been after Victor and his money all this time-- that's your paranoia talking.

Nikki: (Scoffs) Please. I know an opportunist when I see one.

Sharon: Trust me, if I'd wanted Victor, I'm sure I could have made that happen a long time ago. There hasn't been that much competition.

(Door opens)

Nick: Where's Faith?

Sharon: She's upstairs napping. What--where are you going?

Nikki: Well, at least that poor child has one parent who can be counted on.

Sharon: Nick, she was asleep.

Nick: Yeah, well, now she's gonna sleep at my place.

Sharon: What? No. You are not going anywhere with her. We had an agreement. This is my day to have her.

Nick: You are out of control. I don't trust your judgment anymore. I don't want you anywhere near my daughter.

Sharon: Our daughter.

Nick: I have full custody. That means you don't have a say. And after this ridiculous engagement--

Sharon: Oh, that has nothing to do with my being her mother, Nick.

Nick: This goes so far beyond you being a parent to Faith. I don't even know who you are anymore.

Victoria: I feel that my father crossed the line...

Billy: Mm.

Victoria: When he hired that woman. And any shred of loyalty that I had left for him is gone. So if you feel that hiring Phyllis is going to help you go after my dad and Sharon, then I'm not gonna stop you.

Billy: You mean that?

Victoria: Yeah, I mean it. I'm just--I'm really tired of all of the negative attention. So I appreciate you telling me, because at least I can prepare myself, which is a lot more than I can say for my dad. (Sighs)

Billy: I'm sorry that he still gets to you like this.

Victoria: Did you find Chelsea?

Billy: Yeah, I found Chelsea. She's stayin' at the club. I told her that I wanted that D.N.A. test done as soon as possible and on my terms, and she agreed.

Victoria: So then I guess before long, you're gonna know if the baby is yours or not.

Billy: (Clears throat)

Chelsea: Hurt by a woman. I guess that explains your breakfast.

Adam: Best of luck with you and your baby.

Chelsea: Um, I didn't catch your name.

Adam: Adam Newman. Billy's wife-- the woman whose marriage you're about to destroy is my sister, not that I give a damn about her or anyone in my so-called family.

(Door opens)

Victor: What happened?

Sharon: Nick came and took Faith away. Nikki bawled me out. All hell is breaking lose, and somehow, I think this is just the beginning.

Victor: I told you, I'm not surprised by people's reaction. It'll be hostile for a while. But you keep that ring on your finger, and I promise you, things will change magically for you.

Sharon: Somehow, I find what you're saying reassuring. I don't know why.

Victor: I'm glad.

Sharon: You know, you asked me earlier what I had to lose. The answer is nothing at this point. I'm gonna consider your proposal, and--and that's all I can do right now.

Victor: That's fair enough. But I know it's just a matter of time before you decide to become my wife.

Phyllis: "Eeny, meeny, miny, Daddy. I've been through the brothers. Now on to... Daddy." (Clears throat)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Angelo: That Angelina, she's given me angina. I got a guy lookin' for her.

Kevin: You posted a video?!

Angelina: It's not like someone's gonna say, "Hey, I know that nasty motel room."

Chelsea: Billy's the father.

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