Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/10/11 -- Canada; Friday 3/11/11 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9607 ~ Nikki Receives Devastating News
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Sharon: Come on, Adam, please pick up. Pick up. Pick up.
Woman: The number you have reached is no longer in service.
Deacon: I'm gonna turn this thing off. There's no way I'm gonna let you talk to Nikki and ruin this for me, Meggie. Got it. (Sighs)
Man: Lockdown in five minutes.
Woman: You comin' with us to Rusty's?
Man: Nah, the old lady'll kill me.
Nikki: Are you working tonight?
Deacon: As a matter of fact, I'm not.
Nikki: Oh. Shall we do something?
Deacon: I think we shall. What would you say to a week in the Bahamas?
Nikki: (Sighs) Oh, if only we could.
Deacon: No, come on. Come on. What's stopping us?
Nikki: Well, I can't leave the kids right now.
Deacon: Oh, come on, Nikk. A week in the Bahamas. Just you and me, Baby. I mean, no family, no lawsuit, no pressure. All you've gotta do is say yes.
Nikki: Gosh, I-- I don't-- this is so out of the blue. Why now?
Meggie: Deacon, this better work.
Jack: Mm.
Phyllis: (Stammers) Oow.
Jack: Ooh.
Phyllis: Oow.
Jack: Wow.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Jack: You really did get banged up yesterday.
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, your kid is a little stronger than... he looks. (Clears throat)
Jack: Well, you were a real sport tossin' the ball with the two of us yesterday.
Phyllis: Mm. You just like seeing me covered in mud.
Jack: Oh, I just love the fact that you took it on. Mm.
Phyllis: Yeah. So where is, uh, Kyle?
Jack: He's at hockey practice. He won't be here for quite a while.
Phyllis: Mm.
Jack: He's really warmin' up to you, isn't he?
Phyllis: I-I think that's gonna take some time, Jack. But how--how is Abby? Have you spoken to her?
Jack: I actually haven't heard from Abby since she called to say they won the arbitration.
Phyllis: Well, she's probably out celebrating.
Jack: Yes, she probably is. Well, you know, that judge's decision is gonna change a lot of lives. Billy tell you about the piece he's gonna do in "Restless Style"?
Phyllis: No, he did not. What piece?
Jack: The Abbotts back at Jabot, stronger than ever.
Phyllis: Wow. No, he did not confer with his editor in chief.
Jack: (Stammers) I-I shouldn't have told you. He was gonna tell you. I just got kind of excited, but this is the picture he's going to use in the article.
Phyllis: Well, look at that. Looks like you won the arbitration.
Jack: In a way, I did. Do you have any idea how long I have waited for Victor Newman to get his?
Michael: Victor.
Victor: There you are.
Michael: (Sighs)
Victor: Have you got the prenup?
Michael: Yes, right here. (Sighs)
Victor: Good.
Michael: To tell you the truth, I was a little shocked that you asked me to witness your marriage to Diane.
Victor: You--you were a witness at the destruction of my first marriage to her, so I thought it would be fitting.
Michael: (Chuckles) Yeah, that was good times. All right, there's a copy for you and one for the-- where is the bride, by the way?
Victor: Well, as I was leaving the ranch, she had not agreed to my proposal.
Michael: Oh. Well, it's a minor detail. Um, I was under the impression that we were taking off for Las Vegas momentarily.
Victor: Your impression is correct, and I assure you she and I will be married before the night is over. What do you think about that?
Nick: Bad timing?
Diane: I-I was just on my way out to an event.
Nick: Is my dad home? I need to talk to him.
Diane: He's not. Would you like to come in and wait?
Nick: Sure.
Diane: Can I get you anything?
Nick: I'm good. Don't let me keep you if you need to be somewhere.
Diane: No, no, I'm... I'm not in a rush. I-I know you weren't happy to see me this morning, but I'm glad you're here now so we can--we can talk, clear things up.
Deacon: Honey, you've been under a huge amount of pressure these last couple weeks. I-I was hopin' once this lawsuit settled that, you know, things would ease up, but they haven't. And to top it off, here we are at the Athletic Club and I gotta tell ya, this isn't exactly your most popular decision.
Nikki: Well, you know, I don't care what people think.
Deacon: I know. I know, but I-- I just want us to be like a normal couple. I want to be able to take your hand and walk with you down the beach. I want to be able to kiss you and not have people glaring at us. I-I don't want you to have to explain for one second why we're so happy. I just... I just want to be.
Nikki: I'd like that, too.
Deacon: Yeah.
Nikki: You know, you're right. Let's do it.
Deacon: All right.
Nikki: (Laughs)
Deacon: All right. Oh, this is gonna be great. You're not gonna regret this. Trust me.
Nikki: Mm.
Woman: See you tomorrow. Good night.
Man: (Speaking indistinctly)
(Telephone rings)
Woman: County jail.
Meggie: (Gasps)
Man: Ms. McClaine, you just bought yourself a one-way ticket to the state pen.
Meggie: I've been set up.
Man: Hope you enjoyed the fresh air. Won't get much of that in solitary up at Jackson.
Meggie: You tell Deacon Sharpe he messed with the wrong woman this time.
Victor: And this includes all passive income as well?
Michael: Yeah, item three, paragraph two.
Victor: Uh-huh.
[Michael remembering]
Diane: Before I moved in with Victor, there was another man. And he--he said that it was over, but I think he still has feelings for me.
Michael: So you're saying that you might want to be with this man if you could?
Diane: Uh... I don't know. I just know that I can't stop... I can't stop wondering about it.
Victor: Well, everything seems in order.
Michael: Victor, I have to ask. Why are you doing this? What's your rush to get married?
Victor: I have no illusions, you know. I think this marriage has the potential to create a wonderful partnership between Diane and me. That's all.
Michael: Mm. Yeah. Well, I mean, you have had a rough time...
Victor: Mm.
Michael: In the last few days. You've had to make that rather dodgy agreement with Adam. You had to confess to the D.A. that you witnessed Skye's death in Hawaii.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Michael: And, uh... you lost the arbitration.
Victor: So you think this is my way of coping?
Michael: I think this is not the time to make life-altering decisions. Why don't you put it off for a while? Take some time to reflect? And once things calm down, you know, if you still want to get married, the prenup's here, ready to go.
Victor: Why the hell do you give a damn whether I marry Diane or not?
Nick: (Sighs)
Diane: The lawsuit must have been very difficult for you.
Nick: I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me. You should be worried about my dad.
Diane: You gonna keep shootin' me down?
Nick: What do you want me to say?
Diane: Why can't you believe that I'm concerned about you? You were walking a fine line between your sisters and your father. And something must have happened to get you to join that lawsuit.
Nick: What does it matter? It's over. We won.
Diane: But you're not here to gloat. That's not your style. And I think that you're here to talk to Victor says a lot.
Nick: I would like my dad to know, despite everything I said to him, that I don't want this to be the end of our relationship. I doubt he'll hear that, though.
Diane: I think he will. He might not say so. But you'll plant the seed, and someday, he'll take it to heart.
Nick: You have a lot more faith in him than I do.
Diane: I think what you're doing, coming here, is very admirable.
Nick: I didn't do it for him. I did it for my kids and for me. I know that my dad never reconciled with his father, deep down, that still hurts him a lot. I hate a lot of the things my dad has done. But if something were to happen to him, and--and he died, and we were still estranged, I'd never forgive myself.
Diane: I think that's wise.
Nick: I want to set a good example for my kids. You know, let 'em know that I tried. Who knows? Maybe someday, they'll do the same for me.
Diane: You know, I bet most of your friends are congratulating you on the big win. But that's probably not the right thing to say, is it?
Nick: I've lost so much the past few months. It doesn't feel like I won at all.
Jack: Hold up. Why are we stopping?
Phyllis: There's nothing I'd like better than to have you get Beauty of Nature back and merge Jabot with some huge conglomerate. I just, Jack... wish you didn't have to deal with Tucker.
Jack: I can handle him. He needs this every bit as much as I do, but it's gotta happen fast or the whole thing's gonna fall apart.
Phyllis: What's your next step?
Jack: Eventually, I have to talk to Nick, get him on board.
Phyllis: What do you mean eventually? Why don't you do it now?
Jack: Well, tonight I have a date with a gorgeous redhead who deserves my undivided attention.
Phyllis: And she's not gonna get your undivided attention, because this is the only thing you're gonna be thinking about. Go.
Jack: You sure?
Phyllis: Yes. I'll be here when you get back.
Jack: I'll look forward to that.
Phyllis: Hey, um... (Clears throat) Just... be careful how you discuss this with Nick.
Jack: I know how to handle it.
Phyllis: Well, you know, with everything he's gone through lately, just tread carefully.
Jack: Thanks.
Nick: All right, I'm gonna take off. (Sighs) I'll talk to my dad later.
Diane: You don't have to rush off.
Nick: Yeah, I do. You turned this conversation into something it's not.
Diane: We used to talk like this all the time.
Nick: You're with my dad now.
Diane: There's no reason we can't be friends.
Nick: Diane, I told you. You made your choice. We can't go back to the way it was. It doesn't work like that.
Sharon: Hi. This is Sharon. Um, can you please call me when you get this? I really need your help.
Deacon: Okay, you ready to roll?
Nikki: (Scoffs) How can you get everything in one bag? I need one bag just for my shoes.
Deacon: Well, I tell you what. Why don't you forget about the clothes? 'Cause something tells me you're not gonna be needing them.
Nikki: Oh, really? Not even for a midnight stroll on the beach?
Deacon: Well, who says we're leavin' the hotel room?
Nikki: Oh. (Giggles)
Deacon: Mm. Hey, I'll tell you what. I'm gonna load the car up. You finish getting ready, okay?
Nikki: Okay.
Deacon: Okay.
Nikki: Okay. Oh, my passport. My passport. There it is. Thank heavens. Tell the kids that I'm leaving. Why is my phone off?
(Cell phone rings)
Nikki: Hello?
Meggie: It's Meggie. Don't hang up. It's my only call.
Nikki: Well, you just wasted it.
Meggie: I didn't work alone, Nikki. Someone helped me send you to "Drunksville," someone close to you.
Nikki: You're lying.
Meggie: You want to find out who, you come see me now.
Victor: We are still waiting for Ms. Jenkins to arrive, all right? Yep. Thank you.
Michael: Victor, listen to me. It's still not too late to call this off.
Victor: Let me ask you. The prenup that you drew up-- does it protect me?
Michael: Yes, it does.
Victor: Then there's nothing to worry about, okay?
Michael: If Diane shows.
Victor: She will show. Trust me.
Michael: All right. You know what? I hope for the best for both of you. I really do, and I am speaking to you as a friend.
Victor: Well, I want you... you to be my lawyer right now, okay?
Michael: All right.
(Door opens)
Victor: There you are.
Diane: Hello. Sorry it took so long.
Victor: There you are. My goodness.
Diane: (Sighs)
Victor: You look beautiful.
Diane: Well, thank you.
Victor: Look at you.
Diane: (Chuckles) Déjà vu all over again, huh?
Victor: Yes.
Diane: Although now wait. You were not here the first time Victor and I...
Victor: No, he wasn't.
Diane: Were married.
Victor: But he will serve as our witness.
Michael: (Clears throat) (Chuckles)
Victor: Let me tell the pilot. We are ready to take off. All right, thank you. Well...
Paul: Sorry it took me so long to get here. I had a late meeting.
Sharon: Well, I really appreciate you coming.
Paul: Well, it sounded urgent.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Paul: You okay?
Sharon: It's Adam. He packed a bag. He left town. I haven't heard from him since. Can you find him?
Paul: Sharon, really?
Sharon: You have no idea the sacrifices he has made for me, Paul. Nick has been giving me a hard time about our daughter. He told Adam that he would share custody with me if Adam would leave town, so he just--he left. He thought he was ha-- he was helping me.
Paul: Well, for once, he got it right. You're better off without him.
Sharon: Paul, this has been so awful for me. I can't eat. I can't sleep. If only I could just talk to Adam. I mean, I've been leaving him messages, and now his phone is disconnected.
Paul: Well, sounds like he's standing by his decision.
Sharon: What if something happened to him? Paul, he's my fiancé. I love him. I need to know that he's-- that he's alive, just that he's okay, even if he doesn't come back home.
Man: Nicholas Newman?
Nick: Yeah? From Newman Enterprises. Who's it from?
Man: Connie Wayne.
Nick: My dad's assistant.
Man: Sign here.
Nick: Thanks a lot.
Man: I'll get the rest of the boxes from the van.
Nick: Okay. Hmm. Congratulations, Nicholas Newman. You've been fired.
Victor: But unfortunately, we're gonna have to return to Genoa City later tonight. You know that.
Diane: Yes, well, I assumed as much.
Victor: Yeah.
Diane: No matter how good a friend you are, Michael, you're not invited on the honeymoon.
Michael: (Laughs) I'm crushed.
Victor: Now there still is the matter of the prenuptial agreement.
Diane: As I said earlier, not a problem.
Michael: I, uh, printed out a contract for you to sign. If you and Victor were to be divorced, you would not be entitled to any property or stock. You would, however, receive a cash settlement determined by the length of your marriage-- $250,000 after the first anniversary, $500,000 after the second anniversary, and so forth. The amount is capped at ten years.
Victor: Can you live with that?
Deacon: Are you sure Nikki Newman isn't in the dining room? Check again, please. And--and check the salon, okay? Thanks. "Had to run out. Be back." (Scoffs) Nikki, where the hell did you go? Come on.
(Cell phone rings)
Deacon: Meggie.
Nikki: Thank you.
Meggie: Took you long enough.
Nikki: Let's cut right to it. Who is this person that you say helped get me back drinking again?
Meggie: Sorry I have to be the one to break it to you, but I couldn't in good conscience keep this a secret any longer. What a relief to finally unburden myself.
Nikki: (Scoffs)
Meggie: No, don't-- don't leave now. Don't--don't leave before the big reveal. What I have to tell you will rock your world.
Jack: Haven't seen you since the arbitration. How you holdin' up?
Nick: Yeah, things have been pretty hectic.
Jack: You moving?
Nick: Nah, it's just stuff from my office, boxed up by my dad's assistant. I tell you, there's nothing like hearing you've been fired by courier.
Jack: Ouch. Well, I guess that's the price you pay for being in a very small club of people who actually beat Victor Newman.
Nick: (Chuckles) It doesn't feel like I won anything. The family's never gonna be the same after this.
Jack: Nick, this was inevitable.
Nick: I guess.
Jack: You fought hard for your independence. You deserve it, and that is a victory. You get to live the life that you want to live without your father pulling any strings. It's a victory, Nick. You can do anything you want now. Have you given any thought to what you want to do next?
(Front door closes)
Kyle: Dad?
Phyllis: Mm. Um, he's not here. He didn't expect you home so early.
Kyle: We had a short practice.
Phyllis: Oh. Okay, well, he'll be home for dinner.
Kyle: Hayden's mom invited me over for pizza.
Phyllis: Not up to me. I have to, uh, discuss that with your father. I have to ask him.
Phyllis: So how was practice?
Kyle: Good.
Phyllis: Good. Can't wait to see a game.
Kyle: You don't have to.
Phyllis: I want to. I think it'd be a kick.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Phyllis: He says yes.
Kyle: Cool. Can you give me a ride?
Phyllis: Put your gear away, and I'll give you a ride.
Kyle: Hey, you know, you'll be happy to know I'm probably moving back to the ranch with my mom.
Phyllis: I'm not happy to know that, Kyle. Why do you want to leave?
Kyle: Mom said she and Victor might get married. They want me to move back so we can be a family.
Phyllis: Okay, well, um, your father is gonna be upset. He really likes having you here, and, you know, we were just getting to know each other.
Kyle: (Laughs) Come on. You don't like me, and I don't like you.
Phyllis: Kyle, that is not true. That's not true.
Kyle: Can you just give me a ride to my friend's?
Phyllis: Yeah, I'll give you a ride.
Kyle: I'm gonna go get some video games.
Phyllis: Okay.
Kyle: Be right back.
Phyllis: Marriage. Marriage. That's unbelievable.
Diane: I have only one condition.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Diane: I want my son taken care of.
Michael: Page three, item six.
Victor: I have set up a very generous trust for Kyle that will remain intact even in case you and I get divorced. See?
Diane: It's ironclad?
Michael: It is.
Diane: All right then.
Michael: If you'd like to hold off signing that document, you may consult an attorney in Las Vegas. Otherwise you'll have to sign a waiver saying that you did not ask your own counsel to review the documents.
Diane: Victor has been very straightforward. And I trust you, Michael. I'll sign both.
Victor: In that case, once we land in Las Vegas, I'll ask the judge to come aboard and we get married. How's that?
Diane: On the plane again? Did it occur to you that I might actually want to be married in a chapel?
Victor: (Chuckles) Is that your preference?
Diane: I prefer to be consulted. A lady does like to be asked, you know.
Victor: I see. I see. I see. You mean because she's not something one can buy in a store?
Diane: You remembered.
Victor: Yes, I remembered. Let me try this again. My dear Diane, would you mind terribly once we landed in Las Vegas that I ask a judge to come aboard and marry us?
Diane: I think that sounds fantastic.
Michael: Um, I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about.
Diane: (Laughs) Well, the first time we were married, Victor made all the arrangements without even proposing to me.
Victor: No, wait a minute. I proposed eventually, didn't I?
Diane: Mm-hmm. Only after I put up a fuss.
Victor: That's it. Let me talk to the pilot for a moment.
Michael: What are you doing? What are you-- are you sure about this? Because just a few days ago, you were saying there could be-- (Whispering) There could be someone else.
Diane: You're the one who told me to leave Victor or commit.
Michael: Yes, but I didn't mean that you should marry him.
Diane: It's not like I don't know what I'm getting myself into. Victor is the right man for me.
Meggie: It was easy to spike your smoothies inside the house. But outside, I needed someone I could trust who knew my secret.
Nikki: Tell me the name, or I'm gone.
Deacon: Thank you. Nikki!
Nikki: Deacon, what are you doing here?
Deacon: I found your phone. I saw there was a call from jail, and I was worried you were comin' to talk to this nut job.
Meggie: (Chuckles)
Deacon: Let's go. Come on.
Meggie: Oh, the warden let you in for another booty call, eh?
Nikki: What? What is she talking about?
Deacon: I have no idea.
Meggie: Deacon and I know each other. We go way back, don't we, "Big D."?
Deacon: Listen to me. She is sick, and all she wants to do is hurt you.
Meggie: (Laughs) And you have her best interests at heart, right?
Nikki: So you're saying it's Deacon? Deacon is the person you were talking about?
Paul: Thanks. All right, Adam made a large cash withdrawal the day he left town, but there has been no bank activity since then-- no credit card charges, no travel records.
Sharon: Okay, uh, what about his phone? Can't someone use G.P.S. to locate it?
Paul: Uh, the phone. The phone was found on the side of the road not far from here. Adam must have ditched it leaving town. And the number was disconnected today.
Sharon: (Sighs) What do we do? How do we find him?
Paul: Sharon, Adam is completely off the grid.
Jack: I've known you for a lot of years, Nick. You are not one to sit around and count your money. Here you are sittin' on a half a billion dollars, burnin' a hole in your pocket. You can do anything you want-- start your own business--
Nick: You know what? Let's... let's not play games. You're here because you want to start an alliance to get a piece of Newman.
Jack: I would be lying if I told you the thought hadn't crossed my mind.
Nick: This is my family and my family's business. It's not sport like it is for you.
Jack: No, no, no. This is not sport for me either. I am first and foremost a businessman, and you and I would make great partners.
Nick: (Laughs) You mean like we were with "Restless Style"?
Jack: No, no. That was with Sharon and Phyllis. I'm talking about just you and me.
Nick: I'm not interested in any Machiavellian plot to go after my father. I got enough issues with him already.
Victor: Welcome aboard, Judge Newton.
Judge Newton: Thank you.
Diane: Um, uh, any relation to Wayne?
Judge Newton: No, but, uh, I do a hell of an imitation. If that's the way you want the ceremony to go...
Victor: (Laughs)
Michael: Oh, sweet.
Diane: (Laughs)
Victor: I think a little bit more traditional, please. All right?
Judge Newton: You're doin' all you can to make this one stick, right?
Victor: You bet.
Judge Newton: I mean, I've been told this is a second go-round for you both.
Diane: Yeah, second and last.
Judge Newton: Oh, good.
Victor: That's right. Shall we get going?
Judge Newton: I'll need some, uh, valid driver's license from you and the once and future missus.
Victor: Oh, well, over here, Baby.
Judge Newton: Let's go.
Victor: Do you have them in your purse?
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Phyllis: Michael.
Michael: What's wrong?
Phyllis: Is Victor really planning on marrying Diane?
Michael: You texted me 9-1-1 for that?
Phyllis: Is it true?
Michael: I can't discuss that with you.
Victor: Michael, we are ready.
Diane: We rushed all the way to Vegas. Don't keep us waiting.
Phyllis: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Whoa. Wait a second. Are you in Vegas with them right now?
Michael: Gotta go.
(Phone hangs up)
Meggie: Deacon caught me spiking your drink at Gloworm. Then he offered to help me become Mrs. Victor Newman for a wad of cash.
Nikki: I don't believe you.
Meggie: Oh, you thought you were drinking vodka with him. It was water. While you were on the sauce, he was completely sober.
Nikki: No, that's impossible.
Meggie: (Laughs) When you passed out in Deacon's motel room, I waited in the hall. He--he called me in to help undress you so that Victor would find the two of you in bed.
Nikki: Oh, please. Is--is that true?
Deacon: Don't-- don't listen to this.
Meggie: (Laughs) Who do you think brought the bottles into rehab for him? Then he switched the script-- went solo. He thought he could make more on your millions. Oh, come on. You didn't actually think "Pretty boy" here cared about a thirsty old lush like you, did you?
Nikki: Shut up! Is that true? You were--you were working with her? You were in on this?
Deacon: I swear to you, Nikki, my feelings for you are real.
Paul: So I will keep searching for Adam, and if anything pops up, I will let you know.
Sharon: Thank you.
Paul: No problem. You know... (Sighs) I'm only doing this so you can find closure. Okay?
Jack: I-I didn't mean to offend you. Just--once you've had a chance to cool down and evaluate things, let's talk.
(Knock on door)
Nick: Sure. Not about this, though.
Phyllis: Hey, I'm sorry. Hi. Okay.
Nick: Come in.
Phyllis: Um, you're both here. Good. Uh... (Sighs) I have information that I think you're both gonna want to hear. You are getting a new stepmother. Your dad is marrying Diane. Yeah. They're getting married in Vegas as we speak.
Nick: Dad is out of his mind. First he disowns us. Now this?
Victor: I, Victor Newman, take you, Diane Jenkins, to be my wife and lover and friend. And I promise not to just pretend that I'm listening to you when you speak.
Diane: Oh, I'm gonna hold you to that.
Victor: Yes.
Diane: (Chuckles)
Victor: And when we get back to Genoa city, I will spread the bad news to my dog Segundo-- he can no longer sleep on my bed.
Diane: (Chuckles)
Judge Newton: Never give your dog more attention than your wife, unless you like sleepin' in the doghouse.
Diane: (Laughs)
Michael: Words to live by.
Diane: (Clears throat)
Judge Newton: Diane?
Diane: Yes? Oh. (Laughs) Um, I...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Diane: Diane Jenkins do take you, Victor Newman, to be my lawfully wedded husband. We've been blessed with a second chance here, you know, and I swear to you, this time, we're gonna make it work. I promise to love you...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Diane: And to honor you and to comfort you in times of sorrow. I promise to be worthy of your friendship and to be your companion on this journey ahead. Oh, and I, um, I make you a solemn vow that I will not put my cold feet on you when I climb into bed.
Victor: (Laughs)
Michael: (Laughs)
Victor: What more can a man ask for? Huh?
Diane: (Laughs)
Judge Newton: Go on. Give her a ring.
Victor: Uh-huh. All right. This is the moment.
Diane: (Chuckles)
Victor: Well...
Diane: Wow. Okay. (Sighs) It's so-- it's beautiful.
Judge Newton: By the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Victor: Well... I'll be damned.
Diane: (Chuckles)
Nikki: Is she telling the truth?
Meggie: Oh, tell her how you hate the Newmans and were using her to get back at them. Go on.
Nikki: How else would she know about those bottles in rehab? Well?
Man: I hate to break this up, but, uh, transport's here.
Meggie: Well, thanks to you, I'm leaving your sweet, little city, but if you're ever in Fond du Lac, stop by and say hi.
Deacon: You're gonna die old and alone in prison.
Meggie: (Chuckles) Don't get your hopes up.
Nikki: Deacon, is she telling the truth?
Deacon: Your phone.
Nikki: You were helping sabotage me? You were in on this?
Deacon: Nikki, listen to me.
Nikki: Please say that's not true.
Deacon: Listen to me. Listen to me. I love you. I'm--listen to me. I love you, and I- I never meant to hurt you.
Nikki: What do you mean? What?! You did it?
Deacon: At first, I went along with it, but--
Nikki: No, my God! Don't touch me! Don't touch me!
Deacon: Nikki, please! Listen to me! Listen to me please!
Nikki: Don't touch me, you lying son of a bitch! You stay away from me! Oh, my God. (Sobbing)
(Cell phone rings)
Nikki: (Exhales) Hello?
Nick: Is something wrong?
Nikki: I-I've made a terrible mistake, Son. I-I need to talk to your father. I need to talk to Victor right--I'll call you back.
Nick: You're not gonna be able to find him.
Nikki: Why not?
Nick: Why don't you come over to the house, and then we can talk about it?
Nikki: Why? W-why-- why are you saying that? Is something wrong? What--tell me if there's something going on? Where is he?
Nick: He's in Vegas. He eloped with Diane. Mom? Mom, are you there?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kyle: I already packed my stuff.
Jack: You're talking about leaving tonight?
Deacon: You sure you want to take that drink?
Jack: Our arrangements with Kyle are none of your business.
Victor: They are now. Get used to it.
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