Y&R Transcript Friday 12/31/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 12/31/10 -- Canada; Monday 1/3/11 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9558 ~ Victoria's Bad News Angers Billy

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Billy: (Humming) I got us dessert.

Victoria: Animal crackers?

Billy: Mm-hmm. Well, you didn't want to go out or anything, and this was all I could find.

Victoria: Are you sure you're not too disappointed that we missed out on all the confetti and the horn-blowers and all that?

Billy: Well, I mean, this is actually the quietest New Year's I've spent... ever. (Chuckles)

Victoria: (Chuckles) I'm sorry to be such a party pooper.

Billy: Oh, come on. Don't you know I would trade all the parties in the world just to stay home with you? And another thing...

Victoria: What's that?

Billy: I will bet you ten free foot rubs that this year is going to be a really good year for us. Uh-huh.

Lauren: This is such a nice walk. I'm so glad we did this.

Michael: Me, too. Oh, but you know, it's really heated up. It's a lot better without that freezing rain.

Lauren: Mm, it's true. It's true. And I can't believe that restaurant was two blocks away from our apartment, and we didn't know it.

Michael: It wasn't.

Lauren: Excuse me? (Gasps)

Michael: Je suis un magicien fantastique, Mademoiselle.

Lauren: (Gasps) Excuse me. It's Madame. I'm married, you know.

Michael: (French accent) Mm, I wanted a place with a, mm, a romantic setting, fine French cuisine, maybe drinks with little umbrellas...

Lauren: (Laughs)

Michael: For Mi Amor. And poof! I make it to happen.

Lauren: Oh.

Michael: Mm.

Lauren: You see, you almost had me until "Mi Amor." I think you're speaking "Franish"-- a little French, a little Spanish.

Michael: I am a lover, not a linguist.

Lauren: (Laughs) Mm. I'm so glad we did this.

Michael: (Normal voice) Me, too... although Gloria might be a little irritated. We did promise to ring the New Year in at Gloworm.

Lauren: Oh, well. She'll get over it. You know, sometimes a woman just needs alone time with her husband.

Michael: Mm. (French accent) Ooh la la.

Lauren: (French accent) Ooh la la. (Chuckles)

Daniel: Come on, it doesn't take this long to get from my place to Memorial.

Phyllis: Yeah, I know. You're right. They should have been here by now.

Jack: T-tell me again exactly what Jana said.

Daniel: She said she went to visit Daisy, and Daisy went into labor.

Abby: (Scoffs) Jana must have freaked.

Phyllis: So what did you tell her?

Daniel: I told her to come to the hospital, to come straight here.

Jack: Well, but she's on an ankle monitor, isn't she?

Daniel: I-I called the police. I let them know the situation. They said they were gonna turn the thing off.

Abby: So wait, there's no way to track her?

Phyllis: Jana's not answering.

Daniel: You know that bad feeling I had before?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Daniel: It's gettin' worse.

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Chloe: Happy New Year. (Laughs)

Kevin: Happy New Year. I'm glad you came to find me.

Chloe: Yeah, well, I'm sorry it took me so long.

Kevin: All that matters is that you got here. And dressed so appropriately, I might add.

Chloe: Hey, hey. I was in a rush. Sue me.

Jana: (Breathing heavily) Help. Help me. Help me.

Kevin: Jana, what happened?

Jana: It's--its Daisy. She's escaped. She's run away.

Kevin: Okay. Okay.

Jana: You have to help me.

Kevin: Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jana: (Breathing heavily)

Kevin: Um--

Jana: (Gasps) (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Daniel: Hello?

Kevin: Hey, it's Kevin. Listen, Daisy is missing.

Daniel: Daisy's missing.

Kevin: Yeah, I just reported it to the cops.

Daniel: Where is Jana?

Kevin: Uh, she's here with me. Hold on. I'm gonna let her tell the story. Hey, it's Daniel. (Sighs)

Jana: Daniel?

Daniel: Hey, uh, Jana, I'm gonna put you on speakerphone so everyone can hear you, all right? All right, what's goin' on?

Jana: I was taking Daisy to the hospital, just like you told me, and then she just pulled this knife out. And then she... she took all my money. She forced me to get out of the car. Then--then she said, after I begged her not to go, that--that she said no one was gonna stop her. And th-then that's when she sh-shoved me, and--and--and... (Sighs) I've really hurt my head.

Daniel: You okay?

Jana: I don't know. I've got this killer headache. I think I've really messed up, Daniel.

Daniel: No, this isn't your fault.

Kevin: Here. Hey, Pal, listen, uh, Chloe and I are gonna stay here with her. We called the paramedics, and, um, the cops want to talk with Jana, also. So, uh, we'll just check in with you in a bit, okay?

Daniel: All right, thanks.

Daniel: This is because of me.

Jack: Wait. Why would you say that?

Daniel: I brought a U.S. Marshal over to our place yesterday.

Phyllis: Why did you do that?

Daniel: Because Daisy was having these fantasies of having this kid and raising it on her own all free.

Phyllis: So you were just trying to give her a reality check or something?

Daniel: The marshal explained to her that on New Year’s Day, she was gonna be transferred over to the hospital until she had the kid, and then she was gonna be sent over to the women's correctional facility.

Abby: That must have pushed her over the edge.

Phyllis: Well, you know what? Once the contractions start, she's not gonna get too far.

Abby: Well, she hasn't been gone that long. The police are on it.

Jack: They would have turned Daisy's ankle monitor on the moment Kevin contacted them.

Abby: Yeah, I-it'll lead them straight to her, right?

Phyllis: (Sighs) Yeah. I mean, with any luck, she's not gonna get too far. She'll be-- she'll be in custody tonight.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: (Clears throat)

Billy: (Sighs) Okay, what do you say we liven things up, huh?

Victoria: How?

Billy: We have three choices. We can, one, we can turn on the-- the classic channel and watch a black-and-white movie, or we could dance like crazy little kids to disco mus--

Victoria: A movie sounds good right now.

Billy: Are--are you-- are you not curious about what option three is?

Victoria: No, not really. I'm sorry. I-I don't mean to be such a downer.

Billy: Oh, no, you're-- you're not a downer at all. We're--movie is fine. (Clears throat)

(Movie music playing)

Billy: Hmm.

Victoria: Hmm.

Detective: So you believe Ms. Fisher's story?

Kevin: Yeah. Daisy was determined not to go back to jail after the kid was born.

Detective: And what about you, Ms. Mitchell?

Chloe: Um, I mean, did you see Jana’s head? I mean, it's not like she did it to herself.

Kevin: The thought of being in jail for a couple of decades could make a person do some crazy things.

Chloe: Yeah, but, you know, it's really weird, because Daisy, she can seem really sweet and innocent.

Detective: Judging by her rap sheet, she's anything but.

Kevin: I saw her yesterday, and I told her that no matter how much she was faking it, I just-- I knew she hadn't changed.

Detective: So you're not surprised by any of this?

Kevin: I wish I could say I was.

Michael: When I get you home...

Lauren: Mm, I am gonna go and put my flannels on and go to sleep. (Sighs)

Michael: What?

Lauren: I'm kidding.

Michael: Aw, damn.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Michael: 'Cause you know how hot I think the flannel is.

Lauren: Oh, yeah, they're so hot. They're so hot.

Michael: Yeah. Oh, Baby, Baby.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Lauren: Oh, it must be the sitter wondering where on earth we are.

Michael: (Scoffs)

Lauren: (Gasps) Oh--oh, my God.

Michael: What? What happened? What?

Lauren: Michael. Michael, Daisy has escaped!

Michael: All right. All right. All right, hold on. Let me--let me get to the bottom of this. (Stammers) It could be a mistake. You don't know. You don't know. Just...

(Cell phone rings)

Daniel: Hello?

Michael: Yeah, Daniel, Daisy got away?

Daniel: Yes, Michael, I'm afraid so.

Michael: How?

Daniel: Daisy went into labor and ditched Jana.

Michael: Where is Jana?

Daniel: With Kevin.

Michael: Where are you?

Daniel: I'm at the hospital with Abby, my mom, and Jack, and we are just praying that the cops find Daisy and bring her here soon. Look, we'll keep you posted, okay?

Michael: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Daniel: Hello? No. Yes. Yes. Thank you. That's great news. Uh, let us know.

Phyllis: Did they find her?

Daniel: No, they didn't find her, but they're getting a signal from her ankle monitor, so they know where she is. They're sending some officers and an ambulance there now.

Jack: Then it's just a matter of time.

Abby: Wow, people call me self-involved. Daisy is risking her baby's life pulling a stunt like this.

Phyllis: Given her condition, she is risking her own life.

Daniel: Well, obviously, she's not thinking straight. I just hope the baby's okay.

Phyllis: You know what this means, Daniel, that her--her behavior-- she's gonna be stripped of her parental rights, and you have to control what happens to that baby.

Daniel: I'm still giving her up for adoption someplace far away from here.

Phyllis: Okay, I-I-I get it, Daniel.

Daniel: No, no, no. You don't get anything. This is not up for debate. Kevin has backed off. You need to do the same.

Phyllis: I want you--

Daniel: You're just not gonna let this go, are you?

Phyllis: Are you kidding me? No! No! You listen to me. You take a moment. You promise me--

Daniel: You let this go!

Phyllis: You prom--Daniel!

Jack: You made your point.

Phyllis: Oh, my God!

Jack: You made your point.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Michael: All right, let me know what the paramedics say about Jana, okay? All right. Bye. We'd better get home.

Lauren: No way.

Michael: What?

Lauren: Phyllis and Daniel are gonna go wait for that bitch? Then we're gonna go to the hospital, too.

Billy: Hey, what do you say...? (Sighs) Sometime this week we, uh, we pick up Delia after day care...

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: And we bundle her up and we go to the park and we see some of the ice sculptures?

Victoria: Yeah, that sounds good.

Billy: Okay, what's wrong?

Victoria: Nothing.

Billy: Mm, something. Come on, what's wrong? Victoria.

Victoria: (Sighs) I'm just tired, all right?

Billy: All right, you're a little bit more than tired. What's goin' on?

Victoria: (Sighs) It can wait until morning.

Billy: Technically, it is morning, you know?

Victoria: Can we just watch the stupid movie? (Sighs)

Billy: (Foreign accent) Okay, we have ways of making you talk.

Victoria: I went to the gynecologist today.

Billy: Okay. You got your test results back? And?

Victoria: And the doctor thinks that it is pretty much impossible for me to ever have another baby.

Billy: Uh... (Sighs)

Chloe: So... we, uh, we go from best friends to...

Kevin: Boyfriend and girlfriend? Lovers?

Chloe: Yeah, we don't need to put a label on it just yet, and, uh, you know, I just know that we're better together than apart.

Kevin: Yeah. We can figure out the rest as we go.

Chloe: Yeah, and have fun doing it.

Kevin: (Sighs) And where better for us to have this conversation than at a crime scene?

Chloe: (Chuckles) It's actually kind of our style.

Kevin: Yeah.

Chloe: I maybe have the worst timing in the history of the world.

Kevin: Well, you had some catching up to do. Hey, how is she doing?

Man: She's, uh, showing signs of a concussion, so we're gonna take her down to Memorial and do an M.R.I.

Kevin: And what are you guys planning on doing about Daisy?

Detective: Talk to some possible witnesses in the area. I'm gonna come by the hospital shortly to get a formal statement from you.

Jana: Please come with me. I don't want to be alone.

Kevin: Sure. Sure.

Chloe: Okay, uh, you know, I'll--I'll go home and I'll change.

Jana: Oh, you don't have to do that.

Chloe: It's okay. I actually want to.

Jana: Okay, thanks. That's really nice of you.

Kevin: (Whispers) See you later.

Daniel: You know, waiting around like this is ridiculous.

Jack: Hey, why don't we go outside and get some fresh air, huh?

Daniel: The cops told me where the signal from Daisy's ankle monitor is coming from. I think I'm gonna just take a drive out there and see if they picked her up yet.

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You're gonna leave that to the authorities, please.

Abby: I am going with you.

Jack: Wait.

Daniel: No, you're not. It's too dangerous.

Abby: Oh, what? That is such a guy thing. Why can you risk it and I can't? How dangerous could Daisy be? She's about to give birth.

Daniel: She still managed to hurt Jana. In her present state of mind, there's no telling what she might do. Oh, God.

Phyllis: Oh, God, what?

Daniel: When she first came to town, she threatened to hurt the baby.

Abby: What? You don't really think she would do that.

Daniel: I think that she is capable of anything, which is why I need you to stay here, because I can't have you with me and be worrying about you when I have to do what I have to do.

Abby: No, but--

Jack: He's right. He's right. Let him handle it.

Abby: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Jack.

Jack: If anyone can handle Daisy right now, it's Daniel.

Abby: (Scoffs) Fine. I'll stay.

Daniel: Thank you. Look, if the cops get here, they bring her back here, call me and let me know. I need to know that that baby's okay.

Phyllis: Oh, my God, Daniel.

Daniel: I gotta go.

Jack: Oh, don't look now. I, uh, think we have company. There are no updates.

Phyllis: Hello. I'm surprised you two are here.

Lauren: Really?

Phyllis: Yeah, I really am, Lauren, but I'm sure you're here just to see Daisy go back into custody, right?

Lauren: I'm so glad you can be so calm about this, because the only reason she's out there is because you set her free.

Phyllis: (Scoffs)

Daisy: (Breathing heavily) (Sniffles) Aah! Oh, God. (Breathing heavily) If I stop for anything, I'm screwed. (Breathing rhythmically)

Billy: I didn't really expect this. So did the doctor say there's zero chance of you having a kid?

Victoria: Well, you know doctors. They never say never, but he really... he didn't give me a whole lot of hope.

Billy: I'm sorry, Baby.

Victoria: It's okay. It's not like I, um, didn't really expect this. I mean, I know that Reed was... (Sighs) Was a complete and utter miracle, I guess.

Billy: Yeah. Still, you shouldn't have had to get that news alone.

Victoria: Why do you sound angry?

Billy: Oh, I'm not angry. I'm confused, you know? I mean, why would you want to exclude me?

Victoria: I wasn't excluding you.

Billy: Well, you didn't tell me about the appointment, and you've kept this a secret all night. That's excluding me.

Victoria: Well, I'm sorry that I didn't want to spoil your New Year’s Eve. Excuse me.

Billy: I don't care about New Year’s Eve. I care about you, and look, it--it's just--here's the thing. You decided you're gonna go at this alone, even though it affects both of us.

Victoria: Oh, well, it's really easy for you to talk when you're not the one with the problem. We both know that I'm the one that can't have the child. And you know what? Right now, I really do want to be alone.

Billy: You... (Sighs) (Chuckles) (Purses lips)

(Door slams)

Daisy: Please, Baby, you gotta wait till we get to Canada. (Inhales sharply) Aah! Oh, God. (Exhales)

(Parking brake grinds)

Daisy: (Breathing heavily) (Gasps) Oh, God, please not now. (Winces) No. (Gasps) (Exhales)

Lauren: I told you. I told you that Daisy couldn't be trusted.

Phyllis: Lauren.

Lauren: But you just had to have your own way.

Phyllis: Lauren, please. Lauren.

Lauren: She would still be in jail if you hadn't insisted that she get out.

Michael: All right, Sweetheart, we don't--

Lauren: Do you honestly understand the hell that you've unleashed? The damage that this monster could cause?

Jack: Hold--hold on. I know you're scared. Do not take this out on Phyllis.

Michael: Jack, that's not helping. Please, that's not--

Lauren: Oh, my God, please stay out of this, Jack.

Phyllis: Let's all calm down. Let's all calm down. There's a lot going on.

Lauren: You swore to me that Daisy couldn't escape.

Phyllis: Lauren, the police will find her. I swear to you.

Lauren: You better pray that that's true.

Kevin: Hey, Guys, any news?

Lauren: Oh, Jana.

Jana: Oh.

Lauren: Jana, I was so worried about you.

Jana: Well, it could have been a lot worse.

Man: I need to get her checked in.

Lauren: I told you Daisy was violent.

Kevin: All right, I'll, uh, I'll wait here for you, okay? Thanks.

Lauren: Thanks to Daisy and you, Jana could have been killed tonight.

Phyllis: Listen, the reason I fought so hard to get Daisy out of prison was because I was looking out for that innocent child.

Lauren: You were looking out for yourself.

Michael: All right, Lauren. Please.

Lauren: And despite--despite what you have told any of us, you had no intention of Daniel giving up that child. That's the only reason-- the only reason you let that lunatic move in with him.

Phyllis: What are you talking about? That was my son's decision.

Lauren: That was emotional blackmail.

Jack: No. Oh, no. We are in a hospital, Ladies.

Michael: And arguing isn't helping anybody, all right? It's just--

Phyllis: Emotional blackmail? What is that supposed to mean?

Lauren: Why do you think Daniel let her move in with him? Honestly, why? Because he felt guilty.

Phyllis: Really?

Lauren: Yes.

Phyllis: You are so out of line right now. What did he feel guilty about, Lauren?

Lauren: I am not, because he was guilty that your daughter was getting forced out of her house during the holidays.

Phyllis: You--you-- you have to stop right now. You really have to shut up.

Lauren: No, no, no, I do not, because if Daisy would have stayed in jail, none of this would have happened!

Phyllis: Just shut up! Shut up! You have no idea what you're talking about. Shut up!

Jack: Both of you, stop! What's done is done. Stop.

Lauren: Let me-- let me tell you something.

Phyllis: You tell me!

Lauren: You may think this is over, but this nightmare is just beginning!

(Cell phone rings)

Abby: Hey. Hey. It's Daniel. It's Daniel. Hey. Hey. Tell us what ha--what do you know?

Daniel: It's not good.

Abby: Oh, my God. Okay, yeah, I'll tell them. He just talked to the police. They found Daisy's tracking device, but no Daisy.

Lauren: (Sighs) Of course they didn’t.

Michael: All right. It's okay.

Abby: He's gonna keep looking for her, but she could be anywhere.

Lauren: If Daisy hurts anyone-- do you hear me? Anyone, including that innocent baby, it is on you! Let go of me.

Chloe: Yeah,

Abby: Wow. Okay. Remind me to never piss Lauren off.

Chloe: Yeah, that was intense.

Abby: (Chuckles)

Kevin: Yeah, the whole night has been sort of crazy, huh?

Abby: (Scoffs) It would have made the best episode of "The Naked Heiress."

Kevin: I'm gonna go check on Jana, see what I can find out.

Chloe: Okay.

Abby: (Quietly) I was so surprised when I saw you come in with Kevin.

Chloe: Why is that?

Abby: Well, I don't know. Earlier, he made it sound like he couldn't care less where you were, but I guess things have changed?

Chloe: Yeah, uh, someone got a clue.

Abby: (Normal voice) Cool.

Chloe: And, uh, speaking of surprises, what's going on with Daniel? I thought that you guys...

Abby: (Sighs)

Chloe: Were on a break or something.

Abby: Uh, yeah, we were.

Chloe: Yeah, so then why is he checking in with you?

Abby: Okay, I guess you weren't the only one that got a clue today.

Michael: This is an emergency room. You cannot attack Phyllis. You cannot attack Daisy when they bring her in.

Lauren: If-- if they bring her in.

Michael: All right. As soon as we find out how Jana is, we are outta here.

Lauren: Oh, there's no way. There's no way. I am not leaving here till I see Daisy coming through those doors.

Michael: Fine. Then you look me in the eye, and you tell me, Lauren Fenmore Baldwin, that you can handle being here. Honestly.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Lauren: I can-- I can handle it. I can. I swear.

Phyllis: Lauren is right. This is all on me. This is--this is all on me.

Jack: No, no. Listen. You had the best intentions.

Phyllis: (Sighs) I--but if I had never petitioned for Daisy to be released into my custody--

Jack: You didn't want the kid to be born in jail.

Phyllis: I just wanted my son... (Voice breaking) I wanted my son to be able to connect with his own daughter. That's all.

Jack: Daniel took her in out of his own volition. He was not forced to do that.

Phyllis: (Normal voice) He wasn't? Really? Or was I trying to make him feel guilty like Lauren said? Was I trying to do that?

Jack: Bottom line is, you wanted to do right by Daniel’s daughter. You still do when you're talking about adopting her.

Phyllis: I'm not even thinking about that anymore.

Jack: Okay.

Phyllis: I just--I just want my son and this baby to be safe. That's all I want.

Jack: Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.

Michael: How is she?

Kevin: Well, she doesn't have any permanent damage, but she does have a concussion.

Chloe: Poor thing.

Abby: A-are you allowed to leave the hospital?

Jana: Yes, but I'm not supposed to be alone, just in case.

Kevin: Uh, okay, you can, uh, you can come back to my place.

Jana: You sure?

Kevin: Yeah, it's no problem.

Detective: I need to speak with her first.

Jack: Uh, first, can you tell us about Daisy Carter?

Detective: We found her tracking device.

Phyllis: Yeah, we heard.

Detective: The good news is, she doesn't have a huge head start on us. The bad news-- we're stretched thin tonight.

Michael: It's the perfect night for an escape.

Lauren: And I'm sure Daisy's been planning this since the day she was released.

Detective: I'd like to get your official statement about what happened tonight.

Jana: I never saw it coming.

Detective: I guess this Daisy wasn't so kind after all.

Lauren: What do you mean?

Jana: Well, I went to go see the detective yesterday. I-I said that I wasn't gonna take the stand against Daisy.

Michael: What the hell?

Lauren: Why would you do that?

Kevin: Back off. She did it for me.

Daniel: Jana's car.

Daisy: (Grunts) (Breathing rhythmically) (Screams)

Daniel: I thought you might be out here. Road runs by the old abandoned zoo.

Daisy: It hurts. (Gasps)

Daniel: What the hell were you thinking?

Daisy: (Moans) (Groans)

Daniel: Of course. No reception. Um, okay, I'm just gonna drive you to the hospital myself.

Daisy: (Groans) It's too late! The baby's coming now.

Daniel: What?!

Daisy: (Grunts) Aah!

(Front door opens)

Victoria: Um, I'm really sorry that I ran off like that.

Billy: No, I'm sorry. I was being an ass. I was worrying about my own feelings when this is something that's haunted you for many years.

Victoria: I can't believe that I'm... I'm never gonna have your baby.

Billy: It's okay. It's okay. Take it easy. It's fine.

Victoria: I love Reed, and I love Delia, and I guess that should be enough. But... when I thought about our future, I thought about this baby that would be like the best part of you and the best part of me. And it would complete our family.

Billy: Yeah. Yeah, I know you did. I did, too.

Victoria: And I know you're gonna think I'm so crazy, but I-I started thinking about baby names, and I thought that maybe we could--we could turn the... (Sighs) Guest bedroom into a nursery. (Sniffles) And that maybe if I got pregnant right away, this time next year, we'd be putting up a little stocking with all the other stockings. (Sighs) But that's not gonna happen. (Sighs, sniffles) I'm so sorry.

Billy: Shh. All right. Shh. It's okay.

Victoria: (Sighs) (Sighs) (Sobs) I'm sorry.

Billy: Shh. It's all right.

Kevin: And Daisy let Jana believe that if she followed orders, I would get to adopt the baby.

Jack: And that's why you changed your testimony?

Lauren: Daisy manipulated you, and you fell for it.

Abby: But Daisy is good. I bought into her lies, too, when she first came to town.

Kevin: When I figured out what was happening, I confronted Daisy. I told her I was on to her. And that's when I realized that Daniel was right. Any shot at a normal life this kid has has to be far away from Genoa City and that lunatic.

Phyllis: So this is what you meant when you said that Jana and Daisy were making deals.

Kevin: Yes.

Michael: How could you possibly believe a word Daisy told you after the hell she put you and Lauren through?

Detective: Is what Fisher's saying true?

Jana: Yes, but he doesn't know all of it.

Phyllis: What is that supposed to mean?

Jana: It means that Daisy threatened me.

Detective: When?

Jana: Weeks ago.

Chloe: And why didn't you say anything?

Jana: Because, Chloe, I was terrified. Daisy said to me that if I didn't pretend to be her best friend, she was gonna kill me. If you could have just seen her eyes... I know she meant every word.

Phyllis: So it just wasn't only about Kevin getting the baby?

Jana: Well, yeah, it was. I just thought that if I would play along, Kevin could adopt the baby and she would let me live. (Sighs) Oh, you must hate me, Lauren.

Lauren: (Sighs) No. Of course I don't hate you. I think I understand more than anybody what you're going through. I mean, they terrorized us, Jana. They put us in cages, and... I'm still having trouble myself. But I just-- I-I wish you had come to us.

Jana: I know. So do I.

Detective: I'll take the rest of your statement, and then you can go.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Kevin: I need coffee. Anybody want coffee?

Michael: No.

Lauren: No.

Kevin: Okay.

Jack: You know what? I'm gonna join in the search.

Phyllis: That couldn't hurt.

Jack: Michael?

Michael: I probably shouldn’t.

Lauren: No, no, no. No. Go. Fen is safe with Gloria, and you know I'm here, and I'm surrounded by... people.

Michael: What about people?

Lauren: I swear, I'll be good.

Daisy: (Screams)

Daniel: Okay, okay, okay. Whoa. Whoa. Can you maybe not push? Can you try and hold it in and--and we'll get to the hospital?

Daisy: No! Are you nuts?!

Daniel: I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I-I-- you're doing great. I--

Daisy: How would you know? Have you ever delivered a baby before?

Daniel: No, I haven't delivered a baby.

Daisy: (Grunts) Oh, my God! I hate you, Daniel! (Screams)

Daniel: We can do this. It's okay.

Daisy: (Breathing heavily) It's not--it's not too late. We can do this.

Daniel: It's not too late for what?

Daisy: We can run off and raise her together, Daniel. I care about you.

Daniel: What--what are you talking about?

Daisy: We can give our daughter a family with us and not a stranger.

Daniel: I-I don't know you. We do not have a relationship.

Daisy: (Wails) We could get to know each other.

Daniel: Okay, listen to me. You are no more ready to be a parent than I am, all right?

Daisy: (Breathing rhythmically) We could--we could take classes or read books. I don't know.

Daniel: I want you to listen to me.

Daisy: (Groans)

Daniel: This baby may not have been conceived in love, all right? But I want her to be raised by a family that will love her and will take care of her. That is what I want for our daughter, and I'm gonna make sure that's gonna happen, all right?

Daisy: (Groans)

Daniel: Oh, my God.

Daisy: Aah!

Daniel: Oh, my God, I can see it. I can see her head! She's coming! She's coming!

Daisy: (Wails)

Daniel: Oh, my God.

Victoria: Well, now you know why I didn't want to tell you tonight. Way to ring in 2011.

Billy: Do you remember where we were last New Year’s Eve?

Victoria: Yeah, I saved you. You were drunk in the gutter.

Billy: (Chuckles) Yep. You took pity on me. You took me home. It's not a classy beginning. But look at us now. We're married. We're homeowners. We're crazy in love.

Victoria: You give a nice pep talk. But you can't really ignore what the doctor said.

Billy: I'm not ignoring. But I'm not giving up, either. You know... (Sighs) I think everything's gonna work out just fine for us. I really do.

Victoria: You do?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Kevin: How's your head?

Jana: Throbbing.

Kevin: Is there anything I can do for you?

Jana: No, you've done enough bringing me here... home. (Sighs) I'm really sorry for all the trouble I've caused you.

Kevin: (Sighs) Daisy is one messed-up chick, huh?

Jana: (Chuckles) Very. (Sighs)

Kevin: You know, Jana, it's obvious that you've got your own issues you need to work through.

Jana: (Sighs heavily) (Sniffles) Yeah, I know I do. (Sighs) You mind if I... (Stammers) If I, um, I'm just gonna use your loo.

Kevin: Yeah, yeah. There's, um...

Jana: (Clears throat)

Kevin: Clean towels in there, and I can get you a t-shirt and sweats if you want.

Jana: Yeah, that-- d-don't bother. (Sighs) I remember where everything is.

Kevin: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Chloe: Hey, Kev. I didn't expect to hear from you. Um, where's Jana?

Kevin: Uh, she's just gettin' washed up.

Chloe: Is everything okay?

Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine. I guess I just wanted to call and, uh, say thank you.

Chloe: For what?

Kevin: You know, for, uh, for how cool you've been through all this.

Chloe: Well, you know, your ex-wife gets a concussion from a crazy pregnant girl. I mean, I think a girl's gotta give a little.

Kevin: Yeah. I don't know that everybody would get that.

Chloe: (Chuckles) Well, I'm really cool that way.

Kevin: I wish that I could be with you.

Chloe: Me, too. Um, but, hey, we--we've got plenty of time.

Kevin: (Chuckles)

Jack: L-listen, Daisy's gone into labor. Do you honestly think she'd come here?

Michael: There is one thing I've learned the hard way-- that's never to underestimate her. Come on.

Man: May I help you?

Michael: Uh, yes, uh, yes. We were wondering if you might have seen this woman. She might have tried to get on one of your more recent flights.

Jack: She's either very pregnant or she's just had a child and she's trying to cover it.

Man: Doesn't look familiar.

Michael: Uh, will you call the police immediately if you do see her?

Man: Is she some kind of fugitive?

Michael: That's exactly what she is. Do not try to approach her.

Man: She's dangerous?

Jack: She could be if she's cornered.

Michael: Call the police like I said. They will handle it.

Man: Don't worry. I'm no hero.

Jack: Okay, so now what?

Michael: We keep looking-- bus stations, hotels, motels. We can't stop, Jack, not until we find out where Daisy is.

Phyllis: Hey, uh, Daniel, it's Mom. Listen, call me when you get this. Or... I just, uh, want to apologize that we've been fighting. I just, um, created a lot of chaos. I realize that. I, um, I just wanted you to have a chance to... it doesn't--it doesn't matter. Listen, um, this is your baby. You decide what's best for her, and if you want to put her up for adoption, I completely support you. Talk to you soon.

Lauren: You did the right thing.

Abby: You know, I've been trying to reach Daniel, too. He promised he would call. I'm getting really worried.

Daniel: Oh, my God. You want to hold her?


Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Sharon: I'm here to ask for your help-- not for Adam’s sake, for mine.

Colin: I gotta get into that house. I want to see my grandchildren.

Phyllis: I'm worried about Daniel. He--he went to look for Daisy, and he's missing.

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