Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/29/10 -- Canada; Thursday 12/30/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9557 ~ Daisy Goes Into Labor
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Abby: Okay, everyone, raise your glass. To a very, very naked new year. (Laughs)
(Glasses and bottles clink)
(Cell phone rings)
Abby: Oh, excuse me. You know it's not a party until someone gets naked.
Daniel: Well, I would hate to miss that. Where are you?
Abby: I'm fully clothed at Jimmy's, and I intend to stay that way.
Daniel: I'm gonna come anyway. Don't leave.
Abby: We'll see.
Daisy: (Sighs) My last night of freedom, and you're takin' off? I go to the hospital tomorrow, and--and then--
Daniel: And it's New Year’s Eve. (Sighs)
Daisy: Oh, and you couldn't hire a guard. Right.
Daniel: Well, that's, uh, the reason you have that nifty little piece of ankle jewelry on there. See, if you try and bolt, it goes off, and you go to jail a day early.
Daisy: Okay, what if there's an emergency?
Daniel: (Sighs)
Daisy: Something happens?
Daniel: Then set the ankle monitor off, and the cops will take it from there. You'll be fine. Happy New Year.
Jana: Oh, well, when you said you didn't have plans, I didn't think you'd resort to working.
Kevin: Well, I, uh, I may, uh, head over to Jimmy's for a little bit.
Jana: Private party?
Kevin: No, no. I think, uh, everybody's welcome.
Jana: Yeah? Maybe I'll see you later then.
Kevin: Or not. Not would be better.
Chloe: Hey. So you gonna party like its 1999, or what?
Kevin: Something like that.
Chloe: Uh, I'm gonna head to Jimmy's now.
Kevin: I hear it's the place to be.
Chloe: Well, we discussed going together before, so, you know, why don't we go together? I mean, we're both gonna be there.
Kevin: Together?
Chloe: Yeah. Come on. We're not like Brad and Jen. We're not gonna completely avoid each other, so let's just go together.
Adam: Thank you for coming out so late, and the fact that it's a holiday, too.
Leslie: Well, I have a client on the line for homicide. I find out the victim has been found alive. I'm here.
Adam: Did you, uh, you talk to Sharon? You talked to the authorities in Hawaii?
Leslie: I've made some calls, but nothing so far. I have confirmed that Sharon is on a flight home.
Adam: Okay. Can you do me a favor? Can you make sure that she's admitted in here, no matter how late it is tonight? I know Sharon. She's gonna want to come here straightaway with the whole story.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) Oh, my. Ve--very sexy.
Jack: Okay, we're almost there. Yeah?
Phyllis: You know, this is very hot. Should I undress now?
Jack: Uh, I don't think the federal marshals would appreciate that.
Phyllis: Fed--oh. Oh, a surprise getaway. I love it. You know, you could have given me champagne. You'd still get lucky.
Jack: Well, I thought we should ring in the New Year in... Times Square.
Phyllis: Oh, New York!
Jack: Yay!
Phyllis: Oh, great. Mm, you are still gonna get lucky. (Chuckles) I didn't bring my suitcase. I have nothing. No overnight case.
Jack: Well, this is a clothing-is-optional trip.
Phyllis: Oh.
Jack: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: Sharon? What--what's wrong? How did your hunt for Skye go?
Sharon: You want a story, Phyllis? I have one, more dramatic and tragic than anything you've ever run.
Phyllis: Okay, well, then spit it out before the year ends.
Sharon: Galibier-- that perfume you identified for me.
Jack: Yeah, Skye's favorite. What about it?
Sharon: A bottle was ordered and shipped to a P.O. box in Hawaii, and I went there suspecting that it might have been Skye. I showed her picture around. I asked questions. I ended up finding out about this moonlight hike on an active volcano, and I-I was thinking about Adam telling me how addicted Skye was to adrenaline rushes.
Jack: Oh, she definitely was. That and making money.
Sharon: So I went on the hike, and so did Skye.
Phyllis: (Gasps) Son of a gun.
Sharon: She was there. She was standing right in front of me as close as you are to me now.
Jack: W-wait. Skye is alive?
Sharon: Imagine the cover, Phyllis.
Phyllis: So what happened? Uh, you had Skye. You saw her, and whoops, uh, you lost her?
Sharon: We spoke.
Jack: You heard her speak?
Sharon: I heard her speak. I saw her face. She was there on the island, Jack. She was hiding from the rest of the world, trying to make Adam pay, and I guess she thought she was safe for good, but I found her.
Phyllis: So, what? What, you found her, and then you lost her? What'd, you--you hit her? Or she bolted? I mean, show me she's alive, Sharon, or show me Skye.
Sharon: Jack, it was really, um, it was dark, and-- and the ground was unstable. And Skye... she fell over the edge.
Jack: Where is Skye now?
Sharon: (Sighs) She's gone, Jack. She... she fell. She--she's--she's gone forever.
Chloe: Hey, you, uh, ready to head out?
Kevin: With you? Dude, you slapped me--hard.
Chloe: Oh, my God, and I'm here. I'm trying to make things better. I'm reaching out.
Kevin: Why, Chloe? Why now? Because you realized that you need a second banana? A sidekick? A-a Duckie for your Andie? Meanwhile, we show up at Jimmy's, right? You lock eyes on some goon across the room, and then you've got your real date for the night? No.
Chloe: Come on. I-I'm tryin' to reach out here.
Kevin: (Scoffs) I don't need your handouts. How about that?
Chloe: Okay, fine. Enjoy your New Year’s while you just wallow all by your lonesome. That's a really good idea.
Kevin: Who said anything about me being alone?
Alison: Hi.
Kevin: Hi. Happy New Year. Mm. Good to see you.
Alison: You, too.
Kevin: You about ready to go?
Alison: Mm-hmm.
Kevin: Okay. I'll just get my jacket.
Alison: Okay.
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Abby: Hello.
Daniel: Hello. (Sighs)
Abby: My hello was, "A little too close there, Buddy." And your hello, of course, is "How fast can you get naked?"
Daniel: Which is off-limits as per our agreement.
Abby: Among other things.
Daniel: For now. But you see, now is getting shorter by the second. Guess who leaves my apartment tomorrow never to return?
Abby: Is Daisy getting transferred to jail?
Daniel: Mnh, hospital till she has the kid. Then jail, and once she realizes she's run out of options, then adoption's the next step.
Abby: You seem relieved.
Daniel: (Laughs) God, I mean, come on. It's almost over, and not a second too soon, either, because 2010 has really blown.
Abby: Well, not all of it.
Daniel: No, not all of it. But, I mean, '11... '11 is gonna be amazing!
Abby: (Clears throat) Well, it's not the New Year yet.
Daniel: No, not now, but I am counting the moments 'cause I am about to climb out of this hellhole that Daisy has dragged me into.
Daisy: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Jana: Happy New Year! How are you and my little girl?
Daisy: I thought you weren't coming by.
Jana: Yeah, well, I just thought I'd pop in. Do you know that there's no guard outside?
Daisy: Yeah, no guard. No Daniel. They're practically daring me to run away. I would, but, um, this ankle monitor. (Chuckles)
Jana: You know, you're not supposed to be going anywhere when you're supposed to be off your feet, Daisy.
Daisy: Yeah, they're sending me tot he hospital tomorrow until the baby comes, and then I'm supposed to push her out and go back to jail.
Jana: Not for long. Now that I've changed my statement... (Sighs) And blamed everything on Sarah, they're not gonna have a case against you, and they'll drop the charges. (Sighs) And you know that Kevin and I are gonna make wonderful parents. You know, I've been thinking about baby names. Of course, Kevin will have the final vote. (Giggles)
Daisy: (Chuckles) Kevin doesn't even want y...
Jana: Go on. What--what doesn't he want?
Daisy: Okay, what if-- what if all this that you're planning with Kevin doesn't even work out?
Jana: Why do you ask that? Did he say something to you?
Daisy: No, it's-- it's just I didn't know that he was all that into you.
Jana: Yeah, well, he is. He is I'm actually going to Jimmy's to meet him there right now. And we're gonna have a midnight kiss, and then we're gonna go back to our house, and we're gonna make love again. (Sighs) And once this baby comes, it's just all gonna be so natural. It's just gonna happen-- just the three of us. We're gonna be family. (Sighs) Oh, this is gonna be such an incredible year. I just know it. And I have you to thank.
Daisy: (Groans)
Jana: What-- what's that? Are you okay? Daisy?
Daisy: (Groans) (Sighs, sniffles) Something-- something's wrong. (Winces)
Esther: Chloe?
Chloe: (Sighs)
Esther: Oh, I thought you were going out.
Chloe: I changed my mind. Is that okay? Is that allowed?
Esther: Yeah, but you look so pretty, and Delia's asleep. Why don't you go have some fun?
Chloe: I can't.
Esther: Why not?
Chloe: Because he-- he is there.
Alison: Whoa, it's packed.
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, it's great. Uh, um, I need to go talk to Daniel, okay?
Alison: Okay, um, I'll go grab some drinks.
Kevin: All right. (Sighs) Happy New Year.
Abby: Hey, happy new year. Where's Chloe?
Kevin: How should I know?
Abby: Um, you always do.
Kevin: Oh, right. Well, not anymore. She can find herself a new Duckie. Place an ad in the paper or something.
Abby: That's a great idea.
Kevin: (Sighs) I was wrong. I'm not going for custody of the baby. I'm out.
Daniel: Really? 'Cause you seemed pretty determined to raise that kid on your own no matter what anybody said.
Kevin: (Sighs) Yeah, I think that, um, you and Lauren were right. Having that baby in our lives is an invitation for Daisy to just play more head games, torture more people, and it's bad for us. It's really bad for the kid. I want my niece to have a clean slate, and I think the best chance of that happening is far away from here and far away from Daisy. And I should have figured that out sooner, and, um, I'm sorry. And I think he's gonna hug me now, aren't you?
Daniel: Yeah.
Abby: (Chuckles)
Kevin: All right.
Daniel: Yeah, I am, and you're gonna let me.
Kevin: Yeah, okay.
Daniel: Thank you.
Kevin: Okay.
Daniel: Thank you.
Kevin: (Sighs) Oh, thank you.
Alison: Yeah.
Kevin: Oh, you guys, uh, Abby, Daniel, Daniel, this is Alison Reeger.
Alison: Hi.
Abby: (Chuckles) Hello.
Daniel: Hey, nice to meet you.
Alison: You, too.
Kevin: Uh, so I guess we're gonna go, um, we'll just-- we'll see you guys in a bit.
Alison: Okay.
Abby: Oh, this really is your night, huh? Everything is just falling into place.
Daniel: You know what? Let's get outta here. I want to be outside and get some air and maybe look at the stars a little bit. I don't know, you know? It's the first time in a long time that I'm feeling like a normal human being again. And I'd like to feel that with you.
Abby: Then we should go. (Laughs)
Daniel: Let's go. Mm.
Abby: (Giggles)
Daniel: Mm.
Abby: (Laughs)
Daniel: (Laughs) Mm. Aah!
Jana: (Breathing rhythmically) Okay, and the cramps? You just had another one?
Daisy: Yes. I told you, it hurts. Something's wrong. Oh, God.
Jana: Daisy?
Daisy: (Sobs) What? What?
Jana: Daisy, listen to me. You're in labor.
Daisy: No. No. Not now.
Jana: Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, now. This is not up to you. She wants to come out. She wants to meet her mom and dad.
Daisy: No, she can't. Not now. I'm not ready.
Jana: You--we have to get you to the hospital. Come on!
Daisy: No, no, no. I'm not going to the hospital. They'll throw me-- they'll throw me in jail, and I'm not going back there.
Jana: Listen to me.
Daisy: No one can know this is happening.
Jana: Listen to me. Daniel is coming home, and he's gonna see you there, and he's gonna know you're in labor, and he's gonna take you to the hospital anyway. You don't have a choice!
Daisy: No. No. I'm staying. I'm not leaving this room. Oh, God! (Groans)
Jana: (Breathing rhythmically)
Jack: Wait. You're sure that Skye...
Sharon: She's dead, Jack. I saw it.
Phyllis: So you were with a group. Who else saw this?
Sharon: I got separated from the group in the dark.
Jack: Wait. Wait. Then no one else saw her?
Sharon: I-I had a picture of her I took on my camera, but my camera fell, as well.
Phyllis: Oh, convenient.
Sharon: No, actually. It--it wasn't. It wasn't convenient at all, Phyllis. Everything you've ever heard about hell-- that's what last night was like. Now can you run it in "Restless Style," or can you put it on the web site?
Jack: Well, are you expecting them to release Adam in time for the countdown or something?
Sharon: Adam's done a lot of horrible things, but he didn't murder Skye. Can you run it?
Phyllis: I mean, let me get this straight-- a woman fell into a volcano. Nobody else saw it but you. This is the same woman who was presumed to have been murdered by your boyfriend, right? Um, I'm not gonna be the laughingstock of the whole magazine business, am I?
Sharon: Uh, you-- you think this is funny? Jack, you know me. I wouldn't lie about something like this.
Jack: No, ordinarily, you wouldn't. But now that Adam is in the picture...
Sharon: What? You think he-- he--he brainwashed me into thinking I saw a woman fall to her death?
Jack: He convinced Patty of a lot more than that.
Sharon: Oh, please. Skye was there. So was I. And I'll prove it.
Jack: (Sighs)
Abby: I know. It's downright balmy for New Year’s in Wisconsin.
Daniel: Are you hungry?
Abby: Um, I'm always hungry, always. (Laughs)
Daniel: Hmm. Uh, no sauerkraut, no onions.
Abby: (Gasps) Oh, whatevs! That's it. I'm leaving.
Daniel: Hey, Man, can we get, uh, two hot dogs with, uh, mustard only, please?
Abby: Oh. (Laughs)
Daniel: Yeah, that would have been the great way to kiss 2010 good-bye with raw onions.
Abby: (Breathes forcefully)
Daniel: (Gags) Ugh!
Abby: (Laughs)
Daniel: It's 2011. Aren't we supposed to be in, like, jumpsuits...?
Abby: Mnh-mnh.
Daniel: And flying around in spaceships?
Abby: Jumpsuits are not our friend. They're not okay.
Daniel: (Snorts) Did you make any resolutions?
Abby: Uh, yeah, I did. Um, always wash off my makeup before going to bed, no matter how late it is.
Daniel: Yeah.
Abby: Remember that paparazzi are people, too. Don't run over their feet. And, um, oh! Uh, random acts of kindness-- I plan on doing loads of them this year. What about you?
Daniel: Oddly enough, I have the same three.
Abby: Oh, it's the makeup, right?
Daniel: (Laughs)
Abby: It's terrible when you sleep in it. (Laughs)
Daniel: I... (Sighs) I think I just want to try and get my life back together, you know, and start focusing on the things that really matter to me, like my art and... you.
Abby: You know, you surprise me a lot. You moved Daisy in with you so that your sister and your mom could be together. And you--you haven't let anyone emotionally blackmail you into making any decision that you knew would be wrong. And then Kevin came along proving that you weren't trying to dodge responsibility. In fact, y-you are doing the most responsible thing you can for that little baby girl. You're giving her a good life. If there is anyone that is going to hound me into dating them, I really want it to be you.
Daniel: I guess maybe I should have popped for a soda, too.
Abby: (Laughs) You think?
Daniel: Ah.
Abby: Oh, thank you.
Daniel: There you go.
Abby: I am, uh, really bummed about the onions, though...
Daniel: (Laughs)
Abby: Just so you know.
Chloe: (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Chloe: I'm sleeping.
Esther: Hey, Baby. Aw, Honey, come on. It's New Year’s Eve, and you're the life of the party, the belle of the ball. Did someone upset you, hurt your feelings?
Chloe: Mom, I'm not 10 years old, okay? And I don't want to go out. I don't want to be around all the jerks of the world.
Esther: Oh, is there one jerk in particular?
Chloe: Hmm. "His royal ass-ness" Kevin, and I don't want to talk about it. You know, he is such a sanctimonious yutz. I mean, he is-- he's completely self-absorbed. He's incredibly immature. And, oh, his choice in women-- his choice in women-- I mean, like, mm, "I don't know, should I sleep with my crazy ex-wife, or how about chase after plastic spray-tan girl? Oh, I know! I'll do both."
Esther: She has a plastic tan?
Chloe: You know, he said that he would always be my friend, and I... I trusted him. I thought that I knew... (Groans) He wasn't supposed to leave me hanging, you know? He--he's--he's supposed to make me feel better, and what does he do?
Esther: He left you hanging.
Chloe: He led me on with friendship, when all he wanted was... you know.
Esther: He said that?
Chloe: No. He didn't really... that's not the point. The point... (Sighs) Will you just make me feel better? Please be indignant, protective, something?
Esther: Oh, Honey, I'd love to, Sweetheart, but I like Kevin.
Alison: Ooh, 22-03.
Kevin: Uh, no, can't.
Alison: No? You hate it?
Kevin: No, I love that song, but it's one of Chloe's favorites.
Alison: Okay. Um... 31-14?
Kevin: Uh, no.
Alison: Do you want to pick?
Kevin: Thank you. Thank you for asking. Chloe never asks. She does all the picking. She gets aggressive about it. And we have the same taste in music. It's just, for her, it's all about winning.
Alison: Okay. Uh... 11-63?
Kevin: Uh, yeah, that's fine.
Alison: Okay.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Alison: So... how was your Christmas?
Kevin: Oh, my Christmas... my Christmas was ridiculous. I had to decorate a tree with the elf-twit. And the lights, okay, the lights were my idea, and she wants to puts the lights all around the base of the tree. Who does that? (Sighs)
Jack: Flight's been delayed again.
Phyllis: Hmm.
Jack: We may miss the ball drop.
Phyllis: Well, we can just ring in the New Year midair.
Jack: Yeah, I think they could be a whole lot worse than that, couldn't they?
Phyllis: Yeah. We could fall into a volcano.
Jack: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Oh, my God. Can you believe that story Sharon was trying to sell us? A volcano. (Scoffs)
Jack: You know what? Sharon's a lot of things. A liar is not one of them.
Phyllis: Um, excuse me, Mr. Abbott, but Sharon is a liar. She's also a klepto, and she has a-a tenuous grip on reality.
Jack: N--right now, she was very lucid, albeit, in love with a maniac who would do anything to blame it on anyone else.
Phyllis: Yeah, that maniac fed her the story.
Jack: Yeah, or--or it was dark, and she was confused...
Phyllis: Oh.
Jack: And we--we don't know what happened. Just the fact that Sharon is going to these lengths to... cover things up for Adam has me worried.
Phyllis: You're worried? Really? Are you worried? What is it, you have some special chromosome that makes you want to and desire to protect Sharon?
Jack: Don't go there. Don't go--
Phyllis: No, what do you mean, "Go there"? This was my surprise getaway.
Jack: It is.
Phyllis: This--no, no, no. Shh. This was for me. This was my evening. And now it's turned into "The Sharon show."
Jack: No, it--it--it-- it's "The truth show." We want to know what actually happened to Skye.
Phyllis: You do? 'Cause I'll tell you. Skye was murdered here in Genoa City. She didn't fall off a mountain. (Laughing) She didn't fall into a volcano. Come on, Jack, we both know that.
Jack: We both know Sharon came back with an amazing story, whatever the truth is.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Adam: Thank God you're okay. Skye goes for the jugular when she's cornered. Did she--she try and hurt you?
Sharon: How did you know I found her?
Adam: Nicholas was here earlier. He said he had spoken with you.
Sharon: Well, he's right. Um, I-I did find Skye in Hawaii, like we thought.
Adam: You saved me again. Thank you.
Sharon: Don't-- don't thank me. I didn't save you.
Adam: But you found Skye.
Sharon: Skye's not with me, Adam. I don't have any photos to prove that I saw her. I have no eyewitnesses.
Adam: You're the eyewitness, Sharon. If you can find her once, we can find her again.
Sharon: No, no, we can't. Adam, listen to me. I saw Skye on a hike on a volcano. When she saw me, things-- things just happened so fast, and--and then it--it was... confusing, but the--the--she slipped, and she almost fell over the edge, and then I grabbed her, and I was holding her hand. I begged her to hang-- keep holding on to me, but it was just--it was hot, and it was dark, and--and...
Adam: Wh--
Sharon: We couldn't. She--
Adam: No, no. Wait. Wait. Th-that had to be a trick. She's just covering her tracks.
Sharon: No, Adam. I saw the look on her face when she knew that I couldn't save her, when she knew that no one could help us, and then... it was over. I saw it. I went to Hawaii because I was supposed to prove you're innocent. But the police, they wouldn't help me. They wouldn't listen to me. And now Skye's dead. I was supposed to save you, and now we have nothing.
Daisy: (Groans)
Jana: Okay.
(Microwave beeps)
Jana: Okay. Try this.
Daisy: (Whispers) What?
Jana: Try this. Put this--
Daisy: (Normal voice) No, I don't need a pillow! I just need this all to go away!
Jana: You listen to me. Stopping the delivery is not one of the options of a home birth, okay? You need to get to the hospital.
Daisy: (Groans) No, I'm-- I'm not leaving.
Jana: You stop your whining, okay? This is not about you anymore. It is about that baby. You created that child, and now you are gonna do what is best for it!
Daisy: (Breathing heavily)
Daisy: (Groans)
(Cell phone rings)
Daniel: Mm. Hello?
Jana: Daniel, its Jana. (Sighs) Daisy's in labor.
Daniel: Um... okay. Uh... well, can you take her to the hospital? And I'll call the police station. I'll have them turn off her ankle monitor. (Sniffles) Um, and... (Sighs) And I'll meet you at Memorial.
Jana: Okay, we're on our way.
Abby: Oh, my gosh. Is the baby coming?
Daniel: Yeah. Uh... I'm sorry. I gotta go.
Abby: No, uh, I'm coming with you.
Daniel: Okay. Let's go.
Jack: Am I imagining things? Did I just hear them say, "First class and families with small children"?
Phyllis: Yeah. That's us. First class, although I could be toting around a newborn soon.
Jack: Let's not even go there yet.
Phyllis: I could use--oh.
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: Oh, no! I wanted to turn that off.
Jack: Oh, good, do.
Phyllis: Hey, Daniel. Happy New Year! I'm about to get on a p--
Daniel: Hey, Mom. Mom, Mom, Mom, Daisy's in labor. I'm on my way to the hospital.
Phyllis: I'll meet you there. The baby's coming. The baby is coming.
Jack: Okay, let's go.
Kevin: There you go.
Alison: Thank you.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Alison: Well, your friends seem nice--Daniel and Abby.
Kevin: Oh, Daniel is the best.
Alison: Mm.
Kevin: A real friend, not the fake kind that's gonna turn his back in a heartbeat just because you decided to be honest.
Alison: I'm gonna guess that we're talking about Chloe again.
Kevin: Totally selfish, totally self-absorbed.
Alison: I mean, she kind of sounds like a bitch.
Kevin: No. Chloe is Chloe. You just-- you just don't know her.
Alison: Okay. Sorry. I just thought... the two of you were just roommates, right?
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah. Totally. We were just roommates, but, um, that's over now.
Alison: Well, do you hate her, or do you love her? Because right now, it kind of sounds like the latter.
Esther: And I used this one to make your dress for your first day of school, back when you were still my little Katie. I thought I would make one for Delia, too, maybe a seersucker for summer. I just love those little blue-and-white stripes.
[Chloe remembering]
Kevin: So count your blessings and lose the blue it's not all bad happy birthday to you.
Chloe: (Laughing)
Kevin: So you haven't thought about us as a couple, but you already know how it's gonna end? You don't know how it would end, or if it would end. And what if it didn't, huh? How about that? What if we worked?
Esther: I know it's old-fashioned, but I like the one with matching bloomers, maybe with ruffles. What--oh, k-- Katie? Katie, where--Katie, where are you going? Good. Yeah.
Daniel: Hey, excuse me, Officer, are you here for, uh, Daisy Carter?
Man: Those are my orders.
Daniel: All right, well, uh, she should be here soon.
Daisy: (Breathing heavily) What are you doing?
Jana: Come on, Kev. Come on. Pick up. Pick up. Pick up. (Exhales deeply) All right, I'm gonna leave a message. He's gonna want to--ow! What--what on earth do you think you're bloody doing?!
Daisy: Okay, I haven't had a cramp in a while, and you don't need to call Kevin.
Jana: That baby is still coming.
Daisy: No, not yet. Just drive anywhere as far as possible. I'm not going back to jail. And then when the time's right, I'll give you the baby as promised.
Jana: (Sighs)
Daisy: And Kevin will be so grateful. The three of you will make a perfect family. (Sniffles) And I'll be free.
Jana: No! We are still going to the hospital.
Daisy: You can't have her, Jana! If I go back to jail, I will make sure you and Kevin never lay-- never lay a hand on her! (Breathing heavily) Please... oh, please... if you want Kevin, you will make sure I stay out of jail.
Alison: Sorry. That was rude of me. I mean, whatever's going on between you and your ex-roommate is none of my business, but if you want to talk...
Kevin: I'm the world's biggest jerk. I just made it so that your last date of 2010 was pretty much the worst date ever.
Alison: Kinda. But, I mean, there's still time to make it better... just as friends?
Kevin: (Sighs) I think I just need to get home.
Alison: Okay.
Kevin: Can I call you a cab?
Alison: Me? No, I'm good. Are you?
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah. Happy New Year.
Alison: You, too.
Kevin: (Sighs) I'm sorry.
Alison: No worries. Awesome.
(Footsteps approach)
Adam: Hey, look at me. Someone saw Skye in Hawaii. That hike of hers was not the first time she was out in public.
Sharon: You can't know that.
Adam: We will find someone who will admit to seeing her. I will get out of here, you will get Faith back, and we will all be together.
Sharon: I was so close to getting you out of here, Adam.
Adam: This is our year. I promise.
Kevin: Hey.
Chloe: Hi.
Kevin: Just so you know, you're in your pajamas.
Chloe: (Laughs) I know. Well, I had to make it by midnight.
Kevin: Oh. Because?
Chloe: Because I'm Andie, and you're Duckie.
Kevin: (Sighs) Are you kidding me? You came all the way out here to make me feel like crap again? I'm not Duckie.
Chloe: Yes, you are. You are, because Duckie was the one that Andie always wanted. In the original ending of "Pretty in Pink," Andie chose Duckie. That was the ending that we never got to see. No one cared about the guy with the name that no one ever remembered. She always wanted Duckie, and the test audiences, they were the one that wanted this other stupid rich boy fairy tale, so they went back, and they reshot the end of the movie, but she always wanted Duckie. That's the way it was supposed to be.
Kevin: Well, this is isn't a movie.
Chloe: And when you said that you wanted me, I just, um... I just thought of how awful it would be if it didn't work out. Well, what if you were right, and what if it did work out? And what if I hooked up with... a really funny, sexy, broody, dark... weird guy who just happens to be my best friend? You ever imagine how great that could be? And you hate me now?
Kevin: No, I don't hate you. Just ask spray-tan girl.
Chloe: (Laughs) What?
Kevin: I don't hate you.
Chloe: So you...
Kevin: Are you gonna make me say it again?
Chloe: Well, yeah. I'm a brat. (Laughs)
Kevin: I want you, okay?
Chloe: Well, I don't know. This is just so sudden.
Kevin: Chloe, don't you dare.
Chloe: (Laughs) I want you, too.
Crowd: Ten, nine, eight, seven...
Kevin: You know, they say what you do at midnight, you're gonna be doing all year long, you know?
Crowd: Six, five, four...
Chloe: Well, yeah, that's why I'm here, duh.
Crowd: Three, two, one.
Kevin: Good. Come here.
Crowd: Happy New Year!
(Party horns blowing, cheering)
Daisy: Jana, watch the light!
Jana: What?! Bloody hell! What?! (Sighs) I'm not gonna let you just run off. Kevin would never forgive me.
Daisy: Kevin just wants my baby, and he'll have her.
Jana: He still blames me for letting Ryder escape.
Daisy: He doesn't have to know that you're gonna help me.
Jana: How would he not know? No, we are going to the hospital.
Daisy: Then why are we going this way?
Jana: Because Kevin is waiting for me at Jimmy's. He's gonna want to be there when the baby is--
Daisy: What? What's wrong?
Daniel: (Sighs) Come on.
Abby: It's okay.
Daniel: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Hey. How's the baby? How far apart are Daisy's contractions?
Daniel: I don't know. She's not here yet. I tried calling Jana. Something's not right.
Daisy: (Groans)
Jana: (Sighs)
Daisy: What-- what are you looking at?
Jana: You want to run?
Daisy: (Exhales deeply)
Jana: Run. And take your baby. Kevin doesn't deserve her.
Daisy: But you were just saying what--
Jana: Forget what I said! You want your freedom, then you bloody take it. (Sighs) Everyone is so terrified of you being on the loose... (Sighs) Being out there.
Daisy: (Groans)
Jana: So let them be afraid... every day for the rest of their lives. (Sighs)
Daisy: Okay, fine. Go, go, go.
Jana: I'm going.
Daisy: (Groans) (Groans) (Sighs) (Sighs)
(Tires squeal)
Chloe: (Giggles) (Giggles)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victoria: The doctor thinks that it is pretty much impossible for me to ever have another baby.
Lauren: If Daisy hurts anyone, it is on you!
Jana: Help me. Help me.
Kevin: Jana, what happened?!
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