Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/28/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 12/29/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9556 ~ Victor Witnesses a Tragedy
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Daisy: (Winces) (Sighs) (Winces) (Sighs)
Daniel: Where'd the pizza come from?
Daisy: Oh, one of the guards let me use his phone to order it.
Daniel: I'll have to have a little talk with him about that.
Daisy: Hey, you want a slice?
Daniel: Nope. (Sighs)
Daisy: (Sighs) Well, I guess I can't seem to do or say anything right these days. I was kind of a bitch to that woman you brought here from the adoption agency.
Daniel: Kinda.
Daisy: Look, I know you want to do what's best for our daughter, but giving her away is not the answer.
Daniel: Well, we disagree on that.
Daisy: It's just... I-I want to be the kind of mom I never had. And I think you would make a really great father. I think we could make this work, Daniel.
Daniel: You kidnapped my friends. You tried to kill them.
Daisy: I am not that person anymore.
Daniel: Do you not get that it doesn't matter if you are or you're not that person? You still have to pay for what you did. That kid that you're carrying is gonna graduate college before you're ever even up for parole.
Daisy: You're wrong. I am not gonna spend one more day in jail.
Daniel: (Laughs)
Jana: Come on.
(Doorbell rings)
Jana: (Sighs)
(Elevator bell dings)
Kevin: Jana?
Jana: Oh.
Kevin: What are you doing here?
Jana: I absolutely had to see you.
Kevin: Is everything all right?
Jana: Mm-hmm. (Chuckles) For the first time in a long time, everything is just as it should be. (Sighs) And to celebrate the occasion...
Kevin: What occasion?
Jana: You're gonna be a dad.
(Keyboard keys clicking)
Nick: Another article? Who won the "Get skewered by 'Restless Style'" lottery this week?
Phyllis: No one you know.
Nick: Well, I guess that's the good news.
(Keyboard keys clicking)
Phyllis: Yeah. Well, the bad news is I have a deadline in three hours. Summer is at a sleepover, so I can work guilt-free.
Nick: Wish I could say the same. I'm just heading into the office. I had to leave Faith with the nanny.
Phyllis: It's kind of late for work.
Nick: Not in Asia. I've gotta deal with a crisis with one of our subsidiaries.
Phyllis: Your father can't do that?
Nick: I'm actually trying to find him. (Sighs)
Phyllis: Oh. Um, I guess you-- you couldn't leave Faith with Sharon.
Nick: I wouldn't leave her with Sharon even if she didn't go out of town to clear her head.
Phyllis: How can she clear her head? It's completely empty.
Nick: Well, at least she's not going to meet Adam.
Phyllis: Um, no. She's trying to prove his innocence. Nick, she went to go find Skye.
Sharon: Skye. (Sighs) You're alive. I knew it. I knew it. Adam and I both knew it.
Skye: Bully for you and your boyfriend.
Sharon: You set him up. You made everyone believe that--that he murdered you.
Skye: Proof, Sharon-- that's the magic word.
Sharon: You know that Adam would have gone to prison for the rest of his life for something he didn't do, for something that never even happened?
Skye: Oh, and I'm supposed to feel bad about that after the way he treated me?
Sharon: Skye, he broke your heart. You don't ruin a man's entire life because of that.
Skye: Well, maybe you don’t.
Sharon: You're not gonna get away with this.
Skye: You can't stop me.
Sharon: Oh, yes, I can. You're going back to Genoa City with me. You're going to explain to the police exactly how you set this whole thing up.
Skye: Yeah, sure. Book me on the next flight-- a window seat.
Sharon: This isn't a joke.
Skye: You are out of your mind if you think I'm going anywhere with you.
Sharon: I'll just take a picture of you, and prove to everyone that I saw you and that you are alive.
Skye: Give me that!
Sharon: No!
Skye: Give--give me--aah!
Sharon: Skye! (Breathing heavily)
Skye: (Sobs)
Nick: I'm pretty surprised that Sharon is confiding in you these days.
Phyllis: Mm, it's so lucky that she doesn't give me the time of day.
Nick: Well, then how did you know that she--
Phyllis: Adam. Adam.
Nick: Adam told you that Sharon went looking for Skye?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. He's pretty proud of it, too.
Nick: He must have put her up to it.
Phyllis: Nope, she is just as determined to prove his innocence.
Nick: (Clicks tongue) Man, he has done a number on her head.
Phyllis: Adam's a piece of work. Even after Jack and I found the bloody, crumpled clothes by the dumpster, he still claims he didn't kill Skye.
Nick: Well, you are clearly visiting Adam in jail.
Phyllis: For professional purposes.
Nick: Then I can look forward to the follow-up story... or ten.
Phyllis: I have no problem with trying to nail Adam to the wall.
Nick: Oh, well, then there's the added bonus of publically humiliating Sharon yet again.
Phyllis: Oh, my gosh, I knew it was too good to be true when you said you'd never bring that up again. So go ahead. Go after me. Mm, get upset for trying to, uh, to upset the mother of your children. Nick, go ahead. Rip me apart for writing this article.
Nick: (Sighs) I'm not gonna do that. I support you 100%.
Sharon: (Grunts) Try to grab my other hand.
Skye: It's stuck between the rocks. (Sobs)
Sharon: (Grunts) Skye, don't look down.
Skye: (Sniffles) You must hate me for what I did to Adam.
Sharon: I don't want you to die. We're gonna get you up on this ledge, back to Genoa City. You're gonna clear Adam’s name.
Skye: (Whimpers)
Sharon: All right.
Skye: I'm slipping.
Sharon: Try to get a foothold.
Skye: No, I can't hold on!
Sharon: Aah! Oh, no. Yes, you can!
Skye: No, it's no use!
Sharon: Skye, I am not gonna let you die.
Skye: I wouldn't bet on it.
Sharon: (Breathing heavily) (Gasps) Aah! (Grunts) Skye! Aah! Oh, no! (Steam vent hisses)
Sharon: Aah! (Gasps)
Jana: (Sighs) Kev, you-- are you all right?
Kevin: (Sighs) Can you start over?
Jana: (Sighs)
Kevin: I'm gonna be-- I'm gonna be--I'm gonna be a-- I'm gonna be a dad?
Jana: Yes!
Kevin: Are you-- are you saying that you're-- that you're pregnant?
Jana: Me? N-- oh, my God. No, no. No, not me.
Kevin: Then what are you-- what are you talking about, Jana?
Jana: I'm talking about Daisy's baby.
Kevin: (Sighs) Oh.
Jana: (Sighs)
Kevin: (Sighs) Okay. Tell me what's going on.
Jana: I have made a deal with your sister.
Kevin: What kind of deal?
Jana: She has offered to give you the child. That is what you wanted, right?
Kevin: Yeah, but--
Jana: Yeah. I did that for you.
Kevin: How, Jana? How did you do that?
Jana: You told me that it was very important for your niece to have a better life growing up than you did, right?
Kevin: Any kid deserves that. But you're still not telling me what you did.
Jana: I know you, Kev. I know the kind of man that you are, and I know the kind of father you're going to be. (Sighs) And there's no one better to raise this child than you. You just--you just needed to be given the chance. And I have given that to you. You see, I changed my testimony against Daisy. And in exchange, she's offered to give you the baby.
(Champagne cork pops)
Jana: (Squeals) Congratulations, Daddy!
Daniel: So... what's goin' on here?
Daisy: What do you mean?
Daniel: When I left, you weren't in such a great mood. Now you're just all pumped up, thinking that you're never gonna spend another day in jail.
Daisy: Oh, well, I, um, I just have a feeling that everything will work out the way it's supposed to.
Daniel: Mm-hmm. Something's changed.
Daisy: Mm.
Daniel: Is it the phone call you made?
Daisy: I ordered a pizza.
Daniel: Right. Who else did you call when you convinced the guard to let you use his phone?
Daisy: I made one call. That's it.
Daniel: You know, whatever it is that you think you're up to, Daisy, it's not gonna work.
Daisy: God, my baby and I have such a future together. There's so much I have to get ready for. There's just a ton.
Daniel: Yes, there is, isn't there?
Daisy: First, I have to figure out where she and I are gonna live. And then you and I have to go over visitation and child support.
Daniel: You know, Daisy...
Daisy: And--
Daniel: The laws of Mother Nature, they let you get pregnant. But, you see, the laws that run this state, they're a little more selective. There isn't a court out there that's gonna let you keep this kid.
Daisy: I love my baby.
Daniel: Well, if you mean that, then you'll give up your parental rights.
Daisy: No way. You're not taking my little girl away from me.
Daniel: You know, if you think you're gonna try and outsmart me, you really ought to do your homework.
Daisy: What are you talking about?
Daniel: (Clears throat) "Everything you ever wanted to know about terminating parental rights in the state of Wisconsin."
Daisy: Why are you being so mean?
Daniel: If you want to cooperate here, we can forget about the whole court order.
Daisy: I won't do it.
Daniel: "Reasons for terminating parental rights-- felony conviction, if it's in the child's best interest..." no question there. "If the conception is the result of sexual assault."
Daisy: You can't prove that.
Daniel: How about this one? "Incarceration for a substantial part of the child's life." I don't think we're gonna have any problem proving that, do you?
Daisy: I will not let you force me to give my baby away.
Daniel: (Chuckles) I want you to get something through your head, Daisy. (Clears throat) You are not gonna spend one second with that kid.
Daisy: We'll see.
Daniel: Yeah, we will. (Sighs)
Daniel: No more phone calls for her.
Nick: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Are you serious? No, really, you're not gonna ride in on your white horse to defend Sharon?
Nick: I traded in my suit of armor for a dose of reality.
Phyllis: Thank God. I used to fantasize about this. Seriously, I used to fantasize about what this would look like, you finally being free of her. It kind of had a happier face-- yours, not mine.
Nick: (Chuckles) I bet.
Phyllis: Well, maybe my article about Sharon and Adam will cheer you up.
Nick: You know, I don’t... hate her. But she made her choice. I think it's a terrible one. I'm done trying to protect Sharon from Adam and herself.
Phyllis: What now?
Nick: I just focus on my girls.
Phyllis: Well, I'm gonna keep the kids out of this article.
Nick: Thank you.
Phyllis: People deserve to know the truth about Adam.
Nick: If Sharon ends up being collateral damage, it's her own fault.
Sharon: Skye! Skye! (Breathing heavily) Oh, God. Help. Help. Help! Somebody, we need help! Somebody help us! Anybody! (Sighs) Help! Help! Somebody! We need help! Somebody help us!
Kevin: Jana, what--
(Glasses clink)
Jana: Cheers.
Kevin: What exactly did you tell the police?
Jana: (Sighs) I told the police... (Clears throat) I told the police that Sarah was the mastermind behind Lauren’s and my kidnapping...
Kevin: (Sighs)
Jana: Which is true. I explained how Daisy and Ryder were brainwashed and tortured from-- from day one from their aunt and their mum. (Sighs) And I also said that Daisy was just as much of a victim as we were.
Kevin: Jana, you should have not lied to the police.
Jana: But you--you-- you are getting the child. That is the most important thing.
Kevin: It's important, yes, but there are--
Jana: There are no "Buts." No "Buts." You are saving a life here, your niece's life. Nothing else matters.
Kevin: There are other things to consider, like what is gonna happen with Daisy if--if--if--
Jana: If you're worried about raising this child alone, Kevin, I can help you.
Kevin: No, Jana. It's not that.
Jana: Then what?
Kevin: (Sighs)
Jana: (Sighs)
Kevin: Okay, you say you know me, right? Well, I know you, too, and there are times, Jana, that you just get so... you get... fixated on an idea, right? And you don't think about how you get there or--or what you do afterwards. (Sighs)
Jana: Remember that time when I-I was so fed up with the world, and I wanted to burn all my books on how to lead a spiritual life?
Kevin: Yeah. That's one example.
Jana: You told me I was really overreacting. You remember that?
Kevin: I do. (Sighs) I think it was right around New Year’s.
Jana: New Year’s. Yep. (Sighs) You really helped me find my middle ground.
Kevin: I told you you shouldn't always go to extremes.
Jana: (Chuckles) You were the one... (Sighs) Who helped me find the center. God, that is no easy task.
Kevin: Uh, you know what? I have something that I need to do.
Jana: Really?
Kevin: I completely forgot.
Jana: Now?
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, now. I'm sorry.
Jana: Um, right. Well, we could talk about this another time, then.
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah. Of course. Sure.
Jana: Okay. (Sighs) (Sighs) So what are you doing this New Year’s then?
Kevin: I think that... I think I'm just gonna stay in. Nothing.
Jana: Oh. Well, we could... (Stammers) (Chuckles) If you'd like, we could spend it together. If--
Kevin: I was thinking that maybe I would just watch a movie.
Jana: Right. Okay. Well, you just let me know if you change your mind.
Kevin: I don't think so, Jana. Happy New Year.
Sharon: And then her hand, it just slipped out of the glove-- thank you-- and I couldn't believe it. I-I promised her that I wouldn't let go, and-- but...
Akana: Okay. Ms...
Sharon: Newman. Sharon Newman.
Akana: And the woman who fell?
Sharon: Skye Newman.
Akana: How are you and Skye related?
Sharon: We were married to the same man.
Akana: I see. So the two of you went on a hike together.
Sharon: No. No, we didn't go together. You see, this is kind of a long story, but, um, everyone back in our hometown thinks that Skye is dead, but I found out she was here, so I came here looking for her.
Akana: When you found her, what happened?
Sharon: Well, we were both a little off guard when we ran into each other on the trail. Um, and I tried to take a picture of her-- well, I did-- here, I'll show you. I took a picture of her, and... my camera. It must have dropped. (Sighs) The picture of Skye... it m--it's gotta be back at the site. We'll have to go back.
Akana: To get your camera?
Sharon: And to find Skye.
Akana: Yeah, let's do that.
Sharon: Look, I know that this is really hard to believe, but I--honestly, I-I did everything I could to save her.
Akana: Let's get back up there and see what we find.
Sharon: Okay. Um, can I just have a minute just to catch my breath?
Akana: I'll get some flashlights and water.
Sharon: (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Sharon: Nick, wha-- wh-what's wrong? Why are you calling? How's Faith?
Nick: She's fine.
Sharon: Well, why are you calling me?
Nick: I understand you are looking for Skye.
Sharon: (Sighs) Yes.
Nick: I know you and my dad teamed up before when you were looking for Skye in Brazil. I really need to speak with him. Is my dad with you right now?
Sharon: Nick, I have no idea where--where Victor is right now, but I did find Skye.
Nick: What? Where?
Akana: We should get going.
Sharon: Listen, I'll-- I'll just tell you everything when I get back, okay? Bye.
Nick: But--
Akana: Ready?
Sharon: Yeah. I want to find proof that I'm telling you the truth.
Victor: (Exhales) (Exhales)
Victor: (Exhales) Whoa. (Exhales)
Daisy: (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Daisy: (Sighs) (Winces)
Kevin: Where's Daniel? I need to talk to him.
Daisy: About what?
Kevin: About watching his back.
Daisy: You have something to say to me, Kevin? Just say it.
Kevin: You're a liar and a manipulator. You came back to town acting like this pregnancy had changed you.
Daisy: It has changed me.
Kevin: You are using an emotionally unstable woman and your unborn kid to get what you want.
Daisy: Well, I don't know what's got you so hyped up--
Kevin: You don't know? What did you think? What do you think, Daisy? Huh? That Jana was gonna keep your little "Deal" to herself?
Daisy: She came to me, and she offered me help!
Kevin: Oh, yeah. Yeah. You conned her into changing her testimony.
Daisy: It was her idea!
Kevin: Yeah, because she's messed up, okay? She's messed up because of you and your sick family! (Sighs) You took advantage of her. You got her to lie to the cops. You were never gonna give her that kid.
Daisy: That's not true--
Kevin: Shut up! Shut up. I was willing to help you.
Daisy: You want to steal my baby? Forget it. Just forget it!
Kevin: I don't want your kid. I don't want to have anything to do with anything that would tie me to you in any way.
Daisy: Yeah, well, I was never gonna give you the kid anyway.
Kevin: You think you know me, Daisy. Nice sweet Kevin, right? You don't know a thing about me.
Daisy: Listen, Jana’s got you wigged out or something. That has nothing to do with me. All I care about is taking care of my baby. You want to help me? That's fine. You don't? That's fine.
Kevin: I'm gonna--
Daisy: I don't care!
Kevin: I'm gonna help. I'm gonna make sure that that kid is taken away from you the second it's born, because nobody deserves to have a mother like you. Oh, and... once Jana realizes that I have no interest in this kid, you'll have lost your only ally.
(Door opens)
Daisy: (Sighs)
(Door closes)
Adam: (Sighs) (Sighs heavily)
Adam: (Chuckles) Oh, Saint Nick. What, did you come to give me a late Christmas present?
Nick: In a way, I did.
Adam: Well, I can hardly wait. I like big presents. Is it bigger than your ego?
Nick: Sharon found Skye.
Adam: And to think, I didn't get you anything. Is this one of those pranks that big brother pulls on his kid brother? You know, "Psych!"
Nick: I called Sharon for something else, and she told me she found Skye.
Adam: This must be just killing you, knowing the lengths Sharon’s willing to go to to prove my innocence.
Nick: You think this changes anything? Wipes away who you really are?
Adam: Sharon loves who I really am, and she wants to be with me, Nick.
Nick: I don't give a damn what you two want to do together. I really don’t. But you'd better stay away from my daughter.
Adam: Or what? You'll use her to keep Sharon and me apart?
Sharon: (Breathing heavily)
Sharon: All right. Yeah, this is the spot. That's where we were, up there. That's where she fell.
Akana: You're sure?
Sharon: (Sighs) Yeah. That's where she went over the cliff.
Akana: Well, it's worn. (Sighs) Could be from hikers walking by.
Sharon: No, I'm telling you, we were standing up there. She--she went to grab for my camera, and she--she lost her balance and she fell. I mean, it's--it's gotta be up there somewhere.
Akana: Yeah, well, I don't see anything.
Sharon: All right, well, then maybe it went over the edge with Skye.
Akana: Look around. See what you can find.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Man: Hey, Sister! I was wondering what happened to you.
Sharon: I, uh, I-I just got a little lost.
Man: You missed something awesome up at the top-- lava spewing out into the night. It looked like hell on earth.
Akana: You know her?
Man: She's part of my group. I'm usually pretty good at keeping track of haole. This one slipped away from me.
Akana: Did you see the other wahine who was with her?
Man: Only ones I've seen tonight are these guys. This other lady missing?
Sharon: She fell over the cliff.
Man: (Exhales quickly) That's what happens when you come up here alone. Hello, young man.
Kevin: Oh, Phyllis. Phyllis. Have you, uh, have you seen Daniel?
Phyllis: Oh, no. No. Not since he stormed out. And you know what? This demon woman carrying this child, she's killing us.
Kevin: I know. That's why I need to talk to him.
Phyllis: Hey, um, have you given any more thought to my adopting Daisy's baby?
Kevin: Daisy's baby is the only thing that I have been thinking about. She's not even born yet, and she's turning everybody's lives upside-- no. No. No. I'm not gonna do that. I told myself I'm not gonna blame the kid. This is all... my sister. She's the one holding Daniel hostage, forcing Lauren to be a prisoner in her own home. Jana--Jana is thinking all of these crazy thoughts--
Phyllis: Listen. Listen. Listen, Kevin. It just... (Sighs) That's why we have to help this innocent child. We have got to get this baby away from Daisy.
Kevin: I agree. I agree. And all of this insanity has made me realize I am no more ready to be a parent than Daisy is.
Phyllis: Oh.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Phyllis: O-okay. Does this mean you're going to help me get custody of the baby?
(Knock on door)
Jana: Hello. Happy New Year.
Daisy: It's not even New Year’s Eve yet.
Jana: I know. Well, I'm gonna be busy tomorrow night, so I just thought I'd pop by and remind you that this is a time for new beginnings for all of us-- nonalcoholic.
Daisy: Okay, why not? This year being over is definitely a reason to celebrate.
Jana: (Sighs) Yeah. And you'll soon be able to put all your troubles behind you.
Daisy: You sound confident.
Jana: The detective at the police station wrote down everything that I said... (Snaps fingers) Word for word. So...
Daisy: (Sighs)
Jana: My statement will be on the D.A.'s desk just in time before the holiday. You're gonna be free, Daisy.
Daisy: Well, at least some people are true to their word.
Jana: And you will be, too, right? You are giving us the baby, right?
Daisy: Does, uh, Kevin know about this, our--our deal?
Jana: Of course he does. He couldn't be happier.
Daisy: Really? What did he say?
Jana: What did he say?
Daisy: Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Jana: (Sighs) He said that he cannot wait to be a father, the three of us a family.
Daisy: He must have been really grateful to you.
Jana: Yeah, he is. He was really nice and so loving, just like how he used to be.
Daisy: Amazing. You got everything you hoped for.
Jana: Yep. (Nonalcoholic drink fizzes) (Cork pops)
Jana: This is gonna be a fantastic year. I just know it. (Chuckles)
Akana: (Sighs) Nobody here has seen or heard of her.
Sharon: That's because Skye didn't want anyone to know she was here.
Akana: She couldn't hide from the locals. They all know each other's kuleana. You've been showing a photo of her around. Nobody recognized her.
Sharon: But that-- that's what she looked like back in Genoa City. I saw her tonight. She looked completely different.
Akana: No, she didn't, because she wasn't there.
Sharon: (Sighs) What?
Akana: Look... (Sighs) Mrs. Newman, I talked to Ronan Malloy at the Genoa City P.D. Skye Newman is presumed dead, killed by her husband.
Sharon: No, that's not true.
Akana: You told Koa if you found the other Mrs. Newman, it would get your boyfriend out of jail. Your boyfriend and Skye Newman’s husband are the same person.
Sharon: Look, Adam-- Adam is being accused of a murder that-- that--that never even happened.
Akana: Which you can prove if you find Skye alive.
Sharon: Yes! I did.
Akana: (Laughs) Then-- then she "Conveniently" fell off the mountain.
Sharon: Yes! I mean... (Sighs) No, not conveniently. It wasn't convenient. It was awful. I watched her die.
Akana: So you say.
Sharon: You have to believe me. You--I-I swear, I swear on my life, I swear on my children's lives.
Akana: That's not enough. As far as I'm concerned, Skye Newman was never here.
Sharon: Yes, she was! She was here. She died here. You have got to verify that. You have to issue a death certificate or something.
Akana: If I do that, a murderer could go free.
Sharon: What... (Sighs) What do I have to do to convince you that I'm telling you the truth? I mean, there's gotta be something.
Akana: Bring me proof Skye Newman was here on the island. Without that, I'm afraid you're out of luck.
Kevin: I'll finish closing up. See you tomorrow, okay? (Clears throat)
Phyllis: Um, okay, uh, so Vance is working on terminating Daisy's parental rights, and once that's done, I can file for adoption. Uh, you'll probably be called as a witness at the hearing. As the baby's uncle, you--
Kevin: No.
Phyllis: Wh--no? What? Huh?
Kevin: No, I won't speak at the hearing. I won't help you get custody.
Phyllis: But you s-- you said that you didn't--
Kevin: That I don't want to adopt the baby. I don't want you to adopt her, either.
Phyllis: Wow. Okay. I'm the best one to raise this baby.
Kevin: No. I think Daniel’s right. The best thing for this baby is to get as far away from Daisy and Genoa City as she can.
Phyllis: This is our family. This is your family.
Kevin: (Sighs) That doesn't-- that doesn't guarantee her happiness. I mean, people in your family hurt you just as easily as anybody else can.
Phyllis: You know, this is not the same kind of situation like you and your father.
Kevin: But it could be, if Daisy's in the picture. I mean, I look at it like this. If the kid doesn't know that she's a bad seed, then maybe she won't turn into one.
Phyllis: So what does this mean? You're gonna--are you-- are you gonna help me?
Kevin: I'm gonna help the kid and do whatever I can to make sure she's got a decent shot at a good life.
Daisy: Oh... (Sighs) You should go.
Jana: (Sighs) You gonna be okay by yourself? Is the baby gonna be all right?
Daisy: Yeah, yeah. I'm--I'm good. The baby's good. It's all good. Daniel's gonna be back soon. He probably shouldn't see us together.
Jana: Right. Okay. I'm gonna go then. I'll be back tomorrow.
Daisy: Oh, no. No, that's fine. It's--its fine.
Jana: All right. Now you rest--
Daisy: Okay, bye.
Daisy: (Sighs) (Door opens) (Door closes)
Daisy: (Vibrates lips) (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Sighs) (Door opens)
Daisy: Daniel. Oh, who's this?
Daniel: This is U.S. Marshal Gary Hosking. Marshal Hosking, your prisoner.
Daisy: Prisoner?
Daniel: Yeah. See, I spoke to the feds about what the doc said at your last appointment. You know, that the baby could come any day now?
Daisy: Now we're not really sure of that, actually.
Daniel: You can't-- you can't mess around with Mother Nature. Apparently, you can't mess around with the feds, either.
Daisy: What do you mean?
Daniel: You want to tell her? Make it official? (Clears throat)
Hosking: I'll be back on New Year’s Day to take you to the hospital. Once your baby's been delivered, you'll go straight to jail to await trial.
Nick: If anything keeps Sharon away from you, it will be her good judgment. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening any time soon.
Adam: You underestimated me, Nicholas.
Nick: You know, Adam, I did. You're pretty smart, probably a little too smart. When someone's intelligence outweighs their ability to feel as much as yours does, it makes you more dangerous than I realized.
Adam: As soon as Sharon gets back with Skye, the charges will be dropped, and you won't be able to keep Faith from her mother any longer.
Nick: If you go anywhere near my daughter--
Adam: That will be entirely up to Sharon. If she wants us together, she wants to build a family with me and Faith, that's her call, and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.
Sharon: What kind of proof?
Akana: Something that belonged to Skye Newman, something that proves she was living here.
Sharon: The mailbox. The mailbox--box 18. Yeah, Skye had a bottle of perfume delivered here. Tell him. Tell him.
Akana: Koa?
Koa: I don't have no idea what she's talkin' about, Brother. Sorry.
Sharon: What? He's lying! He is. I-I have no idea why, but he is lying. Look, ask the mail carrier. He will tell you.
Akana: Even if this perfume was sent here, how do I know you didn't send it?
Sharon: I didn’t.
Akana: Look, Mrs. Newman, unless you want me to start investigating you for fraud, I suggest you catch the next flight back to Wisconsin.
Sharon: Skye-- Skye was here. And she was alive, and somebody here has gotta believe me.
Akana: (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Daniel: I am about to climb out of this hellhole that Daisy has dragged me into.
Jana: We have to get you to the hospital.
Daisy: No, I'm not going to the hospital. They'll throw me--they'll throw me in jail.
Adam: You did it. You saved me again.
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