Y&R Transcript Monday 12/27/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 12/27/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 12/28/10 -- USA


Episode # 9555 ~ Sharon Finds What She Has Been Looking For

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Daniel: Are you out of your mind? You want to adopt Daisy's baby?

Phyllis: Yes. Yes, I-I-I want to do that. I want to adopt Daisy's baby, and she is your baby, too.

Daniel: That doesn't mean that you give up your life for her.

Phyllis: Well, it seems to be the only option, right?

Daniel: (Stammers) What only option? Are you kidding me? Have you thought about Summer? What's she gonna do if you move a baby into the house?

Phyllis: We already-- we all have to take a-- we have to make sacrifices. All of us, apparently.

Daniel: No, no, no, no. Why? Why? What's the real reason here?

Phyllis: Because you are not doing anything. I have to step up. And you are going to regret it if somebody else adopts her. Maybe not now, but you will in the future.

Daniel: Maybe I will. Maybe I will someday. But you know what? I don't understand why you and Kevin can't respect the fact that I don't want this baby anywhere--

Phyllis: Shh! Daniel.

Daniel: No, I won't shh! I don't want this baby anywhere around me or my family, all right? Neither one of you is gonna adopt her. Not if I have anything to say about it. What, Chloe? What could you possibly want?

Chloe: Excuse me.

Phyllis: Chloe, please.

Daniel: Can you see we're in a conversation?

Chloe: I-I'm sorry, Phyllis.

Phyllis: What?

Chloe: I really need you to sign off on, um, Stella's photos.

Phyllis: Okay, this can wait. This can wait, all right? Yeah.

Chloe: Okay, well, we just need to know by 9:00 A.M. New York time.

Phyllis: No, no. Yeah. I'll take care of it. Thank you very much.

Chloe: Okay, sorry.

Daniel: (Sighs) You know damn well why Daisy wants you or Kevin to adopt this baby-- so she can stay in our lives. And that's why I'm gonna make sure that Baby Carter gets adopted as far away from Genoa City as possible, so get used to that.

Jana: Very, very clever of you phoning the pizza parlor to try and get me here.

Daisy: Mmm, real food. I am so sick of that organic crap that Phyllis keeps sending over.

Jana: (Sighs) Well, look, I can't stay long. That guard's gonna get suspicious. So why did you need me to come here?

Lauren: Hello.

Michael: Oh. (Inhales deeply) What's that perfume you're wearing?

Lauren: Oh, this? Mm, it's a little something my husband gave me for Christmas.

Michael: Well, he has exquisite taste.

Lauren: Doesn't he?

Michael: Uh-huh.

Lauren: So, Baby...

Michael: Ooh.

Lauren: Let's go out tonight, all right? I thought maybe we'd try that new Japanese restaurant with the sake bar.

Michael: Wait a minute. Wait. You want to go out?

Lauren: Don't look so shocked.

Michael: Oh.

Lauren: We went out for our anniversary, and I've been going to work, and, you know, if anything happens with Daisy, the alarm company will text me, right?

Michael: Absolutely.

Lauren: Right.

Michael: All right. But you know what? Kevin is coming over here to talk about something. I will ask him to babysit.

Lauren: Perfect. I'll go finish getting ready.

Michael: Okay. Wait. Wait. Wait.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Michael: Oh, uh, um, put some perfume behind your ear. You know, some of that--

Lauren: (Purses lips) Mm, I don't think I should do it. I don't think I should do it. Don't want to drive you crazy.

Michael: Oh, come on. Too late.

Lauren: Later.

Michael: (Sighs) (Grunts) (Chuckles)

(Knock on door)

Michael: Door's open!

Kevin: Hey. I'm glad you're here. All right, I need some advice from Michael "My brother," not Michael "The lawyer" or Michael "Lauren's husband."

Michael: All right. All right. Okay. What you got?

Kevin: My chances to adopt Daisy's baby just went from "Completely sucks" to "Who knows? Anything's possible." And--

Lauren: Oh, no, you don't.

Sharon: Excuse me. Are you sure that you haven't seen this woman? Because, you know, you hardly looked at the picture. Uh, maybe she's changed her appearance. She--she might have cut her hair, changed the color.

Koa: Nani for ahaole. But... (Sighs) Nah, I haven't seen her. I'm sorry.

Sharon: You know, I happen to know that she has a mailbox here. Number 18.

Koa: I can't know everybody.

Sharon: Actually, there aren't really that many boxes.

Koa: I wish I could help you.

Victor: Skye? Skye?

(Knocks on door)

Victor: Skye?

Sharon: Have you seen this woman?

Sharon: (Sighs) I'd like to buy a map of the area. You must know pretty much everything that goes on around here.

Koa: People keep to themselves.

Sharon: You know, my friend, the one I'm looking for, she's really into poker and, you know, if she couldn't find a game, she'd probably put one together. You hear of any high-stakes poker games around here?

Koa: High stakes here? You want something like that, you go to Honolulu.

Sharon: Thanks anyway. (Sighs)

Man: Hey. What you doin' tonight, Beautiful?

Sharon: Um, I, uh...

Man: Let me take you on an adventure you're never gonna forget. Hiking the magnificent Kilauea volcano.

Sharon: Thank you. Uh, I don't think so.

Man: How do you come to the big island and not go see Pele, the goddess of fire, shoot fountains of lava into the air? You know, you're in luck. It's a new moon. Gonna get extra dark. Perfect night for hiking.

Sharon: That sounds lovely. I'm--I-I'll think about it.

Man: A polite way of sayin' no. What do you got to lose? It's transformational, inspirational, recreational, not to mention hot as hell. And it'll purge your bad juju away. We leave from here in an hour. Money back guarantee if it doesn't meet up to your, uh, expectations.

Sharon: Well, that-- that's not it. See, actually, um... I'm looking for someone.

Man: Don't know her. Type A's usually take the helicopter tour.

Sharon: Thank you.

Man: If you go hike the volcano and make a sacrifice, Madame Pele gonna answer everything.

Victor: Well, anything more on Sharon's movement? Yeah? Since she... right, that car rental at the airport. No, no. I'll--I'll--I'll wait. Koa's general store? Text me the address, all right? I'll check it out.

Lauren: I understand why you would want to protect this baby because of your childhood, but do you understand that this connects us to Daisy forever?

Kevin: Well, what if she gives up her parental rights, huh?

Lauren: Like that would deter her.

Michael: W-wait. She said she would?

Kevin: Jana thinks that she can persuade Daisy to give me the baby.

Lauren: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Jana is talking to Daisy?

Kevin: Yeah, yeah, she knows it's important to me, and she's trying to make amends.

Michael: All right, whatever deal Jana thinks she can make won't happen without Daniel's approval.

Kevin: Well, Daniel doesn't want the baby, but he still won't talk to me about it.

Lauren: All right, you know what? You know what? I-I-I can't take this anymore. I can't listen to it. I'm leaving.

Michael: Oh, wait, no. I'll come with you. Wait.

Lauren: No, no, no, you're not. No, you're not.

Michael: Oh, Lauren, come on.

Lauren: No, will you please talk some sense into your brother?

Kevin: (Sighs)

Michael: You know how upset she gets whenever you mention Daisy. Why would you bring that up again?!

Kevin: (Sighs)

Daisy: I'm starting to dilate. This little one's gonna make her big debut any minute now. So we gotta move forward on our deal right away. You keep me out of jail. I'll give you the baby.

Jana: And then I win Kevin back.

Daisy: Right, yeah. Um, so first thing you have to do is go to the authorities and take back what you said in your deposition.

Jana: How do I know that you're not gonna double-cross me, Daisy? I've seen you do a lot worse.

Daisy: Um, okay. Here we go. Uh... "I, Daisy Carter, promise"...

Jana: (Sighs)

Daisy: "To give Jana Fisher my baby."

Jana: Yeah. Yeah, like that's gonna hold up in court.

(Knock on door)

Man: What's taking so long?

Daisy: Um, I'm just... I'm looking for cash for a tip. Trust me.

Jana: You better keep your word.

Phyllis: I am not going to argue with you, Daniel.

Daniel: It's a little late for that, don't you think?

Phyllis: I am not going to argue.

Daniel: You're the one that wanted to spring Daisy from jail, 'cause you wanted this kid to be born healthy and happy and not behind bars. You were all for giving her up for adoption. What happened?

Phyllis: I don't know. I changed your mind.

Daniel: You can't change your mind. This is my life. This is my decision, and you do not get a say!

Phyllis: I do get a say. I am trying to protect you. I am your mother. Sit down now! Oh, sit down now.

Phyllis: (Scoffs) (Sighs) You listen to me. You think you're gonna find perfect parents for this kid? Nobody's perfect.

Daniel: At least she'd be with people that want her and that love her.

Phyllis: Yes, I know she would. That's not the point that I'm making. I'm trying--

Daniel: No, no, no, no. Look. Th--this is a lot better than your idea. You want to take and you want to adopt this baby? Holidays are gonna be a blast, aren't they? What about her birthday? Maybe you invite me. Maybe you don't. And what happens when she finds out one day that her big brother is actually her father?

Phyllis: Okay, you are way too emotional to make any decision right now. You are so stressed out.

Daniel: You're not stressed out, huh? You're thinking completely clearly here, huh?

Phyllis: (Stammers) I'm telling you, Daniel, you have to listen to me. If you walk away, every single day, you're gonna think, is she safe? Is she healthy? Did I make the right decision? Should I have given her up? Every single day.

Daniel: Maybe if she was conceived under different circumstances, yeah. But no. Not now. Not ever. This is not my baby.

Phyllis: You be quiet and you listen to me. There are some things that I know better than you. In the future one day, how this baby was conceived will not matter to you.

Daniel: (Sighs) No, you're wrong.

Phyllis: I am right.

Daniel: No, you're not.

Phyllis: I am right.

Phyllis: Danny fell in love with you as an infant. He fell in love with you. When he found out that you weren't his biological son, it didn't matter. He didn't love you any less. It did not matter to him.

Daniel: I'm not bonding with Daisy's baby.

Phyllis: You're not gonna be able to help yourself. One day, you're gonna realize that you're connected by a love more powerful than anything you've ever known. That's how I feel about you. That's how I feel about Summer.

Daniel: It doesn't matter what you say. You can't talk me into this.

Phyllis: You will never be able to prevent it.

Daisy: Daniel's not here.

Chloe: Oh, well... oh, that's really good, because I want to talk to you.

Daisy: No, don't tell me you want my baby, too.

Chloe: (Chuckles) No, no, no, no. Um, I'm just... I'm just wondering what you're planning on doing with her.

Daisy: Why? 'Cause we're besties?

Chloe: (Chuckles) No. You know, believe it or not, you and I have a lot in common. I was in this exact position, the place where you are right now.

Daisy: Pregnant and imprisoned?

Chloe: No, carrying a baby that the father doesn't want. And if you're hoping for a miracle, it's not gonna happen, because Daniel doesn't want any part of it.

Daisy: He, uh, he had an adoption agent come over to try to talk to me. I'm not gonna let a stranger raise my baby.

Chloe: Yeah, well... if you're willing to listen, I think I know the perfect person who would want to raise your baby.

Michael: You know what you just did? She wanted to get out of the house tonight on a date to have fun for a change. Do you know how rarely that happens anymore? Then you came in here. You upset her all over again.

Kevin: I didn't know she was here. Do you really think my intention is to upset her, Michael? Of course not. But this is important to me. I need to protect my niece from the same hell I went through when I was a kid.

Michael: What about protecting Lauren? She's your family, too. Look, Sheila was her Terrible Tom. She suffered. She suffered like you did. That's why no attachment to Daisy is acceptable.

Kevin: What if there was a way to keep Daisy away permanently? Okay? A restraining order for when she gets out of prison?

Michael: No, a court order's not gonna work. You're not hearing me. Even if you took the baby, and you left Genoa City, we'd still all be tied to Daisy, and I'm not gonna do anything that's gonna risk exposing Lauren to her again.

Kevin: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings) (Ring) (Ring)

Sharon: Hello?

Adam: Sharon.

Sharon: Hey. Is everything all right? I was worried about you. I hadn't heard from you all day.

Adam: Are you at the village yet?

Sharon: Yes, and I wish I had better news for you. Skye picked a pretty good place to come and hide out. People here really want to get off the grid, or they're just adventure junkies who come here to walk into a live volcano in the middle of the night.

Adam: You know, that sounds like the kind of thing she'd be into. Uh, when we were in Brazil, she wanted to hang glide off the Iguaçu Falls. She's--she--she's fearless. You know, she likes the adrenaline rush. She could be a regular. You should-- you should check this out. I think Skye might be there.

Daisy: Who’s this "Super dad" you're talkin' about?

Chloe: Hmm.

Daisy: Thank you.

Chloe: It's Kevin.

Daisy: What?

Chloe: I mean, he's a great guy. He's the most loving, responsible, caring guy I know. I mean, he gave Ryder all those chances when everyone told him not to. And you, I mean, you destroyed his--his marriage, and he still feels a connection to you.

Daisy: Right. He and I are so close.

Chloe: Yeah, but he didn't abandon you, did he? When he had ever reason to. And you say that you want this child to not be raised by strangers. And, well, he is... he is the child's uncle.

Daisy: Daniel would have to agree.

Chloe: Yeah, well, I think that if you say yes, maybe all of that will... will change. And maybe he'll come around. But seriously. (Chuckles) I mean, he is the most loving, caring, and responsible guy I know. And isn't that what you want for your child?

Daisy: Okay, I...

Chloe: Isn't that what you want?

Daisy: Oh, God, I am so sick of everyone talking about this baby like I'm an incubator with legs. No one gives a crap about me.

Chloe: Yeah, uh, yes. I understand. I understand, because that's how I felt when I had Delia. You know, everybody-- everyone just wanted to be in control, and no one cared what I wanted.

Daisy: This kid goes where I say. Mommy's gonna take care of you.

Chloe: (Scoffs) You know, I-I was a lot like you. I was. I was a little master manipulator. But, you know, I had Delia, and everything changed. When I had her, I realized that I had her fate in the palm of my hands, and nothing else mattered.

Daisy: You know what? I'm--I'm really tired.

Chloe: You have the chance to really make things right. And I think that you know deep in your heart that Kevin would be a great choice for your daughter. And I am willing to help make that happen.

Jana: Hello there. Um, my name is Jana Fisher. Uh, and I'm a key witness in a-a case that hasn't gone to trial yet. I've given a statement already, but there--there's just a few things that I'd like to clarify. Um, who can I talk to about that?

Daniel: I want you to get this through your head. I have no feelings for Daisy's baby, and that is not gonna change when she's born.

Kevin: Hey. How's it going?

Daniel: Oh, hey, Kevin, you know what? I was just leaving, but you should have a conversation with my mom. Yeah, apparently the two of you have a lot in common. You both want to adopt my kid.

Kevin: What exactly does he mean by that?

Phyllis: I have offered to adopt Daisy's baby. She should be with family.

Kevin: I am family. What's wrong with me?

Phyllis: Kevin, I mean, do you really think you can handle an infant?

Kevin: Well, I don't really think that's the important question. What matters is what's best for my niece, and I already told you I can give that kid a really loving childhood and make sure that Daisy has no influence over her.

Phyllis: I-I applaud you for stepping up. Really. But you have no idea what it takes to raise a child. You have no clue. And I can give your niece exactly what she needs.

Kevin: A good nanny?

Phyllis: Okay, um... obviously, you have a lot of love to give. Obviously you do, and I think if we work together and join forces, we have a better case for adoption. What do you think?

Kevin: How could we adopt a baby to-- (sighs) Phyllis, I... if you're proposing to me, uh, my answer's no.

Phyllis: (Sighs) I'm crushed. Crushed. No. You would support my bid to adopt.

Kevin: Why you? Why not me?

Phyllis: (Sighs) Kevin, you are a single, divorced male with a questionable past.

Kevin: (Scoffs) Your record isn't exactly squeaky clean. Hey, remember that time you lost custody of Daniel?

Phyllis: Okay, that happened a long time ago. I am raising my daughter on my own. And I'm a damn good mother.

Kevin: Well, maybe I just need to consult a family lawyer.

Phyllis: Well, maybe. Uh, maybe. Uh, Michael's out of the question, isn't he?

Kevin: Yeah, ya think?

Phyllis: Listen, I don't think it'll go that far. I think if we bring this idea to Daisy, she'll sign off on it.

Kevin: Won't Daniel try and stop us?

Phyllis: He doesn't want to be involved with the baby. With, what, the mother, and the uncle, and the... grandmother in on this, I think that the judge would be fine with it.

Kevin: Okay. So let's say that you, the grandmother, get custody of the kid. What role do I play?

Phyllis: My house is always open to you. Always. Uncle Kev comes by, you know, to play, bring toys.

Kevin: How do I know you're not gonna ace me out?

Phyllis: (Sighs) Listen, you can trust that I want the best for that baby. I would be a fool to ace you out with all the love you have. Seriously. Plus, down the road, if Daniel changes his mind and he wants to be involved with her, he can. What do you say?

Kevin: I'll think about it.

Koa: Flashlight, gloves, water. You picked a good night for a hike, Lady.

Sharon: I didn't actually come for the volcano. You know, my friend that I'm looking for, Skye, she's--she's missing. And the police back home think that she was murdered by someone very close to me. So, see, if I can prove that she's still alive, then I can get the man who I love out of jail.

Koa: That's a sad story.

Sharon: Please, if-- if you know anything--

Koa: No, I'm sorry. No kokua. No kokua. I'm sorry. There. Sacrifice it to the crater. Maybe Pele'll smile on you, help you out.

Man: Okay, listen up, people. Everyone's gonna need one pair of gloves to protect your hands. And make sure you have extra water. Use this. The trail can be treacherous. You're gonna need your hands. Whatever you bring in, you better pack out. No rubbish left behind, or I'm gonna sacrifice you to Madame Pele myself.

Woman: (Chuckles)

Man: Make sure you stay with the group at all times. Don't get separated. It can be fatal. We're goin' then.

Victor: Hey, my man.

Koa: Aloha. You just missed the hikers.

Victor: Yeah. I'm not hiking. This your store?

Koa: Oh, yeah, Brother. Koa.

Victor: Uh-huh. Like wood?

Koa: One of the strongest woods in Hawaii.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Koa: You know, they have a saying. "If you plan for one year, you plant kalo. If you plan for ten years, you plant Koa."

Victor: "You plant for a hundred years, you teach children."

Koa: You must be Mr. Newman.

Victor: (Chuckles)

Koa: Nice to finally meet you.

Victor: Hey, my man, nice to meet you. Uh... I went to Skye's house. She wasn't there.

Koa: Is it satisfactory? Far from prying eyes?

Victor: Very discreet. You did a hell of a job.

Koa: You know, until today, your friend Skye was undisturbed.

Victor: Has someone been looking for her?

Koa: Yeah. A pretty wahine named, um...

Victor: Let me guess. Sharon Newman?

Koa: You're not surprised.

Victor: Mnh-mnh. When was she here?

Koa: She just left.

Victor: Did she say where she went?

Koa: Goin' for a hike on the crater.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Michael: You have a minute? Look, I feel bad about the argument. You know where I'm comin' from.

Kevin: No, forget it. It doesn't matter. There's no chance I'm gonna get to adopt this kid. Not since mo-- "Grandmother Teresa" threw her hat in the ring.

Michael: Phyllis? Phyllis wants this baby?

Kevin: So she says.

Chloe: Hi.

Kevin: What do you want?

Michael: W-what's all this about you wanting to adopt Daisy's baby?

Lauren: Hey. Thanks for meeting me.

Daniel: (Sighs) Might as well go ahead and get this out of the way. You can tell my mom it's no use sending her minions. She's not gonna change my mind. I'm actually kind of surprised that you would take her side in this, considering how you feel about Daisy.

Lauren: W-whoa. I-I--wait. What are you talking about?

Daniel: My mom didn't send you?

Lauren: (Scoffs) No, I... what--what's going on?

Daniel: My mother has checked into crazy town. She wants to adopt Daisy's baby.

Lauren: She what?

Daniel: Uh, you want a drink?

Lauren: Yes. Bourbon, please.

Daniel: Two bourbons. Uh, doubles. Thank you.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Daniel: Are you expecting a call?

Lauren: No, um, if Daisy escapes, the alarm company texts me. Michael set it up.

Daniel: I wouldn't stress out too much about that. She's about ready to pop.

Lauren: I thought she wasn't due for a couple weeks.

Daniel: Doc said it's gonna be soon.

Lauren: Oh, why? Why is Phyllis doing this?

Daniel: She's not doing anything yet. It's just talk right now.

Lauren: Yeah, but she can't do anything without your permission.

Daniel: The way her and Kevin are acting, you'd think they were the ones in control.

Lauren: So who would you want to adopt the baby? Do you want Phyllis? Or do you want Kevin?

Daniel: (Scoffs) If I have my way, neither one of 'em are gettin' their hands on that kid.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Man: Gather around, you guys. Water break.

Man: (Sighs) Don't forget to keep hydrating on the trail. You, Space cadet. Gloves on. That lava will cut you up good. (Sighs) Let's head out. Single file. Walk exactly where I go. A few steps off the path, and whoosh! You get zapped by a steam vent or worse. Stay together. No straggling.

Man: Smell them sulfur fumes. (Inhales deeply) Feel that heat comin' off the ground? Means we're in the hot zone. Lava's flowing under our feet.

Sharon: Hello? Hello?

(Steam vent hisses)

Kevin: Soy latte, no foam, dash of cocoa. Nutmeg?

Chloe: (Chuckles) No, thanks. Okay, so... I'm sorry that Christmas was a disaster. But do you think that we could just get past that?

Kevin: Past what?

Chloe: Don't be like that.

Kevin: I'm fine, Chloe. You're the one who seems to be a little weirded out.

Chloe: I'm just trying to be sensitive to you.

Kevin: (Chuckles) Why? Why, 'cause I told you I had feelings for you? It was just one of those "In the moment" things.

Chloe: What?

Kevin: You know, 'tis the season, good will towards men... and women.

Chloe: So you don't feel that way about me?

Kevin: I'm just saying, I think the whole thing got blown out of proportion.

Chloe: Okay. So you tanked our friendship for no reason whatsoever?

Kevin: I guess maybe I just wanted to do something nice for you before you latch onto the next guy who's gonna mistreat you.

Chloe: Really? So then you lied to me because you pity me?

Kevin: No, I wasn't lying. I'm saying--

Michael: These are all solid reasons why you should not adopt the baby.

Phyllis: I--this is not a frivolous decision, Michael. I know that Lauren's going to be upset about it, but she can-- she can handle it.

Michael: Will she?

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Michael: Whoa. Will she? You know since Daisy's return, that my wife has been a wreck.

Phyllis: (Sighs) This is an innocent baby. It's an innocent baby. Nobody's taking responsibility for her.

Michael: Too many people are taking responsibility for her. You don't have to volunteer. There are plenty of families who would like to adopt a sweet, little baby girl.

Phyllis: I know. I know. I know that. This is my son's child.

Michael: And Daisy's. Sheila Carter's offspring. And if she's half as resourceful as her mother was, you, your family, and that little baby will never be safe, and neither will Lauren or Fenmore.

Phyllis: Okay, you know I'm not trying to do that. You know I'm not.

Michael: Yes, yes, yes. So do what's right. Don't let that woman and her child have any attachment to any of us. And if not for Lauren's sake, please, do it for me.

Phyllis: I can't do it.

Michael: Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't.

Phyllis: I can't do what you want me to do. I can't do it.

Michael: Listen to me. We have been through so much. I love you. Do not let this come between us.

Daniel: I didn't ask to be responsible for this baby, but I am, and I'm gonna do what's in her best interests. And being anywhere near Daisy I-is about as wrong as it gets.

Lauren: Thank God you realize that.

Daniel: I will use my parental rights to make sure this kid gets adopted, preferably across the country.

Lauren: Yeah, but what if she fights you?

Daniel: Then I'll take her to court if I have to. I mean, come on. How much weight could a judge possibly give to Daisy's opinion?

Lauren: She's evil.

Daniel: I know. And you and Jana can testify to that. I think that ultimately, Daisy's gonna see this my way.

(Glasses clink)

Jana: When I gave my original statement, everything was really foggy. I'd been kidnapped, and I'd been tortured... (Clears throat) And I was recovering from surgery, but en-enough time has passed now where I'm seeing things clearly. And, um... a lot of what I remember didn't quite happen the way that I said it did, and I just feel like it's my duty to tell someone about it.

Woman: I'll take your statement and turn it over to the D.A.'s office.

Jana: Thank you. Because I'd hate to see the wrong person being accused here. You see, when I was locked up in that cage... (Sighs) (Clears throat) When I was locked up in the cage, I blamed all three of them-- Ryder, Sarah, and Daisy. But now I see that Sarah was the actual monster. Daisy actually went out of her way to be kind. And I-I think it's, um, I think it's 'cause she was just as scared of Sarah as we were. But I can't in good conscience take the stand and testify that Daisy hurt me... because... because she never did.

Daisy: Oh, I thought for sure when we moved into daddy's that he'd change his mind. (Sniffles) That he'd want to step up and raise you, take care of you, be a part of our family. You know, he would have if-- if he had more time. But we don't. Oh, God. Oh, please, don't kick. No worries. (Sniffles) Jana's gonna keep me out of jail, and then no one will force me to give you away if I don't want to.

Sharon: (Sighs)

(Steam vent hisses)

Sharon: (Gasps) Aah! Oh! Oh, excuse me. Oh, my gosh. I'm sorry. I-I-I didn't mean to...

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nick: If she winds up being collateral damage, it's her own fault.

Kevin: You think you know me, Daisy. Nice, sweet Kevin, right? You don't know a thing about me.

Sharon: You're alive. I knew it. Adam and I both knew it.

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