Y&R Transcript Friday 12/24/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 12/24/10 -- Canada; Monday 12/27/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9554 ~ Sharon Goes in Search of Skye

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

(Doorbell rings)

Kevin: Jana.

Jana: Hi. Guess what? I've made you Yorkshire pudding with those tiny little sausages that you love so much. You see, when I was cooking at--at Daniel's on Christmas Eve, I remember you saying how lovely it all smelled.

Kevin: It was, but, um--

Jana: But what?

Kevin: But you shouldn't have, Jana, seriously.

Jana: Don't worry. I'm not trying to seduce you with my domestic wiles.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Jana: (Chuckles) Look, it's just I-I've always had really great holidays, and I just wanted to do something nice... for a friend. (Sighs) Please say I can at least call you that.

Kevin: Come in.

Jana: Great.

Daisy: Why are you taking down all the decorations?

Daniel: Uh, because Christmas is over.

Daisy: It's not even New Year’s yet.

Daniel: You know, I didn't ask to come home and find all of this stuff cluttered in the apartment. We are not a family. And we aren't gonna celebrate the holidays or anything else together.

Daisy: Okay, you don't have to be mean about it.

Daniel: I'm not being mean. I'm just stating a fact. We're not together. We're not friends. We're not roommates, okay? I'm basically your jailer, and it's not exactly under a joyous set of circumstances when you consider everything that I've given up here. I've given up my freedom. I've given up my privacy.

Daisy: Okay, fine! Enough, all right? I get your point. You know, I tried to make things nice for you for Christmas, but obviously, you don't care. I mean, what, why don't you just throw everything in the trash? Why are you bothering packing it up, huh?

Daniel: I thought maybe the homeless shelter could use these.

Daisy: Mm, waste not, want not. Right.

Daniel: You almost ready to go?

Daisy: Yeah, sure.

Daniel: Hey, um, I've gotta be taking her to her doctor's appointment in a minute.

Man: All right, I'll notify the alarm monitoring company you'll be off premises.

Daniel: Thank you.

Man: All right.

Diane: Victor? Hello.

Victor: Well, hello. That's a nice surprise.

Diane: Kyle, do you remember Mr. Newman?

Kyle: Sure. Hi.

Victor: Hello, Kyle. How are you doing? How was Christmas?

Kyle: Good.

Victor: Good.

Diane: Kyle's been spending some time with his dad, getting to know that side of the family.

Victor: It must be very nice to have a few days off from school.

Kyle: Yep, sure is.

Diane: Having time off to enjoy the holidays is always appreciated.

Victor: I see you're a hockey player.

Kyle: Oh, at Walnut Grove. We have practice later.

Victor: I don't know if your mother told you, but I have a ranch outside of town-- a lot of frozen ponds on which you can play hockey and snowmobiles and horses.

Kyle: Wow.

Victor: Yeah.

Kyle: Do you do all that stuff?

Victor: Oh, I'm busy with a lot of other things. Wish I could do more. But if you feel like coming out, riding horses or using the snowmobile, playing some hockey, you're welcome, okay?

Summer: Mommy!

Phyllis: Hey, Baby girl. Oh! Did you pack all your stuff? You have to pack all of your stuff. Did you? Because you can't come back here. I'm taking you right to the movies and then to Kandy's sleepover.

Nick: Better double-check.

Phyllis: Yeah. Uh, so I heard that, uh, Victor made an appearance at Victoria's for Christmas.

Nick: Yeah. Surprised all of us.

Phyllis: Why the change of heart?

Nick: Who knows what's going on in Dad's head these days? It obviously wasn't easy for him. But it was ten times more than we expected from him.

Phyllis: And now Christmas is over.

Nick: Yeah, I doubt anything's gonna change.

Phyllis: Yeah. I saw him at Adam's arraignment this morning. He was in the back. He looked happy. I mean, you know, as happy as Victor can look.

Nick: Must mean my weasel brother is still locked up.

Phyllis: Yeah, the judge agreed with the D.A. that he's a flight risk. He's not getting out any time soon.

Nick: Score one for our side. It's about time.

Adam: Well, we knew bail was a long shot.

Sharon: It's still disappointing.

Leslie: Unfortunately, your past is working against you.

Adam: The thing that gets me is I'm here for a crime that didn't even occur.

Sharon: Yeah, we have more evidence now that Skye might be alive.

Leslie: What do you mean?

Adam: Well, um, her perfume-- the fragrance that she wore was one of a kind, a real rare thing. And, uh, it--it was discontinued everywhere except there's a boutique somewhere in Europe that still sells it.

Sharon: And they shipped a bottle out last week to a P.O. box in Hawaii.

Leslie: Unless you can come up with hard evidence Skye's the one who bought it, I wouldn't count on it helping.

Adam: So how do we get proof?

Leslie: Well, I'll have my office recommend the best private investigators on the island. They will put together a dossier.

Sharon: No. No. That will take too long. I don't want to wait.

Adam: (Sighs)

Sharon: I'll go to Hawaii today. If Skye's there, I'll find her.

Doctor: I'll be right with you in exam room two.

Daisy: (Sighs)

Daniel: You still need the wheelchair?

Daisy: No, I can walk, just not all the way from the parking lot to here. You're, uh, not coming in?

Daniel: Wasn't planning on it. (Clears throat)

Daisy: You don't want to listen to the baby's heartbeat or look at the ultrasound?

Daniel: No. I'll be right here.

Diane: Kyle, could you get me a refill, please?

Kyle: Sure, Mom.

Diane: Don't you dare use my son like that. You've already asked me to move to the ranch, and I've already said no.

Victor: Did I say anything about moving out there?

Diane: (Laughs) I know you. I know how your mind works.

Victor: Oh, really? I'm offering the boy a chance to have a great time out at the ranch. What the hell is wrong with that? The decision is up to you, all right?

Sharon: Thank you very much. Bye-bye. All right. I'm on the next flight to Hawaii.

Adam: Sharon, I don't know about this. You have no idea what you could be walking into.

Sharon: We can't waste any time. If Skye did buy that perfume, we need to track her down before she moves on. Who knows how long she's gonna stay in one place?

Adam: (Sighs)

Leslie: You know, I have to agree with Sharon. Right now, it's the best shot we have. Call me if you need anything or if you find someone who's seen her.

Sharon: I will.

Leslie: Okay. (Clears throat) Hang in there.

Adam: Thanks. (Sighs)

Sharon: I hate leaving you here alone.

Adam: And I hate the idea of you going on this mission by yourself, Sharon.

Sharon: Well, what choice do we have? If I don't do this, who will? Certainly not the police. And I can't think of one single impartial person who I would trust.

Adam: (Sighs) I just don't like the idea of you going halfway across the world without backup. It scares me, okay?

Sharon: We cannot tell one single soul where I am going or what I'm doing. If you're right, and Victor is behind this, he will tip off Skye.

Adam: (Sighs)

Sharon: He will bribe people to lie to me. Besides, aren't you the one who told me how strong I am and I don't need any protecting?

Adam: Yes, I said that, and I still stand by that. But I would much rather just rot here in jail the rest of my life than put you in harm's way.

Sharon: I'll be fine, and I have to go if I'm gonna catch that flight.

Adam: Okay, Sharon, listen to me then. Please listen to me. If you see Skye, don't talk to her. Don't confront her. Just take pictures. Do you promise me that?

Sharon: I promise.

Adam: (Sighs) You have no idea how much I love you for this.

Sharon: And I love you, too. And I promise you, I'm gonna find the evidence and get you out of here.

Daisy: Um, so we kind of left things up in the air. Will I be coming in next week for another appointment?

Doctor: I can't say for sure at this point.

Daniel: Uh, why? What's going on?

Doctor: We may be in the delivery room before then.

Daniel: You're joking, right?

Doctor: Daisy's already a little bit dilated. She could give birth to your daughter at any time.

Adam: I saw you in the courtroom earlier. I'm assuming you came here to gloat.

Victor: I'm here to find Sharon.

Adam: Well, as you can see, she's not here.

Victor: What in the world is she doing with the likes of you?

Adam: She's with me because she wants to be with me.

Victor: I want to hear that from her. Where can I find her? Don't play these games with me, Son. I promise you. You'll regret it.

Nick: Faith is not here. Mom's watching her.

Sharon: Oh. Well, I'm sorry I missed her. I'm... I'm actually on my way to the airport.

Nick: You going out of town?

Sharon: Just for a few days. I have to clear my head, but I'll check in as soon as I can, and if you need to get a hold of me--

Nick: I'm sure I won't, but thank you.

Sharon: Okay. Well, I have a plane to catch, so...

Nick: Safe trip.

Sharon: Thanks. See ya.

Man: Lots of letters from all your secret admirers?

Skye: Oh, tons. But I don't even open them. Why bother with a hunk like you around?

Man: (Laughs)

Skye: (Chuckles)

Man: What can I do for you today?

Skye: Just my usual order, Koa.

Koa: 1 pound of coffee, or 2?

Skye: One. Uh, maybe throw in a couple papayas, uh, and a newspaper. Anything from the mainland that's relatively current.

Koa: I'll see what I have.

Adam: More threats, huh? Do I look afraid to you? What more could you do to me that you haven't already done. Really, Dad. I want to know. I mean, you're doing such a bang-up, brilliant job of making me look like a murderer. A little heavy-handed with the irony, though, don't you think? The one main difference being that Walter Palin was actually dead.

Victor: What I marvel at is that you inherited none of your mother's goodness.

Adam: Well, if I'm none of her, then I'm all of you. And in that case, I know how you think, Dad. I know what your next move will be. Be careful. I'm gonna prove you set me up.

Victor: (Sighs) Good luck to you, Son. You'll need it where you're going.

(Knock on door)

Adam: Aloha, Victor. What is that awful smell? Oh, Phyllis. Why don't you just turn around and leave from whence you came?

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness. Are you grumpy because of the no bail thing?

Adam: I don't feel like talking to you.

Phyllis: Wow, what happened? What happened to, uh, finding the truth, the real truth together?

Adam: You're not interested in the truth. When I provided evidence for you that proved that Skye was alive, what you did to warp that, to end up getting me in here, that's--that's truth?

Phyllis: Listen, I never, ever said I was going to prove your innocence. I said I would keep an open mind, follow the evidence, and see where it would lead.

Adam: Do you really think that I'm stupid enough to have shown you a picture of Skye after I murdered her? And then the clothes that she was wearing in said picture were just conveniently left out for anyone to find, covered in blood? Come on now.

Phyllis: People in desperate situations do things without thinking.

Adam: Like I did when I trusted you.

Phyllis: Let's be honest, okay? This wasn't about trust. You were using me to establish reasonable doubt, and I was using you for a story. And... I won. Oh, I won. Yeah. That's why I'm here right now. I'm doing research for my next article.

Adam: Research? I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Phyllis: Well, I care about my readers. I have a responsibility to them. You know, Adam, I can't just imagine how you feel. I can't imagine what it's like to... (Inhales deeply) Smell the things that you smell in here and hear the things that you hear in here. I can't imagine that. I need to be able to create a vivid picture for my readers of what it's like for Adam Newman to be in prison... where he belongs... at last.

Nick: Well, it was an unexpected surprise seeing you at Christmas morning.

Victor: (Sighs) I woke up, and I just felt I had to do it.

Nick: Well, the whole family loved it, and I really appreciated the effort, Dad.

Victor: I'm glad. Have you seen Sharon?

Nick: Actually, you just missed her.

Victor: She was here?

Nick: Yeah, she came by to tell me she was going out of town.

Victor: Did she say where?

Nick: No, she didn't.

Victor: Do you think this trip had anything to do with Adam?

Nick: She said she was going to the airport. That was pretty much it.

Victor: I see.

Jana: So how excited was Fen when he saw that shiny new bike under the tree? I bet he couldn't wait to ride it.

Kevin: Yeah, well, it was too icy outside, so we took it down to the parking garage, and he, uh, tooled around down there for a bit.

Jana: Aw. Well, I hope you took lots of photos.

Kevin: Mm. (Clears throat) Well, thank you again for this, Jana. It was delicious, like always. Um, I'm gonna wrap up the leftovers so that you can take your casserole dish with you.

Jana: Oh, don't worry about the dish. I'll get it another time. (Sighs) (Chuckles) It's amazing how... empty this place is without all of Delia's toys. This place is gonna soon fill up with all sorts of gear and baby toys, though. It's amazing how much a newborn needs.

Kevin: Well, Daisy still hasn't said she'll give me the baby to raise.

Jana: Not yet, but I'm working on it. I'm making sure that she knows what a fantastic dad you're gonna make.

Kevin: I know you have been. And I appreciate that.

Jana: (Sighs) I don't want to jinx anything, but I have a really good feeling about how things are gonna turn out.

Daisy: (Sighs) You know, I am here all the time, stuck. Would it have killed you to go somewhere for lunch?

Daniel: The court order says doctor and then home. If you're hungry, there's plenty of food left over from the feast that you and Jana cooked.

Daisy: We need to talk.

Daniel: What about?

Daisy: What do you think? What's gonna happen when our daughter's born.

Daniel: We already had this conversation.

Daisy: We need to have it again. I'm about to pop out a kid any second.

Daniel: If you are asking me if I've changed my mind, the answer is no. You're gonna have this kid, and then you're gonna go back to jail and wait for your trial.

Daisy: If you actually believe that, you're in some really weird state of denial.

Daniel: Am I?

Daisy: Yeah, you know, you don't want to look at scans. You don't want to feel her kick or listen to her little heart beating. But when she is here, when she's real, when you look into those innocent little eyes, those eyes you helped create, oh, you're gonna have a hard time being so aloof. Trust me on that.

Daniel: You think what you want.

 (Knock on door)

Woman: Hi. I'm Genevieve from the Family Hope Center.

Daniel: Daniel Romalotti. I've been expecting you. Please come in. (Clears throat)

Daisy: Uh, Family Hope? What's that?

Daniel: Family Hope is an adoption agency.

Daisy: What?

Daniel: Yeah, I saw a pamphlet while we were at the doctor's, and I called.

Daisy: You have no right without asking me first!

Daniel: Okay, well, the nice lady is here now, so why don't we at least talk to her? You said yourself that we need to come up with some kind of a plan. I mean, other than adoption, what choice do you really have?

Genevieve: Obviously, you two still have things to work out.

Daniel: Uh, I-I thought that if Daisy had any questions, maybe you could answer them, a-and we could do that now, unless you're not cool with that.

Genevieve: Why don't you call me when you've made a firm decision? Also, newborns can be dropped off at any hospital or fire station 24 hours a day, no questions asked.

Daisy: I am not dropping my baby off with some strangers. Now get out!

Daniel: I'm sorry. (Sighs)

Daisy: What in God's name were you thinking?

Daniel: I don't know, Daisy. Maybe I was thinking that we're running out of time here, because I'm not gonna take care of this kid, and you're going away to jail for a long time!

Daisy: You just-- you think I'm some thing, right? That I don't have feelings? I am this baby's mother, and I have a say.

Daniel: No, you don't have a say. You don't have a say. You're not facing reality here.

Daisy: Oh, yeah? You're not facing reality! You are her father! And whether you know it or not, you are gonna love her. You will love her, Daniel.

Daniel: By no fault of my own, I fathered this child. And my one and only responsibility is making sure that she is placed in a good home, where she is well loved and taken care of.

Daisy: Yeah, and not in this town, and not by you.

Daniel: Or you! Or you! I want that baby as far away from here as possible! This--this craziness-- this ends now, Daisy!

Kyle: Mom?

Diane: Mm-hmm?

Kyle: I really, really, really want to stay at the ranch like Victor said.

Diane: And I really, really, really need to get some work done. Okay? Sweetie, please.

Kyle: Just say yes, and I'll quit bugging you.

Diane: You know what? Let' see. Yes. It's time for you to go to practice. Come on. I'll walk you out.

Kyle: Mom, the carpool is right outside.

Diane: Okay, fine. Well, then I'll just watch from the door. No one will even see me. You got that okay?

Kyle: Yeah, I got it.

Diane: Okay.

Kyle: Thanks, Mom.

Diane: Now your dad's gonna be picking you up. And if I were you, I wouldn't mention anything about Mr. Newman's offer, okay?

Kyle: Yeah, 'cause him and Dad are like archenemies, like Spider-man and Venom.

Diane: (Laughs) Where do you get this stuff? Archenemies.

Kyle: I hear things. I'm not a little kid anymore, Mom.

Diane: No, you're right. You're not. You're a big kid with a big imagination, one who reads way too many comic books.

Kyle: (Chuckles) There's my ride. Bye, Mom. Love you.

Diane: Bye, Sweetie. Have fun. Love you, too.

Kyle: Thanks.

Diane: Say hi to your dad.

Kyle: Okay.

Diane: Oh, and wear your mouth guard. (Sighs)

Nick: How's it goin'?

Diane: It's going really well. How about you? Uh, how was your Christmas?

Nick: It was great. How was yours?

Diane: It was great as well.

Nick: I've been thinking about you. Uh, if you're not busy, you want to hook up later?

Diane: Y-yeah, maybe. I-I just have-- there's so much work to do. (Chuckles)

Nick: Oh, for my dad?

Diane: (Clears throat)

Nick: What's goin' on there?

Diane: Uh, it's strictly business. He needed an architect. There's a Newman project in Osaka, of all places. And he's thinking about renovating the east wing at the ranch.

Nick: He's been talking about doing that for a long time. Might not be such a bad thing, you being at the ranch. Then you can stop by... you know, for lunch.

Diane: Well, I could, couldn't I?

Phyllis: How did you make that body disappear in record time? And, you know, be graphic... Adam. My readers are tough. They can take it.

Adam: I'm going to say this to you one more time.

Phyllis: Okay.

Adam: And then this so-called interview is over. Skye isn't dead. She's scamming all of us. That's the big story that you're missing out on.

Phyllis: Okay. Well, if you could prove to me she's alive, I'll put it on the internet right away, but until then...

Adam: That's being done. Don't worry.

Phyllis: By whom?

Adam: Evidence is being gathered. Like I said, don't worry. But in the meantime, if you print anything about me indicating that I might be the killer, it'll only make you look foolish.

Phyllis: Is Sharon wasting more of her money on a private investigator?

Adam: Evidence is being gathered.

Phyllis: Where is Sharon? I figured she'd be here wringing her hands.

Adam: Well, my dear, you figured wrong.

Phyllis: Sharon has a one-track mind these days. She's playing detective, isn't she? She went after Skye. You must have a lead. So let me ask you. Adam, what is she going to do with Skye when she finds her? Wrap her up in a blanket and ship her back? Adam, let's be honest. Do you really think someone as vapid as Sharon is a match for someone as devious as Skye? Do you? Skye will chew her up and spit her out.

Adam: Might that be an admittance that perhaps Skye is alive?

Phyllis: Well, if Skye is alive, she won't want to be found, and that makes her dangerous. Tell me where Sharon is. I've dealt with these kind of people before. Honestly, Sharon is not equipped... (Scoffs) To go after someone like Skye.

Adam: You need to give it up. You have always vastly underestimated Sharon.

Phyllis: We'll see.

Victor: Hi, this is victor Newman. Yes. I need to monitor someone's credit charges. It's my former daughter-in-law Sharon Newman. Right. Beginning this morning.

Daisy: (Sniffles)

Daisy: Can I use your phone?

Man: Uh, you know that's not allowed.

Daisy: Um, do you have a wife or any kids?

Man: Yeah, a couple. Why?

Daisy: Well, okay, what's the weirdest thing your wife craved when-- when she was, you know, when...? (Chuckles) When her stomach was out to here?

Man: Peanut butter and salami on pumpernickel. It had to be pumpernickel. God forbid we ever ran out.

Daisy: Hmm. Well, what if I told you I'm jonesing like mad for a pizza? Would you let me use your phone to call and order one? Please?

Man: All right.

Daisy: Thank you. Okay, so here's the number to Joey's pizza that I'm gonna call, all right?

Man: All right.

Daisy: Thank you so much. (Sighs)

Daisy: (Sighs) Hi, is this Joey's pizza? I'd like to place an order for delivery. Uh, I'll have a pie, a medium. No, actually, make that a large. Okay, uh, half olives and--and pineapple, and, uh, the other half Canadian bacon. Yeah.

Daniel: (Sighs)

Summer: Daniel, look! It's the bag you got me for Christmas!

Phyllis: Yeah, it's all packed up with your stuff for Kandy's sleepover.

Summer: I love how pink it is.

Daniel: I love how pink it is, too. I'm glad you like it.

Phyllis: Oh, there's Mrs. Whitfield right there. See? So you be a good girl, all right? Mwah. Love you.

Summer: I will. Bye, Daniel.

Daniel: Bye.

Phyllis: Okay, what's wrong? I know that look.

Daniel: I have, uh, just been drivin' around all day trying to figure out this whole baby situation.

Phyllis: Oh, come on. You have time. She's not going to deliver for another three weeks or so.

Daniel: No. No, no, no, no, no. The doctor said that she could have the baby at any time. And that's the problem-- is Daisy refuses to talk about what happens then. I even called an adoption agency, thinking that maybe if Daisy had some questions, she could ask this lady, but...

Phyllis: It didn't help?

Daniel: No, no, no, no. The lady got there, and Daisy refused to talk about it. I'm telling you, she's living in some fantasy world. I honestly believe that she has convinced herself that she's just gonna have this baby, not go back to jail, a-and play house.

Phyllis: I know. I know.

Daniel: And I'll give you three guesses with who.

Phyllis: I know. She's delusional. It's like the only thing she has to hold onto. (Sighs)

Daniel: Don't tell me you sympathize.

Phyllis: Yes, I do sympathize with you. With you and that innocent unborn child that Daisy is carrying. So how did it end up with the adoption agency lady?

Daniel: (Sighs) Well, she told us to give her a call when we hammered things out. But see, that's the problem is Daisy isn't gonna cooperate, which leaves me to try and make the right choice, but what the hell is the right choice here? I mean, we're supposed to make these decisions now, before this kid gets here, not after.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Victor: She made plane reservations? To where? Uh-huh. All right, let me know about any car--car rentals or hotel reservations as well. All right?

(Doorbell rings)

Victor: Um, if she charges a pack of gum, I want to know about it. Thank you.

Victor: Hey.

Diane: Got a minute?

Victor: Come in.

Diane: Thanks.

Victor: What brings you by?

Diane: Well, I've been thinking about your offer for Kyle and me to stay here while he's on break.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Diane: And I-I just wanted to tell you that if I... (Sighs) If I didn't sound gracious earlier, I apologize. It's a lovely gesture, especially where my son is concerned.

Victor: All right. So what's the upshot?

Diane: (Chuckles) Well, I'm still gonna pass. I-I-I found some cheap airplane tickets to Toronto...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Diane: So we're gonna go there for a few days. It'll be nice for Kyle. Good surprise. And he'll be spending some time with the old school chums.

Victor: Well, you know, as it happens, that works out for the best, because I have to address a very important business crisis.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Kevin: Hey, Michael, are you busy? Is it okay if I run up for a couple minutes? There's something I need to talk to you about. It's kind of important.

Jana: Pizza delivery for Carter. Joey's Pizza at your service.

Daniel: What happens if Daisy has this baby, and there's nothing in place, huh? I mean, what happens to the poor little kid? D-does it wind up in jail with Daisy while she's back there? D-do child services step in?

Phyllis: (Stammers) Relax. Relax. You're very stressed out. I'm gonna help you.

Daniel: Well, how am I supposed to relax?

Phyllis: I don't know. I don't know. Daniel, let me-- let make a call to my lawyer, find out what Daisy's legal rights are, your obligations and your rights, and then you'll know what to expect, okay?

Daniel: Well, that might help.

Phyllis: (Sighs) It will help. You're not alone.

Daniel: (Sighs) Thank you. I appreciate that.

Phyllis: I just-- um, I've been-- (sighs) Oh, God, thinking about this all the time. And, um, I-I have an idea and Daisy may go for it.

Daniel: Yeah. No, no, no, no. Tell me. (Stammers) I'm ready to try anything here.

Phyllis: Good. Good. Good. (Sighs) I-I'm--I w-- want to adopt that--that baby.

Nick: Hey.

Diane: I was in the neighborhood. Are you free for lunch?

Victor: I'm leaving for the airport right now. As soon as I get there, we leave for Hawaii, all right? Yep, get everything ready. Thank you.

Adam: Okay, so when did Sharon text you?

Leslie: Shortly after she landed. She was headed to the post office where the perfume was delivered. Now she's in a pretty remote part of the island, so it may be a while before we hear from her again.

Adam: You know, I don't like this idea. What if she runs into Skye and things go south? I should never have let Sharon do this.

Leslie: She's a very determined lady. I don't see how either of us could have stopped her.

Adam: Any hope of me having a life outside of prison? It's all in Sharon's hands now.

Sharon: Excuse me. Are you the proprietor here? I'm just wondering if maybe you can help me with something.

Koa: I'll do my best.

Sharon: Have you seen this woman?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Daniel: I want to use my parental rights to make sure this kid gets adopted, preferably across the country.

Victor: Skye!

Phyllis: I think if we work together and join forces, we have a better case for adoption.

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