Y&R Transcript Friday 12/17/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 12/17/10 -- Canada; Monday 12/20/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9550 ~ Victor Returns to an Unexpected Surprise

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Deacon: It is a big deal, Nikk.

Nikki: Did you know I was gonna get this tonight?

Deacon: Yeah, of course I did. I've been stalking you. Come on. I was at the meeting, which is exactly where I needed to be, and I--you know, I'm just happy that I got the chance to see you getting that.

Nikki: Me, too. It's only right. You're the one who got me on the right path. It's only right that you saw the result.

Deacon: You look good. I mean, you look like you feel good.

Nikki: Thanks. I-I do. I'm--I'm feeling more myself. I feel strong and... (Sighs) I'm good. How are you. I...

Deacon: I'm--I'm good, and, you know, as a matter of fact, I, uh, may be gettin' one of those pretty soon. And I was thinking that it would be kind of nice if maybe you were there.

Nikki: I would love to be there.

Deacon: Wh-- (Laughs) Okay, all right. I mean, it's not exactly a date, but I'll, uh, I'll take what I can get. And, um, I just-- I want you to know that I-I heard what you said about wanting space, and that's--that's totally cool. But if and when you decide you want more than that, that's cool, too.

Nikki: Well, I don't see anything wrong with us going to A.A. meetings together or even the occasional cup of coffee afterwards, but anything more than that... we're gonna follow the rules.

Deacon: You know, I'll be the first to admit that I am obviously no expert when it, uh, it comes to A.A., but I-I-I think that there's really only one rule, and that's that you can't drink.

Nikki: (Gasps) Um, I believe it's generally known that the newly sober person shouldn't be hanging out with somebody in--

Deacon: For, like, like, six months. Yeah, but that--see, that's not actually one of the 12 steps. That's more like a loose, vague, fuzzy guideline, I think. I--yeah.

Nikki: Oh, really?

Deacon: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: Six months-- no dating, and definitely no falling into bed together.

Diane: (Sighs)

Nick: Merry Christmas to us.

Diane: And to us a good night.

Nick: Mm.

Diane: This was fun.

Nick: It really was. Let's hope we bump into each other again soon.

Diane: Maybe we will. Maybe we will right now.

Nick: That's weird.

Diane: Security?

Nick: Maybe.

Nick: Wow.

Diane: What?

Nick: Dad.

Diane: Oh, not good. What do we do?

Man: Home again.

Victor: Yeah.

(Knock on door)

Adam: ...Been around you before.

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Adam: Oh, hey, come in.

Leslie: Oh, good. You're both here.

Adam: So what happened?

Sharon: What did the police say when you showed them that photo from the security footage at the hotel?

Leslie: As it turns out, they already knew about the couple in the freight elevator the night Skye disappeared.

Sharon: They did?

Leslie: They just didn't feel the need to volunteer the information.

Adam: (Scoffs)

Sharon: Well, they should have at least shown it to Adam. I mean, he could have confirmed that was Skye.

Leslie: Well, what matters is, they're investigating the possibility that Skye is alive and scamming you. Now do you have any other photos with Skye wearing those shoes, carrying that handbag?

Adam: Uh, I don't know. Um, uh, we--we could have done an interview and taken publicity shots. Uh, I doubt it, though.

Sharon: Uh, what-- what about her perfume? Did you check the police inventory?

Leslie: It was there on the list.

Adam: Okay, so then she left it behind.

Sharon: Right, which means she may have already reordered, and if we can track down that purchase--

Adam: Uh, look, I'd rather track down the woman to prove she's alive.

Leslie: I-it's understandable you want to clear your name. But in terms of staying out of prison, you don't even need to go that far. You just need to raise reasonable doubt.

Sharon: I'd say we've already done that. I mean, wouldn't you?

Leslie: Well, I spoke to the D.A., pointed out there's footage of someone, possibly Skye, sneaking out of the hotel the night she disappeared. We're talkin' about a woman who's faked her death before.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: And who was furious with Adam for filing for divorce, who had motive to want revenge, to want to disappear and frame him for murder.

Leslie: And the photo makes that theory all the more plausible. And the D.A. knows it.

Adam: So you don't think he'll press charges?

Leslie: No, he wouldn't commit to that when we spoke, but I can't imagine him pushing forward with the case this week. I wouldn't be surprised to hear very soon that you're no longer a person of interest.

Phyllis: Gosh. All right, what else is in there?

Jack: A coat, a dress, a handbag.

Phyllis: That's the same bag as in the surveillance photo.

Jack: That's definitely it.

Phyllis: Yeah. My gosh.

Jack: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Jack, you were right. Adam definitely could have killed her quickly, left her body around here somewhere, put all this stuff by the dumpster, and got back on his train.

Jack: Oh, God.

Phyllis: And when did "Restless Style" turn into "True Crimes"? She was fashionably dressed, I'll admit that.

Jack: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, don't call Billy yet.

Phyllis: Yeah, but--

Jack: Police get first dibs.

Phyllis: I know. I know. But they're not going to let me take pictures or write down details.

Jack: What's more important to you? Putting Adam away, or getting your scoop?

Deacon: Nikk, this isn't just about sex. I-I mean, not for me. You know, I can't actually speak for you.

Nikki: I have made... (Sighs) A lot of mistakes. I've acted impulsively, and...

Deacon: What?

Nikki: Outrageously so many times.

Deacon: Yeah, I know. But that's-- that's 'cause you were drinking, and it--that wasn't even your fault. I mean, Meggie was--

Nikki: No, I can't just blame it on Meggie. I mean, I could have made different choices. I could have reached out for help. I didn’t. I-I made excuses. I took myself off the hook, and I cannot do that anymore, so I am following the rules to the letter, even the vague, fuzzy ones.

Deacon: (Chuckles) Okay.

Nikki: I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Deacon: No, my-- actually, I've gotta tell you, I'm--I'm impressed, um, which makes me want you all the more, but I-- I'm not gonna sabotage you. I will be your, uh, little A.A. meeting buddy, and we will remain clearheaded and sober and chaste. I think I'm gonna need a drink.

Nikki: (Laughs)

Diane: Where do I go?

Nick: Just, uh, go out the back.

Diane: Okay, yeah, good, 'cause you can stall him.

Nick: Yeah. Oh, here.

Diane: And I'll, uh, I'll get dressed. Where's my dress?

Nick: Right here. Right here. Got your purse.

Diane: Thanks.

Nick: Oh, your shoes.

(Key turns in lock)

Nick: Oh, wait, just go.

Diane: (Gasps)

Victor: What are you doing here?

Nick: (Sighs) Hey, Dad. I didn't know you were coming home tonight.

Victor: There was a woman in here.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Adam: (Sighs)

Sharon: Adam, this is good news. This is really good. I mean, you probably won't have to go back to jail now, much less stand trial.

Adam: Mm, there's a difference between a D.A. saying there's insufficient evidence to arrest and saying I'm innocent. The only way that I'm gonna be fully exonerated and for you to get Faith back--

Sharon: Is if we find Skye. I know that. But it's gonna be a lot easier for us to do that if you're not incarcerated.

Adam: You make a very good point.

Sharon: You do understand that we're doing this to prove your innocence to everyone else, right? I-I don't need any proof. I believe you.

Adam: Well, your opinion is the only one that counts to me. What everyone else thinks, they can go to hell. I don't care.

Ronan: I want that stuff logged in immediately. So, uh, tell me again...

Phyllis: Thanks.

Ronan: How the two of you just happened to stumble...

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Ronan: Across all of this stuff.

Phyllis: Well, we didn't stumble across this stuff. We were retracing Adam’s route to the station.

Jack: Checking the timing, actually. Seeing how much time he really had...

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Jack: Starting with the time stamp on the surveillance picture from the Athletic Club--

Phyllis: Yeah.

Ronan: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You know about the--

Phyllis: About the woman in the freight elevator. Yes, we do. Uh, the stuff in the bag-- the clothes, the shoes-- match what the woman was wearing identically.

Ronan: I sure would like to know where you guys are getting your information from.

Jack: Adam showed us the same picture I'm sure he showed you.

Phyllis: Yeah, he wants me to write a declaration in "Restless Style" that he was framed.

Ronan: Well, he-- okay, well, that plan backfired.

Phyllis: Yeah, it did.

Jack: Look, even if it was Skye in the elevator, he still had ample time to kill her, to dispose of her body, and still make it to the station in time to catch his train.

Ronan: Mm, that's a really tight schedule.

Jack: We've learned from experience he works well under pressure.

Ronan: Okay, thank you, Guys.

Phyllis: That's it? What are you gonna do?

Ronan: My job.

Phyllis: So you'll arrest Adam.

Ronan: No comment.

Nikki: Six months from now, we'll see where things are.

Deacon: Oh, no, no, no. Four months from now. Come on, we've been sober for two months. I mean, I want credit for time served.

Nikki: I don't know. I think I might need more than four months to forget about your past transgressions.

Deacon: Well, hopefully, they, uh, they're outweighed by my good points. I-I know you remember those.

Nikki: I'll see you at the meeting tomorrow.

Deacon: Good night, Nikki.

Diane: Your new boyfriend is so cute... and so young for you.

Nikki: Really, Diane? Is that the best you can come up with?

Diane: Well, I think it's wonderful the progress you've made from chasing sugar daddies to becoming a sugar mama in your own right.

Victor: Thank you, James. Thank you.

Victor: Are you leaving?

Nick: Uh, yeah, you, uh, I'm sure you're jet-lagged, and you weren't expecting company tonight.

Victor: Any more than you were expecting to see me, I guess.

Nick: Yeah. Sorry about that.

Victor: Whoever was here didn't have to rush out.

Nick: I think she was uncomfortable.

Victor: Oh, yeah? Was it Sharon, or what?

Nick: No, no. Definitely not Sharon. (Sighs) No. Um, so I'm sure you know what's been going on around here.

Victor: Yeah, I read Phyllis' article.

Nick: It's a real mess.

Victor: It certainly is. I'm sorry to hear that, Son.

Nick: I should have trusted my instincts.

Victor: (Sighs)

Nick: I kind of thought she wasn't completely over Adam, but she just kept denying it.

Victor: Faith with you now?

Nick: Yes. And I won't even let Sharon see her unsupervised.

Victor: That's a good idea. You do what's right for the family.

Nick: I'm here for my kids, and they know that.

(Bottle stopper pops)

Victor: Well, I'm here for you, too, Son.

Nick: Well, you're here now.

Victor: (Sighs) Adam been arrested, or what?

Nick: No. The evidence is circumstantial, and frankly, there's not enough of it.

Victor: Are you serious? That's very disappointing.

Nick: Well, now he's running around town blaming you.

Victor: What do you mean, blaming me? For what?

Nick: He's selling this conspiracy theory that you set him up, that you snuck Skye out of town.

Victor: That boy will go to any lengths to avoid being held accountable, won't he?

Sharon: Okay, so this perfume of Skye’s, it's been discontinued.

Adam: (Sighs) Yeah, years ago. It's near impossible to find.

Sharon: Did she ever tell you where she ordered it from?

Adam: Uh, she probably did, and I probably wasn't listening.

Sharon: Did she ever give you the name?

Adam: Maybe. I don't know. It's--look, it's--it's killin' me here. It's driving me crazy. I'm trying to think of this thing. It's--

Sharon: It's all right. All right. We'll get it from the police inventory.

Adam: Oh, no, that's--that's gonna--that's gonna be no use. She would always, uh, take it out of the--the bottle that it was in, put it in this little antique, uh, perfume atomizer thing.

Sharon: Oh, great. Okay. So we have no labeling, no packaging. That is going to make it a little more challenging, but you know what?

Adam: (Sighs)

Sharon: If we get the police to release it to us... or... do you have anything right now that has that scent on it?

Adam: Well, they gave her clothes to me-- some of 'em, at least.

Sharon: Was there anything that she wore recently?

Adam: Well, there had to be something.

Sharon: Okay, all right, I'll take that on. You know what? I am going to find out the name and the manufacturer of that perfume.

Adam: Yeah, and I'll-- I'll contact Phyllis, and I will tell her to--to run that picture of Skye and at least plant the seed out there with people that this is the--the woman that is just up to her old tricks, you know?

Sharon: There's a lot we can do. We're not giving up.

Adam: (Sighs heavily) Thank God for you, Sharon. (Sighs)

Adam: (Sighs)

Phyllis: You know, I think it is scary how accurate you were in your prediction about Adam-- that he would just rope us in to help him, lead us to the evidence that would ultimately bring him down.

Jack: Well, it's par for the course. Junior inherited Victor's colossal arrogance without a bit of his diabolical smarts.

Phyllis: You know, it bothers me that Ronan isn't jumping on this.

Jack: Oh, he has to keep a poker face, particularly around the press. Believe me, he's doing cartwheels inside.

Phyllis: Really? You think?

Jack: He is not going to miss on a chance to bring down the notorious Adam Newman.

Phyllis: The excitement may not be over tonight.

Jack: I don't think it is, either.

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

(Cell phone rings)

Jack: Mm.

Phyllis: Oh, oh, oh. Um, hi, Adam, what's up?

Adam: Given any more thought to putting that picture of Skye online? Showing my dad and Skye sneaking out of the club having planted enough blood... (Sighs) For the cops to come sniffing around in the suite?

Phyllis: Yes, I have. Um, I just want to make sure that--that you are certain that that was Skye’s bag and her shoes in that photo.

Adam: Absolutely.

Phyllis: You're positive?

Adam: 100%.

Phyllis: Can I quote you?

Adam: Of course you can. You gonna run it?

Phyllis: Yeah, I'm definitely gonna run it. Um, Adam, I'm going to run it along with a story that says, "This was the last time Skye Newman was seen alive." And all that's left now are her bloodied, crumpled clothes dumped in an alley near a train station.

Adam: What?

Phyllis: Um, I'm--I'm sorry that I-- that I'm the one to tell you. But you know what? The police will be there soon to fill you in on the rest.

(Knock on door)

Adam: Hold on.

Ronan: Mr. Newman, I'm glad to see that you're in.

Adam: What do you want?

Ronan: I would like for you to come back downtown with me.

Phyllis: Hey, Adam, it sounds like you're really busy over there. I just want to say Merry Christmas. Um, have a terrific Christmas and New Year’s in jail.

Adam: I already answered all your questions.

Ronan: I have some new ones.

Diane: Don't mind me. I just wanted to grab some sugar... mama.

Nikki: You know, how is it with no job and no husband you're still able to just while away the nights, not a care in the world? Maybe you have a sugar daddy.

Man: Excuse me. Miss Jenkins, your credit card was declined.

Diane: Um, I-I was just out of town. That always seems to confuse them, doesn't it?

Man: Sorry. They told me I had to destroy it. Did you want to use another card?

Diane: Yeah, I-- you know--you know what? I'll pay cash then. I'll be right there. Thanks.

Nikki: (Funny accent) So sorry. (Normal voice) My mistake. Obviously, no sugar daddy. Looks like you could use one, though. Not to worry. It's on me. Merry Christmas.

Jack: (Sighs)

Phyllis: You know, every prediction you have made about Adam tonight has come true. Please tell me that you're thinking he's going to spend the rest of his life in prison. Please. Please. Why are you not enjoying this?

Jack: I still have a lot of unanswered questions. How could Adam talk Skye into leaving with him, particularly after he hurt her to the point that he drew blood?

Phyllis: Mm, well, according to Adam, Skye planted it there before she left with Victor, right? But that's a lie. We know that. So I think that Adam roughed Skye around so she would leave with him.

Jack: Well, that's not much of a stretch, but why would she willingly leave with him? What did she think was gonna happen?

Phyllis: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe she felt that if she got out of the room, she could control the situation.

Jack: Yeah, well, that certainly didn't happen. And what did he do with her body?

Phyllis: Yeah, clearly that's a mystery, isn't it? I think that Adam was banking on Skye faking her own death so he could create reasonable doubt.

Jack: You know, Skye had a lot of faults, but she didn't deserve this.

(Knock on door)

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Sharon: I'm looking for Jack. He wasn't home.

Phyllis: Come on in.

Jack: Hey, uh, what's goin' on?

Sharon: Jack, I need your help.

Phyllis: Oh, this is gonna be interesting.

Sharon: I'm trying to identify Skye’s perfume.

Phyllis: Why?

Sharon: I don't have it on me. It's in police custody, but I do have this. Skye wore that recently. I'm hoping that someone at the Jabot lab can identify that.

Jack: Why would you want to know that?

Sharon: Skye wore this perfume. It was discontinued years ago, but Adam thinks that if she's still alive, she might reorder, because she had a source.

Phyllis: So Adam has sent you on this wild goose chase?

Sharon: You know what, Phyllis? Why don't you take notes? That way, when you write your retraction of all the nasty things you said about Adam, you'll know what you're talking about for once.

Phyllis: Oh, apparently, I don't know what I'm talking about.

Sharon: Adam's luck is really changing. We found that picture, which is enough to keep him out of jail until we find Skye.

Phyllis: Hmm, um, have you spoken to Adam lately?

Sharon: I just left him.

Phyllis: Well, you might want to call him.

Sharon: Why?

Phyllis: Well, because, um, my guess is that his luck has changed course... but I don't know what I'm talking about.

(Cell phone rings) (Ring)

Adam: Hey.

Sharon: What's going on?

Adam: Phyllis and Jack found the clothes that Skye was wearing when she left. They had blood on them.

Sharon: (Sighs) Where are you?

Adam: Police station.

Sharon: Have you called Leslie?

Adam: On her way.

Sharon: I'll be right there.

Ronan: So... if you want to tell me what really happened that night, then I'm all ears.

Victor: You know... (Sighs) Considering all the pain that Adam has caused and all the turmoil, it's gonna catch up with him.

Nick: It can't happen soon enough for me. It's too late for Sharon.

Victor: Boy, do I wish I had been here to warn her not to get involved with that boy.

Nick: Dad, Sharon had several warnings. It wouldn't have made a difference if you were here or not.

Victor: Well, perhaps not.

Nick: It would have made a pretty big difference, though, if you were here for me. You know, I could use some support right now.

Victor: I thought I've always been in support of you. I had reasons for being away, reasons you don't know about, all right?

Nick: I'm sure you did several great things for Newman. But it doesn't do us a lot of good when you constantly walk out on your family.

Victor: Why are you saying that? I think there's a huge difference between walking out and entrusting you with running the entire corporation. I think that's a sign of confidence that I have in you.

Nick: So then I should be grateful then?

Victor: You're beginning to sound like your sister, Son.

Nick: No, no, no. You don't want to go there with me.

Victor: No, I do not want to go there. I thought I could count on you.

Nick: You can count on me. Who's here? Who's always here holding down the fort for you while you go off God knows where? I'm not Vick, and I'm not Abby, and I'm not suing you, and your other son has done a hell of a number on my life, Dad. It'd be nice to know that you had my back once in a while. I guess that's too much to ask for.

Victor: Son, what the hell are you talking about?

Nick: I'll bring you up to date at the office.

Diane: There you go.

Man: Thanks.

Diane: Okay. And here's your tip.

Man: Wow.

Diane: (Chuckles)

Man: Thank you.

Diane: Merry Christmas.

Diane: (Sighs)

Nick: Look who it is.

Diane: Hi. How'd it go with your dad? He didn't--he didn't see me?

Nick: (Sighs) We had other things to argue about. You know my dad.

Diane: Yes, I do. (Chuckles)

Nick: I'm surprised they, uh, gave you that. Don't they have a "No shoes, no service" policy here?

Diane: (Chuckles) Oh. Oh, I have shoes.

Nick: Really?

Diane: Your maid left these by the back door.

Nick: Ahh.

Diane: (Chuckles)

Nick: Ow! Those are hot.

Diane: (Laughs) They are. They're nice.

Sharon: We had a deal. We were supposed to share whatever information we found.

Phyllis: What are you talking about? I told Adam exactly what I found.

Sharon: No, you went straight to the police, and you cut us out of the loop.

Jack: What did you expect, Sharon? It's a murder investigation. You really wanted us to let Adam tamper with the evidence?

Phyllis: Yeah, it's an inconvenience if Adam has to face justice at all, isn't it?

Sharon: This isn't justice. This is a hoax.

Phyllis: I'm sorry that you can't find something to exonerate your boyfriend.

Sharon: We gave you Skye walking out of the hotel.

Phyllis: Okay, fine, it proves that he did not kill Skye in the room, which is actually smart. I'll give that to him. Very, very, smart. I mean, what is he gonna do? Just carry the body out on his own? No. He let her walk out on her own, and then he finished her off in some dark alley somewhere.

Sharon: Where's the body?

Phyllis: Well, you should ask him that.

Sharon: You're just seeing whatever you want to see.

Phyllis: No, I think that's you, Sharon. I think that you can't face that your boyfriend is a cold-blooded killer.

Sharon: Wrong. Adam did not kill Skye, and I will prove it without your help.

Jack: Sharon, it's called "Galibier." It's an old fragrance.

Phyllis: Why'd you do that?

Nikki: Merry Christmas.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: May I come in?

Victor: All right.

Nikki: (Sighs) I know it's not exactly the tree at Rockefeller Center. But I think it'll do nicely.

Victor: Want me to help you with that, or what?

Nikki: Oh, no, no. I can do it.

Victor: How'd you know I was here?

Nikki: Michael told me, a bit last-minute. I could barely get my things out, but...anyway. You've got your tree. Ta-da. Now at least it looks like "Ebenezer Scrooge" doesn't live here. What are you doing for Christmas?

Victor: Listen, I had a long day traveling, so...

Nikki: Yeah, I get it. I just wanted to make sure that you're not alone, that's all.

Victor: All right. I'll, uh, keep busy with the holiday, okay?

Nikki: Well, the family is getting together. If you would like to join us, you're welcome.

Victor: No, thank you. I'll be fine.

Nikki: You could do a lot worse. A lot of people are this year. My God, I just ran into Diane at Crimson Lights. They were cutting up her credit card. I mean, it couldn't happen to a nicer girl, but it really reminds you of how much you have to be thankful for. Anyway, um, don't forget to water the tree, and, uh, good night.

Victor: Good night.

Victor: (Sighs)

Diane: Perfect.

Nick: Yeah, it is.

Diane: Uh, so, if we should ever bump into each other again...

Nick: It would be a real shame if we didn’t.

Diane: (Sighs) But we would be discreet, right? Because Kyle’s already been very traumatized by too much information about his mother's personal life.

Nick: Yeah, well, Summer doesn't need to know mine, either.

Diane: Especially since she might mention it to her mother, who might then mention it to the entire western world.

Nick: (Chuckles)

Diane: (Chuckles)

Nick: You don't need to worry about that.

(Cell phone rings)

Diane: It's Victor. Hello?

Victor: Hello, Diane. This is Victor. Are you free to come to the ranch tonight?

Diane: I suppose so. Why?

Victor: There's something important I'd like to discuss with you, and I assure you, it'll be worth your while.

Diane: Okay. I-I'll be right over then. Huh.

Nick: He wants to see you?

Diane: Yeah. He sounded very mysterious. (Chuckles) I'll let you know what he says. Okay.

Ronan: So... let's start right here. That could be Skye in this photo, as you claim. That also means that that right there, well, that could be you leading her to her death.

Adam: Except she isn't dead.

Ronan: I don't have a body, so I do have to consider that possibility.

Adam: Well, finally somebody around here is thinking rationally.

Ronan: I also have to consider the clothes-- bloodstained, presumably Skye’s, that we found near the station where you said you were that night.

Adam: And they were planted.

Ronan: Who? Huh? Jack? Phyllis?

Adam: Victor, maybe. All three of 'em? I don't know. (Sighs) I don't know. This is--this is crazy.

Ronan: Yeah. Yep. It does sound crazy. Tough for a jury to swallow, I'll tell you that. But a-a husband roughing up his wife in a hotel room, then killing her, ditching the body and leaving town, that's straightforward. That happens all the time.

Adam: Well, Sir, I'm sure that it happens all the time, but it did not happen this time.

Ronan: Anyone else that can account for you that night? Your whereabouts? Your driver, maybe?

Adam: I was leaving town. I told my driver that I didn't need him.

Ronan: So you don't have an alibi for that night at all.

Adam: No.

Ronan: This guy doesn't go anywhere till I say so.

Sharon: Where's Adam?

Ronan: Adam is right over there.

Sharon: Is he under arrest?

Ronan: No. No, he's not. Not yet, though. The night's still young.

Sharon: Adam.

Adam: (Sighs) It keeps getting worse.

Sharon: No. It's just more of the same. Someone is setting you up, and we are going to prove it.

Adam: (Sighs)

Nick: Mom.

Nikki: Hi.

Nick: Hi.

Nikki: Sweetheart, how are you?

Nick: Uh, good. Uh, you know Deacon's here, right? Do you want to go somewhere else?

Nikki: (Sighs) He's not gonna bother us. Don't worry about it. It's fine.

Nick: You know Dad's back, right?

Nikki: Yeah, I just came from the ranch.

Nick: How'd that go?

Nikki: Mnh...

Nick: Yeah, same for me.

Nikki: You know, I wish him well. I really do. I don't like the idea of him spending the holidays alone, but what can you do?

Diane: I was surprised to get your call.

Victor: (Sighs) I brought you here to ask you a question.

Victor: Do you have a job right now, or not?

Diane: Um, well, I have a couple of leads, no firm commitments. You may know that Tucker McCall withdrew his job offer.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Because of the article in "Restless Style"?

Diane: Couldn't stand the heat, I guess.

Victor: I have a renovation project that's very personal to me. I'd like you to work on it. It means that you and I would be working closely.

Diane: I'm intrigued. Tell me, Victor, how much does this have to do with my talent as an architect, and how much does it have to do with driving Jack crazy?

Victor: Are you interested, or not?

Diane: Can I think about it?

Victor: No, not too long. I want an answer very soon.

Phyllis: Oh, I know it's really hard to resist Sharon. Oh, I know. It's so difficult. I just want you to know something, Baby. When you help Sharon, Sharon helps Adam.

Jack: How am I helping them? How? You do believe Skye’s dead, right?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Jack: Well, finding out what perfume she wore isn't gonna help them one bit. But if they're right, if we're wrong, and Skye is alive, I want to know about it.

Phyllis: I want to know about it, too.

Jack: Believe me, some part of me is hoping that she's sipping mai tais somewhere having a good laugh at Adam’s expense. And listen, if he has to serve time for a crime he didn't commit rather than the ones he did commit, I can live with that.

Adam: Any luck with the perfume?

Sharon: Yes. It's called Galibier.

Adam: (Sighs) That's it. That's the name.

Sharon: I looked it up on my phone. It was discontinued in the '80s. The manufacturer went under. And I found only one boutique that still sells it.

Adam: Where?

Sharon: Monaco. Apparently, it was Princess Grace's fragrance.

Adam: Okay, so you're gonna call them and contact them, find out if Skye put an order in?

Sharon: Yes, and this could all be over with very soon.

Adam: (Sighs)

Ronan: I just got the call from the D.A. stand up. Hands behind your back. Come on. Come on. Come on. Adam Newman, you're under arrest for the murder of Skye Lockhart Newman. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be...

Sharon: Adam, I'm gonna find Skye.

Ronan: Appointed to you before you answer any questions.

Sharon: If it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna find her.

Ronan: Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you?

Sharon: We're gonna get you out of this. We're gonna get you out of this, Adam. I promise you that. I promise you.

Adam: Yes.

Ronan: Let's go.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Daniel: You just consider this fair warning that I'm gonna win you back.

Colin: This life is gonna blow up in your face.

Jana: I'm bringing Christmas to Daisy since she can't go out.

Daisy: She's lying, Kevin.

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