Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/16/10 -- Canada; Friday 12/17/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9549 ~ Adam's New Lead Could End Up Convicting Him
Provided By
Proofread By Emma
Sharon: Ignore them. Ignore them. We have more important things to deal with.
Adam: I'm used to being a sideshow attraction, but you...
Sharon: Just focus. Look, if you really think that the man in this photo is Victor...
Adam: Don't you?
Sharon: Well, I mean, I know what he's capable of, but setting his own son up for murder?
Adam: Oh, it's poetic justice at its best in his definition. Look, this man is far, far away somewhere right now mumbling to himself, chuckling over a glass of tequila, patting himself on the back. Listen, I know the two of you are very fond of one another, okay? But he wants to gut me like a fish. It doesn't matter how much he likes you. You're gonna get caught up in the splatter, too.
Sharon: No. He won't get the chance, because we're going to use Phyllis so that everyone will see the proof that you're innocent.
Adam: Mm, well, that's a whole different kind of splatter we could get caught up in.
Phyllis: You don't seem that shocked about my collaboration with Sharon and Adam.
Jack: I think it's a good idea, but I think you have to be very careful. Obviously, Adam wants to use you to prove his innocence. But he's gonna get cocky, and he's gonna get sloppy, and he's gonna incriminate himself, and nothing gives me more pleasure than giving Adam rope to hang himself.
Phyllis: Oh, I love it when couples think alike.
Jack: (Chuckles)
Sharon: Phyllis is relentless. If she wants to destroy someone, she will dig and dig to bury you, and she'll accidentally uncover that you're innocent. It's about time her nastiness had some kind of purpose.
Adam: Well, then I guess I will make that call.
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: Oh, look at this. Speak of the freak. You'd better have something solid I can run.
Adam: Yeah, blah, blah. Just come on down to Gloworm. Meet me.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) Really? You just snap your fingers, and I come running?
Adam: Uh, scratch that. Change of venue. Uh, meet me at Skye's suite.
Phyllis: How creepy of you. Okay.
Adam: You okay?
Sharon: (Sighs) Come on. We have someplace to be.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Sharon: Enjoy your evening.
Phyllis: Okay, I've gotta run.
Jack: Wait, do you really think I'm gonna let you deal with that psycho all alone? Come on.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Are you sure you're up for this? Family dinners? Merry, merry.
Victoria: Well, do I not look festive?
Billy: Yes, but you look like someone who's had some very annoying tests at the ob-gyn, and you deserve a break.
Victoria: Well, I had a break. It was nice having Summer and Faith stop by for a while before the sitter picked them up, and shopping was great fun.
Billy: Mm-hmm. Okay, let's go home. Let's watch TV. Come on.
Victoria: No, we can't. Look, it's a family dinner where various members of our family who can still stand sitting together at the same table.
Billy: Yep. You don't need to do this.
Victoria: Look, the deposition on the lawsuit starts tomorrow, and it's gonna get uglier before it gets better. And these medical tests-- whether or not I can have a baby... (Sighs) I do need this. Let's just do it. (Sighs)
Billy: Okay. Merry, merry.
Victoria: Merry, merry.
Ashley: It's surreal.
Abby: Um, it's disgusting.
Billy: What's disgusting? My tie? I like this tie.
Ashley: Aw, I'm glad the two of you made it.
Victoria: Oh, thanks. It's really nice to be here. So what's surreal and disgusting?
Tucker: Uh, you just missed Adam and Sharon.
Victoria: In public? Together?
Ashley: Mm-hmm
Abby: Yeah. You-- did you see the way he looked at her? It made my skin crawl. How can she stand it?
Tucker: Well, they had the good sense to beat a hasty retreat.
Ashley: If Sharon had any sense at all, would she be with Adam?
Abby: No. I was watching you, you know.
Tucker: Watching me?
Abby: When we saw Sharon and Adam, you stayed calm, but he had this totally intense look on his face like you would have decked him if he looked at Mom cross-eyed.
Ashley: Aw.
Tucker: Don't you know I pay people to do my deckin' for me?
Ashley: (Chuckles)
Abby: Oh, whatever. You joke, but I saw it.
Tucker: Hey, I think, uh, Gloria has a few of the good bottles back there. Should we get 'em all?
Ashley: Yes.
Abby: (Laughs) Yeah.
Tucker: Okay.
Diane: Well, I would pay the balance if I had the money. This is harassment. (Sighs) White wine, please.
Nick: Diane.
Diane: (Sighs) Wow. Twice in one day. (Laughs) That's quite the haul.
Nick: Oh, yeah. Cleared the shelves at toy-ville. Where's Kyle? With Jack?
Diane: Sleepover at a friend's.
Nick: Um, would you, uh, like to sit down? I mean, you don't have to, but it's an open chair, so...
Diane: (Laughs) I see that. No, I-it's just the-- the kids aren't with us, and, I don't know, do you think we're capable of-- of having an adult conversation?
Nick: Ahh, don't worry about that. It's like high school French. It all comes back to you.
Diane: I took espaņol.
Nick: Ahh, muy bien.
Diane: (Chuckles)
Nick: Well, then I guess you're out of luck.
Diane: (Laughs)
Ashley: I hadn't really thought of it till now, but everything that Phyllis said in that article...
Abby: Yeah. Sharon wants Adam? Maybe she's always been twisted after all.
Ashley: I know. Well, what's your take on it, Billy? I mean, you published it. What do you think?
Billy: Mm, sorry. I wasn't really paying attention to... you.
Victoria: Uh, you know, I-I sent Reed an e-mail, and, uh, I'm just gonna check and see if J.T. helped him respond to me. Excuse me. I'll be back.
Tucker: You know, I have some business to check on myself. Don't let anyone take my seat.
Ashley: They wouldn't dare.
Tucker: Okay.
Abby: (Clears throat) Well, uh, that was swoony, just so you know.
Ashley: I'm aware of it.
Abby: (Chuckles)
Ashley: (Chuckles)
Abby: Okay, well, this feels like intermission, so, um, excuse me.
Ashley: Wow, we lost another one.
Abby: I'm going to go, uh, powder my nose.
Ashley: Okay. You've been awfully quiet, both you and Victoria. What's going on?
Billy: (Sighs) Yeah, it's just a long day. Some medical tests, you know.
Ashley: Are you sick?
Billy: (Chuckles) No, no. It's Victoria. She's not sick, either. It's, um, "Can we ever make a baby together" type of tests.
Ashley: Oh, Billy. Billy, I'm so sorry. I know it's frightening, but it's just tests so far, right?
Billy: Mm-hmm. I would just like to make her happy again.
Diane: So I'm listening to Kyle do his narration--
Nick: He was good.
Diane: He was, wasn't he? And I don't just mean, "I'm a mom, so humor me and say something about my son." He was good.
Nick: I know. He was really, really good.
Diane: (Laughs) That's Kyle. He's this sweet, capable, competent boy, who will do the narration at the Christmas pageant. And I sat there, staring at him, and thinking, I made that. I made something that incredible.
Nick: I know what you mean. I mean, I feel the same way about Summer. I mean, she's got that smile. You know, people react to her. We can be anywhere-- it doesn't matter where we are-- and they just want to talk to her. She is... (Sighs) Truly special.
Diane: This is embarrassing. We're pathetic. The kids aren't even here, and all we've done is talk about them. (Laughs)
Nick: (Laughs) That's true.
Diane: (Laughs)
Nick: Okay, one more--
Diane: (Chuckles)
Nick: You know those mornings where it's like they won't let it go? And all you're thinking is, I just need some peace and quiet? And then the kids are gone, and it's like peace and quiet is not what it's cracked up to be.
Diane: Oh, I know. I'd at least like the phone to stop ringing for a while.
Nick: So who's calling?
Diane: Nobody very interesting. Maybe that's the problem. Well, you clearly have much wrapping to do. (Chuckles) So I'm--I'm gonna take off.
Nick: No, no, no. You can't go anywhere. We got dessert. There's no kids around to fight over who gets the last bite, so...
Diane: What was I thinking? (Chuckles)
Adam: Okay, thanks, Leslie. Keep me posted.
Sharon: She'll do it?
Adam: She is heading down to the police station right now as we speak. She's gonna check for an inventory of Skye's belongings.
Phyllis: Okay. (Sighs)
Adam: Oh, hello.
Phyllis: Hi.
Sharon: Here, show her the picture so we can get this over with.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) Yeah. Um, "Her" would love to see the picture. Let me see.
Adam: Here you go, her.
Phyllis: Really? This is what you have for me? Adam, say hello to a life sentence.
Adam: Come on now. We know that's Victor, and we know that's Skye.
Jack: Even if that is Skye, how do we know that's not you luring her out to her death?
Adam: Mm. Check the time stamp out, please. Now think about this. How could I have made it to my train shortly after that if I did her in?
Phyllis: And if we checked to see if the train was late?
Adam: Mm, be my guest. Go ahead. And I hope you're as diligent with your fact-checking with this as you were with everything else. The question still remains, how did I murder Skye, dispose of her body, and make it to my train on time?
Phyllis: If you think I'm running with this, you're a moron.
Sharon: This is proof that Adam was set up. Take it. Use it.
Phyllis: This is a female torso and a male torso blocked by an umbrella.
Adam: An umbrella that was opened inside a freight elevator. That would indicate someone who's trying to hide themselves.
Phyllis: When you can prove that this is Skye and this is Victor, I'll run it.
Adam: Okay, well, I'm in the process of doing that right now.
Phyllis: Okay, great. Call me when you have something other than wishful thinking. (Sighs) Okay. All right. That really could be Victor, and it really could be Skye. Just listen to me. She could be alive. (Scoffs) He could be telling the truth. That--that weasel... could he be telling the truth?
Jack: I'll be Adam. You be Skye. Let's see how fast we can make it to the train station.
Phyllis: You are so hot to me right now. (Chuckles)
Jack: Get out of here. Come on.
Tucker: How you doin'?
Victoria: Well, uh, you know... (Pops lips) Dad is supposed to be deposed tomorrow for the lawsuit. (Sighs) So much for peace on earth.
Tucker: Yeah, but, uh, after the depositions, you'll be that much closer to controlling Beauty of Nature. What would be your first move? Rebrand? Maybe, uh, new packaging? Or just change the letterhead to say, "It's mine now, Pop"?
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Billy: Enough about me. How about you? You're bright and sunny these days. Is your good cheer named Tucker? (Silly voice) He's just "Swoony."
Ashley: (Laughs) No, that's not it, although it is true. (Inhales sharply) You know what it is, Billy? It's the respect. It's, um, the two of us being equals. I mean, seriously, it's very refreshing for me to be in love with somebody and to love them for exactly who they are, and--and not in spite of who they are, you know? And to be loved that way in return. It's nice.
Abby: That's assuming you know exactly who the man is. You know, maybe every itty-bitty detail isn't obvious. Maybe are there are some you haven't been privy to.
Ashley: Who are we talking about?
Abby: I'm just... hypothetically.
Tucker: I'm disappointed. I expected Gloria to put up a hot-pink Christmas tree...
Ashley: Oh.
Tucker: With feather boas all over it. Where is it?
Ashley: (Laughs)
Billy: (Chuckles)
Woman: Mr. McCall?
Tucker: Yeah.
Woman: Your next course will be out shortly. I apologize for the delay.
Tucker: Oh, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait, Darlin'.
Diane: I'm stuffed. That is the most I've eaten in a long time, the most relaxed I've been.
Nick: Mm-hmm. So I guess that's a no if I said, uh, how about a horse ride?
Diane: (Giggles) Do you do that much? Go riding?
Nick: Not as much as I'd like to. Did you ride much when you were with my dad?
Diane: Uh, no. Um, we lived in town at the penthouse. We didn't get out to the ranch much.
Nick: Right, 'cause my mom lived there.
Diane: Yeah. You know, it really slays me how that place has not changed one bit in all of these years. (Chuckles)
Nick: It could definitely use an upgrade.
Diane: Yeah, I think so. I renovated, uh, a house much like the main house, uh, outside of Toronto, took down some walls and brought the outside in. It's really an incredible transformation. Did you know that our homes should be an organic extension of the lives we live? So I-I-if they're stagnant, then so are we.
Nick: Go on, Sister.
Diane: No. (Laughs) It's true. I'll show you what I mean someday.
Nick: Why don't you show me right now? Come with me to the ranch. Our kids are busy. My dad's, like, three time zones away.
Diane: Oh, I don't have to go to the ranch. I can--I can sketch something for you on--on a napkin.
Nick: All right, can you just cut me some slack here? I'm improvising. I'm just trying to find a way to make the evening last.
Diane: Then what are we waitin' for?
Victoria: I got Reed this fantastic remote-control airplane because he's got incredible manual dexterity-- just happens to be that he does.
Tucker: Oh, you wouldn't be biased, now would you?
Victoria: Oh, no. No, not at all. Not me. (Chuckles)
Billy: Well, speaking of parents, or parents-to-be...
Abby: Oh, no, no, no. You are not talking about the person who we're not talking about.
Billy: Oh, come on. Daniel's in a jam. You care about him. Why don't you pick up the phone? It's the holidays.
Abby: I don't need complications in my life, and Daniel's problems are very, very complicated.
Billy: Mm-hmm. Well, you know, I spent a lot of years running away from complicated. And then complicated came knocking on my door, and said, "Howdy. How are you?" Mm-hmm. And the rest, my friends, is epic, romantic history. Isn't that right?
Victoria: Excuse me. I just-- (Sighs)
Billy: Whoa, okay, hey. Honey, come here. Wait--
Ashley: I'll go.
Billy: Excuse me.
Abby: I don't think he was talking about Daniel.
Tucker: No, I don't think he was.
Woman: Mr. McCall?
Tucker: Yeah?
Woman: Is everything to your liking? Your party has dwindled.
Tucker: No, everything's all right, Sweetheart.
Woman: Okay.
Tucker: Thanks for asking.
Woman: Mm-hmm.
Tucker: What?
Abby: "Sweetheart"? "Darling"? It's just...
Tucker: Old-school.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Tucker: I know. I-I've gotta work on that.
(Cell phone rings)
Tucker: Oh. Uh, Zurich. I gotta deal with this. It's gonna take a while. Hey, would you tell your mom that I'll be back at my place later if she wants to come by?
Abby: You bet, Darlin'. (Ring)
Abby: (Chuckles) See you.
Victoria: Please tell me that I did not just... (Sighs) Burst into tears at that dinner party.
Ashley: Billy told me why. And you know that I understand.
Victoria: I saw a pregnant woman at the doctor's office today. (Sighs) And I really resented her a lot. But then I felt really ashamed, you know? I don't... I don't want to begrudge anyone their happiness. But I think it's just gonna get worse. What if that part of my life is really over?
Ashley: You know, it's just one moment. You get through that one and then worry about the rest. And please just forgive yourself for having any thoughts that you're not proud of, okay? You need to be kind to yourself. Please.
Sharon: The housekeeper's down the hall, but she's almost done, so we can leave really soon.
Adam: Oh, God, good. This place makes me want to climb the walls.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Adam: Just thinking about Skye talking about money and power and everything that she could get from me, and all I wanted was you. It's just--I can smell the woman's perfume still. Perfume.
Sharon: What? What about it?
Adam: She was very loyal to it. It was her mother's scent, but it'd long been since dis-- discontinued, but it was, uh, really hard to track down. It was a hassle. She always insisted on it, though. If--if Victor dropped her off anywhere on this globe,
anywhere, she would have insisted on ordering this. We can possibly use that to track her down.
Sharon: Okay. All right. But right now, Leslie should be calling us with the inventory, and if she can prove that the purse and shoes are missing... oh, God.
Adam: What?
Sharon: My locket.
Adam: The picture of Faith is missing?
Sharon: No, wait. It has to be here.
Adam: Where'd you last see it?
Sharon: I don't know. The car? The church? The church. I must have left it at the church.
Adam: Okay, hey, hey, don't worry about it. We'll find it. We will.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Adam: (Whispers) Gone.
Diane: There's a lot of ghosts here.
Nick: Was this a bad idea?
Diane: You mean c-coming to the ranch? Or coming back to Genoa City at all?
Nick: Yeah. This town can be tough. I mean, everybody's always in your face and in your business. And sure as hell, if you don't want to see someone that day--
Diane: They're right in front of your face every time you turn around. So why do you stay?
Nick: This is my home.
Diane: You must be a lot braver than I am.
Nick: You? Come on.
Diane: I... am not as fierce as I once was. I blame Kyle for that. (Chuckles)
Nick: Well, I guess I'm not as laid-back as I used to be. I'm gonna put that on my kids, too.
Diane: (Laughs) Mm, maybe someday, we could meet in the middle.
Nick: Wouldn't that be something?
Billy: (Sighs)
Ashley: Victoria's in the ladies' room, and she's fine.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: She is.
Billy: Sure she is. I drove my wife to hanging out in the bathroom. Everything is peachy-keen fine.
Ashley: Billy, you know, if you want a baby, you can make it happen.
Billy: Mm-hmm. But if Victoria can't carry it to term...
Ashley: Well, there's a lot of different ways to bring a baby into your life. You know that.
Billy: Yes, adoption-- that is a brilliant idea.
Ashley: There you go.
Billy: That's the way to go. It's great, except for it takes years. It takes years, and Reed is halfway across the country. We had a miscarriage, and my wife is hanging out in the bathroom.
Ashley: Just take it easy and slow down, okay? I mean, a child is one of those things that's worth waiting for, so...
Billy: (Clears throat)
Abby: Hey. Are--are you okay? Did someone upset you?
Victoria: (Sighs) Where's Tucker?
Abby: Oh, uh, he had work to do. Do you think work's real name is Natasha or Kiki? Was he hitting on you before?
Victoria: Hold on. Wait. Tucker? No. No. He wasn't hitting on me.
Abby: Well, he is that kind of guy.
Victoria: He's the cheating kind?
Abby: Yeah.
Victoria: No, I think that he and your mom are very happy.
Abby: Yeah, I--yeah. I think they are, too. So how come I walked in on him and Diane Jenkins looking very busted?
Victoria: Diane? Look, why would he even bother with a woman like that when he has Ashley? I mean, even if she threw herself at him, he deals with women like that all the time.
Abby: Uh, please define "Deals with." (Stammers) Besides, Diane isn't the issue. Tucker is, and my mom deserves someone who is devoted to her.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Abby: I'm sorry. I-I, um, I have to go run a quick errand. I'm sorry. Uh, just tell everyone I said "Kisses," okay? Bye.
Victoria: Kisses?
Jack: Okay, from the club to here, plenty of time for Adam to kill Skye, dispose of her body, and hop in his choo-choo.
Phyllis: Really? 'Cause it wasn't even enough time for me to blow out my hair.
Jack: Adam got his D.N.A. into Hightower in order to fake his own death.
Phyllis: Okay, or--
Jack: Believe me. He could swing this.
Phyllis: I-I understand, but Victor and Skye could have made a deal to make Adam suffer.
Jack: You're really starting to buy Adam's theory?
Phyllis: No, no. Not necessarily. But listen to me. Adam--he's crazy. And he's self-indulgent. But Victor is a master of revenge.
Jack: Where are you going with this?
Phyllis: All we know is Skye is missing. She's missing. She could be dead. But right now, she's just missing. That we can be sure of. What we can also be sure of is somebody walking her out of that hotel at 8:01. Adam or Victor? Who's lying?
Adam: Are you sure you didn't just take something out of your pocket and maybe it got hooked on the locket?
Sharon: I-I don't know. I-I'm trying to remember. I just... I-I know that I can replace the locket, and I can replace the print th-that's inside it with a different picture, but it's just-- it's not this locket. It's not this picture.
Adam: Hey, hey, hey. We're gonna find it here or wherever.
Sharon: You can't know that.
Adam: I can, and I do. You're not gonna lose Faith because of me. Not again.
Billy: (Sighs) You ever been to a Jamaican wedding?
Victoria: (Sighs) I'm okay. I mean, it's not like every moment can be romance under a Christmas tree. We... we can get through this, we can get through anything, right?
Billy: Yeah, that's, uh, that's survival. That's not living. That's not giving you everything you want.
Victoria: (Sighs) Well... life doesn't really work that way.
Billy: You... should get everything you want. All the "Donkey Kong" and "Skee-ball" you can handle. Or, I don't know, little babies who call you "Mama."
Victoria: Mm.
Ashley: Excuse me, you guys. I'm sorry to interrupt. Did either one of you see Tucker and Abby leave?
Victoria: Oh, yeah. Tucker went to work, and Abby had to run some errands.
Ashley: That's kind of strange. I mean, what an anticlimactic end to the evening. But, then again, maybe that's a good thing.
(Knock on door)
Tucker: Abby?
Abby: Surprise. I brought you some Christmas cheer.
Tucker: Well, come on in.
Abby: Thank you. Are you all done with business for the night?
Tucker: Uh, yeah, just about. (Glasses clink)
Tucker: You didn't have to do this. Why you bringin' me a gift?
Abby: Well, I couldn't buy you a horse like you bought for me, so I thought I'd bring something that was a little bit more fun. And you had to leave dinner early, so I thought we should open this now. (Champagne cork pops)
Abby: (Gasps) Oh!
Tucker: Oh!
Abby: (Blows raspberry)
Tucker: Okay.
Abby: Oh, my God. (Laughs) Oh.
Tucker: I'll get a towel.
Abby: (Sighs) (Scoffs) Thanks.
Nick: You look different.
Diane: I guess I forgot for a second about the wolves at the door.
Diane: Yeah, um, I didn't just come back to Genoa City so Kyle could be near Jack. I came... seeking gainful employment.
Nick: You in a financial bind?
Diane: I'm broke, in debt. I spend most of every moment of every day trying not to freak out about it. (Chuckles) This is the first time I've said that out loud, and it feels good. (Chuckles)
Nick: (Chuckles)
Diane: It feels liberating. And later, I'll put my bitch face back on, and I will deny it to the bitter end, but in the meantime, thank you for not making me feel ashamed. You're a good guy.
Nick: Your secret's safe with me.
Sharon: You don't have to do this. I mean, we don't have to talk about--
Adam: What happened, Sharon-- what happened that night in the mental hospital the night that Faith was born...you'll never forget it, and I'll never forget it, either. Now I can thank you over and over for defending me. I can apologize over and over for having hurt you. It still doesn't change the fact that right now, here I am again dragging you through hell. I mean, what with this-- this article that Phyllis did, Nick and Noah and Jack... and Faith. I mean, he's keeping you-- Nick is keeping you away from Faith when she's asleep, let alone when she's awake. I... I can't have you be away from Faith again like I did last year. I can't be responsible for that.
Sharon: That won't happen...because I understand you now. We're gonna prove your innocent, and the rest... the rest will just fall into place. Because I don't just believe in you, Adam. I...
(Cell phone rings) (Ring)
Adam: Leslie. What happened? Yes.
Phyllis: This is what I'm saying. Wouldn't it be delicious that Victor would get to set up Adam the way that Adam set up Victor? (Sighs) I mean, he never got to punish Adam for what he did to--to Ashley and Faith ever. Victor owes Adam such a massive payback--
Jack: Uh, grant you, there is motive on both sides, but I am telling you...
Phyllis: What is this?
Jack: Adam--
Phyllis: What is that?
Jack: What?
Phyllis: This.
Jack: Hey, no, no. What are you doing?
Phyllis: Oh, my God. Wow. Please. Please. Please. Look at this.
Ashley: You look like you're feeling better. Are you, I hope?
Victoria: Well... (Sighs) Let's just see what happens the next time I pass a lady with a bump.
Ashley: (Chuckles) Oh, come on. You're gonna be okay. Be nice to yourself. Besides, I know Billy. He loves you so much. No matter what the tests say, he's not gonna stop until you get what you want.
Billy: Hey, Rafe, it's me. Yeah, um, listen, completely off the record, we never had this conversation-- no, Man, I didn't break any laws. Would you just listen to me? Okay? Hypothetically, in a "What if down the road" kind of a world... (Clears throat) How does one go about buying a baby?
Abby: What a waste? I am wearing your present. I can't believe it. This is what I get for trying to open your bubbly. I'm so sorry.
Tucker: It's the thought that counts.
Abby: You know, that is-- that's my thing. I don't think. I just do. I guess it's my worst quality... or my best. Depends. Well, I need to go get you a new bottle. And--oh. Oh, my gosh. If I try to go outside like this, I am gonna freeze.
Tucker: You can't go out like that. You have to bundle up first.
Abby: Oh, um--
Tucker: Let's go. (Sighs)
Abby: Oh, I-I-- but I owe you a bottle.
Tucker: No, no. Don't give it another thought.
Abby: (Sighs) (Chuckles)
Tucker: Good night.
Abby: Good night.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Adam: Leslie, thank you. You are a gem. Thank you. Okay, she checked the inventory. Skye's bag and shoes were not on the list. That's her. She's alive somewhere.
Sharon: Yes. Gosh, I knew it. I knew it. And now everyone else is gonna have to accept that.
Adam: And we're gonna find that locket of yours. Trust me.
Sharon: Hey. Um, I didn't get to finish saying what I was saying before.
Adam: Then tell me. What were you gonna say?
Sharon: (Sighs) Adam, you and I shouldn't be together.
Adam: That's what you were gonna say?
Sharon: We both know it. It's as crazy and irrational as people say it is. It's impossible, and it would never work. Only it does work. You're gonna help me find that locket. I'm gonna help prove that you're innocent. Whatever you've done in the past, you're a different person now. And whatever I've done, I'm not the same woman I used to be. What I was gonna say is... I love you.
Adam: Mm. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. (Sighs)
Phyllis: I can't believe this. There is blood on this shoe.
Jack: It isn't just a shoe. There's a purse in her-- and the umbrella.
Phyllis: You were right.
Jack: Adam killed Skye. He disposed of the body, and then he disposed of her things.
Phyllis: Adam's guilty.
Nick: It's all right. We got all night.
Man: Mr. Newman, we'll be landing in Genoa City shortly.
Victor: Good. I look forward to getting my home affairs in order this evening.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jack: What's more important to you? Putting Adam away, or getting your scoop?
Diane: I think it's wonderful the progress you've made from chasing sugar daddies to becoming a sugar mama.
Ronan: If you want to tell me what really happened that night...
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