Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/15/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/15/10 -- Canada; Thursday 12/16/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9548 ~ Adam Finally Gets a Lead

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Lauren: One sec. One sec. One sec. Okay. You were saying?

Michael: How is it you make work look so sexy?

Lauren: Well, hold that thought till later tonight. I don't want to be late for Fen's Christmas pageant. Did Gloria pick him up on time?

Michael: Hmm? Oh, yeah, they should be at the church any minute. She's having Fenmore do vocal exercises to warm up his instrument.

Lauren: Oh, Dear.

Michael: Don't worry. He can handle his grandma. It's good to see you back in action.

Lauren: It feels good to be back in action. It wasn't fair to let Jill, you know, just bring me my work at home. (Sighs) I'll feel better once Daisy is locked up for good, but in the meantime, I'm pullin' my weight around here.

Michael: Well, I know you are. And I've been thinking, we haven't talked about Christmas. Gloria would like to have the whole family together.

Lauren: Okay, yeah, oh, just please not at our house. You know how exhausted I am by Christmas day.

Michael: No, no, no. What I was thinking about is doing something completely different, and since our trip for Thanksgiving didn't pan out, what do you say we try it again?

Lauren: You want to go away?

Michael: Why not get away from all the craziness?

Fen: Hi, Jana.

Jana: Oh, Fen. Hello! Mwah. How are you? You all set? You ready?

Gloria: Yes. He's very, very excited.

Jana: Well, good. I hope the whole family's coming to see you.

Gloria: Michael and Lauren wouldn't miss it for anything.

Fen: Uncle Kevin’s coming, too.

Jana: Uncle Kevin. Well, that is wonderful, isn't it? (Laughs)

Kevin: (Sighs)

Kevin: Hi.

Chloe: Can I come in?

Kevin: Don't you still have your key?

Chloe: Under the circumstances...

Kevin: (Sighs) Come in. I wasn't expecting you.

Chloe: Well, I just, I, uh, came to get my stuff. I told you I was moving out.

Jack: I am here to pick up the star of the Christmas show.

Kyle: I'm not the star. I'm the narrator.

Jack: When you volunteered to help these kids with their show, you became a star in my book.

Diane: Yeah, in mine, too. Have I told you how proud I am of you?

Kyle: Like a million times.

Diane: Okay, well, then this is a million and one.

Kyle: (Chuckles) Um, Mom, do you have my pages?

Diane: No. Why would I have your pages? Did you leave them in the room?

Kyle: Be right back.

Diane: Mm. Oh, Kyle.

Kyle: Thanks.

Diane: Mm-hmm. (Chuckles)

Jack: Well, I'm glad we can get together like this, despite our differences.

Diane: What differences? We haven't any differences. Well, except maybe for your inexplicable attachment to that--

Jack: Wh--

Diane: Anyway, there's no reason for things to be unpleasant, especially with the holidays coming up.

Jack: What have you done with the Diane that I know?

Diane: What? Who? Which one? The bitch Diane who's no fun to be around? She's wised up.

Jack: Do tell.

Diane: Well, obviously, our days of... being involved are over. Your interests lie elsewhere. C'est la vie. There's no reason for that to be a problem. We have a wonderful kid to raise, so... friends.

Jack: Friends. (Sighs)

Summer: Daddy!

Nick: Hey, you. (Grunts)

Jana: Oh, hello. Hi, Summer. You all ready? Do you know your lines?

Phyllis: Yes, she's been practicing all morning.

Jana: Good. Well, thanks for let-- for letting Faith be a part of the show.

Nick: Yeah, well, I can't guarantee she's gonna actually stay in one place, so...

Summer: (Giggles)

Jana: Eh, well, whatever happens, it'll be fine. Anyway, let's get you ready, little girl, okay?

Nick: Oh, yes.

Jana: Come on.

Nick: Break a leg, Kid.

Jana: Come on. Come here.

Phyllis: Go ahead. Lay me out. Just remember, we're in a church.

Nick: I have nothing to say to you about the article you wrote about Sharon-- not now, not ever.

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: You know how I feel. I know why you did it. I just wish you would have thought about Noah and Faith for one second before you actually did write it.

Phyllis: I-I wish that Sharon would have thought about Noah and Faith before she hooked up with Adam again. Nick, you know, I'm sorry. I just reported the facts. If I hadn't done it, someone else would have.

Nick: All right, well, I don't want to argue about this with you.

Phyllis: I'm not arguing with you at all.

Nick: Okay, great.

Phyllis: Good. So is Sharon coming here to see her daughter in the play?

Nick: I don't know.

Phyllis: Mm.

Nick: Sharon's not my problem anymore.

Adam: (Sighs heavily) I want to go back to the club, follow up on the freight elevator. Since no one saw Skye leave, that had to be the way that she left. Do you want to come?

Sharon: Faith is in a Christmas play today.

Adam: Oh, you're going?

Sharon: I want to. But Nick and Noah are gonna be there, and so are some friends who don't understand why I'm with you, and if I go, it's gonna cause a scene.

Adam: You see? This is exactly what I'm talkin' about-- that you're gonna suffer because of me.

Sharon: (Sighs) Adam--

Adam: No, Sharon, listen to me. You think that by proving my innocence, that somehow it's gonna convince Nick that-- that you should have custody of Faith. Maybe it isn’t.

Lauren: Okay. Everything's fine on the floor. How much time do we have?

Michael: Uh, we have plenty of time.

Lauren: Good. Let's talk about the holidays.

Michael: Let's talk.

Lauren: Yes. (Sighs) So I know things have been crazy. And, um, that's why I think we should stay home. I do. I think we should hang our stockings on the mantel. We should put milk and cookies out for Santa and have a real, normal Christmas for Fen.

Michael: Listen to me. I don't want you to make this a sacrifice for me and Fen.

Lauren: You and Fen have been the ones who have been sacrificing. I know that when I get frightened, I go down that rabbit hole. And I know what it has cost my family. And I'm--I'm not gonna do that anymore, you know? I've been feeling better.

Michael: I am in awe of how well you're handling Daisy being out of jail.

Lauren: That is because I have the most awesome, supportive husband.

Michael: Yeah, you do.

Lauren: Mm-hmm. I do.

Michael: You do, but, um, I might also have something else for you that will help you handle Daisy better. I wanted us to decide about Christmas before mentioning it. I didn't want you to feel pressured.

Lauren: What?

Michael: Well, you know that Daisy wears an ankle monitor.

Lauren: Yeah, the only saving grace in this whole thing.

Michael: Yes. If ever she's not where she's supposed to be...

Lauren: Mm-hmm.

Michael: The police are immediately contacted, and now so will you.

Lauren: How?

Michael: You get a call from the monitoring service. If there's any immediate danger, you'll know. If you don't get a call, there's no danger.

Lauren: (Sighs) How did you manage that?

Michael: I'm really good-looking...

Lauren: (Laughs)

Michael: And well-connected.

Lauren: Yes, you are.

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Lauren: So when does it start?

Michael: Already has.

Lauren: What?

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Lauren: Do-- no calls.

Michael: No problems.

Lauren: Do you know what the hardest thing of this whole thing has been? Is that I have felt that Daisy has been in control. And... do you know what you just did for me? You made me feel like I'm back in charge of my own life.

Michael: I'm glad I could do that for you.

Lauren: (Sighs) Do you know that there isn't a day that goes by that I am just so thrilled that I am married to you?

Michael: Mm, funny.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Michael: It's funny. I-I was thinkin' the same thing.

Lauren: Really?

Michael: Mm-hmm. Really. Really.

Chloe: Look, I'm just moving out. It's not like we're going anywhere. I mean, Delia, she would be devastated if you just vanished from her life. I mean, she's been through so much between the divorce and losing Chance. And I don't want her to think that everyone just disappears.

Kevin: Well, I'm gonna miss having her around. Tell her I'm gonna see her soon, okay?

Chloe: Yeah, I can do that. (Sighs) (Sighs) Look, this... this is really awkward. I didn't--I didn't think that you were gonna be here. I thought you were gonna be at Fen's show.

Kevin: I was just about to leave. Look, you--you had said you wanted to go with me. Do you still?

Chloe: I... well, I... (Sighs) I don't want you to feel like, you know...

Kevin: What? Because I said I was attracted to you, things can't be normal between us?

Chloe: No, I didn't say that.

Kevin: But it's what you're thinking, isn't it? Its like, "Oh, it's gonna be too hard for me now to even hang out with you."

Chloe: I didn't go and sleep with my ex five minutes after I got rejected.

Kevin: Maybe I was sick and tired of being treated like some stupid sidekick in a--in a teen flick.

Chloe: Why didn't you just say something to me? I thought we were best friends, and it's not my fault that you wanted more.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Nick: Well, I am really glad that you got rid of Daisy for Summer's sake.

Phyllis: Oh, so am I, believe me. I-I don't feel good that she's staying with my son. You know, I worry about him, so...

Nick: Is Daniel gonna be coming to see the kids?

Phyllis: No, he can’t. A security guard called in sick, so he has to stay with Daisy until another guard relieves him.

Nick: Yeah, Mom's not coming, either. She's got an A.A. meeting. It's important she sticks to her schedule.

Noah: Hey, Dad. (Sighs)

Nick: Dude, I'm glad you came.

Noah: Phyllis.

Phyllis: Hey, well, you're still talking to me.

Noah: Yeah, you feeling guilty about writing that stuff about my mother?

Phyllis: Listen, Noah, I know you're upset. But you can't be pleased with the things that your mother has done.

Noah: I'm not. I got a big problem with what my mother's done, but you didn't have to be that vicious, okay? Faith's gonna grow up. She's gonna see that someday. That's not cool.

Phyllis: Okay. I got it.

Noah: You like to stir things up. That's your thing. But one day... one day it's gonna backfire on you.

Phyllis: Hmm.

Sharon: I want to be with you, and I want to help you. But this is my first Christmas with Faith, and I just... I had so many dreams for us. I wanted to set up the Christmas tree. I wanted to take her on a sleigh ride and to the puppet show. I...

Adam: Yeah, this here is about as far off from what you've dreamt of as you can get.

Sharon: (Sighs) It's not what I expected. But I made my choice.

Adam: Can you live with it?

Sharon: I've learned to live with a lot.

Adam: Okay. Let's just take this one day at a time, all right? You're Faith's mother. You should go to this thing. She would want you there.

Sharon: You're right. I'll regret it if I don’t.

Chloe: So, what? You don't want to talk about it?

Kevin: I've gotta get to Fen's show. I'm late. I don't want to disappoint him.

Chloe: So you're just gonna blow me off.

Kevin: Look, I'm not the one moving out, okay?

Chloe: What is this? Is this good-bye? Sayonara? You're gonna kick me out of your life just because I don't want the same thing?

Kevin: Look, don't be here when I get back, all right?

Chloe: Oh, yeah, no problem.

Kevin: Hey, and leave your key on the counter.

Chloe: Sure. Will do. (Sighs)

Noah: Hey, I know you're busy, but, uh, I wanted to say hi.

Jana: Oh. That is... (Sighs) It was really sweet of you.

Noah: Uh, how you been?

Jana: (Sighs) Actually, I've been really great. Yeah, it looks like Kevin and I are getting back together.

Noah: You are?

Jana: Yeah. Well, when you've gone through as much as we have, it's really hard to stay apart. We're soul mates. I hope you understand. No hard feelings.

Noah: Uh, yeah. None at all.

Jana: Okay. Well, look, the show's about to start, so... you take care, okay?

Noah: You, too. (Inhales sharply) Okay. (Sighs) Hey, where's Faith?

Nick: She's with Summer and the big kids.

Noah: (Clears throat)

Nick: I saw you talkin' to Jana.

Noah: Uh, yeah.

Nick: You guys hangin' out a little bit? You like her?

Noah: No. No. She's--she's, uh, she's not my type.

Nick: Mm, sure.

Gloria: Hey!

Nick: (Sighs)

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Gloria: Jana insisted on taking Fen backstage...

Lauren: Oh, okay.

Gloria: To get ready with the rest of the kids.

Lauren: Well, thank you so much for driving.

Gloria: It was my pleasure. I'm just glad you're here. I didn't think you'd make it. I wasn't sure.

Lauren: Well...

Phyllis: Hey. Neither was I. I know you've been stressed out lately because of me. I know.

Lauren: You know something, Phyllis? Our kids are in the Christmas pageant. Let's just not talk about you-know-who and enjoy ourselves today.

Phyllis: Okay, yeah.

Lauren: Okay?

Phyllis: That sounds good. Let's enjoy ourselves. (Sighs) Remember when we were expecting, and--and we talked about our kids going to the same school together?

Michael: Fenmore adores Summer. He even bought her a special Christmas present.

Phyllis: Really?

Michael: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: She has one for him. That's great.

Lauren: Yeah.

Phyllis: See?

Lauren: Yeah.

Phyllis: They're friends, just like we'd hoped.

Lauren: I'm glad we're spending this day with you.

Phyllis: Yeah, me, too.

Lauren: Okay. Let's sit down.

Jack: Well, where shall we sit?

Diane: Someplace close with an unobstructed view to shoot from.

Jack: Boy, back in the day, I never would have figured you for a mother with a video camera.

Diane: Really? Oh, no, I'm a-- I'm a video junkie. I tape everything-- every birthday party, every hockey game, every sneeze. (Laughs) Everything.

Jack: Well, look at you.

Diane: Uh-oh. Look what Kyle forgot.

Jack: Oh, his script.

Diane: Forgetful like his mother. Here, will you watch my bag? Thanks.

Jack: Uh, sure.

Phyllis: Look at you. Your first outing with Diane as proud parents. How's that going?

Jack: Well, better than expected. I see Nick and, uh, Noah are here. So how is the climate? Chilly? Or is it, uh, an arctic frost?

Phyllis: It's, um, fine. He's restrained. I think that has to do with, um, him hanging up his white suit of armor. He's not being Sharon’s champion anymore.

Jack: Best thing Nick could do for himself.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Good for him. I feel bad for him.

Jack: Why is that?

Phyllis: Well, because he just assumed that he and Sharon would ride off into the sunset together, and he didn't think that Sharon would torpedo him for Adam.

Jack: Yeah, I will never understand that. That's insane.

Phyllis: You're being kind.

Jack: Well, Sharon wanted Adam. Sharon got what she wanted, and everything that comes with it.

Adam: I think you have information that could be of great help to me. I promise I'll make it worth your while.

Jana: Now I need all of my shepherds. You're gonna stand here in the middle around the manger. Angel, are you ready? You're ready. Angel's ready. Shepherds ready. We've got three wise men. Come over here. Come step in a little bit more. There you go. Stand there. Come back here.

Jack: Was Kyle panicky?

Diane: No, no. Jana had an extra copy for him.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Noah: Hey, uh, where's Dad?

Phyllis: He's helping Faith.

Lauren: Is Kevin coming?

Michael: Yeah, he said he was.

Lauren: Okay.

Jana: Okay.

Reverend Fulton: Okay, before we start, I'd like everyone to turn off their cell phones, beepers, anything that makes noise or could be a distraction. Welcome to our annual Christmas pageant. I see we have quite a crowd this year. I see some new faces. Hmm? Good to see the old ones, as well. Maybe some of you would like to drop by during the year, also.

All: (Laughing)

Reverend Fulton: So... what makes Christmas such a special time of year? Saint Nicholas, of course. And all the usual traditions and trappings, but it is so much more than that. Christmas is a time when God sent his only son into the world to be born, and there is nothing more joyous than hearing the story and seeing the miracle of his birth through the eyes of children.

Jana: (Whispers) Fen. Fen, say--say your first line.

Fen: Parents, family, and friends, welcome!

Summer: Thank you for coming. We hope you enjoy the show.

All: (Cheering) ("Silent Night" playing)

Kyle: Every year, we celebrate the miracle of Christmas, recalling what took place in a manger in Bethlehem on the night our lord and savior was born. (Applause)

All: (Cheering)

Adam: I’m looking for information. A woman disappeared from here around Thanksgiving.

Man: You look a lot like that guy the cops are callin' a-a "Person of interest."

Adam: Yeah, well, they're not tellin' the whole story. I'm just a guy who's trying to find the truth.

Man: The truth can be expensive. What do you want to know?

Adam: Were you working here the night Skye Lockhart disappeared?

Man: Sure was. Busy night. Got in some weight machines for the exercise room.

Adam: Okay. Did you see anyone carry out anything big that-- a-a rolled-up carpet, a shower curtain? Something big?

Man: No, nothin' like that.

Adam: Okay. Right. Did you see anybody suspicious-looking? Someone who looked like they didn't belong here?

Man: You know, sometimes, uh, the V.I.P.s, they'll use the freight elevator. Uh, you know, to dodge the paparazzi. You know, there was this one couple I remember.

Adam: Okay, uh, this girl right here. Wait. Wait. Whoa. Hold... right here. Is this her?

Man: I didn't get to see their faces.

Adam: Okay, well, did you see their hair color? Did you see the clothes they were wearing? Anything you can to describe them.

Man: Uh, winter coats. I mean, it was cold out.

Adam: Okay, so I noticed there's a camera now been installed in the freight elevator. Is that right?

Man: Yeah, yeah, we put them in a couple years ago, after an employee got caught stealin'.

Adam: Okay, well, can you get me pictures of everyone who was on that elevator that night?

Man: I could talk to my friend in security. Eh, it'll cost you more for my time, and, of course, he's gonna want a taste.

Adam: Here. Here's just a little taste. Consider that a Christmas bonus.

Kyle: And so it was that they all came together on that one starry night in Bethlehem.

Girl: Joy to the world.

Boy: Joy to the world.

Summer: Peace on earth.

Fen: Good will to all.

Girl: Good to all!

All: (Laughing) ("Hark! The herald angels sing" playing)

All: (Cheering)

Michael: All right, good job, Buddy!

Lauren: Nice job.

Michael: Oh, you did a great job!

Lauren: That was so good. That was the best Joseph I have ever seen.

Michael: Wait, let's get more pictures.

Kevin: So--so good, Pal. So good.

Gloria: Fen, you were magnificent. You can see he's got real talent. Time for acting classes.

Michael: No, come on. Let's take pictures. I want to get pictures and do interviews. Come here. Come here. Wait. Mommy, Grandma, over here.

Kevin: Hi.

Michael: All right, let's see. We gotta get...

Jana: Hey. You made it.

Kevin: Yeah, yeah. And, uh, from what I could tell, it looked, uh, it looked great.

Jana: Thanks. Yeah.

Kevin: So do you-- do you have a minute to talk?

Jana: Sure. Yeah.

Kevin: Okay.

Jana: We...

Kevin: Um, about last night...

Jana: Yes. (Chuckles)

Kevin: I hope you understand. I did not mean to hurt your feelings.

Jana: No, you didn’t. Just 'cause we're sleeping together, it doesn't mean we're back together, does it?

Kevin: We slept together. Yeah. And I just--I feel like we're finally getting along now.

Jana: You know what, Kevin? Don't worry about it. It's fine. It is what it is. And I'm fine with that.

Kyle: Dad!

Jack: Hey! Excellent! Oh.

Diane: Oh, bravo! You were awesome. Good job.

Kyle: Thanks, Mom.

Jack: Very, very impressive.

Kyle: It was easy.

Jack: Easy? I could never have talked in front of this many people at your age, never.

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness, "Mary, Mary quite contrary," you were awesome, awesome, awesome.

Nick: You were spectacular.

Noah: I loved how you pushed the shepherd out of your way to say your line.

Summer: (Giggles)

Phyllis: (Chuckles) And you, sweet thing, you--you practically stole the show.

Nick: She's got skills. Skills!

Chloe: Okay, just a couple more things.

Chloe: Hmm. Well, I can't forget you. Delia would never forgive me.

Gloria: (Sighs)

Michael: There you go, Buddy. Excellent.

Lauren: I thought Chloe was coming.

Kevin: Oh, there was a change of plans.

Gloria: Oh, what a shame.

Kevin: Yeah. Hey, you know what? I have a gift for you as a congratulations, and I left it at home.

Michael: Oh, wait. We can swing by and get it. Yes.

Lauren: You want to? Okay.

Michael: Are you comin'?

Gloria: No, no, no. You go ahead. I have another engagement. Fen, I am so proud of you. Not everyone has star quality, and you know you get your talent from my side of the family.

Michael: All right, that's enough. That's enough of that.

Lauren: All right, let's save him. Come on, Honey.

Michael: Nobody wants to see that. Come on. Presents! Presents. Presents for the star!

Reverend Fulton: Anyway, I think you did a wonderful job with the children.

Jana: Oh, thank you.

Reverend Fulton: Thank you so much.

Jana: Oh, thank you so much. (Chuckles)

Reverend Fulton: (Chuckles)

Gloria: Stop sniffing around Kevin. You're making a fool out of yourself because he doesn't want you.

Jana: Really? Then why did he make love to me yesterday?

Phyllis: Hey, Kyle. You were great. You kept the show moving like a pro.

Kyle: Whatever.

Jack: Hey. Hey. Let's be polite, huh?

Kyle: Thanks.

Phyllis: Sure.

Diane: You were fabulous, both of you.

Nick: Weren't they something?

Diane: (Chuckles)

Noah: Hey, Guys. I'm takin' off.

Nick: Hey, Bud, thanks for comin'.

Noah: It was nice to meet you again.

Diane: You, too, Noah.

Jack: Well, great job, everyone. Uh, Diane, Kyle, I'll give you a ride back to the club.

Diane: Uh, no. No need to put yourself out. We'll take a cab.

Jack: Well, I'm happy to drive.

Kyle: Its fine, Dad.

Jack: Ready?

Phyllis: Okay, uh, hey, Baby girl, have fun at Victoria’s tonight, okay? All right, Sweetie, have fun with Faith.

Kyle: See you.

Jack: See you all later.

Nick: All right, well, uh, you know, we're just headed off for some pizza if you want a ride.

Summer: And chocolate mint ice cream.

Nick: Oh, ice cream. Of course, uh...

Diane: (Laughs)

Nick: You guys want to come?

Diane: What do you think?

Kyle: Mom, have you ever known me to turn down pizza?

Diane: (Laughs) Looks like we're in.

Nick: Let's do it.

Diane: Thank you. It's a nice invitation. Thanks.

Kyle: Cool.

Nick: No, come on. It'll be fun.

Kyle: Chocolate mint ice cream. Yum!

Summer: Yeah!

Nick: Ice cream.

Summer: (Giggles)

Nick: Let's go get some ice cream.

Sharon: Help me do what's right for my daughter.

(Footsteps approach)

Sharon: (Gasps)

Reverend Fulton: I didn't mean to startle you. I thought everyone had gone. Did you have a child in the play?

Sharon: Yes. Faith.

Reverend Fulton: Oh, yeah. She's a darling girl.

Sharon: Thank you. I miss her so much.

Reverend Fulton: She's not with you?

Sharon: No. No, she's-- she's with her dad now because he disapproves of my life, the choices that I'm making. (Sighs) So many people are furious with me-- my friends, my family.

Reverend Fulton: Why is that?

Sharon: Because I'm helping a man they despise. And they have every right to hate him. I-I hated him, too, once. But I-I forgave him because I see the good inside.

Reverend Fulton: God forgives wickedness.

Sharon: You know, he's been falsely accused of a horrible crime. But I promised I would stand by him. Only it's putting a really-- a really big strain on my relationships, especially with my children. I really care about this man. I want to stand by him. I want to do the right thing. I just don't know how much longer I can live like this.

(Knock on door)

Man: My homeboy from security copied this off the hard drive. It's from that night on the freight elevator.

Adam: Thanks, Brother. I was never here.

Man: If you need anything else, you know where to find me.

Adam: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Phyllis: Ahh. Hello?

Adam: Hey, I've been following up on what might have happened to Skye. You're gonna want to see this.

Phyllis: Okay, so show me.

Adam: Well, I can't meet you right now, but you don't want to write anything until you see this.

Phyllis: You think I'm falling for that?

Adam: I'm not the one who's gonna look like a fool.

Phyllis: Okay, well, when you have this, uh, eye-opening evidence to show me, why don't you just give me a call?

Jack: Who was that?

Phyllis: Adam.

Jack: Wait. You're working with Adam?

Kevin: So it's a microphone with a speaker so that you can sing into it, or you can do this. (Voice amplifies) Uh, Michael Baldwin to the principal's office.


Kevin: (Laughs)

Fen: (Voice amplifies) Thanks, Uncle Kevin.

Kevin: (Normal voice) Sure thing, Pal.

Audience: (Cheering)

Lauren: You shouldn't have. Really, you shouldn't have.

Michael: Be glad it wasn't drums.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Michael: (Chuckles)

Kevin: I thought that Fen would like it.

Lauren: Mm-hmm.

Michael: No, it's great. Fenmore can play with it in his room under a blanket. (Chuckles)

Lauren: With the door closed.

Michael: (Laughs)

Lauren: Hey, you want to make hot chocolate? All right. Let's go.

Michael: I'll be with you in a sec.

Lauren: Okay.

Audience: (Cheering)

Michael: (Laughs) (Voice amplifies) So Chloe didn't come with you tonight?

Kevin: Uh, no. She couldn't make it.

Michael: What happened?

Kevin: Nothing happened.

Michael: (Normal voice) Well, usually Chloe and Delia’s stuff is all over the place. Everything's gone. You're in a mood. Don't tell me you and Chloe were involved in something that backfired.

Kevin: (Sighs) No, nothing backfired. Oh, Chloe mov-- and Delia moved out. It was getting kind of cramped in here.

Michael: For who?

Kevin: For Delia. She needs space to run around. And it was time for Chloe to go.

Gloria: (Sighs)

Chloe: I got your phone call. You wanted to see me?

Gloria: Yes, I do, about Kevin.

Chloe: He told you I moved out.

Gloria: And when did that happen?

Chloe: Today.

Gloria: No, he didn't tell me, but it all makes sense now. Jana told me that she and Kevin are sleeping together. Is it true?

Chloe: Is that any of your business?

Gloria: Guess that means yes, huh? You know, you could have hung on to your man if you'd come to me. I could have given you some pointers.

Chloe: My man? My man? My man? He's not... (Sighs) We were just friends.

Gloria: The point is, you're out. "Crazy baby Jane" is in, God help us. "Whatever you were" to Kevin, it made a real mess for all of us.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Jana: Hi. Um, champagne cocktail, please. I'm celebrating the New Year early.

Nick: Summer made a long list for Santa this year.

Diane: (Laughs) I'm not sure that everybody gets everything they wish for.

Nick: Well, she was pretty good.

Diane: So no lump of coal in her stocking this year?

Nick: (Chuckles) No. No way.

Kyle: I've been really good, too. Right, Mom?

Diane: Eh...

Kyle: I volunteered to help with the play today.

Diane: (Laughs) And you know what that gets you? The last slice of pizza.

Nick: Score!

Diane: (Chuckles)

Nick: (Whispers) Score!

Diane: Well, I'm glad we did this.

Nick: (Normal voice) I am, too.

Phyllis: I promised Sharon and Adam that if they came up with evidence that Skye was alive, I would print it.

Jack: Why are you making a deal with the devil?

Phyllis: Oh, come on. I know he'll try to manipulate me. I know that. He can throw anything my way. I'll use it. I'll use it as evidence when he's finally charged with Skye’s murder.

Jack: Okay, if junior is stupid enough to let you get close, fine. Get your story. Don't be foolish. I still believe he killed Skye. I don't want anything happening to you.

Phyllis: Nothing's happening to me.

Jack: Okay, just so you know, from here on, I am watching your back.

Reverend Fulton: I can't give you an answer. How much longer you continue on your path is only something you can decide with God's help. You're asking the tough questions. An answer will come.

(Door opens)

Adam: Sharon? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.

Sharon: Um, no, that's okay.

Reverend Fulton: I'll say a prayer for you.

Sharon: Thank you so much.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Adam: You okay?

Sharon: I will be.

Adam: Nick give you a hard time?

Sharon: No one saw me.

Adam: Not even Faith?

Sharon: No, I just couldn't-- I... (Sighs) What are you doing here?

Adam: Oh, I, um, I figured the play had been over for a while, and I hadn't heard from you, so I was a little concerned.

Sharon: Well, did you go back to the hotel? Did you find clues? I...

Adam: Oh, yes. Yes, I did. Take a look at this. This is a picture taken in the freight elevator the night that Skye disappeared.

Sharon: And no one would open up an umbrella in an elevator unless they didn't want to be identified.

Adam: Mm-hmm. Except I can identify the woman. Those could be Skye’s shoes, sure. But that bag-- that is her bag. No doubt about it. That's some designer limited-edition thing that could have fed a family of ten for a month. Trust me, she bragged all about it. And the guy next to her? I'll bet you anything that was Victor. Look at the time stamp. 8:01. I couldn't have killed her and made it to my train to New Orleans in that time.

Sharon: This is our first piece of real evidence.

Adam: Yeah. That's Skye. I'll stake my life on it. We're gonna find the truth. And, Sharon, I promise you, here before God, that I love you, and I will have you back in your daughter's life soon.

Adam: Do you believe me?

Sharon: (Sighs) I do. I do.

Adam: (Inhales deeply) (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Billy: It’s Victoria. I would just like to make her happy again.

Adam: What are you scared of? That I'm really innocent?

Phyllis: Terrified.

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