Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/9/10 -- Canada; Friday 12/10/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9544 ~ Sharon & Phyllis Take Their Catfight to a New Level
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Noah: Yeah, well, you're just along for the moral support, so no, "My son's a genius."
Nick: Got it. I'm just here for a book... on knitting.
Noah: All right. (Chuckles)
Noah: Mom?
Nick: Damn it, Phyllis.
Jack: (Sighs)
Sharon: (Sighs)
Sharon: (Sighs) What?
Adam: I thought it was a dream, but you're still here. This just feels... right.
Sharon: Well, except the part about being away from Faith. (Sighs)
Adam: I hate that being with me now means more time away from your daughter.
Sharon: (Sighs) Well, the only way that Nick will let me see my own child is in his presence and in his home.
Adam: Yeah, we have to fix that.
Sharon: Starting with proving that you didn't kill Skye.
(Knock on door)
Sharon: It's okay. Answer it.
Leslie: We have a problem.
Gloria: Jeffrey, would you please--
Jeff: If you say, "Jeffrey, would you please" one more time--
Gloria: All right. All right. Fine. Move your backside. Get things ready for the chocolate fountain. Katherine Chancellor needs everything just so. Mercury is in retrograde...
Jeff: Oh, wack-a-doodle garbage when I'm bustin' my hump here.
Gloria: Mercury is in retrograde. Communication is impeded. Things go wrong. People get crazy, so we have to be vigilant and prepa-- hello, Katherine.
Kay: Hello, there.
Jeff: (Sighs)
Kay: Everything looks absolutely lovely.
Gloria: Thank you. I was just telling Jeffery, everything for the fund-raiser for the children is going to be perfect.
Kay: Good.
Jeff: (Clears throat)
Kevin: How's that new shiner?
Jeff: What do you want?
Kevin: Well, I have some questions about, uh, the books.
Jeff: What? You want me to hand-hold you while you steal my bookie business right out from under me? Suck eggs, Rodent. Figure it out yourself.
Gloria: (Sighs)
Kay: Oh, Dear. Hello, my darling.
Kevin: Hi.
Kay: So, uh, why am I always so surprised how capable your mother can be?
Kevin: (Chuckles) "Under the tree." It's pretty cool, huh?
Kay: Mm.
Kevin: Every kid should have a gift during the holidays, and it's even better when it's exactly what they want.
Kay: Oh, and you? What about what you want? Say, like, Chloe?
Kevin: (Laughs) We're not talking-- I already told you Chloe and I are just friends.
Kay: Ahh.
Kevin: Besides, I have more important things that I need to worry about.
Kay: Oh, such as?
Kevin: Such as, um, making enough money to fight for custody of Daisy's baby. I want to raise my niece. Mm-hmm.
Daisy: Um, your mom bought me really healthy food.
Daniel: Well, I gotta go out. So if you need anything, ask the guard.
Daisy: Hey, thanks again for having us.
Daniel: Uh, I'm takin' off. You should probably go in there.
Man: You got it.
Daniel: (Sighs)
Abby: Hello?
Daniel: Hey, where are you?
Abby: Uh, home.
Daniel: Okay, um, stay there. I'll be right over.
Man: Yeah?
Jana: Hello. I was here yesterday. I would like to see Daisy... alone.
Man: I'll be outside.
Daisy: What's going on? What was that wink for yesterday?
Jana: I have a proposition for you, and if you're smart, you will say yes.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Gloria: Would you talk some sense into him, Katherine? You are in no position to be a father.
Kevin: Uh, excuse you. Um, at least this is something I want to do. Daniel doesn't want to do it. Daisy is an inmate. I can do this. I don't want this kid having the same childhood that I had.
Gloria: Oh, so this is all my doing?
Kevin: I'm not Daniel. I like the idea of kids.
Kay: Kevin, becoming a father in this manner... wouldn't you prefer to go a more... traditional way?
Kevin: Well, yeah, but look at Chloe and Delia. That was untraditional, and those two are amazing together. And you know what? I'm pretty good with Delia, too.
Kay: Being good, I mean, is not going to get you custody.
Gloria: Mnh-mnh.
Kay: Do you understand that? Besides, you have not always been the model citizen you are today.
Gloria: Extenuating circumstances, but true.
Kevin: Yes, which is why I have hired an attorney. I'm hoping that I can just deal with this with my sister, but if I can't, I will go to court. And, yes, I know that my chances are pretty terrible.
Jana: (Sighs) Maybe it's you being pregnant or away from your aunt, but you're not the same person who... (Chuckles) You're not the same person who taunted me in that cage. Now remember, you once asked me for help. And I see you now, and I want to help you build a relationship with your brother, but it's not gonna be easy.
Daisy: Well, what do you think it'll take?
Jana: Kevin already cares about that baby, and he's offered to raise it.
Daisy: Oh, no. I am not sucking up to you or my brother by handing my baby over. I'm keeping her.
Jana: No, you cannot raise that child in your little prison cell.
Daisy: Listen, Vance Abrams' associate is working for me now. Leslie? She's the one who got that basketball player acquitted. She's gonna do the same thing for me, and then it's gonna be me and Daniel and this baby. We're all gonna be together.
Jana: Mm, but--but-- but, Daisy, Daniel despises you, and he wants absolutely nothing to do with you or the baby.
Abby: Hey. You sounded--oh! Oh, hi. Uh... what are--mm-- what are you doing?
Daniel: I want things to go back to the way they were.
Abby: (Sighs)
Abby: Mm.
Phyllis: How is it that you come with food, but... I'm always hungrier after you bring it?
Phyllis: That's a good article, isn't it?
Jack: That is one body blow after another. You and Billy ready for the fallout?
Phyllis: The only person who's going to experience fallout is Sharon, because everybody will know how twisted she really is.
Jack: There are other players, you know. They're not gonna be too happy.
Phyllis: Nick?
Jack: Actually, I was thinking of Noah. Kids have a tendency to want to protect their moms.
Phyllis: Listen, I take responsibility for everything I wrote. It's all true.
Jack: Go get 'em, Tiger. You got a big seller here.
(Knock on door)
Phyllis: Oh, you know, that's Malcolm. We're going to Kay Chancellor's fund-raiser.
Jack: Ahh.
Phyllis: "Restless Style's" giving a check. Hello.
Malcolm: Hey. Hey, Guys.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) Hey.
Jack: Hey.
Malcolm: I just, uh, just came from the office. The phones are blowin' up about the Sharon article.
Phyllis: (Squeals) Are they?
Malcolm: Oh, yeah.
Phyllis: That's great.
Malcolm: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Oh, I wish I could see Sharon’s face when she reads it.
Sharon: "We're supposed to protect our children, always put them first. Little Faith, the most innocent of anyone in this story, deserves to know her mommy didn't do that"?
Adam: Look at this. "Sharon turned her back on her, let the evil that separated them once before come back into their lives to separate them again."
Leslie: People on juries can read, too. They'll have you convicted before you're even charged.
Adam: You think Nicholas will use this to get full custody of Faith?
Sharon: Well, no matter how angry Nick gets, he knows that Faith needs me. But when Noah sees this...
Leslie: You know, I'll leave you to it. I have to assess the damage this does and figure out how to reverse it.
Adam: For Phyllis and Billy to come after me-- that is one thing. But I mean...
Sharon: Well, I'm fair game now.
Adam: Because of me.
Sharon: (Sighs) You know what? I have to talk to Noah. I'll see you later.
Adam: Hold on. Wait.
Adam: That's all.
Adam: Hey, it's me. We gotta meet somewhere. I need to talk.
Nick: (Sighs) I mean, Phyllis couldn't back off once, not even for you and Faith.
Noah: She loves ripping into Mom, but this... (Sighs)
Nick: It's ridiculous.
Sharon: Noah. I saw your car in the parking lot.
Noah: (Sighs)
Nick: And we just saw your article in this magazine.
Sharon: Phyllis is-- is Phyllis. She lashes out. I can--I can take it, but you shouldn't have to deal with this.
Noah: Then why did you give her the ammunition?
Sharon: These are the same lies that she's been peddling for years.
Noah: And, uh, which part was a lie? That you didn't leave us for Adam?
Sharon: You and Faith are my priority. You always have been.
Noah: I was at the house last night, Mom. You didn't come home.
Sharon: Okay, well, that's not the point here.
Noah: Do you have any idea how much time I spent worrying about you, afraid you'd spin out, steal things, end up back in the psych ward? But you're fine, and yet you still want Adam, which means I don't want to know you anymore.
Nick: I hope trading your kids was worth it for Adam.
Sharon: Faith is still my little baby, Nick.
Nick: Who you are entitled to see whenever you would like at the tack house under my supervision, and Adam is not to ever, ever be with you under any circumstances.
Malcolm: (Chuckles) "Heroine addict," with an "E"? (Chuckles) That is very punny, Phyllis. (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Honestly, Malcolm, it feels good to put out the truth about Sharon.
Malcolm: Well, you did it with style and flair, might I add.
Phyllis: No, it's a very well-written article. I mean, the proof is all there. Sharon isn't just, you know, pathetic and needy. She's selfish, self-destructive, deranged. She--she's fallen for her baby's kidnapper.
Malcolm: Look at you, rockin' your righteous, take-on-the-world face.
Phyllis: That's right. That's right. I am.
Malcolm: Go ahead, Girl.
Phyllis: Other than what Daniel’s going through, this is the best I've felt in years. I feel really good.
Malcolm: Well, that's a good thing, as long as Adam doesn't get all riled up and come after you.
Phyllis: He's a weasel. I could take him any day.
Malcolm: Well...
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Malcolm: I believe it, 'cause you a bad girl. A weasel's one thing. But a rabid weasel frothing at the mouth is a completely different animal entirely.
Jack: You called me. Speak up. What do you want?
Adam: You hate me. Blah, blah. Whatever. But you care about Sharon, and you know Phyllis took this thing too far.
Jack: Phyllis told the truth, and now you and Sharon get to live with it.
Abby: (Chuckles) You want things to go back to the way they were?
Daniel: (Sighs)
Abby: You know, as far as lines go, that's right up there with "You complete me."
Daniel: (Sighs)
Abby: So I am guessing that the whole Daisy thing has been resolved, thank God. (Whispers) Obviously, I've been missing you a lot.
Daniel: It's worse. Has Jack talked to you? Has he mentioned anything to you at all?
Abby: (Normal voice) Uh, stuff like Daisy lives with your mom now.
Daniel: Yeah, um... she kind of lives with me now. I have this person who has purposely tried to screw up my life living in my apartment, and she always needs something. And it makes me feel like absolute garbage, because every time I look at her and I see that bump, all I can think about is how I-I want--
Abby: How you want things to go back to the way they were.
Daniel: Look, I can't make Daisy go away. But you tell me how to fix things with you, and I'll do it, whatever it is.
Abby: I can't be your quick fix. (Scoffs) The fact that you would even come here knowing how I feel about all this, about Daisy, about the baby, about you, it's just--it's too much for me to handle, okay? It's not fair.
Daniel: Well, do you think any of this is fair to me, either?
Abby: But I can't do anything about that. This is all I can control... which is why I want you to leave.
Daniel: Hey.
Daniel: (Sighs)
Kevin: Hey, Jeff, we really need to go over some of these details.
Jeff: Go stuff an olive.
Kevin: Look, it's not like I begged Hogan for this job, okay? And you're still in the game. I'm just in charge now. So why don't we go over some of the details of this arrangement so we can all make some money, okay?
Jeff: You're the computer genius whiz kid. You don't need my help.
Kevin: Hogan was talking about burning this place down when you were in Boca. He didn't back off until I agreed to take over, so maybe you can stop being such a jerk and say thank you.
Jeff: (Sighs) Thank you, "Nut boy."
(Cell phone buzzes)
Kevin: Hello? Hey, yeah, thanks for getting back to me. Okay, can, uh, can you meet at Gloworm? That'd be great. Thanks.
Sharon: Katherine, hi. Hey, everything looks lovely. Um, have you seen Phyllis? She and I have something to discuss.
Kay: Yeah, well, I can imagine. I saw the new issue of "Restless Style."
Sharon: Mm, yeah. Uh, she is relentless. All of the--the lies a-and the name-calling. I mean, "Stupid," "Naive," "Evil"-- I mean, she's just-- she's gone completely off the deep end, and this destruction has got to stop.
Kay: Uh-huh, well, I recall something about you, uh, helping Adam with an attorney, right?
Sharon: Well, I mean, Adam has the right to representation, and he can't afford the fee, so I am helping him pay the retainer, but you know that he was never charged with anything. They couldn't find any evidence that he hurt Skye.
Kay: Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Sharon: She's disappeared. She's done it before. It's more of the same.
Kay: Shh. Sharon. Sharon. Now is he threatening you? Or I-is he demanding you-- you defend him? Or, Darling, are you just plain stupid?
Sharon: This is exactly the way Phyllis works. She completely contorts the truth until people see things only the way that she wants them to.
Kay: Ahh. Well, I am very clear-eyed, my dear, but, uh, I cannot imagine one legitimate situation where you would want to protect him.
Sharon: Okay, well, I can explain the whole thing to you gladly, just later, because right now, I have to talk to Phyllis.
Phyllis: Kay. You look amazing.
Kay: Thank you.
Phyllis: You really do. You look amazing. I want to get some shots of you. Um, this is a great charity. I'm so--I'm so glad you did this so the needy children can share in the magic of the holiday.
Sharon: Um, Phyllis, yeah, hi. I'm standing right here. Feel free to acknowledge me. Or--or can you only bash me in print? That way, no one can call you a liar.
Kay: All right, stop it right now. This event is for the sake of the children. Girls, I will not have anyone or anything standing in its way.
Phyllis: Absolutely not. Some--some people don't care about kids. Excuse me. I have to talk to Malcolm.
Sharon: Katherine, I have the right to defend myself.
Kay: You take it elsewhere. And I will not tell you a second time.
Phyllis: Hey. Hey.
Daniel: Hey.
Phyllis: (Sighs) How's it going with Daisy?
Daniel: She's with the guard.
Phyllis: Just a few more weeks until she has the baby, and then we're done with her.
Daniel: Well, yeah, then we have a whole new set of problems.
Phyllis: No, not really.
Daniel: (Scoffs)
Kevin: (Clears throat) Hi there.
Phyllis: Hello. Look, I have to, uh, go air-kiss a few people who-- well, I have no idea who they are. (Laughs) Excuse me.
Daniel: Hey.
Kevin: So I hear that, uh, Daisy is living with you now. That's gotta be... different.
Daniel: Yep.
Kevin: How's the baby?
Daniel: Still not born.
Leslie: Kevin, hello.
Kevin: Leslie, hi. Thank you for meeting me here. Uh, I don't know if you two know each other. Daniel Romalotti, this is Leslie Michaelson.
Daniel: Vance's assistant.
Leslie: Yeah.
Daniel: Associate, yeah.
Leslie: Yeah, nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you.
Kevin: Shall we?
Leslie: Yeah.
Daniel: Hang on a second. What the hell is this all about?
Kevin: Well, I called her to see if Daisy had mentioned my offer to raise the baby.
Daniel: (Scoffs) (Chuckles) Just couldn't leave it the hell alone, could you?
Adam: You and all the other smug, sanctimonious, hypocritical jerks involved in this-- Victor, Phyllis, Billy, Nicholas-- you want to come after me, come after me. Whatever. It bores me. But you go after Sharon? She hasn't done anything to anyone.
Nick: Dude, shut up. You started all this when you followed Sharon to Louisiana. Phyllis never would have written that article if you hadn't done that.
Jack: And I don't fault Phyllis for writing it, not one word of it.
Adam: And that is because, simply put, you, my friend, are a jackass. Both of you are. You pledge your undying love to her over and over and over again, ad nauseum. But only if she plays your game by your rules, the way you want. If not, you toss her to the wolves. You two don't deserve the kind of loyalty and forgiveness that Sharon is capable of.
Jack: And you deserve her loyalty and forgiveness? Is that it?
Adam: I will do whatever it takes to make sure that you do not keep Sharon from her daughter.
Nick: What'd you just say to me? Huh?
Noah: Hey. Have you seen "Restless style"?
Abby: (Sobs)
Noah: Hey.
Kevin: So--so let me get this straight. You want to keep Daisy around for the baby's sake, then just toss the baby away?
Leslie: You guys want to do this here? I mean, this is not the time or the place.
Daniel: No, you don't get a baby as a consolation prize for having a crappy childhood.
Kay: Listen to me. I've ordered one person out of this place today. Do not make me--
Phyllis: Daniel, walk away. Walk away. Walk away.
Kevin: No. No. No. No. No. This kid has no shot in life, none, because its mom is psycho and its dad is a deadbeat!
Kay: Kevin! Kevin!
Phyllis: Oh! Daniel!
Jeff: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Hey, you guys. Hey! Hey!
Kay: Stop it!
Jeff: This isn't the kind of show the nice rich people came to see.
Gloria: Please help yourselves to mimosas and enjoy the chocolate fountain.
Phyllis: Wh-what, uh, let's-- let's go home. Let's go home.
Gloria: Angel.
Kevin: Leave me alone.
Gloria: Angel.
Kevin: Leave me alone.
Kay: (Mutters) Oh, thank God for the children. Hi, Sweetheart. How are you?
Malcolm: You want to go after him?
Phyllis: He doesn't want mommy right now. I want to celebrate. This is our biggest issue ever. I want to celebrate. It's a red-letter day.
Malcolm: All right, well, you bein' punny again?
Phyllis: Oh, yeah, you know, "Scarlet Letter," blah, blah, blah, "A."
Malcolm: (Chuckles) Yeah. Yeah, I get it. I get it.
Phyllis: I got a million of 'em, all right?
Malcolm: (Chuckles) Unbelievable. Let's get a cocktail. Hey, Man, can you get the lady a mimosa? And, uh, I'll have a gin and tonic. Thank you.
Nick: You want to protect that bond? The one of Sharon and Faith? The little girl who you said was dead?
Jack: Faith is none of your business, you hear me?
Adam: Oh, she's being used to hurt Sharon. That is my business. And your old buddy Red makin' Sharon out to look like she's evil-- that woman is nothing but a she-devil who has bloodlust at the very sight of Sharon. Now she is evil.
Nick: You should have stayed dead. Then Skye would still be alive.
Adam: You don't care about her. You don't care about anything but your ego and who is stroking it today. And it must be Phyllis, because she's making Sharon out to look like she's some demented freak for backin' away from old "Saint Nick." Phyllis is nothing but a vindictive freak. You want to keep your kids away from evil? You want to do that? You keep 'em away from that psycho bitch. (Grunts)
Adam: Yet another sucker punch, huh? At least we know who the good guys are.
Noah: You okay?
Abby: Am I all "Raccoony"?
Noah: Well, yeah, but you're allowed to be.
Abby: This thing with Daniel was supposed to be fun-- fun, angst-free. And then I just... (Scoffs)
Noah: (Sighs)
Abby: I started wanting more against my better judgment, and I told him, and he said he did, too. And then bam! Daisy shows up. "Surprise. You're gonna be a daddy."
Noah: Yeah, but only because she drugged him. I mean, if that happened to a girl, the guy'd be locked up.
Abby: No, I know that. I-I-I just-- there's gonna be a baby. A baby. Do I look like the stepmommy type to you?
Noah: Whoa.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Noah: Wait, wait, wait. You said you wanted more. You didn't say you wanted to be married.
Abby: I know. Supportive girlfriend. Stand by your man. I mean, how is that--that-- how is that me? It's not me.
Noah: First of all, being a dad, that's not Daniel. I mean, he broke up with Amber rather than play "Happy little family," so he can't blame you for feeling the same way.
Abby: He didn't blame me. He just left.
Noah: Yeah, well, at least he, uh... (Sighs) He knows what he wants and what he doesn’t. My mom gets Faith back, and she just--she walks away.
Abby: (Sighs) Adam is the most repulsive, creepiest... I did see that "Restless Style" cover, by the way.
Noah: Yeah, but the truth is, you give someone a chance, and... (Sighs) They just let you down.
Abby: I guess--I don't know. I guess the question is, what? We're supposed to love them, anyway?
Noah: (Sighs)
Jana: Are you well?
Daisy: (Sighs) I'm not bleeding anymore, if that's what you mean. I still have placenta previa, but I think being out of that cell really helps.
Jana: Yeah, it does, doesn't it?
Daisy: Mm.
Jana: You see, 'cause I understand...
Daisy: (Sighs)
Jana: What that's like to have a nice, soft bed, lots of food. And, of course, the thought of having your freedom just snatched away-- you know, that's really awful, isn't it? Just like how it's so awful for me to think about losing Kevin forever.
Daisy: (Chuckles) You can't compare being in jail to being single.
Jana: (Chuckles)
Daisy: (Chuckles)
Jana: Look, you want your freedom, and I want Kevin back, and I think that we can help each other. So once the baby's born, Phyllis will not protect you. And that means that Leslie Michaelson and Vance Abrams are not gonna bother with you, either, and Daniel, well, he's just gonna wash his hands of you. So, Daisy, if you don't want to be alone and end up in prison, you're going to need a friend.
Daisy: Hmm.
Jana: A friend who cares about you, right?
Daisy: I already told you. I'm not giving my baby to Kevin.
Jana: (Chuckles) No. You're gonna give it to me.
Daisy: You want my baby?
Jana: Well, you see, I've got lots of experience with children. I work at a preschool, and... (Sighs) If the baby lived with me, then Kevin would want to be a part of her life. And then it would be like we're back together. And it would be our life together.
Daisy: Wait. No. What are we gonna tell people when--when I'm--I-I'm-- when they hear I'm giving my daughter to the woman I held hostage? They're gonna suspect somethi--
Jana: Well, we wouldn't say anything now. We would take our time, and it would be a story of forgiveness and healing. And once we're close, I would refuse to testify against you. And then you'll probably get off then. And then, you realize that you're not ready to raise this child. And then you look at me as your safe haven. (Sighs) And, you know, you could see the baby whenever you want, no strings attached. And you wouldn't have that constant reminder of Daniel and how you tricked him. He might actually come around, Daisy. And that would mean the two of you might actually have a chance at romance. (Sighs) You see? It's all so simple, really.
Daisy: Okay, do you really think that's all possible?
Jana: I do.
Daisy: Okay. Well, you know what? If you can keep me out of jail, and you'll help me with Daniel, we have a deal.
Kevin: I'm sorry about that.
Leslie: Oh, hey, not the worst fight I've seen. First one at a "Presents for the kids" event, though.
Kevin: (Chuckles) Well, I guess that shows you how serious I am about this. I'm willing to get into a fight with my best friend.
Leslie: So why should she pick you to adopt her child?
Kevin: Because I'm ready. Because I want to. Even Phyllis hasn't offered to raise the kid.
Phyllis: Kay Chancellor, thank you very much for letting "Restless Style" be a part of your "Under the tree" fund-raiser. Here you go. (Laughs)
Kay: Oh.
Phyllis: Aw, thanks. As a mother, I know there is nothing more important than keeping a child's dream alive. So thank you.
Kay: Oh, thank you so much.
Phyllis: Uh-huh. Mwah. (Chuckles)
Sharon: Are you sure about that, Phyllis? Because you sure seemed pleased today when you crushed my children with that garbage you wrote.
Phyllis: Oh, um, I think what Sharon is talking about is the latest issue of "Restless Style." It's really fantastic. It's a page-turner. Uh, consider it my gift to the community at large.
Malcolm: Ladies, why don't we go take some more photos over there? Like way over over there.
Gloria: Yes, Ladies, please. And, Katherine, come with me. I have more checks for you.
Sharon: You just can't stop attacking me, can you, Phyllis? You know what? You're like the ultimate mean girl in school, only you know what? This isn't junior high school anymore, and I'm not gonna run off to the little girls' room and cry. I am standing right here, and I am telling you, I am not going to let you hurt my children ever again!
Phyllis: You chose a baby-stealing murderer to be with over your own children, and instead of slinking back with him, you are here making a spectacle of yourself. What, do you want to hurt your children all the more?
Sharon: Phyllis, I love my children. But you--you are full of hate and venom. You're like a snake.
Phyllis: He's a murderer. Adam is a murderer. And you just can't see that. I-I know you hear the words, but they just don't seem to register in your brain. It's too bad. It's too bad that Faith doesn't have a mom who really cares about her.
Sharon: Oh, I do care about Faith. I do care about Faith.
Phyllis: No, I'm talking about Ashley. She should be back with Ashley, because that woman really cared about your daughter. (Grunts) Oh! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Sharon: You made me-- you made me stoop way down to your level, Phyllis!
Phyllis: You could not reach my level if you were airlifted!
Sharon: (Gasps) Aah! (Breathing heavily)
Phyllis: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, no one can rescue you, Sharon.
Sharon: I don't need any rescuing, Phyllis. Aah!
Phyllis: Oh, my God! Oh, my--
Sharon: (Yelling indistinctly) Liar! Stop lying about everything!
Kay: I'm--I'm so sorry about this mess. Bye-bye now. Bye. Good-bye.
Jana: What-- hi. Hi.
Kevin: Hi.
Jana: (Sighs) Um, I thought you should know I've just gone to see Daisy.
Kevin: Why?
Jana: Well, all of our lives have changed so much because of her, and, uh, there's a lot of bad energy that's still lingering, so I thought maybe-- I thought-- if I go to see her, maybe we could work towards forgiveness and try and replace some of this negative energy with something positive.
Kevin: Well, if that makes you feel better, then good.
Jana: We talked about the baby. And since, you know, you would make such a wonderful father, I was--
Kevin: You-- you told her that?
Jana: (Sighs) Yeah. I mean, Kev, I've seen how good you are with Delia. (Sighs) You have so much love to give. (Chuckles) Um, I don't think that there's anyone better to raise this baby. And I think Daisy really listened. Are you upset that I've gotten involved now?
Kevin: No. I can use all the help I can get. So thank you.
Daisy: You're back.
Daniel: Chopped salad.
Daisy: Great. Thanks.
Daniel: (Sighs)
Daisy: (Sighs)
Noah: I guess this is the upside to being on the same continent as you.
Abby: Yeah, it is kind of awesome that we can get together and agree that people suck.
Noah: Well, I heard, uh, mercury was in retrograde.
Abby: So everything is going to become shiny rainbows of happiness after mercury "Un-retrogrades"?
Noah: Rainbows? Uh, not so much. Maybe just, uh, different shades of normal.
Nick: (Sighs)
Malcolm: Hey, what's happenin', Man? Careful. You might want to hose her down. (Chuckles)
Jack: What the--
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Jack: Sharon?
Phyllis: Oh. Adam? (Laughs) Oh, my goodness. I think my story about Sharon brought some extra excitement. (Laughs)
Jack: Yikes. It's a good thing I love you.
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Adam: Sharon, what happened?
Sharon: Did someone hit you?
Adam: It doesn't matter. Are you okay?
Sharon: (Sighs) I can take a shower. I can wash my clothes, but I can't make Noah understand how much he means to me, and I'm afraid that Nick is gonna try to take Faith away from me forever.
Adam: What do you want to do?
Sharon: I want to fight. No matter what else they do to me, they're not gonna take away my daughter.
Adam: Come here. (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: If Noah leaves town and doesn't come back, that's on Billy’s head and yours.
Colin: I'm here to help you, if you'll let me.
Adam: Maybe it would be best if you and I just walked away from each other.
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