Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/7/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 12/8/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9542 ~ Daniel Decides to Step Up With Daisy
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Billy: Hey. I am still not finished with this issue, if you could believe that, but all that's left is a plug on the cover story, so... Phyllis isn't quite done, so I'm gonna grab a shower, and I'm gonna get a kiss.
Victoria: (Groans)
Billy: Or not. What's the matter?
Victoria: I don't know. I just feel... not-so-good.
Billy: Wh-what? Why didn't you call me? What's wrong? What's goin' on?
Victoria: I don't know. I was okay last night, but this morning, I... (Groans)
Billy: Th-this morning? Really?
Victoria: (Groans)
Billy: Like--like morning sickness kind of sick?
Victoria: Oh. I don't know. Maybe. I mean... do you think?
Billy: (Singsong voice) I don't know. (Normal voice) I don't know. What do you think?
Victoria: (Sighs) Great.
Kevin: Oh, no. Where could Delia be? I can't find her anywhere. Is she behind this chair? (Gasps) No. Uh, Chloe, hey. Oh, got some bad news. I don't know how to tell you this, but, um, well, I lost Delia.
Chloe: (Gasps) Oh, no!
Kevin: Yep. Whoa, wait a second.
Chloe: (Laughs)
Kevin: Was that your hiding spot the whole time? You are so sneaky!
Chloe: Yes, she is.
Kevin: Sneaky little one.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Kevin: Uh... (Chuckles) Did you make your deadline?
Chloe: Uh, you know what? Uh, Phyllis' stuff isn't ready yet, and we don't have a cover, but guess what? It's not my problem. No, it's not.
Kevin: Well, if you want, Dee and I can go out for a little while and just let you collapse.
Chloe: Oh, no, no, no, no. 'Cause we are all going out... (Singsong voice) 'Cause guess what we're going to? (Gasps) The Christmas tree lot. (Normal voice) It's finally up, and there's a photographer there, and they're actually doing, like, a whole fund-raiser thing, so I think that we should do our Christmas cards.
Kevin: (Gasps) Our Christmas cards?
Chloe: Yeah.
Kevin: Uh-oh, I'm scared.
Chloe: Oh, no, no, no. Look, look, look. I went to the thrift store.
Kevin: Oh. Oh, Dear. Okay, wait. You know what I think?
Chloe: Yeah, what?
Kevin: I think that Mommy is sleep-deprived. I think she's delusional, and if you think for one second that I'm putting any of this on, then you--
Chloe: Oh, you are doing it. Oh, yes, you are. You're doing it. Tell him he's doing it.
Delia: You're doing it.
Chloe: (Laughs)
Kevin: Two against one?
Chloe: Yeah.
Kevin: Man. (Chuckles)
Lily: I have not looked forward to Christmas this much since I was a kid.
Jill: I know. Having little ones around really makes Christmas.
Woman: Sorry. Excuse me.
Jill: I can't tell you how I treasure the memories of my boys when they were little. Oh, my God, Lily. When you see their faces the first time you light the Christmas tree, or they think they hear something on the roof on Christmas Eve...
Lily: (Laughs)
Jill: It's priceless.
Lily: I can just see Billy now with his head up the chimney.
Jill: His head? Try his whole little body.
Lily: Aw.
Jill: He ruined his Christmas sweater. I can still see the soot on his nose.
Lily: I don't know. I just--I wish that Cane had memories like that from when he was young.
Jill: Yeah, I know. But you know what? He's making all his happy memories here now with you and the babies.
Lily: That's true. He left work early today so we could go Christmas tree shopping.
Jill: Well, good. He's been working too much lately.
Lily: Oh, way too much. I mean, basically almost all through Thanksgiving. Hope it's not through Christmas, too. (Sighs)
Cane: Come in. Hey.
Sofia: Hey, Cane, how are you? (Chuckles)
Cane: Good. How you doin'?
Sofia: Oh, I'm good. Well, I don't mean to interrupt if you're already hard at work.
Cane: No, no, no, no. That's all right. I was about to take a break. Uh, I've almost finished the E.U. market analysis, so... what's up?
Sofia: Good. Are you ready to, uh, tackle another assignment?
Cane: Sure. Yeah.
Sofia: Great. Tucker was intrigued by the short-haul concepts in Blake's report. Now you're familiar?
Cane: Y-yeah. Yeah, I am.
Sofia: Well, good. He wants a feasibility study. You know, site selection, feedstock availability, cost and production.
Cane: Okay.
Sofia: Well, good, 'cause you know Tucker. He wants it by yesterday. (Chuckles) Get Blake to help you. He can do the grunt work. You do the analysis. Unless, of course...
Cane: (Clears throat)
Sofia: If Blake doesn't pass his background check.
Cane: Wait, wait, wait, wait. What... (Chuckles) What--what--what-- what background check?
Phyllis: Did you sleep well?
Daisy: Better than I have in months.
(Knock on door)
Phyllis: Come in.
Daniel: Hey, um, I, uh, needed that note to pick up Summer.
Phyllis: Right. Where'd I put that? Um, listen, I really appreciate you doing this.
Daisy: (Gasps)
Phyllis: I really do. I have the deadline, and--
Daniel: Yeah, I'm fine. It's okay.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Phyllis: What--what-- what's wrong?
Daisy: She's kicking a lot. Feel.
Phyllis: I want to feel. Wow, yeah, she's kicking a lot. There's a gymnast in there. (Sighs)
Daisy: Maybe she heard your voice.
Cane: (Sighs) Um, I didn't know that Tucker still had doubts about Blake. I mean, I thought he was really impressed with that report that he did.
Sofia: He was impressed, thank goodness. I mean, that would not have been good for us if Blake would have flubbed that.
Cane: So... why are you guys doing the background check?
Sofia: It's just routine. Neil suggested it. (Sighs) So, um, any questions about the new assignment?
Cane: Uh, no. No, I, uh, no, I-I-- I know what you want. Um, okay. Hey, you know what? I've gotta go in to meet Lily and the twins, so...
Sofia: Okay.
Cane: All right?
Sofia: Um, why don't you kiss those little babies for me, okay? (Chuckles)
Cane: (Chuckles) I will. I will. All right. Bye. (Sighs) (Exhales)
(Cell phone rings)
Blake: (Scoffs) Yeah, yeah, what's up? (Sighs)
Cane: Hey, um, we need to meet. Uh, I have a problem.
Blake: Yeah, well, I'm at Gloworm.
Cane: I'll be right there.
Gloria: A little more coffee, Gentlemen?
Blake: Why not?
Gloria: Ahh.
Man: Well, thank you.
Gloria: Uh-huh.
Man: Do I understand correctly that you're the proprietor?
Blake: Uh, the original Gloworm.
Gloria: Indeed, I am. First time here?
Man: Yeah, new in town.
Gloria: Great. Well, welcome to Genoa City. Hope to see a whole lot more of you. Gentlemen.
Blake: (Sighs)
Man: What was that about?
Blake: Oh, Cane. Just some new crisis. If he thinks he's got troubles now, just wait till he sees you.
Daniel: Mom, Mom.
Phyllis: Yeah, she-- she hasn't eaten since last night, okay?
Daisy: Wow. That looks beautiful.
Phyllis: Yeah, it's, um, a tomato and basil omelet, uh, fresh-squeezed orange juice. I'll just take that.
Daniel: That's, uh, nice. Just like livin' in a resort.
Daisy: It has nothing to do with me. It's for the baby-- your baby.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Um, listen, I-I have to go. Um, everything that she inhales and ingests, it goes right to that baby. You know, they're finding really weird things in the cord blood, like pollutants and pesticides, so...
Daniel: W-w-well, what about the note? I need the note.
Phyllis: Um, it's-- it's on--on, my, um, on my dresser. You'll--you'll find it. Uh, Billy's probably havin' a cow.
Woman: (Chuckles)
Woman: Hey!
Chloe: (Laughs) No way!
Woman: You caught me moonlighting.
Chloe: Awesome. This is Nika. She's, uh, she's a fashion photographer. We used to work with each other all the time.
Nika: I happened to be in town for a few days, so I'm volunteering a few shifts. It's for a good cause, and Katherine Chancellor's very persuasive.
Kevin: Yeah, uh, so is her namesake. Right, Katie?
Chloe: Uh, hey. Hey, so we have this idea for a Christmas photo.
Kevin: No, no, no, no, no. She has an idea for a Christmas photo.
Jana: Okay, so, um, it's for a preschool, and the children are gonna be decorating it themselves.
Man: Oh, okay. May--so maybe about 4 feet?
Jana: Uh, yeah, actually. That sounds just about right.
Chloe: That's a big one!
Kevin: Let's bop Mommy on the head with that.
Chloe: (Laughs)
Kevin: (Laughs)
Nika: You know your mom's a hoot. You know that?
Kevin: Yeah, well that is certainly one word for her, right?
Chloe: Hey, you better watch yourself.
Kevin: Uh, why? What could you do to me that could possibly be worse than what's in those bags?
Chloe: Oh, you--you should know that--that we here are a world-class mother/daughter snowball-throwing team.
Kevin: Oh, really? Really?
Chloe: Yes, we are. Yeah. And you better watch out, 'cause we're gonna get you right in the kisser.
Kevin: Oh, ow. Somehow I'm...
Chloe: Right in the kisser.
Kevin: Not worried about it.
Chloe: (Laughs)
Kevin: I can take both of you down.
Chloe: Get off me, you big old oaf. Ow! Oh, don't tickle me. No! (Laughs)
Cane: (Sighs)
Cane: (Sighs)
Blake: Now, Mate... so come on. What's the problem?
Cane: What's the problem? Tucker is doing a background check on James Collier who doesn't exist, and neither do his references. That's the problem.
Blake: (Scoffs) No worries. It's all been taken care of.
Cane: And how has it been taken care of?
Blake: Well, it was fairly bloody obvious last time I saw Tucker that red flags were raised. So we've arranged real, live people to respond if anyone contacts James' references. And trust me, the recommendations will be glowing.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Well?
Billy: It's not what we discussed.
Phyllis: It's so much better than what we discussed.
Billy: Yes.
Phyllis: I know you didn't want me going after Sharon.
Billy: Look, the whole point was to counteract the impression we left before that we were too soft on Adam.
Phyllis: Oh, you can't accuse me of doing that. It's all there in black-and-white. Adam's a murderer. Adam's scum.
Billy: And you lump Sharon in the middle of it.
Phyllis: Billy, Sharon lumped herself in the middle of it. She got Adam an attorney. She got him out of jail. I mean, what was your first thought when you heard about that? What was it? Oh, my God, what is Ashley gonna think? And that was mine, too, but does Sharon care? No, she doesn't. She doesn't. She doesn't care how any of this affects anyone else, including her daughter.
Billy: (Clears throat) I'm not disagreeing with you completely. It's just y--
Phyllis: You know this is gonna fly off of the shelves.
Billy: Yes, it will, but there's gonna be blowback-- a little bit for me, a whole lot for you, and I hope you're ready for it, okay?
Phyllis: I am. I'm ready for it.
Billy: Because Sharon still has friends here.
Phyllis: (Scoffs)
Billy: She has Victor. She has Nick, even though he's pissed off. And Jack, by the way.
Phyllis: Uh, unh-unh. I don't care. Every word is true.
Billy: You're sure?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I stand by it. You want to see the cover?
Billy: Oh, I don't know. Do I want to see the cover?
Phyllis: I think you do.
Billy: Wonderful.
Phyllis: Okay, get ready. Get ready. (Sighs)
Billy: Uh-huh. Oh, wow, you're really goin' for it, aren't you?
Phyllis: Yes, I am. Are you?
Billy: Well... (Sighs)
(Computer keys clicking)
Billy: There it is. It's off to the printer. Buckle your seat belt.
Daisy: I think it's really sad your sister can't come home because of me. It's not like I'd ever do anything to hurt her.
Daniel: Yeah. Because conspiring with Sarah to murder Summer's mom--no, no, that wasn't hurtful at all.
Daisy: Sarah had me brainwashed. When I look back at the things she got me to do--
Daniel: Like getting pregnant?
Daisy: That wasn't her plan. It wasn't anyone's plan. It just... (Sniffles) It just happened.
Daniel: No, it didn't just "Happen," Daisy. You came over to my place, and you drugged me.
Daisy: You-- you were confused. You... you thought I was Amber.
Daniel: Well, at least you finally admit it.
Daisy: I got to imagine what it'd feel like just for a little bit to have someone care about you, to hold you, to feel safe. Yeah, I grew up with Sarah-- not a lot of warmth and affection there. You shouldn't think that our baby came out of some dark plot. She didn't. Haven't you ever done something because it felt right, even thought you knew it was wrong?
Chloe: Yes, you will.
Kevin: I mean, do you believe this?
Nika: Oh, Man. (Laughs)
Kevin: Come here.
Chloe: Okay, so you might not be able to put together whole Christmas connection just yet.
Nika: You're recycling bad gifts?
Chloe: (Laughs) No. (Laughs) We are, you know, "A Wonderful Life." You know, in the movie when the guy, he thinks that, you know, he wants to imagine what the whole world is like without him there, and it's such a disaster? So this is what the world looks like if, you know, there weren't stylists like me.
Nika: Oh, it all comes together. Of course.
Chloe: Yeah, so...
Kevin: Yeah, but, you know, the thing is, you're a trendsetter. So what if people take you seriously, and then you could be setting loose on the world an epidemic of mullets?
Chloe: (Scoffs) Um, I'll risk it, okay? All right, I'm gonna get in here.
Kevin: Here, take your daughter.
Chloe: Okay. You get in the sled, "Scrooge."
Kevin: All right, thank you.
Chloe: Come on. All right.
Kevin: Here we go.
Chloe: Everyone together.
Nika: Okay, right over here.
Kevin: You ready?
Chloe: Say, "Cheese."
Delia: Cheese!
Kevin: Cheese.
Chloe: (Laughs) Cheese.
Kevin: Uh, what else can you say? Say... say...
Chloe: Santa Claus!
Delia and Kevin: Santa Claus!
Nika: Say, "Gingerbread."
All: Gingerbread!
Nika: Say, "Christmas."
All: Christmas!
Chloe: Cold Christmas. I'm freezing.
Kevin: Oh, wait, then there's this one, too. Turn around.
Chloe: What? Oh. (Chuckles)
Nika: That's--aw. Say, "Jingle Bells."
Kevin: Jingle bells.
Chloe: Jingle bells!
Delia: Jingle bells.
Kevin: Jingle bells.
Chloe: Yay!
Nika: Say, "Santa."
All: Santa!
Nika: (Laughs)
Chloe: My wig's falling off. Aah! Oh!
Nika: (Laughs) Gotta get that one.
Kevin: (Laughs)
Chloe: (Laughs) Oh, no! (Laughs)
Kevin: Quick.
Chloe: (Laughs) Cheese! Snowflake!
Kevin: Cheese!
Chloe: Reindeer!
Kevin: Why don't I spin around? (Makes airplane noises)
Nika: Okay, right this way.
Kevin: All right. Cheese.
Delia: Cheese!
Kevin: One more.
Delia: Cheese!
Kevin: Say, "Santa Claus."
Delia: Santa Claus.
Chloe: Santa Claus!
Woman: Child protective services.
Jana: (Imitating older woman) Yes, hello, Dear. Uh, I'm at the Christmas tree lot on the corner of Greenside and Pike, and, uh, I'm afraid that I've just witnessed a couple taking some highly inappropriate photos with their little girl.
Kevin: One, two, three... whoa!
Jana: Yes, you see, I work with, uh, young children, and I'm afraid that she's been highly traumatized.
Chloe: (Laughs) Whoa!
Kevin: Okay, no more.
Chloe: No more. that is a hot mess.
Nika: Look at the wig.
Sofia: I know. That's like Tina Turner mullet or something. (Laughs)
Nika: All wrong.
Sofia: Oh, Malcolm and I have to be on your Christmas card list.
Chloe: Oh, yeah, don't worry. It's going out everywhere.
Sofia: Those are great.
Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Did you just say everywhere? How many people are actually gonna see this thing?
Chloe: Everyone.
Gloria: Hey, I'm Gloria Bardwell. I called earlier about wreaths and garlands and--
Man: Oh, for the restaurant.
Gloria: Yes.
Man: All right, we've got your order set aside.
Gloria: Sure.
Sofia: (Laughs) Look at that.
Kevin: Oh, no. (Laughs)
Chloe: (Laughs)
Kevin: (Laughs)
Chloe: That looks great.
Kevin: You've gotta be kidding me.
Chloe: Oh, you look so cute.
Kevin: Okay, wait, wait. How do I delete some of these?
Chloe: Hey, no, no, no, no, no. You can't--no. You cannot--
Kevin: I'm deleting that one. Come on.
Sofia: Who put that mistletoe up there?
Chloe: What? Oh. (Groans) (Chuckles)
Kevin: Oh, what the heck.
Chloe: What?
Kevin: I've been wanting to do this for a long time.
Chloe: (Laughs)
Kevin: Mwah!
Sofia: (Laughs)
Chloe: (Laughs)
Gloria: Are you okay?
Jana: (Laughs) Yeah, of course. Why do you ask?
Kevin: Mom, hey.
Gloria: Hey, Honey.
Kevin: Welcome back from Boca.
Gloria: Thank you.
Kevin: How long have you guys been here?
Jana: Long enough to see you getting your photo taken. (Imitates gunshot)
Kevin: Ahh.
Jana: (Sighs) Don't be embarrassed. It was really funny.
Kevin: Oh, you know, um, Chloe, uh, set up this whole thing where we did this traditional Christmas photo. She, you know, really kind of gets into the holidays.
Jana: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, you would naturally, you know, when you have a child... (Sighs) Of your own. Um, Delia should bring that photo to school.
Kevin: Maybe. I don't know.
Jana: Excuse me.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Gloria: Well, that was creepy.
Kevin: Mom, come on. The divorce has been really hard on her.
Chloe: Delia found all these pretty ornaments.
Gloria: And you have excellent taste, Delia.
Chloe: And we were thinking maybe this one for next year.
Gloria: Oh, come on, Kevin. You're not still thinking about raising Daisy's child.
Delia: (Speaking indistinctly)
Chloe: (Mouthing words)
Kevin: Well, Mom, I talked to a lawyer already. How's that for serious?
Delia: Sparkle. Sparkle.
Chloe: Mm.
Daisy: Thanks. Your mom doesn't want me going up and down the stairs. You ever picture her?
Daniel: Picture who?
Daisy: The baby. I'm hoping that she has your smile.
Daniel: You know what? We're--we're not gonna do this, all right? We're not gonna sit here and pretend like we planned this baby, like we're a couple or something.
Daisy: We're not a couple. We're mother and father.
Daniel: Biologically. Accidentally. What's the matter with you?
Daisy: It's not her fault. Are you gonna punish her for my sins?
Daniel: (Scoffs) Who's talking about punishing anybody? I hope she grows up and has a fantastic life.
Daisy: Without you in it.
Daniel: I can't be late to go pick up Summer. (Clears throat)
Billy: So... enjoy the peace and quiet while you can, because once this issue hits the stands, all hell's gonna break loose. But I guess that's not an entirely frightening prospect for someone who's rooming with the devil. How's that goin', by the way? Off the record, of course.
Phyllis: Mm, off the record. Um... it's okay.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: I laid down the law right away.
Billy: Yeah, because Daisy has such respect for the law.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Um... I am helping her. I am protecting my... (Whispers) Grandchild.
Billy: Oh. That actually scares me a little-- a lot, actually-- how far I would go to protect my kids.
Phyllis: (Normal voice) Kids...?
Billy: Yeah, okay, kids, may--uh, Victoria and I...
Phyllis: Really?
Billy: We don't know. Just--it's just--
Phyllis: Really? Oh, nice.
Billy: Yeah.
Phyllis: Off the record. Off the record, Billy. Off the record.
Billy: Uh, look, this is I'm saying. You and I...
Phyllis: Uh-huh.
Billy: We would kill for our kids, right?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Okay, and we're both respectable, law-abiding, decent citizens, for the most part. But how far do you think someone like Daisy would go, hmm? Think about that and watch your back.
Phyllis: I made it clear what was goin' on. She knows I'm trying to protect her baby. She's grateful.
Billy: How could you really know what's goin' on in her head? I mean, she's had such a messed-up life, and sometimes, you just can't escape that.
Jill: Yeah.
Lily: Okay, I'm ready.
Jill: Okay, good. Yeah, you want your--
Cane: Hey.
Lily: Hey.
Cane: You finish your shopping? Mwah.
Lily: Um, no, they didn't have Bumpy the Camel books.
Jill: Aw. Hi, Sweetheart. Mwah. Well, there's plenty of time before Christmas, you know? I can just get in touch with the publisher. I have lots of contacts from when I was--
Lily: Whoa. Whoa. Hello. Hello, slow down, okay? They-- I'm on the waiting list. They'll probably have it next week. Don't worry. It's fine.
Cane: Well, you know, maybe, uh, you can fly the author in, and he can sign it personally, you know?
Jill: Interesting idea.
Lily: I think the grandparents are going a little overboard this Christmas--just a little bit.
Jill: That is our prerogative. Hello!
Lily: Yeah, I had to make my dad swear that when he came back from New York, he wouldn't have, like, a giant piano or a life-sized teddy bear or something.
Jill: Okay, this is Mattie and Charlie's first Christmas.
Cane: Yeah, and we're kind of getting the feeling we need to get a larger tree.
Lily: Yeah, so we can find it behind all the presents. It's ridiculous.
Cane: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Jill: Oh, all right. We're out of here. Come on. Your parents are "Bah humbugs." Let's go. Let's go.
Lily: What? No, we're not.
Jill: Yes, you're so sweet, Babies. Is he warm enough?
Cane: Yes.
Lily: Yeah, he's fine.
Jill: Aw, look at him. Aw, hello, Sweetheart.
Blake: Cane, Lily.
Lily: Hey.
Blake: Hi.
Lily: How are you?
Blake: I, uh, think you left this behind.
Lily: Oh, my gosh, thank you. I hate when I can't find these things. Oh, um, have you met Jill Fenmore?
Blake: Uh, no. I haven't had the pleasure, no.
Lily: Well, this is, uh, Cane's friend from Australia. They're working together now.
Jill: Oh, it's lovely to meet you.
Blake: Nice to meet you, as well. Neither one of us seems to be getting much work done today, I see.
Lily: Yeah, I stole him away so we could go Christmas tree shopping.
Cane: Yeah.
Blake: Right, yeah. No, I saw the lot on the corner.
Cane: (Chuckles) You know what? It's funny, 'cause if we see you there, I'll kind of get the feeling you're following us.
Blake: I'm actually here to pick up a new book.
Lily: Oh, I hope it's not "Bumpy the Camel."
Jill: (Laughs)
Blake: Why?
Lily: It's sold out. Yeah.
Blake: No, "Bumpy the--" no.
Lily: Yes.
Blake: Damn, I knew I should have got here sooner.
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: Yeah, well, uh, see you later.
Blake: Uh, absolutely.
Lily: Bye, good to see you.
Blake: Bye, Lily.
Lily: Bye.
Jill: Come on, we're gonna go over here. Yeah, we'll go right over here. This is good. We're going this way. I don't know where you're going.
Blake: (Clears throat) The Christmas tree lot. Corner of Greenside and Pike.
Victoria: Oh.
Woman: I'm so bummed. They sold out of the new one.
Victoria: Yeah, I know. It's my son's favorite. Did you get on a wait list?
Woman: Oh.
Boy: Come see the trains.
Woman: Excuse us. (Laughs)
Victoria: Sure.
Lily: Charlie, Honey, over here. Look over here at mommy.
Sofia: Oh, you're so cute.
Cane: Look at mommy.
Nika: Everybody say, "Reindeer."
All: Reindeer!
Blake: So the one with Cane is Jill Abbott Fenmore. She considers herself his adoptive mother.
Nika: Good one. Let's get Cane and Charlie surrounded by all the lovely ladies in their lives.
Cane: Oh, you hear that, Charlie? You hear that? You see how good we got it? All right, we got it good.
Jill: We got it good. There, Sweetheart, look.
Cane: Come on let's go.
Nika: Say, "Cheese."
Jill: There you go.
Blake: Old Cane's become quite the family man.
Man: It's too bad his loyalty lies with the wrong family.
Lily: Maybe one more?
Cane: One more. Okay.
Daniel: Oh, look at all the trees.
Summer: Can we get this one?
Daniel: Oh, you want to get this one, huh? Well, um, you do know how small my apartment is, right? I mean, if we get this one, then I'm probably gonna wind up sleepin' on the fire escape. Is that what you want?
Summer: (Giggles) Let's take it to mommy.
Daniel: Well, you know, mommy's not home right now, and even if she was, we're not supposed to go there.
(Knock on door)
Daisy: Come in. Oh, uh, Daniel just left. You missed him.
Kevin: I--well, actually, I came to see you. I tried to call first, but--
Daisy: Oh. (Chuckles) But they took away the phones and the internet and the tin cans and string just in case.
Kevin: I guess you can't really complain, though. It’s pretty cushy compared to jail.
Daisy: You know what? In some ways, it's worse than jail. At least there, I was just a number. Nobody knew me well enough to hate me. Here, everybody hates me.
Kevin: Well, I wouldn't say that.
Daisy: Name one person who gives a damn about me here-- not the child growing inside me, but me. (Chuckles) Sarah was a mess. Yeah, she used me, but, uh, she--she took care of me. And my whole life, even before I was born, I always had my brother beside me. (Sighs)
Kevin: You still do.
Victoria: (Gasps) Hey! There's my girl. Oh, I was just thinking about you. Look at you. Look at you.
Chloe: Okay, do you think that maybe you could not say that? Call her your little girl? 'Cause she's my little girl.
Victoria: Oh. Well... well, everybody loves Delia because she's so adorable.
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: Oh, Boy, I'm just gonna set you down here.
Chloe: Oh, are--are you not feeling--are you sick?
Victoria: I am really-- I'm okay.
Chloe: And you're picking up my child? Okay, well... (Scoffs)
Victoria: Just relax, okay?
Chloe: Oh.
Victoria: Just relax.
Chloe: Yeah, but you're a mother, and you know that you should-- you should know better.
Victoria: Okay, well, if it is what I think it is, it's not contagious, all right? (Sighs)
Chloe: Oh. Oh, so you mean... like, in nine months, you'll be feeling better.
Victoria: Yeah.
Chloe: Mm.
Victoria: It's possible.
Daniel: Okay, so Mom explained to you that she's helping take care of someone who's sick, right? Which is-- it's really nice of her.
Summer: I could help.
Daniel: I know you could help. And you know what? I know that you would be a great helper, because your dad told me what a great job you're doing helping take care of Faith. But you know what? The thing about this lady is... (Sighs) She's kind of a pain in the butt.
Summer: (Giggles)
Daniel: You think that's funny, but it's true. It's true. You know, she's one of those people who's really unhappy and she always tries to make everyone else around her be unhappy, too, and she's pretty good at it, because she's got a lot of practice doing it, like the Grinch. You know who the Grinch is, right? Mm. So obviously Mom doesn't want you hanging out with someone like that, 'cause what if she was mean to you? So Mom just thinks that while she's taking care of her, which is just gonna be for another couple weeks-- just a little temporary thing, I promise-- it's better for you to stay with Dad and Faith. You're havin' fun with them, right?
Summer: I miss Mommy.
Daniel: Yeah, I know you do. Come here. I know you do.
Kevin: So have you given any thought to it? Me raising the baby?
Daisy: It's weird for me to picture her with anyone but me.
Kevin: Daisy, that's not realistic. And being a good parent, and I know that neither of us...
Daisy: (Sighs)
Kevin: Have firsthand experience with that, um, sometimes means making tough decisions. And I'm family. I'm your family. And I would never hold any of that against her, you know?
(Door opens)
Kevin: Uh, everything that happened and who her mother is.
Daisy: Unlike Phyllis, you mean.
Kevin: I'm just saying--
Phyllis: Well, un-- unlike Phyllis, what? What are you talking about?
Daisy: Oh, uh, Kevin was offering to raise my baby.
Phyllis: Oh. Are you kidding?
Kevin: No. No, I'm not kidding.
Phyllis: Um, Kevin, that's really sweet of you. It's really sweet, I mean, being Daniel's best friend and all, but no one would expect you--
Kevin: Uh, yes, you're right. I am Daniel's best friend.
Phyllis: Right.
Kevin: But I'm the baby's uncle.
Phyllis: I know. There are people in the world who would do that job much better than you.
Kevin: Ooh, I disagree.
Phyllis: Um, listen, Kevin, given your history, just--
Kevin: Listen, Phyllis, you have a history, too.
Phyllis: What are you talking about?
Kevin: Uh...
Phyllis: (Scoffs)
Kevin: Nothing. Nothing. Well, actually, no. You know what? I was talking about the time that you were declared an unfit parent. So I don't think you're in any position to be throwing stones at me.
Phyllis: Oh, you know what? I can throw a lot of stones, a lot of stones, and I have really, really good aim, Kevin.
Kevin: I'm not so sure about that.
Daisy: Hello? Remember me? I'm still here. The baby's mother. The one who actually gets to make this decision.
Cane: All right.
Lily: Oh, that's so pretty. I'm glad that we got this one.
Cane: Huh?
Sofia: Nice work, Cane.
Lily: Yeah.
Cane: Thank you. So--
Lily: So who wants some eggnog? Anyone?
Cane: Uh, that's code. That means, uh, we would like you to stay and do decorations, so...
Lily: Yeah.
Sofia: (Chuckles) Well, I can hang around for a little bit. Where are the lights? I could get you started.
Lily: They're in the garage. I'll get 'em. Don't worry about it.
Sofia: No, no, no. You sit. Enjoy your eggnog. I'll get it.
Lily: Okay.
Cane: Yeah, you've, uh, been on your feet all day. Come here.
Lily: Yeah.
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: (Grunts) So you still haven't told me what you want for Christmas. Hmm?
Lily: Well, 'cause I have everything I want. What about you? Have you been a good boy this year? (Chuckles)
Cane: Um, all I want for Christmas is my family to be healthy, to be happy and to be safe. That's all I want.
Lily: (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Blake: (Sighs) So now you know what Cane's been up to.
Man: She could tell me more.
Man: Hello.
Jana: Okay. If you'd just excuse me. Um...
Man: Sure.
Boy: Miss Jana!
Jana: (Gasps) Well, hello! How are you? Nice to see you here.
Woman: You're his favorite teacher.
Jana: Yeah? Oh, well, it's so wonderful running into you here. You know, I've seen Delia here, too.
Woman: She's a sweetheart.
Jana: Yes, I know. She's so cute. I can't get enough of her.
Woman: Say good-bye to Miss Jana.
Boy: Bye.
Jana: Bye. (Laughs) So sweet. See you soon.
Woman: Okay, come on.
Boy: See you soon.
Jana: (Sighs) Sorry.
Man: That's okay.
Jana: Okay, um, my car is just--it's that one over there.
Man: All right. Okay. No problem.
Jana: I'll just follow you. Come on.
Gloria: What are you up to?
Jana: (Sighs) I don't know what you're talking about.
Gloria: I'm watching you, Jana.
Chloe: You know what? Would you give Uncle Kevin the present that we got him? (Gasps) Go grab it. Go grab it.
Kevin: You got a present for me?
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Kevin: Is that for me?
Chloe: Yeah. There it is.
Delia: All right.
Kevin: (Chuckles) Whoa.
Delia: Ow.
Chloe: (Chuckles) Oh.
Kevin: You okay?
Delia: Yeah.
Kevin: Wow.
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Kevin: (Sighs) That was really, really nice of you.
Chloe: Well, you know, we're trying to stay positive, because we know that Daisy's gonna do the right thing, and she's gonna let you raise the baby.
Kevin: Thank you. Can I have a hug?
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Kevin: See? This is what happens when kids grow up with the love they deserve. They are kind and sweet and thoughtful, just like you.
Chloe: Yeah, she's a good girl.
Kevin: And that's what I want for my niece.
(Doorbell rings)
Chloe: Oh, I'll get it.
Kevin: Do you want some hot chocolate? I want some hot chocolate. (Grunts)
Delia: Me, too.
Kevin: You do?
Chloe: Hey.
Woman: Hello. I'm from child protective services.
Chloe: Oh, hi. Come on in. Um, I'm sorry. Is there a problem in the building?
Woman: Is that Delia Abbott?
Chloe: Yeah. Yeah, it is. Why?
Woman: We've had a complaint.
Billy: Hello, Honey. (Singsong voice) I have a present for you. Ta-da, ta-da ta-da! Yay!
Victoria: (Sighs) I don't need it. I'm not pregnant.
Billy: You sure?
Victoria: It's just a bug.
Billy: You sure, sure?
Victoria: I got my... (Sighs)
Billy: Oh, gotcha. Okay, well... (Clears throat) That's okay. We'll just save that for next month, and we'll keep trying. In the meantime, I'm gonna give you a kiss, but we're gonna take precautions. (Chuckles) Mwah! Now stay on your side of the couch. (Chuckles)
Victoria: Thanks.
Daniel: Ho ho ho!
Phyllis: What are you doing? What are you-- what are you doing here? What--
Daniel: (Grunts, sighs)
Phyllis: Hey. What a surprise.
Daisy: You must be Summer.
Summer: Is there a baby in your tummy?
Phyllis: Yeah, there's a baby in her tummy.
Daisy: (Chuckles) Yeah.
Phyllis: Yeah, there is. Baby. Baby girl, go upstairs right now, right now, really quick. Your favorite pajamas are on the bed. And, uh, go pack every single thing you want to bring to your daddy's, okay? Every single thing. Don't forget anything.
Summer: (Giggling)
Phyllis: What are you doing? What are you doing? Why are you bringing her here?
Daniel: (Sighs) Well... (Sighs) It, uh, is Christmastime, and since I'm not in such a festive mood and I don't want to decorate, that little girl needs someplace that she can deck the halls. Oh, yeah, and then maybe she misses her mother.
Phyllis: (Sighs) She can't come here, Daniel. It's not possible. She cannot be here with her.
Daniel: She can be here if Daisy's not here.
Phyllis: No, she can't! She needs to stay here. (Sighs) It's a high-risk pregnancy. She can't be in jail. I don't know what else to tell you. Even the judge agreed.
Daniel: I'm not saying send her back to jail. I'm saying she should come home with me.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: What are you implying?
Billy: You are a lousy influence on my daughter.
Daisy: Kevin said he's--
Daniel: No, no, I know what Kevin said--that he wants to take it. No, there's no way I'm gonna let that happen.
Man: So what did he tell you about himself?
Jill: I really don't think that Cane ever felt wanted.
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