Y&R Transcript Monday 12/6/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 12/7/10 -- USA
Episode # 9541 ~ Phyllis Sets Out to Expose the Truth
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Phyllis: [Thinking] Evil is ugly. Obviously. That we'll recognize it when we see it. But Shakespeare wrote, 'And thus I clothe my naked villainy, with odd old ends stolen out of holy writ, and seem a saint when most I play the devil.' He was right. Real evil is subtle, insidious. It comes into our lives when and where we least expect it. Like a thief in the night, it surprises us..."
Fen: Superman!
Phyllis: (Thinking) "Turns us into someone we hardly recognize..."
Lauren: How many times have I told you not to do that? Not to surprise me? Now go to your room!
Phyllis: (Thinking) "Someone we never imagined we could be. Without warning, we're in its powerful grasp, and those around us, collateral damage." (Thinking) "Evil comes in many forms, tempting us with promises of false comfort and a brighter tomorrow. Some days, we're strong enough to fight back, declare at least a momentary victory."
Phyllis: (Thinking) "Friends and loved ones help remind us that there is still good in the world, but sadly, the respite from true evil never lasts long." (Thinking) "It finds its way back into your life and grips your heart with a fierceness you are sure will stop it beating."
Jack: Hey, what do you say we, uh, put this stuff aside for a while and go get some dinner?
Ashley: Sounds good.
Phyllis: (Thinking) "Sometimes the support of a loved one is enough to keep the pain that evil causes at bay." (Thinking) "Other times, no matter how much we want to protect those we love, it's just not possible."
Nick: Yeah, what's that? Who's that? Who just got here?
Noah: Hey. What are you still doin' awake? I thought you'd be asleep by now.
Nick: Yeah, hopefully soon.
Noah: You said you wanted to talk about something? (Sighs) It sounded pretty serious on the phone.
Nick: Yeah, it is.
Phyllis: (Thinking) "Don't get me wrong. Sometimes evil does announce itself. You open the door, and there it is. But that other kind of evil, the kind that sneaks up on you, I know this evil. I've seen it firsthand, lived with it for years."
Sharon: Thank you so much for meeting me, Leslie.
Leslie: Well, frankly, with the way you feel about my associate Vance, I was surprised you called again.
Sharon: Then you're going to be even more surprised when I tell you why I was calling.
Phyllis: (Thinking) "Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sharon. Fragile. Helpless. Some might say dumb as a brick, but loved for her naiveté and innocence."
Sharon: I want to hire you to represent Adam.
Leslie: You're right. I definitely wasn't expecting that.
Sharon: Well, Adam has done some... some horrible things to people who I really care about and to me.
Leslie: But?
Sharon: But he's innocent. He did not kill Skye. So... will you take the case?
Leslie: You're paying? Because I know Adam can’t.
Sharon: Yeah, don't worry. I will cover your fee.
Leslie: Then I'm in.
Phyllis: (Thinking) "This woman isn't innocent. She's not a damsel in distress, a victim. It's time the world knew what Sharon really is-- a fraud." (Thinking) "Genoa City has always had a scandal brewing. I admit, I've reveled in a few of them. This one doesn't make me want to revel. It makes me sick."
Michael: Ahh.
Phyllis: Hey.
Michael: Well, Phyllis. What can I do for you?
Phyllis: Um, I want to talk to Lauren.
Michael: It's not gonna work. Look, we both believe Daisy should stay in jail.
Phyllis: I, uh, I'm not here to talk about Daisy. I don't care about that, okay? I'm--I just need my best friend.
Michael: I don't know.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Lauren: It's okay. Come in.
Phyllis: Thanks.
Michael: All right, I have a client to visit at the police station.
Lauren: It's okay. Phyllis will keep me company.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Michael: Mm. All right.
Lauren: Bye, my love.
Michael: I shouldn't be too long.
Phyllis: (Clears throat) So... thank you.
Lauren: What's going on?
Phyllis: Oh... (Sighs) You wouldn't believe what happened. It's crazy. I-I don't believe it. I mean, well, why wouldn't I? It has to do with Sharon, so why wouldn't Sharon do something like this?
Lauren: Like what?
Phyllis: (Sighs) She hired an attorney to represent Adam.
Lauren: What?
Phyllis: Yeah. It's beyond shocking, right?
Lauren: It-- it's beyond everything. What--what on earth was she thinking?
Phyllis: Well, "Thinking" implies you have a brain.
Lauren: But what about Nick and--and... what about Faith? One day, she's gonna have to tell her daughter that she defended the man who kidnapped her.
Phyllis: Listen, Lauren, Lauren, she'll just lie her way out of it like she does everything.
Lauren: Oh, my God.
Phyllis: Oh, my God, what?
Lauren: She came over here the other day, and said that she "Accidentally" picked up a bracelet from the boutique and put it in her purse.
Phyllis: Yeah, oh, right-- accidentally.
Lauren: (Sighs) You know, I wanted to believe her. She seemed so sincere.
Phyllis: Oh, she always seems sincere, doesn't she? Don't feel bad. You're not the only one who falls for her "Poor me" act.
Lauren: You know, she said she wanted to get away, and so I suggested New Orleans.
Phyllis: She ended up there with Adam.
Lauren: You think she went there to meet him?
Phyllis: Nick does.
Lauren: God. I-I mean, how many people does she have fooled?
Phyllis: Mm. She's a fake. She's really a phony. I mean, I've been saying this for years, but people just think I'm being petty. Nobody listens to me.
Lauren: Oh, they won't have a choice now.
Phyllis: I don't know. I don't know, really. Nick, Jack, Victor... (Sighs) They all come to her rescue. They just swoop in. And they probably will this time.
Lauren: (Scoffs) How could they?
Phyllis: I don't know. Listen, Lauren, after I'm done with her, no one will want to have anything to do with her.
Nick: Okay, Bud. (Grunts)
Noah: I take it she's staying here again to night.
Nick: Yeah.
Noah: (Clears throat)
Nick: Daddy loves you. (Sighs) So what I wanted to talk to you about was I know that you ran into your mother yesterday.
Noah: Yeah, that, was, uh... (Sighs) Interesting. Why can't she shake her feelings for Adam?
Nick: (Sighs) I don't know, Son. I don't know. I cannot explain what's going on in your mom's head right now. All I can do is take care of Faith.
Noah: Yeah. No, I-I totally get that. What--I mean, I wish it didn't have to be this way, but Faith being with you is what's best for her right now.
Nick: Well, it might be what's best for her. Period.
Noah: What--what do you mean? How long do you plan on keeping her for?
Nick: As long as I feel she's not safe with your mother.
Phyllis: (Thinking) "The truth is, there were tragic events in this pathetic damsel's life that were out of her control. No one could blame her when a madman stole her newborn daughter to cover up the murder of another infant. Eventually, her tormentor's plot was revealed. You'd think that was the end of the story, that Sharon and her Prince Nicholas would live happily ever after with their love child. But no. The real Sharon, the Sharon I always knew was there, finally reared her ugly head, and a whole new chapter began."
Ashley: Oh, look, there's Sharon. Who is that she's with? I've never seen her before.
Jack: Uh, you know what? Let's just go somewhere else, okay?
Ashley: Why? What's going on?
Jack: Uh, that is Leslie Michaelson. She's an attorney in Vance Abrams' office.
Ashley: Well, if Sharon needs an attorney, why doesn't she just go to Michael?
Jack: Maybe 'cause this has something to do with Adam.
Ashley: Adam?
Jack: Come on. Let's get out of here.
Ashley: If you're not gonna tell me, I'll find out for myself.
Leslie: A paralegal in our office is drawing up a write of habeas corpus. Adam should be out tonight.
Ashley: You're trying to get Adam out of jail?
Noah: So you're-- you're taking Faith away from Mom just like Adam did?
Nick: (Sighs) Come on, Dude, that's not fair, nor is it accurate. What I'm doing is nothing like what Adam did.
Noah: Well, the end result's the same, Dad. Mom's separated from her baby.
Nick: That's your mom's doing.
Noah: (Sighs) Why--why would she risk everything for scum? You either have to be stupid or crazy in love not to see Adam for who he is. Okay. That is what I was afraid of.
Nick: Noah. Look--
Ashley: He's doing to you exactly what he did to me. He's trying to make you think that he's actually a good person, and that everything you know about him is a lie. I know how he operates, Sharon. He--he twists the facts. He--he confuses you. He's gonna turn everything around so you don't know which end is up. Don't let him make you forget what he's done to us.
Sharon: I know Adam’s done a lot of bad things, and he's--
Ashley: He's done a lot of bad things, Sharon. He killed my baby. He took Faith from you. He--he made you think that she was dead. He killed that little boy's father. That little boy's now an orphan.
Sharon: But, Ashley, he did not kill Skye.
Ashley: What difference does it make?! He's a sick bastard, Sharon. He's always gonna be a sick bastard!
Sharon: How would you like it--how would you like it if someone said to you, "Oh, once crazy, always crazy"?
Ashley: (Scoffs) How can you say that to me? How dare you after everything we went through?!
Sharon: The point that I'm making is that no one should have to go to prison for a crime they didn't commit, not even Adam.
Ashley: He should go to prison for the crimes he did commit. And if you don't see that, then you're the one who's lost her mind.
Sharon: All right, well, obviously, there's no point in talking about this.
Ashley: You know, if you do this, Sharon, if you take Adam’s side, Faith is gonna know it someday. She's gonna-- she's gonna know it that you turned your back on her, and you took that slime bag’s side. Now how can you live with that?
Sharon: Jack. Jack--
Ashley: How can you...
Jack: Save it.
Ashley: Live with that?!
Jack: We're out-- we're out of here.
Phyllis: (Thinking) "How has she done it? How has she managed to make her way through life without anyone seeing who she really was, and what an insidious threat she posed to all of us? Almost anyone, that is. I realized what a danger she was the first day I laid eyes on her. Sadly, that angelic face and that hair-flip thing she does, well, those were enough to blind the rest of Genoa City to the real Sharon. It allowed her to get away with murder, maybe literally." (Thinking) "If only we all had to wear letters across our chests announcing to the world who we really are, like Hester in 'The Scarlet Letter.' Yes, 'A' would be perfect for Sharon, not for 'Adultery.' I won't throw that stone. 'A' for 'Addict.' Sharon's a heroine addict. 'Heroine,' with an 'E.' The world definitely would have been a safer place if Sharon had been forced to wear her 'A' throughout her life. It certainly would have saved her high school senior in shining armor years of heartache."
(Footsteps approach)
Phyllis: I thought you’d be home with Summer and Faith.
Nick: Uh, they're with Leah. I was in here earlier with Summer. I had promised to get her the, uh, latest princess book in that series she loves so much, but I got distracted and forgot.
Phyllis: That's understandable.
Nick: So I came back to get it. I want to make sure it's there when she wakes up.
Phyllis: You're a good dad.
Nick: I'm not gonna be winning any "Father of the year" awards, that's for sure.
Phyllis: (Sighs) How's Faith doing?
Nick: She misses her mom.
Phyllis: How are you doing?
Nick: Probably as lousy as you hope. (Sighs)
Phyllis: It doesn't make me feel good to see you hurting, but to know that you actually Sh--see Sharon for the person she is-- uh, that actually makes me feel pretty good.
Nick: This thing with Adam-- I just don't get it.
Phyllis: That's because you never thought that Sharon was the same as Adam when she actually is.
Nick: You make her sound like this evil monster who's masquerading as a schoolgirl.
Phyllis: Sharon hired an attorney to get Adam out of jail. Evil enough for you?
Leslie: The paperwork's on its way to the judge. Once he goes over it, Adam should be released.
Sharon: Wow. That was fast.
Leslie: You still want to go through with this?
Sharon: What, you mean because of what happened with Ashley and Jack? No, they don't know Adam the way I do. Adam... he's innocent. He didn't kill Skye.
Leslie: Okay. I'll call you when you can pick up Adam.
Sharon: Great. Thank you.
Leslie: All right. Good night, Sharon.
Noah: What's going on, Mom?
Sharon: Hey. What do you mean?
Noah: With you and Adam.
Sharon: I-I don't know what you're asking me.
Noah: I'll make it simple. Are you in love with him? (Sighs) Okay.
Phyllis: (Thinking) "Lying to the world about who you are is bad. Lying to your children? That's unforgiveable. Parents are supposed to keep away the monsters, not get into bed with them. What kind of woman, forced to choose between her family and the devil chooses the devil?"
Man: Sharon Newman called. Your lawyer's workin' on getting you released.
Adam: My lawyer?
Man: Some lady who works with Vance Abrams.
Adam: Don't bother bringing me that slop you call dinner.
Man: Oh, you think you're gettin' out, huh?
Adam: I don't think. I know.
Noah: (Sighs) So yes or no? Do you love Adam?
Sharon: I don't want to see him go to jail for something he didn't do.
Noah: Why not? After what he did to you and Dad, Faith, Ashley, why would you care if he burned in hell?
Sharon: I know that people look at Adam, and all they see is evil.
Noah: 'Cause that's all he is.
Sharon: No, it isn’t. There's a lot more to him, and I've seen it. When he and I were in New Orleans, we had this connection.
Noah: You slept with him, didn't you?
Sharon: You know what? This isn't a conversation you and I should be having.
Noah: That's what this is all about--why you're defending him, because you and he... (Sighs)
Sharon: Noah, I'm not-- I'm not talking to you about this.
Noah: Well, you don't have to, 'cause you make me sick.
Sharon: Noah.
Noah: (Slams money on bar top) (Sighs) Just get out of my way.
Sharon: Noah!
(Cell phone rings) (Ring)
Sharon: Yeah?
Leslie: It's Leslie Michaelson. Adam's free to go. I'm on my way to the station now.
Sharon: I'll be right there.
Phyllis: (Thinking) "How do you keep evil out of your house when it has a key to the front door? If Sharon Newman is in your family, you better change the locks, because eventually, she'll try to come home. She'll bat those big blue eyes and try to convince her friends and family to forgive her, to let her back into their lives. Don't do it. Don't open that door."
Jack: You here alone?
Nikki: Oh, hi.
Ashley: Hi.
Nikki: Yeah, um, I'm trying to get used to a table for one.
Jack: Would you like to join us?
Nikki: Oh, no, I-- I don't want to intrude.
Jack: Well, it's been kind of a rough evening.
Ashley: Yeah, it's okay. We--we ran into Sharon at Gloworm.
Jack: Which is why we're eating here.
Nikki: Ahh. Nicholas tells me that she's insisting Adam didn't kill Skye.
Jack: Yes, tonight, she was meeting with an attorney, an associate of Vance Abrams.
Nikki: Why?
Jack: To get her help in getting Adam out of jail.
Nikki: Oh, my God. (Sighs) I feel for Nicholas. He just got his family back together and...
Jack: Yeah. (Sighs)
Nikki: (Sighs)
Ashley: You know, would you mind if I took a rain check with dinner? Please?
Jack: Oh, sur--you know what? I'll take you home.
Ashley: No, no, no. You know what? You guys stay here. I just need to go see someone.
Jack: Here, take my car at least. Here.
Ashley: Jack, stop, okay? I'll take a cab, all right? Thanks. See you later. Good-bye, Jackie.
Nikki: Take care. Is she gonna be all right?
Jack: I hope so. (Sighs)
Phyllis: Did you get the book?
Nick: Got it.
Phyllis: Yeah. You didn't seem very surprised that Sharon got an attorney for Adam.
Nick: Nothing Sharon does surprises you.
Phyllis: Oh, no. I was never fooled by her.
Nick: I guess I missed a few red flags, huh?
Phyllis: A few thousand.
Nick: Give me a break. I was a teenager when I met her.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. What about all the years after that?
Nick: Well, now I'm just an idiot, so...
Phyllis: (Chuckles) Love makes us think that we see things that we want to see.
Nick: Well, she really did a number on me. I really thought Sharon and I had a future together, the one that Cassíe had predicted for us.
Nick: Now she and... Adam are... (Sighs)
Phyllis: What, sleeping together? Oh. Wow, she... she really did reveal herself, didn't she? (Sighs) (Thinking) "You’d think I'd take more pleasure in this-- the unmasking of Sharon. But it's hard for me to find joy in this particular heartache. I suppose that's a good thing."
Nick: (Sighs) Thanks.
Phyllis: (Thinking) "Better to put my energy into something more useful. The evil's been unveiled. But make no mistake. It's still a threat. It has to be dealt with."
Adam: I knew I could count on you.
Leslie: Let's get you out of here.
Adam: You can, uh, help yourself to my jell-O.
Michael: Sharon. Did they call you in again for questioning without telling me?
Sharon: I'm here for Adam.
Michael: What do you mean?
Sharon: I hired Leslie to get him out of here.
Michael: All right. The police are already suspicious about you two leaving town so soon after Skye’s disappearance. Now you're helping him? Now how do you think that's gonna look?
Sharon: Look, I can't worry about how that's gonna look.
Michael: You have to worry about how it's gonna look!
Sharon: He is being accused of something he didn't do.
Michael: Forget about him. What about Nick? Noah? Faith?
Sharon: Look, um, as soon as the police realize that he's innocent, I'll--I'll work things out with them.
Michael: All right, listen to me. Listen to me good. You side with Adam in this, you'll lose everything.
Sharon: I'm not abandoning him.
Michael: You're on your own, then.
Lauren: So you know when you've had a bad dream, and mommy and daddy tell you that there's nothing to be afraid of?
Fen: Sometimes I still am, though.
Lauren: Well, I know, and that's what happens to grown-ups, too. Even though we know we're safe in this house, we still get scared by things.
Fen: Yeah, like when I jumped out?
Lauren: Yeah.
Fen: Well, you're okay now, right?
Lauren: Of course I am. You know why? 'Cause I have my own superhero. (Laughs)
Fen: I'll always protect you, Mom.
Lauren: Oh, Baby. You're so sweet. Thanks. You want to go get ready for bed and brush your teeth?
Fen: Okay.
Lauren: All righty, then.
Michael: Hey, Bud. Super-five. Oh, it's my turn.
Lauren: (Laughs)
Michael: (Sighs)
Lauren: (Laughs)
Michael: (Makes kissing sounds)
Lauren: Mwah. Oh, and what's all this about?
Michael: (Sighs) For being the most sane person I've met today.
Lauren: (Laughs) Oh, God. What kind of day did you have?
Michael: You have no idea.
Lauren: Mm, I might if it has to do with Sharon.
Michael: Mm, that's why Phyllis was here?
Lauren: Yeah, she told me that Sharon hired Leslie Michaelson to get Adam out of jail.
Michael: I saw them walking out of the police station together.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Michael: I don't know what's gotten into Sharon. I just don't know. Well, actually, I do know.
Lauren: Not... not Sharon and Adam.
Michael: Oh, yes, yeah. Yep, yep, yep, yep.
Lauren: (Sighs) Poor Nick. I--
Michael: He and Sharon have been through this before. It's the kids-- that's who I really feel for. How can Sharon do this to them? (Sighs)
Lauren: (Sighs)
Phyllis: (Thinking) "We're supposed to protect our children, always put them first. Little Faith, the most innocent of anyone in this story, deserves to know that her mommy didn't do that. Sharon turned her back on her and let the evil that separated them once before come back into their lives to separate them once again."
(Knock on door)
Nick: (Gasps) Who's at the door? Who's at the door? (Sighs)
Ashley: Hi.
Nick: Hey, Ashley.
Ashley: Hi. May I come in? Hi.
Nick: Oh, of course.
Ashley: I'm sorry I didn't call. I was out with Jack. I just needed to really ta-- I needed to see you.
Nick: Not a problem.
Ashley: (Sighs) What are you doin' up so late, silly?
Nick: She can't sleep. She misses her mom.
Ashley: May I hold her? She was at my house and I-- I wasn't there. I was out of town. Please?
Nick: Well, yeah, of course. Here you go.
Ashley: Hi. Hi.
Faith: Mama.
Ashley: Hi. Oh.
Nick: (Chuckles)
Faith: Mama.
Ashley: I saw Sharon. What the hell is going on with her?
Nick: (Sighs) I wish I knew.
Ashley: You know... (Sighs) Giving the baby back to the two of you was obviously the right thing to do because she's your daughter, but when I handed her over to you, I thought she'd be loved and safe. I never in a million years thought that Sharon would choose Adam over this precious little angel.
Nick: Yeah, I-I wouldn't have thought that, either. But just know I will do everything I can to protect this little girl.
Ashley: Well, how are you gonna keep her way from Adam?
Nick: It's not gonna be a problem, because Faith lives with me now.
Ashley: You got yourself a good daddy. Yes, you do. Is she getting a little sleepy? (Chuckles)
Nick: I hope so. Come here, Beautiful.
Ashley: Well, you know, um, call me if I can do anything.
Nick: I will.
Ashley: I can't imagine how dark Sharon's world must be for her to abandon her own child, you know? Hi.
Nick: Yeah.
Faith: (Fusses)
Ashley: Bye.
Nick: Okay. Good night.
Ashley: Good night.
Nick: Can you say, "Bye-bye"? Bye-bye.
Nick: You about ready to go night-night? (Gasps) Look what I see-- blankie. (Gasps) Where's your blankie? Oh! How about this one?
Phyllis: (Thinking) "There are so many innocent victims in this tragic tale. True, my telling of this story will hurt them, and I regret that. These are people I care about deeply. But I'm not the one who's hurt them. The real perpetrator of their pain is the one who brought evil into their lives. She doesn't have an ounce of regret."
Jack: Good thing Ashley left, huh?
Nikki: I can't believe she has the nerve to go out in public with him.
Jack: It's like he's got some kind of spell over her or something.
Nikki: She's making her own choices. (Sighs)
Jack: You know what? I've had enough for one evening.
Nikki: I don't blame you. Thank you for dinner.
Jack: Oh, my pleasure. You sure I can't walk you to your car?
Nikki: No, I'm fine, thanks.
Jack: All right. Good night.
Nikki: Good night.
Nikki: Well, Sharon.
Sharon: (Sighs) Nikki, save it, please. I've heard it all.
Nikki: What did you expect?
Sharon: Oh, I don't know. Maybe for people to respect my choices.
Nikki: Really? You know, I have waited for years to tell you what I really thought of you, but I held back because of Nicholas and later because of the kids. I actually got to a point where I thought you had changed. After Cassie died, I thought you had grown up, become responsible. But I was wrong. I was just feeling the loss and the grieving for me and you. I realize now that you are the same spoiled, selfish little tramp that you have always been. You want to trash your life? Go right ahead, my dear. But have the decency to protect your children and Nicholas from your unfortunate choices. I have an idea-- why don't you take this piece of garbage that's standing next to you and leave town and never come back?
Phyllis: "Edmund Burke said, 'Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.' When people fight back, the forces of darkness can be conquered, sometimes with something as simple as a hug.
Michael: We surrender! We surrender. No!
Lauren: (Laughs)
Michael: (Laughs)
Phyllis: (Thinking) "I've see it happen in my own life and in the lives of those I care for."
Sharon: And--and here I thought--I thought Phyllis was the biggest hypocritical bully in this town. What is the world coming to when an ex-stripper-turned-alcoholic thinks she has the right to judge someone for standing up for a friend? I think they call that irony.
Nikki: Pathetic-- that's the word I use that you could even think that you're some kind of heroine.
Sharon: This isn't even about me. This is about Adam. He's innocent, and I'm gonna prove it.
Nikki: Ah. Well, you go right ahead. All you have to lose are your children, Nicholas... (Gasps) And Victor. What will he think?
Sharon: Victor would never turn his back on me.
Nikki: (Scoffs) You don't know him very well.
Phyllis: (Thinking) "When you turn your back on those you love and are left alone to face the evil, trust me, that's a scary place to be."
Woman: Adam Newman, lead suspect in the disappearance of his wife Skye Newman was released from police custody today. Seen here leaving city lockup with attorney Leslie Michaelson and surprisingly, his ex-wife Sharon Newman, whom sources say is standing by his side.
(Glasses clink)
Adam: To you, for risking everything for me.
Sharon: You know, once everyone realizes you had nothing to do with what happened to Skye, they're going to understand why I had to stand up for you.
Adam: For your sake, I hope so.
Sharon: Trust me, tomorrow, this will be yesterday's news.
Man: I'm afraid you'll have to leave.
Sharon: He wa-- he was just gonna book a room.
Man: He's not welcome here.
Adam: Its okay, Sharon. We'll go somewhere else.
Sharon: No. No. You know what? I'll book a room then.
Man: That's not possible, either. You both have to go, or I will have you arrested for trespassing.
Phyllis: (Thinking) "What is true evil? The monster who kidnapped a baby from its mother? Or the mother who opens the door when he returns and says... 'Come in'?"
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: I don't think you're in any position to be throwing stones at me.
Phyllis: Oh, you know what? I can throw a lot of stones.
Daisy: Haven't you ever done something because it felt right even though you knew it was wrong?
Chloe: Think that maybe you could not say that? Call her your little girl? 'Cause she's my little girl.
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