Y&R Transcript Friday 12/3/10 -- Canada; Monday 12/6/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9540 ~ Jack Turns His Back on Sharon
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Heather: Ronan, say something.
Ronan: (Groans)
Heather: (Sighs)
Ronan: How long was I out?
Heather: (Sighs) Not long, but we have to get you to a hospital.
Ronan: No. Pass.
Heather: No, Ronan, you can't ignore this. The medicine, your hand-- you almost fainted the other day. Now you've blacked out. This is obviously getting worse.
Ronan: Okay, well, your concern, uh, has been duly noted.
Heather: All right, you know what? The only reason I didn't dial 9-1-1 is because I know you wouldn't want EMTs busting in here, but this is obviously very serious. I will drive you to the hospital.
Ronan: No. No, no, no, no, no, no. That's not gonna be necessary, Heather.
Heather: Please. Don't be an idiot about this, please.
Ronan: (Exhales)
Daniel: (Sighs)
Daisy: Do you think it's possible I'm not going back to jail?
Daniel: Well, why else would they slap an ankle monitor on you?
Daisy: (Sighs) I just wish someone would tell me what's going on.
Daniel: How about I call Mom, hmm? Maybe she knows something about this. (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: (Sighs) Hi.
Daniel: Hey, it's me. Uh, I'm at the hospital with Daisy, and, well, she is sporting some serious new hardware on her ankle. Uh, you wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?
Phyllis: The judge changed her decision on the ruling after she heard about Daisy's condition. She's releasing her into my custody.
Daniel: So who's settin' up her transfer?
Phyllis: It's in the works.
Daniel: Well, I guess I'll be seeing you real soon.
Daisy: I'm going to your mom's?
Lauren: You know what? You can change your mind. You can change your mind.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Lauren. Lauren, you ha-have to accept that this is happening.
Lauren: No. I am begging you. I am begging you, for the sake of our friendship, don't do this.
Michael: Come on. Come on, Sweetheart.
Phyllis: I--
Michael: Let's go.
Jack: Yeah, that's-- that's a good idea.
Phyllis: I-I have things to do before she gets there.
Lauren: Oh, yeah, do you understand that you and me and Daniel and Summer, we're not safe anymore?! This is a big mistake, and you are gonna regret it.
Jill: Thank you for getting me the information so quickly. No, no. I agree. It's better to be cautious. You can never be too sure.
Diane: I heard the sandwiches are good here. They better be. I sure didn't come here for the atmosphere. (Chuckles)
Nick: (Chuckles) I like this place. It's off the grid. It's a good place for a quiet drink.
Diane: To get away from your troubles?
Nick: It shows, huh?
Diane: Just a little. (Chuckles) So what's the problem? It's gotta be either business or love life or kids. You have--you have three now, right? I hope nobody's sick.
Nick: Oh, no, no. It's--it's nothing like that.
Diane: Mm. Parenting is the greatest job in the world, isn't it? The greatest and toughest, most terrifying. You cross your fingers. You do the best you can. You hope you don't screw it up too much.
Nick: Well, I guess some people can't help themselves.
Adam: Sharon, I know you might not be ready to admit it, but I know that you love me. After what happened in New Orleans, and how you stood by my side ever since, and now you're telling me that you know that I didn't kill Skye.
Sharon: All right, well, I have been struggling with what to believe. And I needed more than just your word.
Adam: And you got it?
Sharon: From Vance's associate Leslie Michaelson. She showed me proof that you actually filed for divorce and transferred your share of the Newman funds out of your name and to Skye before you left town and before she went missing.
Adam: Yeah, it's a minor detail the cops are choosing to ignore.
Sharon: So you think you're gonna be charged?
Adam: Oh, they're throwing anything and everything they can at me, however ridiculous. Ronan searched my computer. "How to dispose of a body" magically appears on my web browser-- as if I'm stupid enough to do a search like that on my own computer.
Sharon: Somebody has got to be framing you.
Adam: Thank you. But, Sharon, though, you were in New Orleans with me. You might end up being a suspect, too.
Sharon: Oh, they've already questioned me.
Adam: Well, I'm sorry you had to be put through that. I--
Sharon: Uh, I can deal with that. I can deal with that.
Adam: You've always been strong.
Sharon: So obviously, the police are not following up on any other leads. They feel like they have their man.
Adam: No, they don't even have the body, Sharon. It--I'm gonna have to climb a mountain if I'm gonna prove my innocence.
Sharon: Well, then that's what you'll do, and we'll figure it out.
Adam: So you're saying you'll help me?
Sharon: Yeah, I'll help.
Diane: I have a feeling you're not talking about yourself.
Nick: Do you have any idea what it's like to love someone who's on a path of self-destruction?
Diane: I believe you're familiar with my greatest hits. (Chuckles) (Sighs) So coming from a reformed self-destructive type, I think I created a lot of chaos for the people around me.
Nick: Well, it's not all her fault.
Diane: It never is.
Nick: I missed a lot of the warning signs until it was too late.
Diane: Some people, they j--they just have to hit rock bottom.
Nick: How many times? I mean, I can't keep jumping in, trying to fix everything. I just need to protect my kids, even if I can't protect her.
Sharon: Tell me anything at all you can think of to help us figure out who framed you.
Adam: Starting with Jack Abbott.
Sharon: Okay, why Jack?
Adam: Why not Jack? The guy frames me for that fake diary. He sleeps with my wife, and he brags to my face about it. He's heavily invested in the fund, and he makes no bones about the fact that he hates my guts. But it doesn't matter, because it's all about profit.
Sharon: Okay, well, that could have been true.
Adam: No, it couldn't have been further from the truth. I never believed that guy. There was always a plan. I'm telling you, he withdraws millions from the fund, makes it collapse. Meanwhile, my supposed dead wife, she makes off with the cash.
Sharon: All right, so making it look like you were angry with her for the collapse, and so you killed her?
Adam: I've gotta hand it to him-- it's a pretty good setup.
Sharon: Well, now a lot of people, a lot of innocent people lost their money in this. And I know that Skye wouldn't care about that, but Jack?
Adam: But you admit it. He was capable, right?
Sharon: Well, if there was evidence--
Adam: But they're not looking for it, and I can't go look for it, 'cause I'm stuck here for another 48 hours.
Sharon: Mm, Jack wouldn't talk to you, anyway. But he might talk to me.
Adam: I would never, ever ask you to do that, Sharon.
Sharon: You want your name cleared?
Adam: Of course I want my name cleared, yes. But I don't want you to take on any more trouble. Just the fact that you support me right now, that's enough.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Daisy is moving in with me. I can't believe this. (Sighs) I have to get private security. I can't--
Jack: Do you have a firm you've already worked with?
Phyllis: No, do you?
Jack: Actually, I do. They're excellent. They're all off-duty cops, so I'll see if I can find the number.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All right, so, uh, I have to get food. (Chuckles) I guess organic food. I-I can't have any junk for this baby, and... oh, no! (Sighs) Oh, no, no, no. I have to pick up Summer from school. I can't--
Jack: It will all get done. Relax. Take a breath.
Phyllis: (Sighs) I can't take a breath. I can't, or else I have to think about how my son and my best friends hate me.
Jack: Well, you can't blame them for being upset.
Phyllis: No, but, Jack, I can't back down. I can't do it, regardless of what anyone says.
Lauren: Daisy out of jail-- this is my worst nightmare.
Michael: It's temporary, until the baby is born.
Lauren: Or she escapes.
Michael: She's not going anywhere. She has a very serious medical condition.
Lauren: Like that would stop her. Do you really think that she wouldn't hurt Phyllis in her sleep? And that she wouldn't get a phone and try and contact Ryder or some outside accomplice?
Michael: If it will make you feel better, I will go over there and I will make sure Phyllis has all the measures in place to keep Daisy under control.
Lauren: The only way to keep Daisy under control is to keep her in jail.
(Knock on door)
Michael: Now li--
Lauren: (Sighs)
Michael: (Sighs) Its Jill.
Lauren: What? (Sighs) I don't need more headaches. Get rid of her.
Michael: (Sighs)
Jill: Hi, Michael. Is Lauren home?
Michael: (Quietly) Yes, she is, but it is not a good time. Daisy's being released from jail today to stay with Phyllis.
Jill: All right, I'm very sorry to hear that. But it's even more reason for me to be here.
Michael: Jill, please. I told you, this is not a good time.
Jill: Michael, let me in.
Lauren: Oh, you might as well let her in. Let me get it over with.
Michael: Uh, Honey, maybe now's a really good time to run that errand we were talking about.
Lauren: Its okay, Baby.
Michael: Do not upset her.
Lauren: So what was so important that you had to see me?
Jill: I just feel that I could have handled, uh, our last meeting a lot better.
Lauren: Really? You mean, as in "Better" by not accusing me of being paranoid or losing my mind when the lights went off in the boutique? Oh, yes. I think there is definitely room for significant improvement. You have no idea what that woman has put me--
Jill: If you would just stop talking for one moment, maybe you'd find out that I am here to help you, Sister.
Ronan: Listen, I appreciate you getting me here, but you don't have to stick around.
Heather: I'll stay in case you need something.
Ronan: You're getting way ahead of yourself.
Doctor: Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Malloy. I've got your test results.
Heather: Um, I'll just be right outside.
Ronan: Yeah. (Sighs) All right, Doc, give it to me.
Doctor: Well, the E.K.G. shows diminished heart function. For the life of me, I can't figure out why.
Ronan: I know exactly what's happening to me.
Lauren: Enlighten me. How do you think you can help?
Jill: Well, once I thought about what you said about what Daisy is capable of, I went ahead and ran those background checks you wanted.
Lauren: Uh, thank you.
Jill: And I could set up meetings with you and the new people so you can see for yourself, although I don't think that'll be necessary. From what I can tell from these reports, there's no cause for concern. Okay, if Daisy is plotting something, I doubt she's using our people to do it.
Man: Release forms have been signed, and transport's on its way.
Daniel: Thank you for the update.
Man: Don't monkey with that, or we'll be seeing you again.
Daisy: I won't. W-what if I get a rash or a swollen ankle?
Daniel: You'll deal.
Daisy: What's your mom's place like?
Daniel: Seriously, Daisy?
Daisy: You still think I'm playing Phyllis to get out of jail?
Daniel: I know you are.
Daisy: Moving into your mom's will be good for the baby. I wish you could see that.
Diane: Kids trump everything. They come first. You do whatever you have to do to keep them safe, to prevent something awful from happening.
Nick: I couldn't live with myself if it did.
Diane: Well, you know, I've spent some time with Faith and Summer. And they're lovely and charming and happy, so clearly, you're doing something right.
Nick: Well, thank you, but I can't take all the credit.
(Cell phone rings)
Nick: Excuse me. Hello?
Phyllis: (Clears throat) Um, it's me. The, uh, petition went through.
Nick: So Daisy's moving in with you.
Phyllis: Yeah, today.
Nick: (Sighs) This is not right.
Phyllis: Can you just help me out? Can you get Summer's things before Daisy gets here?
Nick: Okay. I'm on my way. (Sighs, chuckles)
Diane: More trouble?
Nick: Yeah, it's just comin' in all directions. Looks like I'm gonna have a full house tonight. Bye.
Phyllis: All right, so, uh, do you have Summer's karate uniform?
Jack: Packed.
Phyllis: Good. Uh, "The Book of Fairies"?
Jack: I didn't see that.
Phyllis: Oh, you didn't? I thought it was on the bed.
(Knock on door)
Jack: I'll look again.
Phyllis: Oh, God, already.
Jack: (Sighs)
Phyllis: I thought you were Daisy.
Michael: Oh, sorry. I'm glad I got here first. And before that psycho sets one foot in this place, I need you to convince me that you're able to keep her on lockdown.
Phyllis: I can't do this right now with you.
Michael: Yes, right now.
Phyllis: I can't.
Michael: I've got a wife at home who is trying to hold things toge--
(Cell phone rings)
Jack: It's Sharon.
Phyllis: Are you kidding me?
Jack: Hey, Sharon, what's goin' on?
Sharon: I need to talk to you.
Jack: Uh, this isn't a good time.
Sharon: It's urgent. It's about Adam.
Jack: My place in 15.
Sharon: I'll be there.
Jack: Yeah.
Phyllis: Really? Are you kidding? I thought the "White knight in the shining armor going to Sharon's rescue routine"-- I thought that was done for you. You're doing it now?
Jack: It is done. She wants to talk about Adam.
Michael: I wonder if she has any information about Skye.
Jack: Maybe she's finally gotten wise to her "Dark Prince."
Sharon: I'll let you know what Jack says.
Adam: I don't know what I'd do without your help. Sharon? Good luck.
Sharon: I'm gonna need it.
Ronan: My condition is very rare. Most doctors wouldn't even be able to catch it-- hereditary amyloidosis.
Doctor: I'm familiar with primary amyloidosis, but not this type.
Ronan: The difference between the two is this one can be terminal. The liver overproduces a protein that jams up the heart and nervous system.
Doctor: That explains the numbness in your limbs and the fainting. The wall of the heart gets too thick, it can't pump the blood as it should. Obviously, you've been consulting with someone.
Ronan: Yeah. I'm in a case study with a specialist in Boston. We'd better call him. (Sighs)
Jack: I haven't seen you since you got back from New Orleans.
Sharon: Well, I don't really want to talk about what happened there. I'm trying to make sense of what happened in Genoa City while I was away. Adam has a theory that you collapsed the Newman fund and you helped Skye fake her death.
Jack: Well, you don't really expect me to stand here in my own home and defend my actions?
Sharon: I am not drawing any conclusions. I am here to see what you have to say.
Jack: Fine. Let me spell it out for you. No, I did not conspire with Skye. No, I did not take my money out of the fund. In fact, I got burned. I lost a bundle, and I have Adam's dear, old dad to thank for that.
Sharon: Victor?
Jack: Yeah, Victor. Victor, who made a fortune while the rest of us were spinning down the drain. Victor, who was twirling his mustache the whole time 'cause he got one over on Jack again. I don't know which is worse-- the father or the son. I-I-I-I do know this much, though. Adam is going to pin the blame on anyone that he can. But he can't change the evidence, Sharon. Skye is missing. Her blood was found in their suite. The police have a murder investigation going. And you-- you're here doing, what? Getting sucked back into another one of his manipulations? You know, when you called asking to see me, I honestly thought maybe you were asking for my help to get away from him. You're here on his behalf!
Jill: I'm sorry. I thought you were overreacting when you told me about Daisy, but you were right. She cannot be trusted. Locked up or not, you have to take every precaution.
Lauren: Right, and I-I know I said yesterday that I would come to work every day, but under the circumstances, I think I'd feel a lot better working from home.
Jill: That's fine by me. Work at home. But you're not getting a vacation this time, okay? No dumping everything in my lap and then disappearing.
Lauren: Well, no. I-I won't do that.
Jill: Good. Okay. Well, I've got some business to take care of, so I better get going.
Lauren: Before you go...
Jill: Mm-hmm?
Lauren: Um, there's some things I'd like to go over with you.
Jill: Okay, I think I can spare a little time till Michael gets back.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Nothing's gonna go wrong with Daisy, I promise.
Michael: I feel so much better now that you've assured me.
Phyllis: Listen, I know you're upset, but please, don't treat me like an idiot. You're so condescending. Don't do that to me.
Michael: Condescending? Let me make this clear to you-- this girl was raised by experts from birth to be a terrorist. Compared to her. You are a rank amateur.
Phyllis: Let me tell you something-- I'm not an amateur. She has an ankle bracelet on. I have 24-hour security. I got rid of the landlines. I take my cell phone and my computer with me at all times. The only chance this woman has of escaping is doing a swan dive off the balcony. Is that good enough for you?
(Knock on door)
Michael: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Oh, it's you. Okay. Thank you.
Michael: Hey.
Nick: Hey. You as happy about this as I am?
Michael: Oh, yeah. I would like to throw a parade.
Nick: (Sighs) What the hell is going on?
Phyllis: Listen, the judge made a ruling. Then she changed her mind. I-I-I have no control over it. She changed her mind when Daisy was rushed to the hospital.
Nick: What's wrong with her?
Phyllis: It's-- its placenta... previa.
Nick: And this is legit?
Michael: Yeah, it was confirmed by two doctors.
Phyllis: She was ordered to bed rest.
Nick: (Sighs) Well, why can't she stay with someone else?
Phyllis: No one else wants to take her.
Michael: I wonder why.
Nick: So you are choosing to take Daisy in and shutting out your daughter from your home.
Phyllis: (Voice breaking) Oh, don't do that to me, okay? I don't want my daughter to leave. Stop it! I'm trying to protect my daughter. (Sighs) And this is my--my grandchild. I mean, it's not ideal-- m-my grandchild, which is a whole other issue, believe me. But I'm doing it so she feels like someone cared about her, so she'll have some self-worth, so she may make something of herself in her life. I don't know. It's crazy, but I'm just-- I'm trying to fix it. (Normal voice) And then--and then once this kid is born, Daisy is out. To hell with Daisy.
(Knock on door) (Sighs) (Scoffs) Come in.
Daisy: Oh, I wasn't expecting a welcoming party.
Doctor: Yes, I'll-- I'll send the test results to you in Boston. Yes. Thank you, Doctor. Good-bye. I'm very sorry, Mr. Malloy. This must be quite a blow.
Ronan: I've actually known for a while that I was carrying the gene. I was just hoping that I was gonna be, uh, one of the lucky ones, and that the disease wasn't gonna progress.
Doctor: Well, you've been symptom-free until a few weeks ago?
Ronan: From what I've been told, this can go from bad to worse pretty fast.
Doctor: Yes, but this is not necessarily a death sentence.
Ronan: No, we're-- we are not talkin' about a liver transplant right now. Okay, I'm going home. I need to get out of here.
Doctor: No, no, your doctor in Boston has asked that we take a biopsy of the affected tissue.
Ronan: Right now? Today?
Doctor: No, no, it doesn't have to be today, but soon. I'll get your release papers. Uh, there's no need for you to be hospitalized. Go home and rest.
Ronan: Thanks, Doc.
Heather: So... (Sighs) How you doin'?
Ronan: I'm fine. Doc's releasing me. I'm going home.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Man: Daisy Carter is now officially your headache.
Phyllis: Great. Here you go.
Nick: (Sighs)
Michael: I should get goin'.
Nick: Yeah, I'll walk you out.
Daniel: You're leaving so soon?
Nick: Yeah, to pick up Summer from school.
Phyllis: What are you gonna tell her?
Nick: I don't know yet.
Phyllis: Can you tell her that I'll call her later?
Nick: Yeah. I'll do that.
Michael: We'll see you, Daniel.
Daniel: So long.
Phyllis: Let's get you settled. (Sighs)
Jack: I thought maybe what happened with Skye would have opened your eyes.
Sharon: He didn't hurt her, Jack. He wouldn't.
Jack: I can't believe you can even say that after what he put you through and half the people in this town!
Sharon: He is being framed.
Jack: How are you so sure?
Sharon: Because he filed for divorce, and he handed the entire fund over to Skye before he disappeared.
Jack: Oh, and he's not smart enough to make that part of his plan for his cover-up?
Sharon: Adam didn't love Skye.
Jack: No, you're right. He hated Skye. He hated her, because Skye was the Newman fund. She controlled the money. She controlled his name. She told him where to go, who to see, and what to say, and then she rubbed in his face the fact that she and I shared their bed. I guess there's only so much a proud man can take in terms of humiliation.
Sharon: That's why he left. It isn't proof that he murdered her.
Jack: I heard Adam threaten to kill Skye to her face. So did Nick. So did Phyllis.
Sharon: Jack, people say things.
Jack: Don't make Skye's mistake. Get away from this man. You could be next.
Jill: But why pay exorbitant shipping charges if it's gonna eat into our profits?
Lauren: (Sighs) Okay, look, the 24th is a madhouse, and last-minute shoppers want to shop in one place.
Jill: All right.
Lauren: All right? So we're gonna need the stock. Yes, we're gonna eat up some additional shipping charges, but we're gonna make it up in volume. Hi, Sweetie. We'll be there in a minute.
Michael: Don't rush on my account.
Jill: All right, I don't mind, but we've got a plan for that, okay? So that it won't be so expensive.
Lauren: Yeah, but you know what? Even if it is, I'm telling you...
Nick: Hey, give me one of those marshmallows. You have two. I have one.
Summer: I'm a kid, and kids get two.
Nick: Fair enough. Okay. So, Angel, I got some news for you-- you're gonna stay with Daddy for a while, all right? So it's gonna be you and me and Faith, and it's gonna be so much fun.
Summer: Is it okay with Mommy?
Nick: Yeah, Mommy knows. She's cool with it. She, um, she has to help one of her friends, and she's gonna stay with her for a little while. So it's just best if you stay with me.
Summer: What if Santa can't find me?
Nick: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Santa will find you. I promise.
Kyle: Hey, Summer.
Diane: Hey, Sweetie. Well, this must be the happening after-school place.
Nick: Oh, it is. You must be Kyle, young man. I'm Summer's dad.
Kyle: Oh, hi, Mr. Newman.
Summer: Kyle, wanna sit with us?
Diane: Uh, well, we don't want to intrude.
Nick: Oh, you're not. Here, have a seat. You sit right there, Kyle.
Kyle: Thanks.
Nick: There you go.
Phyllis: Here. There you go, okay. So bathroom, bedrooms are upstairs. Yours is the first one on the right. Mine is on the left. It's locked at all times. Don't bother going in there. If you want to watch videos, uh, I don't know. DVDs, it's up in... the den.
Daniel: Well, she's not supposed to be on her feet unless it's absolutely necessary.
Phyllis: Okay, good. So stay here on the couch, and, um, you know, if you need something, and you really need something, ask me. I'm not your servant.
Daisy: Okay, I-I get it. This isn't a joyride for either of us.
Phyllis: Right. Okay. I'm gonna have some maternity clothes delivered, so do you have any questions?
Daisy: None. I'm your prisoner.
Phyllis: You know, Daisy, say the word, and you can go back to county.
Daniel: You had any more pain?
Daisy: No, I'm-- I'm all right.
Daniel: Okay. Glad you and the baby are okay. Um, this is information from the doctor on her condition. There's a contact number if you need or have any questions for them. I'm taking off.
Daisy: You're leaving?
Daniel: Yeah. I'm leaving. This is Mom’s deal.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Are you okay with this?
Daniel: You got what you wanted. Daisy's livin' with you now. Just hope it turns out the way you say it will.
Sharon: Adam would never hurt me.
Jack: No? Wow, you've got a short memory.
Sharon: Well, I'm sorry that you're in so much pain, Jack. Obviously, you cared a lot more about Skye than I realized.
Jack: I don't know how you can defend him and justify it to yourself. I don't. He's a killer, Sharon.
Sharon: He didn't kill Skye. I know him. He didn't.
Jack: Thi--this is a man who lied to you, who betrayed you, who hurt so many people that you care, and none of that matters? Because you're in love with him, aren't you?
Sharon: (Sighs)
Jack: Oh, my God. I have tried to watch your back. So has Nick. So have other people who care about you. You're just throwing all of that out.
Sharon: No, I'm not. I'm--
Jack: You have gone to a place I can't even imagine. This is who you love?! Listen to yourself. You trust a man who kidnapped your daughter more than you trust me? I think you need to leave.
Sharon: All right, you know what? I'm gonna--I'm gonna go now, and we'll just talk later when things have calmed down.
Jack: No, no, no. We're not gonna talk about this anymore. I am through. I am through trying to protect you from yourself. You hear that? I'm done! You're on your own.
Ronan: (Sighs) Okay. I'm good to go.
Heather: Yeah, I-I already know the answer to this, I think, but I'm gonna go ahead and ask anyway. Is there anything that you'd like to talk about?
Ronan: No. There is nothing.
Heather: Okay.
Ronan: Okay.
Heather: Then let's go.
Ronan: Hey, uh... thank you for sticking around.
Lauren: Okay, I'll call you tomorrow.
Jill: Yes, and hopefully, I'll have an answer from Mazilli by then.
Lauren: Yes, hope so.
Jill: Thanks.
Michael: Jill, I appreciate what you're doin'.
Jill: Just taking care of family business.
Michael: (Growls)
Lauren: Oh, my God. (Laughs) Hi.
Michael: Productive meeting?
Lauren: Um, very. And what about you? What happened with Phyllis?
Michael: (Sighs) Phyllis. Phyllis? Well, let me just say, the prison matron has got it under control.
Lauren: Mm, yeah. Well, I think I will breathe a lot easier when that baby is born and Daisy's back in jail.
Michael: This is all going to work out fine.
Lauren: (Sighs) We can only hope. (Sighs)
Kyle: (Chuckles) So the monkey kept pointing at Mom and going... (Imitates monkey hooting)
Nick: (Laughs)
Kyle: Like she was superhot stuff.
Diane: It was not that funny.
Nick: I don't-- it actually sounds pretty funny.
Diane: (Chuckles)
Summer: (Laughs) My favorite thing at the zoo is the insect experience.
Kyle: No way. That's my favorite, too.
Summer: (Laughs)
Nick: Oh.
Diane: Ew.
Nick: Bugs.
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Diane: Well, I hope this is putting your mind at ease. You--you're doin' the right thing for your kids. No regrets.
Nick: No regrets.
Sharon: Okay. Jack is convinced that Skye is dead. And as for the Newman fund, he did not orchestrate the collapse. Victor did.
Adam: Well, wait a second. My father wasn't an investor. Are you sure about this?
Sharon: Jack is furious.
Adam: That's very interesting that Jack Abbott of all people would know that my father was an investor in the fund.
Sharon: He didn't say how he found out.
Adam: Of course he didn't. Why would he want to advertise the fact that those two bastards are working together?
Sharon: It's a real leap.
Adam: No, they've-- they've worked together before to get to me in Brazil.
Sharon: Okay, once.
Adam: The cabin.
Sharon: All right, twice. Okay, but it doesn't change the fact that those two still hate each other.
Adam: This all makes sense now. It wasn't enough that they made the fund collapse. They wanted me to go to prison for murder.
Sharon: And what about Skye?
Adam: She was in on it. Their little revenge fantasy was an epic fail. I'm on to them now.
Jack: Can I fix you a drink?
Daniel: No, I'm good. Thanks.
Jack: You mind if I go ahead without you?
Daniel: (Sighs) Be my guest.
Jack: So what's goin' on?
Daniel: Just left Daisy at Mom's.
Jack: Oh, Boy.
Daniel: Yeah. Part of me is pissed at Mom for what she did, but I guess after that scare that Daisy had, it's probably best that she doesn't go back to jail.
Jack: It's a complicated situation, Daniel.
Daniel: You couldn't have been too stoked about Mom's master plan.
Jack: No, I guess I wasn't too thrilled about that. But I do understand why she feels so strongly.
Daniel: That's the other thing. I want absolutely nothing to do with Daisy. And Mom, she's makin' all these sacrifices for my kid. It's a little messed up, don't you think? (Sighs)
Phyllis: (Sighs) Here you go. It has a lot of vitamins. It's good for the baby.
Daisy: Thank you for everything you're doing for me.
Phyllis: (Clears throat) Daisy, I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for the baby. You are of no concern to me, okay? We're not gonna be best friends. This is not the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Any pathetic attempt you make to make this more than what it is, I'll be ready. Do you want to stay here? Don't push me, because I've been known to push back, and it won't be fun for you.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Michael: You side with Adam in this, you lose everything.
Phyllis: Sharon hired an attorney to get Adam out of jail.
Sharon: Noah, I'm not--I'm not talking to you about this.
Noah: Well, you don't have to, 'cause you make me sick.
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