Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/2/10

Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/2/10 -- Canada; Friday 12/3/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9539 ~ The Truth Could Mean the End of Nick & Sharon

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Michael: Oh, hello.

Phyllis: Hey, um, this is Vance Abram's associate Leslie Michaelson.

Leslie: Hi.

Michael: Michael Baldwin. My wife Lauren.

Lauren: Ms. Michaelson.

Leslie: Nice to meet you.

Michael: So it's true. Vance is headin' up a trial in Hollywood.

Leslie: Big case, big pond-- just the way Vance likes it. (Chuckles)

Phyllis: Yeah.

Michael: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: I'm very lucky that you were able to step in. Thanks.

Leslie: Yeah, well, judges in this town certainly act fast. I wasn't expecting a ruling yet.

Lauren: Well, especially when the petition has no merit.

Phyllis: Um, or the judge felt, uh, given Daisy's condition, speed was crucial.

Lauren: And you say that with a straight face.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Lauren: Poor Daisy.

Phyllis: You know I love you, okay? I'm a mom. I'm a mother. I have to stand beside my son. I have to protect his child.

(Door opens)

Michael: Oh, okay, that's us. Let's go. (Sighs)

Judge: Counselors, let's get to it. I appreciate your position, Mrs. Newman, but I am denying your petition. Miss Carter will remain in custody, and she will receive proper prenatal care.

Phyllis: All right, um, the-- the--the birth--

Judge: Will be handled according to standard protocol at the correctional facility. So ordered.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Kevin: Hi.

Chloe: Hi.

Kevin: (Clears throat)

Chloe: (Gasps) Just when I thought you couldn't get any hotter, you break out the pink pony.

Kevin: (Chuckles) (Clears throat) Delia left it here on Thanksgiving.

Chloe: Oh, no, wait a minute. You were her hero long before you found Pinkerton.

Kevin: (Laughs) Whoa! This is me?

Chloe: Um, obviously. It looks just like you.

Kevin: (Chuckles)

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Kevin: That's excellent. (Clears throat) So I went to see Daisy. I told her that I wanted to adopt the baby.

Chloe: Did she freak?

Kevin: No. She got all, like, moved, kind of emotional.

Chloe: Evil liar who tortures decent people has feelings now? Novel.

(Cell phone rings)

Kevin: What happened?

Michael: Uh, Daisy will not be released into Phyllis' custody.

Kevin: All right, thanks for letting me know.

Chloe: I assume Phyllis lost.

Kevin: Yeah, which is not good for Daisy and the baby. But maybe now she'll take my offer more seriously. The baby should be with me.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Daisy: (Sighs) (Winces) Aah! Help! Somebody help me! (Gasps)

Heather: I'm here to see Adam Newman.

Man: Someone beat you to it.

Ronan: I got it. (Laughs) Oh. So that's how it goes, huh? Go from workin' for the D.A. to defending scum like Adam Newman?

Heather: I work for Michael Baldwin now, and I don't defend scum.

Ronan: Then what are you doing here? Then what do you want with Adam Newman?

Heather: A better question is, what does he want? And that's what I'm here to find out. Uh, hey, who knows? Maybe I'll get him to give up something that he didn't tell you. You know, some juicy information about Skye that you couldn't squeeze out of him. Wouldn't that be something?

Adam: (Sighs) (Grunts) Thanks. The chair is right here.

Adam: Hey, Jack. How's the bank account?

Jack: Skye saved your life, and this is how you thank her? By taking hers?

Adam: (Inhales deeply) Jack, I didn't touch Skye.

Jack: People around you just wind up dead, and you have nothing to do with it?

Adam: Where's Skye's body? See, my money is on the fact that it's somewhere on a beach in the Caribbean, and she's scheming for her next sucker at 5-card stud. She was never dead before. She's not dead now. She's fooled you all.

Sharon: Is Faith ready to go?

Nick: She just went down for a nap. I don't want to wake her up.

Sharon: Oh, well, I wouldn't have asked you to. You know, we're gonna have to talk about her living arrangements.

Nick: (Sighs) Is Adam home with you now?

Sharon: No, Nick. No one is home with me. Adam is being held for questioning, and I live alone now because you moved out. I'll be in touch with you about Faith.

Nick: You know, I worked like hell to track you down and make sure you were safe. So I think I deserve the whole story. What happened in New Orleans?

Kevin: Your mom's petition didn't go through. The judge called everybody early. So that's it. (Sighs) Daisy stays in jail.

Daniel: Good. That's where she belongs.

Kevin: I told her that I want to raise the little girl.

Daniel: What'd she say?

Kevin: Nothing... yet. She's gotta be thinking about it, though, especially now that she's not gonna be living with Phyllis.

Daniel: I told you to stay out of this.

Kevin: Well, it's not your call.

Daniel: It's my kid.

Kevin: Who you want nothing to do with, so what do you even care?

Daniel: You should have left this alone, Kevin.

Jack: Boy, you are a sick bastard. You kill a woman, then you blame her for setting you up?

Adam: What's my motive? Hmm? Money? I signed over the fund to Skye.

Jack: Yeah, nice of you to leave her holdin' the bag.

Adam: And I'm supposed to have known that the fund was gonna crash? Are you listening to yourself, Jack? Really? The only person that Skye's death helps is Skye.

Jack: And then she disappeared into thin air-- hard thing to do, Adam, without money, and she didn't have any.

Adam: That's a really good point, Jack. That... I helped her bolt the last time. So maybe this time... hmm? I mean, this here, what you're doing now, this performance for the cops, distraught Jack confronting evil, evil Adam-- by the way, very good performance. Bravo. Well done-- that's--that's all for the cops, isn't it? I think what really happened is Skye ran off to her lover in need of help--you-- and you found an opportunity to save her ass while nailing mine to the wall. Hmm? You withdrew millions from the Newman fund, put it in an offshore account. Now Skye's living high on the hog, and you're setting me up for murder. Score one for Skye. Gonna have to give her a high five for creativity next time I see her.

Jack: You're not gonna be able to duck the homicide charges this time, Pal.

Adam: This is so cute. You fell for her.

Jack: No, I wasn't in love with Skye. But I did give a damn about her. You are a deranged weakling who preys on women. You used Patty. You used Heather. You used Sharon. And you used Skye, and then you killed her, and I am going to do everything it takes to see that you pay for that.

Sharon: Yesterday, it's accusations, ultimatums, and today, you want to talk?

Nick: 50 Thanksgivings-- that's what you told me we were gonna have. But you needed some time to think in New Orleans with a killer on your trail. So Michael and I, we go and try and find you. We knock on every door, Sharon. It is sheer dumb luck that we even find your hotel. But you don't come back that night. You stay out all night. Can you imagine the images going through my head? The thought that my little girl was gonna have to grow up without her mother?

Sharon: No. No.

Nick: No, of course not, because you were never in any danger, were you? I've seen Adam's credit card charges in New Orleans, Sharon.

Sharon: So... (Sighs) Wh-what do you want, Nick? I mean, what do you want from me?

Nick: After you left your hotel room, where did you go?

Sharon: I went for a walk.

Nick: Alone?

Sharon: No, I wasn't alone.

Nick: So you were... with Adam.

Sharon: Yes.

Nick: And then what?

Sharon: Dinner.

Nick: And then what?

Sharon: Why are you doing this?

Nick: Because you never came back to your room that night.

Sharon: No, I didn't.

Nick: So where'd you go?

Sharon: Does it matter now?

Nick: Yes, it matters. It will always matter!

(Throws baby monitor)

Sharon: Nick, don't. Enough of this. Stop it.

Nick: Why?

Sharon: Because you already know the answer.

Nick: I want to hear you say it.

Sharon: I was with Adam. I spent the night with Adam. I made love to Adam.

Chloe: (Sighs) We need a lawyer.

Kevin: We?

Chloe: I told you I was gonna back you up on all of this. So Daniel is obviously a brick wall right now. Next step is we get an attorney, and Rafe does family law.

Chloe: What are you doin' here?

Hogan: Came to see Jeff and for the egg white omelet. My doc says it's heart-healthy.

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Kevin: Jeff isn't here. He and my mom went to Florida.

Hogan: This place makes me smile. It's cheerful, you know? The "G" embroidered on the tablecloths... terrible if it went away.

Chloe: Went away? Went away, how?

Hogan: Fires. Fires happen. The thought of those little embroidered G's in flames... and where would I get my omelet?

Chloe: Are you telling me that you're gonna burn down Gloworm?

Hogan: Didn't I just say I love it here?

Kevin: Chloe, will you go and get me some more olives, please?

Chloe: (Sighs)

Kevin: There.

Hogan: What's this?

Kevin: It's a down payment on what Jeff owes you. I'll square the books and figure out a way to get you the rest.

Hogan: See? That's why I like you. Jeff goes to the beach, and you step up. You're an honorable guy. I should have teamed up with you instead of Jeff. We can fix that if you want.

Kevin: You mean not just fix the books... you mean take over Jeff's part of the business.

Hogan: Untaxable income without Jeff as the middleman. (Quietly) The guy really is a yutz.

Kevin: (Clears throat) Well, I appreciate the offer... but I'm not interested.

Phyllis: So you heard.

Daniel: (Sighs) Yeah, you should be glad that you didn't wind up with Daisy under your roof.

Phyllis: No, Daniel. I'm not glad. I'm not. I'm frustrated. I'm conflicted. If you, the father of this child, would have petitioned the court with me, we would have had a chance.

Daniel: (Sighs)

Phyllis: We can refile, you know.

Daniel: You know what? Daisy is a maniac.

Phyllis: Listen, some of my best friends are maniacs. How about that? Your mom, uh, in her earlier years was a bit outrageous, too.

Daniel: So you are now comparing yourself to Daisy?

Phyllis: It's not about Daisy.

Daniel: Right, I know. It's about this kid, this kid everyone wants to talk about that doesn't even exist.

Phyllis: Yes, this kid exists. Daniel, deal with this. And in a few months, she's going to be very, very real to you. Daniel, she needs help. Daisy is her mother. (Sighs) She needs help. I mean, the way she feels about how she came into the world-- it matters. How she grows and becomes a teenager and an adult-- that matters. Her knowing if somebody cared about her or not... Sweetie, that matters.

Daniel: Well, I guess if this matters so much to you, you know what? You and Kevin and Michael and Lauren-- all of you can fight it out, all right? Have at it. 'Cause my vote, if anyone cares about my vote--

Phyllis: Daniel, this is--

Daniel: No, if anybody cares about my vote, it's get that kid to some parents that are gonna love and cherish her and keep her away from this crazy town and all the people in it, too.

Phyllis: What are you doing? Daniel!

Daniel: (Sighs)

Michael: Hey, thanks for waiting. Papers to sign, things to do.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Michael: Mwah.

Lauren: Are you kidding? I can breathe. I'm not looking over my shoulder. (Sighs) You know, Daisy's in jail, and she's gonna stay that way. (Sighs) Thanks for fighting for me. Thanks for standing with me. I know it was hard-- I know it was hard against Kevin and--and Phyllis.

Michael: Today, when I saw your face after the judge ruled... (Clicks tongue) I really love you... a lot. (Chuckles) It's not enough that you are safe. You have to feel safe. I'm gonna make sure that happens. Huh? All right?

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Leslie: I just got word. Daisy's been taken to the hospital.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Michael: What? What happened?

Lauren: Come on. She just heard about the ruling, and she's just making a play to get out of jail.

Leslie: I understand you paid my client a disturbing visit recently. Now she's in the hospital. If you see her again, you can expect legal action for harassment.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Michael: You did what?

Nick: I didn't want you to go. But you said you'd go, and then you'd come back, and everything would be great. We would have this life that Cassíe talked about. So I stayed behind, thinking that this is what you really needed. But Adam--Adam knew you better than I did, didn't he? He thought that you would want him there, and he was right.

Sharon: No. Nick, that's not how it was.

Nick: Did you run from me to be with him?

Sharon: No, Nick, I told you the truth. I mean, I-I ran into Ada-- I mean, it doesn't matter what we did, because what matters is that I love you. I want to be with you. I want a life with you and Faith and Noah.

Nick: You left us.

Sharon: I love you, all of you.

Nick: Oh, yeah. You love us so much-- what do you do? You see Adam, and you fall into his arms. You sleep with him. My God, Sharon. You can't even admit it to yourself. You risked everything, everything! To be with him. And that means you want to be with him more than you want to be with me.

Sharon: No, that is not true. I told you. You wouldn't listen to me. It was already over with Adam by the time you ran into us.

Nick: It should have been over the second he stole our baby from us. So if it wasn't over then, Sharon, why the hell would I think it's over now?

Lauren: Sweetie. To see Daisy.

Michael: (Quietly) Why would you even go near-- (Normal voice) Why didn't you tell me?

Lauren: Look, I freaked out at the boutique. The lights went off, and I-I started spouting conspiracy theories and-- and doubting my staff. (Sighs) I may have gotten out of the cage that Daisy locked me in, but she is still in here. So I went over to her, and I told her that she better not screw with me again. (Sighs) It's--its progress. (Sniffles) It is. It's progress. (Sighs)

Michael: Yeah. I'm glad you're gettin' better.

Lauren: (Sighs) (Sniffles)

Michael: Listen to me.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Michael: You're not in this alone. So please, don't go near her again.

Daisy: (Sighs) I thought you were the doctor. They're supposed to come back with the test results.

Leslie: Which means they'll know if you're pullin' a fast one. You had tests before Thanksgiving for the petition request. Everything was normal then. If this is a stunt, the judge won't be happy.

Daisy: It started hurting last night after Lauren came to visit me. And then I started bleeding today. Can I use your phone?

Leslie: Here you go.

Daisy: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings) (Ring)

Daniel: Hello?

Daisy: Don't hang up. You need to come to the hospital. Something's wrong with the baby.

Daniel: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, Billy. I know. I know. I'm working on the Adam cover right now. I'll send you a draft. (Sighs)

(Door opens)

Jack: Hi.

Phyllis: Hello. Did you see Adam?

Jack: Oh, yeah, I saw-- he--he accused me of conspiring with Skye to fake her death.

Phyllis: Wow. Adam and I share a thought. That's depressing.

Jack: Wait, wait, wait. Y-you think that I--

Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. Not you. Skye setting Adam up for her own murder.

Jack: He has committed murder before.

Phyllis: And she faked her own death before.

Jack: Could Skye do something like that? Would she? No, no, the only thing that's important to Adam is Sharon. Skye came in between him and his heart's desire.

Phyllis: We all make threats. We all make threats. I heard Adam threaten Skye. Big deal. I've threatened people in my life. I was telling Daniel this thing earlier.

Jack: Oh, wait, earli-- today was the hearing. How did it go?

Phyllis: No go. I mean, I was trying to convince Daniel earlier we need one rational person looking after this baby.

(Telephone rings)

Phyllis: It's Leslie.

Jack: Who's Leslie?

Phyllis: W-- Vance's associate. Hey, Leslie. What? Oh, h-h-he will. Okay. All right, just let me know. Okay, thank you. Daisy's in the hospital. We still have a shot at this.

Heather: (Sighs)

Adam: Look at you. Working in the private sector suits you.

Heather: (Chuckles) All right, uh, stop trying to charm me. Tell me why you called.

Adam: I didn't kill Skye.

Heather: What were you doing in New Orleans?

Adam: I don't know what that has to do with Skye.

Heather: You know what? I got an appointment I need to get to.

Adam: I went there for Sharon.

Heather: So your wife disappears, and you follow your ex out of town.

Adam: Wherever Skye is, Heather, I can assure you, she's perfectly healthy.

Heather: She set you up.

Adam: You know me. You know what I've done. You know what I'm capable of, and you know I didn't do this. I didn't kill Skye. Whoever it is who's setting me up for this, they've gone to great lengths, great lengths, and if they're trying to punish me for something that I've done, that's one thing. But I did not kill Skye, and you can make people see this.

Heather: No, I really can't. I work for Michael Baldwin now. Victor Newman is his biggest client.

Adam: You're gonna roll over for that guy? Seriously, Heather? Please. You know me. You get me. You are my only hope.

Heather: Well, then you're screwed, because I want you to suffer. And you will, not only in a jail cell, but you'll suffer because now Sharon will see exactly who and what you are.

Nick: It was me or him. That's what it came down to, and you went with the one who stole our child from us.

Sharon: I know who he is.

Nick: Is he the one you're gonna marry now?

Sharon: Nick, don't be ridiculous.

Nick: I'm not gonna let Faith be anywhere near that murderer.

Sharon: There's no proof that Skye is even dead. Adam had no motive to hurt her. He served her with divorce papers. He gave her full interest in the fund.

Nick: Because that's what Adam told you? Well, according to him, our baby is dead. See, I can't forget that. Maybe you can, but every time I see her beautiful little face, I remember that.

Faith: (Whimpers)

Sharon: She's awake.

Nick: I am not kidding, Sharon. I will not allow him to be anywhere near Faith.

Sharon: Stop acting like you cannot trust me with our child.

Nick: I used to trust you, but then you decided to sleep with Faith's kidnapper. So now I don't trust you anymore. And that means if I need to file for full custody, I will. And you know what, Sharon? I'll win.

Daniel: What'd you do? Double up and groan? Whimper a little bit?

Daisy: The doctors ran some tests. Something isn't right.

Doctor: Miss Carter? We have your results. You have placenta previa. What that means is the placenta is growing in the lowest part of your uterus, and it's covering your cervix. Now we've stopped the bleeding. That's the first step.

Daisy: Then what?

Doctor: Bed rest, probably for the remainder of your pregnancy.

Daniel: Um, she's okay, though, right? The baby?

Doctor: The baby is fine and should stay that way. Now because you've lost a fair amount of blood, I'm going to order a transfusion, all right? The nurse will be in shortly.

Daniel: She said you're gonna be fine. The doctor just said that.

Daisy: A blood transfusion's no big deal, right?

Daniel: (Sighs) I'll stay just in case, okay? For the baby.

Daisy: (Sighs)

Rafe: There are a couple precedents I can build a case on.

Chloe: But?

Rafe: But if the court decides to dig into your background, even do a-a basic internet search like I did--

Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Hold on. I-I'm not that person anymore.

Rafe: You better make sure this is what you want, because you can pay me, and we can fight this thing through, and you can still lose.

Kevin: Okay. Thanks.

Rafe: All right.

Kevin: I'll be in touch.

Rafe: Let me know.

Chloe: Okay, thank you. (Sighs)

Kevin: Kill me now.

Chloe: It's not that bad. Okay, it is that bad, but it's not impossible.

Kevin: Chloe, I already owe Mac for the coffeehouse. Working here is a nightmare because of Jeff and "Baby face Hogan," and now I need even more money.

Chloe: We can go to Katherine.

Kevin: For money? No. No. No way. I-it's bad enough already with Michael, Lauren, and Daniel. The more people that know about this, the more tense it gets. (Sighs) I gotta figure this out on my own.

Leslie: Can you please fax a diagnosis to my office? Great. Thank you. All right.

Sharon: Ms. Michaelson?

Leslie: Yes. Leslie. You must be Sharon.

Sharon: Yes. Hi.

Leslie: Hi.

Sharon: Nice to meet you.

Leslie: Nice to meet you.

Sharon: Um, so Vance speaks very highly of you. Thank you for meeting me.

Leslie: Oh, my pleasure. But I do have a motion to file right away. I have the documents you asked for, though.

Sharon: Oh, thank you.

Leslie: They're all public record, so we're not breakin' any rules.

Sharon: Great.

Leslie: Yeah.

Sharon: Okay, so... Adam did serve Skye with divorce papers and an agreement to turn the hedge fund over to her. When did Vance file this?

Leslie: Before Thanksgiving.

Sharon: (Sighs) Okay. Good. All right. So, well, that means that Adam didn't have a motive to kill Skye-- not money, not marriage.

Leslie: Yeah, that would be my defense if I was representing Adam. Unfortunately, he can't afford my fee.

(Cell phone rings)

Leslie: Oh, oh, okay. Yep, that other case. Excuse me.

Sharon: Yeah, of course. Thank you.

Leslie: Yes, thank you, Sharon.

Ronan: (Clears throat)

Heather: (Sighs)

Ronan: So did you do my job for me in there, hmm? Did you rough him up?

Heather: (Chuckles)

Ronan: Did you get Adam to spill his guts? What happened?

Heather: Sadly, no, but, uh, he did admit that he followed Sharon to New Orleans. He's smart. (Sighs) He's too smart. He knows that you can't charge him with murder. You don't have enough evidence.

Man: Forensics report off the suspect's computer.

Ronan: Yeah, thanks. (Chuckles) Well, maybe we have a little something on Adam anyway.

Heather: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Hey, have you heard anything? What does the judge want?

Michael: I suspect it's about Daisy's medical emergency.

Judge: I have another case in five minutes, so this will have to be fast. You've probably all heard that Miss Carter was admitted to Memorial Hospital. This puts a new spin on my earlier ruling.

Adam: No body, no weapon, no witness, no case. I want out of here now.

Ronan: Well, sure. But there definitely-- there's a reason for "No body" part of it. Uh, internet search. "How to dispose of a body."

Adam: I went to Harvard, so we can assume I'm not stupid enough to have done this search on my own computer.

Ronan: Okay, well, your computer is in part Braille. So it's kind of difficult for just anybody to hop on it.

Adam: This screams "Setup." Go chase down Skye for fraud and let me put the pieces of my life back together.

Ronan: But I like having you here, Newman. And because of this right here, well, I've got you for another 48, so get comfortable.

Nick: Yeah, Amy, I shouldn't be too long. Can you just give the girls a snack for me? Okay, thanks a lot.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Chloe: You are gonna get involved in all of this bookie stuff with Hogan? He is like a teddy bear who is gonna get all boohoo after he rips your head off.

Kevin: I'm already involved in all this bookie stuff. But this way, I would be answering directly to Hogan, not Jeff, who is, in fact, an idiot, and the money-- Chloe, I need the money.

Chloe: I understand. You need the money so you can fight for custody. I understand, but what are you gonna do? Are you gonna call Hogan as a character witness? I know the judge is just gonna love that.

Kevin: Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away.

Chloe: No, no, no. We are still a "We," even if you're still a moron.

Hogan: So... I take it you've had a change of heart.

Kevin: I have. And you're right. I would be a good fit for your organization. So give me Jeff's job and some serious money, and I'm on board.

Daisy: (Sighs)

Daniel: Drink the juice.

Daisy: I'm tired.

Daniel: The nurse said it would help. Drink the juice.

Woman: This is for you.

Daisy: An ankle monitor? Something must have happened.

Judge: The condition is called placenta previa, and the doctor has ordered her on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy. Given the circumstances, I've already reversed my earlier decision, and Miss Carter will be released into Mrs. Newman's custody.

Lauren: (Mouthing words)

Judge: The inmate has already been fitted with an ankle monitor, and family court is prepared to supervise the arrangements. Once the baby is born, Miss Carter will be re-incarcerated pending trial. So ordered.

Phyllis: Lauren, I'm never gonna let Daisy get anywhere near--

Lauren: No, because of you, Daisy is free. The people that she's gonna destroy and the things that she is gonna do-- and believe me, she will-- it's all gonna be because of you.

Heather: (Sighs) Oh, hey. Um, so were you able to get anything out of Adam with the computer evidence?

Ronan: Come here. So, no, not yet. Listen, he didn't crack, but he's scared. I just need a little-- I just need a little bit more time with him to see if anybody heard or saw--

Heather: Whoa. No! Ronan.

Diane: Brown ale, please. The darker, the better. (Sighs) Oh, cheer up. It can't be that bad.

Adam: Can you let me out of here, please? Take me back to my cell? I want to get out of here.

Man: You're not done yet.

Adam: Please, Sharon, the last person I want to see me like this is--

Sharon: Adam, I believe you. I believe you're innocent.

Adam: You do love me.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Sharon: Why Jack?

Adam: Why not Jack? The guy frames me for that fake diary. He sleeps with my wife, and he brags to my face about it.

Doctor: Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Malloy. I've got your test results.

Phyllis: Are Daisy and the baby okay?

Daniel: There was some bleeding.

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