Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/1/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/1/10 -- Canada; Thursday 12/2/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9538 ~ Adam Pleads for Sharon's Trust

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Billy: Hey. Aha, nice surprise.

Victoria: Hi.

Billy: Hi. Mm.

Victoria: Mm, I have a lot of surprises for you tonight.

Billy: Such as?

Victoria: Such as... it's time.

Billy: Okay. It's time for... what?

Victoria: Mm, you know... I've been charting my body temperature. (Whispering) I've been using the ovulation predictor kit.

Billy: Oh, okay, okay, yeah. That time. That time.

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Right now. So tonight. Tonight.

Victoria: Well, the sooner the better, I think.

Billy: Yeah?

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Like--oh.

Victoria: Like right now, maybe?

Billy: Okay, um, watch this. Uh, everybody, we're gonna close up shop for the night. Um, we have a-- we have a deadline coming up, and I'm gonna need you all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the final push, so go on home. Get some rest. See you in the morning. (Chuckles)

Victoria: What exactly is a bushy-tail?

Billy: Oh, like you don't know. I've seen you in that costume.

Victoria: Mm.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: I probably should have worn that tonight.

Billy: Oh, Honey, in my mind, you are. Oh, you are. You are.

Victoria: (Chuckles)

Billy: Hey, guys, honestly. What are you waitin' for? Let's, uh, go home. I've got work for you tomorrow. Okay, good-bye. Hi.

Victoria: Hi.

Billy: Mm.

(Cell phone rings)

Billy: (Groans) Hold up. Hold on real quick...

Victoria: No. No.

Billy: Of course. Now it's Phyllis. She calls now.

Victoria: Phyllis.

Billy: Phyllis! Hi. It's Billy. You know what I'm doin' right now? I'm answering my phone. You see how I did that? You should try it sometime.

Phyllis: I'm sorry, Billy, but I was really busy getting you a new cover story. I saw Adam apprehended. I saw it with my own two eyes. Plus, there's a whole lot more.

Billy: Oh, this night couldn't be gettin' any better for me. Really?

Phyllis: I know you want the gory details, so I'm on my way over.

Billy: Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! No! It's not a good time for you--

Victoria: W-wait what? What? What? What?

Billy: Hello?

Phyllis: (Gasps) Come here! Oh, my gosh. My baby girl. Look at you. You are huge! (Laughs) You are huge. Look at you. Oh, my gosh, you know what? I have to go to work to just do a few things, and then I'm gonna come back, and we're gonna play. (Laughs)

Summer: (Giggles)

Phyllis: Is that okay?

Jack: Yeah. Yeah, that's fine. You want to watch "The Princess Bride" again?

Summer: Can we invite Diane?

Phyllis: Do you have a new friend from school named Diane?

Summer: Kyle's mommy. She's nice.

Jack: You know what? The disc is still in the player. You remember how to start it? Go ahead. Go ahead. I'll be right in.

Phyllis: She's nice? (Sighs) What the hell?

Jack: How'd things go in New Orleans? How's Sharon?

Phyllis: It's--everyone's-- Adam was apprehended. Did I not tell you not to let Diane near my child?

Jack: The five of us had dinner together. It's no big deal.

Phyllis: It's no big... hey, Summer.

Jack: Wait.

Phyllis: Summer, come here, Sweetie. I changed my mind.

Jack: Wait. Stop. Stop. Stop.

Phyllis: No, I can't trust you.

Jack: Take a breath.

Phyllis: I can't trust--

Jack: Let me explain.

Jack: Come on. Look at you. Just the mere mention of the name Diane, and your blood rushes to your ears.

Phyllis: Do you blame me? That woman tried to destroy my life. More than once. You are exposing my daughter to her.

Jack: Don't be dramatic. She dropped Kyle off. She stayed for dinner. The kids had a great time.

Phyllis: I don't even get this. What, did she do the cooking, Jack? Did--did she wear a little apron that said, "Kiss the cook"? I mean...

Jack: Yeah, over a teddy wearing a garter belt. Why? Is that significant?

Phyllis: It's-- it's not really funny to me. She has ulterior motives.

Jack: Of course she does. So what?

Phyllis: What do you mean, "So what"?

Jack: I don't care about Diane. I invited her here for one reason-- to have more time with Kyle. We ate dinner. They said good-bye. They went home. End of story.

Phyllis: Oh, my God. You're encouraging this.

Jack: She knows better than that. So should you. Look, go to the office. Get your work done. I'll look after Summer. When you come home, if you want to talk about this some more...

Phyllis: Oh, we're definitely gonna talk about this. We're definitely talking about this some more.

Jack: As you wish.

Jack: (Sighs)

Noah: Hey.

Abby: Hey. Hold on one second.

Noah: So how's, uh, how's Daniel? Has he figured what to do about the baby?

Abby: Um, I wouldn't know. We're not really talking.

Noah: So did you hear about Adam? It's pretty crazy, huh?

Abby: Yeah, I mean, I hate to say it, but it doesn't surprise me in the least that he killed his wife. Skye should have known better than to marry that freak after what he did to my mom and yours.

Noah: Yeah.

Abby: Is she okay? Have you talked to her?

Noah: No, she lost her phone. (Sighs) Probably just doesn't even know what's going on. I'm worried for nothing.

Abby: I hope so.

Nick: Hey, I saw your car. I wanted you to know that your mom's okay.

Abby: And Adam?

Nick: We found him. He followed Sharon to New Orleans.

Abby: (Scoffs) That is so creepy. Please tell me that he is in jail.

Nick: Well, the police have him now. They're gonna question him first. I'm sure that's where he's headed, though.

Noah: Where's Mom? Do you know?

Nick: She's at the station. They'll be questioning her, too.

Ronan: (Chuckles) Oh. All right, welcome back. I want him in there.

Sharon: Um, I want to talk to Adam. They wouldn't let us communicate on the flight.

Ronan: Yeah, well, there's a reason for that. We can't have you coordinating your stories now, can we?

Sharon: You think that I-- I had no idea that Skye was even missing until a few hours ago when Nick told us.

Ronan: Save it. You're gonna get a chance to explain, but you do need to appreciate, from where I'm standing, it looks like you and your ex conspired to get rid of the new wife.

Noah: Adam was basically stalking her, following her down there.

Abby: Totally. She should be pressing charges.

Noah: But now they're treating her like she did something wrong.

Nick: They are building a case against Adam. Maybe your mom can tell 'em something that will help.

Abby: What? They think Adam confessed to her like before?

Nick: (Sighs) No, Adam was shocked when I told Sharon that Skye was missing.

Noah: Wait, Adam was there when you found mom? He was with her?

Nick: Yeah. So listen. I gotta go and, uh, pick up the girls. If you want to come by and see them later, I'm sure they'd love that.

Noah: Sure.

Nick: Good night.

Abby: Bye. What do you want to bet that he gets off again? (Scoffs) He should have spilled his guts to your mom.

Noah: I'm gonna go see her. (Clears throat)

Abby: Okay, well, tell her that I'm glad she's okay.

Noah: Come and tell her yourself.

Abby: Oh, no. That place gives me the hives. (Shudders)

Noah: Fine, uh... (Sighs) Catch you later.

Abby: Um...

Billy: Okay, hold on. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Victoria: What?

Billy: Phyllis might be here any minute. You know, it's not a good idea.

Victoria: Oh, no, no. She got your message. She's not coming. Don't worry. Mm.

Billy: Okay, you're probably right.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

(Elevator bell dings)

Billy: Oh, whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. (Sighs)

Victoria: Oh.

Phyllis: Nice shade of lipstick on you, Billy.

Billy: Yeah, thanks. (Sighs)

Victoria: I'm gonna go wait in the studio.

Billy: We won't be long. I promise.

Phyllis: Wah!

Billy: Okay, a hundred words or less, what happened? Is Sharon okay?

Phyllis: Our cover girl is just fine.

Billy: Okay, well, the story's not about Sharon. It's about Adam.

Phyllis: Ohh, no, but as my ex pointed out, everything that Adam does is about Sharon, including, apparently, murdering his wife, 'cause who did he go to right afterward? Sharon.

Billy: Who turned him in?

Phyllis: No.

Billy: Okay, what did she do? Did she run? She freak out? Wait, wait, wait, wait. Tell me she shot him.

Phyllis: No, no. I'd love to, but no. Um, she welcomed him with open... arms.

Billy: (Sighs) (Snaps fingers) Okay, wait. Wait. I know how you get, all right? We're not gonna skewer Sharon. She's not Diane. You--

Phyllis: Oh, come on. I'm not skewering Sharon. Billy, you have a complete eyewitness account of Adam's capture right here. Plus, this is gonna be the best-selling issue we've ever had.

Billy: Okay, go do it. Get to it.

Phyllis: (Giggles) Yeah!

Billy: Do it. Do it. Do it.

Phyllis: Okay, I'm gonna do that, and, um, you and Victoria have some fun here, okay?

Billy: Yeah. Thank you. Good night.

Billy: (Clears throat)

Victoria: (Whispers) Hi.

(Door closes)

Billy: Hi. Huh.

Victoria: That's right.

Billy: Hi.

Victoria: Hi.

Ronan: Waiving your right to a lawyer, huh?

Adam: I don't need one. I haven't done anything wrong.

Ronan: (Scoffs) Really? So then those other times when you hired Vance Abrams, you must have been guilty as sin, right? See, I'm familiar with your case. I know that Owen Pomerantz could never make anything stick on you. But, then again, we know where the former D.A. is now, don't we? You also know who sent him there, don't you? You see, he was a lot like you. (Sighs) He didn't think anyone could bring him down.

Sharon: This is insane. It's insane.

Michael: All right, Sharon. Sharon, listen to me. I know you're upset, but they are gonna hammer you with questions. You want your answers to be clear, concise, coherent. You have doubts? Don't guess. Say so. We can't have you contradicting yourself in the future, all right?

Sharon: Wait a minute. Can they actually charge me as some kind of accessory in this?

Michael: Well, that's highly unlikely. Just be cooperative, helpful, a friendly witness.

Sharon: A witness to what? I didn't witness anything. I don't know anything. I have no idea what happened to Skye.

Michael: Any--listen to me. Any little detail, any memory that you might have-- that could be the key. It could be the thing that convicts Adam.

Sharon: You think he's guilty?

Noah: Don't you?

Victoria: I thought Phyllis would never leave.

Billy: It's a big story, the biggest we've ever done.

Victoria: Yeah?

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: It's not about my father, is it?

Billy: No, it's not about your daddy.

Victoria: That's good. That's good. (Sighs)

Billy: You know what it's about? It's about, uh--

Victoria: Billy.

Billy: Yeah?

Victoria: Stop talking.

Billy: Yeah, good idea. Yeah.

Victoria: Take your shirt off.

Billy: I'm taking it off.

Nick: Thanks for taking care of my daughters. I still can't believe Phyllis put you in that position.

Jack: Consider it my little contribution to making sure Adam gets his.

Nick: It's gonna happen this time.

Jack: From your mouth to God's ears. Thank God Sharon's all right. (Sighs) Wait, Sharon is all right?

Nick: (Sighs) I guess Phyllis hasn't told you.

Jack: Told me what?

Nick: Michael and I combed New Orleans looking for Sharon, terrified that if Adam gets to her first, he's gonna do something to her. We finally find them, and what are they doin'? Just hangin' out, like they're old friends.

Jack: You've gotta be kidding me.

Nick: I have no idea how she can stand being anywhere near him. He kidnapped our daughter, made us think that Faith was dead. Then he tried to set me up for murder and send me to prison for life, and almost succeeded.

Jack: I-is it possible this was all an act out of fear?

Nick: The fear came when she realized she had been caught, Jack. We are the ones she's been putting on an act for.

Jack: Oh, my gosh. I had so hoped that she'd... healed, that she'd found peace. God knows she deserves it more than anyone else I know, but, Nick, if she doesn't believe that, she's always going to be victim to scum like Adam. Look, I'm--I'm very sorry. I know you had hopes that...

Nick: Well, I was seeing what I wanted to see. That's not gonna happen again.

Jack: Listen, more than once, you have tried to save Sharon from herself. So have I.

Nick: I need to think about my kids right now.

Jack: Yes, you do. They need you, and the simple fact is, if Sharon still wants Adam in her life, there's nothing you or anyone else can do to save her.

Noah: I heard Adam might have followed you. I kept thinking about him trying to break into the cabin. I...

Sharon: No, no, Honey. Listen, it wasn't like that, okay? I-I was never afraid.

Noah: (Sighs)

Sharon: So how did you know I was here?

Noah: Dad.

Sharon: Oh, okay, um, well, I know that he's-- he's been through a lot.

Noah: Yeah, well, he looks like he's barely slept. He still seems pretty tense, even now that it's all over. (Sighs)

Sharon: All right, listen, we just need to give him time, all right? To sort this out. He was very upset. He had every right to be, but he is going to put this into perspective.

Noah: Dad will never really relax until Adam's put away for good. All right, and thank God he finally will be.

Sharon: We--we don't even really know why Skye's missing.

Noah: Well, it's not that hard to guess. I mean, after what he did to Ashley and Faith, that guy Hightower, you know he's capable of it.

Sharon: Yeah, um, he's done some pretty bad things.

Michael: Sharon, Detective Malloy would like us to wait in the interrogation room.

Sharon: Okay.

Noah: Interro-- interrogation? What--

Sharon: Listen, Honey, I'm fine. I have Michael. So I'm gonna go in there now, and don't feel like you have to wait here for me.

Noah: Okay, just be careful.

Noah: (Sighs)

Noah: I thought you hated being here.

Abby: Yeah, well, I hate you being here alone even worse.

Ronan: (Chuckles)

Adam: You... you're gonna fit into Genoa City just fine.

Ronan: Oh, yeah?

Adam: Just fine. You've already picked up their favorite local pastime-- blaming me for everything. It might surprise you to know that my wife had as many, if not more, enemies than I do. She picked up a few dozen more when the hedge fund collapsed. Have you spoken to those investors?

Ronan: Talked to every one of them.

Adam: And her ex-lover Jack Abbott?

Ronan: I did. He thinks you killed her.

Adam: I could wallpaper this room with the names of people she's cheated at poker-- everyone who is anyone in Brazil just for starters-- just for starters. She was on the cover of "Restless Style." They would know where to find her.

Ronan: Hmm, that's a very interesting theory you have.

Adam: A marshal on the plane said there was no body found, just a few drops of blood. We're talking about a woman here who has staged her own death before. Now she's done it again to screw me over. You can't even prove that there was a murder, let alone that I was the one who committed it. So I'd like to thank you very much for that free flight home to Genoa City. Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna be getting--

Ronan: Why don't we, uh, why don't we, uh, sit back down here, huh? We're not finished yet.

Victoria: (Laughs) That tickles. Mm.

Billy: Mm. Does it? Oh, come on.

Victoria: Mm, you like that one?

(Cell phone rings)

Victoria: Oh.

Billy: Is that yours or mine?

Victoria: What? Oh. Oh, that. It's mine. (Groans) It’s Nick.

Billy: How do you know its Nick?

Victoria: (Sighs) The ringtone. Just ignore it. It's okay. Shh.


Billy: Make it stop ringing.

Victoria: Oh, here. (Grunting)

Billy: (Growls) Nice.

Victoria: (Grunts)

Billy: Ahh.

Victoria: (Chuckles) That's better. Mm.

Billy: Oh, yeah. Ooh, there we go.

Victoria: Mm.

(Cell phone rings)

Victoria: (Groans, sighs)

Billy: Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

Victoria: Well, it must be an emergency.

Billy: (Sighs) Emergency.

Victoria: (Sighs) (Grunts) (Sighs) What?

Nick: Vick?

Victoria: Yes, what?

Nick: I'm lookin' for Phyllis.

Victoria: Phyllis?

Nick: Yeah, Jack told me that she was with Billy. Neither one of them are answering their phones.

Victoria: (Whispers) He's looking for Phyllis.

Billy: All right, that's it. That's it. Gimme that.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Nick? Brother-in-law, you have spectacularly bad timing. Hi.

Nick: Do you know how I can get a hold of her?

Billy: (Sighs) Man, I don't know. She's working on a story. Ooh, maybe she's at the police station. I tell you what, if you do find her, you tell her to answer her own damn phone, okay? Thank you. Bye. Hi.

Victoria: Hi. Wait. Hold--hold on a second.

Billy: What?

Victoria: So wait. Nick knows about the story?

Billy: Uh-huh.

Victoria: And this doesn't have anything to do with my family, right?

Billy: We're not talking, remember?

Victoria: Mm.

Billy: You remember? Remember? (Gasps)

Victoria: (Laughs) Oh!

Ronan: So Jack Abbott tells me the tension was thick between you and Skye the day before Thanksgiving.

Adam: And that shocks you that there'd be tension between a couple on the verge of divorce?

Ronan: No, not at all. But it escalated, didn't it? Later in the day.

Adam: Yes, we had a very public argument. There were witnesses. Now that I think about it, it's completely unlike Skye, which is all probably part of the setup.

Ronan: Maybe she'd been pushed to the edge. Maybe you were, too.

Phyllis: (Gasps) (Whispers) Michael. (Sighs)

Michael: (Quietly) Please tell me that is not a recording device in your hand. Because if it were, you would be engaged in a class "H" felony right around now.

Phyllis: Okay. It was about to get good.

Michael: Yeah.

Phyllis: Do you want to see Adam go down?

Michael: What I would not like to see is you two in adjoining jail cells.

Phyllis: I would not like to see that, either.

Abby: So what's up with your mom?

Noah: Uh, they haven't even started questioning her yet. (Sighs) Could be a while.

Abby: Oh, okay.

Noah: (Chuckles)

Abby: What? No, it'll be okay. You know, we could, um, we could hack into their computers while we're here and delete my mug shot-- seriously, the worst picture ever taken of me.

Noah: But Mom-- Mom said we didn't have to stick around, so...

Abby: Oh, okay, well, I will buy you a burger if you get me out of here.

Noah: Uh, and a beer?

Abby: Yeah. Deal. Let's go.

Adam: Skye was fine when I left.

Ronan: Mm.

Adam: Pissed, but fine.

Ronan: Left? Where'd you go?

Adam: I went to the coffeehouse.

Ronan: Coffee? Sounds good. Did you talk to anyone?

Adam: Phyllis Newman. She told me Sharon had left town.

Michael: What exactly did Adam say to you in New Orleans about Skye?

Sharon: Just that, um, that it was over, you know? That--that she didn't, uh... (Sighs)

Michael: What?

Sharon: Matter.

Ronan: Phyllis Newman, huh? Okay. I have, uh, quite a few statements here of threats that you've been making towards your wife recently.

Adam: Not true.

Ronan: Well, I have witness accounts here saying that you said things like you'd wished she'd stayed dead, that she was playing "A dangerous game," and that if she crossed you, you might snap. I mean, that's crazy. Does any of that sound familiar?

Adam: Who are these witnesses?

Sharon: Okay, but people say things all the time. I have said things about Phyllis that I never followed through.

Michael: You're not Adam!

Adam: I did not kill my wife. At the risk of ruining my sterling reputation in this town, I have not killed anybody ever. I had no reason to kill her. I served her divorce papers. I was rid of her.

Ronan: Okay, what--what if-- what if she said that she wouldn't agree to this divorce? I mean, what if she told you that she'd never let you go?

Michael: Have you ever considered that Adam did this thing? That he got tired of Skye's badgering? That he just lost it? That he left Genoa City not just to be with you, but to escape from the law?

Adam: I changed my mind. I want my lawyer.

Billy: Ha! Here you go, Baby Mama.

Victoria: Thank you. Good old chocolate. So do you think it worked?

Billy: Are you kidding me? After what we just did?

Victoria: (Laughs)

Billy: We got twins in there. (Chuckles) Maybe more.

Victoria: Yeah, well, they're about to experience their first sugar high.

Billy: Thanks to daddy. You guys can thank me later.

Victoria: Mmm.

Billy: Mm.

Victoria: So...

Billy: Yes?

Victoria: What's this big story?

Billy: Adam-- he got caught.

Victoria: (Gasps)

Billy: That's right. Phyllis found him.

Victoria: Where?

Billy: He was in New Orleans. Nick figured out that's where Sharon was headed, and Adam wasn't too far behind.

Victoria: Well, that was pretty stupid...

Billy: Yeah, it was.

Victoria: But pretty predictable.

Billy: Oh, thank you. Well, he's gotten away with so much for so long, he probably thought he was invincible. He's about to find out different this time.

Victoria: I hope so. But knowing Adam, he always has something else up his sleeve.

Adam: So you are Vance's secret weapon, huh?

Woman: Just don't tell him that. Vance and I get along fine as long as I do the legwork and he gets the spotlight.

Adam: So he moved on to a bigger stage. Is that right?

Woman: Hollywood beckons. The new trial of the century.

Adam: Even I can't compete with Tinseltown.

Woman: I hope you know you're still gonna get the same unparalleled defense with me in first chair.

Adam: Oh, you won't even have to take the chair if you do your job right, Ms. Michaelson.

Leslie: Leslie. And I always do my job right.

Adam: Good. Then you should start by finding Skye. We need to prove that my wife's death was just a hoax.

Leslie: I'll get right on it as soon as I receive my retainer fee.

Adam: Vance didn't tell you?

Leslie: Tell me what?

Adam: I'm short on cash right now. I, uh, transferred my half of the shares back to Skye before the fund collapsed.

Leslie: You must have other savings-- a pension, real estate you can borrow against?

Adam: No.

Leslie: I'm sorry. I won't be able to help you. (Sighs)

Adam: Look, I'll-- I'll do whatever I have to do. I'll sign a damn I.O.U. if I have to.

Woman: My firm wouldn't hear of it. It's not the way we operate.

Adam: So you're telling me you're just gonna walk out right now?

Leslie: I-I'm afraid it's out of my hands. Best of luck to you.

Ronan: Why New Orleans?

Sharon: Um, Michael's wife mentioned to me that he had taken a trip there. It was just in impulse.

Ronan: Did you arrange to meet Adam there?

Sharon: No, I went there to be alone, and Adam surprised me.

Ronan: How would he know where to find you?

Sharon: I have no idea.

Ronan: Did you ask him?

Sharon: I... (Sighs) I can't remember. I'd been wandering around the city all day. I ended up at this cemetery, and he was just suddenly there.

Michael: Adam has a history of showing up where Sharon just happens to be.

Ronan: Well, then it must not have been that much of a surprise then, huh?

Sharon: No, it was the last thing I expected.

Ronan: Okay, were you happy to see him?

Sharon: (Sighs) I was confused. Back in Genoa City, he told me he was going back to his wife.

Ronan: Oh, wow. How'd that make you feel?

Michael: You don't have to answer that.

Ronan: What I'd like to hear is whether you gave Adam any advice on how to disentangle himself from his marriage.

Michael: Now you're just fishing. My client is not complicit in this crime, which may or may not have happened, and you have nothing to indicate otherwise.

Ronan: (Chuckles) This is true. All right, you can go, but, uh, don't leave town, okay?

Phyllis: Hey. They're done with Sharon. You can swoop in right now and pick her up off the ground.

Nick: I'm here to see you.

Phyllis: Why?

Nick: What made you think it was okay to lie to me about being in Genoa City when you were in New Orleans?

Phyllis: I never lied to you. I never, never lied to you. You assumed I had left.

Nick: You told me you were going home. We agreed it was for the best.

Phyllis: No. No. (Laughs) You agreed. You agreed with yourself, and I know from past experience, it's not worth the argument.

Nick: You just do whatever you want at any time, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Yeah, that's right, I do whatever I want at any time. That's the beauty of bein' single, Nick. You're not my father. You're not my boss. And you're not my husband anymore.

Nick: I wasn't worried about my daughters even with Adam on the loose, because I assumed you were watching them.

Phyllis: I would never put your daughters at risk. I would never do that. I wouldn't.

Nick: Jack told me you want Summer tonight. May I please have her? Noah's coming over. I would like her.

Phyllis: Okay. I'm sure it'll make you feel better to have your kids under one roof and safe.

Nick: Thank you.

Phyllis: You're welcome. So, um, I'll get her. I'll bring her to you. I-I told her I was coming back.

Nick: I'll be at the tack house.

Phyllis: For what it's worth, I'm... I'm sorry you were betrayed.

Phyllis: Hi.

Jack: Hi.

Phyllis: (Sighs heavily) I have something to say.

Jack: Let her rip. We should have this conversation more often.

Phyllis: I'm sorry. I was wrong.

Jack: (Gasps)

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Jack: Come again?

Phyllis: (Laughs) Don't make me say it again.

Jack: Oh, come on.

Phyllis: (Laughs) I was wrong. I know that you took great care of my daughter and of Faith. You would never let anyone hurt them.

Jack: I'd never let anyone hurt you, either.

Phyllis: I know.

Jack: Hey.

Phyllis: Aah!

Jack: Movie over?

Summer: (Giggles)

Phyllis: My goodness. My goodness. All right, come here. You are going to spend the night with Daddy and Faith.

Summer: Yay! (Giggles)

Phyllis: Yay! Okay, don't be too exci--excited.

Summer: (Giggles)

Phyllis: Um, but, uh, what do we do? What do we do? We gotta pack your stuff, right? Let's go. Let's go. We'll have this conversation later.

Jack: I look forward to that.

Abby: Did you see Adam at the station?

Noah: No, and it's a good thing, because they would have charged me for assault.

Abby: What about your mom? Is she okay? Oh, she must be so freaked out...

Noah: (Sighs)

Abby: Finding out that Adam probably killed someone right before he showed up. And you know in his sick mind, he did it for her. (Shudders) That is the creepiest part.

Noah: No, uh... (Sighs) The creepiest part is that she still cares about him.

Sharon: Noah was here.

Nick: He's been worried sick about you. We all have.

Sharon: Okay, I wish that you would just listen to what I'm telling you.

Nick: I am not gonna get into this with you here.

Sharon: Well, we're just about done here, so I'll meet you at home.

Nick: I'll be at the tack house with Summer and Faith. Phyllis is gonna bring them over.

Sharon: All right, then when I come to pick up Faith, we'll talk then.

Nick: No, Faith will be with me tonight. I'm having my kids with me.

Sharon: Nick, I understand why you broke off our engagement, and I don't blame you. But I do hope that you reconsider, because I don't want to lose our family.

Nick: Hmm. I can't deal with you right now.

Sharon: He's not gonna forgive me.

Michael: Oh, you know, let things cool down a little. Everyone's kind of lost their bearings.

Sharon: Why are you being so nice to me?

Michael: Frankly, you make things so hard on yourself, you don't need me piling on.

(Door opens)

Adam: Sharon.

Michael: All right, ignore him.

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: Oh, excuse me. Ignore him.

Adam: Sharon.

Ronan: Hey, hey. Hol--hold on.

Sharon: Let him go. Let him go. Let him go.

Adam: You know I'm innocent of this. You know this.

Victoria: Are those updates from Phyllis?

Billy: Yep. Adam has dug himself into a pretty deep hole.

Victoria: Good. I hope they bury him alive in it. I'll feel a lot better bringing our child into the world without Adam in it.

Billy: Our child?

Victoria: Mm-hmm. It's kind of different, isn't it? Making love to make a baby.

Billy: Yeah. It's, um, that was new. That's something.

Phyllis: Oh, I left this here.

Jack: Uh-oh. Summer left a silly band here.

Phyllis: Oh, you're gonna find those all over the house. They breed.

Jack: Ah.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Jack: Hey, listen, I want to tell you how impressed I was just now watching you with Nick. His whole life is crashing and burning, and... you didn't rub it in once. You could have.

Phyllis: Well, don't give me too much credit. I do feel a little vindicated. (Chuckles) But less than I would think. Definitely, I-I'm grateful. I'm grateful I don't have that, "Well, I gotta hold my breath because anything can happen at any minute" feeling. I'm thrilled. (Sighs) I'm thrilled that that's not a part of my life anymore. I'm so thrilled, and you know why? Because you are a huge, huge part of my life. Thank you.

Abby: Why wouldn't your mother run screaming away from Adam? You know, it was one thing for my mom, who didn't know what he was up to or what he was capable of, but your mom knows.

Noah: Yeah, I know. Don't ask me to explain it. I don't get it, either.

Abby: (Sighs)

Noah: But I can tell he's messing with her mind. You know, maybe it has something to do with him saving my life that time, and Faith's. I-I don't know. Mom kind of has a thing for heroes.

Abby: Hero? Hero? Adam?

Noah: I know, okay?

Abby: (Scoffs)

Noah: It makes no sense.

Abby: Wow, what does it say when you and I are the most normal ones in our family?

Noah: I am normal.

Abby: Um, yeah. Yeah. No, it's normal. It's normal to ignore your family's millions and play guitar on the street for change. That is--that is normal.

Noah: (Chuckles)

Abby: (Chuckles)

Noah: I missed you.

Abby: I really missed you, too.

Nick: Yo.

Michael: Hey.

Nick: Just in time. Want some flapjacks?

Michael: No. Hi, Sweet Pea. No, uh, Fenmore's waiting for me at home. (Quietly) I debated whether I should come by at all. (Chuckles)

Nick: Something new happen?

Michael: Yeah, I-I heard back from Oak Alley. They e-mailed me Adam's receipt.

Nick: Dinner for two and a room.

Michael: The room was for two, also. And the person I spoke to confirmed that... Sharon spent the night there... with Adam. I'm sorry.

Adam: I've done some horrible things, and I admitted that to you, all of it. And I did not kill Skye. You have to believe that.

Ronan: (Quietly) Putting on a hell of a show, or she really was in the dark. Oh, your public defender's here, Newman.

Chris: Mr. Newman. Chris Carmody. I'm here to represent you.

Adam: They don't have enough to charge me. They can't keep me here.

Ronan: Well, that's actually not true. We have you, uh, for, what? Up to another 48 hours now.

Sharon: Why do you have a public defender?

Adam: I couldn't afford anything else. I gave Skye everything in the divorce. She probably set this whole thing up. You have to believe me.

Sharon: I don't know what to believe. I'm sorry.

Ronan: Okay, that's good. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

Adam: Sharon, I didn't kill her. I didn't kill her, Sharon. I didn't do it!

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jack: You're a cold-blooded killer, Adam. You belong in a cage.

Daniel: I told you to stay out of this.

Kevin: Well, it's not your call.

Daniel: It's my kid.

Kevin: Who you want nothing to do with, so what do you even care?

Daisy: Somebody help me!

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